53 – Rama tries to send Lakshmana back to Ayodhya


Rama tries to send Lakshmana back to Ayodhya, apprehending trouble for Kousalya and others in the hands of Kaikeyi. Lakshmana however refuses to return to Ayodhya, pleasing his inability to survive in the absence of Rama. Rama thereafter agrees again for Lakshmana’s stay in the forest with him.

Verse 1

स तम् वृक्षम् समासाद्य संध्याम् अन्वास्य पश्चिमाम् |
रामः रमयताम् श्रेष्ठैति ह उवाच लक्ष्मणम् || २-५३-१

Rama, the foremost of those affording happiness to others, reached the aforesaid tree, worshipped the western twilight and spoke to Lakshmana as follows:

1. raamaH = Rama; shreshhTaH = the foremost; ramayataam = of these affording happiness to others; samasaadya = reached; tam vR^ikshham = the aforesaid tree; anvaasya = worshipped; pashchimaam = the western; sandhyaam = twilight; uvaacha ha = and spoke; iti = thus; lakshhmaNam = to Lakshmana:

Verse 2

अद्य इयम् प्रथमा रात्रिर् याता जन पदात् बहिः |
या सुमन्त्रेण रहिता ताम् न उत्कण्ठितुम् अर्हसि || २-५३-२

“This might which has got past us today outside the inhabited territory is the first night which has passed without Sumantra. You ought not repent over it.”

2. iyam = “This; raatriH = night; yaa = which; yaatraa = has got past (us); apya = today; bahiH = outside; janapadaat = the inhabited territory; prathamaa = is the first one; rahitaa = without; sumantreNa = Sumantra. naarahasi = You ought not; utkaN^Thitum = repent; taam = over it.”

Verse 3

जागर्तव्यम् अतन्द्रिभ्याम् अद्य प्रभृति रात्रिषु |
योग क्षेमः हि सीताया वर्तते लक्ष्मण आवयोह् || २-५३-३

“Remaining free from lassitude, we must both keep awake during nights, from today Lakshmana! The safety and welfare of Sita indeed depend on us two.”

3. lakshhmaNaH = “Oh; Lakshmana! atandribhyaam = Remaining free from lassitude; jaagartavyam = (we must both) keep awake; raatrishhu = during nights; adya prabhR^iti = from today. yoga kshhemou = The gain and security; siitaayaaH = of Sita; vartate hi = indeed depend; aavayoH = on us two.”

Verse 4

रात्रिम् कथंचित् एव इमाम् सौमित्रे वर्तयामहे |
उपावर्तामहे भूमाव् आस्तीर्य स्वयम् आर्जितैः || २-५३-४

“Let us pass this night anyhow, Lakshmana! Let us lie down on the ground, covering it by straw, leaves and so on, procured by our own hands.”

4. vartayaamahe = “Let us pass; imaam raatrim = this night; kathamchideva = any how; soumitre = Lakshmana! upaavartaamahe = Let us lie down; bhuumou = on the ground;aastiirya = covering it; aarjitaiH = (by things ) procured; svayam = by our own(hands).”

Verse 5

स तु सम्विश्य मेदिन्याम् महा अर्ह शयन उचितः |
इमाः सौमित्रये रामः व्याजहार कथाः शुभाः || २-५३-५

Streching himself on the bare ground, Rama, who was accustomed to a luxurious coach, uttered the following suitable words to Lakshmana:

5. samvishya = Streching himself; madinyaam = on the ground; saH = Rama; mahaarha shayanochitaH = who was accustomed to a luxurious coach; vyaajahaara = uttered; imaaH = these; shubhaaH = suitable; kathaaH = words; soumitraye = to Lakshmana:

Verse 6

ध्रुवम् अद्य महा राजो दुह्खम् स्वपिति लक्ष्मण |
कृत कामा तु कैकेयी तुष्टा भवितुम् अर्हति || २-५३-६

“Assuredly the emperor is sleeping badly tonight, while Kaikeyi, having realized her ambitions, ought to feel satisfied.”

6. dhruvam = “assuredly; mahaaraajaH = the emperor; svapiti = is sleeping; duHkham = badly; adya = to-night; kaikeyiitu = while Kaikeyi; kR^takaamaa = having realized her ambitions; arhati = ought; bhavitum = to feel; tushhTaa = satisfied.”

Verse 7

सा हि देवी महा राजम् कैकेयी राज्य कारणात् |
अपि न च्यावयेत् प्राणान् दृष्ट्वा भरतम् आगतम् || २-५३-७

“Seeing Bharata returned, queen Kaikeyi, I am afraid, may not expel the lives of the emperor for the sake of kingdom.”

7. dR^ishhTvaa = “seeing; bharatam = Bharata; aagatam = returned; saa = that; devii = queen; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; na chyaavayedapi = (I am afraid) may not expel; praaNaan = the lives; mahaaraajam = of the emperor; raajya kaaraNaat = hi indeed for the sake of kingdom.”

Verse 8

अनाथः चैव वृद्धः च मया चैव विनाकृतः |
किम् करिष्यति काम आत्मा कैकेय्या वशम् आगतः || २-५३-८

“Aged and (therefore) helpless, deprived of my presence, what will he do, dominated as he is by his passion for Kaikeyi and who has fallen into the clutches of Kaikeyi.”

8. vR^iddhascha = “aged; anaathashcha = (and therefore) helpless; mayaarinaacha = deprived of my presence; kim karishhyati = what will he do; kR^itaH = dominated as he is; kaamaatmaa = by his passion (for Kaikeyi); aagataH = and who has fallen; kaikeyiivasham = into clutches of Kaikeyi.”

Verse 9

इदम् व्यसनम् आलोक्य राज्ञः च मति विभ्रमम् |
कामएव अर्ध धर्माभ्याम् गरीयान् इति मे मतिः || २-५३-९

“Reflecting on this misfortune of the king and his mental derangement, I deem that passion alone is greater than early gain and religious merit.”

9. aalokya = “reflecting on; idam = this; vyasanam = misfortune; raaG^yaH = of the king; mativibhramamcha = and his mental derangement; me = my; matiH = belief; iti = (is) that; kaama eva = passion alone; gariiyaan = is stronger; artha dharmaabhyaam = than earthly gain and religious merit.”

Verse 10

को हि अविद्वान् अपि पुमान् प्रमदायाः कृते त्यजेत् |
चन्द अनुवर्तिनम् पुत्रम् तातः माम् इव लक्ष्मण || २-५३-१०

“what man however deluded, what father on account of a woman, at his own will and pleasure, abandon a son like myself?

10. kaH pumaan = “what man; avidyaanapi = however deluded; tataH = (what) father; pramadaayaaH kR^ite = on account of a woman; chandaamvartinam = at his own will and pleasure; tyajet = abandon; putram = a son; maamiva = like myself?”

Verse 11

सुखी बत सभार्यः च भरतः केकयी सुतः |
मुदितान् कोसलान् एको यो भोक्ष्यति अधिराजवत् || २-५३-११

“Alas, Kaikeyi’s son Bharata (alone) is happy along with his wife. Like an overlord, he is going to enjoy the prosperous kingdom of Kosala.”

11. bataH = “Alas; kaikeyiisutaH = Kaikeyi’s son; bharataH = Bharata; ekaH = alone; sukhii = is happy; sa bhaaryaH = along with his wife; yaH = who; adhiraajavat = like an overlord; bhokshhyati = will enjoy; muditaan = the prosperous; kosalaan = kingdom of Kosala.”

Verse 12

स हि सर्वस्य राज्यस्य मुखम् एकम् भविष्यति |
ताते च वयसा अतीते मयि च अरण्यम् आश्रिते || २-५३-१२

“Father is superannuated. I am staying in the forest. Bharata will become the prime head for the entire kingdom.”

12. taate = “father; vayasaa atiite = is superannuated. Mayicha = I; aasthite = am staying; areNyam = in the forest. saH = Bharata; bhavishhyanti = will become; ekam = the prime; mukham = head; sarvasya = for the entire; raajyasya = kingdom.”

Verse 13

अर्थ धर्मौ परित्यज्य यः कामम् अनुवर्तते |
एवम् आपद्यते क्षिप्रम् राजा दशरथो यथा || २-५३-१३

“He who pursues sensuous pleasures neglecting his real interests and discipline soon comes to distress; in the same way as king Dasaratha has.”

13. yaH = “he who; anuvartate = persues; kaamam = sensuous pleasures; parityajya = neglecting; artha dharmou = his real interests and discipline; kshhipram = soon; aapadyate = comes to distress; evam = in the same way; raaja dasharatho yathaa = as king Dasaratha has.”

Verse 14

मन्ये दशरथ अन्ताय मम प्रव्राजनाय च |
कैकेयी सौम्य सम्प्राप्ता राज्याय भरतस्य च || २-५३-१४

“It seems that Kaikeyi came into our house, oh good brother, to bring about an end to Dasaratha, to send me into exile and to secure kingship for Bharata.”

14. soumya = “Oh;good brother; manye = I think; kaikeyii- = that Kaikeyi; sampraaptaa = came (into our house); dasharathaantaaya = to bring about an end to Dasaratha; mama pravraajanaayacha = to send me into exile; raajyaayacha = (and to secure) kingship; bharatasya = for Bharata.”

Verse 15

अपि इदानीम् न कैकेयी सौभाग्य मद मोहिता |
कौसल्याम् च सुमित्राम् च सम्प्रबाधेत मत् कृते || २-५३-१५

“Blinded by pride of good fortune, Kaikeyi may even now persecute Kausalya and Sumitra because of their relationship with me.”

15. soubhaagya mada mohitaa = “blinded by pride of good fortune; kaikeyii = will Kaikeyi; api idaaniim = even now; na samprabaadheta = not persecute; kausalyaamcha = and Sumitra; matkR^ite = because of their relationship with me.”

Verse 16

मा स्म मत् कारणात् देवी सुमित्रा दुह्खम् आवसेत् |
अयोध्याम् इतएव त्वम् काले प्रविश लक्ष्मण || २-५३-१६

“Queen Sumitra is likely to suffer hardship because of her affinity to us. From this very place, you proceed to Ayodhya next morning, oh, Lakshmana!”

16. devii = “queen; sumitraa = Sumitra; maa aavaset sma = will she not dwell; duHkham = with hardship; matkaaraNaat = because of her affinity to me? tvam = You; pravisha = enter; ayodhyaam = Ayodhya; ita eva = from this very place; kaalye = next morning; lakshhmaNa = oh; Lakshmana!”

Verse 17

अहम् एको गमिष्यामि सीतया सह दण्डकान् |
अनाथाया हि नाथः त्वम् कौसल्याया भविष्यसि || २-५३-१७

“I shall proceed to Dandaka forest alone with Sita, while you will be the protector for Kausalya, who has no defender.”

17. aham = “I; ekaH = alone; gamishhyaami = will go; siitayaa saha = along with Sita; daNdakaan = to Dandaka forest. tvam = You; bhavishhyasi = become; naathaH = protector; kausalyaa = to Kausalya; anaathaayaaH = the supportless.”

Verse 18

क्षुद्र कर्मा हि कैकेयी द्वेषात् अन्याय्यम् आचरेत् |
परिदद्या हि धर्मज्ञे भरते मम मातरम् || २-५३-१८

“Kaikeyi of base deeds may resort to unjustified means to be disliked. Give (for protection) my mother to Bharata, oh virtuous Prince!”

18. kaikeyii = “Kaikeyi; kshhudra karmaa = of base deeds; aacharet = may resort to; anyaayyam = unjustified means; dveshhyam = to be disliked. paridadyaHhi = Give(for protection); mama = my; maataram = mother; bharate = to Bharata; dharmaG^ye = oh; virtuous prince!”

Verse 19

नूनम् जाति अन्तरे कस्मिंस् स्त्रियः पुत्रैः वियोजिताः |
जनन्या मम सौमित्रे तत् अपि एतत् उपस्थितम् || २-५३-१९

“In some other (past) birth, women must have been deprived of their sons by my mother (Kausalya), oh, Lakshmana! For that reason this has arisen certainly.”

19. kasmin jaatyantare = “In some other birth; soumitre = Oh; Lakshmana; striyaH = women; viyojitaaH = must have been deprived; putraiH = of their sons; mama jananyaa = by my mother. Tasmaat = For that reason; etat = this upasthitam = has arisen; nuunam = certainly.”

Verse 20

मया हि चिर पुष्टेन दुह्ख सम्वर्धितेन च |
विप्रायुज्यत कौसल्या फल काले धिग् अस्तु माम् || २-५३-२०

“At a time when Kausalya should have obtained benefits for her labors repaid by me, she has been deprived of my company by me, who was nurtured by her for a long time and brought up with great pains. Woe to me.”

20. phala kale = “At a time when benefit is to be obtained; mayaa = by me; kausalyaa = Kausalya; vipraayujyata = has been deprived of my company by me; chirapushhTena = who was nurtured up with great pains; astu = Let it be; dhik = woe; maam = to me.”

Verse 21

मा स्म सीमन्तिनी काचिज् जनयेत् पुत्रम् ईदृशम् |
सौमित्रे यो अहम् अम्बाया दद्मि शोकम् अनन्तकम् || २-५३-२१

“Let no woman ever give birth to such a son as myself, who have caused perpetual grief to my mother, oh, Lakshmana!”

21. maasma kaachit siimantinii = “Let no woman ever; janayet = give birth; iidR^isham = to such; putram = a son; yaH = as; aham = myself; dadmii = who has given; ananthakam = endless; shokam = sorrow; ambaayaaH = to my mother; soumitre = oh; Lakshmana!”

Verse 22

मन्ये प्रीति विशिष्टा सा मत्तः लक्ष्मण सारिका |
यस्याः तत् श्रूयते वाक्यम् शुक पादम् अरेर् दश || २-५३-२२

“Oh, Lakshmana! I think that myna (which is kept as a pet by mother Kausalya) is more affectionate than I, since her are heard the words, “Bite, oh parrot, the foot of the enemy.”

22. manye = “I think; saa shaarikaa = that myna (which is kept as a pet by mother Kausalya); priitivishishhTaa = is more affectionate; mattaH = than I; yasyaaH = (since)her; shruuyate = are heard; tat vaakyam = the words; dasha = “Bite ; shuka = oh; parrot; paadam = the foot; areH = of the enemy’; lakshhmaNa = oh; Lakshmana!”

Verse 23

शोचन्त्याः च अल्प भाग्याया न किंचित् उपकुर्वता |
पुर्त्रेण किम् अपुत्राया मया कार्यम् अरिम् दम || २-५३-२३

“What can be done by me, her son, who cannot go to her aid even a little to her, my mother, who is weeping, who is unfortunate and who has no son, oh conqueror of foes?”

23. kim = “what; kaaryam = can be done; mayaa = by me; putreNa = her son; nopakurvataa = who cannot go to her aid; kamchit = even a little(to her); shochantyaaH = who is weeping; alpa bhaagyaayaaH = who is unfortunate; aputraayaaH = and who has no son; arindama = oh; conqueror of foes!”

Verse 24

अल्प भाग्या हि मे माता कौसल्या रहिता मया |
शेते परम दुह्ख आर्ता पतिता शोक सागरे || २-५३-२४

“Kausalya my mother of poor luck indeed, bereft of me, is stricken with great melancholy and lies plunged in a sea of grief”

24. kausalyaa = “Kausalya; me maataa = my mother; alpabhaagyaa hi = of poor luck indeed; rahitaa = bereft; mayaa = of me; parama duhkhaartaaH = is stricken with great melancholy; shate = and lies; patitaa = fallen; shoka saagare = in a sea of grief.”

Verse 25

एको हि अहम् अयोध्याम् च पृथिवीम् च अपि लक्ष्मण |
तरेयम् इषुभिः क्रुद्धो ननु वीर्यम् अकारणम् || २-५३-२५

“Enraged, I can subdue with my arrows single handed not only Ayodhya but also the earth. But it is not a question of valor here.”

25. kruddhaH = “Enraged; aham = I; tareyam = can subdue; ishhubhiH = with my arrows; ekaH = single-handed; ayodhyaamcha = not only Ayodhya; pR^ithiviimchaapi = but also earth; lakshhmaNa = oh Lakshmana! viiryam = Valor; akaaraNam nam = is not the cause; not at all”

Verse 26

अधर्म भय भीतः च पर लोकस्य च अनघ |
तेन लक्ष्मण न अद्य अहम् आत्मानम् अभिषेचये || २-५३-२६

“Oh, the sinless Lakshmana! I am terribly concerned of doing wrong and of ruining my prospects in the other world. Hence, I do not allow myself to be crowned.”

26. anagha = “Oh; the sinless Lakshmana! aham = I; adharma bhaya bhiitashcha = am terribly concerned of doing wrong; paralokasyacha = and(of ruining my prospects) in the other world. tena = For that reason; aatmaanam = I do not allow myself; naabhishhechaye = to be crowned”

Verse 27

एतत् अन्यच् च करुणम् विलप्य विजने बहु |
अश्रु पूर्ण मुखो रामः निशि तूष्णीम् उपाविशत् || २-५३-२७

Rama during the night in that lonely forest, wailed piteously thus and in so many other ways and sat quite, his face full of tears.

27. raamaH = Rama; nishi = during the night; vijane = in the lonely forest; vilapya = wailed; karuNam = piteously; etat = thus; anyashcha = and in other ways; upaavishat = sat; tushhN^iim = quite; ashrupuurNa mukhaH = his face full of tears.

Verse 28

विलप्य उपरतम् रामम् गत अर्चिषम् इव अनलम् |
समुद्रम् इव निर्वेगम् आश्वासयत लक्ष्मणः || २-५३-२८

Lakshmana consoled Rama as follows when the later had ceased lamenting like a fire whose flames had gone out and as a sea without a violent motion.

28. kajShmaNaH = Lakshmana; aashvaasayata = consoled; raamam = Rama (as follows); uparatam = when the latter had ceased lamenting; analam iva = like a fire; gataarchiSam = whose flames had gone out; samudramiva = and as a sea;nirvegam = without a violent motion.

Verse 29

ध्रुवम् अद्य पुरी रामायोध्या युधिनाम् वर |
निष्प्रभा त्वयि निष्क्रान्ते गत चन्द्रा इव शर्वरी || २-५३-२९

“The city of Ayodhya, now that you have come away from it, has certainly been divested of its splendor and resembles a night without the moon, Oh, Rama the jewel among armed warriors!”

29. ayodhyaa purii = “the city of Ayodhya; adya = now; tvayi = you; nishhkraante = have come away from it; dhruvam = has certainly; nishhprabhaa = been divested of its splendor; sharvariiva = and resembles a night; gatachandraa = without the moon; raajan = Oh; king; vara = the jewel; aayudhinaam = among armed warriors!”

Verse 30

न एतत् औपयिकम् राम यद् इदम् परितप्यसे |
विषादयसि सीताम् च माम् चैव पुरुष ऋषभ || २-५३-३०

“It is not proper, oh Rama, that you should grieve in this way. You cause distress to Sita and me too, oh jewel among men!”

30. etat = “this; na = is not; oupayikam = proper; raama = oh Rama; yat paritapyate = that you should grieve; idam = in the manner. vishhaadayasi = You cause distress; siitamcha = to Sita; maamchaiva = and me too; purushharshhabha = oh jewel among men!”

Verse 31

न च सीता त्वया हीना न च अहम् अपि राघव |
मुहूर्तम् अपि जीवावो जलान् मत्स्याव् इव उद्धृतौ || २-५३-३१

“Oh, Rama! Bereft of you , neither Sita nor I will not survive even for a moment, like fish pulled out of water.”

31. raaghava = “Oh; Rama! hiinaa = Bereft; tvayaa = of you; siitaa = Sita; na = will not survive. ahamapi = I also; na jiivaavaH = We shall not survive; muhuurtamapi = even for a moment; matsyaaviva = like fishes; uddhR^iton = pulled out of water.”

Verse 32

न हि तातम् न शत्रुघ्नम् न सुमित्राम् परम् तप |
द्रष्टुम् इच्चेयम् अद्य अहम् स्वर्गम् वा अपि त्वया विना || २-५३-३२

“Oh, Rama causing pain to the foes! Without you, I do not wish to see either our father or Satrughna or Sumitra or even the heaven.”

32. paramtapa = “Oh; Rama causing pain to the foes! Tvayaa vinaa = without you; aham = I; na hi ichchheyam = do not wish; drashhTum = to see either; taatam = our father; na = nor; shatrughnam = Satrughna; sumitraam = Sumitra; svargamvaapi = nor even heaven.”

Verse 33

ततस्तत्र सुखासीने नातिदूरे निरीक्ष्य ताम् |
न्यग्रोधे सुकृताम् शय्याम् भेजाते धर्मवत्सलौ || २-५३-३३

Then Rama and Lakshmana the lovers of piety, sitting comfortably there and on seeing a bed well- prepared under a banyan tree, sought for the bed.

33. tataH = then; dharmavatsalou = Rama and Lakshmana; the lovers of piety; sukhasiinou = sitting comfortably; tatra = there; niriikshhya = (and) seeing; taam shayyaam = that bed; sukR^itaam = well arranged; nyagrodha = under a banyan tree; bhejate = sought (for the bed).”

Verse 34

स लक्ष्मणस्य उत्तम पुष्कलम् वचो |
निशम्य च एवम् वन वासम् आदरात् |
समाः समस्ता विदधे परम् तपः |
प्रपद्य धर्मम् सुचिराय राघवः || २-५३-३४

Attentively hearing Lakshmana’s words which were excellent and wholistic and adopting for a fairly long period the course of conduct prescribed for hermits, Rama resolved to spend all the fourteen years in exile with Lakshmana.

34. saH raaghavaH = that Rama; paramtapaH = the terminator of foes; aadaraat = attentively; nishamya = hearing; lakshhmaNasya = Lakshmana’s; vachaH = words; uttama pushhkalam = which were excellent and holistic; prapadya = and adopting; suchiraaya = for a fairly long period; dharmam = the course of conduct prescribed for hermits; vidadhe = resolved; samastaaH = (to stand) all; samaaH = the years; vanavaasam = in exile(with Lakshmana).

Verse 35

ततस्तु तस्मिन् विजने वने तदा |
महाबलौ राघववंशवर्धनौ |
न तौ भयम् सम्भ्रममभ्युपेयतु |
र्यथैव सिम्हौ गिरिसानुगोचरौ || २-५३-३५

Thence forward, those two powerful offspring of the Raghu race (Rama and Lakshmana) never admitted fear or agitation (while dwelling) in that vast and lonely forest any more than a couple of lions on the slopes of a mountain.

35. tataH tadaa = thence forward; tasmin vane = in that forest; vijane = which was lonely; tou = those; mahaabalou raaghava vamsha vardhanon = (two) powerful offspring of the Raghu race; na abhyupeyatuH = did not admit; bhayam = fear; sambhramam = or agitation; simhou yathaiva = like unto two lions; girisaanu gocharon = dwelling on the slopes of a mountain.

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