5 – Sri Rama recollects the lotus-eyed Seetha


Rama recollects the lotus-eyed Seetha and laments much about his separation from her Lakshmana consoles him and there approaches the sun-set.

Verse 1

सा तु नीलेन विधिवत् स्वारक्षा सुसमाहिता |
सागरस्य उत्तरे तीरे साधु सेना विनिएशिता || ६-५-१

That famous army, well-protected by Neela, was kept stationed nicely at the northern shore of the ocean.

1. saa = that army; saa = he famous one; vidhivat = duly; svaarakSaa = well-protected; niilena = by Neela; viniveshitaa = was kept stationed; saadhu = well; uttare tiire = at the northern shore; saagarasya = of the ocean.

Verse 2

मैन्दः च द्विविधः च उभौ तत्र वानर पुम्गवौ |
विचेरतुः च ताम् सेनाम् रक्षा अर्थम् सर्वतो दिशम् || ६-५-२

Both Maina and Dvivida the distinguished monkeys there moved in all directions through that army, for the purpose of vigilance.

2. ubhau = both; maindaH ca = Maina; dvividashcaiva = and Divida; vaanara pumgavau = the distinguished; tatra = there monkeys; viceratuH = moved; sarvato disham = in all directions; taam senaam = in that army; rakSaa artham = for the purpose of vigilance.

Verse 3

निविष्टायाम् तु सेनायाम् तीरे नद नदी पतेः |
पार्श्वस्थम् लक्ष्मणम् दृष्ट्वा रामो वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ६-५-३

After the army was settled at the sea-shore, Rama spoke to Lakshmana who was by his side (as follows):

3. senaayaam = (after) the army; niviSTaayaam = was settled; tiire = at the shore; nada nadii pate = of the sea; raamaH = Rama; abraviit = spoke; vachanam = these words; dR^iSTvaa = seeing; lakshmaNam = Lakshmana; paarshvastham = at his side.

Verse 4

शोकः च किल कालेन गच्चता हि अपगच्चति |
मम च अपश्यतः कान्ताम् अहनि अहनि वर्धते || ६-५-४

“It is so said that sorrow gets vanished at the passing of time. But my agony of not seeing my beloved is getting increased every day.”

4. kila = It is so said; shokaH = (that) sorrow; apagachchhati = gets vanished; gachchhataaa = at the passing; kaalena = of time; mama cha = but my agony; apashyataH = of not seeing kaantaam = my beloved; vardhate = is getting increased; ahanyahani = day n and day out.

Verse 5

न मे दुह्खम् प्रिया दूरे न मे दुह्खम् हृता इति च |
तद् एव अनुशोचामि वयो अस्या हि अतिवर्तते || ६-५-५

“There is no anguish for me that my beloved is at a distance, nor that she was taken away. Her age is indeed passing away. Only about this, I am repenting.”

5. na = no; duHkham = anguish; me = to me;; priyaa = (that) my beloved; duure = is at a distance; na = No; duHkham = anguish; me = to me; hR^iteti cha = tat she was taken away; asyaaH = Her; vayaH = age; ativartate hi = is indeed passing away; amshochaami = I am repenting; eetadeva = only about this.

Verse 6

वाहि वात यतः कन्या ताम् स्पृष्ट्वा माम् अपि स्पृश |
त्वयि मे गात्र संस्पर्शः चन्द्रे दृष्टि समागमः || ६-५-६

“Oh, wind! Flow from the side of my beloved. Touch her and touch me too. It is through you that I get a contact of her limbs. It is through moon that I get a contact of her eyes.”

6. vaata = Oh; wind!; vaahi = flow; yataH = from which side; kaantaa = is my beloved; spR^iSTvaa = touch; taam = her; spR^isha = (and) touch; maam api = me too; gaatra sparshaH = contact of her limb; me = to me; tvayi = is obtained through you; dR^iSTisamaagamaH = contact of our eyes; chandre = is through moon.”

Verse 7

तन् मे दहति गात्राणि विषम् पीतम् इव आशये |
हा नाथ इति प्रिया सा माम् ह्रियमाणा यद् अब्रवीत् || ६-५-७

“That darling being carried away; might have cried “Oh, Lord!” Seeking for help. That thought is like poison gulped by me, hovering in my stomach and scorching my limbs.”

7. saa priyaa = that darling; hriyamaaNaa = being carried away; abraviit iti yat = might have cried; haa naathaa iti = Oh; Lord (seeking for help); tat = It; viSam iva = is like poison; piitam = gulped (by me); aashaye = and hovering in my stomach; dahati = scorching; me = my; gaatraaNi = limbs.

Verse 8

तद् वियोग इन्धनवता तच् चिन्ता विपुल अर्चिषा |
रात्रिम् दिवम् शरीरम् मे दह्यते मदन अग्निना || ६-५-८

“My body is scorching night and day, by the fire of passion, holding fuel of my separation from her and my thoughts of her flaring into shimmering flames.”

8. me = My; shariiram = body; dahyate = is scorching; raatrim divam = night and day; madanaagninaa = by the fire of passion; tadviyogendhana vataa = holding fuel of my separation from her; tacchintaavimalarchiSaa = and my thoughts of her flaring up into shimmering flames.

Verse 9

अवगाह्य अर्णवम् स्वप्स्ये सौमित्रे भवता विना |
कथंचित् प्रज्वलन् कामः समासुप्तम् जले दहेत् || ६-५-९

“Oh, Lakshmana! Diving deep into the sea without you, I shall fall asleep. This flaming passion will not thus scorch me, lying down in water.

9. saumitre = OH; Lakshmana!; avagaahya = going deep into; aarNavam = the sea; bhavataa vina = without you; svapasye = I shall fall asleep; prajvalan = flaming; kaamaH = passion; na dahet = will not scorch; maam = me; evam cha = thus; suptam = sleeping; jale = in water.

Verse 10

बह्व् एतत् कामयानस्य शक्यम् एतेन जीवितुम् |
यद् अहम् सा च वाम ऊरुर् एकाम् धरणिम् आश्रितौ || ६-५-१०

“It is enough for me, who is passionate, that Seetha with charming thighs and myself are resting on one the same earth and on this fact I am able to survive.”

10. etat = this; bahu = is great thing; kaamayaanasya = for me who is passionate; iti yat = that; aham = I; saa vaamoruuH = and that Seetha; with charming thighs aashritau = are resting; ekaam = on one and the same; dharaNim = earth; shakyam = I am able; jiivitum = to survive; etena = on this fact.

Verse 11

केदारस्य इव केदारः स उदकस्य निरूदकः |
उपस्नेहेन जीवामि जीवन्तीम् यत् शृणोमि ताम् || ६-५-११

“Even as a paddy-field without water survives, by getting wet from a neighboring paddy-field under water, I also survive since I am hearing her as surviving.

11. yat = that; shruNomi = I am hearing; taam = her; jiivantiim = as surviving; jiivaami = I also survive; kedaaraH iva = as a paddy-field; niruudakaH = without water (survives); upasnehena = getting wet; kedaarasya = by another paddy-field; sodakasya = under water.

Verse 12

कदा तु खलु सुस्शोणीम् शत पत्र आयत ईक्षणाम् |
विजित्य शत्रून् द्रक्ष्यामि सीताम् स्फीताम् इव श्रियम् || ६-५-१२

“When shall I behold Seetha with charming hips, having long lotus-like eyes flourishing as prosperity, by conquering the enemies?”

12. kadaa khalu = when; drakshhyaami = shall I see; siitaam = Seetha; shushroNiim = with charming hips; shata patraayatekshhaNaam = having long lotus-like eyes; sphiitaam = flourishing; shriyamiva = as prosperity; vijitya = by conquering; shatruun = the enemies.

Verse 13

कदा नु चारु बिम्ब ओष्ठम् तस्याः पद्मम् इव आननम् |
ईषद् उन्नम्य पास्यामि रसायनम् इव आतुरः || ६-५-१३

“When, gently raising her face looking like louts, with its beautiful teeth and lips, shall I drink as a sick man the sovereign drink of remedy?”

13. kadaa = when; unnamya = raising; iishhat = a little; tasyaaH = her; aananam = face; padmamiva = looking like louts; suchaarudantoshhTham = with its beautiful teeth and lips; paasyaami = shall I drink; rasaayanamiva = as a sovereign drink of remedy; aaturaH = by a sick man?”

Verse 14

तौ तस्याः सम्हतौ पीनौ स्तनौ ताल फल उपमौ |
कदा नु खलु स उत्कम्पौ हसन्त्या माम् भजिष्यतः || ६-५-१४

“When will those breasts which are delightful close, bulging and quivering, looking like palmary fruits, indeed press me?”

14. khalu = when will; tau = those; stanau = breasts; hasantyaaH = which are delightful; sahitau = close; piinau = bulging; sotkampau = and quivering; taalaphalopamau = looking like Palmyra fruits; bhajishhyathaH nu = indeed press; maam = me?

Verse 15

सा नूनम् असित अपान्गी रक्षो मध्य गता सती |
मन् नाथा नाथ हीना इव त्रातारम् न अधिगच्चति || ६-५-१५

“She, with dark-cornered eyes, who has fallen into the midst of demons, is surely not getting any defender, she resembling an orphan, though I am her support.”

15. saa = she; asitaapaaN^gii = with dark-cornered eyes; rakshhomadhyagataa satii = who has fallen in the middle of ogres; mannaathaa = though I am her support; nuunam = is certainly; naadhigachchhati = not getting; traataaram = any defender; naatha hiinena = resembling an orphan.

Verse 16

कदा विक्षोभ्य रक्षांसि सा विधूय उत्पतिष्यति |
राक्षसीमध्यगा शेते स्नुषा दशरथस्य च || ६-५-१६

“How Seetha the daughter of King Janaka, my darling and Dasaratha’s daughter-in-law is sleeping among ogresses?”

16. katham = how; janakaraajasya duhitaa = Seetha; the daughter of king Janaka; mama cha = my; priyaa = darling; dasharathasya cha = and Dasaratha’s; snushhaa = daughter-in-law; shete = is sleeping; raakshhasiimadhyagaa = in the midst of ogresses?

Verse 17

अविक्षोभ्याणि रक्षांसि सा विधूयोत्पतिष्यति |
विधूय जलदान् नीलान् शशि लेखा शरत्स्व् इव || ६-५-१७

“Seetha will come out, driving away (through my force) the unassailable demons, as driving away black clouds by a digit of the moon, in autumn.”

17. saa = Seetha; utpatishhyati = will come out; vidhuuya = driving away (through my force) avikshhobhyaaNi = the unassailable; rakshhaamsi = demons; vidhuuya = as driving away; niilaan = black; jaladaan = clouds; shasilekhaa = by a digit of the moon; sharat su = in autumn.

Verse 18

स्वभाव तनुका नूनम् शोकेन अनशनेन च |
भूयस् तनुतरा सीता देश काल विपर्ययात् || ६-५-१८

“Seetha, who by nature is slender, will undoubtedly become leaner further because of her anguish, her abstinence from food and her adverse position of time and place.”

18. siitaa = Seetha; svabhaavatanukaa = who; by nature is slender; nuunam = will undoubtedly; bhuuyaH = further; tanutaraa = become more lean; shokena = because of anguish; anashanena = abstinence from food; desha kaalaviparyayaat = and adverse position of time and place.

Verse 19

कदा नु राक्षस इन्द्रस्य निधाय उरसि सायकान् |
सीताम् प्रत्याहरिष्यामि शोकम् उत्सृज्य मानसम् || ६-५-१९

“When shall I bring back Seetha, having lodged arrows in Ravana’s chest and having abandoned this mental agony?”

19. kadaam = when; pratyaharishhyaami = shall I bring back; siitaam = Seetha; nidhaaya = having lodged; saayakaan = arrows; raakshasendrasya = in Ravana’s urasi = chest; utsR^ijya = and having abandoned; maanasam = (this) mental; shokam = agony?

Verse 20

कदा नु खलु माम् साध्वी सीता अमर सुता उपमा |
स उत्कण्ठा कण्ठम् आलम्ब्य मोक्ष्यति आनन्दजम् जलम् || ६-५-२०

“When indeed Seetha the virtuous lady similar to the child of a celestial, with an excited longing, will embrace my neck and release tears of joy?”

20. kadaa khalu = when indeed shall; siitaa = Seetha; saadhvii = the virtuous woman; surasutopamaa = similar to the child of a celestial; sotkaNThaa = with an excited longing; aalambya = embrace; me = my; kaNTham = neck; mokshhyati nu = (and) will release; jalam = tears; aanandajam = begotten of joy?

Verse 21

कदा शोकम् इमम् घोरम् मैथिली विप्रयोगजम् |
सहसा विप्रमोक्ष्यामि वासः शुक्ल इतरम् यथा || ६-५-२१

“When shall I thrillingly abandon this terrible anguish, born out of my separation from Seetha so soon, as we abandon a soiled clothing?”

21. kadaa = when; vipramokshhyaami nu = shall I thrillingly abandon; imam = this; ghoram = terrible; shokam = anguish; maithiliiviprayogajam = born out of my separation from; sahasaa = so Seetha soon; shukletaram vaasam yathaa = as (abandoning) a soiled clothing?

Verse 22

एवम् विलपतस् तस्य तत्र रामस्य धीमतः |
दिन क्षयान् मन्द वपुर् भास्करो अस्तम् उपागमत् || ६-५-२२

While that sagacious Rama was lamenting thus there, the sun, the weak-rayed due to day-decline, approached the dusk.

22. tasya = (while) that; dhiimataH = sagacious; raamasya = Rama; vilapataH = was lamenting; tatra = there; evam- = thus; bhaaskaraH = sun; mandavapuH = sun; dinakshhayaat = due to day-decline; astam upaagataH = approached dusk.

Verse 23

आश्वासितो लक्ष्मणेन रामः संध्याम् उपासत |
स्मरन् कमल पत्र अक्षीम् सीताम् शोक आकुली कृतः || ६-५-२३

Lakshmana consoled Rama who was overwhelmed with anguish, duly recollecting the lotus-eyed Seetha. Thereafter, Rama worshipped the evening-twilight.

23. aashvaasitaH = consoled; lakshmaNena = by Lakshmana; raamaH = Rama; shokaakuliikR^itaH = made overcome by anguish; smarau = recollecting; siitaam = Seetha; kamelapatraakshhiim = the lotus-eyes; upaasataH = worshipped; sandhyaam = the evening-twilight.

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