49 – Seetha’s abduction takes place now


Seetha’s abduction takes place now. Ravana forcefully abducts Seetha in his air-chariot. She bewails and bemoans for Rama and Lakshmana and appeals to all nature to inform Rama about this abduction. Finally, she sees Jatayu, the eagle, and asks him to narrate her abduction to Rama.

Verse 1

सीताया वचनम् श्रुत्वा दशग्रीवः प्रतापवान् |
हस्ते हस्तम् समाहत्य चकार सुमहत् वपुः || ३-४९-१

On hearing Seetha’s words that valorous ten-headed Ravana loudly clapped in dissent for once and divulged his very mighty body. [3-49-1]

1. prataapavaan dashagriivaH = valorous one, Ten-headed Ravana; siitaayaa vacanam shrutvaa = Seetha’s, words, on hearing; haste hastam sam aahatya = on palm, with palm, well [loudly,] clapped; su mahat vapuH cakaara = very mighty, [his] body, made [divulged,].

Verse 2

स मैथिलीम् पुनः वाक्यम् बभाषे वाक्य कोविदः |
न उन्मत्तया श्रुतौ मन्ये मम वीर्य पराक्रमौ || ३-४९-२

That wordsmith Ravana again spoke these words to Maithili, “Perhaps you have not heard about my valour and vanquishes in all your madness for Rama. [3-49-2]

2. vaakya kovidaH saH = word, smith, he that Ravana; maithiliim punaH vaakyam babhaaSe = he, to Maithili, again, words, spoke; unmattayaa = by you who are mad; mama viirya paraakramau = my, valour, vanquishes; na shrutau manye = not, unheard, I think.

Verse 3

उद् वहेयम् भुजाभ्याम् तु मेदिनीम् अंबरे स्थितः |
आपिबेयम् समुद्रम् च मृत्युम् हन्याम् रणे स्थितः || ३-४९-३

“Standing on the sky I can lift up the earth with two of my arms, I can completely gulp down any ocean, standing in war I can even put the Death to death. [3-49-3]

3. ambare sthitaH = on sky, standing; bhujaabhyaam mediniim ud vaheyam = by my two arms, earth I can up, lift; samudram ca = [any] ocean, also; aa pibeyam = completely, I gulp down; raNe sthitaH = in war, standing; mR^ityum hanyaam = Death, I put to death.

Verse 4

अर्कम् तुंद्याम् शरैः तीक्ष्णैर् विभिंद्याम् हि महीतलम् |
काम रूपिणम् उन्मत्ते पश्य माम् कामदम् पतिम् || ३-४९-४

“Indeed, I can split the Sun and splinter the earth with my splitting arrows, oh, mad woman, I can assume any form as I wish, and endow any wish you wish, such as I am, I must be your husband, behold me.” So said Ravana when revealing his real nature. [3-49-4]

4. arkam tundyaam [rundhyaam] hi = Sun, I can split [obstruct] indeed; tiikSNaiH sharaiH = with splitting, arrows; mahiitalam vi bhindyaam = earth’s plane, verily, split [splinter]; unmatte = oh, mad woman; kaama dam patim = wishes, endowing, husband; kaama ruupiNam = by wish, who can assume any form; maam pashya = me, you behold.

Verse 5

एवम् उक्तवतः तस्य रावणस्य शिखि प्रभे |
क्रुद्धस्य हरि पर्यन्ते रक्ते नेत्रे बभूवतुः || ३-४९-५

While the infuriated Ravana is saying in that way his eyes which by themselves are torchlit in their shine have became further bloodshot and blackened at their edges. [3-49-5]

5. evam uktavataH = that way, when he said; kruddhasya tasya raavaNasya = infuriated, that, Ravana’s; shikhi prabhe = torchlit, in shine; hari paryante = blackened, at edges; netre = in such eyes; rakte babhuuvatuH = bloodshot, became.

Verse 6

सद्यः सौम्यम् परित्यज्य तीक्ष्ण रूपम् स रावणः |
स्वम् रूपम् काल रूप आभम् भेजे वैश्रवण अनुजः || ३-४९-६

Immediately discarding the gentle form of a Brahman friar, that younger brother of Kubera, Ravana, assumed his own ferocious form which is similar to the form of Terminator. [3-49-6]

6. vaishravaNa anujaH = Vaishravana [Kubera’s] younger brother; saH raavaNaH = he, Ravana; sadyaH = immediately; saumyam ruupam = gentle, form – of Brahman friar; pari tyajya = discarding; svam = his own; kaala ruupa aabham = Terminator’s, form, similar to; tiikshNa ruupam bheje = ferocious, aspect, he assumed.

Verse 7 & 8a

संरक्त नयनः श्रीमान् तप्त कांचन भूषणः |
क्रोधेन महता आविष्टो नील जीमूत सन्निभः || ३-४९-७
दश आस्यो विंशति भुजो बभूव क्षणदा चरः |

That celebrated Ravana whose eyes are bloodshot as he is ensorcelled by desperate fury transmuted his form into a tend-faced, twenty-armed night-walker wearing golden ornaments of purified gold and appearing as a black tempestuous cloud. [3-49-7, 8a]

7, 8a. mahataa krodhena aaviSTaH = by desperate, fury, ensorcelled; sam rakta nayanaH = with bloodshot, eyes; shriimaan = celebrated one; tapta kaancana bhuuSaNaH = burnt [purified,] golden, wearer of ornaments; [vicitra shakti sampanna = wizardly Ravana]; niila jiimuuta sannibhaH = blackish, [tempestuous] cloudlike, in shine; dasha aasyaH = ten, faced one; vimshati bhujaaH = twenty, with arms; kSaNadaa caraH = night, walker; babhuuva = became [transmuted.]

Verse 8b & 9

स परिव्राजक च्छद्म महाकायो विहाय तत् || ३-४९-८
प्रतिपेदे स्वकम् रूपम् रावणो राक्षस अधिपः |
रक्त अंबर धरः तस्थौ स्त्री रत्नम् प्रेक्ष्य मैथिलीम् || ३-४९-९

On discarding that guise of a Brahman friar that sovereign of demons Ravana educed his own physique and then that mighty bodied one attired in reddish clothing stood before Maithili observing that gem of a lady. [3-49-8b, 9]

8b, 9. raakSasa adhipaH = demons, sovereign; saH raavaNaH = he, Ravana; parivraajaka cChadma vihaaya = friar’s, guise, on discarding; svakam ruupam pratipede = his own, form, he educed; tat mahaa kaayaH = that, mighty-bodied one; rakta ambara dharaH = reddish, clothing, attired in; strii ratnam maithiliim prekSya = lady, gem of a, at Maithili, observing; tasthau = stood afore her.

Verse 10

स ताम् असित केश अन्ताम् भास्करस्य प्रभाम् इव |
वसन आभरण उपेताम् मैथिलीम् रावणो अब्रवीत् || ३-४९-१०

She whose tresses are glossily blackish until their ends, and who has on her glittering jewellery and silken-ochry-sari, whereby who is imperceivable like sun’s glaring shine, to such Maithili Ravana spoke. [3-49-10]

10. saH raavaNaH = he, Ravana; a sita kesha antaam = not, whitened, head-hair, ends [hairdo having glossily blackish tressed ends]; bhaaskarasya prabhaam iva = sun’s, shining, like; vasana aabharaNa upetaam = clothed [silken-ochry-sari,] jewellery, having on her; taam maithiliim abraviit = to her, to Maithili, spoke.

Verse 11

त्रिषु लोकेषु विख्यातम् यदि भर्तारम् इच्छसि |
माम् आश्रय वरारोहे तव अहम् सदृशः पतिः || ३-४९-११

“If you wish to have a husband of well-renown in three worlds you seek shelter in me, oh, high-hipped lady, I alone will match up to you as husband. [3-49-11]

11. varaarohe = oh, high-hipped lady; triSu lokeSu vikhyaatam bhartaaram = in three, worlds, well-renowned, a husband; icChasi yadi = you wish, if; maam aashraya = in me, you seek shelter; aham tava sadR^ishaH patiH = I [alone] will, to you, match up, as husband.

Verse 12 & 13a

माम् भजस्व चिराय त्वम् अहम् श्लाघ्यः पतिः तव |
न एव च अहम् क्वचित् भद्रे करिष्ये तव विप्रियम् || ३-४९-१२
त्यज्यताम् मानुषो भावो मयि भावः प्रणीयताम् |

“Ultimately you have a much-lauded husband in me, as such you oblige me, and I will not cause any displeasure to you at any point of time. Let your heart refrain from that humanly Rama and you start bringing round your heart towards me. [3-49-12, 13a]

12, 13a. bhadre = oh, fortunate lady; tvam ciraaya maam bhajasva = you, for a long time [ultimately,] me, you oblige; aham tava shlaaghyaH patiH = I will be, to you, much-lauded, husband; aham kvacit = I will, anytime; tava = to you; vi priyam = dis, pleasure; na kariSye ca = not, I will cause; maanuSe = for humanly [Rama]; bhaavaH = your thoughts [heart, love]; tyajyataam = leave off; mayi bhaavaH pra Niiyataam = me [towards me,] thought [heart, love,] verily lead [bring round.]

Verse 13b, 14 & 15a

राज्यात् च्युतम् असिद्ध अर्थम् रामम् परिमित आयुषम् || ३-४९-१३
कैः गुणैः अनुरक्ता असि मूढे पण्डित मानिनि |
यः स्त्रिया वचनात् राज्यम् विहाय ससुहृत् जनम् || ३-४९-१४
अस्मिन् व्याल अनुचरिते वने वसति दुर्मतिः |

“Oh, halfwitted lady, you who deem yourself a highly intellectual lady, listen, that mindless Rama who just by a word of a woman forebode kingdom along with all of his amiable people, and lives in this forest where the predators are on the prowl, thus he who is spurned off from kingdom, ungainful are his purposes, and who is even a short-lived human, I wonder by what merits you are impassioned for such a Rama?” Thus Ravana spoke to Seetha. [3-49-13b, 14, 15a]

13b, 14, 15a. muuDhe = oh, unintelligent lady; paNDita maanini = highly intelligent, deem your self; dur matiH = bad, minded [mindless Rama]; yaH striyaa vacanaat = who, by a woman’s, word; sa = along with; su hR^it janam = good, hearted, people; raajyam vihaaya = kingdom, on leaving off; vyaala anucarite = predators, moving in [on prowl]; asmin vane vasati = in this, in forest, he who lives – Rama; such a; raajyaat cyutam = from kingdom, fallen [spurned off]; a siddha artham = not, gainful, his purposes; [maanuSaH = being human]; parimita aayuSam = he is with – limited, longevity – short-lived human being; raamam = at Rama; kaiH guNaiH anuraktaa asi = by what, merits [of Rama,] impassioned [for him,] you are.

Verse 13b, 14 & 15a

राज्यात् च्युतम् असिद्ध अर्थम् रामम् परिमित आयुषम् || ३-४९-१३
कैः गुणैः अनुरक्ता असि मूढे पण्डित मानिनि |
यः स्त्रिया वचनात् राज्यम् विहाय ससुहृत् जनम् || ३-४९-१४
अस्मिन् व्याल अनुचरिते वने वसति दुर्मतिः |

“Oh, halfwitted lady, you who deem yourself a highly intellectual lady, listen, that mindless Rama who just by a word of a woman forebode kingdom along with all of his amiable people, and lives in this forest where the predators are on the prowl, thus he who is spurned off from kingdom, ungainful are his purposes, and who is even a short-lived human, I wonder by what merits you are impassioned for such a Rama?” Thus Ravana spoke to Seetha. [3-49-13b, 14, 15a]

13b, 14, 15a. muuDhe = oh, unintelligent lady; paNDita maanini = highly intelligent, deem your self; dur matiH = bad, minded [mindless Rama]; yaH striyaa vacanaat = who, by a woman’s, word; sa = along with; su hR^it janam = good, hearted, people; raajyam vihaaya = kingdom, on leaving off; vyaala anucarite = predators, moving in [on prowl]; asmin vane vasati = in this, in forest, he who lives – Rama; such a; raajyaat cyutam = from kingdom, fallen [spurned off]; a siddha artham = not, gainful, his purposes; [maanuSaH = being human]; parimita aayuSam = he is with – limited, longevity – short-lived human being; raamam = at Rama; kaiH guNaiH anuraktaa asi = by what, merits [of Rama,] impassioned [for him,] you are.

Verse 15b, 16

इति उक्त्वा मैथिलीम् वाक्यम् प्रिय अर्हाम् प्रिय वादिनीम् || ३-४९-१५
अभिगम्य सुदुष्ट आत्मा राक्षसः काम मोहितः |
जग्राह रावणः सीताम् बुधः खे रोहिणीम् इव || ३-४९-१६

On saying that sentence to Maithili, who by herself is a nice talker and who is a proper one for addressing with nice words, that verily evil-minded demon Ravana maddened by lust drew nigh of Seetha and grabbed her, as Budha, the Jupiter grabs the Star Rohini in firmament. [3-49-15b, 16]

15b, 16. su duSTa aatmaa = verily, evil, minded [Ravana]; kaama mohitaH = by lust, maddened; raakshasaH raavaNaH = that demon, Ravana; priya [vacana] arhaam = for nice, [words,] proper one – to talk to; priya vaadiniim = nice, talker; maithiliim = to Maithili; vaakyam iti uktvaa = words, this way, on saying; abhi gamya = nigh, drawing – approaching her; khe budhaH rohiNiim iva = in firmament, Budha – the Jupiter, with Rohini, as with; siitaam jagraaha = Seetha, he grabbed.

Verse 17

वामेन सीताम् पद्माक्षीम् मूर्धजेषु करेण सः |
ऊर्वोः तु दक्षिणेन एव परिजग्राह पाणिना || ३-४९-१७

He that Ravana grabbed the lotus-eyed Seetha on lifting her up with his left hand at her plait of hair at nape, and with his right hand at her thighs. [3-49-17]

17. saH = he; padma akSiim siitaam = lotus, eyed, at Seetha; vaamena kareNa eva muurdhajeSu = with left, hand, thus, head-hair; dakSiNena paaNinaa uurvoH tu = with right, hand, thighs, but; parijagraaha = grabbed.

Verse 18

तम् दृष्ट्वा गिरि शृंग आभम् तीक्ष्ण दंष्ट्रम् महा भुजम् |
प्राद्रवन् मृत्यु संकाशम् भय आर्ता वन देवताः || ३-४९-१८

On seeing him who grabbed Seetha, who has incisive fangs, mightily armed and who is shining forth like a mountain crest and similar to Death, the forest deities quickly fled away terrorised by his terrorism. [3-49-18]

18. mR^ityu sankaasham = Death, one similar to; tiikSNa damSTram = one with incisive, fangs; mahaa bhujam = mightily, armed one; giri shR^inga aabham = mountain, crest, in shine; tam dR^iSTvaa = him [who grabbed Seetha,] on seeing; vana devataaH = forest, deities; bhaya aartaa = by terrorism, terrorised; praadravan = quickly fled.

Verse 19

स च मायामयो दिव्यः खर युक्तः खर स्वनः |
प्रत्यदृश्यत हेमांगो रावणस्य महारथः || ३-४९-१९

Then the miracle-air-chariot of Ravana which is miraculously designed to appear and disappear at the wish of its master, yoked with miraculous mules, and built with its golden wheels and parts, appeared afore Ravana braying noisily. [3-49-19]

19. [then]; maayaamayaH = miraculously [designed for appearing and disappearing]; divyaH khara yuktaH = miraculous; mules, yoked with; khara svanaH = braying, noisily; hema angaH = golden, with wheels [parts]; raavaNasya saH mahaarathaH = Ravana’s, that, miracle-air-chariot; prati adR^ishyata = afore, appeared.

Verse 20

ततः ताम् परुषैः वाक्यैः अभितर्ज्य महास्वनः |
अंकेन आदाय वैदेहीम् रथम् आरोपयत् तदा || ३-४९-२०

Then he whose voice is strident that Ravana lifted her up by her waist and got Vaidehi up on the air-chariot intimidating her with bitter words. [3-49-20]

20. tadaa = then; mahaa svanaH = one who has – strident, voice – Ravana; taam vaidehiim = her, Vaidehi; paruSaiH vaakyaiH abhitarjya = with bitter, words, intimidating; ankena aadaaya = by waist, lifting up – or dragging her onto his flank; tataH = then; ratham aaropayat = chariot, got up on.

Verse 21

सा गृहीता अतिचुक्रोश रावणेन यशस्विनी |
रामा इति सीता दुःख आर्ता रामम् दूरम् गतम् वने || ३-४९-२१

Agonised with anguish when gone into the captivity of Ravana, she that glorious Seetha wailed loudly for Rama saying ‘oh, Rama,’ which Rama has gone deep into the forest by then. [3-49-21]

21. raavaNena gR^ihiitaa = by Ravana, captured [when gone into captivity of Ravana]; yashasvinii = glorious one; saa siitaa = that, Seetha; duHkha aartaa = with anguish, agonised; vane duuram gatam raamam = in forest, distant, gone, at Rama; raamaa iti = ‘oh, Rama’, thus [saying]; ati cukrosha = loudly, wailed.

Verse 22

ताम् अकामाम् स काम आर्तः पन्नग इन्द्र वधूम् इव |
विवेष्टमानाम् आदाय उत्पपात अथ रावणः || ३-४९-२२

Ravana who is infatuated with lust picked her up, which lady is disinclined for any kind of sensuality and who is verily writhing like the wife of King Cobra, and then he surged skyward and flew off with her in his air-chariot. [3-49-22]

22. atha = then; kaama aartaH = with lust, infatuated; saH raavaNaH = that, Ravana; a kaamaam = not, inclined – one disinclined for lusting; pannaga indra vadhuum iva = cobra, king, wife, like; vi veSTamaanaam = one who is verily, writhing; taam aadaaya = her, on picking her up; [vegena = speedily]; ut papaata = up, fallen – fell upon the skies, flew off.

Verse 23

ततः सा राक्षसेन्द्रेण ह्रियमाणा विहायसा |
भृशम् चुक्रोश मत्ता इव भ्रांत चित्ता यथा आतुरा || ३-४९-२३

While that lord of demons is abducting her in the skyway, Seetha became frenzied with bewildered faculties and then bawled stridently like a hysterical person. [3-49-23]

23. tataH = then; raakSasa indreNa vihaayasaa hriyamaaNaa = by demons, lord, in skyway, while being abducted; saa = she that Seetha; mattaa iva = frenzied, as if; bhraanta cittaa = bewildered, faculties; aaturaa yathaa = a hysterical person, as with; bhR^isham cukrosha = stridently, bawled.

Verse 24

हा लक्ष्मण महाबाहो गुरु चित्त प्रसादक |
ह्रियमाणाम् न जानीषे रक्षसा काम रूपिणा || ३-४९-२४

“Haa, greatly dextrous Lakshmana… oh, rejoicer of your mentor… you are incognisant of me who am being abducted by this demon who is a dissembler. [3-49-24]

24. mahaabaahuH = greatly dextrous one; guru citta prasaadaka = mentors, heart, rejoicer of; haa lakSmaNa = haa, Lakshmana; kaama ruupiNaa rakSasaa = by wish, guise-changer – dissembler, by demon; hriyamaaNaam = being abducted; [maam = me, of me]; na jaaniiSe = not, you know.

Verse 25

जीवितम् सुखम् अर्थाम् च धर्म हेतोः परित्यजन् |
ह्रियमाणाम् अधर्मेण माम् राघव न पश्यसि || ३-४९-२५

“Oh, Raghava, you have relinquished your high-life, happiness, and riches for the sake of righteousness, and though you avowed to protect your observants, you are unobservant of me who am being abducted by the unrighteousness itself. [3-49-5]

25. jiivitam sukham arthaam ca = [high] life, happiness, riches, also; dharma hetoH parityajan = righteousness, for the reason of, one who is relinquishing; raaghava = oh, Raghava; a dharmeNa = by not, righteousness – unrighteousness or, by an unrighteous demon; hriyamaaNaam = being abducted; maam na pashyasi = me, not, you are observant of.

Verse 26

ननु नाम अविनीतानाम् विनेता असि परंतप |
कथम् एवम् विधम् पापम् न त्वम् शास्सि हि रावणम् || ३-४९-२६

“Oh, enemy-inflamer Rama, I reckon that you are an absolute controller of uncontrollable beings, I wonder why you are not controlling this kind of sinner, Ravana, indeed?” This is how Seetha started her cry in wilderness. [3-49-26]

26. parantapa = oh, enemy-inflamer; a viniitaanaam = for not, wise beings [ for uncontrollable beings,] vi netaa = absolute, controller; asi nanu = you are, I dare say [I reckon]; tvam = you; evam vidham paapam raavaNam = this, kind of, sinner, Ravana; katham naama = how, I wonder; na shaassi hi = not, controlling, indeed.

Verse 27

ननु सद्यो अविनीतस्य दृश्यते कर्मणः फलम् |
कालो अपि अंगी भवति अत्र सस्यानाम् इव पक्तये || ३-४९-२७

“Indeed, the result for an evil act will not be apparent instantaneously. Even the time becomes a factor in the matter of cause and effect, as with the crops becoming cookable after certain time lag.” Thus, she is addressing Ravana now. [3-49-27]

27. aviniitasya karmaNaH phalam = evil, acts’, fruit [result]; sadyaH = instantaneously; na dR^ishyate nu = not, apparent, indeed; sasyaanaam paktaye iva = [yield of] crops, for cooking [after ripeness,] as with; atra = in such matters; kaalaH api angii bhavati = Time, even, part [factor,] becomes.

Verse 28

त्वम् कर्म कृतवान् एतत् काल उपहत चेतनः |
जीवित अंतकरम् घोरम् रामात् व्यसनम् आप्नुहि || ३-४९-२८

“The Time has battered your brains and as an infringer you have undertaken this particular exploit, whereby you will get a devastating and life-ending tribulation from Rama.” Thus, she upbraided Ravana. [3-49-28]

28. tvam = you; kaala upahata cetanaH = by Time, battered, with a mind; [ett = this particular]; karma kR^itavaan = deed [exploit,] you have done [as an infringer]; raamaat = from Rama; jiivita antakaram ghoram vyasanam aapnuhi = life, ending, devastating, tribulation, you get.

Verse 29

हन्त इदानीम् सकामा तु कैकेयी बान्धवैः सह |
ह्रियेयम् धर्म कामस्य धर्म पत्नी यशस्विनः || ३-४९-२९

“An honest wife of a glorious one who aspires nothing but honesty, such a wife of Rama as I am, I am being abducted, thus the aspiration of Kaikeyi and her kinfolk has now come true. Oh, god!” Thus, she soliloquised. [3-49-29]

29. dharma kaamasya = honesty, aspirer of – Rama; yashasvinaH = of glorious Rama; dharma patnii = honest, wife; such as I am; hriyeyam = I am being abducted; idaaniim = now; kaikeyii baandhavaiH saha = Kaikeyi, kinfolk, together with; sa kaamaa = with [came true,] aspiration; [astu = let her be]; hanta = oh, god.

Verse 30

आमंत्रये जनस्थानम् कर्णिकारान् च पुष्पितान् |
क्षिप्रम् रामाय शंसध्वम् सीताम् हरति रावणः || ३-४९-३०

“I call the attention of the flowered Karnikaara trees of Janasthaana, you inform Rama that Ravana is thieving Seetha.” Thus, she is addressing the woods and others on the ground from air-chariot. [3-49-30]

30. janasthaanam puSpitaan karNikaaraan = in Janasthaana, flowered, Karnikaara trees; aamantraye = I call attention of; raavaNaH siitaam harati = Ravana is, Seetha, thieving; thus; kSipram raamaaya shamsadhvam = instantly, to Rama, be made known inform.

Verse 31

हंस सारस संघुष्टाम् वन्दे गोदावरीम् नदीम् |
क्षिप्रम् रामाय शंस त्वम् सीताम् हरति रावणः || ३-४९-३१

“I pray you who are with the bustle of swans and saarasa water birds, oh, River Godavari, you promptly tell Rama that Ravana is thieving Seetha. [3-49-31]

31. hamsa saarasa sanghuSTaam = swans, saarasa [water birds,] bustling with; godaavariim nadiim vande = to you Godavari, river, I pray; raavaNaH harati siitaam = Ravana is, thieving, Seetha; tvam kSipram raamaaya shamsa = you, promptly, to Rama, tell.

Verse 32

दैवतानि च यान्ति अस्मिन् वने विविध पादपे |
नमस्करोमि अहम् तेभ्यो भर्तुः शंसत माम् हृताम् || ३-४९-३२

“I also venerate you, the sylvan deities that travel in this forest with diverse trees or, those that abide on the treetops, you may please inform my husband that I am being stolen. [3-49-32]

32. vividha paadape = which is with diverse, trees; asmin vane = in this, forest; [yaani = which of those]; daivataani = sylvan deities; yaanti [santi] = will be moving about [abide by trees]; tebhyaH = for them; aham namaskaromi = I am, offering veneration; maam hR^itaam = me, as a stolen one; bhartuH shamsata = [to my] husband, inform.

Verse 33

यानि कानिचित् अपि अत्र सत्त्वानि निवसन्ति उत |
सर्वाणि शरणम् यामि मृग पक्षि गणान् अपि || ३-४९-३३

“Or, over there, some few beings that are living over there on the ground below, I seek shelter of all the flocks of birds and hoards of animals, and I pray you to convey this news. [3-49-33]

33. atra = there – on the ground as seen from aircraft; yaani kaanicit api = those, some few, even; sattvaani nivasanti uta = beings, are living, there; sarvaaNi = all of the; mR^iga pakSi gaNaan api = animals, birds, groups of, even; sharaNam yaami = shelter, I am getting into – I seek.

Verse 34

ह्रियमाणाम् प्रियाम् भर्तुः प्राणेभ्यो अपि गरीयसीम् |
विवश अपहृता सीता रावणेन इति शंसत || ३-४९-३४

“Inform my husband about his dear and loftier wife than his lives, saying that, ‘helpless Seetha is stolen by Ravana.’ [3-49-34]

34. praaNebhyaH api gariiyasiim = by [his] lives, even, loftier; hriyamaaNaam = being stolen; priyaam = about [his] dear [wife]; vi vasha = without, help [helpless one]; siitaa = Seetha; raavaNena apahR^itaa = by Ravana, stolen; iti bhartuH shamsata = thus, to [my] husband, you inform.

Verse 35

विदित्वा माम् महाबाहुः अमुत्र अपि महाबलः |
आनेष्यति पराक्रम्य वैवस्वत हृताम् अपि || ३-४९-३५

“If that ambidextrous Rama comes to know about me, even if I am taken to heavens, or, even if I am impounded by Death, that great-mighty Rama brings me back, on aggressing against all of the gods in heaven, or, against Yama, the Death God.” Thus, she appealed to one and all, but in vain. [3-49-35]

35. mahaa balaH = great-mighty one; mahaabaahuH = ambidextrous [Rama]; vaivasvata hR^itaam api = by Death, I am impounded, even if; maam = me; amutra api = [taken to] other world [to heavens,] even if; viditvaa = [if he comes to] on knowing; paraakramya = on aggressing; aaneSyati = brings back.

Verse 36

सा तदा करुणा वाचो विलपंती सुदुःखिता |
वनस्पति गतम् ग्रिध्रम् ददर्श आयत लोचना || ३-४९-३६

She that wide-eyed Seetha who is highly anguished and bewailing with pitiable words then with a wide-eyed expectancy saw the eagle Jatayu perching on a tree. [3-49-36]

36. tadaa = then; karuNaa vaacaH vilapantii = with pitiable, words, who is bewailing; aayata locanaa = wide, eyed one; saa = she; su duHkhitaa = highly, anguished; vanaspati gatam gridhram dadarsha = tree [a tree that yields fruits without flowering,] gone onto – perched on, eagle, she saw.

Verse 37

सा तम् उद् वीक्ष्य सुश्रोणी रावणस्य वशम् गता |
समाक्रंदत् भयपरा दुःख उपहतया गिरा || ३-४९-३७

She that well-waisted lady who has gone into the captivity of Ravana craned and stared at the eagle, and worsted by fear she shrieked squeakily with a stuttering voice that is walloped with anguish. [3-49-37]

37. raavaNasya vasham gataa = Ravana’s, captivity, gone in; sushroNii = well-waisted one; bhaya paraa = by fear, worsted; saa = she; tam = him [Jataayu]; ud viikshya = up, on seeing – seeing on raising head; duHkha upahatayaa giraa = anguish, walloped with, [stuttering] voice; sam aakrandat = squeakily, shrieked.

Verse 38

जटायो पश्य मम आर्य ह्रियमाणम् अनाथ वत् |
अनेन राक्षसेद्रेण करुणम् पाप कर्मणा || ३-४९-३८

“Oh, fatherly Jatayu, see me, like an orphanized one I am pitiably abducted by this lord of demons with sinister deeds. [3-49-38]

38. aarya jaTaayoH = oh, dignified [fatherly,] Jatayu; anena paapa karmaNaa = by this one, with sinister, deeds; raakshasa indreNa = by demons, lord of; anaatha vat = orphan, like [orphanized one]; karuNam = pitiably; hriyamaaNam = being abducted; mama [maam] pashya = me, you see.

Verse 39

न एष वारयितुम् शक्यः त्वया क्रूरो निशाचर |
सत्त्ववान् जितकाशी च स आयुधः चैव दुर्मतिः || ३-४९-३९

“It is impossible for you to forestall this merciless night-walker, for he is formidable, shining forth with cunning conquests, also thus this wicked minded one is with weaponry. [3-49-39]

39. kruuraH = merciless one; sattvavaan = a formidable one; jita kaashii ca = [who by his cunning] conquests, shining forth, also; sa aayudhaH caiva = with, weaponry, also thus; dur matiH = wicked, minded one; eSa nishaacara = this one, night-walker; tvayaa = by you; vaarayitum = to forestall; na shakyaH = not, a possible, one.

Verse 40

रामाय तु यथा तत्त्वम् जटायो हरणम् मम |
लक्ष्मणाय च तत् सर्वम् आख्यातव्यम् अशेषतः || ३-४९-४०

“Oh, Jatayu, everything about my abduction shall be narrated to Rama, or to Lakshmana, as it has happened in its entirety.” Thus Seetha supplicated Jatayu. [3-49-40]

40. jaTaayo = oh, Jatayu; mama haraNam = my, about abduction; yathaa tattvam = as, it happened; tat sarvam = that, all about it; a sheSataH = without, a residuum – entirely; raamaaya = to Rama; lakSmaNaaya ca = to Lakshmana, also – or to Lakshmana; aakhyaatavyam = be narrated.

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