29 – Seetha’s insistence on going to the forest


Seetha implores upon Rama to allow her to come to forests, and says that she heard through some foretellers that she has to live in forests for some time, when she was with her father’s place. But Rama is not interested to make Seetha’s life penurious in forests and once again tries to pacify her. He asks her to stay back at Ayodhya. For that Seetha laments to become lonely parted with her husband.

Verse 1

एतत् तु वचनम् श्रुत्वा सीता रामस्य दुह्खिता |
प्रसक्त अश्रु मुखी मन्दम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || २-२९-१

Seetha was distressed to hear these words of Rama and spoke these words slowly, with her face with tears.

1. siita = Seetha; shrutvaatu = heard; etat = these; vachanam = words; raamasya = of Rama; duHkhitaa = distressed; prasaktaashrumukhii = having the face wet with tears; abraviit = spoke; idam vachanam = these words; mandam = slowly.

Verse 2

ये त्वया कीर्तिता दोषा वने वस्तव्यताम् प्रति |
गुणान् इति एव तान् विद्धि तव स्नेह पुरः कृतान् || २-२९-२

“know all those disadvantages you mentioned about dwelling in the forest become advantages to me, if your affection is placed before them.”

2. viddhi = know; ye = which; doshhaaH = disadvantages; kiirtitaaH = mentioned; tvayaa = by you; vastavyataam prati = about dwelling; vane = in the forest; taan = those; guNaanityeva = to be advantages; tava sneha puraskR^itaan = if your affection is placed before them.

Verse 3 & 4

मृगाः सिम्हा गजाश्चैव शार्दूलाः शरभास्तथा |
पक्षिणः सृमराश्चैव ये चान्ये वनचारिणः || २-२९-३
अदृष्टपूर्वरूपत्वात्सर्वे ते तव राघव |
रूपम् दृष्ट्वापसर्पेयुर्भये सर्वे हि बिभ्यति || २-२९-४

“Oh Rama! Antelopes, lions, elephants, tigers, sarabhas(legendary animal with eight legs), birds, yaks and all others which roam in the forest, run away after seeing your form, since they have never seen your figure before. When there is cause for fear, who would not have fear?”

3;4. raaghava = Oh; Rama! mR^igaaH = Antelopes; simhaaH = lions; gaNaashchaiva = elephants; shaarduulaaH = tigers; tathaa = and; sharabhaaH = sarabhas(a legendary animal with eight legs and said to be more powerful than the lion); pakshhiNaH = birds; sR^iimaraashchaiva = yaks; te sarve = all those; anye = others; ye = which; vanachaariNaH = roam in the forest; apasarpcyuH = run away; dR^ishhTvaiva = after seeing; ruupam = your form; tava adR^ishhTapuurva ruupatvaat = since they have never seen your figure; before; bhaye = when there is cause for fear; sarve = all; bibhyati hi = would have indeed fear.

Verse 5

त्वया च सह गन्तव्यम् मया गुरु जन आज्ञया |
त्वद् वियोगेन मे राम त्यक्तव्यम् इह जीवितम् || २-२९-५

“Oh, Rama! As per the command of the elders, I also should go along with you. My life is to be abandoned here, if I were separated from you.”

5. raama = Oh; Rama! gurujanaaJNjayaa = as per the command of the elders; mayaa cha = I also; gantavyam = should go; tvayaasaha = along with you; tvadviyogena = by separation from you; jiivitam = life; me = to me; tyaktavyam = is to be abandoned; iha = here.

Verse 6

न च माम् त्वत् समीपस्थम् अपि शक्नोति राघव |
सुराणाम् ईश्वरः शक्रः प्रधर्षयितुम् ओजसा || २-२९-६

“Oh Rama! Even Devendra the Lord of celestials, by his strength, cannot over power me, who is in your vicinity.”

6. raaghava = Oh; Rama! shakraH api = even Devendra; iishvaraH = who is the lord; suraaNaam = of celestials; na shaknoti = cannot; ojasaa = by his strength; pradarshhiyitum = over power; maam = me; tvatsamiipasthaam = who is in your vicinity.

Verse 7

पति हीना तु या नारी न सा शक्ष्यति जीवितुम् |
कामम् एवम् विधम् राम त्वया मम विदर्शितम् || २-२९-७

“Oh Rama! Verily such a thing was taught to me by you, that a woman disunited from her husband should not be able to survive.”

7. yaa naarii = which woman; patihiinaa = is without husband; saa = she; na shakshhyati = should not be able; jiivitum = to live; raama = Oh; Rama! kaamam = verily; evam vidham = such a thing; vidarshitam = was taught; mama = to me; tvayaa = by you.

Verse 8

अथ च अपि महा प्राज्ञ ब्राह्मणानाम् मया श्रुतम् |
पुरा पितृ गृहे सत्यम् वस्तव्यम् किल मे वने || २-२९-८

“Oh Rama, the very wise! Besides, formerly in my father’s house it was heard by me from the month of brahmanas that I was destined to stay really in a forest.”

8. mahaa praaJNja = Oh; the very wide man! atha chaapi = besides; puraa = formerly; pitR^igR^ihe = in my father’s house; braahmaNaanaam = brahmana’s word; shrutam = was heard; mayaa = by me; vastavyam kila = to be stayed; satyam = really; vane = in forest; me = to me.

Verse 9

लक्षणिभ्यो द्विजातिभ्यः श्रुत्वा अहम् वचनम् गृहे |
वन वास कृत उत्साहा नित्यम् एव महा बल || २-२९-९

“Oh Rama the man of great strength! Ever since I heard this word from brahmanas who can interpret marks on the body, I was always eager to stay in a forest.”

9. mahaabala = Oh; man of great strength! aham = I; shrutvaa = after hearning; puraa = formerly vachanam = the word; dvijaatibhyaH = from brahmanas; lakshhaNibhyaH = who can interpret marks on the boday; nityameva = always; vanavaasakR^itotsaahaa = I was enthusiastic to live in a forest.

Verse 10

आदेशो वन वासस्य प्राप्तव्यः स मया किल |
सा त्वया सह तत्र अहम् यास्यामि प्रिय न अन्यथा || २-२९-१०

“Oh, Rama the beloved! That prediction of dwelling in the forst is to be realised by me. I must accordingly accompany you to the forest, it cannot be otherwise.”

10. priya = Oh; Rama the beloved! saH aadeshaH = that prediction; vanavaasasya = of dwelling in the forst praaptavyaH kila = is to be realised by me; aham = I saa = as such; yaasyaami = can go; tatra = to forest; tvayaa saha = along with you; na = not; anyathaa = otherwise.

Verse 11

कृत आदेशा भविष्यामि गमिष्यामि सह त्वया |
कालः च अयम् समुत्पन्नः सत्य वाग् भवतु द्विजः || २-२९-११

“I shall be the one who has fulfilled the brahmana’s word. I shall accompany you to the forest. The time has come for brahmana’s words to come true.”

11. bhavishhyaami = I shall become; kR^itaadeshaa = the one who has fulfilled brahmana’s word; gamishhyaami = I shall come; tvayaa saha = along with you; ayam = this; kaalashcha = time also; samntpannaH = has come; bhavatn dvijaH = let brahmana become; bhavatu dvijaH = let brahmana become; satyavaak = true to his word.

Verse 12

वन वासे हि जानामि दुह्खानि बहुधा किल |
प्राप्यन्ते नियतम् वीर पुरुषैः अकृत आत्मभिः || २-२९-१२

“Oh valiant prince! I know that in the forest, sufferings indeed are many and are invariably obtained by men having unformed minds.”

12. viira = Oh; valiant prince! abhijaanaami = I know; vanavaase = that in the forest; duHkhaani = sufferings; bahudhaakila = are many indeed; niyatam = certainly; praapyante = be obtained; purushhaiH = by men; akR^itaatmabhiH = having unformed minds.

Verse 13

कन्यया च पितुर् गेहे वन वासः श्रुतः मया
भिक्षिण्याः साधु वृत्ताया मम मातुर् इह अग्रतः || २-२९-१३

“While I was an unmarried girl, the prediction about my dwelling the forest was heard by me in my father’s house from a female mendicant having good manners, in the presence of my mother.”

13. mayaa = by me; kanyayaa = who was unmarried girl; pituH gehe = in my father’s horse; vanavaasaH = dwelling in a forest; iha = now; shrutaH = was heard; bhikshhiNyaaH = from a female medicant; saadhuvR^ittaayaaH = who was having good manners; agvataH = in the presence; mama maatuH = of my mother

Verse 14

प्रसादितः च वै पूर्वम् त्वम् वै बहु विधम् प्रभो |
गमनम् वन वासस्य कान्क्षितम् हि सह त्वया || २-२९-१४

“Oh Lord! In the past, you have been really pleased for many a time to take me along with you indeed for the tour of a forest, as longed by me.”

14. prabho = Oh; Lord! puurvam = In the past; tvam = you; prasaadiashcha vai = have been pleased really; bahutitham = for many a time vanavaasasya gamanam = for the tour of a forest; kaaNkshhitam hi = as desire by me indeed; tvayaa saha = with you.

Verse 15

कृत क्षणा अहम् भद्रम् ते गमनम् प्रति राघव |
वन वासस्य शूरस्य चर्या हि मम रोचते || २-२९-१५

“Oh, Rama! May all be well with you! I am waiting for a journey to the forest. A work-out of adventurist is really delightful to me.”

15. raaghava = Oh; Rama! bhadvam = many all be well; te = with you! aham = I kR^itakshhaNaa = am waiting; gamanam prati = for a journey; vanavaasasya = of the forest;charyaa = a work-out; shuurasya = of adventurist; rochate hi = is really delightful mama = to me.

Verse 16

शुद्ध आत्मन् प्रेम भावाद्द् हि भविष्यामि विकल्मषा |
भर्तारम् अनुगच्चन्ती भर्ता हि मम दैवतम् || २-२९-१६

“Oh, the pure-minded! Following my husband with loving devotion, I shall become sin-less; for husband is the supreme deity to me.”

16. shuddhaatman = Oh; the pure-minded! prema bhaavaat hi = by loving devotion; anugachchhantii = following; bhartaaram = you; the husband; bhavishhyaami = I shall become; vikalmashhaa = sinless; mama = to me; bhartaa = husband; daivatam hi = is supreme deity.

Verse 17 & 18

प्रेत्य भावे अपि कल्याणः सम्गमः मे सह त्वया |
श्रुतिर् हि श्रूयते पुण्या ब्राह्मणानाम् यशस्विनाम् || २-२९-१७
इह लोके च पितृभिर् या स्त्री यस्य महा मते |
अद्भिर् दत्ता स्वधर्मेण प्रेत्य भावे अपि तस्य सा || २-२९-१८

“Even after my death, I shall stay united with you. On this subject, the meritorious words of brahmanas is being heard thus:- In this world, which woman was given away to whom by parents with water according to the moral code binding on them, that woman belongs to him alone even after death.

17;18. pretya bhaave.api = even after death; kalyaaNaH = auspicions; saNgamaH = union; me = to me; tvayaa saha = with you; puNyaa = meritoins; shrutiH = words of Veda; brahmaNaam = by brahmanas; shruuyate hi = being heard indeed; mahaamate = Oh; the great minded! yaa strii = which woman; iha loke = in this world; dattaa = was given away; yasya = to who; adbhiH = with water; pitR^ibhiH = by her parents; svadharmeNa = according to the moral code; tasya = to him; saa = she(belongs) pretya bhaave.api = even after death.

Verse 19

एवम् अस्मात् स्वकाम् नारीम् सुवृत्ताम् हि पति व्रताम् |
न अभिरोचयसे नेतुम् त्वम् माम् केन इह हेतुना || २-२९-१९

“By what reason now are you thus not willing to take me, the woman having good conduct, devoted to her husband and belonging to you, from this place?”

19. kena hetunaa = by what reason; iha = now; tvam = you; naabhirochayase = are not willing; evam = thus; netum = to take; asmaat = from this place; maam = me; suvR^ittaam = having good conduct; pativrataam = devoted to her husband; svakaam naariim = the woman belonging to you.

Verse 20

भक्ताम् पति व्रताम् दीनाम् माम् समाम् सुख दुह्खयोह् |
नेतुम् अर्हसि काकुत्स्थ समान सुख दुह्खिनीम् || २-२९-२०

20. kaakutthsa = Oh; the seion of Kakustha! arhasi = you ought to; netum = take; maam = me; bhaktaam = who is a devotee; pativrataam = devoted to husband; diinaam = who is distressed; samaam = who is equal; sukhaduHkhayoH = in pleasure and pain; samaana sukhaduHkhaniim = sharing in your joys and sorrows.

“Oh Rama, the seion of Kakutsa! You ought to take me, who is a devotee, so devoted to husband, who is distressed who feels alike in pleasure and pain and shares your joys and sorrows.”

Verse 21

यदि माम् दुह्खिताम् एवम् वनम् नेतुम् न च इच्चसि |
विषम् अग्निम् जलम् वा अहम् आस्थास्ये मृत्यु कारणात् || २-२९-२१

“I shall take resort to poison or fire or water for dying, if you are not willing to take me, afflicted as I am, as above.”

21. aasthaasye = I shall take resort to; vishham = poison or; agnim = fire or; jalamvaa = water; mR^ityukaaraNaat = for dying; nachaichchhasiyadi = if you are not willing; netum = to take; maam = me; duHkhitaam = afflicted as I am; evam = as above.

Verse 22

एवम् बहु विधम् तम् सा याचते गमनम् प्रति |
न अनुमेने महा बाहुस् ताम् नेतुम् विजनम् वनम् || २-२९-२२

Eventhough she requested him in many ways about setting out to the forest, he did not agree to take her to the forest, which is a solitary place.

22. saa = she; evam = thus yaachate = requested; tam = him; bahuvidham = in many ways; gamanam prati = about setting out(to the forst) mahaabaahuH = Rama; the long armed; naamnumane = did not agree; netum = to take; taam = her; vanam = to forest; vijanam = which is a solitary place.

Verse 24

चिन्तयन्तीम् तथा ताम् तु निवर्तयितुम् आत्मवान् |
ताम्रोष्ठीं स तदा सीताम् काकुत्स्थो बह्व् असान्त्वयत् || २-२९-२४

Rama the prudent man then pacified in many ways, to avert that Seetha with red lips, who was sorrowful as above.

24. saH kakutthsaH = that Rama; aatmavaan = the prudent man; tadaa = then; asaantvayat = pacified; bahu = in many ways; nivartiyutum = to avert;taam siitaam = that Seetha; taamroshhThiim = with red lips; chintayantiim = who was sorrowful; tathaa = as above.

Verse 23

एवम् उक्ता तु सा चिन्ताम् मैथिली समुपागता |
स्नापयन्ती इव गाम् उष्णैः अश्रुभिर् नयन च्युतैः || २-२९-२३

After hearing Rama’s words, seetha was sorrowful, moistening with earth as it were with burning tears, trickling down her eyes.

23. saa maithili = that Seetha; uktaa = who was spoken; evam = thus; samupaagataa = got; chintaam = anguish; gaam = with earth; snaapayantiiva = as though wet; ushhNaiHashrubhiH = by burning tears; nayanachyntaiH = trickling down from her eyes.

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