5 – Hermitage of Sage Sharabhanga


Rama after killing demon Viradha enters the hermitage of Sage Sharabhanga, as advised by the dying demon Viradha in the previous episode. Sage Sharabhanga refuses the invitation of Indra to come to heaven, but awaits the arrival of Rama to see him with his own eyes. After seeing Rama, Seetha and Lakshmana, and also showing next course of their journey, that Sage enters the yogic fire and ascends to Brahma’s abode.

Verse 1

हत्वा तु तम् भीम बलम् विराधम् राक्षसम् वने |
ततः सीताम् परिष्वज्य समाश्वास्य च वीर्यवान् || ३-५-१
अब्रवीत् भ्रातरम् रामो लक्ष्मणम् दीप्त तेजसम् |

After killing that stupendously mighty demon Viradha in forest, then Rama comfortingly embraced Seetha, and spoke to his brother Lakshmana who is beaming forth with resplendence. [3-5-1]

1. viiryavaan = courageous Rama; bhiima balam raakshasam tam viraadham vane hatvaa = stupendously, mighty, demon, that, Viradha, in forest, on killing; tataH siithaam parishvajya = then, Seetha, on embracing; samaasvaasya cha = comforting her, also; diipta tejasam bhraataram lakshmanam abraviit = to one beaming, with resplendence, to brother, to Lakshmana, said.

Verse 2

कष्टम् वनम् इदम् दुर्गम् न च स्मो वन गोचराः || ३-५-२
अभिगच्छामहे शीघ्रम् शरभङ्गम् तपो धनम् |

“Difficult is this impassable forest, nor we are forest inhabitants either… let’s go quickly to that ascetically rich sage Sharabhanga…” [3-5-2b, 3a]

2b, 3a. idam dur gam vanam kaSTam = this, impassable, forest, is causing difficulties; na cha vana gocharaaH smaH = not, also, forest inhabitants, we are; shiighram tapaH dhanam sharabhangam abhi gacChaamahe = quickly, in ascesis, wealthy, to Sharabhanga, we will go.

Verse 3 & 4

आश्रमम् शरभन्गस्य राघवोऽभिजगाम ह || ३-५-३
तस्य देव प्रभावस्य तपसा भावित आत्मनः |
समीपे शरभंगस्य ददर्श महत् अद्भुतम् ||३-५-४

On his approach at the hermitage of Sage Sharabhanga, a sage with a divine effect and the one with a purified soul, saw a great wonder at the nearby of that hermitage of Sharabhanga.[3-5-3b, 4]

3b, 4. raaghavaH sharabhangansya aashramam abhijagaama ha = Rama, of Sharabhanga, to hermitage, approached, indeed; tasya deva prabhaavasya = one who has divine, effect ; tapasaa = by ascesis; bhaavita aatmanaH = purified, soul; tasya sharabhangasya samiipe mahat adbhutam dadarsha = at his, [hermitage’s,] nearby, great, wonder, has seen.

Verse 5 & 6

विभ्राजमानम् वपुषा सूर्य वैश्वानर प्रभम् |
रथ प्रवरम् आरूढम् आकाशे विबुध अनुगम् || ३-५-५
असंस्पृशन्तम् वसुधाम् ददर्श विबुध ईश्वरम् |
संप्रभ आभरणम् देवम् विरजो अंबर धारिणम् || ३-५-६
तत् विधैः एव बहुभिर् पूज्यमानम् महात्मभिः |

Rama has seen Indra, the lord of three worlds, with a radiant body that has the coupled radiance of Sun and Fire, mounted on a great chariot that does not touch the earth, wearing greatly brilliant ornaments and attired in spotless dress, while the other divinities are attending, and many more selfsame great-souls are worshipping him. [3-5-5, 6, 7a]

5, 6, 7a. aaakaashe = in sky; ratha pravaram aaruuDham = chariot, the great, mounted on; a samspR^ishantam vasudhaam = without, touching, earth; vibudha vapushaa vibhraajamaanam = with body, radiant; suurya vaishvanara prabham = Sun, Fire, in radiance; anugam = divinities, attending him; sam prabha aabharaNam = one who has greatly, brilliant, ornaments; vi rajaH ambara dhaariNam = without, dirt [spotless,] cloths, clad in; tat vidhiaH eva = that, sort of, only; bahubhiH= many more; puujamaanaam mahaatmabhiH = adored, by great souls; devam vibudha iishvaram dadarsha = lord of three worlds, Indra, is seen.

Verse 7 & 8

हरितैः वाजिभिर् युक्तम् अंतरिक्ष गतम् रथम् || ३-५-७
ददर्श अदूरतः तस्य तरुण आदित्य संनिभम् |
पाण्डुर अभ्र घन प्रख्यम् चन्द्र मण्डल संनिभम् || ३-५-८

Rama saw at his very nearby a chariot yoked with green horses that traverses in firmament, which in its splendour is either like the noontime sun, or a cluster of silver clouds, or like the silvern sphere of the moon. [3-5-7b, 8]

7b, 8. tasya a duurataH haritaiH vaajibhiH yuktam = his, not, distantly [very nearby,] green, horses, yoked with; taruNa aaditya sannibham = noontime, sun, like in shine; paaNDuura abhra ghana prakhyam = white, clouds, cluster, similar to; chandra maNDala sannibham = moon’s, sphere, akin to; antariksha gatam ratham = in firmament, traversing, chariot [of Indra] [raamaH] dadarsha = Rama, saw.

Verse 9 & 10a

अपश्यत् विमलम् छत्रम् चित्र माल्य उपशोभितम् |
चामर व्यजने च अग्र्ये रुक्म दण्डे महाधने || ३-५-९
गृहीते वर नारीभ्याम् धूयमाने च मूर्धनि |

He saw the stainless parasol of Indra, marvellously garlanded and shining forth, and the exemplary and invaluable royal fanning instruments with golden handles, which two best female celestials are handling and fanning at Indra’s head sides with them. [3-5-9, 10a]

9, 10a. apashyat vi malam Chatram = saw, without stain, parasol [imperial umbrella]; chitra maalya upashobhitam = marvellously, with garlands, shining forth; chaamara vyajane cha = chamara, [the royal fanning instruments,] also; agrye = exemplary; rukma daNDe = with golden, handles; mahaadhane = invaluable ones; gR^ihiite vara nariibhyaam = taking [handling,] best, females; dhuumayaane cha = fanning, also; muurdhani = at head side [of Indra.]

Verse 10b & 11a

गन्धर्व अमर सिद्धाः च बहवः परम ऋषयः || ३-५-१०
अन्तरिक्ष गतम् देवम् गीर्भिर् अग्र्याभिर् ऐडियन् |

And the celestials like gandharva-s, amara-s, siddhaa-s and very many great sages as well are extolling Indra who is abiding in firmament. [3-5-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. gandharva amara siddhaas cha = gandharva-s, amara-s, siddha-s, [the celestial beings,] also; bahavaH parama R^ishayaH = many, great, sages; antariksha gatam devam = in firmament, staying, deity [ Indra]; giirbhiH agryaabhiH aiDayan = with hymns, best ones, extolling.

Verse 11b & 12a

सह संभाषमाणे तु शरभंगेन वासवे || ३-५-११
दृष्ट्वा शत क्रतुम् तत्र रामो लक्ष्मणम् अब्रवीत् |

On seeing Indra speaking there to sage Sharabhanga, Rama spoke to Lakshmana. [3-5-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. tatra = there; vaasave = Indra; saha sambhaaSamaaNe tu = with, while talking to; sharabhangena = with Sharabhanga; dR^iSTvaa shata kratum = on seeing, hundred, rituals, [ of, viz. Indra]; Rama; lakshmanam = to Lakshmana; abraviit = spoke.

Verse 12b & 13

रामोऽथ रथम् उद्दिश्य भ्रातुर् दर्शयत अद्भुतम् || ३-५-१२
अर्चिष्मन्तम् श्रिया जुष्टम् अद्भुतम् पश्य लक्ष्मण |
प्रतपन्तम् इव आदित्यम् अन्तरिक्ष गतम् रथम् || ३-५-१३

Rama then on pointing out the chariot expressed his own amazement saying, “Lakshmana see this wonderful chariot that includes effulgence and auspiciousness as well, and that abides in firmament, and highly luminous like the Sun… [3-5-12b, 13]

12b, 13. Rama; atha = then; ratham uddishya = then, chariot, on pointing out; adbhutam lakshmanaaya pradarshayan = his amazement, to Lakshmana, on showing; oh, Lakshmana; archiSmantam shriyaa juSTam adbhutam = effulgence, auspiciousness, included, wonderful; pratapantam iva aadityam = highly luminous, like, the Sun; antariksha gatam ratham = in firmament, abiding, that chariot; pashya = you see.

Verse 14

ये हयाः पुरु हूतस्य पुरा शक्रस्य नः श्रुताः |
अन्तरिक्ष गता दिव्याः ते इमे हरयो ध्रुवम् || ३-५-१४

“Of which horses we have earlier heard from our teachers telling that they belong to Indra, the Chief Invitee in Vedic rituals, they are these divinely green horses that now abide in the firmament, and definitely these must be Indra’s horses… [3-5-14]

14. puru huutasya = Chief, Invitee, [in rituals, Indra]; Shakrasya = of Indra; ye hayaaH = those, horses; naH shrutaa = we, heard of; te harayoH = th0se, green horses; antariiksha gatta = in firmament, abiding; divyaaH ime = divine, they, dhruvam = definitely.

Verse 15, 16 & 17

इमे च पुरुष व्याघ्र ये तिष्ठन्ति अभितः दिशम् |
शतम् शतम् कुण्डलिनो युवानः खड्ग पाणयः || ३-५-१५
विस्तीर्ण विपुल उरस्काः परिघायत बाहवः |
शोणांशु वसनाः सर्वे व्याघ्र इव दुरासदाः || ३-५-१६
उरो देशेषु सर्वेषाम् हारा ज्वलन संनिभाः |
रूपम् बिभ्रति सौमित्रे पंच विंशति वार्षिकम् || ३-५-१७

“And oh, manly-tiger Lakshmana, those that are there in hundreds and hundreds around Indra, those youthful ones with their ear-ornaments and swords in hands, with wide and broad chests, with club shaped arms, and clad in glimmering red garments, all are like tigers, all are unapproachable, all of them are wearing ornamental chains on their chest-place that are akin to flaring fires, and in their appearance, Soumitri, they always bear a look of twenty-five-year-olds… [3-5-15, 16, 17]

15, 16, 17. puruSa vyaaghraH = oh, manly-tiger; Soumitri; disham abhitaH = quarters [here Indra – Indra is all quarters,] around; ye shatam shatam = those, hundreds, hundreds; kuNDalinaH khaDga paaNayaH = with ear-ornaments, swords, in hands; vistiirNa vipula uraskaa = wide, broad, chested ones; parigha aayata baahavaH = round-club, shaped, arms; shoNa amshu vasanaa = red, glimmering, garments; yuvaanaH = youths are there; ime sarve = these, all; vyaaghra iva = all, tiger, like; dur aasadaa = un-approachable ones; sarveshaam = for all of them; uraH desheSu = on chest, place; jvalana sannibhaaH = fire, in similitude; haaraaH = ornamental chains are there; pancha vimshati varshakam = five, and twenty, years of age; ruupam bibhrati = that appearance, they [always] bear.

Verse 18

एतद्धि किल देवानाम् वयो भवति नित्यदा |
यथा इमे पुरुष व्याघ्रा दृश्यन्ते प्रिय दर्शनाः || ३-५-१८

“The age factor of gods remains constant at the age that appears for these nice-looking Tigerly-men, so they say… for gods are immortals and they will be ever young… [3-5-18]

18. priya darshanaH = nice-looking; ime puruSa vyaaghraaH = these, manly-tigers; yathaa dR^ishyante = as to how, they appear now; etat devaanaam vayaH nityadaa bhavati kila = this alone, for gods, age, constantly, remains, they say; [elliptic: for they are immortals and they will be ever young.]

Verse 19

इह एव सह वैदेह्या मुहूर्तम् तिष्ठ लक्ष्मण |
यावत् जानामि अहम् व्यक्तम् क एष द्युतिमान् रथे || ३-५-१९

“Stay for a moment Lakshmana along with Vaidehi, until I know clearly about that resplendent one on that chariot… [3-5-19]

19. iha eva sha vaidehyaa = here, only, with Vaidehi; muhuurtam tiSTa = for a moment, stay; Lakshmana; yaavat jaanaami aham vyaktam = until, know, I shall, clearly; kaH eSa dyutimaan rathe = who is, such, a resplendent one, on chariot.

Verse 20

तम् एवम् उक्त्वा सौमित्रिम् इह एव स्थीयताम् इति |
अभिचक्राम काकुत्स्थः शरभंग आश्रमम् प्रति || ३-५-२०

On saying to Lakshmana stay there only…’ Rama proceeded towards the hermitage of Sage Sharabhanga.. [3-5-20]

20. iha eva sthiiyataam iti = here, only, stay, thus; tam saumitrim evam uktvaa = him, to Soumitri, thus, on saying; kaakutshhaH = Kakustha scion, Rama; sharabhanga; aashramam prati = hermitage, towards abhichakraamaH = proceeded.

Verse 21

ततः समभिगच्छन्तम् प्रेक्ष्य रामम् शची पतिः |
शरभंगम् अनुज्ञाप्य विबुधान् इदम् अब्रवीत् || ३-५-२१

Then, on seeing Rama arriving there, Indra, bade farewell to Sage Sharabhanga and said this to the celestials attending him. [3-5-21]

21. tataH = abhigacchantam = then, arriving there; prekshya raamam = on seeing, Rama; shachii patiH = Shachi’s husband [Indra]; sharabhangam = by Sage Sharabhanga; anuj~naapya = bade farewell to; vibudhaan = to celestials; idam abraviit = this, spoke.

Verse 22 & 23

इह उपयाति असौ रामो यावन् माम् न अभिभाषते |
निष्ठाम् नयत तावत् तु ततो मा द्रष्टुम् अर्हति || ३-५-२२
जितवन्तम् कृतार्थम् हि तदा अहम् अचिराद् इमम् |
कर्म हि अनेन कर्तव्यम् महत् अन्यैः सुदुष्करम् || ३-५-२३

“Here comes that Rama…before he talks to me, you lead him towards his vow, after completing the result of his incarnation, then only he is eligible to see me… Let him be a victorious and accomplished one, then I will see him very soon…for that will happen very soon… A great deed is to be verily performed by him that is highly impossible for others… [3-5-22, 23

22, 23. asau raamaH = that, Rama; iha upayaati = here, he comes; yaavat = until [before]; maam na abhibhaaSate = with me, not, going to talk; taavat = till then; niSTaam na yata = his vow, not, tried – not going to fructify; tataH = there afterwards; maa = me; draSTum arhati = to see, he is eligible; jitavantam kR^ita artham = [when he becomes] victorious one, accomplished one; imam = him; aham = I will; a chiraat = not, long after [very soon]; tadaa = then; [I will see]; anena = by him; mahat = a great work; karma hi = deed, indeed; kartavyam = to be performed; anyaiH = by others; su duSkaram = highly, impossible.

Verse 24

अथ वज्री तम् आमंत्र्य मानयित्वा च तापसम् |
रथेन हय युक्तेन ययौ दिवम् अरिन्दमः || ३-५-२४

Then that Enemy-destroyer Indra adoringly bade farewell to the sage, and travelled to heavens by the chariot with its green horses. [3-5-24]

24. atha = then; arindamaH = enemy-destroyer; vajrii aamantrya = then, Vajra wielder [Indra,] him [that sage,] bade farewell; tam = him; taapasam = the sage [Sharabhanga]; maanayitvaa cha = having adored, also; rathena = by chariot; haya yuktena = horses, with; yayau = travelled; divam = to heavens.

Verse 25

प्रयाते तु सहस्राक्षे राघवः सपरिच्छदः |
अग्नि होत्रम् उपासीनम् शरभंगम् उपागमत् || ३-५-२५

On the transit of that Thousand-eyed Indra, Raghava with his adherents [namely Lakshmana and Seetha,] came nearby the Sage Sharabhanga, who is sitting nearby the altar of fire. [3-5-25]

25. prayaate tu sahasra akshe = on transit of, Thousand-eyed [ Indra]; sa pari cChadaH = with, his [enclosures, attendants] adherents; Raghava; upa aagamat = nearby, came; agnihotram upa aasiinam = fire-alter, nearby, sitting — Sharabhanga.

Verse 26

तस्य पादौ च संगृह्य रामः सीता च लक्ष्मणः |
निषेदुः तद् अनुज्ञाता लब्ध वासा निमंत्रिताः || ३-५-२६

Touching the feet of that Sage Sharabhanga Rama along with Seetha and Lakshmana, and duly permitted and invited by that Sage Sharabhanga they sat there, as they obtained a shelter. [3-5-26]

26. Rama; Seetha; Lakshmana; tasya paadau samgR^ihya = his, feet, on taking to [touching]; labdha vaasaa = obtaining, shelter [say, for that day and for first time]; nimantritaH = invited; samanuj~naataa = permitted; niSeduH = sat down.

Verse 27

ततः शक्र उपयानम् तु पर्यपृच्छत राघवः |
शरभंगः च तत् सर्वम् राघवाय न्यवेदयत् || ३-५-२७

Then, Raghava enquired with sage about the arrival of Indra and Sage Sharabhanga narrated all that to him. [3-5-27]

27. tataH = then; Raghava; shakra upa yaanam pariapR^icChata = about Indra’s, arrival, inquired after; Sharabhanga also; raaghvaaya = to Raghava; tat sarvam = that, all; nyavedayat = narrated.

Verse 28

माम् एष वरदो राम ब्रह्म लोकम् निनीषति |
जितम् उग्रेण तपसा दुष्प्रापम् अकृत आत्मभिः || ३-५-२८

“Oh! Rama, that boon-giver Indra wishes to take me to Brahma’s abode, which is achieved by me by my arduous ascesis and that which is unattainable for them with their souls unconquered… [3-5-28]

28. O, Rama; varadaH eSa = boon-giver, this Indra; ugreNa tapasaa jitam = by arduous, ascesis, won over; a kR^ita aatmabhiH = by unconquered, selves; dusH praapam = unattainable; brahma lokam = to Brahma’s abode; maam = me; niniiSati = wishes to take.

Verse 29

अहम् ज्ञात्वा नर व्याघ्र वर्तमानम् अदूरतः |
ब्रह्म लोकम् न गच्छामि त्वाम् अदृष्ट्वा प्रिय अतिथिम् || ३-५-२९

“On knowing that you are course is nearby, oh! Manly-tiger, and without seeing my dear guest I do not wish to go to Brahma’s abode… [3-5-29]

29. nara vyaaghra = manly tiger; aham = I; priya atithim = dear, guest; j~naatvaa = on knowing; tvaam = you; vartamaanam = [you are] coursing;a duurataH = not, distantly; a dRiSTvaa brahma lokam na gacChaami = without seeing [you,] to Brahma’s abode, I am [not wishing] to go.

Verse 30

त्वया अहम् पुरुषव्याघ्र धार्मिकेण महत्मनाअ |
समागंय गमिष्यामि त्रिदिवम् च अवरम् परम् || ३-५-३०

” Having met with you, a virtuous one and a great soul as you are, oh, manly-tiger, I wish to go through undesirable lesser heavens to Brahma’s abode, the highest [3-5-30]

30. puruSa vyaaghra = manly-tiger; aham = I; dhaarmikeNa = virtuous one; mahaatmanaH = great soul; tvayaa= with you; samaagamya = having met; a varam = undesirable [lesser] heavens; param = higher heavens. tri divam = uppermost/Brahma’s abode; gamiSyaami = wish to go to.

Verse 31

अक्षया नर शार्दूल जितालोका मया शुभाः |
ब्राह्ंयाः च नाक पृष्ठ्याः च प्रतिगृह्णीष्व मामकान् || ३-५-३१

“Oh! Tigerly-man, non-diminishing are the abodes achieved by me either in Brahma’s abode or yonder than paradise…you take them all…that are mine achieved by me ascesis…” So said Sage Sharabhanga to Rama. [3-5-31]

31. nara shaarduula = manly-tiger; mayaa= by me; subhaaH = auspicious ones; braahmyaaH = relating to Brahma; naaka pR^iSTyaa ca = to paradise, yonder than, even; a kshayaa = non-diminishing; lokaaH jitaaH = abodes, achieved; maamakaan = relating to me; [lokaan = abodes]; pratigR^ihNiiSva = you take them.

Verse 32

एवम् उक्तो नरव्याघ्रः सर्व शास्त्र विशारदः |
ऋषिणा शरभंगेन राघवो वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || ३-५-३२

Thus said by the Sage Sharabhanga to that Manly-tiger Rama, being the scholar in all the scriptures he spoke this sentence to that sage. [3-5-32]

32. R^iSiNaa sharabhangena = by the sage Sharabhanga; evam uktaH = thus, said; nara vyaaghraH = many-tiger; sarva shaastra vishaaradaH = all, scriptures, scholar; Raghava; vaaakyam abraviit = this sentence, said.

Verse 33

अहम् एव आहरिष्यामि सर्वान् लोकान् महामुने |
आवासम् तु अहम् इच्छामि प्रदिष्टम् इह कानने || ३-५-३३

“I alone can gain all those worlds, oh! Great Saint, I now seek a place to dwell here in this forest as indicated by you… [Apparent meaning.] [3-5-33]

33. mahaamune = oh! Great Saint; aham eva = I, alone; sarvaan lokaan = all those worlds; aahariSyaami = will gain/ or, snatch away; tu = but; aham = I; iha = here; kaanane = in forest; pradiSTam = indicated by you; aavasam = dwelling place; icChaami = I seek.

Verse 34

राघवेण एवम् उक्तः तु शक्र तुल्य बलेन वै |
शरभंगो महाप्राज्ञः पुनर् एव अब्रवीत् वचः || ३-५-३४

Thus said by Raghava, who is like Indra in strength, that supremely intellectual Sage Sharabhanga again spoke this sentence this way. [3-5-34]

34. raaghaveNa evam ukataH tu = by Raghava, thus, said; shakra tulya balena vai = Indra like, in strength, verily; Sharabhanga; mahaa praaj~naaH = supreme, intellectual; punaH eva abraviit vachaH = again, this way, spoke, sentence.

Verse 35

इह राम महातेजाः सुतीक्ष्णो नम धार्मिकः |
वसति अरण्ये नियतः स ते श्रेयो विधास्यति || ३-५-३५

“Here, oh! Rama, a great resplendent sage named Suteekshna, lives in this forest…a virtuous and a self-disciplined one, and he will do something benignant to you… [3-5-35]

35. iha = here; mahaa tejaa = great resplendent; Rama; Suteekshna; naama = named; dhaarmikaH = virtuous one; vasati araNye = lives, in forest; niyataH = self-disciplined one; saH te shreyaH vidishyati = he, to you, benignant, will do.

Verse 36

सुतीक्ष्णम् अभिगच्छ त्वम् शुचौ देशे तपस्विनम् |
रमणीये वनोद्देशे स ते वासम् विधास्यति || ३-५-३६

“You approach Sage Suteekshna and to you he will arrange housing in his auspicious and dpleasant place woods of hermits… [3-5-36]

36. sutiikshNam abhi gacCha = Suteekshna, you approach; tvam = to you; suchau deshe = [in his] auspicious, place; tapasvinam = of hermits; ramaNiiya vanoddeshe = in pleasant, woods; saH te vaasam vidhaasyati = he, to you, housing, arranges.

Verse 37

इमाम् मन्दाकिनीम् राम प्रतिस्रोतम् अनुव्रज |
नदीम् पुष्पोडुप वहाम् ततः तत्र गमिष्यसि || ३-५-३७

” Following opposite to its flow you may follow this River Mandaakini that carries flower-ferries, then you can reach there at Sage Suteekshna’s hermitage…] [3-5-37]

37. pushpa udupa vahaam = flowers, ferries, carrying; imaam mandaakiniim nadiim = this, Mandaakini river; prati shrotam = opposite, to its flow; anuvraja = you follow; tataH = then; tatra gamisSyasi = there [to Suteekshna’s hemitage,] you can reach.

Verse 38

एष पन्था नरव्याघ्र मुहूर्तम् पश्य तात माम् |
यावत् जहामि गात्राणि जीर्णाम् त्वचम् इव उरगः || ३-५-३८

“This is the only way, oh, manly-tiger, and oh, sire, see me for a moment, till I forsake these body parts of mine, like a snake casting its withered moult… [3-5-38]

38. esha panthaa nara vyaaghra = this is, the way, manly-tiger; taata = oh, sire; muhuurtam maam pashya = for a moment, me, see; yaavat jiirNaam tvachaam = till, withered, skin, iva uragaH = like, a snake’s moult [like snake’s cast skin]; gatraani = body parts; jahaami = I forsake.

Verse 39

ततो अग्निम् सु समाधाय हुत्वा च आज्येन मंत्रवित् |
शरभंगो महातेजाः प्रविवेश हुताशनम् || ३-५-३९

Then that hymnist on invoking the sacred fire and offering oblations with clarified butter into it, that radiant sage Sharabhanga entered that sacred fire. [3-5-39]

39. tataH = then; mahaatejaa = great, radiant one; saH = he that; Sharabhanga; agnim susamaadhaaya = fire, well, invoked; aajyena = with clarified butter; mantravit = hymnist sage; hutvaa cha = oblations, also, [offered]; hutaashanam = the sacred fire; pravivesha = entered.

Verse 40

तस्य रोमाणि केशाम् च तदा वह्निः महात्मनः |
जीर्णम् त्वचम् तद् अस्थीनि यत् च मांसम् च शोणितम् || ३-५-४०

The fire burnt down that great soul Sharabhanga from head-hair to body hair and thus his shrunk skin, bones and whatever flesh and blood are there, they are also burnt completely. [3-5-40]

40. tasya mahaatmanaH = of that, great soul; romaaNi keshaam cha = his, hair, head hair also; agniH dadaaha = the fire, burnt them,; jiirNam tvacham = shrunk, skin; tathaa = thus; asthiini = bones; yat cha maamsam cha shoNitam = whatever, also, flesh, and blood; dadaaha = burnt down.

Verse 41

स च पावक संकाशः कुमारः समपद्यत |
उत्थाय अग्निचयात् तस्मात् शरभंगो व्यरोचत || ३-५-४१

He that Sage Sharabhanga, then reappeared as an youngster in the semblance of Fire, o\n resurrecting from that altar of fire he shone-forth. [3-5-41]

41. saH = he that sage; paavaka sankaashaH = Fire, in semblance; kumaaraH = youngster-like; sam apadyataH = reappeared; tasmaat agni chayaat uthaaya vyarochata = from that, fire altar, on getting up, he shone forth.

Verse 43

स पुण्य कर्मा भुवने द्विजर्षभः
पितामहम् सानुचरम् ददर्श ह |
पितामहः च अपि समीक्ष्य तम् द्विजम्
ननन्द सुस्वागतम् इति उवाच ह || ३-५-४३

He that meritorious and best Brahman Sharabhanga has seen Brahma in Brahma’s abode, and Brahma too, on seeing that Brahman happily spoke to him… “Welcome…” [3-5-43]

43. puNya karmaa = meritorious one; dwijarshabha = Brahman, the best; saH = he that sage; bhuvane = in heaven; pitaamaham = grandfather [ Brahma]; dadarsha ha = has seen, verily; pitaamaha cha api = Brahma, also, even; samiikSya = seeing him; tam dvijam = that, Brahman; nanada = felt happy; su svaagatam iti uktvaa = welcome, thus, spoke.

Verse 42

स लोकान् आहिताग्नीनाम् ऋषीणाम् च महात्मनाम् |
देवानाम् च व्यतिक्रंय ब्रह्म लोकम् व्यरोहत || ३-५-४२

He that Sage Sharabhanga, transcending the ethereal worlds of fire-worshippers, of saints, of great souls, and also of divinities, has ascended to Brahma’s abode. [3-5-42]

42. saH = he; aahita agniinaam = of fire-worshippers; mahaatmaanaam R^iSiiNaam cha = of great souls, of saints, also; devaanaam cha = divinities, also; lokaan = worlds; yatikramya = on transcending; brahma lokam = Brahma’s abode; vyarohata = ascended.

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