56 – vashiSTa nullifies Vishvamitra’s missiles


Vashishta nullifies Vishvamitra’s missiles just by his Brahma’s baton. All missiles are defused when Vashishta consumed them. Vishvamitra launches the highest missile, namely Brahma-missile, which too is consumed by Vashishta, whereby the body of Vashishta becomes a Brahma missile and starts to emit radiation. Then, upon the prayer of gods and saints, Vashishta withdraws the effect of that missile. Vishvamitra on seeing this concludes that mere missiles are of no use and thus he embarks on a sublime ascesis for Brahma-hood.

Verse 1

एवमुक्तो वसिष्ठेन विश्वामित्रो महाबलः |
आग्नेयमस्त्रमुत्क्षिप्य तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत् || १-५६-१

When Vashishta spoke in this way, the great-mighty Vishvamitra brandishing Fiery-missile challenged Vashishta saying, “withstand this, withstand this…” Thus, sage Shataananda continued his narration of Vishvamitra’s legend. [1-56-1]

1. mahaabalaH vishvaamitraH = great-mighty, Vishvamitra; vasiSThena evam uktaH = Vashishta spoken in this way; aagneyam astram utkSipya = brandishing fiery missile; tiSTha tiSTha = withstand, withstand [this missile]; iti abraviit ca = thus, said [challenged,] also.

Verse 2

ब्रह्मदण्डं समुद्यम्य कालदण्डमिवापरम् |
वसिष्ठो भगवान् क्रोधादिदं वचनमब्रवीत् || १-५६-२

That reverential sage Vashishta then upraising his Brahma-baton, which is like the other baton of the Terminator, spoke this sentence furiously. [1-56-2]

2. bhagavaan vasiSThaH = reverential one, Vashishta; aparam kaaladaNDam iva = like the other Terminator’s baton; brahmadaNDam samudyamya = well raising up Brahma’s baton; krodhaat idam vacanam abraviit = furiously, spoke this sentence.

Verse 3

क्षत्रबन्धो स्थितोऽस्म्येष यद्बलं तद्विदर्शय |
नाशयाम्यद्य ते दर्पं शस्त्रस्य तव गाधिज || १-५६-३

I am staying here only, you meritless Kshatriya, you may clearly display whatever prowess you have, oh, Gaadhi’s son Vishvamitra, I will now ruin whatever vanity you or your missiles have. [1-56-3]

3. kShatrabandhaH = oh meritless Kshatriya; eSaH = this me; sthitaH asmi = I am staying; yat balam = which, prowess – you have; tat vidarshaya = that, you display entirely; gaadhija = oh one born to Gaadhi – Vishvamitra; adya te darpam = now, your, vanity; tava shastrasya [darpam] = your, missile’s, [vanity]; naashayaami = I will ruin.

Verse 4

क्व च ते क्षत्रियबलं क्व च ब्रह्मबलं महत् |
पश्य ब्रह्मबलं दिव्यं मम क्षत्रियपांसन || १-५६-४

“Where stands the force of belligerence when compared to the supreme force of sagacity, you abased Kshatriya, watch out for my strength of seraphic sagacity.” So said Vashishta to Vishvamitra. [1-56-4]

4. kshatriyapaamsana = oh abased Kshatriya; te kSatriyabalam kva = where is your Kshatriya’s force [force of belligerence’s] ; mahat brahmabalam kva ca = where is supreme Brahma’s [sagacity’s] force; mama divyam brahmabalam pashya = you watch my seraphic Brahma’s [sagacity’s] strength.

Verse 5

तस्यास्त्रं गाधिपुत्रस्य घोरमाग्नेयमुत्तमम् |
ब्रह्मदण्डेन तच्छान्तमग्नेर्वेग इवाम्भसा || १-५६-५

With his baton of Brahma Vashishta silenced that matchless and deadly Fiery-missile of Gaadhi’s son, namely Vishvamitra, as a deluge of water silencing a rage of fire. [1-56-5]

5. tasya gaadhiputrasya = his, Gaadhi son’s; uttamam ghoram tat aagneyam astram = matchless, deadly, that, Fire, missile; [udyatam = projected, bolted]; ambhasaa agneH vega iva = by water, fire’s, speed [rage,] as [silenced] with; brahmadaNDena shaantam = that is silenced by Brahma’s baton [of Vashishta].

Verse 6

वारुणं चैव रौद्रं च ऐन्द्रं पाशुपतं तथा |
ऐषीकं चापि चिक्षेप रुषितो गाधिनंदनः || १-५६-६

Vishvamitra, the son of Gaadhi then rancorously fusilladed the missiles regulated by gods like Varuna, Rudra, Indra, Paashupata, and even a missile which is projectile through grass blade called Ishiika. [1-56-6]

6. ruSitaH gaadhinandanaH = rancorously, Gaadhi’s son; vaaruNam ca eva = Varuna missile, also thus; raudram ca = Rudra missile, also; aindram = Indra missile; tathaa = like that; paashupatam = Paashupata missile; aiSiikam ca api = Ishiika, also, even; cikSepa = fusilladed.

Verse 7

मानवं मोहनं चैव गांधर्वं स्वापनं तथा |
जृंभणं मादनं चैव संतापनविलापने || १-५६-७

Vishvamitra also launched missiles named Humane, Rager, Stupefier, Hypnotiser, Yawner, Intoxicator, also thus Humidifier, Weep-inducer. [1-56-7]

7. maanavam mohanam ca eva = Humane, Rager, also thus; gaandharvam svaapanam tathaa = Stupefier, Hypnotiser, thus; jR^imbhaNam maadanam ca eva = Yawner, Intoxicator, also thus; santaapanavilaapane = Humidifier, Weep-inducer.

Verse 8

शोषणं दारणं चैव वज्रमस्त्रं सुदुर्जयम् |
ब्रह्मपाशं कालपाशं वारुणं पाशमेव च || १-५६-८

He also launched the missiles called Drainer and Ripper, and the highly unconquerable Thunderbolt, even the lassos of Brahma, Time and Rain-gods. [1-56-8]

8. shoSaNam daaraNam ca eva = Drainer, Ripper, also thus; vajram astram sudurjayam = Thunderbolt, missile, highly not conquerable one; brahmapaasham kaalapaasham = Brahma’s lasso, Time’s lasso; vaaruNam paasham eva ca = Rain’s, lasso, even, also.

Verse 9

पैनाकास्त्रं च दयितं शुष्कार्द्रे अशनी तथा |
दण्डास्त्रमथ पैशाचं क्रौञ्चमस्त्रं तथैव च || १-५६-९

Also missiles called Shiva, Monster, Punisher, Wrester and like that the Baffler, Bolter, Drier, Drencher are launched. [1-56-9]

9. painaakaastram ca = Shiva’s missile, also; dayitam = Baffler [of gandharva-s]; shuSkaardre ashanii tathaa = Drier, Drencher, Bolter, like that; daNDaastram atha paishaacam = Punisher missile, then, Monster; krauncam astram tathaa eva ca = Wrester, missile, like that, also.

Verse 10

धर्मचक्रं कालचक्रं विष्णुचक्रं तथैव च |
वायव्यं मथनं चैव अस्त्रं हयशिरस्तथा || १-५६-१०

And he launched discs called the Discs of Virtue, Time and Vishnu and he also launched other missiles like the Blower, Stirrer and like that the missile with Horse-head. [1-56-10]

10. dharmacakram = Virtue Disc; kaalacakram = Time Disc; viSNucakram tathaa eva ca = Vishnu’s disc, like that, also; vaayavyam mathanam ca eva = Blower, Stirrer, also thus; astram hayashiraH tathaa = missile, like Horse Head.

Verse 11

शक्तिद्वयं च चिक्षेप कंकालं मुसलं तथा |
वैद्याधरं महास्त्रं च कालास्त्रमथ दारुणम् || १-५६-११

A pair of powers are launched, namely Power of Vishnu and the Power of Rudra, like that the Impeller, Crowbar, and a great missile called Staggerer, and then he launched the lethal missile of the Time. [1-56-11]

11. shaktidvayam ca cikSepa = hurled pair of [Power of Vishnu, and the Power of Rudra] power, also; kankaalam musalam tathaa = Impeller, Crowbar, like that; vaidyaadharam mahaaastram ca = Staggerer, great missile, also; kaalaastram atha daaruNam = Time missile, then, lethal one.

Verse 12 & 13a

त्रिशूलमस्त्रं घोरं च कापालमथ कंकणम् |
एतान्यस्त्राणि चिक्षेप सर्वाणि रघुनंदन || १-५६-१२
वसिष्ठे जपतां श्रेष्ठे तदद्भुतमिवाभवत् |

Oh, Rama, the descendent of Raghu, Vishvamitra on triggering off all these missiles then he launched the deadly Trident, Skull and Torque missiles on Vashishta, and whole thing has became a spectacular display of Vishvamitra’s arsenal. [1-56-12, 13a]

12, 13a. raghunandana = oh Raghu’s descendent; etaani sarvaaNi astraaNi = these, all, missiles; atha = then; trishuulam astram ghoram ca = deadly Tri pronged spear [Trident] missile, also; kaapaalam kankaNam = Skull, Torque; japataam shreSThe vasiSThe = on among meditator’s, Vashishta; cikSepa = triggered off; tat adbhutam iva abhavat = [all] that became like spectacle.

Verse 13b & 14a

तानि सर्वाणि दण्डेन ग्रसते ब्रह्मणः सुतः || १-५६-१३
तेषु शांतेषु ब्रह्मास्त्रं क्षिप्तवान् गाधिनंदनः |

Brahma’s son Vashishta defused all of those missiles just with his baton and when all of them are thus silenced, Gaadhi’s son Vishvamitra touched off Brahma’s missile. [1-56-13b, 14a]

13b, 14a. brahmaNaH sutaH = by Brahma’s, son [Vashishta]; taani sarvaaNi = them [missiles,] all; daNDena grasate = consumed [defused] by baton; teSu shaanteSu = they [missiles,] [when] silenced; gaadhinandanaH = Gaadhi’s son [Vishvamitra]; brahmaastram kSiptavaan = touched off Brahma’s missile.

Verse 14b & 15

तदस्त्रमुद्यतं दृष्ट्वा देवाः साग्निपुरोगमाः || १-५६-१४
देवर्षयश्च संभ्रांता गंधर्वाः समहोरगाः |
त्रैलोक्यमासीत् संत्रस्तं ब्रह्मास्त्रे समुदीरिते || १-५६-१५

When Vishvamitra brandished and set up Brahma missile for launching, seeing it all the gods keeping the Fire-god at their vanguard, godly sages, reptiles along with gandharva-s are perplexed, and the triad of worlds itself is perturbed. [1-56-14b, 15]

14b, 15. udyatam tat astram dR^iSTvaa = on seeing uplifted [for launching] that missile; saagnipurogamaaH = with Fire-god, as their vanguard; devaaH = gods; devarSayaH ca = godly sages, also; samahoragaaH gandharvaaH = along with great reptiles, gandharva-s; sambhraantaaH = are perplexed; brahmaastre samudiirite = while being launched Brahma’s missile ; trailokyam = triad of worlds; santrastam = highly perturbed; [santaptam = highly burnt]; aasiit = became.

Verse 16

तदप्यस्त्रं महाघोरं ब्राह्मं ब्राह्मेण तेजसा |
वसिष्ठो ग्रसते सर्वं ब्रह्मदण्डेन राघव || १-५६-१६

Even that deleteriously destructive Brahma’s missile is completely consumed with the seraphic resplendence of Brahma-baton of Sage Vashishta. [1-56-16]

16. raaghava = oh Raghava; vasiSThaH braahmeNa tejasaa = Vashishta, with seraphic, resplendence [of his baton]; brahmadaNDena = by Brahma’s baton; mahaaghoram = deleteriously destructive; tat braahmam astram api = that, Brahma, missile, even; sarvam grasate = completely, consumed.

Verse 17

ब्रह्मास्त्रं ग्रसमानस्य वसिष्ठस्य महात्मनः |
त्रैलोक्यमोहनं रौद्रं रूपमासीत् सुदारुणम् || १-५६-१७

The appearance of that great-souled Vashishta became appallingly perplexing when he is finishing off that Brahma missile as if to surely petrify the Tri-world. [1-56-17]

17. brahmaastram grasamaanasya = while being finished off Brahma missile ; mahaatmanaH vasiSThasya ruupam = appearance of great-souled Vashishta ; trailokyamohanam = perplexing for Tri-worlds; raudram = appalling; sudaaruNam aasiit = it became surely petrifying.

Verse 18

रोमकूपेषु सर्वेषु वसिष्ठस्य महात्मनः |
मरीच्य इव निष्पेतुरग्नेर्धूमाकुलार्चिषः || १-५६-१८

From all of the pits of hair of that great-souled Vashishta ramified are the raditional beams and those radiated shafts are rolling up with the fumes of radiation, so to speak. [1-56-18]

18. mahaatmanaH vasiSThasya = of great-souled Vashishta; sarveSu romakuupeSu = from all, hair pits; dhuumaakulaarciSaH = with fumes rolling up with radiated shafts; agneH mariicyaH = beams [radiational beams] of radiation ; niSpetuH iva = so to speak out fallen [ramified].

Verse 19

प्राज्वलत् ब्रह्मदण्डश्च वसिष्ठस्य करोद्यतः |
विधूम इव कालाग्निर्यमदण्ड इवापरः || १-५६-१९

The baton of Brahma gripped in his hand and upraised by Vashishta is highly glowing as if it is the fumeless inferno of Time, and as if it is the earthly baton of Yama, the Terminator. [1-56-19]

19. vasiSThasya karodyataH = upraised by hand of Vashishta; brahmadaNDaH ca = Brahma’s baton, also; vidhuumakaalaagniH iva = as if without fumes, Time’s inferno; aparaH = another [or, earthly one]; yamadaNDaH iva = as if the baton of Yama; praajvalat = highly glowing.

Verse 20 & 21

ततोऽस्तुवन् मुनिगणा वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम् |
अमोघं ते बलं ब्रह्मंस्तेजो धारय तेजसा || १-५६-२०
निगृहीतस्त्वया ब्रह्मन् विश्वामित्रो महातपाः |
प्रसीद जपतां श्रेष्ठलोकाः सन्तु गतव्यथाः || १-५६-२१

‘The assemblages of saints then extolled the best meditator Vashishta saying, ‘oh, Brahman, infallible is your prowess, but bear this combustion of missile by your own combustive power. Though Vishvamitra is a supreme ascetic he is forestalled by you and your seraphic power, but this power of yours is equally anguishing all the worlds. Hence, let the worlds survive shooing away their anguish caused by your prowess. Oh, Brahman, be gracious, for you are the best among the best meditators…’ So said saints to Vashishta. [1-56-20, 21]

20,21. tataH = then; munigaNaaH = saint’s assemblages; japataam varam vasiSTham astuvan = heve extolled the best among meditators Vashishta; brahman = oh Brahman; te balam amogham = your, prowess, is infallible; tejaH tejasaa dhaaraya = you bear combustion, [with your own] combustive power ; brahman = oh Brahman; tvayaa = by you; mahaatapaaH vishvaamitraH nigR^ihiitaH = supreme ascetic, Vishvamitra, is forestalled; japataam shreSTha = oh the best among meditators; prasiida = be gracious; lokaaH gatavyathaaH santu = [let] worlds survive with shooed away anguish.

Verse 22

एवमुक्तो महातेजाः शमं चक्रे महातपाः |
विश्वामित्रोऽपि निकृतो विनिःश्वस्येदमब्रवीत् || १-५६-२२

When that great-resplendent Vashishta is spoken thus by saints and gods he composed himself, and then that estranged Vishvamitra spoke this to himself with heavy suspiration. [1-56-22]

22. evam uktaH = thus, spoken to; mahaatejaaH mahaatapaaH = great-resplendent one, high-ascetic [Vashishta]; shamam cakre = brooked composure; nikR^itaH vishvaamitraH api = estranged, Vishvamitra, but; viniHshvasya = verily out breathing – suspiring heavily; idam abraviit = spoke this [to himself.]

Verse 24

तदेतत् समवेक्ष्याहं प्रसन्नेन्द्रियमानसः |
तपो महत् समास्थास्ये यद्वै ब्रह्मत्वकारणम् || १-५६-२४

” ‘Therefore on analysing this matter, I with my heart and senses quietened will embark on a sublime ascesis which really will be the causative factor for according Brahma-Sage-hood.’ So thought Vishvamitra…” Thus Sage Shataananda continued his narration of Vishvamitra’s legend. [1-56-24]

24. tat = therefore; etat samavekSya = on analysing all this; aham prasannendriyamaanasaH = I, with quietened senses and heart; yat = which; brahmatvakaaraNam vai = causative of Bahaman-hood, really; [tat = that]; mahat tapaH samaasthaasye = I embark on sublime ascesis.

Verse 23

धिग्बलं क्षत्रियबलं ब्रह्मतेजोबलं बलम् |
एकेन ब्रह्मदण्डेन सर्वास्त्राणि हतानि मे || १-५६-२३

Fie upon the might of Kshatriya, mightier is the might of Brahman’s resplendence, only with one baton of Brahma all of my missiles are defused. [1-56-23]

23. kSatriyabalam dhik = fie Kshatriya’s might; brahmatejaH balam balam = Brahman’s resplendence’s, might, is mightier; ekena brahmadaNDena = with only one, Brahma’s baton; me sarvaastraaNi hataani = my, all missiles, defused.

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