32 – Seetha is shocked to see Hanuma


Seetha is shocked to see Hanuma, perched on the branches of a shimshupa tree She is confused whether it is a dream or a reality. Finally, she thinks that as the monkey is talking to her in a manifested form, it is quite a reality. She prays Lord Brihaspati and Brahma to make he words spoken by Hanuma as true.

Verse  1

ततः शाखा अन्तरे लीनम् दृष्ट्वा चलित मानसा |
वेष्टितार्जुनवस्त्रम् तं विद्युत्सम्घातपिङ्गलम् || || ५-३२-१

Then, seeing Hanuma, who was tawny coloured like a series of flashing thunderbolts wrapped up in a white cloth and hiding behind the branches of a tree, Seetha had her mind shaken.

1. tataH = then; (Seetha); chalita maanasaa = had her mind shaken; dR^iSTvaa = seeing; tam = that Hanuma; vidyutsanghaata piV^galam = who was tawny coloured; vidyutsanghaata = like a series of flashing thunder bolts; veSTitaarjuna vastram = and wrapped up in a white cloth; liinam = hiding; shaakhaantare = behind branches of Seetha beheld there a monkey.

Verse 2

सा ददर्श कपिम् तत्र प्रश्रितम् प्रिय वादिनम् |
पुल्लाशोकोत्कराभासम् तप्तचामिकरेक्षणम् || || ५-३२-२

Seetha beheld there a monkey, beaming like a cluster of Ashoka flowers wide opened, with his eyes resembling regined gold, humble and speaking agreeable words.

2. naa = that Seetha; dadarsha = beheld; tatra = there; kapim = a monkey; phulla shokotkaraabhaasam = beaming like a cluster of Ashoka flowers wide opened; tapta chaamiikarekSaNam = with his eyes resembling refined gold; prashritam = humble; priya vaadinam = and speaking agreeably.

Verse 3

मैथिली चिन्तयामास स्वप्नो अयम् इति भामिनी |
अहो भीममिदं रूपं वानरस्य दुरासदम् || ५-३२-३
दुर्निरीक्षमिति ज्ञात्वा पुनरेव मुमोह सा |

Seetha got a great surprise and thought (as follows): “Alas! This monkey is hard to be approached, fearful and difficult to be looked at.” Thus thinking, she was bewildered again.

3. maithilii = Seetha; gataa = got; paramam = a great; vismayam = surise; chintayaamaasa = and thought (as follows): aho = Alas!; idam = this; ruupam = appearance; vaanarasya = of the monkey; duraasadam = is hard to be approached; bhiimama = fearful; durniriikSam = and difficult to be looked at; iti = thus; jJNaatvaa = thinking; saa = she; mumoha = was bewildered; punareva = again.

Verse 4 & 5

विललाप भृशं सीता करुणम् भयमोहिता || ५-३२-४
रामरामेति दुःखार्ता लक्ष्मणेति च भामिनी |
रुरोद बहुधा सीता मन्दम् मन्दस्वरा सती || ५-३२-५

The splendid woman Seetha, bewildered by fear and afflicted with grief, lamented most piteously saying “O, Rama! O, Rama! and “O Lakshmana!”. Seetha wept faintly in a low voice in many ways.

4; 5. siitaa = Seetha; bhaaminii = the splendid woman; bhaya mohitaa = bewildered by fear; duHkhaartaa = afflicted with grief; vilalaapa = lamented; bhR^isham = most; karuNam = piteously; raama raameti = saying O; Rama! O; Rama!; lakSmaNeti cha = and O Lakshmana; siitaa = Seetha; rurode = wept; mandam = faintly; mandasvaraa = satii = in a low voice; bahudhaa = in many ways.

Verse 6

सा तम् दृष्ट्वा हरिश्रेष्ठं विनीतवदुपस्थितम् |
मैथिली चिन्तयामास स्वप्नोऽयमिति भामिनी || ५-३२-६

Seeing that excellent monkey appraching humbly, that splendid woman Seetha thought it as a dream.

6. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; tam = that; harishreSTham = excellent monkey; upasthitam = appraoching; viniitavat = humbly; saa = that; bhaaminii = splendid woman; maithilii = Seetha; chintayaamaasa = thought; ayam = it; iti = as; svapnaH = a dream.

Verse 7

सा वीक्षमाणा पृथुभुग्नवक्त्रं शाखामृगेन्द्रस्य यथोक्तकारम् |
ददर्श पिङ्गप्रवरं महार्हं वातात्मजं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम् || ५-३२-७

Seetha, looking hither and thither, saw Hanuman, who was having a wide and curved mouth, doing acts as told by sugreeva the king of monkeys, the foremost of monkeys, greatly adored and the best among the inelligent.

7. saa = that Seetha; viikSamaaNaa = looking hither and thither; dadarsha = saw; vaataatmajam = Hanuma; pR^ithubhngnavaktram = who had wide and curved mouth; yathokta kaaram = doing as told; shaakhaamR^igendrasya = by Sugreeva the king of monkeys; piN^ga pravaram = the foremost of monkeys; mahaarham = greatly respectable; variSTham = and excellent; buddhimataam = among the intelligent.

Verse 8

सा तम् समीक्ष्य एव भृशम् विसम्ज्ञा गत असु कल्पा इव बभूव सीता |
चिरेण सम्ज्ञाम् प्रतिलभ्य चैव चैव विचिन्तयामास विशाल नेत्रा || ५-३२-८

As soon as seeing Hanuma Seetha lost her consciousness very much and became seemingly lifeless. Regaining her consciousness after a long time the wide eyed Seetha moreover thought (as follows)

8. samiikSyaiva = as soon as seeing; tam = that Hanuma; saa siitaa = that Seetha; visamjNaaa = lost her consciousness; bhR^isham = very much; babhuuva = and became; gataasmkalpena = as though lifeless; pratilabhya = regaining; samjJNaam = her cnciousness; chireNa = after a long time; vishaala netraa = the wide-eyed Seetha; bhuuyaH = again; vichintayaamaasa = thought (as follows).

Verse 9

स्वप्नो मया अयम् विकृतो अद्य दृष्टः शाखा मृगः शास्त्र गणैः निषिद्धः |
स्वस्ति अस्तु रामाय सलक्ष्मणाय तथा पितुः मे जनकस्य राज्ञः || ५-३२-९

“Today, I saw an ugly monkey in my dream, which is forbidden according to a body of scriptures. May it be well with Rama together with Lakshmana and with my father, King Janaka.

9. adya = today; shaakhaamR^igaH = a monkey; vikR^itaH = in an ugly form; dR^iSTaH = was seen; mayaa = by me; svapne = in a dream; niSiddhaH = which is forbidden; shaastragaNaiH = according to a series of scriptures; svasti astu = May it be well; raamaaya = with Rama; salakSmaNaaya = together with Lakshmana; tathaa = and; together with Lakshmana; tathaa = and; me pituH = with my father; janakasya raajJNaH = king Janaka.

Verse 10

स्वप्नो अपि न अयम् न हि मे अस्ति निद्रा |
शोकेन दुह्खेन च पीडितायाः |
सुखम् हि मे न अस्ति यतो अस्मि हीना |
तेन इन्दु पूर्ण प्रतिम आननेन || ५-३२-१०

“This is not a dream. To me, tormented by sorrow and grief, there is indeed no sleep. To me, separated from Rama whose countenance resembles a full moon, there is no happiness indeed!”

10. ayam = this; na asti = is not; svapno.api = a dream too; me = to me; yataH = since; piiDitaayaaH = tormented; shokena = by sorrow; duHkhena cha = and grief; naasti hi nidraa = there is indeed no sleep; me = to me; asmi = who is; hiinaa = bereft; tena = of Rama; indu puurNa pratimaana nena = whose countenance resembles a full moon; naasti hi = there is indeed no; sukham = happiness.

Verse 11

रामेति रामेति सदैव बुद्ध्या विचिन्त्या वाचा ब्रुवती तमेव |
तस्यानुरूपं च कथां तदर्था मेवं प्रपश्यामि तथा शृणोमि || ५-३२-११

“Since I am pondering with my mind about that Rama only, and always saying ‘Rama! Rama!’ thus, confomably I am seeing and hearing a story thus corresponding to he same thought.”

11. vichintya = (since) I am thinking; buddhyaa = with intellect; tameva = (about) that Rama only; bruvatii = and saying; vaachaa = in my voice; raameti raameti = thus ‘Rama! Rama!’; sadaiva = always; anuruupam = conformably; prapashyaami = I am seeing; tathaa = and; shR^iNomi = hearing; kathaam = story; evam = in this way; tadarthaam = with the same object.

Verse 12

अहम् हि तस्य अद्य मनो भवेन सम्पीडिता तत् गत सर्व भावा |
विचिन्तयन्ती सततम् तम् एव तथैव पश्यामि तथा शृणोमि || ५-३२-१२

“Tormented as I am today by manmatha god of love longing for Rama, my whole feelings directed towards him and constantly thinking of him alone, in the like manner I am seeing him and in the like manner i am hearing of him alone.”

12. sampiiDitaa = tormented; adya = today; manobhavena = by Manmatha; the god of love; tasya = about that Rama; tadgata sarva bhaavaa = having all my feelings directed towards him; vichintayantii = and thinking; satatam = always; tameva = about him; tathaiva = in the like manner; aham pashyaami = I am seeing; tathaiva = and in the like manner; shR^iNomi = I am hearing (the same matters).

Verse 13

मनो रथः स्यात् इति चिन्तयामि |
तथा अपि बुद्ध्या च वितर्कयामि |
किम् कारणम् तस्य हि न अस्ति रूपम् |
सुव्यक्त रूपः च वदति अयम् माम् || ५-३२-१३

“I am imagining that my wish will be fulfilled. Likewise, I am reasoning my wish by my intellect also. There is no concrete form indeed for my wish. He, with a well manifested form is speaking to me. for what reason?”

13. chintayaami = I am imagining; iti = that; manorathaH = my wish; syaat = will be fulfilled; tathaa = likewise; vitarkayaami = I am reasoning (it); buddhyaapi cha = by my intellect also; naasti hi = there is indeed no; ruupam = form; tasya = for that wish; ayam = He; suvyakta ruupaH = with a well-manifested form; vadati = is speaking; maam = about me; kim = what; kaaraNaam = is the reason?

Verse 14

नमो अस्तु वाचः पतये सवज्रिणे स्वयम्भुवे चैव हुत अशनाय |
अनेन च उक्तम् यत् इदम् मम अग्रतो वन ओकसा तच् च तथा अस्तु न अन्यथा || ५-३२-१४

“My salutation to Brihaspati the Lord of eloquence, together with Indra the wielder of a thunderbolt, to Brahma the self-existent Lord and to the Lord of Fire eating the oblations! Let whatever words spoken by this monkey be true! Let them not be untrue!”

14. namaH = my salutation; vaachaspataye = to Brihaspati the lord of eloquence; savajriNe = together with Indra; wielding a thunderbolt; svayambhuve chaiva = to Brahma; the self-existent Lord; hutaashanaaya cha = and to the Lord of fire; eating the oblations; yat = whatever; idam = these words; uktam = are spoken; agrataH = before me; anena vanaukasaa = by this monkey; astu = let them be so; tat astu = let it be so; tathaa = in the like manner; na anyathaa = let it not be otherwise!.

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