54 – Seetha drops jewellery at Sugreeva


Seetha drops her ornaments at Sugreeva and other monkeys available on a mountaintop during the course of her abduction. Ravana does not take notice of this as he is hurrying as though haunted by Rama. On crossing the southerly ocean, his jitteriness in stealing Seetha ceases and he hypocritically feels elated in gaining both Seetha and an animosity with Rama.


Verse 1

ह्रियमाणा तु वैदेही कंचित् नाथम् अपश्यती |
ददर्श गिरि शृंगस्थान् पंच वानर पुंगवान् || ३-५४-१

Vaidehi has not seen any rescuer while she is abducted, but she has seen five prominent vanara-s staying on a mountaintop. [3-54-1]

1. hriyamaaNaa vaidehii = being abducted, Vaidehi; naatham = a rescuer; kamcit a pashyatii = none, not, seen; giri shR^ingasthaan = mountain, on top staying; panca vaanara pungavaan = five, Vanara, prominent ones [Sugreeva, Hanuma et al]; dadarsha = she saw.


Verse 2 & 3a

तेषाम् मध्ये विशालाक्षी कौशेयम् कनक प्रभम् |
उत्तरीयम् वरारोहा शुभानि आभरणानि च || ३-५४-२
मुमोच यदि रामाय शंसेयुः इति भामिनी |

That broad-eyed and curvaceous lady with resentment Seetha, inwrapping her auspicious ornaments in the upper-fringe of her sari, dropped in the midmost of those five Vanara-s with a thinking that ‘these creatures may perhaps indicate them to Rama.’ [3-54-2, 3a]

2, 3a. vishaalaakSii = broad-eyed one; varaarohaa = curvaceous lady; bhaaminii = lady with resentment; kanaka prabham kausheyam uttariiyam = golden, in hue, silk sari, upper cloth; shubhaani aabharaNaani ca = auspicious, ornaments, also; raamaaya = to Rama; shamseyuH yadi = they indicate, if [they may]; iti = thus [on thinking]; teSaam madhye mumoca = their, amid, released – dropped.

Verse 3b & 4a

वस्त्रम् उत्सृज्य तन् मध्ये विनिक्षिप्तम् स भूषणम् || ३-५४-३
संभ्रमात् तु दशग्रीवः तत् कर्म न च बुद्ध्वान् |

On his part that Decahedron Ravana has not noticed her action in whipping up her silky upper-cloth and ornaments, their bundling and stowing away at five vanara-s, owing to his own hurry. [3-54-3]

3b, 4a. saha bhuuSaNam vastram = along with, ornaments, upper cloth; utsR^ijya = up, whipping; tan madhye = those [five vanara-s,] amongst; vi nikSiptam = which is verily [carefully,] stowed away – that bundle; saH dashagriivaH tu = he, Decahedron, on his part; sambhramaat = owing to his hurry; tat karma na buddhvaan = that, deed, not, noticed [unbothered.]

Verse 4b & 5a

पिंगाक्षाः ताम् विशालाक्षीम् नेत्रैः अनिमिषैः इव || ३-५४-४
विक्रोशन्तीम् तदा सीताम् ददृशुः वानर ऋषभाः |

Those ochreish-eyed best Vanara-s with their unwinking eyes have observed the broad-eyed Seetha, who at that time is verily wailing. [3-54-4b, 5a]

4b, 5a. pinga akSaaH = ochreish, eyed ones; vaanara R^iSabhaaH = Vanara, bullish [best] ones; vishaala akSiim = at broad, eyed [Seetha]; tadaa = then; vi kroshantiim = verily, wailing; taam siitaam = at her, at Seetha; a nimiSaiH iva = not, winking, like; netraiH = with eyes; dadR^ishuH = they observed.

Verse 5b & 6a

स च पंपाम् अतिक्रम्य लंकाम् अभिमुखः पुरीम् || ३-५४-५
जगाम रुदतीम् गृह्य मैथिलीम् राक्षस ईश्वरः |

The chief of demons Ravana captivating Maithili, who is still wailing, has crossed the Pampa region down underneath and advanced facing the City of Lanka. [3-54-5b, 6a]

5b, 6a. saH raakSasa iishvaraH = he, demons, chief; pampaam atikramya = Pampa [area,] on going across; lankaam puriim abhimukhaH = to Lanka, city, facing towards; rudatiim maithiliim gR^ihya = bewailing, Maithili, taking [captivating]; jagaama = advanced.

Verse 6b & 7a

ताम् जहार सुसंहृष्टो रावणो मृत्युम् आत्मनः || ३-५४-६
उत्संगेन एव भुजगीम् तीक्ष्ण दंष्ट्राम् महाविषाम् |

Ravana is jubilantly happy in stealing his own death alias Seetha, as one would carry a stingingly fanged and lethally venomous she-snake in his own lap. [3-54-6b, 7a]

6b, 7a. raavaNaH = Ravana is; su sam hR^iSTaH = very, highly, happily; aatmanaH mR^ityum = for himself, death; taam = her; tiikSNa danSTraam mahaa viSaam = of stinging, fanged, lethally, venomous; bhujagiim iva = she-snake, as with; utsangena eva = by lap, thus; jahaara = stole.

Verse 7b & 8a

वनानि सरितः शैलान् सरांसि च विहायसा || ३-५४-७
स क्षिप्रम् समतीयाय शरः चापात् इव च्युतः |

He bolted out in skyway up above the woodlands, waterways, pools, and mountains at the double, as with an arrow bolting from a bow. [3-4-7b, 8a]

7b, 8a. saH = he; caapaat cyutaH sharaH iva = from bow, bolting, arrow, as with; kSipram = at the double; vanaani saritaH shailaan saraamsi ca = woodlands, waterways, mounts, pools, also; vihaayasaa = by skyway; sam atiiyaaya = well crossed over – bolted out.

Verse 8b & 9a

तिमि नक्र निकेतम् तु वरुण आलयम् अक्षयम् || ३-५४-८
सरिताम् शरणम् गत्वा समतीयाय सागरम् |

On reaching the ocean, a housing for sharks, alligators, a home of Rain-god, a never-draining deep and an ultimate course of the rivers, he hastily crossed it over. [3-54-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. timi nakra niketam = sharks, alligators, housing of; varuNa aalayam = Rain-god’s, home; a kSayam = never, decreasing – never-draining – ocean; saritaam sharaNam = for rivers, [ultimate] course; saagaram = ocean; gatvaa = on reaching; sam atiiyaaya = well [hastily] crossed over.

Verse 9b & 10a

संभ्रमात् परिवृत्त ऊर्मी रुद्ध मीन महोरगः || ३-५४-९
वैदेह्याम् ह्रियमाणायाम् बभूव वरुण आलयः |

That ocean being the abode of Rain-god is highly flustered when Vaidehi is being abducted over it, and its waves became topsy-turvy and its fishes and great marine-reptiles remained shilly-shally. [3-54-9b, 10a]

9b, 10a. vaidehyaam hriyamaaNaayaam = of Vaidehi, being abducted; varuNa aalayaH = Rain-god’s, abode [ocean]; sambhramaat = by high flustering; parivR^itta uurmii = topsy-turvy, waves; ruddha mina mahaa uragaH = deterred [stopped hesitantly, shilly-shally] fishes, great, [water] snakes [marine reptiles]; babhuuva = became.

Verse 10b & 11a

अन्तरिक्ष गता वाचः ससृजुः चारणाः तदा || ३-५४-१०
एतत् अन्तो दशग्रीव इति सिद्धाः तदा अब्रुवन् |

Then the siddha-s and caarana-s available in airspace averred saying, “this alone is the end of Decahedron Ravana.” [3-54-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. tadaa = then; antarikSa gataa caaraNaaH = airspace, gone in [available,] caarana-s; dashagriiva etat antaH = Decahedron, this, as end – he ends with this; iti = thus; vaacaH sasR^ijuH = words, released [averred]; tadaa = likewise; siddhaaH abruvan = siddha-s, said.

Verse 11b & 12a

स तु सीताम् विचेष्टन्तीम् अंकेन आदाय रावणः || ३-५४-११
प्रविवेश पुरीम् लन्काम् रूपिणीम् मृत्युम् आत्मनः |

Ravana entered the city of Lanka transporting Seetha, while she wriggling in his flank, who appeared like the personified death of Ravana wriggling its way into his Lanka. [3-54-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. saH raavaNaH = he, Ravana; aatmanaH = for himself – Ravana’s; ruupiNiim mR^ityum = by persona [in propria persona,] death – a personified death; vi ceSTantiim = who is verily, wriggling; such; siitaam ankena aadaaya = Seetha, on flank, taking; lankaam puriim pravivesha = Lanka, city, he entered.

Verse 12b & 13a

सः अभिगम्य पुरीम् लंकाम् सुविभक्त महापथाम् || ३-५४-१२
संरूढ कक्ष्या बहुलम् स्वम् अंतः पुरम् आविशत् |

On going towards the city Lanka that has well-symmetrized roadways, then he entered his own palace-chambers which is with very many doors and chambers thronging with crowds.

12b, 13a. saH = he; su vi bhakta = neatly, separately, divided, [well-symmetrized]; mahaa pathaam = wide, roadways – having; lankaam puriim = to Lanka, city; abhi gamya = towards, on going; sam ruuDha = well, thronged; kakSyaa bahulam = doors [houses / chambers,] many – having; svam antaH puram aavishat = his own, palace, chambers, entered.

Verse 13b & 14a

तत्र ताम् असित अपांगाम् शोक मोह परायणाम् || ३-५४-१३
निदधे रावणः सीताम् मयो मायाम् इव आसुरीम् |

Ravana placed down Seetha whose eyelashes are blackish and who is deep in bewilderment caused by whimpering, therein his palace chambers, as demon Maya once kept his lady-love, a nymphet called Hema, in a demonic Black Hole.

13b, 14a. raavaNaH = Ravana; asita apaangaam = one with blackish, eyelashes; shoka moha paraayaNaam = by whimpering, bewildered, deep in; taam siitaam = her, Seetha; mayaH = Maya, the demon; aasuriim maayaam iva = demonic, maya, as with [guhaam iti sheSaH = black hole, thus ellipted]; [or, maayaam iva striyam = Maya, as with, a lady-love]; tatra nidadhe = therein, he placed her down.

Verse 14b & 15a

अब्रवीत् च दशग्रीवः पिशाचीः घोर दर्शनाः || ३-५४-१४
यथा न एनाम् पुमान् स्त्री वा सीताम् पश्यति असम्मतः |

That Decahedron Ravana also instructed the bogey-sightly bogeywomen, “your watch and ward shall be in such a way that neither a female nor a male can see Seetha impermissibly.” [3-54-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. dashagriivaH = Decahedron; ghora darshanaaH pishaaciiH = bogie, for sight, to bogeywomen; abraviit ca = spoke [instructed,] also; a sammataH = not, permitted; pumaan strii vaa = male, female, either; enaam siitaam = at her, Seetha; yathaa na pashyati = as to how, not, sees; [tathaa bhaviSyatha = thus, you shall conduct – your watch and ward shall be.]

Verse 15b & 16a

मुक्ता मणि सुवर्णानि वस्त्राणि आभरणानि च || ३-५४-१५
यत् यत् इच्छेत् तत् एव अस्या देयम् मत् च्छंदतो यथा |

“Whatever she wishes to have, gold, jewels, pearls, apparels or adornments, they all be given to her as you would give me according to my whimsies. [3-54-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. muktaa maNi suvarNaani = pearls, jewels, gold; vastraaNi aabharaNaani ca = apparels, adornments, also; yat yat icChet = which, which, she wishes; tat eva = they all, thus; asyaaH = to her; mat cChandataH yathaa = to me, as per my whims, as with – as you give to me as per my wish; deyam = be given.

Verse 16b & 17a

या च वक्ष्यति वैदेहीम् वचनम् किंचित् अप्रियम् || ३-५४-१६
अज्ञानात् यदि वा ज्ञानान् न तस्या जीवितम् प्रियम् |

“Whosoever speaks unpleasant words to Vaidehi in the least, either unknowingly or knowingly, her life becomes unpleasant for herself.” Thus Ravana ordered the chamber-demonesses. [3-54-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. yaa ca = she who, also – whoever; a GYaanaat = not, knowingly; yadi vaa = else, or; GYaanaat = knowingly; vaidehiim = to Vaidehi; kimcit = in the least; a priyam = not, pleasant; vacanam vakSyati = words, if speaks; tasyaaH jiivitam na priyam = her, life, not, to be pleasant.

Verse 17b & 18

तथा उक्त्वा राक्षसीः ताः तु राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान् || ३-५४-१७
निष्क्रम्य अन्तः पुरात् तस्मात् किम् कृत्यम् इति चिंतयन् |
ददर्श अष्टौ महावीर्यान् राक्षसान् पिशित अशनान् || ३-५४-१८

On speaking to those demonesses thus that chief of demons exited from that palace chamber, and giving a thought to what is to be done in sequel, then he gave audience to eight highly vigorous demons, the feasters on raw-flesh. [3-54-17b, 18]

17b, 18. prataapavaan = valorous one; raakSasa indraH = demon’s, chief; taaH raakSasiiH = to those. to demonesses; tathaa uktvaa = thus, on speaking; tu = on his part; tasmaat antaH puraat niSkramya = from that, palace, chambers, on exiting; kim kR^ityam = what, to do [next]; iti cintayan = thus, thinking; mahaa viiryaan = highly, vigorous ones; pishita ashanaan = raw-flesh, feasters of; aSTau raakSasaan dadarsha = eight, demons, he saw – gave audience.

Verse 19

स तान् दृष्ट्वा महावीर्यो वर दानेन मोहितः |
उवाच तान् इदम् वाक्यम् प्रशस्य बल वीर्यतः || ३-५४-१९

He who is egocentric by the boon awarded by Brahma for his invincibleness, that Ravana on giving an audience to those eight demons spoke this sentence to them praiseful of their might and valour. [3-54-19]

19. mahaa viiryaH = great-mighty [Ravana]; vara daanena mohitaH = boon, awarded, beguiled by [egocentric by the boon once accorded to him]; saH = he, Ravana; bala viiryataH = by [their] might, valour [of eight demons]; prashasya = praising them; taan = them; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing [on giving an audience]; taan idam vaakyam uvaaca = to them, this, sentence, spoke.

Verse 20

नाना प्रहरणाः क्षिप्रम् इतो गच्छत सत्वराः |
जनस्थानम् हत स्थानम् भूत पूर्वम् खर आलयम् || ३-५४-२०

“You immediately take up multiple assaultive weaponry and begone from here to Janasthaana speedily, a place now deadpanned for demons, which earlier was the placement of Khara. [3-54-20]

20. naanaa pra haraNaaH [gR^ihiitvaa ] = multiple, highly, assaultive weaponry [on taking]; sa tvaraaH = with, haste – speedily; itaH kSipram = from here, immediately; hata sthaanam = [demons] killed, place of [a deadpanned place of demons]; khara aalayam = Khara’s, abode [placement]; bhuuta puurvam = which was, earlier; janasthaanam = to Janasthaana; gacChata = begone.

Verse 21

तत्र उष्यताम् जनस्थाने शून्ये निहत राक्षसे |
पौरुषम् बलम् आश्रित्य त्रासम् उत्सृज्य दूरतः || ३-५४-२१

“Throwaway your fright faraway and you stay in that Janasthaana which fell void as the demons are voided by someone called Rama, and there you shall stay self-assuredly and self-confidently. [3-54-21]

21. pauruSam balam aashritya = [your own] self-assurance, self-confidence, depending on; traasam duurataH utsR^ijya = fright, faraway, throwaway; nihata raakSase = killed, demons – where demons are killed; shuunye = fell void; tatra janasthaane = there, in Janasthaana; uSyataam = you stay.

Verse 22

बहु सैन्यम् महावीर्यम् जनस्थाने निवेशितम् |
स दूषण खरम् युद्धे निहतम् राम सायकैः || ३-५४-२२

“Though highly forceful forces are deployed in Janasthaana, Rama’s arrows have utterly destroyed them, together with Khara and Duushana. [3-54-22]

22. mahaaviiryam bahu sainyam = highly forceful, many, forces; janasthaane niveshitam = in Janasthaana, [though] deployed; raama saayakaiH = Rama, by [his] arrows; yuddhe nihatam = in combat, utterly destroyed; sa duuSaNa kharam = along with, Duushana, Khara.

Verse 23

ततः क्रोधो मम अपूर्वो धैर्यस्य उपरि वर्धते |
वैरम् च सुमहत् जातम् रामम् प्रति सुदारुणम् || ३-५४-२३

“Thereby an unprecedented fury is escalating over and above my courage, and an unhindered and unforgivable animosity towards that Rama is evoked in me. [3-54-23]

23. tataH = thereby; mama = my; a puurvaH = not, precedented; krodhaH = fury; dhairyasya upari vardhate = of [my] courage, [over and] above, escalating; raamam prati = Rama, towards; su mahat = verily, heightened [unhindered]; su daaruNam = utterly, unforgivable; vairam ca = animosity, also; jaatam = is evoked;

Verse 24

निर्यातयितुम् इच्छामि तत् च वैरम् अहम् रिपोः |
न हि लप्स्यामि अहम् निद्राम् अहत्वा संयुगे रिपुम् || ३-५४-२४

“I wish to cast out my begrudging against my enemy who bears a grudge against me, and indeed, to me ‘sleep’ is not the word for it, until my enemy is undone in a war. [3-54-24]

24. aham = I; ripoH = enemy’s [who bears a grudge against me]; tat vairam = that, animosity; nir yaatayitum icChaami = to out, cast, I wish; sanyuge ripum a hatvaa = in war, enemy, without, eliminating; aham nidraam na lapsyaami hi = I, sleep, not, getting, indeed.

Verse 25

तम् तु इदानीम् अहम् हत्वा खर दूषण घातिनम् |
रामम् शर्म उपलप्स्यामि धनम् लब्ध्वा इव निर्धनः || ३-५४-२५

“I for myself will be comfortable only on eliminating him who has eliminated Khara and Duushana as with a pauper acquiring riches. [3-54-25]

25. aham idaaniim = I, now – I for myself; khara duuSaNa ghaatinam = Khara, Duushana, killer of; tam raamam hatvaa = him, Rama, on eliminating; [yadi = if I can kill him]; nir dhanaH = not, a rich one – pauper; dhanam labdhvaa iva = riches, on acquiring, as with; sharma upalapsyaami = peace [comfortableness,] I acquire.

Verse 26

जनस्थाने वसद्भिः तु भवद्भिः रामम् आश्रिता |
प्रवृत्तिः उपनेतव्या किम् करोति इति तत्त्वतः || ३-५४-२६

“While you remain in Janasthaana you have to accurately bring me the information about Rama’s activities and deportment. [3-54-26]

26. janasthaane vasadbhiH = in Janasthaana, while you remain; bhavadbhiH = by you; kim karoti iti = what, [he] does, thus; raamam aashritaa pravR^ittiH = of on Rama, dependant, deportment – how he deports himself; tattvataH upanetavyaa = accurately, be brought [to me.]

Verse 27

अप्रमादात् च गंतव्यम् सर्वैः एव निशाचरैः |
कर्तव्यः च सदा यत्नो राघवस्य वधम् प्रति || ३-५४-२७

“Do not go heedlessly, you all night-walkers, for that Rama appears to be too dangerous, and on your going there heedfully, you have to continually try for the elimination of that Raghava. [3-54-27]

27. nishaacaraiH sarvaiH eva = by night-walkers, by all [of you,] thus; a pramaadaat gantavyam = not, heedlessly, you have to go [there]; raaghavasya vadham prati = Raghava’s, killing, apropos; sadaa yatnaH kartavyaH ca = continually, [every] trial, is doable [conceivable,] also.

Verse 28

युष्माकम् तु बलम् ज्ञातम् बहुशो रण मूर्धनि |
अतः तु अस्मिन् जनस्थाने मया यूयम् नियोजिताः || ३-५४-२८

“I am aware of your might in battle fronts for a number of times, as such I have commissioned you all in that Janasthaana.” Thus Ravana spoke to those eight demons. [3-54-28]

28. raNa muurdhani = in battle, fronts; bahusha = many times; yuSmaakam balam GYaatam = your, might, I know; ataH tu = by that reason, only; yuuyam = you all; asmin janasthaane = in that, Janasthaana; mayaa niyojitaaH = by me, commissioned.

Verse 29

ततः प्रियम् वाक्यम् उपेत्य राक्षसा
महाअर्थम् अष्टौ अभिवाद्य रावणम् |
विहाय लंकाम् सहिताः प्रतस्थिरे
यतो जनस्थानम् अलक्ष्य दर्शनाः || ३-५४-२९

Then on picking up those words amiable to all intents and purposes of Ravana, those eight demons departed from Lanka on hailing Ravana, and they collectively journeyed in the direction of Janasthaana with their imperceivable appearances. [3-54-29]

29. tataH = then; aSTau raakSasaa = eight, demons; priyam = amiable; mahaa artham = with important, purpose [or, words with allusions]; vaakyam upetya = words [of Ravana,] on picking up; raavaNam abhivaadya = Ravana, hailing; lankaam vihaaya = Lanka, departing from; sahitaaH = collectively; a lakSya darshanaaH = not, perceivable, with appearances – unseen by anyone; janasthaanam yataH = Janasthaana, at where it is – in that direction; pratasthire = journeyed to.

Verse 30

ततः तु सीताम् उपलभ्य रावणः
सुसंप्रहृष्टः परिगृह्य मैथिलीम् |
प्रसज्य रामेण च वैरम् उत्तमम्
बभूव मोहात् मुदितः स राक्षसः || ३-५४-३०

Ravana is then highly gladdened well and truly on gaining over Seetha, and even for holding sway over that Maithili, and equally for the well-wrought and archly animosity with Rama, whereby that demon Ravana is hypocritically amused. [3-54-30]

30. tataH = then; raakSasaH saH raavaNaH = demon, he, that Ravana; siitaam upalabhya = Seetha, on gaining; maithiliim parigR^ihya = Maithili, holding sway over; su sam pra hR^iSTaH = well, truly, highly, gladdened; raameNa = with Rama; uttamam vairam = archly, animosity; pra sajya = well-wrought; mohaat = by hypocrisy; muditaH = amused; babhuuva = he became.

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