4 – Lakshmana’s narration to Hanuma


Lakshmana explains about Seetha’s abduction and their inability to trace her whereabouts. As informed earlier by a demon freed from his curse and who became a celestial, Lakshmana says that they are searching for one Sugreeva, King of Vanmara-s, to befriend him in order to take help in searching for Seetha. Hanuma who is on a similar mission to befriend these two warriors, as instructed by Sugreeva in the earlier chapter, comes to a conclusion that the needs of both the friends would be fulfilled. Then Hanuma takes the two bothers on his back to the place where Sugreeva is hiding from Vali.

Verse 1

ततः प्रहृष्टो हनुमान् कृत्यवान् इति तत् वचः |
श्रुत्वा मधुर भावम् च सुग्रीवम् मनसा गतः || ४-४-१

Then that Hanuma, who has good deeds for his credit, on hearing the words of Lakshmana, and even knowing that they are finely meaningful, he rejoicingly recalled in his mind that Sugreeva’s effort is going to fructify. [4-4-1]

1.tataH = then; kR^ityavaan = one who does good deeds; Hanuma; iti = thus; tat vacaH = that, words [of Lakshmana]; shrutvaa = having heard; madhura bhaavam ca = finely meaningful, also [on knowing]; prahR^iSTaH = rejoicing; manasaa = by mind; sugriivam = about Sugreeva; gataH = reached [recalled Sugreeva in mind.]

Verse 2

भाव्यो राज्यागमः तस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः |
यत् अयम् कृत्यवान् प्राप्तः कृत्यम् च एतत् उपागतम् || ४-४-२

“Conceivable is the retrieval of the kingdom by that great souled Sugreeva…and for which deed, this purposive Rama has come, and that deed desired by Rama is also achievable by Sugreeva, and thus all this has came by…” thus thought Hanuma. [4-4-2]

2. mahaatmanaH = the great soul; tasya sugriivasya = of that Sugreeva’s; raajya aagama = kingdom, coming [retrieval of kingdom]; bhaavyaH = is conceivable; yat = because; kR^ityavaan = purposive one ayam = he [Rama]; praaptaH = has come; etat = all this; kR^ityam cha = deed, also [desired by Rama];’ upa aagatam = came by.

Verse 3

ततः परम संहृष्टः हनुमान् प्लवगोत्तमः |
प्रति उवाच ततो वाक्यम् रामम् वाक्य विशारदः || ४-४-३

Then Hanuma, the ablest flyer is thus very gladdened…and in turn then spoke to that very learned one, namely Rama. [4- 4-3]

3. tataH = then; parama samhR^iSTaH = very, gladdened; Hanuma; plvaga uttama = flyer, the ablest; prati uvaacha tataH = in turn, spoke, then; Ramam = to Rama; vaakya vishaaradaH = sentence, maker [learned one.]

Verse 4

किम् अर्थम् त्वम् वनम् घोरम् पम्पा कानन मण्डितम् |
आगतः सानुजो दुर्गम् नाना व्याल मृग आयुतम् || ४-४-४

“What for you have come into these perilous forests hemming in Pampa Lake along with your brother, for these are impenetrable forests abounding with many a serpent and animal?” Thus Hanuma asked Rama. [4-4-4]

4. sa anujaH = with, brother; pampaa kaanana maNDitam = Pampa, forests, hemmed in; dur gam = impenetrable; naanaa vyaala mR^iga aayutam = many a, serpents, animals, abound with; ghoram vanam = perilous forest; kim artham = what, for; tvam = you; aagataH = have come.

Verse 5

तस्य तद् वचनम् श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणो राम चोदितः |
आचचक्षे महात्मानम् रामम् दशरथात्मजम् || ४-४-५

On hearing the words of Hanuma, Lakshmana motivated by Rama, narrated about the great soul Rama, the son of Dasharatha. [4-4-5]

5. tasya tat vachanam shrutvaa = his [Hanuma’s,] that, sentence, on hearing; Lakshmana; rama choditaH = by Rama, motivated; aachachakSe = narrated; maha aatmaanam = of that great soul; raamam = of Rama [about Rama]; dasharatha atmajam = son of Dasharatha.

Verse 6

राजा दशरथो नाम द्युतिमान् धर्म वत्सलः |
चातुर् वर्ण्यम् स्व धर्मेण नित्यम् एव अभिपालयन् || ४-४-६

“The king named Dasharatha, a resplendent one and the patron of virtue was ruling the four-caste system with its, and by his own rectitude, for he is also bound within that four-caste system… [4-4-6]

6. raajaa dasharathaH naama = king, Dasharatha, named; dyutimaan = resplendent one; dharma vatsala = virtue, patron of; chaatur varNyam = four caste system [and its rectitude]; sva dharmeNa = by his own rectitude; nityam eva = always, thus; abhipaalayan = ruling.

Verse 7

न द्वेष्टा विद्यते तस्य स तु द्वेष्टि न कंचन |
स तु सर्वेषु भूतेषु पितामह इव अपरः || ४-४-७

There is none despising him, nor he despised any and for all the living beings he is like the Grandparent Brahma on earth… [4-4-7]

7. tasya dvesSTaa na vidyate = his, despiser, not to seen; sa tu na dveSTi kancha = he, also, despised, none; saH sarva bhuuteSu = he, but, for all, living beings; pitaamaH iva aparaH = Grandparent Brahma, like, on earth.

Verse 8

अग्निष्टोमादिभिः यज्ञैः इष्टवान् आप्त दक्षिणैः |
तस्य अयम् पूर्वजः पुत्रो रामो नाम जनैः श्रुतः || ४-४-८

“And he, King Dasharatha who performed rituals agniSToma and the like Vedic rituals wherein he donated liberally, and this one is his eldest son, and he is renowned among people by the name of Rama… [4-4-8]

8. agniSToma aadibhiH = agniStoma, and the like; yaj~naiH = with rituals; iSTavaan = performed; aapta dakshiNaiH = given are, the charities [liberal charities are given in rituals by him]; tasya = his; ayam = this one; puurvajaH putraH = eldest, son; Rama; naama janaiH shrutaH = by name, by people, heard [known.]

Verse 9 &10

शरण्यः सर्व भूतानाम् पितुः निर्देश पारगः |
ज्येष्टो दशरथस्य अयम् पुत्राणाम् गुणवत्तरः || ४-४-९
राज लक्षण संयुक्तः संयुक्तो राज्य सम्पदा ||
राजात् भ्रष्टो मया वस्तुम् वने सार्धम् इह आगतः || ४-४-१०

“He is the protector of all beings and the follower of father’s directives, he is the eldest one among the sons of King Dasharatha… possessor of high virtues, qualities and royal fortune befitting to a king… but he is deprived of his kingdom, and came hither to dwell in the forests… nevertheless, followed by me…[4-4-9, 10]

9, 10. sharaNyaH = protector; sarva bhuutaanaam = of all beings; pituH nirdesha paaragaH = father’s, directives, follower; jyeSTaH = eldest one; putraaNaam = among the sons; dasharathasya = of Dasharatha; guNavat taraH = has high virtues; raja lakshaNa samyuktaH = king’s, qualities, possessing; samyuktaH raajya sampadaa = possessing, royal, fortune; ayam = he is; raajyaat bhraSTaH = from kingdom, deprived; vastum vane = to live, in forest; saardham = along with; maya = with me; iha aagataH = hither, he came.

Verse 11

भार्यया च महाभाग सीतया अनुगतो वशी |
दिन क्षये महातेजाः प्रभ एव दिवाकरः || ४-४-११

“With his wife Seetha following him, oh, highly fortunate Hanuma, this self-controlled and highly resplendent Rama came to forests like the Sun followed by his consort Prabha, who vanishes when the day is abated…

11. mahaabhaagaa = oh highly fortunate [Hanuma]; [Rama being] vashii = self-controlled one; mahaatejaa = highly resplendent one; dina kshaye = day, abating; divaakaraH m = Sun’s; prabhayaa eva = with resplendence / Sun’s consort Prabha, like; bhaaryaayaa cha = with his wife, also; siitaayaa anugataH = with Seetha, following him.

Verse 12

अहम् अस्य अवरः भ्राता गुणैः दास्यम् उपागतः |
कृतज्ञस्य बहुज्ञस्य लक्ष्मणो नाम नामतः || ४-४०-१२

“I am the one who obtained servitude by the justness of this faithful and knowledgeable one, and his younger brother, by name I am named as Lakshmana… [4-4-12]

12. aham = I am; kR^itaj~nasya bahuj~nasya = of this faithful one, knowledgeable one; asya gunaiH = by his, justness; daasyam upaagataH = servitude, one who obtained; avaraH bhraataa = younger, brother; Lakshmana; naama naamathaH = named, by name.

Verse 13 & 14

सुखार्हस्य महार्हस्य सर्वभूत हितात्मनः |
ऐश्वर्येण विहीनस्य वनवासे रतस्य च || ४-४-१३
रक्षस अपहृता भार्या रहिते काम रूपिणा |
तत् च न ज्ञायते रक्षः पत्नी येन अस्य वा हृता || ४-४-१४

“He who aspires to keep up the well-being of all the beings, and he who is merited for all comforts and respectability is now devoid of his prosperity and predisposed to forest dwelling… such as he is, his wife is abducted by a guise changing demon in a lonely place, of whom we know not… we know not which demon stole his wife… [4-4-13, 14]

13, 14. sukha arhasya = for comforts, one who is eligible; mahaa arhasya = for respectability, one who is eligible; sarva bhuuta hita aatmanaH = for all, beings, well-being, he who aspires to; aishvaryeNa vi hiinasya = of prosperousness, one who is devoid of; vana vaase ratasya cha = forests, dwelling, predisposed, also; [tasya bhaaryaa = such as he is, his wife is]; rahite = in lonely place; kaama ruupiNaH = by guise-changing; rakshasaa apahR^itaa bhaaryaa = by demon, abducted, is his wife; yena vaa = by whom, either; asya patnii hR^itaa = his, wife, is stolen; tat raksha cha = that, demon, even; na j~naayate = not, known.

Verse 15 & 16

दनुः नाम दितेः पुत्रः शापात् राक्षसताम् गतः |
आख्यातः तेन सुग्रीवः समर्थो वानराधिपः || ४-४-१५
स ज्ञास्यति महावीर्यः तव भार्या अपहारिणम् |
एवम् उक्त्वा दनुः स्वर्गम् भ्राजमानो दिवम् गतः || ४-४-१६

“One named Danu, son of Diti, who acquired demon-hood by curse had said that Sugreeva, the chief of monkeys, is a capable one, and he even said, “that great valorous Sugreeva can know about the abductor of your wife…” saying thus that Danu is released from the curse of his demon-hood, moved skyward and went away to heavens while becoming self-luminous… [4-4-15, 16]

15, 16. danuH naama = Danu, named; diteH putraH = Diti’s, son; shaapaat = by curse; raakshasataam gataH = demon-hood, obtained; aakhyaataH tena = said, by him; Sugreeva; vaanara adhipaH = monkey’s, chief; samarthaH = is capable one; saH = he; mahaa viiryaH = that great valorous one; j~naasyasi = can know; tava bhaaryaa = your wife’s; apahaaNinam = abductor; evam uktvaa danuH = thus, saying, Danu; bhraajamanaH svargam = while becoming self-luminous to heavens; divam gataH = skyward, went away.

Verse 17

एतत् ते सर्वम् आख्यातम् याथातथ्येन पृच्छतः |
अहम् चैव च रामः च सुग्रीवम् शरणम् गतौ || ४-४-१७

“All this is informed to you, as it is as you have asked..Myself and Rama, we now have our recourse to Sugreeva alone… [4-4-17]

17. etat = all this; te = to you; sarvam aakhyaatam = all, is informed; yathaa tathaaena = as it is; pR^icChataH = as asked; aham cha = I, and; eva RamaH cha = thus, also, Rama; sugriivam = of Sugreeva; sharaNam gatau = recourse to, we [already] went into [upon our word.]

Verse 18

एष दत्त्वा च वित्तानि प्राप्य च अनुत्तमम् यशः |
लोकनाथः पुरा भूत्वा सुग्रीवम् नाथम् इच्छति || ४-४-१८

“He who gave away riches in charity, who obtained unequalled renown and who himself was the lord of this world earlier, now accepts the lordship of Sugreeva… [4-4-18]

18. eSaH = he, Rama; dattvaa cha vittaani = gave away, riches; praapya cha = obtained, also; anuttamam yasha = unequalled, renown; lokanaathaH puraa bhuutvaa = world lord, earlier, he was; sugriivam naatham icChati = Sugreeva, ass lordship, accepts.

Verse 19

सीता यस्य स्नुषा च आसीत् शरण्यो धर्मवत्सलः |
तस्य पुत्रः शरण्यस्य सुग्रीवम् शरणम् गतः || ४-४-१९

“Who was a patron of virtue and who himself was a shelterer, to whom Seetha is the daughter-in-law, such a shelterer’s son Rama is now taking shelter under Sugreeva… [4-4-19]

19. yasya dharmavatsalaH sharaNyaH = to which, patron of dharma, shelterer; sharaNyasya asya = shelterer, such a – namely Dasharatha’s; snuSaa siitaa aasiit = daughter-in-law, Seetha, is there; tasya putraH = his, son; Sugreeva’s; shaNanam gataH = in shelter, take refuge.

Verse 20

सर्व लोकस्य धर्मात्मा शरण्यः शरणम् पुरा |
गुरुर् मे राघवः सोऽयम् सुग्रीवम् शरणम् गतः || ४-४-२०

“He who is a virtuous one and protector of all the world, and who is the only refuge for all in earlier times… such a Raaghava, my mentor, is now seeking refuge with Sugreeva… [4-4-20]

20. sarva lokasya = of all the world; dharmaatmaa = virtuous one; sharaNyaH = protector; sharaNam puraa = only refuge, earlier; guruH me = mentor, mine; Raaghava; saH = he; ayam sugriivam = that, Sugreeva; sharaNam gataH = refuge seeking.

Verse 21

यस्य प्रसादे सततम् प्रसीदेयुः इमाः प्रजाः |
स रामः वानरेन्द्रस्य प्रसादम् अभिकाङ्क्षते || ४-४-२१

“By whose beneficence all these people are always delighted, he that Rama is now seeking benefaction from the lord of monkeys… [4-4-21]

21. yasya = by whose; prasaade = beneficence; satatam = always; prasiideyuH = delighted; imaaH prajaaH = these people; saH raamaH = he that, Rama; vaanara indrasya = of the lord of monkeys; prasaadam abhikaa~Nkshate = benefaction, seeking.

Verse 22 & 23

येन सर्व गुणोपेताः पृथिव्याम् सर्व पार्थिवाः |
मानिताः सततम् राज्ञा सदा दशरथेन वै || ४-४-२२
तस्य अयम् पूर्वजः पुत्रः त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतः |
सुग्रीवम् वानरेन्द्रम् तु रामः शरणम् आगतः || ४-४-२३

“By which kingDasharatha, are all the kings with all possible good attributes are always, and at all the times were esteemed to be safeguarded as defensible kings, such king’s eldest son Rama, renowned in all the three worlds for his own sheltering the needy, has now taken shelter under monkeys lord Sugreeva… [4-4-22, 23]

22, 23. raaj~naa = by that king; yena dasharathena = by which, Dasharatha; pR^ithivyaam = on earth; sarva guNopetaaH = all kinds of, good attributes having; sarva paarthivaaH = all, the [other] kings are; sadaa = of all times; satatam = always; maanitaaH = esteemed; tasya puurvajaH putraH = his [Dasharatha’s,] eldest, son; triSu lokeSu vishrutaH = in three, worlds, renowned one [for his sheltering]; ayam raamaH = this, Rama; vaanara indram = monkeys, lord, sugriivam = of Sugreeva, sharaNam gataH = shelter, taken.

Verse 24

शोक अभिभूते रामे तु शोक आर्ते शरणम् गते |
कर्तुम् अर्हति सुग्रीवः प्रसादम् सह यूथपैः || ४-४-२४

“One who is rebuffed by sadness, and even agonised by it had already sought refuge, hence it is apt of Sugreeva to do favour in Rama’s respect along with other vanara commanders…” Lakshmana said thus to Hanuma. [4-4-24]

24. shoka abhibhuute = by sadness, one who is rebuffed; shoka aarte = by sadness, agonised; sharaNam gate = refuge, already sought; raaame = in respect of Rama; Sugreeva; saha yuudhapaiH = along with, other monkey commanders; prasaadam kartum arhati = favour, to do, apt of him.

Verse 25

एवम् ब्रुवाणम् सौमित्रिम् करुणम् स अश्रु पातनम् |
हनुमान् प्रति उवाच इदम् वाक्यम् वाक्य विशारदः || ४-४-२५

To Lakshmana, who is telling that piteously with tears falling out, the eminently lettered Hanumaan said this in his return. [4-4-25]

25. karuNam = piteously; sa ashru paatanam = with, tears, falling out; evam bruvaaNam = thus, telling; saumitrim = to Lakshmana; vaakya vishaaradaH = lettered, eminent one; to Hanumaan; idam vaakyam = this sentence; prati uvaacha = in return said.

Verse 26

ईदृशा बुद्धि संपन्ना जितक्रोधा जितेइन्द्रियाः |
द्रष्टव्या वानरेइन्द्रेण दिष्ट्या दर्शनम् आगताः || ४-४-२६

“Intellectuals of your kind, who have conquered anger and senses are to be seen by the chief of monkeys Sugreeva, for your advent is godsend… [4-4-26]

26. iidR^ishaaH = this kind of; buddhi sampannaaH = intellect, having; jita krodhaa = conquered, anger; jita indriyaH = conquered, senses; diSTyaa = godsend; darshanam aagataaH = advent, has come to; vanarendNena = by monkey’s chief; draSTavyaa = are to be seen.

Verse 27

स हि राज्यात् च विभ्रष्टः कृत वैरः च वालिना |
हृत दारो वने त्रस्तः भ्रात्रा विनिकृतः भृशम् || ४-४-२७

“He who is made as an enemy, very muchinsulted, and abrogated from kingdom by his own brother Vali, that Sugreeva is roaming about forests fearing him alone, his own brother Vali… [4-4-27]

27. valinaa = by Vaali; kR^ita vairaH cha = rendered, as an enemy, also; bhraataraa = by his brother; hR^ita daaraH = abducted, wife; bhR^isham = very much; vinikR^itaH = one who is insulted; raajyaat vi bhraSTaH = from kingdom, abrogated; sa hi = he [Sugreeva], indeed; trasthaH = fearing; vane = in forests; [bhramati = roaming about.]

Verse 28

करिष्यति स साहाय्यम् युवयोः भास्करात्मजः |
सुग्रीवः सह च अस्माभिः सीतायाः परिमार्गणे || ४-४-२८

“He that son of Sun, Sugreeva, will render help to you two, joining forces of our like Vanara-s in searching Seetha…” [4-4-28]

28. bhaaskara aatmajaH = Sun god’s, son; Sugreeva; saha asmaabhiH = along, with us – vanara forces; siithaayaaH = of Seetha’s; parimaargaNe = searching; youvayoH kariSyati sa sahaayyam = to you two, he will render, help.

Verse 29

इति एवम् उक्त्वा हनुमान् श्लक्ष्णम् मधुरया गिरा |
बभाषे साधु गच्छामः सुग्रीवम् इति राघवम् || ४-४-२९

Thus Hanuman on speaking melodious words with politeness, also said to Raghava as, “good, we may now approach Sugreeva….” [4-4-29]

29. Hanumaan; mathurayaa giraa = with harmonious words; shlakshnam = politely; iti evam uktvaa = thus, that way, spoke; saadhu = good; abhigacChema sugriivaH = we now, approach, Sugreeva; iti = thus; babhaaSaH = said to; raaghavam = to Raaghava.

Verse 30

एवम् ब्रुवन्तम् धर्मात्मा हनूमन्तम् स लक्ष्मणः |
प्रतिपूज्य यथा न्यायम् इदम् प्रोवाच राघवम् || ४-४-३०

Hanuma when said thus virtuous Lakshmana adored him customarily in the way befitting to an envoy, and spoke this to Rama… [4-4-30]

30. dharmaatmaa = virtuous one; saH Lakshmana = that, Lakshmana; evam bruvaaNam hanumantam = thus, who is saying, to that Hanuma; yathaa nyaayam = as per, custom; pratipuujya cha = in return, on adoring, also; raaghavam idam provaacha = to Raaghava, this, he spoke.

Verse 31

कपिः कथयते हृष्टो यथा अयम् मारुतात्मजः |
कृत्यवान् सोऽपि संप्राप्तः कृत कृत्योऽसि राघव || ४-४-३१

“Raghava, as to how this monkey seems to be happy in meeting us, by way of his narration, and he too neared us as an aspirant of some deed to be performed by us, hence joining them seems to fulfil your mission… [4-4-31]

31. Raaghava; maaruta aatmajaH = Air-god’s son; ayam kapiH = this, monkey; yathaa kathayate = in happiness, as to how, he is telling; hR^ishtaH = he is happy; saH api = he, also; kR^ityavaan = aspirant of some deed; sampraaptaH = neared us; kR^ita kR^ityaH asi = mission, full-filled, you will be.

Verse 32

प्रसन्न मुख वर्णः च व्यक्तम् हृष्टः च भाषते |
न अनृतम् वक्ष्यते वीरो हनूमान् मारुतात्मजः || ४-४-३२

“He is talking with a lucid expression and pleasing facial tinge by which he seems to be gladdened at his heart… needless is telling untruths to such a valiant son of Air-god, Hanuma, isn’t it!” So said Laskhmana to Rama [4-4-32]

32. vyaktam = lucid expression; prasanna mukha varNaH cha = pleasing, facial, tinge, also; hR^iSTaH cha bhaaSate = gladdened, also, he is talking; hanumaan maarutaatmajaH = Hanuma, son of Air-god; viiraH na anR^itam vakshyate = valiant one, no, untruth, telling.

Verse 33

ततः स सुमहाप्राज्ञः हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः |
जगाम आदाय तौ वीरौ हरि राजाय राघवौ || ४-४-३३

Then he that very intelligent son of Air-god Hanuma, took those two valorous Raghava-s to go to the king of monkeys Sugreeva. [4-4-33]

33. tataH = then; mahaapraaj~naH = very intelligent one; maaruta atmajaH = Lord Air’s son; saH = he that; Hanumaan; viirau tau aadaaya = valorous ones those two, Raghava-s, on taking; hari raajaaya = to monkeys’ king; jagaama = started to.

Verse 34

भिक्षु रूपम् परित्यज्य वानरम् रूपम् आस्थितः |
पृष्टम् आरोप्य तौ वीरौ जगाम कपिकुङ्जरः || ४-४-३४

On discarding the ascetic’s semblance that estimable monkey Hanuma obtained his own monkey’s form, and mounting those two valiant ones onto his back he proceeded towards Sugreeva. [4-4-34]

34. kapi kunjaraH = monkey, the elephant like estimable one; bhikshu ruupam = ascetic’s, semblance; parityajya = on discarding; vaanara ruupam aasthitaH = monkey’s, form, came to; tau viirau pR^iSTam aaropya = those, two valiant ones, onto his back, on mounting; jagaama = proceeded.

Verse 35

स तु विपुल यशाः कपि प्रवीरः पवनसुतः कृत कृत्यवत् प्रहृष्टः |
गिरि वरम् उरुविक्रमः प्रयातः स शुभमतिः सह राम लक्ष्मणाभ्याम् || ४-४-३५

Hanuma, the extensively renowned heroic son of Air-god with pious mind and highly audacious nature, is then gladdened like the one whose difficult deed is just accomplished, thus he gladly travelled to that mountain where Sugreeva is abiding, along with Rama and Lakshmana. [4-4-35]

35. vipula yashaaH = extensively renowned; kapiH pra viiraH = monkey, very, heroic; saH pavana sutaH = he, that Air-god’s son; prahR^iSTaH kR^ita kR^itya vat = gladdened, deed accomplished one, like; subha matiH = pious, minded; uru vikramaH = highly audacious one; saH = he, Hanuma; saha raama lakshmanaabhyaam = along with, Rama, Lakshmana; giri varam = mountain, the great; prayaataH = travelled to.

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