3 – Preparing for the Ceremony


Dasaratha, glad after hearing the words of assembled people, requests Vasishta and Vamadeva to start arrangements for the anointing ceremony of Rama. Vasishta and Vamadeva order the officers present there to make all arrangements, describing them in detail. Dasaratha then orders Sumantra to bring Rama to the assembly. After letting Rama know of his desire, Dasaratha then advises Rama on how to rule the kingdom for the benefit of the people.

Verse 1

तेषामञ्जलिपद्मानि प्रगृहीतानि सर्वशः |
प्रतिगृह्याब्रवीद्राजा तेभ्यः प्रियहितं वचः || २-३-१

King Dasaratha, accepted their salutations with folded hands resembling lotus buds and spoke good and agreeable words to them as follows:-

1. raajaa = King (Dasaratha); pragR^ihiitaani = obtained; teshhaam = their; aJNjalipadmaani = salutation (with folded hands) resembling lotus buds; sarvashaH = by all means; pratigR^ihyaa = accepted (that); abraviit = (and) spoke; tebhyaH = to them; priyahitam = pleasing and good; vachaH = sentence.

Verse 2

अहोऽस्मि परमप्रीतः प्रभावश्चातुलो मम |
यन्मे ज्येष्ठं प्रियं पुत्रं यौवराज्यस्थ मिच्छथ || २-३-२

“Oh! I am very much pleased and incomparable is my fortune in that you desire my beloved elder son to be anointed as prince. ”

2. aho = Oh!; yat ichchhatha = why you desire; me = my; jyeshhTham = elder; priyam = beloved; putram = son; yauvaraajyastham = as prince; paramapriitaH asmi = (for that)I am very pleased; mama = my; prabhaavashcha = fortune is also; atulaH = without comparision.

Verse 3

इति प्रत्यर्च्य तान् राजा ब्राह्मणानिद मब्रवीत् |
वसिष्ठं वामदेवं च तेषामेवोपशृण्वताम् || २-३-३

King Dasaratha, thus duly returning the honor done by them, spoke while they were listening, to Vasishta, Vamadeva and other Brahmans as follows:

3. raajaa = King Dasaratha; iti = thus; pratyarchya = respected; taan = them; abraviit = spoke; idam = this (sentence); teshhaam upashR^iNvataam eva = while they were listening; vasishhTham = to Vasishta; VaamadevaM cha = Vaamadeva and; braahmaNaan = other brahmanas.

Verse 4

चैत्रः श्रीमानयं मासः पुण्यः पुष्पितकाननः |
यौवराज्याय रामस्य सर्वमेवोपकल्प्यताम् || २-३-४
राज्ञस्तूपरते वाक्ये जनघोषो महानभूत् |

“This is the glorious and auspicious month of Chaitra, in which the forests bloom with flowers. Let all arrangements be made for the coronation of Rama as prince.” While these words of the king were being completed, there was a great delightful uproar of the people.

4. “ayam = this; chaitraH maasaH = month of Chaitra; pushhpitakaananaH = has flowering forests; shriimaan = glorious; puNyaH = auspicious; sarvam eva upakalpyataam = let all arrangements be made (for anointment of Rama as prince)”; uparate = while completing; raajJNaH = the king’s; vaakye = words; abhuut = there was; mahaan = great; janaghoshhaH = uproar ( due to applause) from people.

Verse 5

शनैस्तस्मिन् प्रशान्ते च जनघोषे जनाधिपः || २-३-५
वसिष्ठं मुनिशार्दूलं राजा वचनमब्रवीत् |

When their applause gradually subsided, King Dasaratha spoke the following words to the best of sages, Vasishta.

5. tasmin = that; janaghoshhe = uproar of people; shanaiH = gradually; prashaante = subsided; janaadhipaH = lord of the people; raajaa = King Dasaratha; abraviit = spoke; vachanam = these words; vasishhTham = to Vasista; munishaarduulam = the best of sages.

Verse 6

अभिषेकाय रामस्य यत्कर्म सपरिच्छदम् || २-३-६
तदद्य भगवन् सर्वमाज्ञापयितु मर्हसि |

“Oh Divine Vasishta! Be pleased to order now for the traditional ceremonial that is to be done and various accessories needed for the anointing ceremony of Rama.”

6. bhagavan = Oh divine Vasishta!; arhasi = you are suitable; adya = now; aajJNaapayitum = to order for; sarvam = all; tat karma yat = the traditional ceremonial which (needs) to be done; saparichchhadam = including the accessories (that are needed );abhishhekaaya raamasya = for the anointing ceremony of Rama.

Verse 7

तच्छ्रुत्वा भूमिपालस्य वसिष्ठो द्विजसत्तमः || २-३-७
आदिदेशाग्रतो राज्ञः स्थितान् युक्तान् कृताञ्जलीन् |

Vasishta, the best of Brahmans, hearing the words of king Dasaratha, ordered the officers who stood there with folded hands before the king, as follows: –

7. vasishhThaH = Vasishta; dvijasattamaH = the best of brahmanas; shrutvaa = heard; tat = that (sentence); bhuumipaalasya = of king Dasaratha; aadidesha = ordered; yuktaan = the officers; sthitaan = who were there; kR^itaaJNjaliin = with folded hands; agrataH = before; raajJNaH = the king.

Verse 8,9,10 & 11

सुवर्णादीनि रत्नानि बलीन् सर्वौषधीरपि || २-३-८
शुक्लमाल्यांश्च लाजांश्च पृथक्च मधुसर्पिषी |
अहतानि च वासांसि रथं सर्वायुधान्यपि || २-३-९
चतुरङ्गबलं चैव गजं च शुभलक्षणम् |
चामरव्यजने श्वेते ध्वजं छत्रं च पाण्डुरम् || २-३-१०
शतं च शातकुम्भानां कुम्भानामग्निवर्चसाम् |
हिरण्यशृङ्गमृषभं समग्रं व्याघ्रचर्म च || २-३-११
उपस्थापयत प्रातरग्न्यगारं महीपतेः |

“Gather the following in the sacred fire house of the king at dawn: gold and the like, diamonds, things needed to perform worship, various herbs, white floral garlands, corn, honey and clarified butter in separate vessels, new clothes, chariot, all weapons, the four divisions of army, an elephant with auspicious signs, white fan, flag staff, white umbrella, one hundred golden pots with brilliant shine, bull with gilded horns and a complete tiger skin”.

8;9;10;11. upasthaapayata = gather; agnyagaaram = in the sacred fire house; mahiipate = of the king; praataH = at dawn; suvarNaadiini = gold and the like; ratnaani = diamonds; baliin = things needed to perform pooja (worship); sarvaushhadhiiH api = various herbs; shuklamaalyaan cha = white floral garlands; laajaan cha = corn; madhusarpishhii = honey and clarified butter; pR^ithak = separately; ahataani vaasaaMsi cha = new clothes; ratham = chariot; sarvaayudhaanyapi = all weapons; chaturaN^gabalaMcha iva = the four divisions of army; gajam cha = elephant; shubhalakshaNam = with good signs; shvete = white; chaamaravyajane = fans made from the skin of an animal called chamari; dhvajam = pillar (or) staff ; paaNDuram = white; chhatraM cha = umbrella; shataM cha = one hundred; shaatakumbhaanaam = golden hued; kumbhaanaam = pots; agnivarchasaam = brilliant like fire; R^ishhabham = bull; hiraNyashR^iN^gam = with golden horns; samagram = complete; vyaaghracharma cha = tiger skin.

Verse 12 & 13

यच्चान्यत्किञ्चिदेष्टव्यं तत्सर्वमुपकल्प्यताम् | २-३-१२
अस्तःपुरस्य द्वाराणि सर्वस्य नगरस्य च |
चन्दनस्रग्भिरर्च्यन्तां धूपैश्च घ्राणहारिभिः || २-३-१३

“If any other small things are required, arrange for all of them. Let the doorways of the royal palace and those of the entire city be worshipped with sandalwood paste, floral garlands and good smelling incense.”

12;13. anyat = (if) other; yat cha kiJNchit = even small thing; eshhTavyam = is required; upakalpyataam tat sarvam = let all of it be arranged; dvaaraaNi = doorways; antaHpurasya = of royal palace; sarvasya nagarasya cha = of entire city also; archyantaam = be worshipped; chandanasragbhiH = with sandal paste and floral garlands; ghraaNahaaribhiH = attractive smelling; dhuupaiH = incense.

Verse 14

प्रशस्तमन्नं गुणवद्धधिक्षीरोपसेचनम् |
द्विजानां शतसाहस्रे यत्प्रकाममलं भवेत् || २-३-१४

“Let fine rice of good quality with milk and yogurt, fully sufficient for one hundred thousand Brahmans be arranged.”

14. prashastam = fine; annam = rice; guNavat = of good quality; dadhi kshiiropasechanam = with yoghurt and milk; prakaamam = completely; alaM bhavet = sufficient for; shatasaahasre = one hundred thousand; dvijaanaam = brahmanaas.

Verse 15

सत्कृत्य द्विजमुख्यानां श्वः प्रभाते प्रदीयताम् |
घृतं दधि च लाजाश्च दक्षिणाश्चापि पुष्कलाः || २-३-१५

“Let that rice be given with due respect to important Brahmans tomorrow at dawn; along with clarified butter, yogurt, corn, and lot of gifts.”

15. pradiiyataam = let (that rice) be given; satkR^itya = with respect; shvaH = tomorrow; prabhaate = at dawn; dvijamukhyaanaam = to important Brahmans; ghR^itam = (along with) clarified butter; dadhi cha = yoghurt; laajaaH cha = corn and; pushhkalaaH = lot of; dakshiNaashchaapi = gifts also.

Verse 16

सूर्येऽभ्युदितमात्रे श्वो भविता स्वस्तिवाचनम् |
ब्राह्मणाश्च निमन्त्र्यन्तां कल्प्यन्तामासनानि च || २-३-१६

“There will be an invocation for the well being of all, tomorrow at sun rise. Let brahmanas be invited and suitable seats be arranged for them.”

16. bhavitaa = there will be; svastivaachanam = chorus invocating well being of all; shvaH = tomorrow; abhyuditamaatre = soon after the rise of; suurye = sun; braahmaNaaH cha = brahmanas; nimantryantaam = be summoned; aasanaani cha = and seats; kalpyantaam = be arranged.

Verse 17

आबध्यन्तां पताकाश्च राजमार्गश्च सिच्यताम् |
सर्वे च ताळावचरा गणिकाश्च स्वलंकृताः || २-३-१७
कक्ष्यां द्वितीयामासाद्य तिष्ठन्तु नृपवेश्मनः |

“Let the flags be hung and the royal highways be sprinkled with water. Let well dressed dancers and musicians wait in second enclosure in the royal compound.”

17. pataakaaH cha aabadhyantaam = let flags be hung; raajamaargaH cha sichyataaM cha = let royal roads be made wet; sarve = (let)all; svalaMkR^itaaH = well dressed; taaLaavacharaaH = musicians; gaNikaaH cha = dancers; aasaadya = get; dvitiiyaam = second; kakshyaam = enclosure; nR^ipaveshmanaH = of royal palace; tishhThantu = to stay.

Verse 18

देवायतनचैत्येषु सान्नभक्षाः सदक्षिणाः || २-३-१८
उपस्थापयितव्याः स्युर्माल्ययोग्याः पृथक् पृथक् |

“As worshipping is to be done in temples and at road junctions, let some deserving people gather there with rice, eatables, presents and garlands separately.”

18. devaayatanachaityeshhu = in temples and at road junctions; yogyaaH = deserving people; upasthaapayitavyaaH syuH = be gathered; saanna = with rice; bhakshaaH = eatables; sadakshiNaaH = with presents; maalya = garlands; pR^ithak pR^ithak = separately.

Verse 19

दीर्घासिबद्धा योधाश्च सन्नद्धा मृष्टवाससः || २-३-१९
महाराजाङ्गणं सर्वे प्रविशन्तु महोदयम् |

“Let all the warriors enter the well developed front yard of the royal palace with long swords, armors and clean clothing.”

19. sarve = (let) all the; yodhaashcha = warriors also; pravishastu = enter; mahodayam = well developed; mahaaraajaaN^gaNam = front yard of royal palace; diirghaasibaddhaaH = wearing long swords; sannaddhaaH = wearing armors; mR^ishhTavaasasaH = wearing washed clothes.

Verse 20

एवं व्यादिश्य विप्रौ तौ क्रियास्तत्र सुनिष्ठितौ || २-३-२०
चक्रतुश्चैव यच्छेषं पार्थिवाय निवेद्य च |

Those wise men Vasishta and Vamadeva attentively ordered for all those things to be done there, informed that to king Dasaratha and performed the remaining things also.

20. tau = those; viprau = wisemen – Vasishta and Vamadeva; sunishhThitau = with good attention; evam = thus; vyaadishya = ordered; kriyaaH = things to be done; tatra = there; nivedya cha = informed; paarthivaaya = the king Dasaratha; chakratuH cha eva = also performed; yat sheshham = (those things) that remained.

Verse 21

कृतमित्येव चाब्रूतामभिगम्य जगत्पतिम् || २-३-२१
यथोक्तवचनं प्रीतौ हर्षयुक्तौ द्विजर्षभौ |

Pleased and satisfied with the arrangements made Vasishta and Vamadeva approached king Dasaratha and told him that all had been done according to his words.

21. priitau = satisfied; harshhayuktau = with pleasure; dvijarshhabhau = the best of brahmanas; Vasishta and Vamadeva; abhigamya = approached; jagatpatim = king Dasaratha – the lord of world; abruutaam = and told him; kR^itamityeva = that all had been done; yathoktavachanam = as per his words.

Verse 22

ततः सुमन्त्रं द्युतिमान् राजा वचनमब्रवीत् || २-३-२२
रामः कृतात्मा भवता शीघ्रमानीयतामिति |

Afterwards, Dasaratha spoke to Sumantra “Let Rama, who has a disciplined intellect, be brought by you immediately.”

22. tataH = afterwards; dyutimaan = radiant; raajaa = king Dasaratha; abraviit = spoke; iti = thus; sumantram = to Sumantra; vachanam = these words; raamaH = Rama; kR^itaatmaa = who has a disciplined intellect; aniiyataam = be brought; bhavataa = by you; shiighram = immediately.

Verse 23

स तथेति प्रतिज्ञाय सुमन्त्रो राजशासनात् || २-३-२३
रामं तत्रानयांचक्रे रथेन रथिनां वरम् |

As commanded by the king, Sumantra brought there, Rama, the best of charioteers, in a chariot.

23. saH = that; sumantraH = Sumantra; pratijJNaaya = spoke; tathaa iti = that would be done accordingly; aanayaaMchakre = brought; raamam = Rama; varam = the best among; rathinaaM = charioteers; tatra = there; rathena = in a chariot; raaja shaasanaat = as commanded by the king.

Verse 24 & 25

अथ तत्र समासीनास्तदा दशरथं नृपम् || २-३-२४
प्राच्योदीच्याः प्रतीच्याश्च दाक्षिणात्याश्च भूमिपाः |
म्लेच्छाश्चार्याश्च ये चान्ये वने शैलान्तवासिनः || २-३-२५
उपासाञ्चक्रिरे सर्वे तं देवा इव वासवम् |

Afterwards the kings belonging to east, west, north, south as well as those belonging to Mlechha kingdom, Aryaa Vartha kingdom and those ruling in hill and forest areas sat there and attended on King Dasaratha as celestials attended on Devendra.

24;25. atha = afterwards (after Sumantra left); bhuumipaaH = kings; praachyodiichyaaH = belonging to east; north; pratiichyaaH cha = and belonging to west; daakshiNaatyaaH cha = and belonging to south; mlechchhaaH cha = those belonging to the country of Mlechha; aaryaaH cha = and belonging to the country of AryaaVarta; vane = in forest areas; anye = others; ye = who are; shailaantavaasinaH = staying in hilly areas; sarve = all; samaasiinaaH = sat; tatra = there; tadaa = then; upaasaaJNchakrire = attended on; tam = that; dasaratham nrR^ipam = king Dasaratha; vaasavamiva = as to Devendra; devaaH = by celestials.

Verse 26

तेषां मध्ये स राजर्षिर्मरुतामिव वासवः || २-३-२६
प्रासादस्थो रथगतं ददर्शायान्त मात्मजम् |

The sage king Dasaratha, sitting in the midst of those kings like Devendra in the middle of the celestials, saw from the palace itself, his son Rama arriving in a chariot.

26. saH = that; raajarshhiH = the sage and the king Dasaratha; madhye = in the midst; teshhaaM = of them; vaasavaH = like Devendra; maruthaam = in the midst of celestials; dadarsha = saw; praasaadasthaH = staying in the palace; aatmajam = his son Rama; aayaantam = arriving; rathagatham = in a chariot.

Verse 27, 28 & 29

गन्धर्वराजप्रतिमं लोके विख्यातपौरुषम् || २-३-२७
दीर्घ बाहुं महसत्त्वं मत्तमातङ्गगामिनम् |
चन्द्रकान्ताननं राममतीव प्रियदर्शनम् || २-३-२८
रूपौदार्यगुणैः पुंसां दृष्टिचित्तापहारिणम् |
घर्माभितप्ताः पर्जन्यं ह्लादयन्तमिव प्रजाः || २-३-२९
न ततर्प समायान्तं पश्यमानो नराधिपः |

Rama was as beautiful as the king of Gandharvas. His valiance was world famous. He had great strength and walked like a vigorous elephant. He had long arms, and with his enchanting face, he looked like the moon. He stole the eyes and minds of the people by his looks, generosity and virtues. King Dasaratha was thus not satiated enough in seeing Rama, coming like a cloud that gladdens people by relieving them from the scorching summer heat.

27;28;29. gandharva raaja pratimam = equal to king of Gandharvas; vikhyaata paurushham = has famous valiance; loke = in the world; diirgha baahum = has long arms; mahaasattvam = has great strength; mattamaataN^ga gaaminam = has a gait like that of a vigorous elephant; chandrakaantaananam = has enchanting face like the moon; atiiva = very; priyadarshanam = pleasant to behold; ruupaudaaryaguNaiH = with looks (and his) magnanimity (and) virtues; dR^ishhTi chittaapahaarakam = (he had) stolen the eyes and minds; pumsaam = of men; naraadhipaH = king Dasaratha; na tatarpa = was not satiated; pashyamaanaH = in seeing; raamam = Rama; samayaantam = coming; parjanyam iva = like cloud; hlaadayantam = gladdening; prajaaH = to people; gharmaabhitaptaaH = scorched by summer heat.

Verse 30

अवतार्य सुमन्त्रस्तं राघवं स्यन्दनोत्तमात् || २-३-३०
पितुः समीपं गच्छन्तं प्राञ्जलिः पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात् |

Sumantra helped Rama to get down from the excellent chariot and with folded hands followed behind Rama, who approached his father.

30. sumantraH = Sumantra; avataarya tam raaghavam = helped that Rama to alight; syandanottamaat = from the excellent chariot; praaJNjaliH = (and) with folded hands; anvagaat = followed; pR^ishhThataH = behind; gachchhantam = (Rama) going; samiipam = close to; pituH = his father.

Verse 31

स तं कैलासशृङ्गाभं प्रासादं नरपुङ्गवः || २-३-३१
आरुरोह नृपं द्रष्टुं सह सूतेन राघवः |

Rama, the best among men, ascended the steps of the palace, which resembled Mount Kailaasa, along with Sumantra, to see the king Dasaratha.

31. saH = that; raaghavaH = Rama; narapuN^gavaH = the best among men; aaruroha = ascended; tam = that; praasaadam = palace; kailaasa shR^iN^gaabham = which is equal to Mount Kailaasa; suutena saha = along with the driver of chariot; drashhTum = to see; nR^ipam = the king Dasaratha.

Verse 32

स प्राञ्^जलिरभिप्रेत्य प्रणतः पितुरन्तिके || २-३-३२
नाम स्वं श्रावयन् रामो ववन्धे चरणौ पितुः |

Rama with folded hands approached his father, bowed down mentioning his own name and offered salutations to his father’s feet.

32. saH = that; raamaH = Rama; praaJN^jaliH = with folded hands; abhipretya = approached; antike = nearer to; pituH = his father; praNataH = bowed down; shraavayan = mentioning; svam = his own; naama = name; vavande = offered obeisance; pituH = (to) his father’s; charaNau = feet.

Verse 33

तं दृष्ट्वा प्रणतं पार्श्वे कृताञ्जलिपुटं नृपः || २-३-३३
गृह्याञ्जलौ समाकृष्य सस्वजे प्रियमात्मजम् |

King Dasaratha took into his embrace that beloved son who was standing humbly beside him with folded hands.

33. nR^ipaH = king Dasaratha; gR^ihya = caught; anjalau = by his joined hands; tam = that; priyam = beloved; aatmajam = son; praNatam = who was (standing) humbly; paarshve = by his side; kR^itaanjalipuTam = with folded hands; samaakR^ishhya = drew him nearer and; sasvaje = embraced.

Verse 34

तस्मै चाभ्युदितं दिव्यं मणिकाञ्चनभूषितं || २-३-३४
दिदेश राजा रुचिरं रामाय परमासनम् |

King Dasaratha gave Rama a great throne, which was high, excellent and beautiful, decorated with gold and diamonds.

34. raajaa = king Dasaratha; didesha = gave; tasmai raamaaya = for that Rama; paramaasanam = great throne; abhyuditam = which is high; divyam = excellent; ruchiram = beautiful; maNikaanchana bhuushhitam = decorated with gold and diamonds.

Verse 35

तदासनवरं प्राप्य व्यदीपयत राघवः || २-३-३५
स्वयेव प्रभया मेरुमुदये विमलो रविः |

Rama, occupying that great throne, caused it to shine with his own brightness, just as the spotless sun in the morning causes Meru mountain to shine with brilliance.

35. raaghavaH = Rama; praapya = got; tat = that; aasanavaram = great throne; vyadiipayata = (and) caused it to shine; svayaa = with his own; prabhayaa = brightness; merumiva = as to Meru Mountain; udaye = in the morning; vimalaH = by spot less; raviH = sun.

Verse 36

तेन विभ्राजता तत्र सा सभाभिव्यरोचत || २-३-३६
विमलग्रहनक्षत्रा शारदी द्यौरिवेन्दुना |

Rama by his brilliance made that assembly to shine, just as the moon shines the clear autumnal sky, with the dimless stars and planets.

36. tatra = there; tena = by that Rama; vibhraajataa = shining; saa = that; sabhaa = assembly; abhivyarochata = shone more; inudunaa iva = as by the moon; shaaradii = the autumn; dyauH = sky; vimalagrahanakshatraa = with the dimless planets and stars.

Verse 37

तं पश्यमानो नृपति स्तुतोओष प्रियमात्मजम् || २-३-३७
अलङ्कृतमिवात्मानमादर्शतलसंस्थितम् |

King Dasaratha was as delighted in seeing his beloved son, as one delights in seeing oneself adorned, in a mirror.

37. nR^ipaH = king Dasaratha; tutoshha = was delighted; pasyamaanaH = seeing; tam = that; priyam = beloved; aatmajam = son; aatmanamiva = as seeing oneself; alankR^itam = adorned; aadarshatalasamsthitam = in a mirror.

Verse 38

स तं सस्मितमाभाष्य पुत्रं पुत्रवतां वरः || २-३-३८
उवाचेदं वचो राजा देवेन्द्रमिव काश्यपः |

King Dasaratha, the best among those who have sons, smilingly conversed with his son, and addressed Rama as follows, as Kasyapa does to (his eldest son) Devendra (the ruler of gods).

38. saH = that; raaja = king Dasaratha; varaH = best; putravataam = among those who have sons; sasmitam = smilingly; aabhaashhya = conversed with; tam = that; putram = son; uvaacha = spoke; idam = these; vachaH = words; devendramiva = as to Devendra; kaasyapaH = (by) kaasyapa.

Verse 39

ज्येष्ठायामसि मे पत्न्यां सदृश्यां सदृशः सुतः || २-३-३९
उत्पन्नस्त्वं गुणश्रेष्ठो मम रामात्मजः प्रियः |

“Oh Rama! You are an exemplary son born to my exemplary elder wife. Being excellent in virtues, you are beloved son to me.”

39. raama = oh; Rama! tvam = you; asi = are; sadR^ishaH = worthy; sutaH = son; utpannaH = born; me = to my; sadR^ishyaam = worthy; jyeshhThaayaam = elder; patnyaam = wife; guNashreshhThaH = being excellent in virtues; priyaH = (you are) beloved; aatmajaH = son; mama = to me.

Verse 40

यतस्त्वया प्रजाश्चेमाः स्वगुणैरनुरञ्जिताः || २-३-४०
तस्मात्त्वं पुष्ययोगेन यौवराज्यमवाप्नुहि |

“O, Rama! As you with your good qualities cherished these people, you get the princely kingdom on the day of Pushyami star (when the moon appears in conjunction with the constellation Pushya)..”

40. yataH = Why; tvayaa = by you; imaaH = these; prajaaH = people; anuraJNjitaaH = were cherished; svaguNaiH = by your good qualities; tasmaat = for that reason; tvam = you; avaapnuhi = get; yauvaraajyam = princely kingdom; pushhyayogena = on the day of Pushyami (when the moon appears in conjunction with the constellation Pushya).

Verse 41

कामतस्त्वं प्रकृत्यैव विनीतो गुणवानसि || २-३-४१
गुणवत्यपि तु स्नेहात्पुत्र वक्ष्यामि ते हितम् |

“Oh, son! By nature, you are very humble and virtuous. Even then, because of my friendship with you, I can tell you this for your benefit.”

41. putra = Oh; son!; prakR^ityaiva = by nature; tvam asi = you are; kaamataH = very much; viniitaH = humble; guNavaan = virtuous man; guNavatyapi = even if virtuous; because of my; snehaat = friendship; vakshyaami = I can tell; te = to you; hitam = good (words).

Verse 42

भूयो विनयमास्थाय भव नित्यं जितेन्द्रियः || २-३-४२
कामक्रोधसमुत्थानि त्यजेथा व्यसनानि च |

“Be even more humble and always keep the senses under control. Leave the bad habits born out of desire and wrath.”

42. aasthaaya = try to; bhava = become; bhuuyaH = (even) more; vinayam = humble; nityam = always; jitendriyaH = (remain as) one who has victory over senses; tyajethaaH = leave; vyasanaani cha = bad habits; kaamakrodha samutthaani = born of desire and wrath.

Verse 43

परोक्षया वर्तमानो वृत्त्या प्रत्यक्षया तथा || २-३-४३
अमात्यप्रभृतीः सर्वाः प्रकृतीश्चानुरञ्जय |

“Through direct and indirect means, keep ministers and others happy.”

43. vR^ityaa = By conduct; parokshayaa = indirectly; tathaa = and; vartamaanaH = operating; pratyakshayaa = directly; anuraJNjaya = keep happy; amaatya prabhR^itiiH = (people) like ministers and others.

Verse 44, 45

कोष्ठागारायुधागारैः कृत्वा सन्नि चयान् बहून् || २-३-४४
तुष्टानुरक्तप्रकृतिर्यः पालयति मेदिनीम् |
तस्य नन्दन्ति मित्राणि लब्ध्वाऽमृतमिवाऽमराः || २-३-४५
तस्मात्त्वमपि चात्मानं नियम्यैवं समाचर |

“Like the celestials becoming happy after obtaining the nectar, friends of a king (ruler of earth) are delighted when he fills the granaries and armories to the brim, making the common people delightful and happy. Hence, you too act like this.”

44;45. amaraaH iva = like celestials; labdhvaa = (who were happy after) obtaining; amR^itam = the nectar; tasya = his; mitraaNi = friends; nandanti = are delighted with him; yaH = who; paalayati = rules; mediniim = the earth; kR^itvaa = by making; bahuun = many; sannichayaan = good storage; koshhThaagaraayudhaagaaraiH = with granaries and armories; tushhTaanuraktaprakR^itiH = with delightful and happy people; tasmaat = hence; tvamapi = you too; aatmaanam = (your)self; samaachara = act; evam = like this.

Verse 46

तच्छ्रुत्वा सुहृदस्तस्य रामस्य प्रियकारिणः || २-३-४६
त्वरिताः शीघ्रमभ्येत्य कौसल्यायै न्यवेदयन् |

The well -wishers of Rama, after hearing those words, intending to do good to Kausalya, immediately came to her and informed the matter to her.

46. tasya = that; raamasya = Rama’s; suhR^idaH = friends; shrutvaa = after hearing; tat = that; tvaritaaH = hurriedly; priyakaariNaH = intending to do good; shiighram = immediately; abhyetya = came; kausalyaayai = to Kausalya; nyavedayan = (and) informed (her of the good news).

Verse 47

सा हिरण्यं च गाश्चैव रत्नानि विविधानि च || २-३-४७
व्यादिदेश प्रियाख्येभ्यः कौसल्या प्रमदोत्तमा |

The best among women, Kausalya gave away gold, cows and different types of diamonds to those who informed her good news.

47. pramadottamaa = the best among women; saa = that; kausalyaa = Kausalya; vyaadidesha = gave away; hiraNyaM cha = gold; gaaH chaiva = cows and; vividhaani = different types of; ratnaanicha = diamonds also; priyaakhyebhyaH = to those who informed the good news.

Verse 49

ते चापि पौरा नृपतेर्वचस्त |
च्छ्रुत्वा तदा लाभमिवेष्टमाशु |
नरेन्द्रमामन्त्र्य गृहाणि गत्वा |
देवान् समानर्चुरतिप्रहृष्टाः || २-३-४९

Having heard those words of the king, seeing their dearest wish gratified, the citizens took leave of the King Dasaratha and returned to their homes full of joy, in order to give thanks and render homage to the Gods.

49. tadaa = then; te = those; pauraashchaapi = citizens also; shrutvaa = listened (to); tat = those; vachaH = words; nR^ipateH = of the king; ishhTam laabhamiva = seeing their dearest wish gratified;; ati prahR^ishhTaaH = became very happy; aamantrya = took leave; nareMdram = of king Dasaratha; aashu = immediately; samaanarchuH = worshipped; devaan = the gods; gatvaa = going; gR^ihaaNi = to their houses.

Verse 48

अथाभिवाद्य राजानं रथमारुह्य राघवः || २-३-४८
ययौ स्वं द्युतिमद्वेश्म जनौघैः प्रतिपूजितः |

Rama, after offering salutations to king Dasaratha, ascended the chariot and went to his splendid house after being worshipped by the crowds on the way.

48. atha = afterwards; raaghavaH = Rama; abhivaadya = salutated; raajaanam = to king Dasaratha; aaruhya = (and) alighted; ratham = the chariot; yayau = (and) went; svam veshma = for his house; dyutimat = (which was) splendid; pratipuujitaH = after being worshipped; janaughaiH = by the crowds.

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