59 – trishanku undertakes Vedic ritual


Vishvamitra undertakes Trishanku’s Vedic ritual and sends disciples to invite all Vedic-scholars. Many sages have come except for Vashishta and his sons. Further, the sons of Vashishta have ridiculed this ritual of Vishvamitra and Trishanku. Vishvamitra gets irritated and hurls curses at the sons of Vashishta.

Verse 1

उक्तवाक्यं तु राजानं कृपया कुशिकात्मजः |
अब्रवीन्मधुरं वाक्यं साक्षाच्चण्डालतां गतम् || १-५९-१

“Vishvamitra, the son of Kushi, piteously spoke this mellowly sentence to king Trishanku who spoke thus, and who in reality attained a state of profaner.” Thus Sage Shataananda continued his narration. [1-59-1]

1. uktavaakyam tu = spoken word – one who spoke thus, Trishanku, but; saakSaat caNDaalataam gatam = attained profaner-hood in reality; raajaanam = to king; kR^ipayaa kushikaatmajaH = piteously, Kushi’s son [Vishvamitra]; madhuram vaakyam abraviit = spoke mellowly sentence.

Verse 2

इक्ष्वाको स्वागतं वत्स जानामि त्वां सुधार्मिकम् |
शरणं ते भविष्यामि मा भैषीर्नृपपुंगव || १-५९-२

Oh, Trishanku, the legatee of Ikshvaku-s, you are welcome. I am aware that you are a highly righteous king. Oh, the best king, you need not be dismayed, for I accord you haven. [1-59-2]

2. ikSvaakoH vatsa = oh Ikshvaku-s progeny [oh, Trishanku]; svaagatam = welcome; tvaam sudhaarmikam jaanaami = I am aware of you as highly righteous [king] ; nR^ipapungava = oh the best king; maa bhaiSiiH = do not, fear; [aham = I]; te sharaNam bhaviSyaami = I accord haven to you.

Verse 3

अहमामंत्रये सर्वान् महर्षीन् पुण्यकर्मणः |
यज्ञसाह्यकरान् राजंस्ततो यक्ष्यसि निर्वृतः || १-५९-३

I will invite all the sages with pious activities who will render assistance in the ritual, oh, king, then you can perform the ritual self-composedly. [1-59-3]

3. aham = I will; puNyakarmaNaH = of pious activities; yaj~nasaahyakaraan = assistance renderers in ritual; sarvaan maharSiin aamantraye = I will invite all great-sages; tataH raajan = then, oh king; nirvR^itaH yakSyasi = you can perform ritual composedly.

Verse 4

गुरुशापकृतं रूपं यदिदं त्वयि वर्तते |
अनेन सह रूपेण सशरीरो गमिष्यसि || १-५९-४

You can go to heaven with this body of yours, as well as with the form which is deformed by the curse of mentor Vashishta through his sons. [1-59-4]

4. gurushaapakR^itam = made by curse of mentor; yat idam ruupam = which, this, form; tvayi vartate = is there in you – which you got by curse; anena ruupeNa saha = along with this form; sashariiraH gamiSyasi = you can go with body – to heaven.

Verse 5

हस्तप्राप्तमहं मन्ये स्वर्गं तव नरेश्वर |
यस्त्वं कौशिकमागम्य शरण्यं शरणागतः || १-५९-५

‘I deem that heaven is handy to you, oh, king of subjects, as you have approached the all-sheltering Vishvamitra and sought shelter.’ Thus Vishvamitra solaced Trishanku. [1-59-5]

5. nareshvara = oh subject’s king; yaH tvam = which, you; sharaNyam kaushikam aagamya = having approached [all] sheltering Kaushika [to Vishvamitra] ; sharaNaagataH = you came for shelter; such a one like you; tava = to you; svargam hastapraaptam = heaven, obtained in hand [handy]; aham manye = I, deem.

Verse 6

एवमुक्त्वा महातेजाः पुत्रान् परमधार्मिकान् |
व्यादिदेश महाप्राज्ञान्यज्ञसंभारकारणात् || १-५९-६

On saying thus to Trishanku that great-resplendent Vishvamitra ordered his highly righteous and astutely brilliant sons to organise the arrangements for the ritual. [1-59-6]

6. mahaatejaaH = great-resplendent Vishvamitra; evam uktvaa = thus, on saying; paramadhaarmikaan = highly righteous ones; mahaapraaj~naan = astutely brilliant ones; putraan = sons; yaj~nasambhaarakaaraNaat = to cause [to organise] ritual arrangements; vyaadidesha [vi-aadidesha] = ordered.

Verse 7 &  8a

सर्वान् शिष्यान् समाहूय वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह |
सर्वानृषिवरान् वत्सा आनयध्वं ममाज्ञया || १-५९-७
सशिष्यान् सुहृदश्चैव सर्त्विजः सुबहुश्रुतान् |

Vishvamitra calling forth all of his disciples said this sentence, ‘oh boys invite all the eminent sages who are well-read in many Veda-s, along with their disciples and friends, and their ritwiks, the conductors of rituals at my order.’ [1-59-7, 8a]

7, 8a: sarvaan shiSyaan samaahuuya = calling forth all disciples; etat vaakyam uvaaca ha = said this sentence, indeed; vatsaa = oh boys; mama aaj~nayaa = by my, order; sashiSyaan suhR^idaH ca eva = with [their] disciples, friends, also thus; sartvijaH = with ritwiks [conductors of rituals]; subahushrutaan = very many heard [well-read pundits in Veda-s]; sarvaan R^iSivaraan = all, eminent sages; and; aanayadhvam = be invited.

Verse 8b &  9a

यदन्यो वचनं ब्रूयान्मद्वाक्यबलचोदितः || १-५९-८
तत्सर्वमखिलेनोक्तं ममाख्येयमनादृतम् |

‘If someone speaks inconsiderately incited by the forcefulness of my word, whoever speaks it, whichever word it may be, all that is to be reported to me, whatever it is.’ Thus Vishvamitra ordered his disciples. [1-59-8]

8b, 9a: anyaH = other [someone]; mat vaakyabalacoditaH = incited by forcefulness of my word ; yat vacanam bruuyaat = whichever, words, if speaks; akhilena = by all invitees [whoever]; uktam anaadR^itam = spoken, not considerately; tat sarvam mama aakhyeyam = that [whatever,] all, reported to me.

Verse 9b &  10a

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा दिशो जग्मुस्तदाज्ञया || १-५९-९
आजग्मुरथ देशेभ्यः सर्वेभ्यो ब्रह्मवादिनः |

On listening that word of Vishvamitra his disciples went to all directions inviting all by his order, and then the Vedic scholars started to arrive from all provinces. [1-59-9 b, 10a]

9b, 10a. tasya tat vacanam shrutvaa = on listening his [of Vishvamitra] that word; tat aaj~nayaa = by that, order; dishaH jagmuH = [disciples] went to [all] directions; atha = then; sarvebhyaH deshebhyaH = from all, provinces; brahmavaadinaH = all, advocators of [Vedic scholars] Brahma; aajagmuH = started to arrive.

Verse 10b &  11a

ते च शिष्याः समागम्य मुनिं ज्वलिततेजसम् || १-५९-१०
ऊचुश्च वचनं सर्वे सर्वेषां ब्रह्मवादिनाम् |

All of the disciples have returned to the fulgently resplendent sage Vishvamitra, and reported the words spoken by all the Vedic scholars. [1-59-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. te shiSyaaH sarve samaagamya = they, all of disciples on returning; jvalitatejasam munim = to the fulgently resplendent sage; sarveSaam brahmavaadinaam = of all, of Vedic scholars; vacanam = words [spoken by scholars]; uucuH = said – reported.

Verse 11b &  12a

श्रुत्वा ते वचनं सर्वे समायान्ति द्विजातयः || १-५९-११
सर्वदेशेषु चागच्छन् वर्जयित्वा महोदयम् |

‘On listening your word all the Brahmans from all provinces have started to come and some have already come, leaving alone Mahodaya, the son of Vashishta.’ Thus, the disciples have started to inform Vishvamitra. [1-59-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. te vacanam shrutvaa = on listening your sentence [invitation] ; sarve dvijaatayaH samaayaanti = all, Brahmans, are coming; mahodayam varjayitvaa = except Mahodaya ; sarvadesheSu aagacChan = have came from all provinces.

Verse 12b & 13a

वासिष्ठं तच्छतं सर्वं क्रोधपर्याकुलाक्षरम् || १-५९-१२
यथाह वचनं सर्वं शृणु त्वं मुनिपुंगव |

What all said by those hundred sons of Vashishta is explosively worded in their fury, oh, eminent sage, and what all they have said that you may please listen. [1-59-12b, 13a]

12b, 13a. munipungava = oh the eminent sage; sarvam = all [that is said]; tat vaasiSTham shatam = that, hundred [sons] of Vashishta; krodhaparyaakulaakSaram = explosively worded in their fury; [yat = which]; vacanam aaha = words, [they] said; yathaa = as to how [they said]; [tat = that]; sarvam tvam shR^iNu = all, you, listen.

Verse 13b & 14a

क्षत्रियो याजको यस्य चण्डालस्य विशेषतः || १-५९-१३
कथं सदसि भोक्तारो हविस्तस्य सुरर्षयः |

‘A Kshatriya is the officiator, and a profaner is the performer. How then the gods or sages can partake of the remnants of oblations in that ritual-assembly, especially that of a profaner?’ Thus, the sons of Vashishta exclaimed. [1-59-13b, 14a]

13b, 14a. yasya = to whom; kSatriyaH yaajakaH = a Kshatriya, officiator of ritual; visheSataH caNDaalasya = especially, of a profaner; tasya sadasi = in such a, ritual-assembly [of a profaner] ; surarSayaH = gods, sages; haviH katham bhoktaaraH = how one can partake of oblation.

Verse 14b & 15a

ब्राह्मणा वा महात्मानो भुक्त्वा चण्डालभोजनम् || १-५९-१४
कथं स्वर्गं गमिष्यन्ति विश्वामित्रेण पालिताः |

Though the Brahmans or the high-souled sages are now embarrassed by Vishvamitra, how can they go to heaven even after their demise, partaking of the food of a profaner? [1-59-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. vishvaamitreNa paalitaaH = [even though] ruled over [rather, embarrassed] by Vishvamitra; mahaatmaanaH braahmaNaaH vaa = great-souled [sages,] Brahmans, either; caNDaalabhojanam bhuktvaa = by partaking of profaner’s food; svargam katham gamiSyanti = how they go to heavens.

Verse 15b & 16a

एतद्वचनं नैष्ठुर्यमूचुः संरक्तलोचनाः || १-५९-१५
वासिष्ठा मुनिशार्दूल सर्वे सह महोदयाः |

‘Oh, tigerly sage Vishvamitra, all the sons of Vashishta including Mahodaya spoke these derisive sentences with their eyes reddening in anger.’ Thus, the disciples reported to Vishvamitra. [1-59-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. munishaarduula = oh the tigerly sage; saha mahodayaaH sarve = all of them with Mahodaya ; vaasiSThaa = of Vashishta [his sons]; samraktalocanaaH = with reddennig eyes – in anger; etat vacanam naiSThuryam = all these derisive sentences; uucuH = spoke.

Verse 16b & 17a

तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सर्वेषां मुनिपुंगवः || १-५९-१६
क्रोधसंरक्तनयनः सरोषमिदमब्रवीत् |

The eminent sage Vishvamitra having heard those words of the sons of Vashishta from all of his disciples, said this rancorously with bloodshot eyes. [1-59-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. munipungavaH = the eminent sage; teSaam sarveSaam tat vacanam shrutvaa = on listening all of their that sentence; krodhasamraktanayanaH = eyes bloodshot with fury ; saroSam = with rancour; idam abraviit = said this.

Verse 17b & 18a

ये दूषयन्त्यदुष्टं मां तपोग्रं समास्थितम् || १-५९-१७
भस्मीभूता दुरात्मानो भविष्यन्ति न संशयः |

He who reproves me, who am abiding in rigorous ascesis, and who am an unreprovable one by my ascetic merit, that irreverent person will be reduced to ashes, and there is no doubt about it. [1-59-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a: ugram tapaH samaasthitam = verily abiding in rigorous ascesis; aduSTam = not reprovable one; maam = me; ye duuSayanti = who, reproves; duraatmaanaH = not reverent minded; bhasmiibhuutaaH bhaviSyanti = turns to the state of ashes; na samshayaH = no, doubt.

Verse 18b & 19a

अद्य ते कालपाशेन नीता वैवस्वतक्षयम् || १-५९-१८
सप्त जातिशतान्येव मृतपाः सन्तु सर्वशः |

Now they will be dragged by the lasso of Time to the House of Yama, the Terminator, and from now to seven hundred births to come they take birth as devourers of corpses, come what may. [1-59-18b, 19a]

18b, 19a. te = they; adya kaalapaashena = now, by Time’s lasso; vaivasvatakSayam niitaa = dragged to the house of Yama [the Terminator’s] ; saptajaatishataani eva = for seven hundred births to come; sarvashaH = anywise – come what may; mR^itapaaH = dead eaters [devourers of corpse]; santu = they will become.

Verse 19b & 20a

श्वमांसनियताहारा मुष्टिका नाम निर्घृणाः || १-५९-१९
विकृताश्च विरूपाश्च लोकाननुचरन्त्विमान् |

Those who reprove me will be wandering about these mortal worlds on taking birth as disfigured and deformed beings in the ruthless sect of Mustika-s that always feed on dog’s flesh. [1-59-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. nirghR^iNaaH = ruthless; muSTikaa naama = Mushtika, named – sect – taking birth in that sect; shvamaamsaniyataahaaraaH = always [staple] dog flesh as food – eating it; vikR^itaaH ca viruupaaH ca = disfigured, also, deformed, also; imaan lokaan anucarantu = they wander about these [mortal] worlds [in them].

Verse 20b & 21a

महोदयश्च दुर्बुद्धिर्मामदूष्यं ह्यदूषयत् || १-५९-२०
दूषितः सर्वलोकेषु निषादत्वं गमिष्यति |

That wrong-headed Mahodaya also reproached me, who am irreproachable on my part, hence he gets into tribal-hood and becomes a reproachable tribal for the entire world. [1-59-20b, 21a]

20b, 21a. durbuddhiH mahodayaH ca = wrong headed, Mahodaya, also; aduuSyam = not reproachable one; maam = me; aduuSayat hi = he reproached, indeed; sarvalokeSu duuSitaH = reproached by all world; niSaadatvam gamiSyati = obtains tribal-hood.

Verse 22b & c

एतावदुक्त्वा वचनं विश्वामित्रो महातपाः |
विरराम महातेजा ऋषिमध्ये महामुनिः || १-५९-२२

On saying this much sentence of curse among the sages who have already arrived, that great-resplendent, greatly ascetic, great sage Vishvamitra paused. [1-59-22]

22b, c. mahaatapaaH = great-ascetic; mahaatejaaH = highly-resplendent; mahaamuniH = great-sage; vishvaamitraH = Vishvamitra; R^iSimadhye = among sages; etaavat vacanam uktvaa = on saying this much sentence [of curse] ; viraraama = paused.

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