3 – Viradha attacks Sri Rama and Lakshmana


Rama and Lakshmana enter into a dialogue with Viradha, the demon and shower arrows on him. Later, Viradha, the demon carries Rama and Lakshmana away from Seetha.

Verse 1

अथ उवाच पुनर् वाक्यम् विराधः पूरयन् वनम् |
पृच्छतो मम हि ब्रूतम् कौ युवाम् क्व गमिष्यथः || ३-३-१

Then in his turn that demon Viradha said this sentence filling the forest with his gruesome voice, “I am asking you, really… tell me who you are and whereto you wish to go? ” [3-3-1]

1. atha = then afterwards; viraadhaH vanam puurayan = Viradha, forest, filling; punaH vaakyam uvaacha = in turn, sentence said; pR^icChataH mama bruu tam = while I question, to me, you reply; kau yuvaam = who, you two are; kva gamiSyathaH = whereto, wish to go; hi = really.

Verse 2

तम् उवाच ततो रामो राक्षसम् ज्वलित आननम् |
पृच्छन्तम् सुमहातेजा इक्ष्वाकु कुलम् आत्मनः || ३-३-२

Then that highly resplendent Rama said about his Ikshvaku dynasty to the blazing faced demon who is insistent. [3-3-2]

2. tataH sumahaa tejaa = highly, resplendent one – Rama; pR^icChantam = questioner [who is insisting]; jvalita aananam = one with a blazing face; tam raakshasam = to him, to demon; aatmanaH ikshvaaku ulam = of his, about Ikshvaku, dynasty; uvaacha = said;

Verse 3

क्षत्रियौ वृत्त संपन्नौ विद्धि नौ वनगोचरौ |
त्वाम् तु वेदितुम् इच्छावः कः त्वम् चरसि दण्डकान् || ३-३-३

“Know us as Kshatriya-s with ennobled bearing, and we are trekking the forest…but we wish to know about you, who are you that move about in Dandaka forest? [3-3-3]

3. nau us two; vR^itta sampannau = bearing, ennobled behaviour; kshatriyau = as Kshatriya-s; vanagocharau = as forest, trekkers; viddhi = you know; tvaam tu veditum icChaavaH = about you, but, to know, we wish to; dandakaan charasi tvam kaH = in Dandaka, you move about, you, who.

Verse 4

तम् उवाच विराधः तु रामम् सत्य पराक्रमम् |
हन्त वक्ष्यामि ते राजन् निबोध मम राघव || ३-३-४

Viradha said to that truly valiant Rama, “Ah! I’ll tell you, oh king, be informed of me, oh Raghava… [3-3-4]

4. tam uvaacha viraadhaH tu = to him, said, Viradha; raamam satya paraakramam = to Rama, truly valiant one; hanta = Ah!; vakshyaami te raajan = am telling, to you, king; ni bodha mama = well, know, me be informed of me; raaghava = Raaghava.

Verse 5

पुत्रः किल जवस्य अहम् माता मम शतह्रदा |
विराध इति माम् आहुः पृथिव्याम् सर्व राक्षसाः || ३-३-५

“I am the son of Java indeed… my mother is Shatahradaa, and all the demons on earth call me Viradha…'[3-3-5]

5. aham javasya putra kila = I am, Java’s, son, really; shatahradaa= Shatahrada; maataa mama = is my, mother; pR^ithivyaam sarva raakshasaa = on earth, all, demons; viraadha iti maam aahuH = Viradha, thus, me, call.

Verse 6

तपसा च अभि संप्राप्ता ब्रह्मणो हि प्रसादजा |
शस्त्रेण अवध्यता लोके अच्छेद्य अभेद्यत्वम् एव च || ३-३-६

“On my undertaking ascesis I derived a boon from the beneficence of Brahma, by which I will neither be cut, nor slit, nor killed with a weapon in this world…”[3-3-6]

6. tapasaa = by ascesis; brahmaNaH hi prasaada ja = Brahma’s, only, from beneficence, derived of; abhi sampraaptaa = I have obtained [a boon]; loke shashtreNa a vadhyataa ca = in world, by weapon, not, to be killed, and even; a cChedya a bhedya ca eva = not, be cut, not, to be slit, also, thus.

Verse 7

उत्सृज्य प्रमदाम् एनाम् अनपेक्षौ यथा आगतम् |
त्वरमाणौ पलायेथाम् न वाम् जीवितम् आददे || ३-३-७

“Leave off this lady without any yearning for her, and you expeditiously flee-away as you have come, then your lives will not be snatched away… [3-3-7]

7. utsrijya enam pramadaam = leave off, this, lady; an apekshau = without, yearning for; yathaa aagatam = as came [hither]; tvaramaaNau = expeditiously; palaayethaam = flee away; na vaam jiivitam aadade = not, of you two, lives, taken off.

Verse 8

तम् रामः प्रति उवाच इदम् कोप संरक्त लोचनः |
राक्षसम् विकृत आकारम् विराधम् पाप चेतसम् || ३-३-८

Rama in reply said this to that ogre Viradha, whose eyes are fully bloodshot in anger, who is monstrous in his body, and evil in intent… [3-3-8]

8. raamaH prati uvaacha idam= Rama, in reply, said, this way; tam = to him; kopa sam rakta lochanaH = in anger, full, bloodshot, eyes; vikR^ita aakaaram = monstrous, bodied one; raakshasam = to the ogre; viraadham paapa chetasam = to Viradha, evil one, in intent.

Verse 9

क्षुद्र धिक्त्वाम् तु हीनार्थम् मृत्युम् अन्वेषसे ध्रुवम् |
रणे प्राप्स्यसि संतिष्ठ न मे जीवन् विमोक्ष्यसे || ३-३-९

“You knave, fie upon you… you are in quest of you own death for your meanly measures, and definitely you will get it in this confrontation. Stay! I will not let you to live… [3-3-9]

9. kshudra dhik tvaam = knave, fie on you; hiina artham mR^ityum anvyeSase dhruvam = for meanly, measures, death, you are in quest of, definitely; raNe sampraapyasi = in war, you will get it; tiSTha = stay; na me jiivan vimokshyase = not, by me, to live, you be let-off.

Verse 10

ततः सज्यम् धनुः कृत्वा रामः सुनिशितान् शरान् |
सु शीघ्रम् अभिसंधाय राक्षसम् निजघान ह || ३-३-१०

Then, stringing his bow Rama indeed darted very sharp arrows, very quickly and well aiming the demon… [3-3-10]

10. tataH sa jyam dhanuH kR^itvaa = then, with, string, the bow, made [bow stringed]; raamaH = Rama; su nishitaan sharaan = very, sharp, arrows; su shiighram = very, quickly; abhi sandhaana raakshasam nijaghaana ha = well, aiming, at demon, darted, indeed.

Verse 11

धनुषा ज्या गुणवता सप्त बाणान् मुमोच ह |
रुक्म पुंखान् महावेगान् सुपर्ण अनिल तुल्य गान् || ३-३-११

Indeed seven arrows are let off with perfectly stringed bow, which have golden vanes, and very fast ones that equal the flights of Garuda, the Divine Eagle and the Air-god. [3-3-11]

11. dhanuSaa jyaa guNa vataa = of bow, string, ideal one, having [perfectly stringed bow]; sapta baaNaan mumocha ha = seven, arrows, let off, really; rukma punkhaan mahaa vegaan = golden, vanes, very, fast ones; suparna anila tulya gaan = Garuda, [the Divine Eagle, and] Air-god, equal, in flight.

Verse 12

ते शरीरम् विराधस्य भित्त्वा बर्हिण वाससः |
निपेतुः शोणिता दिग्धा धरण्याम् पावकोपमाः || ३-३-१२

But, they the arrows that are akin to infernos and dressed with peacock feathers as their fins, on piercing the body of Viradha they fell onto the ground besmirched with blood. [3-3-12]

12. paavaka upamaaH = inferno, akin to; te = they the arrows; barhiNa vaasasaH = peacock’s feather, dressed [as their fins]; viraadhasya shariiram bhitvaa = Viradha’s, body, on piercing; shoNita digdhvaa = blood, smeared with; nipetuH dharanyaam = fell, on ground.

Verse 13

स विद्धो न्यस्य वैदेहीम् शूलम् उद्यंय राक्षसः |
अभ्यद्रवत् सुसंक्रुद्धः तदा रामम् स लक्ष्मणम् || ३-३-१३

When that demon is thus struck, then he placed Vaidehi down from his arms, hauled up his spear, and very angrily rushed towards Rama and Lakshmana. [3-3-13]

13. viddhaH saH raakshasaH = struck, he, that demon; tadaa = then; nyasya vaidehiim = placed [down,] Vaidehi; shuulam udyamya = spear, hauling up; susamkruddhaH= very angrily; raamam sa lakshmanam = towards Rama, and Lakshmana; abhyadravat = rushed.

Verse 14

स विनद्य महानादम् शूलम् शक्र ध्वज उपमम् |
प्रगृह्य अशोभत तदा व्यात्तानन इव अंतकः || ३-३-१४

And holding fast his spear that is similar to the Indra’s Flagstaff he blaringly yelled a ghastly shriek, and thus he shone forth like the wide-mouthed Death, ready-to-gulp. [3-3-14]

14. tadaa = then; saH vi nadya mahaa naadam = he, blaringly, yelled, ghastly, shriek; shuulam = spear; shkra dhvaja upamam = Indra’s, Flagstaff; similar to; pragR^ihya = on holding fast; ashobhata = shone forth; vyaatta aananaa iva antaka = [to eat] open mouthed one, like, Death.

Verse 15

अथ तौ भ्रातरौ दीप्तम् शर वर्षम् ववर्षतुः |
विराधे राक्षसे तस्मिन् कालांतक अयम् उपमे || ३-३-१५

Then with an effulgent arrow-rain those two brothers incessantly rained on demon Viradha, who is similar to the terminator of lifetime. [3-3-15]

15. atha tau bhraatarau = then, those, two brothers; kaala antaka ayam upame = lifetime, ending one, that one, similar to; tasmin raakshase = on that, demon; diiptam shara varsham vavarshatuH = flaming, arrows, rain, incessantly rained.

Verse 16

स प्रहस्य महा रौद्रः स्थित्वा अजृम्भत राक्षसः |
जृंभमाणस्य ते बाणाः कायात् निष्पेतुर् अशुगाः || ३-३-१६

He that highly horrendous demon laughed at that arrow-shower, and standing for a while he yawned, and on his yawning and stretching his limbs in fatigue those arrows that earlier have gone speedily, spilled out from his body that speedily. [3-3-16]

16. mahaa raudaH saH raakshasaH = highly horrendous one, he, that demon; prahasya = laughed at it; sthitvaa ajR^imbhata = on staying [a while,] yawned; jR^imbhamaaNasya = while he is yawning; te ashugaaH baanaaH = those, speedy, arrows; kaayaat niSpetuH = from his body, spilled out.

Verse 17

स्पर्शात् तु वर दानेन प्राणान् संरोध्य राक्षसः |
विराधः शूलम् उद्यंय राघवौ अभ्यधावत || ३-३-१७

Demon Viradha held back his lives by the touch of boon, and raising up the spear he ran quickly at Rama and Lakshmana. [3-3-17]

17. raakshasaH viraadhaH = demon, Viradha vara daanena = by the boon, given; sparshaat tu = by the touch of [by the touch of luck owing to boon]; praaNaan samrodhya = lives, held back; shuulam udyamya = spear, raising up; raaghavau = upon two Raghava-s; abhya dhaavata = quickly, ran.

Verse 18

तत् शूलम् वज्र संकाशम् गगने ज्वलन उपमम् |
द्वाभ्याम् शराभ्याम् चिच्छेद रामः शस्त्रभृताम् वरः || ३-३-१८

The best wielder of weaponry Rama ripped that spear apart, which is akin to the Thunderbolt of Indra, and that which is like a blaze in the sky, with two arrows in the sky itself. [3-3-18]

18. tat shuulam vajra samkaasham = that, spear, Thunderbolt, akin to; gagane jvalana upamam = in the sky, blaze, like; Rama; shastra bhR^itaam varaH = weaponry, wielder, the best; dvaabhyaam sharaabhyam cchiCheda = by two, arrows, ripped apart.

Verse 19

तत् राम विशिखैः छिन्नम् शूलम् तस्य आपतत् भुविः |
पपात अशनिना चिन्नम् मेरोर् इव शिला तलम् || ३-३-१९

Shattered by Rama’s blazing shafts that spear fallen on ground like the boulder mass of Mt. Meru when it is shattered by Indra’s Thunderbolt. [3-3-19]

19. raama vishikhaiH Chinnam = by Rama’s, blazing shafts, shattered; tat shuulam = that, spear; bhuviH aapatat = on ground, fallen; ashaninaa Chinnam meroH shilaatalam iva papaata = by Thunderbolt, shattered, Mt. Meru, boulder-mass, as with.

Verse 20

तौ खड्गौ क्षिप्रम् उद्यंय कृष्ण सर्पौ इव उद्यतौ |
तूर्णम् आपेततुः तस्य तदा प्रहारताम् बलात् || ३-३-२०

They quickly upraised their swords and like a pair of up-swinging black-cobras they rapidly crashed on him, and then battered him mightily. [3-3-20]

20. tau khadgau kshipram udyamya = they, swords, quickly, upraised; kR^iSNa sarpau iva udyatau = black, cobra, like, up swinging; tuurNam aapatataH tasya = rapidly, crashed, on him; tadaa prahaarataam balaat = then, battering, mightily.

Verse 21

स वध्यमान सुभृशम् भुजाभ्याम् परिगृह्य तौ |
अप्रकंप्यौ नरव्याघ्रौ रौद्रः प्रस्थातुम् ऐच्छत || ३-३-२१

He that demon thus beaten very firmly by Rama and Lakshmana, then on grabbing those unwavering ones and manly tigers with his arms, that furious demon wished to carry them away. [3-3-21]

21. saH vadhyamaana su bhR^isham = he, [the demon,] being beaten, very firmly; bhujaabhyaam pari gR^hya tau = with his arms, well grabbing, them two; aprakampyau nara vyaaghrau = unwavering ones, manly tigers; raudraH prasthaatum aicChata = furious one [the demon,] to getaway [to carry away,] he wished.

Verse 22

तस्य अभिप्रायम् अज्ञाय रामो लक्ष्मणम् अब्रवीत् |
वहतु अयम् अलम् तावत् पथानेन तु राक्षसः || ३-३-२२

Knowing the thinking of the demon for sure, Rama spoke to Lakshmana, “Let him easily carry us anywhere on his way… [3-3-22]

22. tasya abhipraayam aj~naaya = his, thinking, on knowing; raamaH lakshmanam abraviit = Rama, to Lakshmana, spoke; ayam raakshasaH = this, demon; anena patha = by his, way; alam vahatu taavat tu = easily, let him carry, up to there [anywhere.]

Verse 23

यथा च इच्छति सौमित्रे तथा वहतु राक्षसः |
अयम् एव हि नः पन्था येन याति निशाचरः || ३-३-२३

“Let this demon carry us as he wishes, and Saumitri, by which way this night-walker goes, that alone will be our way… [3-3-23]

23. raakshasaH = demon; yathaa icChati tathaa vahatu = as, he wishes, that way, let him carry; nishaa charaH yena yaati = night-walker, by which [way,] he goes; ayam eva hi naH panthaa = that, only, is our, way.

Verse 24

स तु स्व बल वीर्येण समुत्क्षिप्य निशाचरः |
बालाः इव स्कन्ध गतौ चकार अति बलोद्धतः || ३-३-२४

But he that night-walker arrogant as he is by his might has uplifted Rama and Lakshmana like babies by that might and courage alone, and placed them on his shoulders as one would place babies. [3-3-24]

24. ati bala uddhitaH = muchly, by might, arrogant one; saH nishaa chara tu = he that, night walker, but; sva bala viiryena = by his, might, courage; samutkshipya = on lifting; baalaaH iva = babies, like; skanda gatau chakaara = on shoulders, having gone on, made as.

Verse 25

तौ आरोप्य ततः स्कन्धम् राघवो रजनी चरः |
विराधो विनदन् घोरम् जगाम अभिमुखो वनम् || ३-३-२५

That nightwalker Viradha on placing those two Raghava-s on his shoulders gone towards deeper forest yelling very luridly. [3-3-25]

25. tataH = then; rajanii charaH = night, walker; Viradha; tau raaaghavau skandham aaropya = them, Raghava-s, on shoulders, having mounted; ghoram vinadan jagaama abhimukam vanam = very luridly, on yelling gone, towards, forest.

Verse 26

वनम् महा मेघ निभम् प्रविष्टो
द्रुमैः महद्भिः विविधैः उपेतम् |
नाना विधैः पक्षि कुलैः विचित्रम्
शिव आयुतम् व्याल मृगैः विकीर्णम् || ३-३-२६

That demon entered into a baffling forest that is like a very dark cloud in its sheen, where a variety of massive trees are contained in, numerous flocks of vulturine birds are overspreading, and where wild jackals and other predaceous animals are sprawling around, along with Rama and Lakshmana. [3-3-26]

26. mahaa megha nibham = great, dark cloud-like, in its sheen; mahadbhiH vividhaiH drumaiH upetam = with great massive, variety of, with trees, containing; naanaa vidhaiH pakshi kulaiH [aayutam] = with numerous, bird, flocks [overspread with]; shiva aayutam = with wild jackals, [shiva, not to be confounded with God Shiva,] infested with; vyaala mR^igaiH vikiirNam = with predaceous, animals, sprawling around; vichitram= baffling; vanam pravishtaH = forest, entered.

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