3-ValmIki gets divine guidance to compile the epic


Sage Valmiki goes to river Tamasa for a bath and sees a couple of birds, of which a hunter kills one. Valmiki unintentionally utters a poem, which is rich in grammar and new in metre, of which he is very much confused as to why such a poem has come from his tongue. Brahma, the presiding deity of letters appears and ordains Valmiki to author Ramayana, excellent epic of Rama, for which purpose alone he gave such divine meter and grammar to him.

Verse 1

नारदस्य तु तद्वाक्यं श्रुत्वा वाक्यविशारदः |
पूजयामास धर्मात्मा सहशिष्यो महामुनिः || १-२-१

1. tu = then; mahaamuniH = the great sage [Valmiki]; vaakyavishaaradaH = a skilled speaker; dharmaatmaa = [and] a virtue minded one; tat vaakyam shrutvaa = having heard that speech; naaradasya = of Narada; puujayaamaasa = worshipped [him]; sahashiShyaH = along with disciples.

Then, the great sage Valmiki, a skilled orator and a virtue-minded one, having heard those words of Narada, worshipped him along with disciples. [1-2-1]

Verse 2

को न्वस्मिन् साम्प्रतं लोके गुणवान् कश्च वीर्यवान् |
धर्मज्ञश्च कृतज्ञश्च सत्यवाक्यो दृढव्रतः || १-१-२

2. asmin loke = in this, world; saampratam = presently; guNavaan = virtuous person; kaH nu = who is, really; viiryavaan ca = vigorous, also; kaH = who is; dharmaj~naH ca = conscientious, also; kR^itaj~naH ca = one who is mindful of good deeds done to him also ; satyavaakyaH = speaker of truth; dR^iDhavrataH = determined in his deed.

“Who really is that person in this present world, who is virtuous and vigorous, a conscientious one, one who is mindful of good deeds done to him, and also a speaker of truth and who is determined in his deed… [1-1-2]

Verse 3 & (4)

रामलक्ष्मणसीताभी राज्ञा दशरथेन च |
सभार्येण सराष्ट्रेण यत्प्राप्तं तत्र तत्त्वतः || १-३-३
हसितं भाषितं चैव गतिर्या यच्च चेष्टितम् |
तत्सर्वं धर्मवीर्येण यथावत्सम्प्रपश्यति || १-३-४

Of Rama, Lakshmana and Seetha, also of King Dasharatha and his wives, and what bechanced on Rama when he was in kingdom Ayodhya; Valmiki veritably discerned all that. Their smiles, their conversations, their deeds and the succession of events as well, all of them the sage saw wholly and clearly by the yogic power conferred by Brahma…] [1-3-3,4]

3-4. raamalakShmaNasiitaabhiH = of Rama, Lakshmana and Seetha; raaj~naa dasharathena ca = by king, Dasharatha, also; sabhaaryeNa [raameNa] = along with wife – Rama along with his wife; saraaSTreNa = along with kingdom – when Rama was in State; yat praaptam = what, bechanced; tatra [yaa] gatiH = in that, [which,] course is there; yaavat ceSTitam ca = everything, [they] have done, and; hasitam bhaaSitam ca eva = their smiles, their conversations, also, thus; tat sarvam = that, entirely; tatvataH = veritably; yathaavat = as it is; dharmaviiryeNa = by the power of his ascesis, or by the power given by Brahma; samprapashyati = wholly clearly seen.

Verse 5

स्त्रीतृतीयेन च तथा यत्प्राप्तं चरता वने |
सत्यसंधेन रामेण तत्सर्वं चान्ववेक्षितम् || १-३-५

Then, that which bechanced on truth-abiding Rama, while he is trekking in forests, with a lady being the third partner, where Lakshmana is the lone male aide, Valmiki visualized all that. [1-3-5]

5. striitR^itiiyena ca = lady as third [partner in forests,] also; vane charataa = in forests, while trekking; satyasandhena raameNa = by truth-abiding Rama; tathaa yat praaptam = then, that which, bechanced; tat sarvam ca = all, that, also; anvavekShitam = by him discerned.

Verse 6

ततः पश्यति धर्मात्मा तत्सर्वं योगमास्थितः |
पुरा यत्तत्र निर्वृत्तं पाणावामलकं यथा || १-३-६

Then that virtue-souled sage saw what all that has happened earlier, by his yogic exaltation, as though it is a citric fruit in his own palm. [1-3-6]

6. tataH = then; dharmaatmaa = virtue-souled sage; yogam aasthitaH = while in yogic, exaltation; tatra = in there [in story]; puraa yat nirvR^ittam = earlier, what, has happened; tat sarvam = that, all; paaNau aamalakam = in palm, citric fruit [myrobalan]; yathaa = as though; pashyati = saw.

Verse 7-8

तत्सर्वं तत्त्वतो दृष्ट्वा धर्मेण स महामतिः |
अभिरामस्य रामस्य चरितं कर्तुमुद्यतः || १-३-७
कामार्थगुणसंयुक्तं धर्मार्थगुणविस्तरम् |
समुद्रमिव रत्नाढ्यं सर्वश्रुतिमनोहरम् || १-३-८

Discerning all of Ramayana in its actuality by his yogic prowess that highly intellectual Valmiki pioneered to author all of the legend of Rama, for Rama is a delighter of all in all worlds, and whose legend is abounding with the real functional qualities of earthly pleasures and prosperities, and which clearly elaborates the meaning of probity and its operative qualities, and thus this legend is like an ocean replete with such gems called thoughts, and an ear-pleasing legend, as well. [1-3-7, 8]

7-8. mahaamatiH = highly intellectual [sage]; saH = he; tat sarvam = that, all; tattvataH = in actuality; dharmeNa = by yogic prowess; dR^iSTvaa = having discerned; kaamaarthaguNasamyuktam = abounding with pleasures, prosperities and their qualities; dharmaarthaguNavistaram = which elaborates the meaning of probity and its qualities; ratnaaDhyam = replete with gems; samudram iva = ocean, like; sarvashrutimanoharam = delightfully listenable for all(or by all Veda-s acceptable, or in any kind of listening, a pleasing one); abhiraamasya raamasya = one who delights all, of such a Rama; charitam kartum udyataH = pioneered to author all legend.

Verse 9

स यथा कथितं पुर्वं नारदेन महात्मना |
रघुवंशस्य चरितं चकार भगवान्मुनिः || १-३-९

That godly saint Valmiki composed the legend of Rama, the legatee of Raghu, exactly as the divine-soul Narada narrated it earlier. [1-3-9]

9. bhagavaan saH muniH = he that godly saint [Valmiki]; mahaatmanaa naaradena = by Divine Soul, Narada; puurvam yathaa kathitam = earlier, as to how, narrated; [in that way only]; raghuvamshasya = one who is born in Raghu’s lineage – of Rama; charitam chakaara = legend, made [composed].

Verse 10

जन्म रामस्य सुमहद् वीर्यं सर्वानुकूलताम् |
लोकस्य प्रियतां क्षान्तिं सौम्यतां सत्यशीलताम् || १-३-१०

The birth of Rama as an incarnation of Vishnu, his very great valour, his gracefulness to all, his universal cordiality, perseverance, courteousness, and his truthful conduct, Valmiki described them all. [1-3-10]

10. raamasya janma = Rama’s, birth [incarnation]; sumahat viiryam = very great, valour; sarvaanukuulataam = to all gracefulness; lokasya priyataam = universal, cordiality; kShaantim = perseverance; satyashiilataam = truthful conduct; saumyataam = courteousness; [Valmiki described].

Verse 11

नानाचित्रकथाश्चान्या विश्वामित्रसमागमे |
जानक्याश्च विवाहं च धनुषश्च विभेदनम् ||१-३-११

Narrated are very many other amusing stories, Rama’s breaking the great bow; his associated with sage vishvamitra… [1-3-11]

11. anyaaH naanaachitrakathaaH ca = other, very many amusing stories, also; vishvaamitrasamaagame = associated with Viswamitra; jaanakyaaH ca vivaaham ca = also marriage with Janaki and; dhanuSaH ca vibhedanam = breaking of great bow; [are narrated.]

Verse 12

रामरामविवादं च गुणान्दाशरथेस्तथा |
तदाभिषेकं रामस्य कैकेय्या दुष्टभावताम् ||१-३-१२

Dispute of Rama and Parashurama; the merits of Rama, the son of Dasharatha; and the preparations for anointing of Rama as crown prince; Queen Kaikeyi’s vicious intentions… [1-3-12]

12. raamaraamavivaadam ca = dispute of Raama and Parashurama, also; guNaan = merits of; daasharatheH = Dasharatha’s son [Rama’s]; tathaa = that way; tadaa abhiShekam raamasya = then likewise, [preparations for ] anointing, of Rama; kaikeyyaaH duSTabhaavataam = Kaikeyi’s, vicious intentions.

Verse 13

विघातं चाभिषेकस्य रामस्य च विवासनम् |
राज्ञः शोकविलापं च परलोकस्य चाश्रयम् || १-३-१३

Disruption in royal unction of Raghava; his exile to forests; King Dasharatha’s grief and bewailing, and thus his departing to other worlds… [1-3-13]

13. vighaatam ca abhiShekasya = also disruption of royal unction; raaghavasya vivaasanam = Rama’s, exile; raaj~naH shokavilaapam ca = King Dasharatha’s grief and bewailing, and; paralokasya cha aashrayam = into taking shelter [demise] also into other world.

Verse 14

प्रकृतीनां विषादं च प्रकृतीनां विसर्जनम् |
निषादाधिपसंवादं सूतोपावर्तनं तथा || १-३-१४

The grief of the subjects; Rama leaving them off; his conversing with tribal chief Guha; returning the charioteer Sumantra to kingdom from forests, leaving the trio at the banks of river Ganga… all these elements are well- described. [1-3-14]

14. prakR^itiinaam viSaadam ca = grieving of subjects, also; prakR^itiinaam visarjanam = people, leaving off; niSaadaadhipasamvaadam = conversing with tribal chief; suutopaavartanam tathaa = thus returning of charioteer.

Verse 15

गङ्गायाश्चापि संतारं भरद्वाजस्य दर्शनम् |
भरद्वाजाभ्यनुज्ञानाच्चित्रकूटस्य दर्शनम् || १-३-१५

Crossing over River Ganga; looking up Sage Bharadwaja; their look up at Chitrakuta on Sage Bharadwaja’s advise… [1-3-15]

15. ga~ngaayaaH ca api samtaaram = also even crossing over River Ganga; bharadvaajasya darshanam = seeing of Sage Bharadwaja; bharadvaajaabhyanuj~naanaat = on Bharadwaja’s advise; chitrakuuTasya darshanam = seeing [visiting] of Chitrakuta.

Verse 16

गङ्गायाश्चापि संतारं भरद्वाजस्य दर्शनम् |
भरद्वाजाभ्यनुज्ञानाच्चित्रकूटस्य दर्शनम् || १-३-१५

Construction of a hermitage and dwelling therein; Bharata’s arrival at that place for the graciousness of Rama to take back the kingdom; Rama’s denial of it; Rama’s offering water oblations to his father on hearing the demise of his father… [1-3-16]

16. vaastukarma nivesham = architectural work [construction of hermitage,] dwelling in; bharataagamanam tathaa = then Bharata’s, arrival; prasaadanam ca raamasya = for graciousness, also, of Rama; pituH salilakriyaam = water oblation to father.

Verse 17

पादुकाग्र्याभिषेकं च नन्द्रिग्रामनिवासनम् |
दण्डकारण्यगमनं विराधस्य वधं तथा || १-३-१७

Enthroning shoe-sandals of Rama by Bharata; Bharata’s living in a village Nandigrama; Rama’s going to Dandaka forests; killing the demon named Viradha… [1-3-17]

17. paadukaagryaabhiShekam ca = also high enthroning of sandsls[shoes]; nandigraamanivaasanam = living [of Bharata] in the village Nandigrama; dandakaaraNyagamanam = going Dandaka forests; viraadhasya vadham tathaa = Viradha’s, killing, thus.

Verse 18

दर्शनं शरभङ्गस्य सुतीक्ष्णेन समागमम् |
अनसूयासमाख्यां च अङ्गरागस्य चार्पणम् || १-३-१८

Rama’s visit to Sage Sarabhanga and Suteekshna; their visiting hermitic lady Anasuuya, and her smooth speaking with Seetha and also her giving a body cream to Seetha…[by applying which cream Seetha will not wither away in the rough weather of woods. These details are incorporated with great care.] [1-3-18]

18. darshanam sharabha~ngasya = seeing [visiting,] Sage Sarabhanga; sutiikShNena samaagamam = meeting with Sage Suteekshna; anasuuyaasamaakhyaam ca = also smooth speaking of Anasuya; angaraagasya = of applying body cream; ca = also; arpaNam = giving.

Verse 19

दर्शनं चाप्यगस्त्यस्य धनुषो ग्रहणं तथा |
शुर्पणख्याश्च संवादं विरुपकरणं तथा || १-३-१९

Also even Rama’s seeing the Sage Agastya, and likewise taking a great bow from that sage… also the palaver of Surpanakha, the demoness, and defacing her, likewise… [1-3-19]

19. darshanam ca api agastasya = seeing, also, even, Sage Agastya,; dhanuSaH grahaNam tathaa = a great bow, taking, likewise; shuurpaNakhyaaH cha samvaadam = also palaver of ShuurpaNakhaa; viruupakaraNam tathaa = defacing, likewise.

Verse 22

शबरीदर्शनं चैव फलमूलाशनं तथा |
प्रलापं चैव पम्पायां हनुमद्दर्शनं तथा || १-३-२२

Rama’s seeing Shabari, a hermetic lady and eating fruits and tubers given by her in utmost adoration; Rama’s bemoaning for Seetha; his sighting Hanuma at Lake Pampa… [1-3-22]

22. shabariidarshanam cha eva = seeing the hermitic lady Sabari, also, thus; phalamuulaashanam tathaa = thus eating fruits and tubers; pralaapam cha eva = bemoaning, also, thus [of Rama]; pampaayaam hanumaddarshanam = sighting Hanuma at Pampa Lake.

Verse 20

वधं खरत्रिशिरसोरुत्थानं रावणास्य च |
मारीचस्य वधं चैव वैदेह्या हरणं तथा || १-३-२०

The elimination of demons like Khara, Trishirasa and the upsurge of Ravana thereby; elimination of demon Mareecha, and Ravana’s abduction of Vaidehi, likewise… [1-3-20]

20. vadham kharatrishirasoH = killing of, Khara and Trisirasa [the demons]; utthaanam raavaNasya ca = upsurge, of Ravana, also; maariichasya vadham ca eva = killing of Maariicha, also, thus; vaidehyaaH haraNam tathaa = Vaidehi’s, abduction, like that.

Verse 21

राघवस्य विलापं च गृध्रराजनिबर्हणम् |
कबन्धदर्शनं चैव पम्पायाश्चापि दर्शनम् ||१-३-२१

Raghava’s anguish at the loss of Seetha; Ravana’s slaying the mighty eagle Jatayu; Rama’s seeing Kabandha, and also Lake Pampa…[1-3-21]

21. raaghavasya vilaapam ca = Raghava’s, anguish, also; gR^idhraraajanibarhaNam = slaying eagle mighty; kabandhadarshanam ca eva = seeing Kabandha also, thus; pampaayaaH ca api darshanam = seeing the lake Pampa also, thus, .

Verse 22

शबरीदर्शनं चैव फलमूलाशनं तथा |
प्रलापं चैव पम्पायां हनुमद्दर्शनं तथा || १-३-२२

Rama’s seeing Shabari, a hermetic lady and eating fruits and tubers given by her in utmost adoration; Rama’s bemoaning for Seetha; his sighting Hanuma at Lake Pampa… [1-3-22]\

22. shabariidarshanam cha eva = seeing the hermitic lady Sabari, also, thus; phalamuulaashanam tathaa = thus eating fruits and tubers; pralaapam cha eva = bemoaning, also, thus [of Rama]; pampaayaam hanumaddarshanam = sighting Hanuma at Pampa Lake.

Verse 23

ऋष्यमूकस्य गमनं सुग्रीवेण समागमम् |
प्रत्ययोत्पादनं सख्यं वालिसुग्रीवविग्रहम् || १-३-२३

Also going to Mt. Rishyamuka, meeting Sugreeva and generating confidence in Sugreeva, befriending him and the duel of Vali and Sugreeva… [1-3-23]

23. R^ishyamuukasya gamanam ca = also going to Rishyamuka; sugriiveNa samaagamam = meeting with Sugreeva; pratyayotpaadanam sakhyam = confidence generating friendship [with Sugreeva]; vaalisugriivavigraham = duel of Vali-Sugreeva.

Verse 24

वालिप्रमथनं चैव सुगीवप्रतिपादनम् |
ताराविलापं समयं वर्षरात्रनिवासनम् || १-३-२४

Also thus Vali’s elimination and establishing Sugreeva on throne of monkey kingdom, grieving of Tara, the wife of Vali and empress of that kingdom, and as consented Rama’s stopover during the days of rain… [1-3-24]

24. vaalipramathanam cha eva = also thus elimination of Vali; sugriivapratipaadanam = Sugreeva is established; taaraavilaapam = grieving of Tara, [wife of Vali] ; samayam varSaraatranivaasanam = consented, stopover during rainy nights [and days].

Verse 25

कोपं राघवसिंहस्य बलानामुपसंग्रहम् |
दिशः प्रस्थापनं चैव पृथिव्याश्च निवेदनं || १-३-२५

The wrath of Raghava, the lion, at the delay caused by Sugreeva, and Sugreeva’s foregathering of all troops, and sending them to all quarters, and Sugreeva’s description of earth’s topography to monkey-troops… [1-3-25]

25. kopam raaghavasimhasya = wrath of the lion Raghava; balaanaam upasa~ngraham = troops, foregathering; dishaH prasthaapanam ca eva = also thus, sending to quarters ; pR^ithivyaaH ca nivedanam = also earth’s [topography,] description.

Verse 26

अङ्गुलीयकदानं च ऋक्षस्य बिलदर्शनम् |
प्रायोपवेशनं चापि सम्पातेश्चापि दर्शनम् || १-३-२६

Rama’s giving his ring to Hanuma as a token for Seetha’s recognition… and the monkeys thus searching Riksha cave, bear-cave, and their fasting unto death for their quest remained unsuccessful, and their seeing Sampaati, another mighty eagle and the brother of slain Jatayu, who guides the monkeys to the destination where Seetha is held captive. [1-3-26]

26. a~nguliiyakadaanam ca = also giving ring of his finger; R^ikShasya biladarshanam = Riksha’s cave, seeing; praayopaveshanam ca api = fasting unto death, and, even; sampaateH ca api darshanam = also even seeing Sampaati.

Verse 27

पर्वतारोहणं चापि सागरस्यापि लङ्घनम् |
समुद्रवचनाच्चैव मैनाकस्य च दर्शनम् || १-३-२७

Hanuma’s climbing Mt. Mahendra to leap over the ocean, and on the advice of the Ocean, Mt. Mainaka’s coming up from under waters to give rest to Hanuma, and Hanuma’s seeing that mountain are depicted. [1-3-27]

27. parvataarohaNam ca api = mountain [Mt. Mahendra] climbing, also, even; saagarasya ca la~nghanam = also leaping out of ocean; samudravachanaat ca eva = advise of Ocean, also, thus; mainaakasya ca darshanam = also seeing of Mt. Mainaka.

Verse 28

राक्षसीतर्जनं चैव छायाग्राहस्य दर्शनम् |
सिंहिकायाश्च निधनं लङ्कामलयदर्शनम् || १-३-२८

Hanuma’s killing the demoness Surasa, and his seeing of Simhika, a rapacious creature of gigantic origin, which captures its prey by the shadow, and Hanuma’s killing that Simhika, and his seeing the mountain of Lanka, called Mt. Trikuta, on which the state of Lanka is built, Valmiki described them all. [1-3-28]

28. raakShasii tarjanam ca eva = demoness’, killing, also, thus; Chaayaagraahsya darshanam = seeing Simhika the capturer by shadow; simhikaayaaH ca nidhanam = Simhika’s, killing, also; la~nkaamalayadarshanam = seeing Lanka mountain.

Verse 29

रात्रौ लङ्काप्रवेशं च एकस्याथ विचिन्तनम् |
आपानभूमिगमनमवरोधस्य दर्शनम् || १-३-२९

In night Hanuma’s entry into Lanka, for being lonely his thinking over the course to search for Seetha, and his going to the liquor consumption place, and also his seeing the palace chambers of Ravana… [1-3-29]

29. raatraula~nkaapravesham ca = entering Lanka in night also; ekasya api vichintanam = even though thinking over lonely; aapaanabhuumigamanam = going to liquor consuming place; avarodhasya darshanam = seeing of secure place [the palace chambers].

Verse 30

दर्शनं रावणस्यापि पुष्पकस्य च दर्शनम् |
अशोकवनिकायानं सीतायाश्चापि दर्शनम् || १-३-३०

Hanuma’s seeing Ravana, and also his seeing Pushpaka, the divine aircraft, and wandering in Ashoka gardens, his seeing Seetha also… [1-3-30]

30. darshanam raavaNasya api = seeing, Ravana, also; puSpakasya ca darshanam = seeing of Pushpaka [aircraft] also; ashokavanikaayaanam = wandering in Ashoka gardens; siitaayaaH ca api darshanam = also, even, seeing Seetha.

Verse 31

अभिज्ञानप्रदानं च सीतायाश्चापि भाषणम् |
राक्षसीतर्जनं चैव त्रिजटास्वप्नदर्शनम् || १-३-३१

Presenting his credential, the ring of Rama, to Seetha and his talk with Seeta, and also his witnessing the demonesses scaring Seetha to oblige Ravana, and his witnessing demoness Trijata narrating her bad dream, are all narrated in the epic. [1-3-31]

31. abhij~naanapradaanam ca = credential presenting, also; siitaayaaH ca api bhaaSaNam = also even talking to Seetha; raakShasiitarjanam ca eva = demoness’ scaring also, thus; trijaTaasvapnadarshanam = witnessing dream of the demoness Trijata; dream witnessing.

Verse 32

मणिप्रदानं सीताया वृक्षभङ्गं तथैव च |
राक्षसीविद्रवं चैव किंकराणां निबर्हणम् |१-३-३२

Seetha’s giving her bejeweled hairslide to be shown to Rama, Hanuma’s uprooting of the trees of that beautiful Ashoka gardens, thereby the demonesses fleeing in scare, his killing the guards of that garden… [1-3-32]

32. maNipradaanam siitaayaaH = giving jewel of Seetha; vR^ikShabha~ngam tathaa eva ca = thereby thus trees uprooting; raakShasiividravam ca eva = demoness’s fleeing, also, thus; kinkaraaNaam nibarhaNam = killing of guards [at the gardens].

Verse 33

ग्रहणं वायुसूनोश्च लङ्कादाहाभिगर्जनम् |
प्रतिप्लवनमेवाथ मधूनां हरणं तथा || १-३-३३

The capture of Hanuma, the son of Air-god, by the magical missile of Indrajit, son of Ravana, and also Hanuma’s burning down Lanka, and his blaring at the demons, also his return flight from Lanka… and on his way back Hanuma’s seeing a honey garden, and the appropriation of honey… [1-3-33]

33. grahaNam vaayusuunoH ca = capture of son of Vayu [Air god] also; lankaadaahaabhigarjanam = burning of Lankaa and his blaring at demons; pratiplavanam eva = return flying, also; atha madhuunaam haraNam tathaa = then, honey, appropriation of, thus.

Verse 34

राघवाश्वासनं चैव मणिनिर्यातनं तथा |
सङ्गमं च समुद्रेण नलसेतोश्च बन्धनम् || १-३-३४

Hanuma’s action in presenting the jewel sent by Seetha solaces Raghava, and thus the meeting of Rama with the Ocean, and Nala’s building the bridge on ocean… [1-3-34]

34. raaghavaashvaasanam ca eva = solaced Rama, also, thus; maNiniryaatanam tathaa = jewel presenting, thus; sangamam samudreNa ca = meeting, with Ocean, also; nalasethoH ca bandhanam = also building bridge by Nala.

Verse 39

अनागतं च यत्किञ्चिद्रामास्य वसुधातले |
तच्चकारोत्तरे काव्ये वाल्मीकिर्भगवानृषिः || १-३-३९

The godly sage Valmiki composed the futuristic legend of Rama while Rama is on the surface of earth, and whatever that is there, that is composed in all its minuteness, in the coming chapters of this epic. [1-3-39]

39. bhagavaan vaalmikiH R^iSiH = godly sage Valmiki; raamasya yat kimchit = whatever minutely of Rama; vasudhaatale = on earth’s surface; anaagatam ca = futuristic, also; tat = that; uttare = in later [parts of, coming chapters]; kaavye = of epic; chakaara = composed.

Verse 35

प्रतारं च समुद्रस्य रात्रौ लङ्कावरोधनम् |
विभीषणेन संसर्गं वधोपायनिवेदनम् || १-३-३५

Crossing over the ocean by the boulder bridge built by Nala, and seizure of Lanka in night, and Vibheeshana, the younger brother of Ravana, whom Ravana banished, comes to meet Rama, and his telling the scheme to kill Ravana to Rama… [1-3-35]

35. prataaram ca samudrasya = also crossing over ocean; raatrau la~nkaavarodhanam = seizure of Lanka in night; samsargam vibhiiSaNena vadhopaayanivedanam = meeting with Vibheeshana, telling killing scheme.

Verse 36

कुम्भकर्णस्य निधनं मेघनादनिबर्हणम्|
रावणस्य विनाशं च सीतावाप्तिमरेः पुरे || १-३-३६

Destruction of Kumbhakarna, elimination of Meghanada, Ravana’s annihilation, also restitution of Seetha in enemy’s city…[1-3-36]

36. kumbhakarNasya nidhanam = destruction of Kumbhakarna; meghanaadanibarhaNam = elimination of Meghanada; raavaNasya vinaasham ca = Ravana’s, annihilation, also; siitaavaaptim areH pure = restitution of Seetha in enemy’s, city.

Verse 37

वीभीषणाभिषेकं च पुष्पकस्य च दर्शनम् |
अयोध्यायाश्च गमनं भरद्वाजसमागमम् || १-३-३७

Crowning of Vibheeshana as the king of Lanka, after the demise of Ravana, and also Rama’s seeing Pushpaka, the divine aircraft, and returning to Ayodhya in that aircraft… and Rama’s meeting Sage Bharadvaja on his way back… [1-3-37]

37. vibhiiSaNaabhiShekam cha = also Vibheeshana’s crowning; puSpakasya ca darshanam = seeing Pushpaka aircraft; ayodhyaayaaH ca gamanam = also going to Ayodhya; bharadvaajasamaagamam = meeting with Sage Bharadvaja.

Verse 38

प्रेषणं वायुपुत्रस्य भरतेन समागमम् |
रामाभिषेकाभ्युदयं सर्वसैन्यविसर्जनम् |
स्वराष्ट्ररञ्जनं चैव वैदेह्याश्च विसर्जनम् || १-३-३८

Sending Hanuma to meet Bharata, for he avowed to self-immolate if Rama were not to come in time; the coronation festival of Rama; disbandment of all military troops of monkeys; Rama’s ruling his kingdom to the delight of his subjects, and the desolation of Vaidehi too… are described by Valmiki. [1-3-38]

38. preSaNam vaayuputrasya = sending of, Air-god’s son[Hanuma]; bharatena samaagamam = meeting with Bharata; raamaabhiShekaabhyudayam = Rama’s coronation festival; sarvasainyavisarjanam = all military disbandment; svaraaSTrara~njanam ca eva = to the delight of own kingdom ; vaidehyaaH ca visarjanam = desolation of Seetha too.

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