46 – Lady diti seeks for a son to kill Indra


Diti seeks for a son to kill Indra because Indra and other gods have killed her sons in the battle after churning Milk Ocean. But Indra, being her stepson arrives at her place of asceticism, with view to destroy that Indra-killer. On a fateful day when Diti failed to maintain the procedure of vow, Indra enters her womb and dissects the foetus into seven fragments, which later become saptamarudgaNa-s, The Seven Wind-gods.

Verse 1

हतेषु तेषु पुत्रेषु दितिः परमदुःखिता |
मारीचं काश्यपं राम भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत् || १-४६-१

“Oh, Rama, Lady Diti was highly anguished for those sons that are killed and said this to her husband, Sage Kashyapa, the son of Sage Maareechi.” Thus Vishvamitra continued narration. [1-46-1]

1. raama = oh Rama; teSu putreSu hateSu = those, sons, while being killed; ditiH paramaduHkhitaa = Diti, is highly, anguished; bhartaaram maariicam kaashyapam = to husband, son of Mareechi, to sage Kaashyapa; idam abraviit = said this.

Verse 2

हतपुत्रास्मि भगवंस्तव पुत्रैर्महाबलैः |
शक्रहन्तारमिच्छामि पुत्रं दीर्घतपोऽर्जितम् ||१-४६-२

Oh, god, I am bereaved of my sons who are killed by your great mighty sons, the sons of your second wife Aditi, as such I wish to bear a son, who is achievable by sustained penance, for he shall be the exterminator of Indra. [1-46-2]

2. bhagavan = oh god; mahaabalaiH = great mighty ones; tava putraiH = by your, sons; hataputraasmi = killed sons I am – my sons are killed; shakrahantaaram = exterminator of Indra; diirghatapaH arjitam = one who can be achievable by sustained penance; such a; putram = son; icChaami = I wish – to bear.

Verse 3

साहं तपश्चरिष्यामि गर्भं मे दातुमर्हसि |
ईश्वरं शक्रहन्तारं त्वमनुज्ञातुमर्हसि || १-४६-३

‘Such a bereaved mother as I am, I wish to undertake asceticism for a son who shall become an exterminator of Indra, and who shall be the ruler of worlds. As such, it will be apt of you to permit me for asceticism, and further it will be apt of you to accord me pregnancy with such a son.’ Thus Diti spoke to her husband Kaashyapa. [1-46-3]

3. saa aham = such as I am – such a bereaved mother; tapaH chariSyaami = I wish to undertake asceticism; anuGYaatum [daatum] arhasi = apt of you to permit [to accord] ; tvam = you; iishvaram = who shall be a ruler of worlds; shakrahantaaram = who shall be – exterminator of Indra; with such a son; garbham me daatum arhasi = apt of you to accord pregnancy to me .

Verse 4

तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा मारीचः कश्यपस्तदा |
प्रत्युवाच महातेजा दितिं परमदुःखिताम् || १-४६-४

On hearing her request the great resplendent sage Kaashyapa, the son of Sage Mareechi, replied Diti, who is deeply mournful. [1-46-4]

4. tadaa = then; maariicaH = son of Sage Mareechi; mahaatejaaH = great resplendent sage; kashyapaH = Kashyapa; tasyaaH tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing that sentence – request of her; paramaduHkhitaam ditim = to deeply mournful Diti; pratyuvaaca = said in reply.

Verse 5

एवं भवतु भद्रं ते शुचिर्भव तपोधने |
जनयिष्यसि पुत्रं त्वं शक्रहन्तारमाहवे ||१-४६-५

” ‘So be it… oh, ascetically wealthy lady, you be blest, if you abide by the propriety of the practises of asceticism, then you will be delivering a son who can become an exterminator of Indra in war. [1-46-5]

5. tapodhane = oh ascetically wealthy one – Lady Diti; evam bhavatu = so, be it; te bhadram = you, be blest; shuciH bhava = purity [propriety,] you become [abide by]; tvam = you; aahave shakrahantaaram = Indra’s exterminator in war; such a; putram = son; janayiSyasi = you will be delivering.

Verse 6

पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु शुचिर्यदि भविष्यसि |
पुत्रं त्रैलोक्यहन्तारं मत्तस्त्वं जनयिष्यसि ||१-४६-६

‘If you can complete a thousand years of asceticism punctiliously, by my grace you can deliver a son who can be a husbander of three worlds.’ Thus Sage Kaashyapa advised his wife Diti. [1-46-6]

6. tvam shuciH bhaviSyasi yadi = if you become pure [punctilious] ; varSasahasre puurNe tu = on completing thousand years, but; mattaH = from me [by my grace]; trailokyahantaaram [bhartaaram] = three worlds exterminator [husbander]; putram = son; janayiSyasi = you can deliver.

Verse 7

एवमुक्त्वा महातेजाः पाणिना स ममार्ज ताम् |
तमालभ्य ततः स्वस्तीत्युक्त्वा तपसे ययौ ||१-४६-७

Saying thus that great resplendent sage patted her, and then on his touching her she is consecrated, and then that sage Kaashyapa departed for his ascetic practises, saying ‘be blest.’ [1-46-7]

7. mahaatejaaH = great resplendent [sage]; saH = he, Kaashyapa; evam uktvaa = thus, saying; taam paaNinaa mamaarja = wiped her with hand – patted; tam aalabhya tataH = on touching her, then; svasti iti uktvaa = be blest, thus, on saying; [saH = he, Kaashyapa]; tapase yayau = departed for ascetic practises.

Verse 8

गते तस्मिन्नरश्रेष्ठ दितिः परमहर्षिता |
कुशप्लवं सामासाद्य तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम् ||१-४६-८

On the exit of Sage Kaashyapa, oh, best one among men Rama, highly elated Diti reached the sacred place called Kushaplava, on which the present City of Vishala is now standing, and practised a highly rigorous asceticism. [1-46-8]

8. narashreSTha = oh best one among men, Rama; tasmin gate sati = he [Kashyapa];, when gone; ditiH paramaharSitaa = Diti, is highly elated; kushaplavam samaasaadya = on reaching [to a sacred place called] Kushaplava; sudaaruNam tapaH tepe = she practised highly rigorous, asceticism.

Verse 9

तपस्तस्यां हि कुर्वत्यां परिचर्यां चकार ह |
सहस्राक्षो नरश्रेष्ठ परया गुणसंपदा || १-४६-९

While she is truly practising asceticism, oh, the best among men Rama, that Thousand-eyed god Indra has indeed rendered services with his abundant and surpassing veracities to her, who is none other than his maternal-aunt. [1-46-9]

9. narashreSTha = oh best among men Rama; tasyaam tapaH kurvatyaam [carantyaam] hi = she, while practising asceticism, truly; sahasraakSaH = Thousand-eyed god – Indra; parayaa guNasampadaa = with abundant and surpassing veracities; paricaryaam cakaara ha = services, rendered, indeed.

Verse 10

अग्निं कुशान् काष्ठमपः फलं मूलं तथैव च |
न्यवेदयत् सहस्राक्षो यच्चान्यदपि कांक्षितम् ||१-४६-१०

The Thousand-eyed god Indra made available fire, firewood, water, the sacred Kusha grass, fruits and like that tubers also, and whatever other items she required in her ascetic practise. [1-46-10]

10. sahasraakSaH = Thousand eyed god, Indra; agnim kushaan kaaSTham apaH = fire, Kusha grass, firewood, water; phalam tathaa eva ca muulam = fruits, like that, also, tubers; kaankSitam anyat = [she] wanted – required, other [items]; yat ca api = whatever, also, even; nyavedayat = he offered – made available.

Verse 11

गात्रसंवाहनैश्चैव श्रमापनयनैस्तथा |
शक्रः सर्वेषु कालेषु दितिं परिचचार ह || १-४६-११

All the time Indra indeed served Diti by massaging her body, and other means of removing her bodily strain resulting from her arduous practises. [1-46-11]

11. shakraH = Indra; gaatrasamvahanaiH ca eva = limbs [body,] massages, also, thus; tathaa = likewise; shramaapanayanaiH = sending – by removing away [bodily] strain; sarveSu kaaleSu = in all, times [all the time]; ditim paricacaara ha = served to Diti, indeed.

Verse 12

पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु दशोने रघुनंदन |
दितिः परमसंहृष्टा सहस्राक्षमथाब्रवीत् ||१-४६-१२

Oh, Rama, the descendent of Raghu, when ten years are less to complete the thousand years span of her ascetics, Diti is highly rejoiced as her ambition is going to fructify in just ten more years, and then she spoke to the Thousand-eyed god, Indra. [1-46-12]

12. raghunandana = oh Rama, descendent of Raghu; atha = then; varSasahasre puurNe = to complete thousand years; dashone = less ten years – 990 years; ditiH paramasamhR^iSTaa = Diti, highly rejoiced; sahasraakSam abraviit = Indra spoke to Thousand-eyed god.

Verse 13

तपश्चरन्त्या वर्षाणि दश वीर्यवतां वर |
अवशिष्टानि भद्रं ते भ्रातरं द्रक्ष्यसे ततः ||१-४६-१३

Oh, best one among the valiant ones, Indra, to me who am practising asceticism ten years are remaining to complete, then you can see your brother, you be safe. [1-46-13]

13. viiryavataam vara = oh, best one among valiant ones – oh, Indra; tapaH carantyaa = asceticism, to me who am practising; dashavarSaaNi avashiSTaani = ten years, are remaining; tataH bhraataram drakSyase = then, you can see brother; te bhadram = you be, safe.

Verse 14

यमहं त्वत्कृते पुत्र तमाधास्ये जयोत्सुकम् |
त्रैलोक्यविजयं पुत्र सह भोक्ष्यसि विज्वरः || १-४६-१४

Oh, son Indra, whom I am bringing up for your reason, I will bring him up as a victory-enthusiast, and oh, son, Indra, along with him conquering the three worlds you can enjoy them, without febrility from your enemies.

14. putra = oh son – Indra; yam = whom; tvat kR^ite = for your, reason; jayotsukam = enthusiastic one in victory [to conquer you] ; tam aham aadhaasye = I am bringing up him; putra = oh son, Indra; vijvaraH = without febrility [of enemies]; trailokyavijayam = victory on three worlds; saha bhokSyasi = with [him] you can enjoy.

Verse 15

याचितेन सुरश्रेष्ट पित्रा तव महात्मना |
वरो वर्षसहस्रान्ते मम दत्तः सुतं प्रति || १-४६-१५

Oh, best one among gods, Indra, on my prayer your high-souled father Sage Kaashyapa bestowed this boon on me for a son, which materialises at the end of thousand years, and only ten more years are to slip by. [1-46-15]

15. surashreSTa = oh best one among gods; yaachitena = on my prayer; maahaatmanaa tava pitraa = from high-souled one, by your, father- Kaashyapa; varShasahasraante = at the end of thousand years; mama sutam prati = to me, towards son [for a son]; varaH dattaH = boon, is bestowed.

Verse 16

इत्युक्त्वा च दितिस्तत्र प्राप्ते मध्यन्दिनेश्वरे |
निद्रयापहृता देवी पादौ कृत्वाथ शीर्षतः ||१-४६-१६

When Diti was saying thus, the noontime sun was reigning high that lady is stolen over by sleep keeping her feet headward. [1-46-16]

16. ditiH = Diti; iti uktvaa = thus, saying; dineshvaraH = day’s, lord – Sun; [aakaasha] madhyam praapte = on reaching [sky] in middle – at midday; devii = that lady; atha = then; paadau shiirSataH kR^itvaa = on keeping two feet headward; tatra = there in that matter of asceticism; nidrayaa apahR^itaa = stolen over by sleep.

Verse 17

दृष्ट्वा तामशुचिं शक्रः पादयोः कृतमूर्धजाम् |
शिरःस्थाने कृतौ पादौ जहास च मुमोद च || १-४६-१७

On observing her who has become impious by placing her head at feet-side and braid falling on feet, Indra is gladdened and laughed at her failed asceticism. [1-46-17]

17. shakraH = Indra; paadayoH kR^itamuurdhajaam = placing head at feet-side and braid resting on feet; ashucim = not pious one; taam dR^iSTvaa = her [Diti,] on observing; shiraH sthaane kR^itau paadau = feet placed at the place of head; jahaasa ca mumoda ca = laughed, also, gladdened, also.

Verse 18

तस्याः शरीरविवरं प्रविवेश पुरंदरः |
गर्भं च सप्तधा राम चिच्छेद परमात्मवान् ||१-४६-१८

Oh, Rama, being a highly courageous one, Indra the destroyer of enemy fastnesses, entered the body of Diti through her vaginal aperture and rent her foetus asunder into seven fragments. [1-46-18]

18. raama = oh Rama; purandaraH = destroyer of enemy-fastnesses – Indra; tasyaaH shariiravivaram = body’s [vaginal] aperture of her [Diti’s] ; pravivesha ca = entered, also; paramaatmavaan = highly courageous one; garbham saptadhaa cicCheda = rent asunder womb [foetus] into seven ways [seven fragments] .

Verse 19

भिद्यमानस्ततो गर्भो वज्रेण शतपर्वणा |
रुरोद सुस्वरं राम ततो दितिरबुध्यत || १-४६-१९

Oh, Rama, then that foetus wailed clamorously while being sliced with Thunderbolt that has hundred cutting edges, and then Diti woke up. [1-46-19]

19. raama = oh Rama; tataH = then; shataparvaNaa = which has hundred cutting edges; vajreNa = with such Thunderbolt; bhidyamaanaH garbhaH = being sliced, womb [foetus]; susvaram = in loud voiced – clamorously; ruroda = wailed; tataH ditiH abudhyata = then, Diti, is awakened.

Verse 20

मा रुदो मा रुदश्चेति गर्भं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत |
बिभेद च महातेजा रुदन्तमपि वासवः || १-४६-२०

‘Do not scream, do not scream…’ thus Indra was coaxing the foetus, and even though that foetus is screaming piteously the great resplendent Indra has gone on fragmenting it. [1-46-20]

20. maa rudaH maa rudaH = do not, scream, do not, scream; iti shakraH garbham abhyabhaaSata = thus, Indra said – coaxed to foetus ; mahaatejaaH vaasavaH = great resplendent, Indra; rudantam api = wailing, even though [foetus is wailing]; bibheda ca = fragmented it, also.

Verse 21

न हन्तव्यं न हन्तव्यमित्येवं दितिरब्रवीत् |
निष्पपात ततः शक्रो मातुर्वचनगौरवात् ||१-४६-२१

‘Unkillable, unkillable is my foetus…’ thus Diti raved in that way, and then Indra fell out of the womb honouring his stepmother’s entreaty. [1-46-21]

21. ditiH = Diti; na hantavyam na hantavyam = not, killable, not killable; iti evam abraviit = thus, that way, spoke [raved]; tataH = then; shakraH = Indra; maatuH vacanagauravaat = owing honour to mother’s words [entreaty] ; niSpapaata = out fallen – fell out of womb.

Verse 22

प्रांजलिर्वज्रसहितो दितिं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत |
अशुचिर्देवि सुप्तासि पादयोः कृतमूर्धजा|| १-४६-२२

Indra humbly folding his palms that are still handling his bloody Thunderbolt spoke to Diti, ‘oh, lady, you have become impious when your braid touched your feet and when you have gone to sleep in midday, and you vow is thwarted.’ [1-46-22]

22. vajrasahitaH = along with Thunderbolt – blood-wet weapon still in hand; shakraH = Indra; praanjaliH = humbly adjoining palms; ditim abhyabhaaSata = to Diti, spoke; devi = oh lady; paadayoH kR^itamuurdhajaa = made [touching] head-hair [braid] on feet; ashuciH = not pious – you became; [madhyaahne] suptaa asi = you have [in midday] slept .

Verse 23

तदन्तरमहं लब्ध्वा शक्रहन्तारमाहवे |
अभिदं सप्तधा देवि तन्मे त्वम् क्षन्तुमर्हसि || १-४६-२३

“Thereby I gained a chance to eliminate him who can eliminate Indra in a battle. Hence I fragmented your foetus into seven fragments, and it will be apt of you to pardon me for that act of mine.” So said Indra to lady Diti. Thus, Sage Vishvamitra continued narration about City of Vishaala. [1-46-23]

23. aham = I; tat antaram labdhvaa = that, chance, on gaining; aahave shakrahantaaram = [who can become] eliminator of Indra in battle; saptadhaa abhidam = fragmented – the foetus in seven ways [seven fragments] ; devi = oh lady; me tat = my, that – deed; tvam kSantum arhasi= apt of you to pardon .

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