40 – Sage kapila burns the sons of sagara


Sage Vishwamitra’s narration of Sagara’s legend is continued. Sagara’s sons dig out all the quarters of earth and when they enter northeast to find out the horse thief, there they find Sage Kapila, i.e., Vishnu in the semblance of a sage. When they wanted to attack that sage Kapila, he renders them to heaps of ashes by his yogic powers.

Verse 1

देवतानां वचः श्रुत्वा भगवान्वै पितामहः |
प्रत्युवाच सुसंत्रस्तान् कृतान्तबलमोहितान् || १-४०-१

“On hearing the words of gods, the esteemed Forefather Brahma spoke to them, who are very highly scared, and bewildered by the might of Sagara’s sons for they are effectuating the end of all beings.” Vishvamitra thus continued his narration. [1-40-1]

1. bhagavaan pitaamahaH = esteemed one, Forefather – Brahma; devataanaam vacaH shrutvaa = on hearing the words of gods; kR^itaantabalamohitaan = bewildered [gods] by might [of Sagara’s sons] effectuating the end of [all beings] ; susamtrastaan = very highly scared ones; prati vuvaaca vai = in turn, spoke to – replied, indeed.

Verse 2 & 3

यस्येयं वसुधा कृत्स्ना वासुदेवस्य धीमतः|
महिषी माधवस्यैषा स एव भगवान् प्रभुः|| १-४०-२
कापिलं रूपमास्थाय धारयत्यनिशं धराम् |
तस्य कोपाग्निना दग्धा भविष्यन्ति नृपात्मजाः || १-४०-३

To whom this Mother Earth belongs in all her entirety, he is that prescient Vasudeva, and she is also the consort of that Maadhava, and that Vishnu eternally props up Mother Earth. Hence, that reverential Vishnu donning the semblance of Sage Kapila will burn down the sons of emperor Sagara to ashes in a fire of fury. [1-40-2, 3]

2, 3. kR^itsnaa iyam vasudhaa = entire, this, earth; eShaa maadhavasaya mahiShii = she is, the consort, of Maadhava; yasya dhiimataH vaasudevasya = whose [to which,] prescient, belongs to Vaasudeva; such Vaasudeva; saH eva bhagavaan prabhuH = He, alone, reverential, lord [Vishnu]; anisham dharaam dhaarayati = he bears earth eternally; kaapilam ruupam aasthaaya = on donning semblance of sage Kapila; nR^ipaatmajaaH = king’s sons – of Sagara; tasya kopaagninaa dagdhaa = burnt down in his [Kapila’s,] fury’s fire; bhaviSyanti = they will be – burnt to ashes.

Verse 5

पितामह वचः श्रुत्वा त्रयस्त्रिंशदरिन्दम |
देवाः परमसंहृष्टाः पुनर्जग्मुर्यथागतम् || १-४०-५

On hearing the words of the Forefather Brahma all the thirty three gods went away with utmost satisfaction, as they have came. [1-40-5]

5. arimdama = oh enemy-destroyer – Rama; pitaamahavacaH shrutvaa = on hearing Forefather’s words; trayastrimshat devaaH = thirty three [thirty three,] gods; paramasamhR^iSTaaH = with utmost satisfaction; yathaa aagatam = as, they came; punaH jagmuH = again, went away.

Verse 6

सगरस्य च पुत्राणां प्रादुरासीन्महास्वनः |
पृथिव्यां भिद्यमानायां निर्घातसमनिःस्वनः || १-४०-६

When the sons of Sagara are digging the earth then there emerged an unbearable noise similar to the crashing of a thunder. [1-40-6]

6. sagarasya putraaNaam = Sagara’s sons; pR^ithivyaam bhidyamaanaayaam = while digging out of earth; nirghaatasamaH niHsvanaH = similar to crashing of thunder; mahaasvanaH = unbearable noise; praaduraasiit = has emerged – they heard.

Verse 7

ततो भित्त्वा महीं सर्वां कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम् |
सहिताः सगराः सर्वे पितरं वाक्यमब्रुवन् || १-४०-७

Then on hollowing the entire earth, and on making trips around her without finding the horse, all of the sons of Sagara have come together and on going to their father they spoke these words to him. [1-40-7]

7. tataH = then; sarvaam mahiim bhittvaa = on breaking asunder entire earth; pradakSiNam ca api kR^itvaa = on making round trips, also, even; sarve sagaraaH = all of the, Sagara’s sons; sahitaaH = coming together; pitaram vaakyam abruvan = spoke words to father.

Verse 8 & 9

रिक्रांता मही सर्वा सत्त्ववन्तश्च सूदिताः |
देवदानवरक्षांसि पिशाचोरगपन्नगाः || १-४०-८
न च पश्यामहेऽश्वं तमश्वहर्तारमेव च |
किं करिष्याम भद्रं ते बुद्धिरत्र विचार्यताम् || १-४०-९

‘Entire earth is trekked and mighty beings like gods, demons, monsters, evil-spirits, fiends, serpents, naga-s are also eliminated, but we have not seen the ritual-horse or its stealer. What we have to do next. Let a thought be given in this matter. Let safeness betide you.’ So said those princes to their father Sagara. [1-40-8, 9]

8, 9. sarvaa mahii parikraantaa = entire, earth is, over, run – trekked; sattvavantaH ca = mighty ones, also; devadaanavarakSaamsi pishaacoragapannagaaH = gods, demons, monsters, evil-spirits, fiends, serpents, naga-s; suuditaaH = are eliminated; ashvam = horse; ashvahartaaram eva ca = horse stealer, like that, also; na pashyaamahe ca = not, we have seen, even; kim kariSyaama = what is, to be done by us; te bhadram = let safe betide you; atra buddhiH vicaaryataam = in that matter, sagacity, be pondered on – give a thought to it.

Verse 10

तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा पुत्राणां राजसत्तमः |
समन्युरब्रवीद्वाक्यं सगरो रघुनंदन || १-४०-१०

On hearing that sentence of his sons, oh, Rama, descendent of Raghu, that exalted king Sagara infuriately spoke these words. [1-40-10]

10. raghunandana = oh Raghu’s descendent; teSaam putraaNaam tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing their that sentence of his sons; raajasattamaH sagaraH = exalted king, Sagara; samanyuH vaakyam abraviit = spoke words with fury [infuriated] .

Verse 11

भूयः खनत भद्रं वो विभेद्य वसुधातलम्
अश्वहर्तारमासाद्य कृतार्थाश्च निवर्तत || १-४०-११

‘Let the earth be dug further, may safety be with you, and verily splitting open the surface of the earth you catch hold of the thief of the horse, and on achieving your purpose you may return to me.’ In this way Sagara ordered his sons. [1-40-11]

11. vasudhaatalam vibhedya = verily splitting open of earth’s surface ; bhuuyaH khanata = further, it may be dug; ashvahartaaram aasaadya = catch hold of horse’s thief; kR^itaarthaaH nivartata ca = return [to me] on achieving purposes, also; vaH bhadram = to you, let safety be.

Verse 12

पितुर्वचनमासाद्य सगरस्य महात्मनः |
षष्टिः पुत्रसहस्राणि रसातलमभिद्रवन् || १-४०-१२

On catching up the words of their father, the great-souled Sagara, his sixty thousand sons rushed towards the surface of the rasaatala, the netherworld. [1-40-12]

12. pituH = father’s; mahaatmanaH sagarasya = great-souled one, of Sagara; vacanam aasaadhya = on catching up words; SaSTiH putrasahasraaNi = sixty thousand sons; rasaatalam abhidravan = rushed towards netherworld’s surface.

Verse 13

खन्यमाने ततस्तस्मिन् ददृशुः पर्वतोपमम् |
दिशागजं विरूपाक्षं धारयन्तं महीतलम् || १-४०-१३

While digging the earth there they beheld a mountain similar easterly elephant named Viruupaaksha, which is bearing the eastern side of earth’s surface on its head. [1-40-13]

13. tataH tasmin khanyamaane = then, there, while digging; parvatopamam = which is – similar to mountain; mahiitalam dhaarayantam = which is bearing [eastern side of] earth’s surface; viruupaakSam dishaagajam = Viruupaaksa [named,] direction [easterly] elephant; dadR^ishuH = they beheld.

Verse 14

सपर्वतवनां कृत्स्नां पृथिवीं रघुनंदन |
धारयामास शिरसा विरूपाक्षो महागजः || १-४०-१४

Oh, Rama, the legatee of Raghu, that great easterly elephant Viruupaaksha is bearing the entire eastern earth along with its mountains and forests on its head. [1-40-14]

14. raghunandana = oh Raghu’s delight – Rama; viruupaakSaH mahaagajaH = by name Viruupaaksa, great elephant; saparvatavanaam kR^itsnaam pR^ithiviim = with mountains and forests, in its entirety, [eastern side of] earth; shirasaa dhaarayaamaasa = bearing by its head.

Verse 15

यदा पर्वणि काकुत्स्थ विश्रमार्थं महागजः |
खेदाच्चालयते शीर्षं भूमिकंपस्तदा भवेत् || १-४०-१५

On certain occasions, oh, Rama of Kakutstha, when that great-elephant moves its head desiring respite in tiresomeness then earthquakes will occur on earth. [1-40-15]

15. kaakutstha = oh Rama of Kakutstha; mahaagajaH = great elephant; parvaNi = on certain occasions; yadaa = when; vishramaartham = for the purpose of -desiring respite; khedaat shiirSam caalayate = moves its head by tiresomeness; tadaa = then; bhuumikampaH bhavet = earth quack, occurs.

Verse 16

ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा दिशापालं महागजम् |
मानयन्तो हि ते राम जग्मुर्भित्त्वा रसातलम् || १-४०-१६

They circumambulated the great elephant in supplication, oh Rama, and on worshipping that elephant which is the protector of easterly direction they proceeded to netherworld duly splitting the earth. [1-40-16]

16. raama = oh Rama; te tam = they, to it – elephant; dishaapaalam mahaagajam = to great elephant the protector of easterly direction ; pradakSiNam kR^itvaa = after making circumambulations ; maanayantaH = worshiping it; bhittvaa rasaatalam jagmuH = they proceeded to netherworld splitting [earth] .

Verse 17 & 18

ततः पूर्वां दिशं भित्त्वा दक्षिणां बिभिदुः पुनः |
दक्षिणस्यामपि दिशि ददृशुस्ते महागजम् || १-४०-१७
महापद्मं महात्मानं सुमहत्पर्वतोपमम् |
शिरसा धारयन्तं गां विस्मयं जग्मुरुत्तमम् || १-४०-१८

After splitting the eastern direction then they split opened the southern direction, and even in southern direction they beheld an elephant that is similar to a very great mountain, and that is sustaining southerly side of earth on its head, and on seeing that mammoth elephant of venerable character, namely Mahapadma, they went into an inordinate astonishment. [1-40-17, 18]

17, 18. tataH puurvaam disham bhittvaa = then, on splitting eastern direction ; punaH = again – then; dakSiNaam bibhiduH = south, split open; te dakSiNasyaam dishi api = they, in the southern, direction, even in; sumahat parvatopamam = similar to very great mountain; shirasaa gaam dhaarayantam = which is sustaining [southerly side of ] earth by head; mahaatmaanam = which has venerable character; mahaapadmam = at Mahapadma [southerly elephant]; mahaagajam = mammoth elephant; dadR^ishuH = they saw; [te] uttamam vismayam jagmuH = [they] have undergone inordinate astonishment.

Verse 19

ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा सगरस्य महात्मनः |
षष्टिः पुत्रसहस्राणि पश्चिमां बिभिदुर्दिशम् || १-४०-१९

On circumabulating that elephant Mahaapada in supplication, they the sixty thousand sons of great-souled Sagara scooped out the westerly direction. [1-40-19]

19. mahaatmanaH sagarasya = great souled, Sagara’s; SaSTiH putrasahasraaNi = sixty thousand sons; tam pradakSiNam kR^itvaa = on making circumambulations to it – to elephant; te = they; pashcimaam disham bibhiduH = scooped out westerly direction.

Verse 20

पश्चिमायामपि दिशि महांतमचलोपमम् |
दिशागजं सौमनसं ददृशुस्ते महाबलाः || १-४०-२०

Even in the westerly direction those great mighty sons of Sagara beheld an infinite and mountain similar elephant of western direction, called Sumanasa. [1-40-20]

20. mahaabalaaH = great mighty ones; te = they; pashcimaayaam dishi api = in western, direction, even in; mahaantam acalopamam = similar to endless mountain; saumanasam = Saumanasa – named elephant; dishaagajam = [western] direction elephant; dadR^ishuH = beheld.

Verse 21

ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा पृष्ट्वा चापि निरामयम् |
खनंतः समुपक्रांता दिशं सोमवतीं तदा || १-४०-२१

Circumambulating that elephant namely Sumanasa in western side, and even on asking about its well-being, then they reached the northern direction duly digging the earth. [1-40-21]

21. te tam pradakSiNam kR^itvaa = they on performing circumambulations to it ; niraamayam pR^iSTvaa ca api = on asking its well-being , also, even; khanantaH = on digging – the earth; tadaa = then; [tataH = from there]; somavatiim disham = that direction which has nectar, or, which has more Soma juice because rituals are performed there; [or,haimavatiim = which has snow] northern direction; samupakraantaa = well nearby treated – reached.

Verse 22

उत्तरस्यां रघुश्रेष्ठ ददृशुर्हिमपाण्डुरम् |
भद्रं भद्रेण वपुषा धारयन्तं महीमिमाम् || १-४०-२२

In the northern direction, oh, Rama, they beheld Bhadra, a snow-white elephant with an auspicious body bearing northern side of this earth. [1-40-22]

22. raghushreSTha = oh Rahu dynasty’s best one – Rama; uttarasyaam = in the northern direction; himapaaNDuram = which elephant is – snow, white; bhadreNa vapuSaa = with an auspicious, body; imaam mahiim dhaarayantam = which is bearing this earth ; bhadram = Bhadra – named elephant; dadR^ishuH = they beheld.

Verse 23

समालभ्य ततः सर्वे कृत्वा चैनं प्रदक्षिणम् |
षष्टिः पुत्रसहस्राणि बिभिदुर्वसुधातलम् || १-४०-२३

On touching that elephant reverently and also circumambulating it, those sixty thousands sons of Sagara further burrowed to the surface of the earth. [1-40-23]

23. tataH sarve = then, all; SaSTiH putrasahasraaNi = sixty thousand sons; enam = it – elephant; samaalabhya = on touching [reverently]; pradakSiNam kR^itvaa ca = on making circumambulations [to elephant], also; vasudhaatalam bibhiduH = burrowed earth’s surface.

Verse 24

ततः प्रागुत्तरां गत्वा सागराः प्रथितां दिशम् |
रोषादभ्यखनन्सर्वे पृथिवीं सगरात्मजाः || १-४०-२४

The sons of Sagara have then gone to the auspicious northeast direction, iishaana-digbhaaga, Shiva-sthaana, and all those sons of Sagara have tunnelled the earth rancorously. [1-40-24]

24. tataH = then; saagaraaH = sons of Sagara; prathitaam praak uttaraam disham gatvaa = on going to auspicious north east direction; sarve sagaraatmajaaH = all, Sagara’s sons; roSaat pR^ithiviim abhyakhanan = they tunnelled earth rancorously.

Verse 25 & 26

ते तु सर्वे महत्मानो भीमवेगा महबलाः |
ददृशुः कपिलं तत्र वासुदेवं सनातनम् || १-४०-२५
हयं च तस्य देवस्य चरन्तमविदूरतः |
प्रहर्षमतुलं प्राप्ताः सर्वे ते रघुनंदन || १-४०-२६

But all those great-souled and great-mighty ones with terrible dash have seen the Infinite Vasudeva in the form of sage Kapila there in the northeast, and oh, descendant of Raghu, they have also seen the ritual-horse moving nearby that sage Kapila, thus all of the sons of Sagara obtained a matchless delight. [1-40-25, 26]

25, 26. mahatmaanaH bhiimavegaa mahabalaaH = great-souled ones, great mighty ones with terrible dash; te sarve tu = they, all of them, but; tatra = there – northeast; kapilam = in sage Kapila’s form; sanaatanam vaasudevam = the Infinite one, Vaasudeva – Vishnu; tasya devasya = from that, god’s; aviduurataH = not very far – nearby; carantam hayam ca = moving, horse, also; dadR^ishuH = they saw; raghunandana = oh decedent of Raghu; then; te sarve = they, all; atulam praharSam praaptaaH = they obtained matchless delight.

Verse 27 & 28a

ते तं हयहरं ज्ञात्वा क्रोधपर्याकुलेक्षणाः |
खनित्रलांगलधरा नानावृक्षशिलाधराः || १-४०-२७
अभ्यधावन्त संक्रुद्धास्तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रुवन् |

The eyes of the princes are agitated in fury in construing the sage Kapila as the stealer of ritual-horse, and they furiously dashed towards him wielding crowbars, ploughs, and various trees and boulders, and shouting at him, ‘stay, stay.’ [1-40-27, 28a]

27, 28a. te = they – princes; tam = him – sage Kapila; hayaharam = as horse stealer; [yaGYahanam = ritual-destroyer]; GYaatvaa = on construing; krodhaparyaakulekSaNaaH = agitating eyes with fury; khanitralaangaladharaa = handlers – wielding crowbars and ploughs; naanaavR^ikShashilaadharaaH = handlers – wielding various trees and boulders; samkruddhaaH abhyadhaavanta = very furiously dashed towards [sage] ; tiSTha tiSTha iti abruvan ca = stay, stay, thus, they said – shouted, also.

Verse 28b & 29a

अस्माकं त्वं हि तुरगं यज्ञियं हृतवानसि || १-४०-२८
दुर्मेधस्त्वं हि संप्राप्तान् विद्धि नः सगरात्मजान् |

You the malicious one, you have indeed stolen our ritual-horse, and in fact, you should know that we who arrived here are the sons of Sagara.’ Thus Sagara’s sons shouted at sage Kapila. [1-40-28b, 29a]

28b, 29a. durmedhaH = oh evil minded – malicious one; tvam = you; asmaakam = ours; yaGYiyam = pertaining to Vedic ritual; turagam hR^itavaan asi hi = you have stolen horse , indeed; sampraaptaan naH = we who have come here ; sagaraatmajaan = as Sagara’s sons; tvam viddhi hi = you, know, in fact.

Verse 29b & 30a

श्रुत्वा तद्वचनं तेषां कपिलो रघुनंदन || १-४०-२९
रोषेण महताविष्टो हुं कारमकरोत्तदा |

On hearing their words, oh, Rama, the descendant of Raghu, then sage Kapila is beset with high wrath, and he boomed a ‘hum’ sound at them. [1-40-29b, 30a]

29b, 30a. raghunandana = oh descendant of Raghu; kapilaH teSaam tat vacanam shrutvaa = Kapila on listening their that sentence ; tadaa = then; mahataa roSeNa aaviSTaH = beset with high anger; hum kaaram akarot = hum [in dissent,] sound, he made – sage made the sound.

Verse 30b & c

ततस्तेनाप्रमेयेण कपिलेन महात्मना |
भस्मराशीकृताः सर्वे काकुत्स्थ सगरात्मजाः || १-४०-३०

“Oh, Rama of Kakutstha, then that great-souled sage Kapila, rather Vishnu with unimaginable power, has rendered all of those sons of Sagara as heaps of ashes by virtue of his ‘hum’ sound.” Thus Sage Vishvamitra is narrating the legend of Sagara to Rama and others. [1-40-30b, c]

30b, c. kaakutstha = oh Rama of Kakutstha; tataH = then; aprameyeNa = of unimaginable power; mahaatmanaa = by that great-souled one; tena kapilena = by him Kapila; sarve sagaraatmajaaH = all of the, Sagara’s sons; bhasmaraashiikR^itaaH = rendered as heaps of ashes.

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