43 – Lure of the Golden Deer


On spotting the deer Seetha calls Rama and Lakshmana to have sight of it. Lakshmana immediately concludes it to be Maareecha, but Seetha, keeping his observation aside asks Rama to fetch it. Rama is also fascinated when he looked at that deer and he explains to Lakshmana as to why that particular deer is to be hunted down.

Verse 1 & 2

सा तम् संप्रेक्ष्य सुश्रोणी कुसुमानि विचिन्वती |
हेम राजत वर्णाभ्याम् पार्श्वाभ्याम् उपशोभितम् || ३-४३-१
प्रहृष्टा च अनवद्यान्गी मृष्ट हाटक वर्णिनी |
भर्तारम् अपि च आक्रन्द लक्ष्मणम् चैव सायुधम् || ३-४३-२

That slender-waisted Seetha whose limbs are flawless, whose complexion is like purified gold, and who is presently culling flowers is highly gladdened to observe the Golden Deer that is brightened in one flank with the colour of gold and the other is silvery, and she shouted for attention of her husband, and even that of Lakshmana who is presently weaponed. [3-43-1, 2]

1. su shroNii = slender, waisted one; anavadya angii = flawlessly, limbed; mR^iSTa haaTaka varNinii = purified, gold, one in colour of – complexioned one; kusumaani vicinvatii = flowers, while culling; saa = she – Seetha; hema raajata varNaabhyaam paarshvaabhyaam = with golden, silver, tinged, with flanks; upashobhitam = brightened with; tam = that; [mR^igam = deer]; sam prekSya = on observing; pra hR^iSTaa ca = well, gladdened, also; bhartaaram api = at husband, even; sa aayudham lakSmaNam ca eva = [who is] with, weapon, at Lakshmana, also thus; aakranda = shouted, exclaimed.

Verse 3

आहूय आहूय च पुनः तम् मृगम् साधु वीक्षते |
आगच्छ आगच्छ शीघ्रम् वै आर्यपुत्र सह अनुज || ३-४३-३

“Oh, noble prince, come here,” thus she called her husband and peered at the deer, and again she called, “really come with your younger brother quickly,” and again gazed at the deer, and thus she oftentimes called and oftentimes saw the deer fondly. [3-43-3]

3. aarya putra = oh, nobleman’s, son – Rama; aagacCha = come here; saha anuja shiighram aagacCha vai = with, younger brother, quickly, come here, really; [iti = this way]; aahuuya aahuuya = calling, calling; punaH tam mR^igam saadhu viikshate = again [oftentimes,] at that, deer, fondly, gazing.

Verse 4

तया आहूतौ नरव्याघ्रौ वैदेह्या राम लक्ष्मणौ |
वीक्षमाणौ तु तम् देशम् तदा ददृशतुः मृगम् || ३-४३-४

Those manly lions Rama and Lakshmana thus bidden by Vaidehi came there exploring that place and then they saw that Golden Deer. [3-43-4]

4. tayaa vaidehyaa aahuutau = by her, by Vaidehi, bidden; nara vyaaghrau = bidden, manly, lions [vyaahra also means lion]; raama lakSmaNau = Rama, Lakshmana; tam desham viikSamaaNau [aayaatau] = that, place, on exploring [having come]; tadaa mR^igam dadR^ishatuH = then, Golden Deer, they saw.

Verse 5

शंकमानः तु तम् दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणो रामम् अब्रवीत् |
तम् एव एनम् अहम् मन्ये मारीचम् राक्षसम् मृगम् || ३-४३-५

But Lakshmana became incredulous on seeing it and said to Rama, “I believe this deer to be that Maareecha, the demon.” [3-43-5]

5. tam dR^iSTvaa = at it, on seeing; shankamaanaH lakSmaNaH tu = becoming incredulous, Lakshmana, on his part; raamam abraviit = to Rama, said; aham enam mR^igam = I, this, deer; tam raakSasam maariicam eva manye = him, as Maareecha, demon, alone, I believe.

Verse 6

चरन्तो मृगयाम् हृष्टाः पापेन उपाधिना वने |
अनेन निहता राम राजानः काम रूपिणा || ३-४३-६

“Oh, Rama, when kings engaged in hunting games were delightedly moving in the forest, this Maareecha killed many of them resorting to many disguises, for he is a guise-changer by his wish. [3-43-6]

6. raama = oh, Rama; hR^iSTaaH mR^igayaam carantaH raajaanaH = delightedly, in game of hunting, who are moving around, kings; kaama ruupiNaa = by wish, guise-changer; anena paapena = by this, sinner – sinister; vane = in forest; upaadhinaa = [by his resorting to] disguises; nihataa = are killed.

Verse 7

अस्य मायाविदो माया मृग रूपम् इदम् कृतम् |
भानुमत् पुरुषव्याघ्र गन्धर्व पुर संनिभम् || ३-४३-७

“Maareecha is an expert in many wiles and he has now assumed the form of this Golden-Deer, oh, manly lion, which is not more than the scintillating city of Gandharva-s, a city of wiles, which any trickster can create to make-believe. [3-43-7]

7. puruSavyaaghra = oh, man, the lion; maayaa vidaH = wiles, expert in; asya = his – Maareecha’s; bhaanumat = having scintillation; gandharva pura sannibham = gandharva, [wilily] city, similar in shine; idam maayaa mR^iga ruupam kR^itam = this, wily, Golden-Deer, form, is made – he assumed.

Verse 8

मृगो हि एवम् विधो रत्न विचित्रो न अस्ति राघव |
जगत्याम् जगतीनाथ माया एषा हि न संशयः || ३-४३-८

“Oh, Raghava, this kind of amazing animal with gemlike dapples is nonexistent in the world, isn’t it. Hence, oh, lord of the world, this is truly a phantasm. No doubt about it.” So said Lakshmana to Rama. [3-43-8]

8. jagatii naatha raaghava = oh, world/earth, lord of, [such a] Raghava; evam vidhaH = this, kind of; mR^igaH = animal/deer; ratna = gemmed, gem studded; vi citraH [citritaH ] = verily, amazing [or, amazingly dappled animal]; jagatyaam na asti hi = in world, non, existent, isn’t it; eSaa maayaa hi = this is, phantasm, truly; na samshayaH = no, doubt.

Verse 9

एवम् ब्रुवाणम् काकुत्स्थम् प्रतिवार्य शुचि स्मिता |
उवाच सीता संहृष्टा चद्मना हृत चेतना || ३-४३-९

While Lakshmana of Kakutstha-s is speaking thus, she who is self-satisfied as her heart is conjured by the cozenage, such a Seetha of a toothy smile deterred him and spoke. [3-43-9]

9. shuci smitaa = one with whitely, smile – with a toothy smile; chadmanaa [carmaNaa] hR^ita cetanaa = by cozenage, [by deerskin,] conjured, heart; sam hR^iSTaa = self-satisfied [with her own thinking]; siitaa = such a Seetha; evam bruvaaNam kaakutstham = this way, who is speaking, Kakutstha Lakshmana; prati vaarya = in turn, on forestalling – on deterring; uvaaca = spoke.

Verse 10

आर्यपुत्र अभिरामो असौ मृगो हरति मे मनः |
आनय एनम् महाबाहो क्रीडार्थम् नः भविष्यति || ३-४३-१०

“Oh, nobleman’s son, that delightful deer is stealing my heart, oh, dextrous one, bring it round, it will be our plaything. [3-43-10]

10. aarya putra = oh, son of noble; abhiraamaH asau mR^igaH = delightful, that, deer; me manaH harati = my, heart, stealing; mahaabaahuH = oh, dextrous one; enam aanaya = that one [deer,] bring round; naH kriiDa artham [kriiDanakaH, kriiDanakam] bhaviSyati = for us, for playing, [a plaything,] it will become.

Verse 11

इह आश्रम पदे अस्माकम् बहवः पुण्य दर्शनाः |
मृगाः चरन्ति सहिताः चमराः सृमराः तथा || ३-४३-११

“Here in the threshold of our hermitage many animals with adorable manifestation are moving about in flocks and herds, say Caamara deer, like that Srimara deer. [3-43-11]

11. asmaakam iha aashrama pade = of ours, here, in hermitage’s, threshold; puNya darshanaaH = adorable [deer,] in manifestation; bahavaH = many; mR^igaaH = animals; sR^imaraaH tathaa camaraaH = Srimara deer, like that, Caamara-s; sahitaaH caranti = collectively – in flocks and herds, move about.

Verse 12

ऋक्षाः पृषत संघाः च वानराः किनराः तथा |
विचरन्ति महाबाहो रूप श्रेष्ठा महाबलाः || ३-४३-१२

“Also the animals that are excellent in their form, say monkeys, are moving here. Likewise herds of Kinnara deer, spotted-deer, and even bears of great-might are freely moving here. [3-43-12]

12. mahaabaahuH = oh, dextrous one; ruupa shreSThaa = in form, excellent ones; vaanaraaH = monkeys; tathaa kinaraaH = likewise, Kinnara deer; pR^iSata sanghaaH ca = spotted-deer, herds of, also; mahaabalaaH R^ikSaaH = great-mighty, bears; vi caranti = freely, moving.

Verse 13

न च अस्य सदृशो राजन् दृष्ट पूर्वो मृगः मया |
तेजसा क्षमया दीप्त्या यथा अयम् मृग सत्तमः || ३-४३-१३

“As to how this extraordinary deer is appearing, oh, king, by way of its brilliance, tameness, or by the lustre of its skin, I have not so far seen any coequal to this. [3-43-13]

13. raajan = oh, king; ayam mR^iga sattamaH = this, deer, the extraordinary one; yathaa = as to how it is appearing; tejasaa kSamayaa diiptyaa = by brilliance, by meekness [tameness,] by lustre [of skin]; asya sadR^ishaH mR^igaH = its, coequal, deer; mayaa na dR^iSTa puurvaH = by me, not seen, earlier – so far.

Verse 14

नाना वर्ण विचित्र अंगो रत्न भूतो मम अग्रतः |
द्योतयन् वनम् अव्यग्रम् शोभते शशि संनिभः || ३-४३-१४

“Diversely coloured, amazingly limbed, and spotted with gemlike dapples it is shining forth like a deer that is completely gemmy, and while nonchalantly moving before me it is enlivening the forest like the moon. [3-43-14]

14. naanaa varNa vicitra angaH = diversely, coloured, amazingly, limbed; ratna bindu samaacitaH = gemlike, dapples, dappled with; ratna bhuutaH = gemmed, completely; shashi sannibhaH = moon, like – in shine; a vyagram = not, hurriedly – nonchalantly; vanam dyotayan = forest, livening up; mama agrataH = my, before; shobhate = shining forth.

Verse 15

अहो रूपम् अहो लक्ष्मीः स्वर संपत् च शोभना |
मृगो अद्भुतो विचित्रांगो हृदयम् हरति इव मे || ३-४३-१५

“Ah, what a form, ah, what a brilliance, what a beautiful bleat! This amazingly limbed deer is wonderful, and this is stealing my heart, as it were. [3-43-15]

15. aho ruupam aho lakSmiiH = ah, [what a] form, ah, [what a] brilliance; svara sampat ca shobhanaa = tonal, quality [bleat,] also, is beautiful; adbhutaH = wonderful; vicitra angaH mR^igaH = amazingly, limbed, deer; me hR^idayam harati iva = my, heart, stealing, as it were.

Verse 16

यदि ग्रहणम् अभ्येति जीवन् एव मृगः तव |
आश्चर्य भूतम् भवति विस्मयम् जनयिष्यति || ३-४३-१६

“It will be surprising if this deer draws into your capture alive and well, as it creates astonishment to one and all. [3-43-16]

16. mR^igaH = deer; jiivan eva = while living [alive and well]; tava grahaNam abhyeti yadi = your, capture, draws in, if; aashcarya bhuutam bhavati = surprise, causing, it will be; vismayam janayiSyati = astonishment, creates.

Verse 17

समाप्त वन वासानाम् राज्य स्थानाम् च नः पुनः |
अंतःपुरे विभूषार्थो मृग एष भविष्यति || ३-४३-१७

“When we return to kingdom on completing our dwelling in forest this deer becomes a masterpiece in palace-chambers for us. [3-43-17]

17. eSa mR^igaH = this, deer; samaapta vana vaasaanaam = for us – on completing, forest, dwelling; punaH raajya sthaanaam ca = again, in kingdom, when [we will be] staying, also; naH = for us; antaHpure vibhuuSa arthaH = in palace-chambers, decoration, for the sake of – as a masterpiece; bhaviSyati = it becomes.

Verse 18

भरतस्य आर्यपुत्रस्य श्वश्रूणाम् मम च प्रभो |
मृग रूपम् इदम् दिव्यम् विस्मयम् जनयिष्यति || ३-४३-१८

“Oh, lord, the form of this deer creates an excellent jubilation to Bharata, to you the son of the nobleman, to my mothers-in-law, and also to me in palace-chambers. [3-43-18]

18. prabho = oh, lord; idam mR^iga ruupam = this, deer’s, form; bharatasya = to Bharata; aaryaputrasya = to son of nobleman [you, Rama]; shvashruuNaam = to mothers-in-law; mama ca = to me, also; divyam vismayam janayiSyati = excellent, astonishment [jubilation,] creates.

Verse 19

जीवन् न यदि ते अभ्येति ग्रहणम् मृग सत्तमः |
अजिनम् नरशार्दूल रुचिरम् तु भविष्यति || ३-४३-१९

“Else if that best deer does not come into you capture while alive, oh tigerly-man, at the least its gorgeous deerskin will be remnant of it. [3-43-19]

19. nara shaarduula = oh, tigerly-man; mR^iga sattamaH = deer, the best; jiivan = while living; te grahaNam na abhyeti yadi = into your, capture, no, comes into, else if; ruciram ajinam tu bhaviSyati = beautiful, deerskin, on its part, will be there – will be remnant with us.

Verse 20

निहतस्य अस्य सत्त्वस्य जांबूनदमय त्वचि |
शष्प बृस्याम् विनीतायाम् इच्छामि अहम् उपासितुम् || ३-४३-२०

“I wish to sit along with you on its golden deerskin, overlaying it on a seat of tender darbha grass-blades, in case the deer is felled. [3-43-20]

20. shaSpa bR^isyaam = tender darbha grass-blades, on seat of; viniitaayaam = overlaid; nihatasya asya sattvasya = killed, that, being’s – of that killed deer; jaambuunadamaya tvaci = in golden, skin – on the deerskin; upa aasitum = nearby [along with you,] to sit; aham icChaami = I, wish to.

Verse 21

कामवृत्तम् इदम् रौद्रम् स्त्रीणाम् असदृशम् मतम् |
वपुषा तु अस्य सत्त्वस्य विस्मयो जनितो मम || ३-४३-२१

“Tradition says that this sort of unruly self-seeking is unbefitting to women, yet that deer’s beautiful body is inducing curiosity in me.” Seetha said so to Rama and remained waiting for his reply. [3-43-21]

21. raudram = unruly [nagging]; idam kaama vR^ittam = this sort of, independent behaviour – self-seeking; striiNaam = to women; a sadR^isham = not, befitting; matam = tradition says so; tu = but; asya sattvasya = its, that being’s; vapuSaa = by beautiful body; mama vismayaH janitaH = to me, astonishment – curiosity, is induced.

Verse 22 & 23a

तेन कांचन रोम्णा तु मणि प्रवर शृंगिणा |
तरुण आदित्य वर्णेन नक्षत्र पथ वर्चसा || ३-४३-२२
बभूव राघवस्य अपि मनो विस्मयम् आगतम् |

As for that deer’s horns they vie with excellent sapphires, its golden coat with the glitter of tender sun, and its ambience with silver spots on coat with a milk way containing twinkling stars, and by that reason even Raghava’s heart is awestruck when he saw it. [3-43-22, 23a]

22, 23a. kaancana romNaa [ruupeNa] = by its, golden, hair [golden coat]; maNi pravara shR^ingiNaa = which has – sapphirine, excellent, horns; taruNa aaditya varNena = tender, sun, in hue – complexion; nakSatra patha varcasaa = stars, pathway [milky way,] having resplendence – ambience; tena tu = by that reason, on its part; raaghavasya manaH api = Raghava’s, heart, even; vismayam aagatam babhuuva = awe, came over [struck,] it became.

Verse 23b & 24

एवम् सीता वचः श्रुत्वा दृष्ट्वा च मृगम् अद्भुतम् || ३-४३-२३
लोबितः तेन रूपेण सीताया च प्रचोदितः |
उवाच राघवो हृष्टो भ्रातरम् लक्ष्मणम् वचः || ३-४३-२४

In this way, hearing the words of Seetha and observing that wondrous deer Raghava is also amused by its form, and even motivated by Seetha in fetching it, he delightedly spoke this word to his brother Lakshmana. [3-43-23b, 24]

23b, 24. raaghavaH = Raghava; evam siitaa vacaH shrutvaa = in this way, Seetha’s, words, on hearing; adbhutam [tam] mR^igam dR^iSTvaa ca = wondrous one, [that] deer, having observed, also; tena ruupeNa lobitaH = by its, form, lured – amused; siitaayaaH ca pracoditaH = by Seetha, even, motivated; hR^iSTaH = delightedly; bhraataram lakSmaNam vacaH uvaaca = to brother, Lakshmana, word, spoke.

Verse 25

पश्य लक्ष्मण वैदेह्याः स्पृहाम् उल्लसिताम् इमाम् |
रूप श्रेष्ठतया हि एष मृगो अद्य न भविष्यति || ३-४३-२५
न वने नंदनोद्देशे न चैत्ररथ संश्रये |
कुतः पृथिव्याम् सौमित्रे यो अस्य कश्चित् समो मृगः || ३-४३-२६

“Lakshmana, behold this enthusiastic delight of Vaidehi. Oh, Soumitri, presently no other deer indeed with such an excellent form exists in this forest. Or else, does it exist in Nandana Gardens of Indra – no, it cannot be there; in the adjoins of Caitraratha Gardens of Kubera – no, it will not be there, then how can there be some deer on earth which is similar to this! [3-43-25, 26]

25. lakSmaNa = Lakshmana; vaidehyaaH ullasitaam imaam spR^ihaam pashya = Vaidehi’s, enthused, this, delight, you see; saumitre = oh, Soumitri; adya ruupa shreSThatayaa hi = presently, by form’s, by excellence, for sure; eSaH mR^igaH = such a sort of, [other] deer; vane = forest; na bhaviSyati = does not, exist; nandana uddeshe = in Nandana, places [gardens of Indra]; na = will not be there; caitraratha samshraye = in Caitraratha, adjoins of [of Kubera]; na = will not be there; yaH asya samaH = which, to it, similar – deer; kashcit mR^igaH = some, deer; pR^ithivyaam kutaH = on earth, how – how can there be.

Verse 27

प्रतिलोम अनुलोमाः च रुचिरा रोम राजयः |
शोभन्ते मृगम् आश्रित्य चित्राः कनक बिन्दुभिः || ३-४३-२७

“Amazing are its hairlines with hair upturned at some places and down-turned at other, and the golden spots embedded on the coat of the deer are glittery. [3-43-27]

27. prati loma = upturned, hair; anu lomaaH ca = down-turned, hair, also; ruciraaH kanaka bindubhiH = with charming, golden, spots; citraaH roma raajayaH = amazing, hair, lines; mR^igam aashritya shobhante = deer, abiding – embedded [on coat of deer,] are glittery.

Verse 28

पश्य अस्य जृंभमाणस्य दीप्ताम् अग्नि शिखोपमाम् |
जिह्वाम् मुखात् निःसरंतीम् मेघात् इव शत ह्रदाम् || ३-४३-२८

“See at its tongue that is exserting from its mouth while it is yawning, which is similar to the flaring tongue of fire and to the lightning from a cloud. [3-43-28]

28. jR^imbhamaaNasya asya mukhaat = while yawning, from its, from mouth; niH sarantiim = from mouth, out, flowing – exserting; diiptaam agni shikha upamaam jihvaam = flaring, fire, crests – tongue of fire, similar, at tongue; meghaat = from cloud; shata hradaam = in hundred ways, which is flowing – lightning; iva = as with; pashya = you see.

Verse 29

मसार गल्वर्क मुखः शंख मुक्ता निभ उदरः |
कस्य नाम अनिरूप्यः असौ न मनो लोभयेत् मृगः || ३-४३-२९

“Its face is like a mug made up of sapphires, its paunch is pearly and conchoidal, and whose heart is it that will not lured for this deer with an inexplicable beauty. [3-43-29]

29. masaaraH = sapphirine; gallarkaH = caSaka = mug-like, beaker-like; mukhaH = face; shankha muktaa nibha udaraH = conch, pearl, in shine, paunch; a niruupyaH = not, demonstrable inexplicable [its beauty]; asau mR^igaH = that, deer; kasya naama manaH na lobhayet = whose, in name, heart, not, lures.

Verse 32

धनानि व्यवसायेन विचीयन्ते महावने |
धातवो विविधाः च अपि मणि रत्न सुवर्णिनः || ३-४३-३२

“And exerting themselves in great forests they by far amass forest produce, ores, jewels, gemstones and the gravel of gold. [3-43-32]

32. mahaavane = in great-forests; vyavasaayena = exerting themselves; dhanaani = riches [forest produce]; maNi ratna suvarNinaH = jewels, gemstones, gold containing [gold gravel]; vividhaaH dhaatavaH ca api = ores, many, also, even; vi ciiyante = by far, they will be amassing.

Verse 30

कस्य रूपम् इदम् दृष्ट्वा जांबूनदमय प्रभम् |
नाना रत्नमयम् दिव्यम् न मनो विस्मयम् व्रजेत् || ३-४३-३०

“On seeing at this astounding look of the deer which is golden in glitter and bejewelled numerously as it were, whose heart is it that will not be transported into astonishment. [3-43-30]

30. jaambuu nadamaya prabham = golden, in glitter; naanaa ratnamayam = numerously, bejewelled – as it were; divyam = astounding; idam ruupam dR^iSTvaa = this, look, on seeing; kasya manaH vismayam na vrajet = whose, mind, into astonishment, not, transported.

Verse 31

मांस हेतोः अपि मृगान् विहारार्थम् च धन्विनः |
घ्नन्ति लक्ष्मण राजानो मृगयायाम् महावने || ३-४३-३१

“Kings pursuing games of hunting in great forests, oh, Lakshmana, will be felling deer either for the sake of flesh, or just for the purpose of sporting archery. [3-43-31]

31. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; raajaanaH mahaa vane mR^igayaayaam = kings, in great, forests, in games of hunting; maamsa hetoH api = flesh, for the sake of, even; dhanvinaH [dhanvanaH] = archers [of bows, or, to use bows in sport, archery]; vihaara artham ca = sporting, for purpose of, also; mR^igaan ghnanti = deer, they kill.

Verse 33

तत् सारम् अखिलम् नॄणाम् धनम् निचय वर्धनम् |
मनसा चिन्तितम् सर्वम् यथा शुक्रस्य लक्ष्मण || ३-४३-३३

“Everything of that wealth from forest produce will be filling the treasuries of kings, like the speculated objects filling the entire treasury of Shukra just by his thinking of them in his mind. [3-43-33]

33. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; akhilam tat saaram = all, that, the best; dhanam = wealth [forest produce]; nR^INaam = for humanly kings; manasaa cintitam = in mind, that which is thought; sarvam = everything; shukrasya yathaa = Shukra’s, as with; nicaya vardhanam = treasury-filling.

Verse 34

अर्थी येन अर्थ कृत्येन संव्रजति अविचारयन् |
तम् अर्थम् अर्थ शास्त्रज्ञः प्राहुः अर्थ्याः च लक्ष्मण || ३-४३-३४

“The financial experts and the other financially well-off people say that with which aspirational activity an aspirant unhesitatingly scurries and achieves it, that achieved target alone is lauded to be worthwhile, or, as real wealth. [3-43-34]

34. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; arthii = an aspirant; yena artha kR^ityena = by which, aspirational, activity; a vicaarayan = without, discrimination [unhesitatingly]; sam vrajati = verily, scurries for; tam = that alone – that target; artha shaastraGYaH = finance, science, knowers of – financial experts; arthyaaH = who have reaped riches, financially-well people; ca = they too; artham = that is the worthwhile – wealth; pra ahuH = they – well, say, well-said – lauded by them.

Verse 35

एतस्य मृग रत्नस्य परार्ध्ये कांचन त्वचि |
उपवेक्ष्यति वैदेही मया सह सुमध्यमा || ३-४३-३५

“This comely Vaidehi will be sitting on that invaluable golden skin of that gem of a deer along with me. [3-43-35]

35. su madhyamaa = well, waisted one – comely Seetha; vaidehii = Vaidehi; etasya mR^iga ratnasya = that this [such a,], deer, gem of a; paraardhye kaancana tvaci = on invaluable, golden, skin; mayaa saha = me, along with; upa vekSyati [upa vishST] = nearby, will be sitting.

Verse 36

न कादली न प्रियकी न प्रवेणी न च अविकी |
भवेत् एतस्य सदृशी स्पर्शनेन इति मे मतिः || ३-४३-३६

“I think the skin of Kadali deer, or of Priyaki deer, or of Praveni deer, or as a matter of fact the skins of best breed of deer or sheep will not be match to the deerskin of this deer, insofar as the soft-touch is concerned. [3-43-36]

36. sparshanena = by way of [soft-] touch of skin – now assessed by seeing; kaadalii = Kadali’s skin – variety of deer; etasya sadR^ishii na bhavet = to this, matching, not, it becomes; priyakii = Priyaki’s skin; na = not; praveNii = Praveni’s skin; na = not; avikii = Avi’s skin -a breed of sheep; na = not; iti me matiH = thus, is my, thinking.

Verse 37

एष चैव मृगः श्रीमान् यः च दिव्यो नभः चरः |
उभौ एतौ मृगौ दिव्यौ तारामृग महीमृगौ || ३-४३-३७

“Only two divine deer are there, this magnificent deer on earth, and the other that moves in skies remaining in stellar region. [3-43-37]

37. shriimaan eSa mR^igaH ca eva = magnificent one, this, deer, also, thus; nabhaH caraH = in sky, moving [deer]; yaH ca divyaH = which, also, best one; is there, that one; divyau etau = divine, these two; taaraa mR^iga = in stars, deer – in stellar region, i.e., in Orion or in moon; mahii mR^igau = on earth, deer; ubhau mR^igau = [only these] two, [are the divine] deer.

Verse 38

यदि वा अयम् तथा यत् माम् भवेत् वदसि लक्ष्मण |
माया एषा राक्षसस्य इति कर्तव्यो अस्य वधो मया || ३-४३-३८

“You are telling me that ‘this is the wizardry of the demon.’ Even then, Lakshmana, if this results in that way as a demon’s wizardry, my duty also results in the elimination of that deer. [3-43-38]

38. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; eSaa raakSasasya maayaa iti = this is, demon’s, wizardry, thus; maam yat vadasi = to me, what, you told; tathaa ayam bhavet = that way, this, results in, [wizardry of demon]; yadi vaa = if, else – even then – if he is a demon; mayaa asya vadhaH kartavyaH [bhavet] = by me, its [deer/ demon’s,] killing, is the duty [that results in; ellipses : if this deer happens to be Maareecha, he is eliminable, from verse 40.

Verse 39

एतेन हि नृशंसेन मारीचेन अकृत आत्मना |
वने विचरता पूर्वम् हिंसिता मुनि पुंगवाः || ३-४३-३९

“If this deer is Maareecha, this heinous and vicious-souled demon has indeed tortured many eminent sages earlier when was on the prowl in the forests, thus he is eliminable. [3-43-39]

39. [yadi = if this is Maareecha, by him]; nR^ishamsena = by heinous one; akR^ita aatmanaa hi = by vicious, souled one, indeed; vane vicarataa = in forest, on the prowl; etena maariicena = by such, Maareecha; puurvam muni pungavaaH himsitaaH = earlier, sages, eminent, are tortured.

Verse 40

उत्थाय बहवो अनेन मृगयायाम् जनाधिपाः |
निहताः परम इष्वासाः तस्मात् वध्यः तु अयम् मृगः || ३-४३-४०

“He rebelliously killed many kings who are excellent archers while they were in hunting games, at least for that reason this bestial monster is eradicable. [3-43-40]

40. anena = by him; utthaaya = uprising [rising against, rebelliously]; mR^igayaayaam = in game of hunting; bahavaH parama iSvaasaaH = many, excellent, bow wielders [archers]; janaadhipaaH = kings; nihataaH = were killed; tasmaat tu = for that reason, at least; ayam mR^igaH vadhyaH = this, deer/beast, is eradicable.

Verse 41

पुरस्तात् इह वातापिः परिभूय तपस्विनः |
उदरस्थो द्विजान् हन्ति स्व गर्भो अश्वतरीम् इव || ३-४३-४१

“Demon Vaataapi who held ascetics in contempt was here earlier, and staying in the stomachs of Brahmans he used to come out by ripping their stomachs open and thus he was killing Brahmans, like a mare-calf killing its own mother at its time of birth by ripping the womb of its own mother. [3-43-41]

41. purastaat iha vaataapiH = earlier, here, Vaataapi [demon]; tapasvinaH paribhuuya = holding in contempt, ascetics; udara sthaH = in stomach, staying; ashvatariim = of a mare; sva garbhaH iva = one’s own, womb, [mother’s,] as with; dvijaan hanti = Brahmans, he used to kill.

Verse 42

स कदाचित् चिरात् लोभात् आससाद महामुनिम् |
अगस्त्यम् तेजसा युक्तम् भक्ष्यः तस्य बभूव ह || ३-४३-४२

“On one occasion after some time, that Vaataapi avariciously obtained that great-saint and the one who is endowed with effulgent, namely Agastya, as an eatable, but actually that demon has became an eatable to the sage. [3-43-42]

42. saH = he Vaataapi; ciraat = after some time; kadaacit = on one occasion; lobhaat = avariciously; tejasaa yuktam = effulgence, one endowed with; mahaa munim agastyam = great-saint Agastya; aasasaada = obtained; tasya = to him, to Agastya; bhakSyaH babhuuva = an eatable, he became – demon became; ha = actually.

Verse 43

समुत्थाने च तत् रूपम् कर्तु कामम् समीक्ष्य तम् |
उत्स्मयित्वा तु भगवान् वातापिम् इदम् अब्रवीत् || ३-४३-४३

“On observing the demon Vaataapi who is trying to assume his original form of demon in order to come out of his stomach, that godly saint Agastya spoke this to Vaataapi with a scornful smile. [3-43-43]

43. sam utthaane = in the matter of getting up – demon’s coming out from the stomach of the sage; tat ruupam kartu kaamam = that, aspect, [demon’s aspect,] to make [when trying to renew demon’s form,] when demon was intending to; bhagavaan samiikSya = god – godly saint Agastya, on observing; tam utsmayitvaa tu = him [at demon,] [with a scornful] smile, but; vaataapim idam abraviit = to Vaataapi, this, spoke.

Verse 44

त्वया अविगण्य वातापे परिभूताः च तेजसा |
जीव लोके द्विज श्रेष्ठाः तस्मात् असि जराम् गतः || ३-४३-४४

” ‘Oh, Vaataapi, you have irreverently eradicated the best Brahmans in this world owing to your might, therefore I have assimilated you.’ So said sage Agastya to Vaataapi. [3-43-44]

44. vaataape = oh, Vaataapi; jiiva loke = somatic, world – on earth, in this world; dvija shreSThaaH = in Brahmans, the best ones; tvayaa = by you; avigaNya = a vi gaNya = not, verily, counting – without taking into account – disregarding irreverently; tejasaa ca = by [your] might, also; pari bhuutaaH = insulted – blasphemed, killed; tasmaat jaraam gataH asi = therefore, into digestion, gone, you are you are digested by me.

Verse 45 & 46a

तत् एतत् न भवेत् रक्षो वातापिः इव लक्ष्मण |
मत् विधम् यो अतिमन्येत धर्म नित्यम् जितेन्द्रियम् || ३-४३-४५
भवेत् हतो अयम् वातापिः अगस्त्येन इव मा गतः |

“Lakshmana, such a demon who is like Vaataapi will not be there any more. He who disregards someone of my kind, who always abides in righteousness and who is self-controlled, such a demon will be eliminated as sage Agastya has eliminated demon Vaataapi, if that demon happens to get at me. [3-43-45, 46a]

45, 46a. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; vaataapiH iva = Vaataapi, as with; etat tat = this, that – such a; rakSaH = demon – Maareecha; na bhavet = not, will be there; yaH = which – demon; dharma nityam = righteousness, one who is always abiding; jitendriyam = self-controlled one; mat vidham = one who is of my, kind of; him; ati manyeta [ava manyeta] = lowly, regards – disregards; ayam maa gataH = he, me, on getting at [confronting, if he provokes]; agastyena vaataapiH iva = by Agastya, Vaataapi, as with; hataH bhavet = killed, he will be.

Verse 46b & 47a

इह त्वम् भव संनद्धो यंत्रितो रक्ष मैथिलीम् || ३-४३-४६
अस्याम् आयत्तम् अस्माकम् यत् कृत्यम् रघुनंदन |

“Oh, Lakshmana, the descendent of Raghu, you stay here in all preparedness and guard Maithili steadfastly, whatever enterprise of ours is there that is founded in her. [3-43-46b, 47a]

46b, 47a. raghunandana = oh, Raghu’s, descendent – Lakshmana; tvam iha sannaddhaH bhava = you, here, preparedly, you be [stay here]; yantritaH maithiliim rakSa = attentively, Maithili, you safeguard; asmaakam yat kR^ityam = = of our, which, enterprise is there; that is; asyaam aayattam = in her, founded.

Verse 48b & 49a

पश्य लक्ष्मण वैदेहीम् मृग त्वचि गताम् स्पृहाम् || ३-४३-४८
त्वचा प्रधानया हि एष मृगो अद्य न भविष्यति |

“Lakshmana, see how Vaidehi’s percept is overtaken by deerskin. Indeed by the strangeness of its skin that deer must be a mysterious being, hence, it will not survive now. [3-43-48]

48b, 49a. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; mR^iga tvaci gataam spR^ihaam = on deer, skin, reached [overtaken by,] one with such a percept; vaidehiim pashya = at Vaidehi; pradhaanayaa tvacaa hi = = by distinctiveness of [strangeness of,] deerskin, indeed; eSa mR^igaH adya na bhaviSyati = this, deer, now, not, will be there – survives.

Verse 47b & 48a

अहम् एनम् वधिष्यामि ग्रहीष्यामि अथवा मृगम् || ३-४३-४७
यावत् गच्छामि सौमित्रे मृगम् आनयितुम् द्रुतम् |

“I wish to catch this deer, Soumitri, if not I will kill it, and I will be going forthwith to fetch the deer. [3-43-47b, 48a]

47b, 48a. saumitre = oh, Soumitri; aham enam mR^igam grahiiSyaami = I wish to catch, I, this, deer, athavaa = if not; vadhiSyaami = wish to kill; mR^igam aanayitum = deer, to fetch; drutam = forthwith; yaavat gacChaami = I will go.

Verse 49b & 50

अप्रमत्तेन ते भाव्यम् आश्रमस्थेन सीतया || ३-४३-४९
यावत् पृषतम् एकेन सायकेन निहन्मि अहम् |
हत्वा एतत् चर्म च आदाय शीघ्रम् एष्यामि लक्ष्मण || ३-४३-५०

“Oh, Lakshmana, apply yourself vigilantly while staying in hermitage along with Seetha. So soon as I go I will be felling that spotted deer with one arrow and returning quickly. [3-43-49b, 50]

49b, 50. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; aashramasthena = staying in hermitage; te = to you [by you]; siitayaa = with Seetha; apramattena bhaavyam = vigilantly, think out – apply yourself; pR^iSatam = spotted deer; ekena saayakena = with one, arrow; aham yaavat nihanmi = I will, kill; hatvaa etat carma ca aadaaya = on killing, that, skin, also, on taking; [taavat] shiighram eSyaami = [so soon,] quickly, comeback.

Verse 51

प्रदक्षिणेन अतिबलेन पक्षिणा
जटायुषा बुद्धिमता च लक्ष्मण |
भव अप्रमत्तः प्रतिगृह्य मैथिलीम्
प्रति क्षणम् सर्वत एव शन्कितः || ३-४३-५१

“Oh, Lakshmana, you be here taking care of Maithili along with the forthright, formidable and fatherly bird Jatayu, and be watchful and suspicious from everywhere and every split-second.” Thus Rama spoke to Lakshmana and started to go after the deer [3-43-51]

51. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; maithiliim = Maithili; prati gR^ihya = well, taking – taking care for; prati kSaNam = every, spilt-second; sarvataH eva = from everywhere, thus; shankitaH = remaining suspicious; pradakSiNena atibalena pakSiNaa = forthright, formidable, with bird; buddhimataa jaTaayuSaa ca = with sagacious [fatherly bird,] with Jatayu, also; a pramattaH = without, laxity – watchfully; bhava = you shall be.

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