34 – Legend of vishvamitra’s ancestry


Vishvamitra narrates about the birth of Gaadhi, his own father and the son of Kushanaabha. Incidentally he narrates about the emergence and prominence of River Kaushiki, who is Vishwamitra’s elder sister turned out as a sacred River.

Verse 1

कृतोद्वाहे गते तस्मिन् ब्रह्मदत्ते च राघव |
अपुत्रः पुत्रलाभाय पौत्रीमिष्टिमकल्पयत् || १-३४-१

When Brahmadatta has married and left, oh, Raghava, king Kushanaabha he embarked on Vedic-ritual called putrakaameSThi in order to beget a son because is sonless. [1-34-1]

1. raaghava = oh Raghava; tasmin brahmadatte = of that, Brahmadatta’s; kR^itodvaahe gate = when gone away on making marriage [on marrying] ; aputraH = not having son – sonless; that king Kushanaabha; putralaabhaaya = for achieving son; pautriim iSTim akalpayat = embarked on son’s ritual.

Verse 2

इष्ट्यां तु वर्तमानायां कुशनाभं महीपतिम् |
उवाच परमोदारः कुशो ब्रह्मसुतस्तदा || १-३४-२

During the performance of the ritual, supremely generous Kusha, the brainchild of Brahma and the father of Kushanaabha, spoke to the king Kushanaabha. [1-34-2]

2. tadaa = then; iSTyaam tu vartamaanaayaam = while being conducted ritual, but – during its performance; paramodaaraH = supremely generous one; brahmasutaH kushaH = Brahma’s brainchild, namely – Kusha; kushanaabham mahiipatim uvaaca = spoke to Kushanaabha the king.

Verse 3

पुत्र ते सदृशः पुत्रो भविष्यति सुधार्मिकः |
गाधिं प्राप्स्यसि तेन त्वं कीर्तिं लोके च शाश्वतीम् || १-३४-३

” ‘Oh, son, there will be a highly virtuous and selfsame son of yours, known as Gaadhi, and through him you also will get everlasting renown in the world.’ ” Thus Kusha said to Kushanaabha. [1-34-3]

3. putra = oh son; te sadR^ishaH sudhaarmikaH putraH = like you, selfsame, highly virtuous, son; bhaviSyati = will be there; gaadhim praapsyasi = you will get Gadhi; tena tvam loke shaashvatiim kiirtim ca = by him, you, everlasting renown in world; praapyasi = you will get.

Verse 4

एवमुक्त्वा कुशो राम कुशनाभं महीपतिम् |
जगामाकाशमाविश्य ब्रह्मलोकं सनातनम् || १-३४-४

“Saying so, oh, Rama, Kushanaabha’s father Kusha entered the sky and journeyed to the time-honoured abode of Brahma. [1-34-4]

4. raama = oh Rama; kushaH = Kusha; mahiipatim kushanaabham = to king, Kushanaabha; evam uktvaa = so, saying; aakaasham aavishya = on entering sky; sanaatanam brahmalokam jagaama = journeyed to time-honoured Brahma’s abode.

Verse 5

कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य कुशनाभस्य धीमतः |
जज्ञे परमधर्मिष्ठो गाधिरित्येव नामतः || १-३४-५

“Then after some time that highly intellectual Kushanaabha begot a supremely righteous son known by the name Gaadhi. [1-34-5]

5. atha kasyacit kaalasya tu = then, after some, of time, but; dhiimataH kushanaabhasya = to highly intellectual, Kushanaabha; paramadharmiSThaH = supremely righteous one; and; naamataH gaadhiH iti eva = by name, Gaadhi, thus, [known] as; jaj~ne = took birth.

Verse 6

स पिता मम काकुत्स्थ गाधिः परमधार्मिकः |
कुशवंशप्रसूतोऽस्मि कौशिको रघुनंदन || १-३४-६

“Oh, Rama of Kakutstha dynasty, that eminently righteous Gaadhi is my father, and since I am born in Kusha dynasty, oh, Raghu’s legatee, I got the name Kaushika.” Sage Vishvamitra thus narrating to Rama. [1-34-6]

6. kaakutstha = oh Kakutstha; paramadhaarmikaH gaadhiH = eminently righteous one, Gaadhi; saH mama pitaa = he is, my, father; raghunandana = oh Raghu’s legatee; kushavamshaprasuutaH = born in Kusa’s dynasty ; kaushikaH = Kaushika [by the name of]; asmi = I am – I got the name.

Verse 7

पूर्वजा भगिनी चापि मम राघव सुव्रता |
नाम्ना सत्यवती नाम ऋचीके प्रतिपादिता || १-३४-७

“Even my elder sister who undertook benevolent vows and who is renowned by her name Satyavathi is there, oh, Raghava, and she is given in marriage to sage Ruchika. [1-34-7]

7. raaghava = oh Raghava; suvrataa = one with benevolent vows; naamnaa satyavatii naama = by name renowned as Satyavati; mama puurvajaa bhaginii ca api = to me, earlier born, sister, also, even – she is there; R^iciike pratipaaditaa = proposed to [given in marriage] to sage Ruchika.

Verse 8

सशरीरा गता स्वर्गं भर्तारमनुवर्तिनी |
कौशिकी परमोदारा सा प्रवृत्ता महानदी || १-३४-८

“She journeyed to heaven with her body while she followed her departed husband and being a very generous lady she coursed as a great river renowned as River Kaushiki. [1-34-8]

8. saa = she; bhartaaram anuvartinii = while following husband; sashariiraa svargam gataa = went to heaven with body; paramodaaraa = very generous one; kaushikii = [renowned as] Kaushiki; saa mahaanadii pravR^ittaa = she coursed as a great river.

Verse 9

दिव्या पुण्योदका रम्या हिमवन्तमुपाश्रिता |
लोकस्य हितकार्यार्थं प्रवृत्ता भगिनी मम || १-३४-९

“Desiring to yield benefit for the welfare of world, my sister has emerged with her divinely pious and delightful waters, taking recourse to Himalayan Mountains. [1-34-9]

9. lokasya hitakaaryaartham = desiring to do [yield benefit] welfare of world ; pravR^ittaa = well emerged; divyaa puNyodakaa ramyaa = divinely delightful pious water; mama bhaginii = my, sister – Kaushiki river; himavantam upaashritaa = takes shelter [while flowing] in Himavanta [Himalayan mountains] .

Verse 10

ततोऽहं हिमवत्पार्श्वे वसामि नियतः सुखम् |
भगिन्यां स्नेहसंयुक्तः कौशिक्यां रघुनंदन || १-३४-१०

“Thereby, oh, Rama, I am delightfully and abidingly residing on the mountainsides of Himalayas, in adjacency of my sister Kausiki in all my affection for her. [1-34-10]

10. raghunandana = oh Raghu’s legatee; tataH = thereby; bhaginyaam kaushikyaam [paarshve] = of sister, Kaushiki, [adjacent to]; snehasamyuktaH = along with affection; aham = I am; niyataH = abidingly; himavat paarshve = Himalayas, on mountainsides; sukham vasaami = I am residing delightedly.

Verse 11

सा तु सत्यवती पुण्या सत्ये धर्मे प्रतिष्ठिता |
पतिव्रता महाभागा कौशिकी सरितां वरा || १-३४-११

“She that Satyavathi for her part is a pious one, steadfast in truthfulness and righteousness, a husband devote, and such a highly fortunate one has emerged as a best river among rivers, namely River Kaushiki. [1-34-11]

11. saa satyavatii tu = she, Satyavathi, for her part; puNyaa = a pious one; satye dharme pratiSThitaa = steadfast in truthfulness and righteousness ; pativrataa mahaabhaagaa = husband devote, highly fortunate one; saritaam varaa kaushikii = best among rivers, as River Kaushiki – she emerged.

Verse 12

अहं हि नियमाद्राम हित्वा तां समुपागतः |
सिद्धाश्रममनुप्राप्तः सिद्धोऽस्मि तव तेजसा || १-३४-१२

“Owing to my vow, oh, Rama, I left her for a while and came to the Accomplished Hermitage and owing to your magnificence I have become accomplished in that vow of mine. [1-34-12]

12. raama = oh Rama; aham niyamaat = I, owing to [my] vow; taam hitvaa = on leaving her; samupaagataH = nearby [of Accomplished Hermitage] came in; siddhaashramam anupraaptaH = I have come to Accomplished hermitage; tava tejasaa = by your, magnificence; siddhaH asmi = I have accomplished.

Verse 13

एषा राम ममोत्पत्तिः स्वस्य वंशस्य कीर्तिता |
देशस्य च महाबाहो यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि || १-३४-१३

“Oh, dextrous Rama, this is all about my dynasty, my province on which we are presently camping namely the riverbanks of Sona, and about my birth, and thus everything is narrated as you have asked me. [1-34-13]

13. mahaabaaho raama = oh dextrous Rama; eSaa mama = this, is my; svasya vamshasya deshasya ca = of my, dynasty, [my] province, also – on which we are presently camping namely the riverbanks of Sona; utpattiH kiirtitaa = [my] birth, is narrated; yat tvam maam paripR^icChasi = which you have asked me.

Verse 14

गतोऽर्धरात्रः काकुत्स्थ कथाः कथयतो मम |
निद्रामभ्येहि भद्रं ते मा भूद्विघ्नोऽध्वनीह नः || १-३४-१४

“By telling these legends it is past midnight, oh, Kakutstha, you get some sleep. Safe you be! Let no hindrance occur for us halfway on our pathway. [1-34-14]

14. kaakutstha = oh Rama; mama kathaaH kathayataH = while narrating narration by me ; ardharaatraH = mid night; gataH = is past; nidraam abhyehi = you get [some] sleep; te bhadram = good may betide you; iha naH adhvani = here – halfway, to us, on the way; vighnaH maa abhuut = let not hindrance occur.

Verse 15

निष्पन्दास्तरवः सर्वे निलीना मृगपक्षिणः |
नैशेन तमसा व्याप्ता दिशश्च रघुनंदन || १-३४-१५

“Oh, Raghu’s delight, trees are standstill… animals and birds have slouched… nightly sombre has pervaded all the confines. [1-34-15]

15. raghunandana = oh Raghu’s delight; taravaH niSpandaaH = trees, not moving [standstill]; mR^igapakSiNaH sarve niliinaaH = animals and birds, all, down sunk – slouched; dishaH ca = confines, also; naishena tamasaa vyaaptaa = pertaining to night are pervaded with darkness.

Verse 16

शनैर्विसृज्यते संध्या नभो नेत्रैरिवावृतम् |
नक्षत्रतारागहनं ज्योतिर्भिरवभासते || १-३४-१६

“Eventide lapsed slowly and the vault of heaven filled with stars and starlets is splendorous as though orbs of heaven are overspread on its vault. [1-34-16]

16. sandhyaa shanaiH visR^ijyate = eventide, slowly, lapsed; nakSatrataaraagahanam = filled with stars and starlets; nabhaH = vault of heaven; jyotibhiH = with stars; netraiH aavR^itam iva = as though overspread with orbs [of heaven] ; avabhaasate= splendorous / it is appearing.

Verse 17

उत्तिष्ठति च शीतांशुः शशी लोकतमोनुदः |
ह्लादयन् प्राणिनां लोके मनांसि प्रभया स्वया || १-३४-१७

“Also, dissipating the darkness of the world with his brilliance, the moon with coolant moonbeams is rising up, gladdening the hearts of worldly beings. [1-34-17]

17. shiitaamshuH shashii = the moon who has coolant moonbeams; lokatamonudaH = while dissipating darkness of world; svayaa prabhayaa = with his own brilliance; loke praaNinaam manaamsi = in world, living beings’, hearts; hlaadayan = gladdening; uttiSThati ca = is rising, also.

Verse 18

नैशानि सर्वभूतानि प्रचरंति ततस्ततः |
यक्षराक्षससंघाश्च रौद्राश्च पिशिताशनाः || १-३४-१८

“Now, the bands of yaksha-s, demons, even the ferocious ogres that feed on raw flesh, why them, all the beings that take pleasure in nights are astir, far and wide.” So said Vishvamitra to Rama. [1-34-18]

18. naishaani = those beings that move in night – nightly beings; sarvabhuutaani = all beings; yakSaraakSasasanghaaH ca = bands of yaksha-s and demon, even; raudraaH pishitaashanaaH ca = ferocious, raw flesh eaters [ogres,] even; tataH tataH = there, there; pracaranti = are [now] milling about – astir.

Verse 19

एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा विरराम महामुनिः |
साधु साध्विति ते सर्वे मुनयो ह्यभ्यपूजयन् || १-३४-१९

Saying so that greatly resplendent and eminent saint Vishvamitra paused, and then all the other sages have revered him saying, “well-said, well-said.” [1-34-19]

19. mahaatejaaH mahaamuniH = great-resplendent, eminent saint; evam uktvaa = this way, on saying; viraraama = verily paused; sarve munayaH = all, saints; saadhu saadhu iti = well-said, well-said thus as; tam abhyapuujayan [abhi-apuujayan] = him, verily revered.

Verse 20

कुशिकानामयं वंशो महान् धर्मपरः सदा |
ब्रह्मोपमा महात्मानः कुशवंश्या नरोत्तम || १-३४-२०

“Sublime is this lineage of Kusha dynasty which always dedicated itself to righteousness, and the dynasty of Kusha are the best ones among mankind, and they symbolise with god Brahma himself, thus they are highly reverential.” Thus the other sages have applauded Vishvamitra and his dynasty. [1-34-20]

20. kushikaanaam = pertaining to Kusha’s progeny; ayam vamshaH mahaan = this, dynasty is, sublime; sadaa dharmaparaH = always, dedicated to righteousness ; kushavamshyaaH = those belonging to Kusha’s lineage; narottama = the best ones among men – mankind; mahaatmaanaH = highly reverential ones; brahmopamaa = in simile to – symbolise Brahma.

Verse 21

विशेषेण भवानेव विश्वामित्रो महायशाः |
कौशिकी सरितां श्रेष्ठा कुलोद्योतकरी तव || १-३४-२१

“You alone are exemplarily selfsame to Brahma, oh, Vishvamitra of great-renown, and among rivers that prominent River Kaushiki is your sister, thus she is glorifying your ancestry.” Thus the sages lauded Vishvamitra. [1-34-21]

21. mahaayashaaH vishvaamitraH = highly renowned, Vishvamitra; bhavaan eva = you, alone; visheSeNa = especially – are exemplary, selfsame to Brahma; saritaam shreSThaa = prominent one among rivers; kaushikii = River Kaushiki [sister of Vishvamitra]; tava kulodyotakarii = she is glorifying your ancestry.

Verse 22

मुदितैर्मुनिशार्दूलैः प्रशस्तः कुशिकात्मजः |
निद्रामुपागमच्छ्रीमानस्तं गत इवांशुमान् || १-३४-२२

Sage Vishvamitra is pleased when those tigerly sages have laude him, and then that magnificent sage Vishvamitra lapsed into the lap of sleep, as the sun lapses into lap of dusk for that day. [1-34-22]

22. [iti = in this way]; munishaarduulaiH prashastaH = by tigerly sages, one who is lauded – Vishvamitra; shriimaan kushikaatmajaH = magnificent one, Kushi’s son – Vishvamitra; muditaiH = is pleased; astam gata = one has gone into dusk; amshumaan iva = as with one having sunrays [sun] ; nidraam upaagamat = sleep, came nearby – slept; or, shriimaan astam iva aMshumaan = like the resplendent sun going to western mountain to take rest for that day, Vishvamitra drifted into sleep.

Verse 23

रामोऽपि सहसौमित्रिः किंचिदागतविस्मयः |
प्रशस्य मुनिशार्दूलं निद्रां समुपसेवते || १-३४-२३

Even Rama with a little astonishment coming upon him, applauding that tigerly-sage, and glided into the lap of sleep along with Soumitri. [1-34-23]

23. sahasaumitriH raamaH api = with Soumitri, Rama, even; kimcit aagatavismayaH = a little, came upon astonishment; munishaarduulam prashasya = on applauding tigerly sage; nidraam samupasevate = sleep, nearly held dear [Rama served the Goddess of Sleep, Nidra Devi; glided into Her lap of Sleep.]

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