29 – Khara’s fight with Rama


Khara provokes Rama to fight, but Rama gives enough advise to Khara to yield up. Khara presumes that Rama is overtired to fight him back and thus enters into verbal fight. Ultimately Khara hurls a mammoth mace at Rama, which burns down all the neighbouring plants and bushes, and Rama splinters it down while it is still sky rocketing.

Verse 1

खरम् तु विरथम् रामो गदा पाणिम् अवस्थितम् |
मृदु पूर्वम् महातेजाः परुषम् वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || ३-२९-१

Rama, the great-resplendent, spoke these words forbiddingly albeit softly to Khara who lost his chariot but staying his course wielding a mace. [3-29-1]

1. mahaatejaaH raamaH = great-resplendent, Rama; vi ratham = without chariot [lost it]; gadaa paaNim = with mace, in hand; avasthitam = who is staying before; kharam tu = to Khara, but; mR^idu puurvam = soft [words,] firstly; paruSam vaakyam abraviit = forbidding, sentence, said.

Verse 2

गज अश्व रथ संबाधे बले महति तिष्ठता |
कृतम् सुदारुणम् कर्म सर्व लोक जुगुप्सितम् || ३-२९-२

“Although you hold sway over a gigantic force abounding with elephants horses and chariots, you have perpetrated heinous deeds in Dandaka forests that are loathsome to all the worlds, that is unseemliest to this soldiery. [3-29-2]

2. gaja ashva ratha = elephants, horses, chariots; sam baadhe = abounding with; mahati bale = with gigantic, forces; tiSThataa = staying – you who hold sway; such as you are; sarva loka jugupsitam karma = by all, worlds, detestable – loathsome, deed; su daaruNam = very, heinous one; kR^itam = is perpetrated – in Dandaka forests.

Verse 3

उद्वेजनीयो भूतानाम् नृशंसः पाप कर्मकृत् |
त्रयाणाम् अपि लोकानाम् ईश्वरो अपि न तिष्ठति || ३-२९-३

“One who causes suffering to living beings, besides being a transgressor and completely ruthless, he does not stand up for himself even if he were to be the lord of all the three worlds. [3-29-3]

3. bhuutaanaam udvejaniiyaH = for living beings, causing suffering; paapa karma kR^it = evil, deed, doer – transgressor; nR^ishamsaH = completely ruthless one; trayaaNaam lokaanaam api = for three, worlds, even if; iishvaraH api = lord, may be; na tiSThati = not, stand up for [himself.]

Verse 4

कर्म लोक विरुद्धम् तु कुर्वाणम् क्षणदा चर |
तीक्ष्णम् सर्व जनो हन्ति सर्पम् दुष्टम् इव आगतम् || ३-२९-४

“All people will eliminate him, oh, nightwalker, who is imperious and an infringer of worldly routine, as they would eradicate a vicious serpent, in the event of its running across them. [3-29-4]

4. kSaNadaa cara = oh, night-walker; loka viruddham karma kurvaaNam = to world, infringing, deeds, who will be doing – an infringer of worldly routine; tiikSNam = one who is imperious; sarva janaH = all, people; aagatam duSTam sarpam iva = that came, vicious, serpent, as with; hanti = will eradicate.

Verse 5

लोभात् पापानि कुर्वाणः कामात् वा यो न बुध्यते |
हृष्टः पश्यति तस्य अन्तम् ब्राह्मणी करकात् इव || ३-२९-५

“He who goes on performing evils selfishly, obsessively, heedlessly, more so delightedly, he will see the results of his own doings, like red-tailed-lizard on its eating self-destructive hailstones, obsessively and delightedly. [3-29-5]

5. lobhaat = by selfishness; kaamaat vaa = obsessively, or; yaH paapaani kurvaaNaH = who, evils, while going on doing; na budhyate = will not, know – does not realise – heedless; such a one; hR^iSTaH = delighted, [bhraSTaH = becomes decadent]; karakaat = hail [pellets on eating]; braahmaNii = a lizard [with red tail]; iva = as with; tasya = what has been done – evil deed; antam pashyati = end [result,] he sees.

Verse 6

वसतो दण्डकारण्ये तापसान् धर्म चारिणः |
किम् नु हत्वा महाभागान् फलम् प्राप्स्यसि राक्षस || ३-२९-६

“The residents of Dandaka forest are the highly-propitious sages that tread the path of virtue, and oh, demon, what benefit you gain in killing them, really? [3-29-6]

6. raakSasa = oh, demon; daNDaka araNye vasataH = in Dandaka, forest, while living in; dharma caariNaH = virtue, treaders; mahaa bhaagaan = highly, propitious ones; taapasaan = sages; hatvaa = on killing; kim nu phalam praapsyasi = why [what], really, fruit [benefit,] you will gain.

Verse 7

न चिरम् पाप कर्माणः क्रूरा लोक जुगुप्सिताः |
ऐश्वर्यम् प्राप्य तिष्ठन्ति शीर्ण मूला इव द्रुमाः || ३-२९-७

“Even if a fortune is made for a lavish living with an iota of merit, the evildoers, that too reprobates, further more those that are abominated by world will not last long, no more that petrified tree trunks. [3-29-7]

7. paapa karmaaNaH = evil, doers; loka jugupsitaaH = by world, abominated; kruuraa = reprobates; aishvaryam praapya = a fortune, on getting – on making [for lavish living]; shiirNa muulaa drumaaH iva = petrified, base [trunk,] of tree, as with; ciram na tiSThanti = long-lastingly, will not, sit tight – will not last long.

Verse 8

अवश्यम् लभते कर्ता फलम् पापस्य कर्मणः |
घोरम् पर्यागते काले द्रुमः पुष्पम् इव आर्तवम् || ३-२९-८

“One who undertakes evildoings will definitely and seasonably reap their fruits, which in his case will be ghoulish, as with the flowering of trees according to season. [3-29-8]

8. kaale pari aagate = of time, upon, coming; kartaa = doer [jantuH = people]; paapasya karmaNaH = of evil, doings; ghoram phalam = ghastly, result; drumaH = trees; aartavam = seasonal; puSpam iva = flower, as with; avashyam labhate = definitely, reaps.

Verse 9

न चिरात् प्राप्यते लोके पापानाम् कर्मणाम् फलम् |
स विषाणाम् इव अन्नानाम् भुक्तानाम् क्षणदाचर || ३-२९-९

“In the world one acquires the fruit of profane acts not before long, oh, nightwalker, and it will be like venomous food devoured. [3-29-9]

9. kSaNadaacara = oh, nightwalker; loke = in world; paapaanaam karmaNaam phalam = of profane, acts, fruit of; bhuktaanaam sa viSaaNaam annaanaam iva = devoured, with, venom, food, as with; na ciraat praapyate = not, long after, is acquired.

Verse 10

पापम् आचरताम् घोरम् लोकस्य अप्रियम् इच्छ्हताम् |
अहम् आसादितो राज्ञा प्राणान् हन्तुम् निशाचर || ३-२९-१०

“I am the king who arrived to exterminate the lives of those that perpetrate hideous sins, and even of those that wish to do evils to the disapprobation of world.

10. nishaacara = oh nightwalker; ghoram paapam aacarataam = hideous, evil, perpetrators; lokasya a priyam icChataam = world’s, not, approbatory, those wishful of; praaNaan hantum = lives, to exterminate; [raajaa] raaj~naa = [king] at the behest of king; aham aasaaditaH = I, arrived.

Verse 11

अद्य भित्वा मया मुक्ताः शराः कांचन भूषणाः |
विदार्य अतिपतिष्यन्ति वल्मीकम् इव पन्नगाः || ३-२९-११

“Now, my arrows that are decorated in gold will be released on you like snakes rebounding from a snake-pit, and they will tear you asunder, and on riving you they will bounce back into my quivers. [3-29-11]

11. adya = now; mayaa muktaaH kaancana bhuuSaNaaH = by me, released, in gold, decorated; sharaaH = arrows; pannagaaH valmiikam iva = snakes, from snake-pit, like; tvaam = you; bhitvaa = on tearing; vi daarya = verily, on riving; ati patiSyanti = out, they fall – they go out, bounce back.

Verse 12

ये त्वया दण्डकारण्ये भक्षिता धर्म चारिणः |
तान् अद्य निहतः संख्ये स सैन्यो अनुगमिष्यसि || ३-२९-१२

“Now eliminated in war, you along with your army will tread behind those sages that were treading the path of virtue, on whom you have so far feasted in Dandaka forest. [3-29-12]

12. tvayaa = by you; daNDakaaraNye = in Dandaka forest; ye = those are; dharma caariNaH = virtue, treaders – sages; bhakSitaa = are eaten; taan = them [the sages]; adya = now; sankhye nihataH = [you] eliminated, in war; sa sainyaH = with, your army; anu gamiSyasi = in tow, you will follow – tread behind.

Verse 13

अद्य त्वाम् निहतम् बाणैः पश्यन्तु परमर्षयः |
निरयस्थम् विमानस्था ये त्वया निहता पुरा || ३-२९-१३

“Let the supreme sages who were earlier slain by you may now see abiding on their aircrafts, your abidance in hellish death pangs when assaulted with my arrows. [3-29-13]

13. puraa tvayaa ye nihataa = earlier, by you, who are, slain; such of them; paramarSayaH = supreme-sages; vimaana sthaa = abiding in aircrafts; adya = now; baaNaiH nihatam = with arrows, slain – assaulted; nirayastham = [your] abidance in hell; tvaam pashyantu = you, let them see.

Verse 14

प्रहरस्व यथा कामम् कुरु यत्नम् कुलाधम |
अद्य ते पातयिष्यामि शिरः ताल फलम् यथा || ३-२९-१४

“Attack me as you wish… make an effort… you the knave of your clan… now I am going to toss your head down like a palm-fruit…” Thus Rama addressed Khara. [3-29-14]

14. kula adhama = clan’s, knave of; yathaa kaamam praharasva = as, you wish, you attack; yatnam kuru = an effort, you make; adya te shiraH = now, your, head; taala phalam yathaa = palm, fruit, as with; paatayiSyaami = I wish to toss down.

Verse 15

एवम् उक्तः तु रामेण क्रुद्धः संरक्त लोचनः |
प्रति उवाच ततो रामम् प्रहसन् क्रोध मूर्चितः || ३-२९-१५

But when Rama said thus, Khara is infuriated and convulsed in anger, and he replied Rama with bloodshot eyes, laughing boisterously. [3-29-15]

15. raameNa evam uktaH tu = by Rama, thus, [Khara is] said, but; [kharaH] kruddhaH = [Khara] is infuriated; samrakta locanaH = with bloodshot, eyes; tataH prahasan = thereupon, laughing at; krodha muurchitaH = in anger, convulsed; raamam = to Rama; prati uvaaca = replied.

Verse 16

प्राकृतान् राक्षसान् हत्वा युद्धे दशरथ आत्मज |
आत्मना कथम् आत्मानम् अप्रशस्यम् प्रशंससि || ३-२९-१६

“On killing average demons in war, oh, son of Dasharatha, how you praise yourself when you yourself are un-praiseworthy?” Thus Khara started to speak to Rama. [3-29-16]

16. dasharatha aatmaja = oh, Dasharatha’s, son; yuddhe praakR^itaan raakSasaan hatvaa = in war, primitive – average, demons, on killing; a prashasyam = not, praiseworthy; aatmaanam = about yourself; aatmanaa = yourself; katham prashamsasi = how, you are praising.

Verse 17

विक्रान्ता बलवन्तो वा ये भवन्ति नरर्षभाः |
कथयन्ति न ते किंचित् तेजसा स्वेन गर्विताः || ३-२९-१७

“Those best of men that are victorious and mighty will not boast anything, for they will be really proud of their own valour. [3-29-17]

17. ye nararSabhaaH = those, best of men; vikraantaa balavantaH vaa = victorious, vigorous ones, either; bhavanti = will be there; te svena tejasaa garvitaaH = they, of their own, with valour, becoming proud; na kimcit kathayanti = not, anything, they say – boast.

Verse 18

प्राकृताः तु अकृत आत्मानो लोके क्षत्रिय पांसनाः |
निरर्थकम् विकत्थन्ते यथा राम विकत्थसे || ३-२९-१८

“Oh, Rama, as to how undignified Kshatriya-s that are frivolous and irresolute in self-confidence will boast in the world, likewise you too are boasting in a meaningless manner. [3-29-18]

18. raama = oh, Rama; loke = in world; a kR^ita aatmaanaH = not, perfected, with selves – irresolute in self-confidence; praakR^itaaH tu = frivolous, but; kSatriya paamsanaaH = Kshatriya, undignified one; yathaa vikatthase = as to how, they are boasting; likewise; nir arthakam vi katthante = not, meaningful, verily, they speak up – you boast in a meaningless manner.

Verse 19

कुलम् व्यपदिशन् वीरः समरे को अभिधास्यति |
मृत्यु काले हि संप्राप्ते स्वयम् अप्रस्तवे स्तवम् || ३-२९-१९

“Who will be that valiant that speaks about his lineage at wartime, that too, when the death-time is looming large! And, there will there be someone who broaches his self-extols in such an inopportune situation, is it! [3-29-19]

19. mR^ityu kaale sampraapte = at death, time, on arrival of – looming large; viiraH = valiant one; kaH samare kulam vyapadishan = who, in wartime, his lineage, while speaking about; a prastave = not, appropriate time – inopportunely; svayam stavam = personally, self-extol; abhidhaasyati hi = broaches, is it!

Verse 20

सर्वथा तु लघुत्वम् ते कत्थनेन विदर्शितम् |
सुवर्ण प्रतिरूपेण तप्तेन इव कुश अग्निना || ३-२९-२०

“Howsoever your ignominy is well shown by your self-praise, like the manifestation of gold on the tip of grass-blade burnt by fire, where the fire on grass-blade is no fire, and the bulb of fire appearing at the tip of grass-blade as a bulb of gold, is no gold. [3-29-20]

20. katthanena = by self-praise; by you; taptena = burnt; suvarNa prati ruupeNa = golden, in reflection, aspect – having the aspect of gold; kusha agninaa iva = grass-blade, by fire, as with; sarvathaa tu laghutvam te = howsoever, but, ignominy, yours; vi darshitam = well, shown.

Verse 21

न तु माम् इह तिष्ठंतम् पश्यसि त्वम् गदा धरम् |
धराधरम् इव अकंप्यम् पर्वतम् धातुभिः चितम् || ३-२९-२१

“But you are seeing me wielding a mace and standing before you like an unshakable and jagged mountain laden with ores, isn’t it! [3-29-21]

21. tvam = you; gadaa dharam = mace, wielding; iha tiSThantam = here, staying – standing; dhaatubhiH citam = by ores, laden; parvatam = having nubs, protuberances, jagged; dharaa dharam iva = earth, borne by – mountain, like; a kampyam = not, shakeable; maam tu na pashyasi nanu = me, but, not, you see, isn’t it.

Verse 22

पर्याप्तो अहम् गदा पाणिर् हन्तुम् प्राणान् रणे तव |
त्रयाणाम् अपि लोकानाम् पाश हस्त इव अंतकः || ३-२९-२२

“As to how the Terminator wielding noose is enough to take away all the lives in all the three worlds, handling my mace I am enough for detracting your life from you. [3-29-22]

22. paasha hasta antakaH = noose, wielder, terminator; trayaaNaam lokaanaam api iva = for three, worlds, even for the [lives in those three worlds,] as with; raNe tava praaNaan hantum = in war, your, lives, to destroy – to kill; gadaa paaNiH aham paryaaptaH = with mace, in hand, I am, enough.

Verse 23

कामम् बहु अपि वक्तव्यम् त्वयि वक्ष्यामि न तु अहम् |
अस्तम् प्राप्नोति सविता युद्ध विघ्नः ततो भवेत् || ३-२९-२३

“Even though much is to be said in your respect I will not continue to say, for the sun is getting at the dusk thereby disruption to war occurs. [3-29-23]

23. tvayi = in your respect; bahu vaktavyam api kaamam = much, is to be said, though, really; tu = but; aham na vakSyaami = I am, not, tell – I will not continue to say; savitaa astam praapnoti = sun, dusk, getting at; tataH yuddha vighnaH bhavet = thereby, for war, disruption, occurs.

Verse 24

चतुर्दश सहस्राणि राक्षसानाम् हतानि ते |
त्वत् विनाशात् करोमि अद्य तेषाम् अश्रु प्रमार्जनम् || ३-२९-२४

“You have killed fourteen thousand demons and on killing you I will wipe the tears of the wives of those dead demons today itself.” Khara said so to Rama. [3-29-24]

24. te = to you – by you; raakSasaanaam caturdasha sahasraaNi hataani = demons, fourteen, thousand, are killed; [eSa = this me]; tvat vi naashaat = on your, utter, eradication – on killing you; teSaam ashru pramaarjanam = their [their wives,] tears, wiping; adya karomi = today itself, I will do.

Verse 25

इति उक्त्वा परम क्रुद्धः ताम् गदाम् परम अन्गदाम् |
खरः चिक्षेप रामाय प्रदीप्ताम् अशनिम् यथा || ३-२९-२५

Saying thus that highly infuriated Khara hurled his mace towards Rama, around which there are superb golden cinctures, and which is extremely glaring like a thunderbolt. [3-29-25]

25. iti uktvaa = thus, saying; kharaH = Khara; parama kruddhaH = highly, infuriated; parama angadaam = [mace] with superb, [golden] cinctures; [parama angdaH = one who has superb bicep-lets, Khara]; pra ndiiptaam ashanim yathaa = extremely glaring, thunderbolt, which is like; taam gadaam = that, mace; raamaaya cikSepa = for Rama – towards Rama, hurled.

Verse 26

खर बाहु प्रमुक्ता सा प्रदीप्ता महती गदा |
भस्म वृक्षाम् च गुल्माम् च कृत्वा अगात् तत् समीपतः || ३-२९-२६

Forcefully discharged from Khara’s hands that highly fiery and stupendous mace rendering trees and shrubs down to ashes darted towards Rama. [3-29-26]

26. khara baahu pra muktaa = by Khara’s, arms, forcefully discharged; pra diiptaa mahatii gadaa = highly, fiery, stupendous, mace; vR^ikSaam ca gulmaam ca = trees, also, shrubs, also; bhasma kR^itvaa = to ashes, making – on rendering down; saa = that mace; tat samiipataH agaat = to his [Rama’s,] near, has gone – darted out.

Verse 28

सा विशीर्णा शरैः भिन्ना पपात धरणी तले |
गदा मंत्र औषधि बलैर् व्याली इव विनिपातिता || ३-२९-२८

That mace splintered with arrows of Rama fell crumbling onto the surface of earth as a springing female snake would fall down by the strength of spells and nostrums. [3-29-28]

28. sharaiH bhinnaa = by arrows, splintered; saa gadaa = that, mace; mantra auSadhi balaiH = by spells, by nostrums, by the strengths of; vi ni paatitaa = utterly, down, fallen came to naught; vyaalii iva = female snake, as with; vi shiirNaa = absolutely, crumbled; dharaNii tale = earth’s, on surface; papaata = fell down.

Verse 27

ताम् आपतन्तीम् महतीम् मृत्यु पाश उपमाम् गदाम् |
अंतरिक्ष गताम् रामः चिच्छ्हेद बहुधा शरैः || ३-२९-२७

When that monstrous mace similar to the halter of the Terminator is swooping down, Rama smashed it to smithereens with his arrows while it is still sky rocketing. [3-29-27]

27. aa patantiim = coming, falling upon – swooping down; mahatiim = monstrous [mace]; mR^ityu paasha upamaam = Terminator, halter, in simile; such a mace; taam gadaam = that, mace; antarikSa gataam = while sky, rocketing; raamaH sharaiH bahudhaa cicCheda = Rama, with arrows, variously, smashed – to smithereens.

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