41 – sagara’s grandson amshuman’s search for the horse


Amshuman’s search for horse reveals that Kapila rendered his paternal-uncles to ashes. When he wanted to offer water oblation as obsequies to their souls he did not find water. Then Garuda, the Eagle-vehicle of Vishnu and maternal uncle of Amshuman advises him to get River Ganga onto earth whereby the souls are cleansed and they go to heaven. Amshuman reports the same to King Sagara, but Sagara not finding any way to get River Ganga onto earth departs to heaven at the end of his time.

Verse 1

पुत्रांश्चिरगतान् ज्ञात्वा सगरो रघुनंदन |
नप्तारमब्रवीद्राजा दीप्यमानं स्वतेजसा || १-४१-१

“On observing that his sons have gone long time back in search of ritual-horse, oh, Rama, king Sagara spoke this to his grandson, Amshuman, who is radiant with his own self-resplendence.” Thus Vishvamitra continued his narration about Sagara. [1-41-1]

1. raghunandana = oh Rama, descendent of Raghu; raajaa sagaraH = king, Sagara; putraan ciragataan = sons, have gone – for searching horse long time back; j~naatvaa = on knowing, on recalling to mind; svatejasaa diipyamaanam = who is resplendent with his own resplendence; naptaaram abraviit = spoke to grand son.

Verse 2

शूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च पूर्वैस्तुल्योऽसि तेजसा |
पितृणां गतिमन्विच्छ येन चाश्वोऽपहारितः || १-४१-२

‘You are brave one and completed your education in warfare, such as you are, you are a coequal to your paternal-uncles in magnificence, thus you search the course of your paternal uncles, also him by whom the horse is stolen.’ Thus King Sagara started speaking to his grandson Amshuman. [1-41-2]

2. shuuraH ca kR^itavidyaH ca = [you are a] brave one, also, completed education [in warfare]; suh as you are; tejasaa = by magnificence; puurvaiH tulyaH asi = you are equal to [your] fathers [paternal-uncles] ; pitR^INaam gatim anvicCha = you search your fathers [paternal-uncles’] course; ashvaH yena apahaaritaH ca = by whom horse is stolen, also. – you find out.

Verse 3

अन्तर्भौमानि सत्त्वानि वीर्यवन्ति महान्ति च |
तेषां त्वं प्रतिघातार्थं सासिं गृह्णीष्व कार्मुकम् || १-४१-३

The living beings in netherworlds of earth are intrepid and they are extraordinary also, hence you take your bow along with your sword to retaliate them in the event of their attacking you. [1-41-3]

3. antarbhaumaani sattvaani = underneath earth, beings – living beings in netherworlds; viiryavanti = are intrepid ones; mahaanti ca = extraordinary ones, also; tvam teSaam pratighaataartham = you, for the purpose of their retaliation [if they attack you] ; saasim = with sword; kaarmukam gR^ihNiiSva = you take up – you wield bow.

Verse 4

अभिवाद्याभिवाद्यांस्त्वां हत्वा विघ्नकरानपि |
सिद्धार्थः संनिवर्तस्व मम यज्ञस्य पारगः || १-४१-४

‘On saluting them that are worthy for salutations, and on eliminating them that are the causer of obstructions, you shall achieve your purpose of tracking the ritual-horse, and thus you comeback safely and let my Vedic-ritual be crossed over to the other shore of mortality by you.’ Thus king Sagara told his grandson Amshuman. [1-41-4]

4. tvam = you; abhivaadyaan = those that are to be saluted; abhivaadya = on saluting them; vighnakaraan hatvaa api = killing obstructions causers, even on; siddhaarthaH san = on becoming achieved purpose; mama yaj~nasya = my, of Vedic-ritual; paaragaH = be crossed over to other shore ; samnivartasva = well return – safely come back.

Verse 5

एवमुक्तो ंऽशुमान् सम्यक्सगरेण महात्मना |
धनुरादाय खड्गं च जगाम लघुविक्रमः || १-४१-५

When the great-souled king Sagara has thoroughly said in this way, that adroitly agile Amshuman proceeded wielding a bow and a sword. [1-41-5]

5. amshumaan = Amshuman; mahaatmanaa sagareNa = by great-souled one Sagara; evam samyak uktaH = this way, thoroughly, when said; dhanuH khaDgam ca aadaaya = also on taking bow and sword ; laghuvikramaH = adroit one in agility; jagaama = proceeded.

Verse 6

स खातं पितृभिर्मार्गमन्तर्भौमं महात्मभिः |
प्रापद्यत नरश्रेष्ठ तेन राज्ञाभिचोदितः || १-४१-६

Motivated by the King Sagara, oh, Rama, the best one among men, Amshuman progressed on the walkway that was hollowed out by his great-souled paternal-uncles inside the earth. [1-41-6]

6. narashreSTha = oh best one among men – Rama; saH = he, Amshuman; tena raaj~naa abhicoditaH = motivated by that king ; mahaatmabhiH pitR^ibhiH = by great-souled fathers – paternal-uncles; antarbhaumam khaatam maargam = hollowed walkway inside of earth; praapadyata = he attained – progressed on that path.

Verse 7

देवदानवरक्षोभिः पिशाचपतगोरगैः |
पूज्यमानं महातेजा दिशागजमपश्यत || १-४१-७

And he that resplendent Amshuman beheld one of the four directional elephant of the earth which is being venerated by gods, monsters, demons, imps, vultures and serpents. [1-41-7]

7. mahaatejaaH = that highly resplendent one – Amshuman; devadaanavarakSobhiH = by gods, monsters, demons; pishaacapatagoragaiH = by imps, vultures, serpents; puujyamaanam = being venerated; dishaagajam apashyata = beheld directional elephant.

Verse 8

स तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा पृष्ट्वा चैव निरामयम् |
पितृन् स परिपप्रच्छ वाजिहर्तारमेव च || १-४१-८

On circumambulating that elephant in supplication, and even on enquiring after its well-being, he that Amshuman has enquired in detail with it for his paternal-uncles and even about the robber of the ritual-horse. [1-41-8]

8. saH tam pradakSiNam kR^itvaa = he, him [elephant] on making circumambulations ; niraamayam pR^iSTvaa caiva = well being, on asking, also, even; saH = he – Amshuman; pitR^iin = about fathers; vaajihartaaram eva ca = horse robber, even, also; paripapracCha = in detail enquired.

Verse 9

दिशागजस्तु तच्छ्रुत्वा प्रत्युवाच महामतिः |
आसमंज कृतार्थस्त्वं सहाश्वः शीघ्रमेष्यसि || १-४१-९

On hearing that enquiry of Amshuman that directional elephant with great perception replied on its part saying, ‘oh Amshuman, son of Asamanja, on achieving your mission you will return expeditiously along with the horse’. [1-41-9]

9. mahaamatiH = of great perception [elephant]; dishaagajaH tu = directional elephant, on its part; tat shrutvaa = that, on hearing; prati uvaaca = in turn, spoke – replied; asamanja = oh son of Asamanja; tvam kR^itaarthaH = you, achieving your mission; sahaashvaH shiighram eSyasi = you will proceed – you will return expeditiously along with horse.

Verse 10

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सर्वानेव दिशागजान् |
यथाक्रमं यथान्यायं प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे || १-४१-१०

On hearing that word of that directional elephant he departed from there, and on sequentially reaching other directional elephants that are abiding in other directions of earth, he commenced to ask the same enquiry which he made with the first, according to the positioning of elephants in directions, and according to the established procedures of their venerability. [1-41-10]

10. tasya tat vacanam shrutvaa = his [elephant’s,] that, word, on hearing; sarvaan eva = all, like that; dishaagajaan = directional elephants; yathaakramam yathaanyaayam = according to positioning, [i.e., their standing, north, east, south, west etc.,] according to procedure; praSTum samupacakrame = he commenced to ask.

Verse 11

तैश्च सर्वैर्दिशापालैर्वाक्यज्ञैर्वाक्यकोविदैः |
पूजितः सहयश्चैव गन्तासीत्यभिचोदितः || १-४१-११

All the elephants that safeguard the directions of earth which have the faculties of articulation and eloquence have adored Amshuman and motivated him by saying, ‘you will be going from here taking the horse.’ [1-41-11]

11. vaakyaj~naiH vaakyakovidaiH = sentence knowers, experts in sentence-making – articulate, eloquent; sarvaiH taiH dishaapaalaiH ca = by all of direction safeguarding elephants; puujitaH = he who is adored; sahayaH = with horse – taking horse; gantaa asi iti abhicoditaH = you will be gone, thus, motivated.

Verse 12

तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा जगाम लघुविक्रमः |
भस्मराशीकृता यत्र पितरस्तस्य सागराः || १-४१-१२

On hearing that common blessing of all the directional-elephants, he that nimble-footed Amshuman has gone to the place where his paternal-uncles, sons of Sagara, were rendered as mounds of ashes. [1-41-12]

12. teSaam tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing that word – common blessing of them [elephants] ; laghuvikramaH = nimble-footed – prince; tasya pitaraH = his, fathers – paternal uncles; saagaraaH = sons of Sagara; yatra = where; bhasmaraashiikR^itaaH = made as ash mound; [tatra = [ to there]; jagaama = he has gone.

Verse 13

स दुःखवशमापन्नस्त्वसमंजसुतस्तदा |
चुक्रोश परमार्तस्तु वधात्तेषां सुदुःखितः || १-४१-१३

But he on whom the control of anguish has chanced for not physically seeing his paternal-uncles, that son of Asamanja then wept, as he is highly agonised and extremely anguished at their destruction. [1-41-13]

13. tadaa = then; saH = he that; asamanjasutaH = Asamanja’s son – Amshuman; duHkhavasham aapannaH tu = chanced upon into control of anguish but; paramaartaH tu = highly agonised, but; teSaam vadhaat suduHkhitaH = extremely anguished at the destruction of their – paternal-uncles; cukrosha = wept.

Verse 14

यज्ञियं च हयं तत्र चरन्तमविदूरतः |
ददर्श पुरुषव्याघ्रो दुःखशोकसमन्वितः || १-४१-१४

That tigerly-man Amshuman who is overwhelmed by agony and anguish, also beheld there the horse of Vedic-ritual that is grazing nearby. [1-41-14]

14. duHkhashokasamanvitaH = one who is overwhelmed by anguish and agony ; puruSavyaaghraH = tigerly-man – Amshuman; aviduurataH carantam = grazing not very far; yaj~niyam hayam ca = horse of Vedic-ritual, also; dadarsha = he beheld.

Verse 15

स तेषां राजपुत्राणां कर्तुकामो जलक्रियाम् |
स जलार्थं महातेजा न चापश्यज्जलाशयम् || १-४१-१५

When he that great resplendent Amshuman wanted to offer obsequial waters to the departed sons of Sagara and searched for water he has not found any fount of water. [1-41-15]

15. mahaatejaaH = great resplendent one; saH = he; teSaam raajaputraaNaam = for them, king’s sons – to the departed souls; jalakriyaam kartukaamaH = wanted to offer [obsequial] water oblation ; jalaartham = for the purpose of – when searched for water ; jalaashayam = water receptacle – tank, fount; saH na apashyat ca = he, not, has seen – found, also.

Verse 16

विसार्य निपुणां दृष्टिं ततोऽपश्यत् खगाधिपम् |
पितृणां मातुलं राम सुपर्णमनिलोपमम् || १-४१-१६

Spanning his expert glances, oh, Rama, he then saw the rapid-winged king of birds, namely Garuda, the Eagle-vehicle of Vishnu, who is the maternal uncle of his father and other paternal-uncles, and whose flight will be similar to that of the Wind-god. [1-41-16]

16. raama = oh Rama; tataH = then; nipuNaam dR^iSTim visaarya = on spanning expert glance; pitR^iNaam maatulam = fathers’ paternal-uncles’, maternal uncle; khagaadhipam = king of birds; anilopamam = similar to wind-god; suparNam = rapid winged – Garuda; apashyat = he saw.

Verse 17

स चैनमब्रवीद्वाक्यं वैनतेयो महाबलः |
मा शुचः पुरुषव्याघ्र वधोऽयं लोकसम्मतः || १-४१-१७

That great-mighty son of Lady Vinata, namely Garuda, also spoke this word to Amshuman, ‘do not bemoan, oh, tigerly-man, this eradication of your paternal-uncles is worthwhile to the worlds’. [1-41-17]

17. mahaabalaH = great-mighty; saH vainateyaH = he, that son of Vinata – Garuda; enam vaakyam abraviit ca = spoke sentence to him – to Amshuman, also; puruSavyaaghra = oh, tigerly-man; maa shucaH = do not, bemoan; ayam vadhaH lokasammataH = this, eradication [of your paternal-uncles,] agreeable [worthwhile] to the worlds.

Verse 18

कपिलेनाप्रमेयेण दग्धा हीमे महाबलाः |
सलिलं नार्हसि प्राज्ञ दातुमेषां हि लौकिकम् || १-४१-१८

In fact, Kapila, the Imponderable Sage, has burnt down those great-mighty paternal-uncles of yours, oh, observant Amshuman, as such it will not be apt of you to offer the mundane obsequial water-oblations to them, indeed. [1-41-18]

18. mahaabalaaH = great-mighty ones; ime = these [paternal-uncles of yours]; aprameyeNa kapilena = by the Imponderable one Kapila; dagdhaaH hi = are burnt down, in fact; praaj~na = oh observant – Amshuman; eSaam laukikam salilam daatum = to offer mundane [obsequial water-oblations] to them; na arhasi hi = not, apt of you, indeed.

Verse 19

गंगा हिमवतो ज्येष्ठा दुहिता पुरुषर्षभ |
तस्यां कुरु महाबाहो पितॄणां तु जलक्रियाम् || १-४१-१९

‘Oh, best one among men, River Ganga is the elder daughter of Himavanta, and oh, dextrous one, you have to offer water-oblation to the departed paternal-uncles of yours in her waters, namely the holy waters of River Ganga’. [1-41-19]

19. puruSarSabha = the best man; himavataH jyeSThaa duhitaa gangaa = Himavanta’s, elder, daughter, Ganga – is there; mahaabaaho = oh dextrous one; pitR^INaam tu jalakriyaam = water oblation to [to your departed] fathers [paternal-uncles], but; tasyaam kuru= you offer – you have to offer in her [in Ganga waters] .

Verse 20

भस्मराशीकृतानेतान् प्लावयेल्लोकपावनी |
तया क्लिन्नमिदं भस्म गंगया लोककान्तया |
षष्टिं पुत्रसहस्राणि स्वर्गलोकं गमिष्यति || १-४१-२०

World purifier River Ganga will drift them who are rendered as mounds of ashes to heaven, and when she who is much adored by all worlds drenches this ash, that River Ganga herself will lead the sixty-thousand sons of Sagara to heaven. [1-41-20]

20. lokapaavanii = world purifier [Ganga]; bhasmaraashiikR^itaan = made as ash mounds; etaan plaavayet = them [sons of Sagara,] drifts – to heavens; [paavayet = will purify them]; lokakaantayaa = adored by worlds; tayaa gangayaa = by her Ganga; klinnam idam bhasma = drenched, this, ash; SaSTim putrasahasraaNi = sixty thousand sons; svargalokam gamiSyati = she can lead them to empyrean world.

Verse 21

गच्छ चाश्वं महाभाग संगृह्य पुरुषर्षभ |
यज्ञं पैतामहं वीर निर्वर्तयितुमर्हसि || १-४१-२१

‘Oh, great fortunate one, oh, best one among men, you may proceed from here with the horse, oh, brave one, it will be apt of you to carry out the Vedic-ritual of your grandfather.’ Thus Garuda said to Amshuman. [1-41-21]

21. mahaabhaaga = oh great fortunate one; puruSarSabha = oh best one among men; ashvam samgR^ihya gacCha = you go – you may proceed from here on takin horse; viira = oh brave one; paitaamaham yaj~nam nirvartayitum arhasi = apt of you to carry out Vedic- ritual of grand father.

Verse 22

सुपर्णवचनं श्रुत्वा सोंऽशुमानतिवीर्यवान् |
त्वरितं हयमादाय पुनरायान्महायशाः || १-४१-२२

On hearing the words of that great-winged eagle, Garuda, he that highly brave and well-renowned Amshuman swiftly took the horse, and returned to the ritual place of his grandfather, king Sagara. [1-41-22]

22. ativiiryavaan = highly braving one; mahaayashaaH = highly renowned one; saH amshumaan = he, Amshuman; suparNavacanam shrutvaa = on hearing words of great-winged eagle [Garuda’s] ; tvaritam hayam aadaaya = swiftly on taking along horse; punaH aayaat = again, came- returned to his grandfather.

Verse 23

ततो राजानमासाद्य दीक्षितं रघुनंदन |
न्यवेदयद्यथावृत्तं सुपर्णवचनं तथा || १-४१-२३

Then on reaching the King Sagara, who is under the vow of the ritual, oh, Rama, Amshuman described what all has happened and even the words of Garuda. [1-41-23]

23. raghunandana = oh Rama, the descendant of Raghu; tataH = then; diikSitam raajaanam aasaadya = on getting at king under vow ; yathaavR^ittam = as has happened; tathaa = all that; suparNavacanam = Garuda’s words [also]; nyavedayat = submitted – described to Sagara.

Verse 24

तच्छ्रुत्वा घोरसंकाशं वाक्यमंशुमतो नृपः |
यज्ञं निर्वर्तयामास यथाकल्पं यथाविधि || १-४१-२४

On hearing those unendurable words from Amshuman, the king Sagara firstly completed the Vedic-ritual scripturally and procedurally. [1-41-24]

24. nR^ipaH = king Sagara; amshumataH = from Amshuman; ghorasamkaasham = unendurable; tat vaakyam shrutvaa = on hearing that sentence; yathaakalpam yathaavidhi = as per scriptures, as per procedure; yaj~nam nirvartayaamaasa = restarted to complete Vedic ritual – firstly – and to see bout Ganga later.

Verse 25

स्वपुरं चागमच्छ्रीमानिष्टयज्ञो महीपतिः |
गंगायाश्चागमे राजा निश्चयं नाध्यगच्छत || १-४१-२५

On completing the Vedic-ritual King Sagara arrived at his capital, but that king could not arrive at a decision about the arrival of Ganga to the earth. [1-41-25]

25. shriimaan mahiipatiH = fortunate land lord – king Sagara; iSTayaj~naH = having completed Vedic-ritual; svapuram = to his own capital; agamat = arrived; raajaa gangaayaaH aagame ca = king, about Ganga’s, arrival, also; nishcayam na adhyagacChata = decision, not arrived at.

Verse 26

अगत्वा निश्चयं राजा कालेन महता महान् |
त्रिंशद्वर्षसहस्राणि राज्यं कृत्वा दिवं गतः || १-४१-२६

“That great king Sagara could not get at any resolve in getting Ganga to earth even after a long time, and on ruling kingdom for thirty-thousand years he went to heaven.” Thus Vishvamitra continued his narration about the ancestors of Rama. [1-41-26]

26. mahaan raajaa = great, king; mahataa kaalena = by long time – even after; nishcayam agatvaa = resolve, not getting at – for Ganga’s descent; trimshat varSasahasraaNi = thirty, thousand years; raajyam kR^itvaa divam gataH = on ruling kingdom, went to heaven.

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