47 – The legend of Seven-maruts, wind-gods


The legend of Seven-Maruts, the Seven-Wind gods, and the legend of the kings of Vishaala are narrated to Rama and Lakshmana, while Vishvamitra is narrating the legend of Vishaala. At the request of Diti, Indra blesses the seven segments of her foetus to become saptamarudgaNa-s, Seven Wind gods, and the place where the legend of Indra-Diti has happened, that province later became the City of Vishaala.

Verse 1

सप्तधा तु कृते गर्भे दितिः परमदुःखिता |
सहस्राक्षं दुराधर्षं वाक्यं सानुनयाब्रवीत् || १-४७-१

“Diti was highly anguished when her foetus is rendered into sevenfold, and spoke these appeasing words to the indomitable Thousand-eyed Indra.” Thus Vishvamitra continued his narration about City Vishala. [1-47-1]

1. garbhe saptadhaa tu kR^ite = on rendering foetus into seven ways, but; ditiH paramaduHkhitaa = Diti, highly anguished; duraadharSam sahasraakSam = to indomitable one, Thousand-eyed Indra; saanunayaa vaakyam abraviit = spoke words with appeasement.

Verse 2

ममापराधाद्गर्भोऽयं सप्तधा शकलीकृतः |
नापराधो हि देवेश तवात्र बलसूदन || १-४७-२

‘Oh, Indra, the eliminator of demon Bala, this foetus of mine is sliced into seven segments owing to my own misdeed, oh, ruler of gods, Indra, indeed there is no iniquity of yours in this matter.’ Thus Diti started speaking to Indra. [1-47-2]

2. balasuudana = oh killer of demon Bala – Indra; devesha = oh ruler of gods – Indra; mama aparaadhaat = by my misdeed [alone]; ayam garbhaH = this, foetus; saptadhaa shakalii[viphalii ]kR^itaH = made [sliced] into in seven segments [foiled] ; atra = in that matter; tava aparaadhaH = your, iniquity; na hi = not, indeed.

Verse 3

प्रियं त्वत्कृतमिच्छामि मम गर्भविपर्यये |
मरुतां सप्तसप्तानां स्थानपाला भवन्तु ते || १-४७-३

Though a reversal has happened against my thinking in the matter of my pregnancy, let these seven segments become your seven Wind-gods, the rulers of seven ethereal-places, under your ruler-ship. [1-47-3]

3. garbhaviparyaye [mama garbhaviSaye viparyaye sambhave san] = pregnancy, reversal [in matter of my pregnancy reversal, happened, though]; from you; mama = to me; tvat kR^itam = done by you; priyam icChaami = I wish to have a courtesy; [ime = these]; saptasaptaanaam = seven [segments of foetus] as seven; marutaam = of Wind-gods; te = in your [ruler-ship]; sthaanapaalaa = [Airy, Ethereal] rulers of places; bhavantu = let them become.

Verse 4

वातस्कंधा इमे सप्त चरन्तु दिवि पुत्रक |
मारुता इति विख्याता दिव्यरूपा ममात्मजाः ||१-४७-४

Oh, son Indra, let these seven sons of mine become the seven presiding deities of Cosmic Air Divisions and let them move in heaven with heavenly forms. [1-47-4]

4. putrakaaH = oh son, Indra; sapta ime mama aatmajaaH = seven, of these, my, sons; divyaruupaa = with heavenly forms; vaataskandhaa = to air divisions, presiding deities – let them become presiding deities in cosmos; maarutaa iti vikhyaataa = Maaruta-s, thus, renowned; carantu divi = let them move, in heaven.

Verse 5

ब्रह्मलोकं चरत्वेक इन्द्रलोकं तथापरः |
दिव्यवायुरिति ख्यातः तृतीयोऽपि महायशाः ||१-४७-५

One from the seven may permeate Brahma’s abode, likewise another may permeate the heaven of Indra, and even the third one, let him become a greatly celebrated and reputed as Divine Wind, and he may circulate in entire universe. [1-47-5]

5. ekaH = one – of the seven; brahmalokam caratu = move in – permeate Brahma’s abode; tathaa aparaH = likewise, another one; indralokam = in Indra’s heaven; mahaayashaaH tR^itiiyaH api = greatly celebrated, third one, even; vaayuH iti khyaataH = thus reputed as Wind; divyavaayuH [divi caratu] = Divine air – in Universe, let him circulate.

Verse 6 & 7a

चत्वारस्तु सुरश्रेष्ठ दिशो वै तव शासनात् |
संचरिष्यन्ति भद्रं ते कलेन हि ममात्मजाः ||१-४७-६
त्वत्कृतेनैव नाम्ना वै मारुता इति विश्रुताः |

‘Oh, chief of gods, Indra, let four of my sons permeate four directions according to time and at your command, let safety betide you, and let them be renowned verily by the name given by you as ‘Marut,’ because you have coaxed the crying fragments of foetus saying, ‘maa ruda, maa ruda, ‘do not cry, do not cry…’ Thus Diti said to Indra. [1-47-6, 7a]

6, 7a. surashreSTha = oh god’s chief; catvaaraH mama aatmajaaH = four, of my, soul born ones – sons; tava shaasanaat vai = by your, command, indeed; tvat kR^itena eva naamnaa vai = thus name given by you, indeed; maarutaa iti vishrutaaH = Maaruta, thus, be renowned; kaalena dishaH samcariSyanti hi = in time, in directions, verily, let them permeate, indeed; te bhadram = let safety betide you.

Verse 7b & 8a

तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सहस्राक्षः पुरंदरः ||१-४७-७
उवाच प्रांजलिर्वाक्यं दितिं बलनिषूदनः |

On hearing her words, the Thousand-eyed destroyer of enemy’s citadels and a demon named Bala, namely Indra, spoke this word to Diti, humbly adjoining his palms. [1-47-7b, 8a]

7b, 8a. sahasraakSaH = Thousand-eyed one; purandaraH = enemy-citadels destroyer; balaniSuudanaH = destroyer of demon Bala – Indra; tasyaaH tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing that words of her; praanjaliH ditim vaakyam uvaaca = with adjoined- palms, said words to Diti.

Verse 8b, 9 & 10a

सर्वमेतद्यथोक्तं ते भविष्यति न संशयः ||१-४७-८
विचरिष्यन्ति भद्रं ते देवरूपास्तवात्मजाः |
एवं तौ निश्चयं कृत्वा मातापुत्रौ तपोवने ||१-४७-९
जग्मतुस्त्रिदिवं राम कृतार्थाविति नः श्रुतम् |

” ‘All this will happen as you have said, undoubtedly, and your offspring, the Maaruta-s, would be pervading in the forms of gods, you be safe.’ Thus Indra assured Diti. Those two, the stepmother Diti and the stepson Indra, on arriving at a decision in that ascetic forest, departed to heaven fulfilling their purposes. Thus we heard the legend.” Thus Vishvamitra continued his narration. [1-47-8b, 9, 10a]

8b, 9, 10a. te = to you [by you]; yathaa uktam = as, said; etat sarvam bhaviSyati = this, all, will happen; samshayaH na = without doubt; tava aatmajaaH = your own offspring; devaruupaaH = in the form of gods; vicariSyanti = will be moving [pervading]; te bhadram = you be safe; so said Indra to Diti; raama = oh Rama; tau = those two; maataaputrau = [Diti, the step] mother [Indra the] son; tapovane = in ascetic forest; evam nishcayam kR^itvaa = in this way, on taking decision ; kR^itaarthaau = fulfilling their purposes; tridivam jagmatuH = they departed to heaven ; iti naH shrutam = thus, heard by us [by us, the legend is].

Verse 10b & 11

एष देशः स काकुत्स्थ महेन्द्राध्युषितः पुरा || १-४७-१०
दितिं यत्र तपःसिद्धामेवं परिचचार सः |

Oh, Rama of Kakutstha, this province is that one which was once presided over by Indra, and where he rendered services to that accomplished one in her asceticism, namely lady Diti. [1-47-10b, 11a]

10b, 11. kaakutstha = oh Rama, of Kakutstha; eSaH = this is; puraa = once; mahendraadhyuSitaH = presided over by Indra; saH deshaH = that, province; yatra = where; saH = he – Indra; tapaHsiddhaam = an accomplished one in her asceticism; ditim = to Diti; evam paricacaara = in this way, rendered services.

Verse 11b & 12

इक्ष्वाकोस्तु नरव्याघ्र पुत्रः परमधार्मिकः || १-४७-११
अलंबुषायामुत्पन्नो विशाल इति विश्रुतः |
तेन चासीदिह स्थाने विशालेति पुरी कृता || १-४७-१२

To king Ikshvaku of Vishaala, oh, tigerly-man Rama, a highly righteous son was born through queen Alambusa, and he was renowned as Vishaala. There is a city in this place constructed by him and known by his own name, Vishaala. [1-47-11b, 12]

11b, 12. naravyaaghra = oh tigerly-man, Rama; ikSvaakoH tu = to King Ikshvaku, on his part; alambuSaayaam = throguh queen Alambusha; paramadhaarmikaH = most righteous one [is born]; vishaala iti vishrutaH = Vishaala, as, renowned; putraH utpannaH = a son, is born; tena = by him – owing to him; iha sthaane = at this, place; vishaala iti purii kR^itaa = city constructed as known as Vishaala; aasiit = is there.

Verse 13

विशालस्य सुतो राम हेमचन्द्रो महाबलः |
सुचन्द्र इति विख्यातो हेमचन्द्रादनंतरः || १-४७-१३

“Oh, Rama, Vishaala’s son is the great-mighty Hemachandra, and Hemachandra’s son is highly renowned as Suchandra.. [1-47-13]

13. raama = oh Rama; mahaabalaH hemacandraH = great-mighty one, Hemachandra; vishaalasya sutaH = Vishala’s, son; hemacandraat anantaraH = latter one from Hemachandra, – son of Hemacandra; sucandra iti vikhyaataH = Suchandra, as, highly renowned one.

Verse 14

सुचन्द्रतनयो राम धूम्राश्व इति विश्रुतः |
धूम्राश्वतनयश्चापि सृंजयः समपद्यत || १-४७-१४

“The son of Suchandra became famous as Dhuumraashva, and oh, Rama, Dhuumraashva derived his son named Srinjaya. [1-47-14]

14. raama = oh Rama; sucandratanayaH = Suchandra’s son; dhuumraashva iti vishrutaH = renowned as Dhuumraashva; dhuumraashvatanayaH ca api = Dhuumraashva’s son, also, even; sR^injayaH samapadyata = Srinjaya, derived.


Verse 15

सृंजयस्य सुतः श्रीमान् सहदेवः प्रतापवान् |
कुशाश्वः सहदेवस्य पुत्रः परमधार्मिकः || १-४७-१५

The fortunate and valorous son of Srinjaya is Sahadeva, and the son of Sahadeva is the most righteous Kushaashva. [1-47-15]

15. shriimaan prataapavaan = fortunate one, valorous one; sahadevaH = Sahadeva; sR^injayasya sutaH = is Srinjaya’s, son; paramadhaarmikaH kushaashvaH sahadevasya putraH = most righteous, Kushaashva is, Sahadeva’s, son.

Verse 16

कुशाश्वस्य महातेजाः सोमदत्तः प्रतापवान् |
सोमदत्तस्य पुत्रस्तु काकुत्स्थ इति विश्रुतः ||१-४७-१६

The highly resplendent and dauntless Somadatta is the son of Kushaashva and Somadatta’s son is highly reputed as Kakutstha. [1-47-16]

16. mahaatejaaH prataapavaan somadattaH = highly resplendent, dauntless, Somadatta is; kushaashvasya [putraH] = Kushaashva’s, [son]; somadattasya putraH tu = Somadatta’s, son, on his part; kaakutstha iti vishrutaH = Kakutstha, thus, highly reputed one.

Verse 17

तस्य पुत्रो महातेजाः संप्रत्येष पुरीमिमाम् |
आवसत्परमप्रख्यः सुमतिर्नाम दुर्जयः || १-४७-१७

Presently that Kakutstha’s son named Sumati, who is a great-resplendent one, an unconquerable one, and a highly celebrated one is dwelling in this city. [1-47-17]

17. samprati = presently; eSaH imaam puriim = in this, city; tasya = his [Kakutstha’s]; putraH mahaatejaaH = son [of Kakutstha,] great-resplendent one; parama[amara]prakhyaH = highly [godlike] celebrated one; durjayaH = unconquerable one; sumatiH naama = Sumati named one; aavasat = is dwelling.

Verse 18

इक्ष्वाकोस्तु प्रसादेन सर्वे वैशालिका नृपाः |
दीर्घायुषो महात्मानो वीर्यवन्तः सुधार्मिकाः || १-४७-१८

By the grace of Ikshvaku, the successive kings of Vishaala have longevity, intrepidity, well-off in generosity, and they were great-souled ones. [1-47-18]

18. ikSvaakoH tu prasaadena = by the grace of Ikshvaku, but; vaishaalikaaH nR^ipaaH = relating to Vishaala, [successive] kings; sarve = all of them; diirghaayuSaH = had long life [had longevity]; mahaatmaanaH = great souled ones; viiryavantaH = intrepid ones; sudhaarmikaaH = highly generous ones [well-off, in generosity.]

Verse 19

इहाद्य रजनीमेकां सुखं स्वप्स्यामहे वयम् |
श्वः प्रभाते नरश्रेष्ठ जनकं द्रष्टुमर्हसि || १-४७-१९

“Today we may gladly go to sleep here for a night, and oh, best one among men, and it will be apt of you to see Janaka, the King of Mithila tomorrow morning.” Thus Sage Vishvamitra spoke to Rama and Lakshmana. [1-47-19]

19. narashreSTha = oh best among men – Rama; adya ekaam rajaniim = today, one, night; iha = here; vayam sukham svapsyaamahe = we, gladly, go to sleep; shvaH prabhaate = tomorrow, morning; janakam draSTum arhasi = will be apt of you to see Janaka [King of Mithila].

Verse 20

सुमतिस्तु महातेजा विश्वामित्रमुपागतम् |
श्रुत्वा नरवरश्रेष्ठः प्रत्यागच्छन् महायशाः || १-४७-२०

The best one among best men, a widely reputed and the highly resplendent king of Vishaala, namely Sumati, having heard that Vishvamitra has arrived at the precincts of the city, came to him for a warm welcome. [1-47-20]

20. mahaatejaaH mahaayashaaH = highly resplendent one, widely reputed one; naravarashreSThaH = best among best men; sumatiH tu = Sumati [King of Vishaala,] on his part; vishvaamitram upaagatam = came nearby Vishvamitra – arrived at the outskirts of city; shrutvaa = on hearing; pratyaagacChat = came towards – for warm welcome.

Verse 21

पूजां च परमां कृत्वा सोपाध्यायः सबान्धवः |
प्रांजलिः कुशलं पृष्ट्वा विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत् || १-४७-२१

King Sumati arrived along with his mentors and family members, offered an excellent veneration to Vishvamitra, and then spoke to the sage with adjoined palms enquiring about his well being. [1-47-21]

21. sopaadhyaayaH sabaandhavaH = with mentors, with family members – Sumati on arriving with; paramaam puujaam kR^itvaa = on performing excellent veneration; praanjaliH = with adjoined palms; kushalam pR^iSTvaa = on enquiring about well being; atha = then; vishvaamitram abraviit = spoke to Vishvamitra.

Verse 22

धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि यस्य मे विषयं मुने |
संप्राप्तो दर्शनं चैव नास्ति धन्यतरो मम || १-४७-२२

“To which province you have visited that happens to be mine, thereby I could get an audience of yours without stirring myself from my country, hence none will be more fortunate than me.” So said king Sumati to Vishvamitra. [1-47-22]

22. yasya me viSayam = to which province, that of mine; mune = oh saint; sampraaptaH darshanam = well chanced, your audience; such as I am; dhanyaH asmi = fortunate, I am; anugR^ihiitaH asmi = much obliged, I am; mama dhanyataraH = me, very much fortunate one; na asti = not, is there.

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