37. Legend of kaartikeya


Sage Vishvamitra continues his narration about the earthly course of Ganga, her begetting Kaartikeya, Krittika-stars breast-feeding that boy, gods naming that boy as Kaarthikeya, and that boy’s anointment as the Chief of Celestial Armies.

Verse 1

तप्यमाने तदा देवे सेन्द्राः साग्निपुरोगमाः |
सेनापतिमभीप्सन्तः पितामहमुपागमन् || १-३७-१

“While god Shiva is undertaking ascesis thus, then the gods desiring an Army Chief for celestial forces have arrived in the audience of Forefather Brahma, along with Indra and keeping Fire-god at their fore.” Sage Vishvamitra continued his narration to Rama. [1-37-1]

1. deve tapyamaane = while undertaking ascesis of god Shiva; tadaa = then; [devaaH = gods]; sendraaH = with Indra; senaapatim abhiipsantaH = desiring for army chief; saagnipurogamaaH = keeping afore – Fire-god – as leader; pitaamaham upaagaman = towards Forefather – Brahma, arrived at the nearby of.

Verse 2

ततोऽब्रुवन् सुराः सर्वे भगवन्तं पितामहम् |
प्रणिपत्य सुराः राम सेन्द्राः साग्निपुरोगमाः || १-३७-२

“On approaching the Forefather Brahma, oh, Rama, all of the celestials headed by Fire-god and along with Indra have venerated and then spoke this to him. [1-37-2]

2. raama = oh Rama; sendraaH = with Indra; saagnipurogamaaH = with Fire-god keeping ahead of their delegation; suraaH sarve = celestials, all of them; bhagavantam pitaamaham = to the god [to Brahma,] Forefather; praNipatya = on venerating; tataH = then; abruvan = spoke to.

Verse 3

येन सेनापतिर्देव दत्तो भगवता पुरा |
स तपः परमास्थाय तप्यते स्म सहोमया || १-३७-३

” ‘Oh, god Brahma, he who has hypothetically given a Chief of Celestial Army in the form of his potence that god Shiva is undertaking a supreme ascesis, indeed along with Goddess Uma. [1-37-3]

3. deva = oh god – Brahma; yena bhagavataa = by whom, by god – Shiva; puraa = earlier; [naH = to us]; senaapatiH dattaH = army chief, is given – in the form of Shiva’s potence in a hypothetical way; saH = he – Shiva; umayaa saha = along with Uma; paramtapaH aasthaaya = on undertaking supreme ascesis; tapyate sma = he is practising ascesis, indeed.

Verse 4

यदत्रानंतरं कार्यं लोकानां हितकाम्यया |
संविधत्स्व विधानज्ञ त्वं हि नः परमा गतिः || १-३७-४

” ‘Looking forward for the welfare of the worlds, oh, knower of the procedures, Brahma, you may order us clearly what is to be done next, as you alone are our ultimate recourse. [1-37-4]

4. vidhaanaj~na = oh procedure knower – Brahma; lokaanaam hitakaamyayaa = intent on – looking forward welfare of worlds; atra = in this matter; anantaram yat kaaryam = later, which, action – what next is to be done; samvidhatsva = let it be ordered clearly; tvam naH paramaa gatiH hi = you alone ultimate recourse for us.

Verse 5

देवतानां वचः श्रुत्वा सर्वलोकपितामहः |
सान्त्वयन् मधुरैर्वाक्यैस्त्रिदशानिदमब्रवीत् || १-३७-५

“On listening the words of gods, Brahma, the Forefather of all the worlds, soothingly spoke this to the celestials with sweet words. [1-37-5]

5. sarvalokapitaamahaH = Forefather for all worlds – Brahma; devataanaam vacaH shrutvaa = on listing to the words of gods; madhuraiH vaakyaiH = with sweet, words; tridashaan saantvayan = to sooth gods; idam abraviit = spoke this.

Verse 6

शैलपुत्र्या यदुक्तं तन्न प्रजाः स्वासु पत्निषु |
तस्या वचनमक्लिष्टं सत्यमेव न संशयः || १-३७-६

” ‘What the Daughter of Mountain, namely Goddess Uma, has said that ‘you shall have no posterity in your own wives’ is true and it cannot be decried, and it is unambiguous too. [1-37-6]

6. yat shailaputryaa uktam = what is said by daughter of mountain – Uma; tat = by that reason; [vaH = you gods]; svaasu patniSu = in your own, wives; na prajaaH = no, posterity; [na prajaasyatha = you cannot generate progeny]; tasyaaH vacanam akliSTam = not to be put to shame – decriedher sentence; satyam eva = true, only – her word; samshayaH na = ambiguity, not there.

Verse 7

इयमाकाशगंगा यस्यां पुत्रं हुताशनः |
जनयिष्यति देवानां सेनापतिमरिंदमम् || १-३७-७

” ‘In whom the Fire-god can procreate an enemy-destroying Chief of Celestial Armies, such an empyreal Ganga is there. [1-37-7]

7. yasyaam = in which, in whom – Ganga; hutaashanaH = Fire-god; arindamam = one who ca destroy enemies; such a; devaanaam senaapatim putram = son as celestials’ army chief; janayiSyati = who can give birth to – Fire-god who can procreate; such a; iyam aakaashagangaa = this, empyreal Ganga – is there.

Verse 8

ज्येष्ठा शैलेन्द्रदुहिता मानयिष्यति तं सुतम् |
उमायास्तद्बहुमतं भविष्यति न संशयः || १-३७-८

” ‘The elder daughter King of Mountains, namely Ganga, will graciously welcome the offspring from Fire-god, and that act of Ganga in welcoming the offspring through Fire-god will also be pleasurable in many ways to the younger daughter of King of Mountains, namely Uma, no doubt about it.’ So said Brahma to all the gods. [1-37-8]

8. jyeSThaa shailendraduhitaa = elder, daughter of mountain king [Ganga]; tam sutam = him, that [prospective] son; maanayiSyati = will welcome graciously; tat = that – act of Ganga in welcoming boy; umaayaaH bahumatam bhaviSyati = it will be pleasurable in many ways to Uma; samshayaH na = doubt, is not there.

Verse 9

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य कृतार्था रघुनन्दन |
प्रणिपत्य सुराः सर्वे पितामहमपूजयन् || १-३७-९

“On hearing those words of Brahma, oh, Rama, the delight of Raghu’s dynasty, all the gods have praisefully worshipped him, as their ends are achieved at the bidding fair of Brahma. [1-37-9]

9. raghunandana = oh Raghu’s delight – Rama; suraaH sarve = gods, all of them; tasya tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing his – Brahma’s that sentence; kR^itaarthaaH = with achieved ends – at this bidding fair of Brahma; pitaamaham praNipatya apuujayan = worshipped Forefather and sang the praises.

Verse 10

ते गत्वा परमं राम कैलासं धातुमण्डितम् |
अग्निं नियोजयामासुः पुत्रार्थं सर्वदेवताः || १-३७-१०

“On going to that supreme Mt. Kailash, oh, Rama, which is heaped up with many ores, all of those gods have assigned the Fire-god to father a son. [1-37-10]

10. raama = oh Rama; te sarvadevataaH = they, all of the gods; dhaatumaNDitam = encompassed – heaped up with ores; paramam kailaasam gatvaa = on going to supreme Mt. Kailash; putraartham = purpose of son – to father the son; agnim niyojayaamaasuH = started to assign Fire-god.

Verse 11

देवकार्यमिदं देव समाधत्स्व हुताशन |
शैलपुत्र्यां महातेजो गंगायां तेज उत्सृज || १-३७-११

” ‘Oh, Fire-god, you please coordinate the mission of gods, oh, great-resplendent god of Fire, you may release the potence of Shiva, which you have contained so far, in the daughter of King of Mountains, namely River Ganga.’ Thus, all gods have requested the Fire-god. [1-37-11]

11. deva = oh god; hutaashana = oh consumer of oblations – Fire-god; idam devakaaryam = this, god’s mission; samaadhatsva = you coordinate; mahaatejaH = oh great-resplendent one – Fire-god; tejaH = potence – of Shiva; shailaputryaam gangaayaam = Mountain’s [Himalayas’] daughter, in Ganga; utsR^ija = release.

Verse 12

देवतानां प्रतिज्ञाय गंगामभ्येत्य पावकः |
गर्भं धारय वै देवि देवतानामिदं प्रियम् || १-३७-१२

“On assuring the gods that he will do his best, the Fire-god approached Ganga entreating, ‘Oh, Goddess Ganga, you verily bear pregnancy with the potence of Shiva, since this is the select process of all the gods.’ So said Fire-god to River Ganga. [1-37-12]

12. paavakaH = all-purifier – Fire-god; devataanaam pratij~naaya = on assuring to gods – that he will do his best; gangaam abhyetya = having approached Ganga; devi = oh goddess Ganga; garbham dhaaraya vai = you bear pregnancy, verily; idam devataanaam priyam = this [act,] for gods, select [act, process.]

Verse 13

इत्येतद्वचनं श्रुत्वा दिव्यं रूपमधारयत् |
स तस्या महिमां दृष्ट्वा समंतादवकीर्यत || १-३७-१३

“On listening that sentence of Fire-god, River Ganga adopted a celestial form readying herself, and on seeing her glorious mien the Fire-god seeped throughout her. [1-37-13]

13. iti etat vacanam shrutvaa = thus, that, sentence – of Fire-god, on listening; divyam ruupam adhaarayat = adopted divine form [Ganga] ; saH = he – Fire-god; tasyaaH mahimaam = her, glory – of mien; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; samantaat avakiiryata = all over, spread.

Verse 14

समंततस्तदा देवीमभ्यषिंचत पावकः |
सर्वस्रोतांसि पूर्णानि गंगाया रघुनन्दन || १-३७-१४

“The Fire-god then drenched River Ganga from all over with the potence of Shiva which he contained so far, oh, Raghu’s delight Rama, and every rill and channel of Ganga is replete with it. [1-37-14]

14. raghunandana = oh delight of Raghu; tadaa = then; paavakaH = Fire-god; deviim samantataH abhyaSincata = Goddess – Ganga, all over, drenched her with the potence of Shiva; gangaayaaH = of Ganga; sarvasrotaamsi puurNaani = every channel [rill of Ganga] replete with.

Verse 15 & 16a

तमुवाच ततो गंगा सर्वदेवपुरोगमम् |
अशक्ता धारणे देव तेजस्तव समुद्धतम् || १-३७-१५
दह्यमानाग्निना तेन संप्रव्यथितचेतना |

“River Ganga then spoke this to the Fire-god who is in the lead of all gods, ‘oh, god, I am incapable to bear up the rampant fervour of yours, and while being burnt with the fire of god Shiva compounded with that of yours my life-force is very highly tortured.’ [1-37-15, 16a]

15, 16a. tataH = then; gangaa = Ganga; sarvadevapurogamam = who is in forefront of all god – Fire-god; tam uvaaca = to him – Fire-god, spoke; deva = oh God – Fire-god; samuddhatam = upheaved – rampant; tava tejaH = your, intense heat – fervour compounded with that of Shiva; dhaaraNe = to bear up; ashaktaa = I am not capable; tena agninaa dahyamaanaa = while being burnt by that fire [of the potence of Shiva] ; sampravyathitacetanaa [sam-pra-vyathita] = very highly tortured heart.

Verse 16b & 17a

अथाब्रवीदिदं गङ्गां सर्वदेवहुताशनः || १-३७-१६
इह हैमवते पार्श्वे गर्भोऽयं संनिवेश्यताम् |

“He who consumes fire-oblations on behalf of all the gods, that Fire-god seeing the miserable condition of River Ganga then spoke this to her, ”you may lay away that embryo here at the side of Himalayan Mountains.’ So said Fire-god to River Ganga. [1-37-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. atha = then; sarvadevahutaashanaH = consumer of all god’s fire-oblations – consumer of fire oblations on behalf of all gods; gangaam idam abraviit = said this to Ganga – on seeing her miserable plight; ayam garbhaH = that, embryo; iha haimavate paarshve [paade] = here by the side of [at the foot of] Himalayan Mountains; sanniveshyataam = verily consign to – relocated at.

Verse 17b & 18a

श्रुत्वा त्वग्निवचो गंगा तं गर्भमतिभास्वरम् || १-३७-१७
उत्ससर्ज महातेजाः स्रोतोभ्यो हि तदानघ |

“Oh, great-resplendent Rama, on hearing the words of Fire-god, oh, charming prince Rama, River Ganga indeed ejected that great-radiant embryo of Shiva from all her rills and channels. [1-37-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. mahaatejaaH = oh great-resplendent, Rama; anagha = oh charming prince; agnivacaH shrutvaa tu = Fire-god’s words, on hearing, on her part; gangaa = Ganga; tadaa = that way; atibhaasvaram = highly refulgent; tam garbham = that, embryo; srotobhyaH utsasarja hi = ejected from her channels [and rills], indeed.

Verse 18b & 19a

यदस्या निर्गतं तस्मात्तप्तजांबूनदप्रभम् || १-३७-१८
कांचनं धरणीं प्राप्तं हिरण्यमतुलप्रभम् |

“Which refulgent embryo with the glitter of molten gold has emerged from River Ganga is there that has reached earth, and from that the silver, and even the gold with its matchless dazzle have emerged. [1-37-18]

18b, 19a. asyaaH = from her – from Ganga; taptajaambuunadaprabham = with a glitter of molten gold; yat = which; [tejaH = refulgent potence is there]; nirgatam = out coming – emerged; dharaNiim praaptam = that which has reached earth; tasmaat = from that; hiraNyam = silver; atulaprabham kaancanam = unbalanceable – matchless in dazzle, gold; [abhavat = emerged.]

Verse 19b & 20

ताम्रं कार्ष्णायसं चैव तैक्ष्ण्यादेवाभिजायत || १-३७-१९
मलं तस्याभवत्तत्र त्रपु सीसकमेव च |
तदेतद्धरणीं प्राप्य नानाधातुरवर्धत || १-३७-२०

“In that process, copper and iron are also generated from that combustion of fires of Shiva and Fire-god, and the residua have become tin and lead, and thus that embryo on reaching the earth has evolved itself into various other elements also. [1-37-19b, 20]

19b, 20. tatra = in that – process; taikSNyaat = from combustion – [kshaara = metallic alkali, element]; taamram = copper; kaarSNaayasam = iron; ca eva = also thus; abhijaayata = are generated; tasya = its – of the semen of Shiva; malam = from residua; trapu = tin; siisakam eva ca = lead, also, thus; abhavat = became; tat etat = that, thus – such as it is – that potence of Shiva; dharaNiim praapya = on reaching earth; naanaadhaatuH avardhata = various elements, evolved as.

Verse 21

निक्षिप्तमात्रे गर्भे तु तेजोभिरभिरंजितम् |
सर्वं पर्वतसंनद्धं सौवर्णमभवद्वनम् || १-३७-२१

“But, just when that embryo is laid down on Himalayan mountains, entire reed-garden sprouted on that mountain is made brilliant by that glittering embryo and the reed-garden itself has become golden. [1-37-21]

21. garbhe nikSiptamaatre tu = just when embryo is laid down, but; sarvam = entire; parvatasannaddham = sprouted – uprisen on Himalayan mountains ; vanam = forest – reed-garden; tejobhiH abhiranjitam = made brilliant with [embryo’s] glitter; sauvarNam abhavat = became golden [reed-garden] .

Verse 22

जातरूपमिति ख्यातं तदा प्रभृति राघव |
सुवर्णं पुरुषव्याघ्र हुताशनसमप्रभम् |
तृणवृक्षलतागुल्मं सर्वं भवति कांचनम् || १-३७-२२

“Oh, tigerly-man, from then onwards the gold with its brilliance equalling that of the Fire-god is renowned by the name of jaataruupa , one that retains its birth-time form, and oh, Raghava, everything on the mountain, say grass, trees, climbers, and shrubs, all have become golden. [1-37-22]

22. puruSavyaaghra = oh tigerly-man, Rama; raaghava = oh Raghava tadaa prabhR^iti = then, onwards; hutaashanasamaprabham = equal in its brilliance to Fire-god; suvarNam = gold; jaataruupam iti = birth-time form, thus as; khyaatam = renowned; sarvam = everything; tR^iNavR^ikShalataagulmam = grass, tress, climbers, shrubs kaancanam bhavati = they have become golden.

Verse 23

तं कुमारं ततो जातं सेन्द्राः सहमरुद्गणाः |
क्षीरसंभावनार्थाय कृत्तिकाः समयोजयन् || १-३७-२३

“Then for the boy who took birth from the embryo deposited in Himalayas, the Wind-gods along with Indra have arranged Krittika stars to simultaneously suckle him. [1-37-23]

23. tataH = then; jaatam tam kumaaram = birthed, him, the son – from the embryo; sendraaH sahamarudgaNaaH = with Indra, with assemblages of Wind-gods ; kSiirasambhaavanaarthaaya = for the purpose to nourish with milk – to suckle and nourish; kR^ittikaaH samayojayan = Krittikaa stars, are arranged.

Verse 24

ताः क्षीरं जातमात्रस्य कृत्वा समयमुत्तमम् |
ददुः पुत्रोऽयमस्माकं सर्वासामिति निश्चिताः || १-३७-२४

“Those Krittika stars have decided among themselves that ‘this boy shall be the son for all of us,’ and on making such a best resolve they suckled the just born boy. [1-37-24]

24. taaH = those females – Krittika stars; nishcitaaH = deciding among themselves; ayam asmaakam sarvaasaam putraH = let him be the son for all of us; iti = thus; uttamam samayam kR^itvaa = on making best resolve; jaatamaatrasya = who is just then born; kSiiram daduH = they gave milk.

Verse 25

ततस्तु देवताः सर्वाः कार्तिकेय इति ब्रुवन् |
पुत्रस्त्रैलोक्यविख्यातो भविष्यति न संशयः || १-३७-२५

“All the gods have then said, ‘this boy will be renowned in all the three world as Kaarthikeya, as Krittika-stars have suckled him, with any doubt.’ [1-37-25]

25. tataH = then; sarvaaH devataaH = all, gods; putraH = this boy; kaartikeya iti = Kaartikeya [son of Krittika-s,] thus; trailokyavikhyaataH bhaviSyati = he will be renowned in three worlds ; samshayaH na = doubt, is not there; iti bruvan = thus, they said.

Verse 26

तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा स्कन्नं गर्भपरिस्रवे |
स्नापयन् परया लक्ष्म्या दीप्यमानं यथानलम् || १-३७-२६

“On hearing that blessing of gods Krittika stars gave a wash to that excellently auspicious boy who is radiant like fire, and who slid down from the secretion of the womb of Ganga. [1-37-26]

26. teSaam tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing that sentence of their – gods – on hearing gods blessings; garbhaparisrave skannam = who slid down from the secretion of womb of Ganga ; analam yathaa = as with fire; parayaa lakSmyaa diipyamaanam = glowing with excellently aupicious radiance; snaapayan = to give a bath; they started to.

Verse 27

स्कंद इत्यब्रुवन् देवाः स्कन्नं गर्भपरिस्रवात् |
कार्तिकेयं महाबाहुं काकुत्स्थ ज्वलनोपमम् || १-३७-२७

“And gods called that boy, oh, Rama of Kakutstha, whose glow is like that of flaring fire and who is ambidextrous as ‘Skanda’ for he slid down from the secretions of a womb. [1-37-27]

27. kaakutstha = oh Rama of Kakutstha; jvalanopamam = similar to [glow] flare of fire; mahaabaahum = ambidextrous; garbhaparisravaat skannam = who slid down from secretions of the womb; such a; kaartikeyam = Kaartikeya – is called; devaaH = gods; skanda iti abruvan = Skanda, thus, they called him – in its lexical meaning – to slid, who glissaded.


Verse 28

प्रादुर्भूतं ततः क्षीरं कृत्तिकानामनुत्तमम् |
षण्णां षडाननो भूत्वा जग्राह स्तनजं पयः || १-३७-२८

“Then an unexcelled milk instantly came forth from the breasts of the six Krittika-stars, and becoming a six-faced one that boy too sucked that milk from the six Krittika-stars at the same time. [1-37-28]

28. tataH = then; kR^ittikaanaam anuttamam kSiiram = in Krittikaa-stars [breasts,] un excelling, milk; praadurhbhuutam = instantly came forth; SaNNaam = of six of them, the Krittika stars; stanajam payaH = breast born, milk; SaDaananaH = six faced one – the boy; bhuutvaa = becoming – six faced boy; [samam = at the same time]; jagraaha = drew out, sucked milk.

Verse 29

गृहीत्वा क्षीरमेकाह्ना सुकुमारवपुस्तदा |
अजयत् स्वेन वीर्येण दैत्यसैन्यगणान्विभुः || १-३७-२९

“On sipping the milk just for one day he became an adolescent boy on that day itself, and even though he is of delicate constitution as a boy, that taskmaster triumphed over the army troops of demons by his own vigour. [1-37-29]

29. vibhuH = capable one – taskmaster, that boy; ekaahnaa = just in one day; kSiiram gR^ihiitvaa = on taking milk; tadaa = then; sukumaaravapuH = delicate by body; even if; svena viiryeNa = by his own, vigour; daityasainyagaNaan = troops of demons army; ajayat = triumphed over.

Verse 30

सुरसेनागणपतिमभ्यषिंचन्महाद्युतिम् |
ततस्तममराः सर्वे समेत्याग्निपुरोगमाः || १-३७-३०

“All of the celestial have then come together under the leadership of Fire-god and they anointed that highly resplendent boy, Skanda, or Kaarthikeya, as the Chief of Celestial Army troops. [1-37-30]

30. agnipurogamaaH = keeping afore Fire god as leader; amaraaH sarve = celestials, all of them; tataH = then; sametya = coming together; mahaadyutim = highly resplendent boy is; surasenaagaNapatim = as chief of god’s army troops; abhyaSincat = anointed him.

Verse 31

एष ते राम गंगाया विस्तरोऽभिहितो मया |
कुमारसंभवश्चैव धन्यः पुण्यस्तथैव च || १-३७-३१

“This way, I have vividly narrated the legend of Ganga to you, oh, Rama, like that the Divine and Meritorious legend of the emergence of Kumara, namely Skanda is also narrated. [1-37-31]

31. raama = oh Rama; mayaa te gangaayaaH = by me, to you, of Ganga; eSaH vistaraH = this way, vividly – told; tathaa eva = like that; dhanyaH puNyaH ca = Divine, Meritorious, also; kumaarasambhavaH caiva = Kumara’s emergence, also thus; abhihitaH = made known.

Verse 32

भक्तश्च यः कार्तिकेये काकुत्स्थ भुवि मानवः |
आयुष्मान् पुत्र पौत्रश्च स्कन्दसालोक्यतां व्रजेत् || १-३७-३२

“He who is a devotee of Kartikeyaa, oh, Rama of Kakutstha, he thrives with longevity, also with sons, grandsons on this humanly earth in his mortal life, and on its conclusion he becomes one with Skanda on journeying to Skanda’s abode. [1-37-32]

32. kaakutstha = Oh Kakutstha Rama; bhuvi yaH maanavaH = on earth, which, person; kaartikeye bhaktaH ca = if he were to be devotee of Kaartikeya ; he; aayuSmaan = with longevity; putrapautraH ca = with sons and grandsons, also; on living; skandasaalokyataam vrajate = he goes – attains his abode [identical] of Skanda.

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