43 – Sugreeva sends troops to north


Sugreeva sends troops to north in search of Seetha. He gives an account of the snowy regions and provinces of northern side and asks them to search in the places of Yavana, Kuru, and Darads etc., civilisations. Sugreeva specially informs them about a divine province called Uttara Kuru and a heavenly mountain called Mt. Soma on which Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva make sojourn for its sacredness.

Verse 1

ततः संदिश्य सुग्रीवः श्वशुरम् पश्चिमाम् दिशम् |
वीरम् शतबलिम् नाम वानरम् वानररेश्वर || ४-४३-१

On sending his father-in-law, namely Susheshana, to westerly direction then the king of Vanara-s Sugreeva, spoke to a valorous vanara named Shatabali. [4-43-1]

1. vaanara iishvara sugriivaH = vanara-s’, king, Sugreeva; shvashuram pashcimaam disham sandishya = father-in-law, to westerly, direction, on sending; tataH = then; shatabalim naama = Shatabali, named; viiram vaanaram = to valorous, vanara; [uvaaca = spoke to.]

Verse 2

उवाच राजा सर्वज्ञः सर्व वानर सत्तम |
वाक्यम् आत्म हितम् चैव रामस्य च हितम् तदा || || ४-४३-२

That knowledgeable and the powerful one among all monkeys, King Sugreeva, spoke words to Shatabala that are advantageous to himself, and beneficial to Rama as well. [4-43-2]

2. raajaa sarva j~naH = king, all, knowing – knowledgeable – Sugreeva; sarva vaanara sattama = among all, vanara-s, powerful one [Sugreeva]; tadaa = thereafter; aatma hitam = for himself, advantageous; hitam raamasya ca = beneficial, for Rama, even; vaakyam uvaaca = words, spoke.

Verse 3

वृतः शत सहस्रेण त्वत् विधानाम् वन ओकसाम् |
वैवस्वत सुतैः सार्धम् प्रविष्ठ सर्व मंत्रिभिः || || ४-४३-३

“Accompanied with a hundred thousand forest-dwelling monkeys of your kind, and also with all of your ministers who the sons of Yama, the Terminator, you have to proceed. [4-43-3]

3. tvat vidhaanaam = your, kind of; vana okasaam = forest, dwellers [monkeys]; shata sahasreNa = with a hundred, thousand; vR^itaH = surrounded with – accompanied with; sarva mantribhiH = with all, misters; vaivasvata sutaiH saardham = Yama, Terminator’s, sons, along with; praviSTha = you enter – you proceed.

Verse 4

दिशम् हि उदीचीम् विक्रान्त हिम शैल अवतंसिकाम् |
सर्वतः परिमार्गध्वम् राम पत्नीम् यशस्विनीम् || || ४-४३-४

“Oh, venturesome Shatabala, you scout out whole of the northern quarter that has snowy Himalayan mountains as its crown for the glorious wife of Rama. [4-43-4]

4. vikraanta = oh, venturesome one – Shatabala; hima shaila avatansikaam = [the north that has] snowy, mountains, as its crown; udiiciim disham = northern, quarter; yashasviniim raama patniim = glorious, Rama’s, for wife; sarvataH parimaargadhvam = everywhere, scouted out.

Verse 5

अस्मिन् कार्ये विनिवृत्ते कृते दाशरथेः प्रिये |
ऋणान् मुक्ता भविष्यामः कृत अर्था अर्थविदाम् वराः || || ४-४३-५

“Oh, enterprising vanara-s, when this mission is complete and when we can effectuate a task agreeable to Rama, we will become debt-free and accomplished of our purpose. [4-43-5]

5. artha vidaam varaaH = purposiveness, among experts of, oh, best ones – oh, enterprising vanara-s; asmin kaarye vinivR^itte = in this, mission, on being completed; daasharatheH priye kR^ite = to Dasharatha’s son – to Rama, agreeable [task,] when we effectuate; R^iNaan muktaa = from debt, freed; kR^ita arthaa = accomplished, of purpose; bhaviSyaamaH = we will become.

Verse 5

अस्मिन् कार्ये विनिवृत्ते कृते दाशरथेः प्रिये |
ऋणान् मुक्ता भविष्यामः कृत अर्था अर्थविदाम् वराः || || ४-४३-५

“Oh, enterprising vanara-s, when this mission is complete and when we can effectuate a task agreeable to Rama, we will become debt-free and accomplished of our purpose. [4-43-5]

5. artha vidaam varaaH = purposiveness, among experts of, oh, best ones – oh, enterprising vanara-s; asmin kaarye vinivR^itte = in this, mission, on being completed; daasharatheH priye kR^ite = to Dasharatha’s son – to Rama, agreeable [task,] when we effectuate; R^iNaan muktaa = from debt, freed; kR^ita arthaa = accomplished, of purpose; bhaviSyaamaH = we will become.

Verse 6

कृतम् हि प्रियम् अस्माकम् राघवेण महात्मना |
तस्य चेत् प्रतिकारो अस्ति सफलम् जीवितम् भवेत् || || ४-४३-६

“Great-souled Raghava has indeed done a favour to us, isn’t it. If there is reciprocation to that kind deed, our lives will become fruitful. [4-43-6]

6. mahaa aatmanaa = raaghaveNa = by great-souled, Raghava; asmaakam priyam kR^itam hi = for us, cherish [a favour,] done, isn’t it; tasya prati kaaraH asti cet = its [deed’s,] reciprocation, is there, if; jiivitam = life sa phalam = with, fruit [fruitful]; bhavet = becomes.

Verse 7

अर्थिनः कार्य निर्वृत्तिम् अकर्तुम् अपि यः चरेत् |
तस्य स्यात् सफलम् जन्म किम् पुनः पूर्व कारिणः || || ४-४३-७

“He who completes the deed of a requester, even though that requester has not rendered any hep earlier, his life becomes fruitful. Then what is there to say again about him who has already received help from the requester? [4-43-7]

7. yaH = he who; a kartuH api = not, doing, even – even if one does not reciprocate; arthinaH kaarya nirvR^ittim = requester, deed, completion; caret = if he does; tasya janma saphalam syaat = his, life, fruitful, becomes; puurva kaariNaH = earleir, one who has done – one who has already renedered help; kim punaH = why, again – telling.

Verse 8

एताम् बुद्धिम् समास्थाय दृश्यते जानकी यथा |
तथा भवद्भिः कर्तव्यम् अस्मत् प्रिय हित एषिभिः || || ४-४३-८

“Let all of you abide by such a thinking as you are the well-wishers of our well-being and welfare, and undertake your mission in such a way as to how Seetha can be found in your search. [4-43-8]

8. etaam buddhim samaasthaaya = such a, thinking, abiding by; asmat = our; priya = well-being; hita = welfare; eSibhiH = by wishers; bhavadbhiH = by you all; jaanakii = Janaki; yathaa dR^ishyate = as to how, can be seen – can be found; tathaa kartavyam = that way, it [task] may be undertaken.

Verse 9

अयम् हि सर्व भूतानाम् मान्यः तु नर सत्तमः |
अस्मासु च गतः प्रीतिम् रामः पर पुरम् जयः || || ४-४३-९

“On his part this Rama, who is the best on among men and the champion of enemies’ fastnesses, is the estimable one for all beings, and his interests have indeed fell in with ours. [4-43-9]

9. ayam nara sattamaH = this, among men, the best one – Rama; para puram jayaH = others [enemies’,] cities [fastnesses,] champion of; such a; raamaH = Rama; sarva bhuutaanaam maanyaH tu = for all, beings, estimable one, on his part; asmaasu priitim gataH hi = with us, interest, he entered into, indeed – he befriended us.

Verse 10

इमानि बहु दुर्गाणि नद्यः शैल अंतराणि च |
भवन्तः परिमार्गन्तु बुद्धि विक्रम संपदा || || ४-४३-१०

“Let all of you with your assets of wisdom and valour rake over all of these impassable places, rivers, mountains and also their canyons. [4-43-10]

10. bhavantaH = you all; buddhi vikrama sampadaa = wisdom, valour, with a wealth of; imaani = these; bahu durgaaNi = many, impassable – places; nadyaH shaila antaraaNi ca = rivers, mountains, canyons also; parimaargantu = rake over.

Verse 11 & 12

तत्र म्लेच्छान् पुलिन्दान् च शूरसेनान् तथैव च |
प्रस्थालान् भरतान् चैव कुरूम् च सह मद्रकैः || || ४-४३-११
कांबोज यवनान् चैव शकान् पत्तनानि च |
अन्वीक्ष्य दरदान् चैव हिमवन्तम् विचिन्वथ || ४-४३-१२

“There in the north, the provinces of Mleccha-s, Pulinda-s, that way Shurashena – Prasthala – Bharata – Kuru – Madraka – Kaambhoja – Yavana shall be scrutinized along with the cities of Shaka and Darada, and then search in Himalayas. [4-43-11,12]

11, 12. tatra = there – in north; mlecChaan pulindaan ca = Mleccha-s, Pulinda-s – provinces of; tathaiva = like that; shuurasenaan ca = Shurashena, also; prasthaalaan bharataan caiva = Prasthala, Bharata, also, thus; madrakaiH saha = Madraka, along with; kuruum ca = Kuru, also; kaamboja yavanaan caiva = Kaambhoja, Yavana [countries,] also, thus; shakaan pattanaani ca = of Shaka, cities, also; daradaan caiva = Darada, also, thus; anviikshya = on scrutinizing; himavantam vicinvatha = at Himavanta [Himalayas,] search out.

Verse 13

लोध्र पद्मक खण्डेषु देवदारु वनेषु च |
रावणः सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्या ततः ततः || || ४-४३-१३

“In the stands of Lodhra trees, Padmaka trees and in the woods of Devadaru, or Deodar trees, Ravana is to be searched there and there, together with Seetha. [4-43-13]

13. lodhra padmaka khaNDeSu = in Lodhra, Padmaka tree, stands; devadaaru vaneSu ca = Devadaru trees, woods, also; raavaNaH = Ravana; tataH tataH = there, there; vaidehyaa saha = Videhi, together with; maargitavyaa = be searched.

Verse 14

ततः सोम आश्रमम् गत्वा देव गन्धर्व सेवितम् |
कालम् नाम महासानुम् पर्वतम् तम् गमिष्यथ || ४-४३-१४

“You to Soma hermitage, which is adored by the gods and gandharva-s, and then you go to that great-peaked mountain named Mt. Kala. [4-43-14]

14. tataH = then; deva gandharva sevitam = gods, gandharva-s, adored by; soma aashramam gatvaa = to Soma, hermitage, on going; mahaa saanum = great, peaked; kaalam naama = Kala, named; tam parvatam gamiSyatha = to that, mountain, you go.

Verse 15

महत्सु तस्य शैलेषु पर्वतेषु गुहासु च |
विचिन्वत महाभागाम् राम पत्नीम् अनिन्दिताम् || ४-४३-१५

“On its cliffs, mountainsides and in caves the highly fortunate and impeccable wife of Rama shall be searched. [4-43-15]

15. tasya mahatsu shaileSu = its, on grand, cliffs; parvateSu = = on mountainsides; guhaasu ca = in caves, also; mahaa bhaagaam = highly, fortunate one; a ninditaam = not, peccable one – impeccable Seetha; raama patniim = Rama’s, wife; vicinvata = shall be searched.

Verse 16

तम् अतिक्रम्य शैलेन्द्रम् हेम गर्भम् महागिरिम् |
ततः सुदर्शनम् नाम पर्वतम् गन्तुम् अर्हथ || ४-४३-१६

“On going across that lordly mountain Kala, which great-mountain is impregnated with gold, it will be apt of you to go to the mountain named Sudarshana afterwards. [4-43-16]

16. hema garbham = gold, impregnated with; shaila indram = mountain, lordly; tam mahaa girim = that, great-mountain; atikramya = on going across; tataH = afterwards; sudarshanam naama parvatam = to Sudarshan, named, mountain; gantum arhatha = to go, apt of you.

Verse 17

ततो देवसखो नाम पर्वतः पतग आलय |
नाना पक्षि समाकीर्णो विविध द्रुम भूषितः || ४-४३-१७

“Latter there will be a mountain overspread with various birds and adorned with varied trees named Devasakha which is a sanctuary for birds. [4-43-17]

17. tataH = latter; pataga aalaya = birds, a sanctuary of; naanaa pakshi sam aakiirNaH = with diverse, birds, verily, overspread; vividha druma bhuuSitaH = varied, trees, adorned with; devasakhaH naama parvataH = Devasakha, named, mountain – will be there.

Verse 18

तस्य कानन खण्डेषु निर्झरेषु गुहासु च |
रावणः सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यः ततः ततः || ४-४३-१८

“Let Ravana be quested after in the segments of woods, at waterfalls, and even in caverns of that mountain, together with Vaidehi. [4-43-18]

18. tasya = in its – mountain’s; kaanana khaNDeSu = woods, in segments; nirjhareSu [nirdareSu] guhaasu ca = in waterfalls, [in valleys,] in caverns, even; raavaNaH = Ravana vaidehyaa saha = Vaidehi, together with; tataH tataH maargitavyaH = there, there, quested for.

Verse 19

तम् अतिक्रम्य च आकाशम् सर्वतः शत योजनम् |
अपर्वत नदी वृक्षम् सर्व सत्त्व विवर्जितम् || ४-४३-१९

“On crossing Mt. Devasakha, there is a vacant land to a span of hundred yojana-s all around, which is devoid of mountains, rivers and even trees, and discarded by all beings. [4-43-19]

19. tam = that – Mt. Devasakha; atikramya ca = on crossing, even; a parvata = devoid of, mountains; nadii vR^ ikSam = rivers, trees; sarva sattva vi varjitam = by all, beings, verily, discarded; sarvataH shata yojanam = all around, hundred, yojana-s; aakaasham = sky – void land; is there.

Verse 20

तत् तु शीघ्रम् अतिक्रम्य कांतारम् रोम हर्षणम् |
कैलासम् पाण्डुरम् प्राप्य हृष्टा यूयम् भविष्यथ || ४-४३-२०

“But you all will be overjoyed on traversing that hair-raising wasteland quickly and on attaining Mt. Kailash. [4-43-20]

20. kaantaaram = wilds; roma harSaNam = hair, raising one; tat tu = that, on its part; shiighram atikramya = quickly, on traversing; paaNDuram kailaasam praapya = whitish, Mt. Kailash, on attaining; yuuyam = you all; hR^iSTaa bhaviSyatha = overjoyed, you will be.

Verse 21

तत्र पाण्डुर मेघाभम् जाम्बूनद परिष्कृतम् |
कुबेर भवनम् रम्यम् निर्मितम् विश्वकर्मणा || ४-४३-२१

“There is the delightful mansion of Kubera, which in shine will be like a silver cloud and processed with gold, and the Divine Architect Vishvakarma has constructed it. [4-43-21]

21. tatra = there; vishva karmaNaa nirmitam = by Vishvakarma [the Divine Architect,] constructed; paaNDura megha aabham = white, cloudlike, in shine; jaambuunada pariSkR^itam = gold, processed with; ramyam = delightful one; kubera bhavanam = Kubera’s, mansion; is there.

Verse 22

विशाला नलिनी यत्र प्रभूत कमलोत्पला |
हंस कारण्डव आकीर्णा अप्सरो गण सेविता || ४-४३-२२

“Where an expansive lake is there, which is replete with lotuses and costuses, overrun by swans and partridges, and adored by throngs of apsara-s, that is the place of Kubera, Deity for Wealth-Management. [4-43-22]

22. yatra = where; prabhuuta kamala utpalaa = replete with, lotuses, costuses; hamsa kaaraNDava aakiirNaa = swans, partridges, overrun by; apsaraH gaNa sevitaa = apsara, throngs, adored by; vishaalaa nalinii = expansive, lotus-lake; is there that is the place of Kubera.

Verse 23

तत्र वैश्रवणो राजा सर्व भूत नमस्कृतः |
धनदो रमते श्रीमान् गुह्यकैः सह यक्ष राट् || ४-४३-२३

“The son of Sage Vaishravana and king of yaksha-s, who is reverenced by all beings for he is the money giver, that fortunate king will be rejoicing there along with guhyaka-s, viz., yaksha-s. [4-43-23]

23. tatra = there – at that place; vaishravaNaH = son of Vaishravana; sarva bhuuta namaskR^itaH = by all, beings, reverenced; yakSa raaT = yaksha-s, king; shriimaan dhanadaH = fortunate one, Money-giver [Kubera]; raajaa = king; guhyakaiH saha = with Guhyaka-s [yaksha-s,] with; ramate = he rejoices.

Verse 24

तस्य चन्द्र निकशेषु पर्वतेषु गुहासु च |
रावणः सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यः ततः ततः || ४-४३-२४

“Ravana shall be searched on Mt. Kailash, and even in the caves of nearby mountains which will be shining like moon, together with Vaidehi. [4-43-24]

24. tasya = its [Mt. Kailash’s]; candra nikasheSu = moon, similar in shine; parvateSu guhaasu ca = in [nearby] mountains, in their caves, even; tataHtataH = there, there; raavaNaH = Ravana; maargitavyaH = shall be searched; vaidehyaa saha = Vaidehi, together with.

Verse 25

क्रौन्चम् तु गिरिम् आसाद्य बिलम् तस्य सुदुर्गमम् |
अप्रमत्तैः प्रवेष्टव्यम् दुष्प्रवेशम् हि तत् स्मृतम् || ४-४३-२५

“Thereafter on reaching Mt. Kraunca you shall cautiously enter into a highly impassable tunnel of that mountain to search Seetha. That tunnel, they say, is an un-enterable one. [4-43-25]

25. krauncam tu girim aasaadya = Kraunca, but, mountain, on reaching [thereafter]; su dur gamam = highly, not, passable one; tasya bilam = its, tunnel; a pramattaiH = without, incautiously [cautiously]; praveSTavyam = is to be entered; tat = that – tunnel; duS pravesham = un, enterable; smR^itam hi = known to be, indeed – they say.

Verse 26

वसन्ति हि महात्मानः तत्र सूर्य सम प्रभाः |
देवैः अभ्यर्थिताः सम्यक् देव रूपा महर्षयः || ४-४३-२६

“In that tunnel great-souled sages reside at the request of gods, and those great-sages are similar to Sun in their resplendence and godly in their mien. Even then, you search for Ravana therein that tunnel. [4-43-26]

26. tatra = in there – in that tunnel; suurya sama prabhaaH = Sun, similar, in resplendence; devaiH abhyarthitaaH = by gods, requested; deva ruupaa = godly, in mien; mahaatmaanaH = great-souled ones; such; maharSayaH = great-sages; samyak vasanti = very well, living – in that tunnel.

Verse 27

क्रौन्चस्य तु गुहाः च अन्याः सानूनि शिखराणि च |
निर्दराः च नितंबाः च विचेतव्याः ततः ततः || ४-४३-२७

“Besides the main peak of Mt. Kraunca, its other peaks, terraces, crevices and midriffs shall be searched, far and wide. [4-43-27]

27. krauncasya tu = Mt. Kraunca, but [besides the main peak of Mt. Kraunca]; anyaaH = other; guhaaH ca = caves, also; saanuuni shikharaaNi ca = terraces, peaks, also; nirdaraaH ca [dardaraaH ca] = crevices, also; nitambaaH ca = buttocks [of mountain, midriffs,] also; tataH tataH = there, there; vicetavyaaH = shall be searched.

Verse 28

अवृक्षम् काम शैलम् च मानसम् विहग आलयम् |
न गतिः तत्र भूतानाम् देवानाम् न च रक्षसाम् || ४-४३-२८

“The treeless Mt. Kaama and the abode of birds Mt. Maanasa are also to be searched, and there is no inlet for any being, let alone gods or demons. [4-43-28]

28. a vR^ikSam = without, trees; vihaga aalayam = birds, abode; maanasam = Mt. Maanasa; kaama shailam ca = Kaama, mountain, also; are to be searched; tatra = there; bhuutaanaam gatiH na = for beings, inlet, no; devaanaam ca rakSasaam = for gods, even, for demons; [gatiH = inlet]; na = no.

Verse 29

स च सर्वैः विचेतव्यः स सानु प्रस्थ भूधरः |
क्रौन्चम् गिरिम् अतिक्रम्य मैनाको नाम पर्वतः || ४-४३-२९

“You all have to search Mt. Kraunca inclusive of its mountainsides, grades, and its fringe mountains, and on moving away from that Mt. Kraunca, a mountain named Mainaaka is there. [4-43-29]

29. sa saanu prastha bhuu dharaH = with, mountainsides, grades, fringe, mountains; saH = that Kraunca mountain; sarvaiH vicetavyaH = by you all, is to be searched; krauncam girim atikramya = from Kraunca, mountain, moving away; mainaakaH naama parvataH = Mainaaka, named, mountain – is there.

Verse 30 & 31a

मयस्य भवनम् तत्र दानवस्य स्वयम् कृतम् |
मैनाकः तु विचेतव्यः स सानु प्रस्थ कंदरः || ४-४३-३०
स्त्रीणाम् अश्व मुखीनाम् च निकेताः तत्र तत्र तु |

“The mansion of the demon Maya is there which is built by himself and that Mt. Mainaaka is to be searched out, inclusive of its crests, grades and caves. Thereabout the dwellings of horse-faced females, namely KimpuruSa-s, are there and you have to search them also. [4-43-30, 31a]

30, 31a. tatra = there; daanavasya mayasya = demon, Maya’s; svayam kR^itam = himself, made [built]; bhavanam = mansion – is there; sa saanu prastha kandaraH = with, crests, grades, caves; mainaakaH tu vicetavyaH = Mt. Mainaaka, but, searched out; tatra tatra tu = there, there – thereabout; ashva mukhiinaam striiNaam ca = horse, faced ones, of females, also – of kimpurusha females; niketaaH = dwelling – is there.

Verse 31b & 32a

तम् देशम् समतिक्रम्य आश्रमम् सिद्ध सेवितम् || ४-४३-३१
सिद्धा वैखानसाः तत्र वालखिल्याः च तापसाः |

“On crossing over that province there is the hermitage adored by siddha-s, the resolved-souls. There the sages, namely siddha-s, vaikhaanasa-s, and vaalakhilyaa-s will be there. [4-43-31b, 32a]

31b, 32a. tam desham sam atikramya = that, province, verily, over crossing; siddha sevitam aashramam = by siddha-s [resolved-souls,] adored by, hermitage – is there; tatra = there; siddhaa vaikhaanasaaH = siddha-s, vaikhaanasa-s, vaalakhilyaaH ca taapasaaH = vaalakhilyaa-s, also, sages.

Verse 32b & 33a

वन्दितव्याः ततः सिद्धाः तापसा वीत कल्मषाः || ४-४३-३२
प्रष्टव्याः च अपि सीतायाः प्रवृत्तिम् विनय अन्वितैः |

“Then you venerate those sages with accomplished souls, whose asceticism alone has effaced their blemishes, and you may even humbly ask them after Seetha’s whereabouts. [4-43-32b, 33a]

32b, 33a. tataH = then; taapasaa viita kalmaSaaH = by asceticism, those who are relieved of, blemishes; siddhaaH = accomplished souls; vanditavyaaH = are to be reverenced; vinaya anvitaiH = humbleness, having; by you; siitaayaaH pravR^ittim = of Seetha, course [whereabouts]; praSTavyaaH ca api = [they may be] asked after, also, even.

Verse 33b & 34a

हेम पुष्कर संछन्नम् तत्र वैखानसम् सरः || ४-४३-३३
तरुण आदित्य संकाशैः हंसैः विचरितम् शुभैः |

“There is the lake belonging to Vaikhaanasa sages, overspread with golden lotuses, and overrun with prosperous swans whose resplendence will be similar to the tender sun. [4-43-33b, 34a]

33b, 34a. tatra = there; hema puSkara sanChannam = golden, lotuses, overspread with; taruNa aaditya sankaashaiH = tender, sun, similar in resplendence; shubhaiH hamsaiH = with prosperous, swans; vi caritam = verily, moving about; vaikhaanasam = pertaining to Vaikaanasa sages; saraH = lake – is there.

Verse 34b & 35a

औपवाह्यः कुबेरस्य सर्वभौम इति स्मृतः || ४-४३-३४
गजः पर्येति तम् देशम् सदा सह करेणुभिः |

“The carrier elephant of Kubera known as Saarvabhauma will always be visiting that place along with she-elephants. [4-43-34b, 35a]

34b, 35a. sarvabhauma iti smR^itaH = Saarvabhauma, thus, known as – in legends; kuberasya aupavaahyaH gajaH = of Kubera, carrier, elephant; kareNubhiH saha = she-elephants, along with; sadaa = always; tam desham = to that, place; pari eti = goes over – will be visiting.

Verse 35b & c

तत् सारः समतिक्रम्य नष्ट चन्द्र दिवाकरम् |
अनक्षत्र गणम् व्योम निष्पयोदम् अनाअदितम् || ४-४३-३५

“Passing that lake there will be just sky which will be devoid of moon, or sun, or the clusters of stars, and it will be cloudless and noiseless. [4-43-35b, c]

35b, c. tat saaraH samatikramya = that, lake, on passing over; naSTa candra divaakaram = devoid of, moon, sun; a nakSatra gaNam = without, star, clusters; niS payodam = without, clouds; a naaaditam = less of, noise [noiseless]; vyoma = sky – is there.

Verse 36

गभस्तिभिः इव अर्कस्य स तु देशः प्रकाशते |
विश्राम्यद्भिः तपः सिद्धैः देव कल्पैः स्वयंप्रभैः || ४-४३-३६

“That place will be luminescent with the self-resplendence of godlike sages who have accomplished their asceticism and who are taking rest at that place, as if illuminated with innumerable rays of the sun. [4-43-36]

36. deva kalpaiH = gods, like; svayam prabhaiH = self, resplendent ones; vishraamyadbhiH = who are taking rest; tapaH siddhaiH = in asceticism, accomplished ones; sa deshaH = that, place; arkasya gabhastibhiH iva = sun’s, [innumerable] sunrays, as with; prakaashate = [that place will be] luminescent.

Verse 37 & 38a

तम् तु देशम् अतिक्रम्य शैलोदा नाम निम्नगा |
उभयोः तीरयोः तस्याः कीचका नाम वेणवः || ४-४३-३७
ते नयंति परम् तीरम् सिद्धान् प्रत्यानयन्ति च |

“On crossing over that province there is a deep flowing river named Shailoda. On both of its riverbanks bamboo brakes called as Keecaka-s will be there. Those bamboos will be enabling the movement of siddha-s, accomplished souls, from one bank to the other. [4-43-37, 38a]

37, 38a. tam desham atikramya = that, province, on crossing over; shailodaa naama = Shailoda, named; nimna gaa = deep, going – flowing river – is there; tasyaaH ubhayoH tiirayoH = on its, both, banks; kiicakaa naama veNavaH = Keecaka, named, bamboo – brakes – are there; te = they [bamboos]; siddhaan = siddha-s; param tiiram nayanti = to other, bank, they take; prati aanayant ca = in turn, bring back, also

Verse 38b, 39 & 40a

उत्तराः कुरवः तत्र कृत पुण्य प्रतिश्रियाः || ४-४३-३८
ततः कांचन पद्माभिः पद्मिनीभिः कृतोदकाः |
नील वैदूर्य पत्राढ्या नद्यः तत्र सहस्रशः || ४-४३-३९
रक्तोत्पल वनैः च अत्र मण्डिताः च हिरण्मयैः |

“Then there is the North Kuru, the dwelling of those who have achieved divine merit in their previous births and now born in that country to enjoy the fruits of that divine merit, thus that country itself is earmarked for meritorious beings. At that place, the lotuses in the rivers will be golden in hue. The runners and stalks of lotus plants bear lotus-leaves that are bluish like the bluishness of lapis lazuli. There will be thousands of such rivers filled with such plants in water, and with waters mingled with the waters of other lakes, and decorated with the thickets of red Costuses alongshore. [4-43-38b, 39, 40a]

38b, 39, 40a. tatra = there; kR^ita puNya pratishriyaaH = achieved, divine merit, dwelling; uttaraaH kuravaH = northern, Kuru – is there; tataH tatra = then, there; kaancana padmaabhiH = with golden, lotuses; padminiibhiH = lotus-leaf-stalks – runners of lotuses; kR^itaH udakaaH = made [mingled,] waters [from other lakes]; niila vaiduurya patra aaDhyaa = blue, lapis [Lapis Lazuli Blue-like,] leaves, filled with; nadyaH = rivers; sahasrashaH = in thousands – are there; atra = here – at this place; hiraNmayaiH = golden in hue; rakta utpala vanaiH = with red, Costuses, thickets; maNDitaaH ca = decorated with, also.

Verse 40b & 41

तरुण आदित्य संकाशा भान्ति तत्र जलाशयाः || ४-४३-४०
महाअर्ह मणि पत्रैः च कांचन प्रभ केसरैः |
नीलोत्पल वनैः चित्रैः स देशः सर्वतो वृतः || ४-४३-४१

“Everywhere that province shines forth with highly valuable leaves which will be in the hue of sapphires, with fibrils in the hue of gold, and with amazing thickets of blue costuses around lakes, which lakes will be surrounding that province with a resplendence similar to sun. [4-43-40b, 41]

40b, 41. sa deshaH = that, province; sarvataH = everywhere; mahaa arha maNi patraiH [ratnaiH] ca = with highly, valuable, sapphirine [in hue,] leaves [gemstones,] also; kaancana prabha kesaraiH = golden, in shine, with fibrils; citraiH = amazing ones; niila utpala vanaiH = blue, costuses, with thickets of; taruNa aaditya sankaashaa jala aashayaaH = tender, Sun, similar, with water, receptacles [lakes]; vR^itaH = surrounded with; tatra bhaanti = there, shines forth.

Verse 42

निस्तुलाभिः च मुक्ताभिः मणिभिः च महाधनैः |
उद्भूत पुलिनाः तत्र जातरूपैः च निम्नगाः || ४-४३-४२

“There the sand dunes of deep flowing rivers are lumped together with incomparable pearls, highly valuable jewels and gold. [4-43-42]

42. tatra = there; niH tulaabhiH ca muktaabhiH = un, weighable [incomparable,] also, with pearls; mahaa dhanaiH maNibhiH ca = with highly, valuable, jewels; nimnagaaH = deep flowing rivers; jaataruupaiH = with gold; udbhuuta pulinaaH = mixed, sand dunes – will be there.

Verse 43

सर्व रत्नमयैः चित्रैः अवगाढा नगोत्तमैः |
जातरूपमयैः च अपि हुताशन सम प्रभैः || ४-४३-४३

“That province is with amazing mountains that are replete with every kind of jewel, golden in hue, splendorous like Ritual-fire, and they are intercalated into the deep flowing rivers. [4-43-43]

43. citraiH = amazing ones [mountains]; sarva ratnamayaiH = all, jewels filled with; jaataruupamayaiH ca api = golden in aspect also; hutaashana sama prabhaiH = to Ritual-fire, similar, in splendour; naga uttamaiH = with mountain, lofty ones; avagaaDhaa = intercalated – into rivers.

Verse 44 & 45a

नित्य पुष्प फलाः तत्र नगाः पत्ररथ आकुलाः |
दिव्य गन्ध रस स्पर्शाः सर्व कामान् स्रवन्ति च || ४-४३-४४
नाना आकाराणि वासांसि फलन्ति अन्ये नगोत्तमाः |

“There the trees will be eternally flowering and fruiting on which birds will be endlessly squawking. Their yield will be spilling forth meeting every delicacy with a divine smell, taste and touch. Some other best trees will yield clothing in numerous shapes. [4-43-44, 45a]

44, 45a. tatra nagaaH = there, trees are; nitya puSpa phalaaH = with eternal, flowers, fruits; patra ratha [nitya] aakulaaH = by wings, charioting [birds,] [endlessly] squawking; divya gandha rasa sparshaaH = divine, for smell, for taste, for touch; sarva kaamaan sravanti ca = for all, desires [delicacies,] spill forth their yield, also; anye naga uttamaaH = other, trees, best ones; naanaa aakaaraaNi vaasaansi = numerous, shapes, of clothing; phalanti bear fruits – they yield.

Verse 45 & 46

मुक्ता वैदूर्य चित्राणि भूषणानि तथैव च |
स्त्रीणाम् यानि अनुरूपाणि पुरुषाणाम् तथैव च || ४-४३-४५
सर्व ऋतु सुख सेव्यानि फलन्ति अन्ये नगोत्तमाः |
महा अर्हाणि मणि चित्राणि फलन्ति अन्ये नगोत्तमाः || ४-४३-४६

“Some of the best trees will be yielding such of those adornments which will be vying with ornament made with pearls or with lapis gemstones, and suitable both for women and men. Like that, they can be worn happily in all seasons. Some other best trees will be yielding gemlike marvellous decorations applicable to noblesse. [4-43-45, 46]

45, 46. anye naga uttamaaH = yet other, best, trees; yaani = which of those – adornments; striiNaam = for females; tathaiva ca = like that, also; puruSaaNaam anuruupaaNi = for males, are befitting to; muktaa vaiduurya citraaNi = pearly, lapis gems like, wondrous ones; tathaiva ca = like that, also; sarva R^itu sukha sevyaani = in all, seasons, happily, wear; bhuuSaNaani = adornments; phalanti = will be fruiting – yielding; anye naga uttamaaH = other, trees, best ones; mahaa arhaaNi = highly people, applicable to [to noblesse]; maNi citraaNi [aabharaNaani] = gemlike, marvellous [ornaments]; phalanti = will be producing.

Verse 47 & 48a

शयनानि प्रसूयन्ते चित्र आस्तारणवन्ति च |
मनः कान्तानि माल्यानि फलन्ति अत्र अपरे द्रुमाः || ४-४३-४७
पानानि च महा अर्हाणि भक्ष्याणि विविधानि च |

“There are other trees that produce wooden-beds with astonishing upholsteries, and even garlands that will be attractively heartening, while some other trees will be yielding juices and foodstuffs that are relevant to highly choicest consumers. [4-43-47]

47, 48a. atra apare drumaaH = there, other, trees; citra aastaaraNavanti ca = astonishing, with upholsteries, also; shayanaani = [wooden-] beds; prasuuyante = will be producing; manaH kaantaani maalyaani = heart, longing [attracting,] garlands; phalanti = they yield; mahaa arhaaNi paanaani ca = for highly, choicest ones, juices, also; vividhaani bhakSyaaNica = diverse, foodstuffs, also.

Verse 48b & 49

स्त्रियः च गुण संपन्ना रूप यौवन लक्षिताः || ४-४३-४८
गन्धर्वाः किंनरा सिद्धा नागा विद्याधराः तथा |
रमन्ते सहिताः तत्र नारीभिः भास्वर प्रभाः || ४-४३-४९

“The females of Uttara Kuru province will be handsome and youthful and they are rich by their attributes. There the radiantly bright celestials like gandharva-s, kinnaraa-s, siddha-s, vidyaadharaa-s will be delighting along with their own females. [4-43-48b, 49]

48b, 49. guNa sampannaaH = attributes, enriched with; ruupa yauvana lakSitaaH = handsomeness, youthfulness, along with – having; striyaH ca = females, also; that Uttaara Kuru has; bhaasvara prabhaaH = radiantly, bright; gandharvaaH kinnaraa siddhaa naagaa = gandharva-s, kinnaraa-s, siddha-s; tathaa vidyaadharaaH = likewise, vidyaadharaa-s; tatra = there; naariibhiH sahitaaH ramante = females, along with, delight in.

Verse 50

सर्वे सुकृत कर्माणः सर्वे रति परायणाः |
सर्वे काम अर्थ सहिता वसंति सह योषितः || ४-४३-५०

“All the inhabitants of North Kuru have carried out good deeds in earlier births, hence they are accorded with paradisiacal pleasures now. All are engaged in passion, all of them live in pleasure and prosperity along with their youthful females. [4-43-50]

50. sarve = all of them – inhabitants of Uttara Kuru; sukR^ita karmaaNaH = good deeds, carried through; sarve rati paraayaNaaH = all of them, in passion, engaged; sarve kaama artha sahitaa = all of them, pleasures, prosperity, having; saha yoSitaH = with, youthful females; vasanti = they will be dwelling – there.

Verse 51

गीत वादित्र निर्घोषः स उत्कृष्ट हसित स्वनः |
श्रूयते सततम् तत्र सर्व भूत मनोरमः || ४-४३-५१

“The notes of vocal and instrumental music will be flowing out mixed with the peals of vivacious laughter, which will always come to ears in a heart-stealing manner for all beings. [4-43-51]

51. sa utkR^iSTa hasita svanaH = with, heightened [vivacious,] laughing, sounds – mixed with vivacious peels of laughter; sarva bhuuta manoramaH = for all, beings, heart-stealing; giita vaaditra nir ghoSaH = vocal, instrumental [musical notes,] out flowing, sound; tatra satatam shruuyate = there, always, comes to ears.

Verse 52

तत्र न अमुदितः कश्चिन् न अत्र कश्चित् असत् प्रियः |
अहनि अहनि वर्धन्ते गुणाः तत्र मनोरमाः || ४-४३-५२

“There is none who is infelicitous and there is none who is friendly to untruthful ones, and in that province these heart-pleasing attributes of those blessed souls like rejoicing, festivity etc. will be enriching day by day. [4-43-52]

52. tatra = there; a muditaH = not, felicitous one; kashcit na = someone, none; a sat priyaH = not, truth, loving ones, – friendly to untruthful ones; atra = there; kashcit na = someone, none; tatra = in that province; ahani ahani = day, by day; manaH ramaaH guNaaH = heart, pleasing, attributes; vardhante = will be enhancing.

Verse 53

तम् अतिक्रम्य शैलेन्द्रम् उत्तरः पय्साम् निधिः |
तत्र सोम गिरिर् नाम मध्ये हेममयो महान् || ४-४३-५३

“On passing beyond that mountain in Uttara Kuru, there is a treasure trove of waters, namely vast of Northern Ocean, in the mid of which there is gigantic golden mountain named Mt. Soma. [4-43-53]

53. tam shailendram atikramya = that, mountain, the best, on passing beyond; uttaraH paysaam nidhiH = north, waters, treasure trove of – vast of Northern Ocean is there; tatra madhye = in its, midst; hema mayaH = completely golden one; mahaan = a gigantic one; soma giriH naama = Soma, mountain, named; mountain is there.

Verse 54

इन्द्र लोक गता ये च ब्रह्म लोक गताः च ये |
देवाः तम् समवेक्षन्ते गिरि राजम् दिवम् गताः || ४-४३-५४

“Those who have gone to the sphere of Indra, and those who have gone to the sphere of Brahma can clearly see that lordly Mt. Soma, situated in the vast of ocean from the vast of heavens. [4-43-54]

54. ye = those; indra loka gataa = Indra’s, in world, are there; ye brahma loka gataaH ca = Brahma’s, world, have gone, also; such of those; devaaH = gods; divam gataaH = sky, on attaining – from the sky; tam giri raajam = at it, mountain, lordly; sam avekSante = they will be clearly seeing.

Verse 55

स तु देशो विसूर्यो अपि तस्य भासा प्रकाशते |
सूर्य लक्ष्म्या अभिविज्ञेयः तपता इव विवस्वता || ४-४३-५५

“Even though that place is sunless it is comprehensible as if with sunshine, since it is illuminated with the resplendence of Mt. Soma itself, which will be irradiating that place as if with the resplendence of the Sun. [4-43-55]

55. saH deshaH = that, place; vi suuryaH api = without, sun, even though; suurya lakSmyaa = with Sun’s, resplendence; abhi vi j~neyaH = comprehensible; tapataa vivasvataa iva = irradiated, by Sun, as though; tasya bhaasaa prakaashate = its own [mountain’s,] resplendence, illuminated with.

Verse 56

भगवान् तत्र विश्वात्मा शम्भुः एकादश आत्मकः |
ब्रह्मा वसति देवेशो ब्रह्म ऋषि परिवारितः || ४-४३-५६

“The God and Cosmic-Souled Vishnu and Shambhu or Shiva, an embodiment of eleven selfsame Souls, called ekaadasha rudra-s , and the god of gods Brahma who is surrounded by Brahma-Sages, will be sojourning on that Mt. Soma. [4-43-56]

56. tatra = there; bhagavaan vishva aatmaa = God, Cosmic-Soul – Vishnu; eka dasha aatmakaH shambhuH = one, ten [an embodiment of eleven selfsame] Souls [eleven Rudra-s, or, eleven souled god,] Shiva; brahma R^iSi parivaaritaH = Brahma-Sages, surrounded by; deva iishaH brahmaa = gods, god, Brahma; vasati = sojourn – there on Mt. Soma.

Verse 57

न कथंचन गंतव्यम् कुरूणाम् उत्तरेण वः |
अन्येषाम् अपि भूतानाम् न अनुक्रामति वै गतिः || ४-४३-५७

“Under any circumstances you shall not go to the north of Kuru province as there is no other way out to follow, even for other beings like daitya, daanava, yaksha, gandharva-s, though they possess some extraordinary capabilities. [4-43-57]

57. kuruuNaam uttareNa = from Kuru, to north of; kathancana = under any circumstances; vaH na gantavyam = you, not, to go; anyeSaam bhuutaanaam api = to other, beings, even; gatiH = a course, passage; na anukraamati = not, follows – no course is there; vai = indeed.

Verse 58

सा हि सोम गिरिः नाम देवानाम् अपि दुर्गमः |
तम् आलोक्य ततः क्षिप्रम् उपावर्तितुम् अर्हथ || ४-४३-५८

“That mountain named Soma is an impassable one even for gods, and it will be apt of you to quickly return from there on seeing that mountain. [4-43-58]

58. soma giriH naama = Soma, mountain, named; saa hi = that, indeed; devaanaam api durgamaH = to gods, even, impassable; tam aalokya = that, on seeing; tataH = from there; kSipram = quickly; upa aa vartitum = to return; arhatha = apt of you.

Verse 59

एतावत् वानरैः शक्यम् गंतुम् वानर पुंगवाः |
अभास्करम् अमर्यादम् न जानीमः ततः परम् || ४-४३-५९

” It is possible for the vanara-s to go only up to there, oh, best vanara-s, and we have no knowledge of those sunless and boundless realms available far and beyond. [4-43-59]

59. vaanara pungavaaH = oh, vanara-s, the best; etaavat = up to there; vaanaraiH gantum shakyam = by vanara-s, to go, it is possible; a bhaaskaram = without, sun [sunless]; a maryaadam = not, with boundaries [boundless realms]; about them; tataH param = there, after – far and beyond; na jaaniimaH = not, we know – I do not know.

Verse 59

एतावत् वानरैः शक्यम् गंतुम् वानर पुंगवाः |
अभास्करम् अमर्यादम् न जानीमः ततः परम् || ४-४३-५९

” It is possible for the vanara-s to go only up to there, oh, best vanara-s, and we have no knowledge of those sunless and boundless realms available far and beyond. [4-43-59]

59. vaanara pungavaaH = oh, vanara-s, the best; etaavat = up to there; vaanaraiH gantum shakyam = by vanara-s, to go, it is possible; a bhaaskaram = without, sun [sunless]; a maryaadam = not, with boundaries [boundless realms]; about them; tataH param = there, after – far and beyond; na jaaniimaH = not, we know – I do not know.

Verse 60

सर्वम् एतत् विचेतव्यम् यन् मया परिकीर्तितम् |
यत् अन्यत् अपि न उक्तम् च तत्र अपि क्रियताम् मतिः || ४-४३-६०

“You shall thoroughly search in all those provinces that are explained by me, and you have to make up your mind for searching in other places that are not referred by me. [4-43-60]

60. mayaa yat parikiirtitam = by me, which [province,] is extolled – explained; etat sarvam vicetavyam = all these [provinces,] in entirety, are to be searched; anyat api = others, even; yat na uktam ca = which, not, spoken of [by me,] also; tatra api = in them, even; for searching; matiH kriyataam = your mind, you make up.

Verse 61

ततः कृतम् दाशरथेः महत् प्रियम्
महत्तरम् च अपि ततो मम प्रियम् |
कृतम् भविष्यति अनिलोअनलौपमा
विदेहजा दर्शनजेन कर्मणा || ४-४३-६१

“Thereby, oh, Air-godlike and Wind-godlike vanara-s, on your seeing the princess born in Videha kingdom, namely Vaidehi, an extremely desirable task for the sake of Dasharatha’s son Rama is considered as done. Thereby it becomes a still privileged accomplishment even for me achieved through your efforts. [4-43-61]

61. anila anala upamaa = oh, Air-god, Wind-god, similar vanara-s; tataH = thereby; videha jaa = in Videha kingdom, born in [Vaidehi’s]; darshana jena = by seeing her; karmaNaa = by that task; daasharatheH = to Dasharatha’s son [to Rama]; mahat priyam = extremely, desirable [deed]; kR^itam = [considered as] done; tataH = thereby; api mama ca = even, to me, also; mahat taram = higher, still; priyam kR^itam bhaviSyati = propitious, accomplishment, it becomes.

Verse 62

ततः कृतार्थाः सहिताः सबान्धवा
मया अर्चिताः सर्व गुणैः मनो रमैः |
चरिष्यथ उर्वीम् प्रतिशान्त शत्रवाअः
सह प्रिया भूत धराः प्लवंगमाः || ४-४३-६२

“Thereafter, oh, fly-jumpers, when you with accomplished purpose and adored by me with heart-pleasing concessions, and when your enemies are silenced, you will rove over the earth with your friends and relatives and with your beloveds, also fostering your progeny.” Thus Sugreeva said to the monkeys going to North. [4-43-62]

62. plavangamaaH = oh, fly-jumpers; tataH = latter; kR^ita arthaaH = purpose, accomplished; sa hitaaH sa baandhavaa = with, friends, with, relatives; mayaa = by me; manaH ramaiH = heart, pleasing; sarva guNaiH = with all, attributes [concessions]; arcitaaH = adored; shaanta shatravaaaH = with silenced, enemies; saha priyaa = with, beloveds ones; bhuuta dharaaH = beings, sustaining [fostering progeny]; urviim [prati ] cariSyatha = on earth, over, rove – rove over.

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