36 – Ravana seeks Mareecha’s help


Ravana seeks Maareecha’s help to abduct Seetha. He asks Maareecha to assume the shape of a golden-deer and lure Seetha, and then Seetha asks Rama and Lakshmana to fetch that golden-deer. If Rama and Lakshmana are distracted from the hermitage, Ravana can safely abduct Seetha. Listening to this Maareecha is struck dead, because he is already struck with the arrow of Rama when he was in Tataka forest. As such, Maareecha tries to explain Ravana about Rama’s quintessence.

Verse 1

मारीच श्रूयताम् तात वचनम् मम भाषतः |
आर्तो अस्मि मम च आर्तस्य भवान् हि परमा गतिः || ३-३६-१

“Give attention to my words as I speak, oh, sire, Maareecha, I am an anguished one, and when I am in such an anguish you are the ultimate course to me, isn’t so.” Thus Ravana started addressing Maareecha. [3-36-1]

1. taata maariica = oh, sire, Maareecha; bhaaSataH mama vacanam shruuyataam = as I speak, my, sentence, listen – give attention; aartaH asmi anguished one, I am; aartasya mama = anguished one, for me; bhavaan paramaa gatiH hi = you are, ultimate, course, isn’t it.

Verse 2, 3 & 4

जानीषे त्वम् जनस्थाने भ्राता यत्र खरो मम |
दूषणः च महाबाहुः स्वसा शूर्पणखा च मे || ३-३६-२
त्रिशिराः च महातेजा राक्षसः पिशित अशनः |
अन्ये च बहवः शूरा लब्ध लक्षा निशाचराः || ३-३६-३
वसन्ति मत् नियोगेन अधिवासम् च राक्षसः |
बाधमाना महारण्ये मुनीन् ये धर्म चारिणः || ३-३६-४

“You are aware as to how my brother Khara, and the mighty armed Duushana, also my sister Shuurpanakha, and even the highly fiery demon and devourer of raw-flesh Trishira, and even numerous other night-walking demons who are cocksure of hitting their targets have made Janasthaana as their residency, and while residing there they put the sages of that great forest that tread a righteous path to torture, of course, all this as assigned by me. [3-36-2, 3, 4]

2, 3, 4. mama bhraataa kharaH = my, brother, Khara; mahaabaahuH duuSaNaH ca = might armed, Duushana, even; svasaa shuurpaNakhaa ca = sister, Shuurpanakha, even; mahaatejaa pishita ashanaH raakSasaH trishiraaH ca = highly fiery one, raw-flesh, devourer, demon, Trishira, also; and; shuuraaH = braves ones; labdha lakSaaH = those who obtained, target – those that can hit target without missing; anye bahavaH nishaacaraaH raakSasaH = other, numerous, night-walkers, demons; mat niyogena = by me, assigned; mahaa araNye = in great-forest; dharma caariNaH muniin baadhamaanaa = righteousness, treaders in, sages, while torturing; janasthaane = in Janasthaana; [yathaa = as to how]; adhivaasam vasanti = in residency, are residing; tvam jaaniiSe = you are, aware of.

Verse 5

चतुर्दश सहस्राणि रक्षसाम् भीम कर्मणाम् |
शूराणाम् लब्ध लक्षाणाम् खर चित्त अनुवर्तिनाम् || ३-३६-५
ते तु इदानीम् जनस्थाने वसमाना महाबलाः |

“You are equally aware of the stationing fourteen thousand braving demons in Janasthaana, who are the followers of the wish of Khara, who are with fiendish exploits, and who are the troublemakers to the sages of Dandaka forest or to the intruders therein, aren’t you. [3-36-5]

5. bhiima karmaNaam = of fiendish, exploits; shuuraaNaam = braving ones; labdha lakSaaNaam = attained, targets – marks-demons – or, the possessors, of qualities to pick up quarrels, troublemakers to sages; khara citta anuvartinaam = Khara’s, wishes, followers of; rakSasaam = of demons; caturdasha sahasraaNi = fourteen, thousand; [tvam jaaniiSe = you are, aware of; you are equally aware of.]

Verse 6

संगताः परम आयत्ता रामेण सह संयुगे || ३-३६-६
नाना शस्त्र प्रहरणाः खर प्रमुख राक्षसः |

“But recently those great mighty demons that are the residents of Janasthaana, namely Khara and others, preparing themselves inordinately and wielding diverse weapons and assaulters, for their part had an encounter with Rama in a combat. [3-36-6, 7a]

6, 7a. janasthaane vasamaanaa = in Janasthaana, who are residing; mahaabalaaH = great-mighty ones; te tu = they, on their part; khara = Khara; pra mukha = verily, in front – that are lead by Khara – others; raakshasaH = demons; idaaniim = now – recently; parama aayattaaH = inordinately, preparing – themselve; naanaa shastra praharaNaaH = with diverse, weapons, those weapons that assault – assault and battery; sanyuge = in combat; raameNa saha = Rama, with; sangataaH = met – had an encounter with Rama.

Verse 7b & 8a

तेन संजात रोषेण रामेण रण मूर्धनि || ३-३६-७
अनुक्त्वा परुषम् किंचित् शरैर् व्यापारितम् धनुः |

“With rancour tiding in him, and without making any scathing remark in the least, that Rama brought his bow into play with arrows in the van of the combat. [3-36-7b, 8a]

7b, 8a. sam jaata roSeNa = well emerged, rancour – rancour tiding in him; tena raameNa = by him, by Rama; raNa muurdhani = in combat, vanguard of; paruSam kimcit an uktvaa = scathing remark, at the least, without, saying; dhanuH sharaiH vyaapaaritam = bow, with arrows, brought into play.

Verse 8b & 9a

चतुर्दश सहस्राणि रक्षसाम् उग्र तेजसाम् || ३-३६-८
निहतानि शरैः दीप्तैः मानुषेण पदातिना |

“But that foot-soldier, that too, a human, has completely wiped out those fourteen-thousand demons with flaring fieriness with his fierce arrows. [3-36-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. padaatinaa = by a foot-soldier; maanuSeNa = by a human; ugra tejasaam rakSasaam = flaring, fieriness, demons of; caturdasha sahasraaNi = fourteen, thousand; diiptaiH sharaiH ni hataani = with fiery, arrows, completely wiped out.

Verse 9b & 10a

खरः च निहतः संख्ये दूषणः च निपातितः || ३-३६-९
हत्वा त्रिशिरसम् च अपि निर्भया दण्डकाः कृताः |

“Khara is hewed down, Duushana is mowed down, and even Trishira is hacked down, thereof that Dandaka forest is rendered free from the fear of demons. [3-36-9b, 10a]

9b, 10a. sankhye = in war; kharaH ca nihataH = Khara, also, is hewed down; duuSaNaH ca nipaatitaH = Duushana, also, is mowed down; trishirasam ca api = Trishira, also, even; hatvaa = on hacking down; daNDakaaH = Dandaka forest; nir bhayaa = free, from fear – of demons; kR^itaaH = is made.

Verse 10b & 11a

पित्रा निरस्तः क्रुद्धेन स भार्यः क्षीण जीवितः || ३-३६-१०
स हन्ता तस्य सैन्यस्य रामः क्षत्रिय पांसनः |

“He who is put to flight by his infuriated father, and who came to Dandaka forest along with his wife, that ignoble Kshatriya is the slaughterer of that demonic army of mine, as his lifespan is diminished. [3-36-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. kruddhena pitraa = by infuriated, father; sa bhaaryaH = with, wife; nir astaH = without, foothold – put to flight – exiled; kSiiNa jiivitaH = diminished, lifespan – of that Rama; kSatriya paamsanaH = among Kshatriya-s, an ignoble one; tasya sainyasya hantaa = of that, [demonic-] army, he is the slaughterer of my demonic army.

Verse 11b & 12a

अशीलः कर्कशः तीक्ष्णो मूर्खो लुब्धो अजित इन्द्रियः || ३-३६-११
त्यक्त धर्मः तु अधर्म आत्मा भूतानाम् अहिते रतः |

“He is out of character, brutal, firestorm, senseless, selfish, one with his senses unconquered and righteousness discarded, and he is an unrighteous soul just delighting in the disservice of all beings. [3-36-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. a shiilaH = without, character – out of character; karkashaH = brutal; tiikSNaH = firestorm; muurkhaH = senseless; lubdhaH = selfish; a jita indriyaH = un, conquered, senses; tyakta dharmaH = who discarded, righteousness; a dharma aatmaa = un, righteous, souled one; bhuutaanaam = of all beings; a hite rataH = in dis, service, delights in.

Verse 12b, 13 & 14a

येन वैरम् विना अरण्ये सत्त्वम् आश्रित्य केवलम् || ३-३६-१२
कर्ण नास अपहारेण भगिनी मे विरूपिता |
तस्य भार्याम् जनस्थानात् सीताम् सुर सुत उपमाम् || ३-३६-१३
आनयिष्यामि विक्रम्य सहायः तत्र मे भव |

“By whom my sister is disfigured stripping off her nose and ears, that too, without any enmity but just depending upon his own brawn, I would like to inveigle such a man’s nymphean wife Seetha holding sway on her in Janasthaana, and in that matter I want you to be my aide in Dandaka forest. [3-36-12b, 13, 14a]

12b, 13, 14a. yena = by whom; vairam vinaa = enmity, without; kevalam sattvam aashritya = just, strength, depending upon; karNa naasa apahaareNa = ears, nose, due to stripping off; me bhaginii viruupitaa = my, sister, is disfigured; tasya = such a Rama’s; bhaaryaam = wife is to be; sura suta upamaam = celestials, daughter, similar to – nymph like – nymphean Seetha; siitaam = Seetha; vikramya = holding sway; janasthaanaat = from Janasthaana; aanayiSyaami = lead her in – inveigle her; tatra = in that matter; araNye = in forest; me sahaayaH bhava = to me, as aide, you shall be.

Verse 14b & 15

त्वया हि अहम् सहायेन पार्श्वस्थेन महाबल || ३-३६-१४
भ्रातृभिः च सुरान् युद्धे समग्रान् न अभिचिंतये |
तत् सहायो भव त्वम् मे समर्थो हि असि राक्षस || ३-३६-१५

“Oh, highly powerful Maareecha, with you and with my brothers standing by my side as my associates, I indeed care a damn for all of the gods if they are going to wage a war against me, therefore, oh, demon Maareecha, as you are capable of rendering aid you should indeed become my aide in this venture. [3-36-14b, 15]

14b. mahaabala = oh, highly powerful one – Maareecha; sahaayena = as associate; paarshvasthena = having at my side; tvayaa = with you; and; bhraatR^ibhiH ca = with my brothers, also; yuddhe = in war; samagraan suraan = all of the, gods; aham na = I, do not; abhi cintaye = towards [them,] I think – I don’t care them; hi = indeed; raakSasa = oh, demon Maareecha; [tat = therefore]; tvam me sahaayaH bhava = you, to me, aide, you become; samarthaH asi hi = capable [to render aid,] you are, indeed – in this venture of abducting Seetha.

Verse 16

वीर्ये युद्धे च दर्पे च न हि अस्ति सदृशः तव |
उपायतो महान् शूरो महा माय विशारदः || ३-३६-१६

“In valour, war and verve there is none similar to you, you are a topmost stalwart in trickery, and a matchless expert in illusive-tricks. [3-36-16]

16. viirye = in valour; yuddhe ca = in war, even; darpe ca = in verve, also; tava sadR^ishaH na asti hi = to you, similar one, not, is there, indeed; you are; upaayataH [upaayaj~naH] = = by trickery [by ideation]; mahaan shuuraH = tomost, stalwart; mahaa maaya vishaaradaH = matchless, illusive-tricks, expert.

Verse 17

एतत् अर्थम् अहम् प्राप्तः त्वत् समीपम् निशाचर |
शृणु तत् कर्म साहाय्ये यत् कार्यम् वचनात् मम || ३-३६-१७

“I have come nigh of you only for that reason, oh, nightwalker, and listen to that deed which you have to do in the course of helping me as I detail you. [3-36-17]

17. nishaacara = oh, nightwalker; etat artham = for that, reason; aham tvat samiipam praaptaH = I have, to your, near – nigh, come; saahaayye = in the course of helping; yat kaaryam = which, is to be done; tat karma = that, deed; mama vacanaat = by my, word – as I tell you, detail you; shR^iNu = you listen.

Verse 18

सौवर्णः त्वम् मृगो भूत्वा चित्रो रजत बिन्दुभिः |
आश्रमे तस्य रामस्य सीतायाः प्रमुखे चर || ३-३६-१८

“On becoming an astounding golden deer with silver dots, you move in front of Seetha in the hermitage of that Rama. [3-36-18]

18. tvam = you; rajata bindubhiH = with silver, dots; citraH = astounding; sauvarNaH mR^igaH bhuutvaa = golden, you, deer, on becoming; tasya raamasya aashrame = his, of Rama, in hermitage; siitaayaaH pramukhe cara = Seetha’s, before, – in front of, you move.

Verse 19

त्वाम् तु निःसंशयम् सीता दृष्ट्वा तु मृग रूपिणम् |
गृह्यताम् इति भर्तारम् लक्ष्मणम् च अभिधास्यति || | ३-३६-१९

“On seeing you in the shape of a deer, Seetha undoubtedly bids her husband forthwith, and even Lakshmana, saying, ‘lay hold of it.’ [3-36-19]

19. siitaa = Seetha; mR^iga ruupiNam = in deer, shape; tvaam dR^iSTvaa = you, on seeing; gR^ihyataam = lay hold of; iti bhartaaram lakSmaNam ca = thus, to husband, to Lakshmana, also; niH samshayam = without, doubt; abhi dhaasyati = forthwith bids.

Verse 20

ततः तयोः अपाये तु शून्ये सीताम् यथा सुखम् |
निराबाधो हरिष्यामि राहुः चन्द्र प्रभाम् इव || | ३-३६-२०

“Then on the diversion of those two, Rama and Lakshmana, I will comfortably and unimpededly abduct Seetha in that lonely place, as planet Rahu abducts the shine of moon. [3-36-20]

20. tataH = then; tayoH = of those two – Rama, Lakshmana; apa aaye = side, tracked – diverted; when it happened, and when; shuunye [pradeshe] = in lonely [place]; yathaa sukham = as, comfortably; nir aabaadhaH = without, being impeded; siitaam = Seetha will be; raahuH candra prabhaam iva = Rahu the planet, Moon’s, shine, as with; hariSyaami = I wish to abduct;.

Verse 21

ततः पश्चात् सुखम् रामे भार्या आहरण कर्शिते |
विस्रब्धम् प्रहरिष्यामि कृत अर्थेन अन्तर् आत्मना || ३-३६-२१

“Thereafter Rama will be enervated by the abduction of his wife, and then surely and conveniently I wish to retaliate him if he is going to come up against me, for my inner-soul will be firstly gratified with its volition, namely possessing Seetha.” Thus Ravana requested Maareecha. [3-36-21]

21. tataH pashcaat = then, afterwards; bhaaryaa aaharaNa karshite = wife; by abduction, caught hold of – enervated; raame = in Rama – Rama will be; kR^ita arthena antar aatmanaa = fulfilled [gratified in the first instance,] volition, with an inner, soul; sukham visrabdham prahari Syaami = conveniently, surely, I wish to retaliate – Rama.

Verse 22

तस्य राम कथाम् श्रुत्वा मारीचस्य महात्मनः |
शुष्कम् समभवत् वक्त्रम् परित्रस्तो बभूव च || ३-३६-२२

On listening the very word of Rama that honest-souled Maareecha’s mouth is completely dried up, and he is fully frightened. [3-36-22]

22. raama kathaam = Rama’s, story – very word, mention of Rama; shrutvaa = on listening; mahaatmanaH tasya maariicasya = honest-souled one, his, of Maareecha; vaktram = mouth; shuSkam = dried up; sam abhavat = completely, became; pari trastaH babhuuva ca = fully, frightened, he became, even.

Verse 24

स रावणम् त्रस्त विषण्ण चेता
महावने राम पराक्रमज्ञः |
कृत अंजलिः तत्त्वम् उवाच वाक्यम्
हितम् च तस्मै हितम् आत्मनः च || ३-३६-२४

Maareecha’s heart sank with scare as he is aware of Rama’s valour when he was in the great forest of Tataka, thus suppliantly making palm-fold he started telling about factuality of Rama to Ravana, which is beneficial both to Ravana and to himself, as well, if only Ravana is heedful of it. [3-36-24]

24. mahaa vane = in great [Tataka,] forest; raama paraakrama j~naH = Rama’s, valour, knower [aware] of; saH = he that Maareecha; trasta viSaNNa cetaaat = by scare, sank, heart; kR^ita anjaliH = who made palm-fold; tasmai hitam = to him – to Ravana, beneficial; aatmanaH ca hitam ca = for himself, also, beneficial, also; tattvam vaakyam = factual, words; raavaNam = to Ravana; uvaaca = [started to] speak – to Ravana.

Verse 23

ओष्टौ परिलिहन् शुष्कौ नेत्रैः अनिमिषैः इव |
मृत भूत इव आर्तः तु रावणम् समुत् ईक्षतः || ३-३६-२३

Wetting dried up lips with his tongue he has become goggle-eyed almost like an about-to-die animal, and he agonisingly looked up at Ravana with winkless eyes. [3-36-23]

23. shuSkau oSTau = dried up, lips; pari lihan = over, licking -Maareecha wetting with tongue; a nimiSaiH iva = without, wink, as if – he started goggling; netraiH = with eyes – looks; mR^ita bhuuta iva = lifeless, being, as if – wide-eyed like an about-to-die-animal; aartaH tu = agonised, on his part; raavaNam = at Ravana; samudaikshata [sam ut iikshataH = well, up, looked] = looked up, with raised and searching eyes.

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