50 – Redemption of ahalya from her curse cont.


Rama arrives at Mithila along with Lakshmana led on by Vishvamitra. On hearing that Vishvamitra has arrived at their city Mithila, King Janaka proceeds to him welcomingly. On seeing Rama and Lakshmana near at Vishvamitra, Janaka inquisitively asks Vishvamitra about these two princes. Vishvamitra announces them as the sons of Dasharatha and informs about the adventurous deeds the boys have undertaken.

Verse 1

ततः प्रागुत्तरां गत्वा रामः सौमित्रिणा सह |
विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञवाटमुपागमत् || १-५०-१

Rama then travelled along with Lakshmana towards northeast direction keeping Vishvamitra afore and neared the hall of Vedic ritual of Janaka in Mithila kingdom. [1-50-1]

1. tataH = then; raamaH saumitriNaa saha = Rama, along with Soumitri; vishvaamitram puraskR^itya = keeping Vishvamitra afore; praak uttaraam gatvaa = going to north east [direction] ; [janakasya] yaj~navaaTam upaagamat = neared [Janaka’s] Vedic-ritual hall.

Verse 2

रामस्तु मुनिशार्दूलमुवाच सहलक्ष्मणः |
साध्वी यज्ञसमृद्धिर्हि जनकस्य महात्मनः || १-५०-२

Rama who is with Lakshmana spoke to the tigerly saint Vishvamitra, ” the Vedic-ritual of noble-souled Janaka is excellent, indeed with bountifully garnered paraphernalia of the ritual. [1-50-2]

2. sahalakSmaNaH raamaH tu = with Lakshmana, Rama, on his part; munishaarduulam uvaaca = spoke to tigerly saint – Vishvamitra; mahaatmanaH janakasya = of noble-souled, Janaka; yaj~nasamR^iddhiH = Vedic-ritual’s bountifulness; saadhvii hi = is excellent, indeed.

Verse 3 & 4

बहूनीह सहस्राणि नानादेशनिवासिनाम् |
ब्राह्मणानां महाभाग वेदाध्ययनशालिनाम् || १-५०-३
ऋषि ऋषिवाटाश्च दृश्यन्ते शकटीशतसंकुलाः |
देशो विधीयतां ब्रह्मन् यत्र वत्स्यामहे वयम् || १-५०-४

“Oh, highly fortunate sage, this place abounds with many thousands of Brahmans who are experts in Vedic practises and who seem to be the dwellers of numerous provinces, and also discernable are the cottages of sages rife with hundreds of carts full with their ceremonial chattels, as such oh, Brahman, a campsite may be decided for us too, as I discern every inch is inhabited.” Thus Rama spoke to Vishvamitra. [1-50-3, 4]

3. mahaabhaaga = oh highly fortunate one [Vishvamitra]; iha = here – this place; naanaadeshanivaasinaam = dwellers of many provinces; vedaadhyayanashaalinaam = experts in Veda practices; braahmaNaanaam = of Brahmans; sahasraaNi bahuuni = thousands, many; shakaTiishatasankulaaH = rife with hundred carts; R^iSivaaTaaH ca = sages’ cottages, also; dR^ishyante = are appearing; brahman = oh Brahman; vayam yatra vatsyaamahe = where we take lodge; such a; deshaH = place – campsite; vidhiiyataam = let it be decided.

Verse 5

रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः |
निवेशमकरोद्देशे विविक्ते सलिलायुते || १-५०-५

On hearing the words of Rama that great-saint Vishvamitra arranged a camp at an unfrequented place that has refreshing water. [1-50-5]

5. mahaamuniH vishvaamitraH = great-saint, Vishvamitra; raamasya vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing Rama’s words; salilaayute [anvite] = having [refreshing] waters; vivikte deshe = in an unfrequented, place; nivesham akarot = made [arranged] camp;

Verse 6 & 7a

विश्वामित्रमनुप्राप्तं श्रुत्वा नृपवरस्तदा |
शतानन्दं पुरस्कृत्य पुरोहितमनिन्दितम् || १-५०-६
प्रत्युज्जगाम सहसा विनयेन समन्वितः |

On hearing that Vishvamitra has arrived in Mithila, then the best king Janaka instantly forged ahead towards Vishvamitra, keeping his unreprovable priest Shataananda afore of the team, in deference to Vishvamitra. [1-50-6, 7a]

6, 7a. nR^ipavaraH = the best king – Janaka; tadaa = then; vishvaamitram anupraaptam shrutvaa = on hearing Vishvamitra’s arrival [at Mithila] ; aninditam = not reprovable one; purohitam = priest; shataanandam = Shataananda; puraskR^itya = keeping afore; vinayena samanvitaH = embodied with deference [in deference to Vishvamitra]; sahasaa = instantly; pratyujjagaama = forged ahead towards [Vishvamitra].

Verse 7b & 8

ऋत्विजोऽपि महात्मानस्त्वर्घ्यमादाय सत्वरम् ||१-५०-७
विश्वामित्राय धर्मेण ददौ धर्मपुरस्कृतम् |

Even the Ritvik-s, the administrators of that Vedic-ritual, of the great souled king Janaka arrived with post-haste taking holy waters, and they have ritualistically offered that sanctified water to Vishvamitra. [1-50-7b, 8a]

7b, 8a. mahaatmaanaH = of the great-souled one – Janaka’s; R^itvijaH api = administrators of Vedic-ritual, even; satvaram = with haste; arghyam aadaaya = on taking water; dharma[mantra]puraskR^itam = in view of [ritualistically] ritual [sanctified] ; dharmeNa vishvaamitraaya dadau = ritually offered to Vishvamitra.

Verse 8b & 9a

प्रतिगृह्य तु तां पूजां जनकस्य महात्मनः || १-५०-८
पप्रच्छ कुशलं राज्ञो यज्ञस्य च निरामयम् |

On receiving that veneration from the great souled Janaka, Vishvamitra asked after the well-being of the king Janaka, as well about the unhindered proceedings of that Vedic-ritual. [1-50-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. mahaatmanaH janakasya = of great-souled Janaka’s; taam puujaam pratigR^ihya = on receiving that veneration; Vishvamitra; raaj~naH kushalam = king’s [Janaka’s,] well-being; yaj~nasya niraamayam ca = without hindrance [unhindered proceedings] of Vedic-ritual, also; papracCha = asked after.

Verse 9b & 10a

स तांश्चाथ मुनीन् पृष्ट्वा सोपाध्यायपुरोधसः || १-५०-९
यथार्हमृषिभिः सर्वैः समागच्छत् प्रहृष्टवत् |

Then Vishvamitra asked after the well-being of saints, mentors, clerics, as befitting to their order, and joined the company of all of the sages as a happy-souled sage. [1-50-9b, 10a]

9b, 10a. saH = he – Vishvamitra; sopaadhyaayapurodhasaH taan muniin = those saints with mentors, clerics; yathaarham = = as befitting; [kushalam] pR^iSTvaa = [well-being] on asking after; atha = then; prahR^iSTavat = as a happy-soul; sarvaiH R^iSibhiH samaagacChat = joined them with all sages.

Verse 10b & 11a

अथ राजा मुनिश्रेष्ठं कृताञ्जलिरभाषत || १-५०-१०
आसने भगवानास्तां सहैभिर्मुनिसत्तमैः |

The king Janaka adjoining his palms then spoke to that eminent-sage Vishvamitra, “oh, reverend sage, please be seated on this high seat, along with these eminent saints in their respective seats.” Thus Janaka spoke to Vishvamitra [1-50-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. atha = then; raajaa kR^itaanjaliH = king, with palm-fold; munishreSTham abhaaSata = spoke to eminent-sage Vishvamitra; bhagavaan = oh reverend sage – Vishvamitra; ebhiH munisattamaiH saha = along with these eminent saints; aasane aastaam = be seated in seat – please be seated on a high seat.

Verse 11b & 12a

जनकस्य वचः श्रुत्वा निषसाद महामुनिः || १-५०-११
पुरोधा ऋत्विजश्चैव राजा च सह मंत्रिभिः |

On hearing the words of Janaka that great-sage Vishvamitra took his seat, and king Janaka also took seat along with his royal priest Shataananda, and the administrators of that Vedic-ritual, namely Ritvik-s, and along with his ministers. [1-50-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. janakasya vacaH shrutvaa = on hearing Janaka’s words; mahaamuniH = great-sage Vishvamitra; niSasaada = sat down [took his seat]; purodhaa R^itvijaH caiva = [royal] priest Shataananda, administers of Vedic-ritual, Ritvik-s, also thus; mantribhiH saha = along with ministers ; raajaa ca = king, also – took seat.

Verse 12b & 13a

आसनेषु यथान्यायमुपविष्टान् समन्ततः || १-५०-१२
दृष्ट्वा स नृपतिस्तत्र विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत् |

On beholding all of them seated all about in their respective seats as demanded by procedure king Janaka then spoke to Vishvamitra. [1-50-12b, 13a]

12b, 13a. atha = then; saH nR^ipatiH = he, the king [Janaka]; tatra = there; samantataH = all about; yathaanyaayam = according to procedure [procedurally]; aasaneSu upaviSTaan = who are sitting in seats; dR^iSTvaa = on beholding; vishvaamitram abraviit = spoke to Vishvamitra.

Verse 13b & 14a

अद्य यज्ञसमृद्धिर्मे सफला दैवतैः कृता || १-५०-१३
अद्य यज्ञफलं प्राप्तं भगवद्दर्शनान्मया |

Today my Vedic ritual is enriched with your advent, whereby I deem that gods have fructified the ritual. Let the ritual be like that. I deem that I have obtained the fruit of the ritual just on seeing godlike you here today. [1-50-13b, 14a]

13b, 14a. adya = today; me yaj~nasamR^iddhiH = my, Vedic-ritual is enriched; saphalaa = with fruit – as a fructified one; daivataiH kR^itaa = effectuated by gods – gods fructified the ritual; adya = today; bhagavaddarshanaat = on viewing at god [godlike you] ; mayaa yaj~naphalam praaptam = fruit [outcome] of Vedic-ritual [deemed to have been] obtained by me.

Verse 14b & 15a

धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि यस्य मे मुनिपुङ्गव || १-५०-१४
यज्ञोपसदनं ब्रह्मन् प्राप्तोऽसि मुनिभिः सह |

Oh, Brahman, at which Vedic-ritual hall you have arrived along with so many sages that happens to be mine, whereby, oh, eminent saint, I feel that I am honoured and hallowed. [1-50-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. munipungava = oh eminent sage; brahman = oh Brahman; munibhiH saha = along with [so many] sages; yasya me = to which [ritual hall,] mine; yaj~nopasadanam = to Vedic-ritual hall; praaptaH asi = you have arrived; such as I am; dhanyaH asmi anugR^ihiitaH asmi = honoured, I am, hallowed, I am.

Verse 15b & 16a

द्वादशाहं तु ब्रह्मर्षे दीक्षामाहुर्मनीषिणः || १-५०-१५
ततो भागार्थिनो देवान् द्रष्टुमर्हसि कौशिक |

“Oh, Brahma-sage, the scholarly Ritvik-s conducting my Vedic-ritual are saying that only twelve more days are remaining to complete the observation of ritual-pledge, and then oh, Kaushika, it will be apt of you to see the gods who arrive at the conclusion of this Vedic-ritual expecting their due in the ritual.” So said king Janaka to Vishvamitra. [1-50-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. brahmarSe = oh Brahma-sage; maniiSiNaH = scholars; dvaadashaaham tu = twelve days, only; diikShaam = ritual-pledge; [sheSam = remaining]; aahuH = they are saying; kaushika = oh Kaushika; tataH bhaagaarthinaH devaan = then [after those twelve days,] gods – desirers of their due; draSTum arhasi = apt of you to see.

Verse 16b & 17a

इत्युक्त्वा मुनिशार्दूलं प्रहृष्टवदनस्तदा || १-५०-१६
पुनस्तं परिपप्रच्छ प्रांजलिः प्रयतो नृपः |

On speaking to that tigerly sage Vishvamitra in this way, the king again asked the sage pointedly and inquisitively with adjoined palms and with a gladdened face. [1-50-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. nR^ipaH = king; munishaarduulam iti uktvaa = on saying to the tigerly sage in this way; tadaa prahR^iSTavadanaH = then, with gladdened face; praanjaliH prayataH = palms-enfolded, inquisitively; punaH tam paripapracCha = again, pointedly asked him [Vishvamitra] .

Verse 17b, 18 & 19

इमौ कुमारौ भद्रं ते देवतुल्यपराक्रमौ || १-५०-१७
गजसिंहगती वीरौ शार्दूलवृषभोपमौ |
पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षौ खड्गतूणीधनुर्धरौ |
अश्विनाविव रूपेण समुपस्थितयौवनौ || १-५०-१८
यदृच्छयैव गां प्राप्तौ देवलोकादिवामरौ |
कथं पद्भ्यामिह प्राप्तौ किमर्थं कस्य वा मुने || १-५०-१९

These two youngsters, oh, sage, let safety betide you, striding like audacious elephants and arrogant lions, bearing a similitude to adventurous tigers and adamantine bulls, and wielding quivers, swords, and bows, are valorous with their valour matching that of Vishnu, and with their eyes broad like lotus-petals and with youthfulness in the offing they look like the exceptionally beautiful twin-gods, Ashwin-brothers, by their physique. How these two have footslogged and chanced here as though immortals have chanced on earth from the abode of gods at their pleasure? What for they have come here, and whose scions are they? [1-50-17b, 18, 19]

17b, 18, 19. mune = oh saint; te bhadram = you, be safe; devatulyaparaakramau = matching with god Vishnu in valour; gajasimhagatii = with strides of [like audacious] elephant, [like arrogant] lion; viirau = two valorous ones; shaarduulavR^iSabhopamau= in similitude to [adventurous] tiger, [adamantine] Holy Bull; padmapatravishaalaakSau = broad eyed like lotus petal; khaDgatuuNiidhanurdharau = wielding sword, quiver and bow; ruupeNa ashvinau iva = by physique like Ashwin the Twin-god brothers; samupasthitayauvanau = in the offing youthfulness; devalokaat = from gods’ abode; yadR^icChayaa iva = as if at their pleasure; gaam praaptau = chanced on earth; amarau = deathless, immortals; iva = as if like; imau kumaarau = these, youngsters; iha = here, to this place; padbhyaam = with two feet – by footslogging; katham = how; kim artham = what, for; praaptau = how, they chanced; kasya vaa = whose [scions,] are they.

Verse 23, 24 & 25

सिद्धाश्रमनिवासं च राक्षसानां वधं तथा |
तत्रागमनमव्यग्रं विशालायाश्च दर्शनम् || १-५०-२३
अहल्यादर्शनं चैव गौतमेन समागमम् |
महाधनुषि जिज्ञासां कर्तुमागमनं तथा || १-५०-२४
एतत्सर्वं महातेजा जनकाय महात्मने |
निवेद्य विररामाथ विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः || १-५०-२५

The highly resplendent great-saint Vishvamitra has informed the high souled Janaka about the coming of Rama and Lakshmana to the Hermitage of Accomplishment, their stopping over there and elimination of demons at that place, their indefatigable travel along with him, beholding City of Vishaala, seeing Ahalya, her reuniting with Sage Gautama, likewise their coming hitherward to gain a grasp of great bow of Shiva. On informing all these incidents to Janaka as well as to Shataananda, who incidentally is the son of Ahalya, sage Vishvamitra paused. [1-50-23, 24, 25]

23. mahaatejaaH mahaamuniH vishvaamitraH = great-resplendent one, great-saint, Vishvamitra; siddhaashramanivaasam ca = stopover in Accomplishment Hermitage, also; tathaa = like that; raakSasaanaam vadham = elimination of demons; avyagram tatra aagamanam = to coming there indefatigably – travelling with him; vishaalaayaaH darshanam ca = beholding City of Vishaala, also; ahalyaadarshanam ca eva = seeing Ahalya, also thus; gautamena samaagamam = [Ahalya’s] reuniting with Gautama; tathaa = = likewise; mahaadhanuSi = of great bow [of Shiva]; jij~naasaam kartum = to know about – to have a grasp of it; aagamanam = coming [hitherward]; etat sarvam = all this; mahaatmane janakaaya = to great-souled, Janaka; nivedya = on submitting – on informing; viraraama = then, [he Vishvamitra] paused.

Verse 20, 21

वरायुधधरौ वीरौ कस्य पुत्रौ महामुने |
भूषयन्ताविमं देशं चन्द्रसूर्याविवाम्बरम् || १-५०-२०
परस्परस्य सदृशौ प्रमाणेङ्गितचेष्टितैः |
काकपक्षधरौ वीरौ श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः || १-५०-२१

Oh, great-saint, whose sons are these two valiant youngsters who are brandishing best weapons? They are embellishing this province as the Sun and Moon doeth the sky. Each to each they are clonal by postural-language, by facial-language and by body language. They appear valorous but boyish in their appearance, as their curls are still jet-black like crow-wings. Thus, whether they are immature by age though mature by their valour or so, I wish to listen about them in actuality. [1-50-20, 21]

20, 21. mahaamune = oh great-saint; varaayudhadharau viirau = brandishing best weapons, valiant ones; kasya putrau = whose, sons are they; candrasuuryau ambaram iva = as with Moon, Sun, [brightening the] sky; imam desham bhuuSayantau = they are embellishing this province; pramaaNengitaceSTitaiH = by postural [language] facial [language,] and by body [language]; parasparasya sadR^ishau = clonal to each to each; kaakapakSadharau = wearing crow wing [similar jet-black curls] ; viirau = about valorous ones; tattvataH shrotum icChaami = I wish to listen in actuality.

Verse 22

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा जनकस्य महात्मनः |
न्यवेदयदमेयात्मा पुत्रौ दशरथस्य तौ || १-५०-२२

On hearing the words of great-souled Janaka, Vishvamitra whose anima is immeasurable, has announced that those two as the sons of king Dasharatha. [1-50-22]

22. mahaatmanaH tasya janakasya tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing that sentence of his great-souled Janaka ; ameyaatmaa = not measurable souled [anima having, Vishvamitra]; tau = them two – Rama, Lakshmana; dasharathasya putrau = as Dasharatha’s, sons; nyavedayat = submitted – announced.

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