28 – vishvAmitra teaches rAma about annulment of missiles


Rama requests sage Vishvamitra for endowing annulment missiles, besides projectile ones that have been accorded in the previous chapter. Sage Vishvamitra accords them, and while they are journeying further, they chance to see a picturesque forest on their way and Rama enquires about it.

Verse 1

प्रतिगृह्य ततोऽस्त्राणि प्रहृष्टवदनः शुचिः |
गच्छन्नेव च काकुत्स्थो विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत् || १-२८-१

On becoming personally purified Rama, the descendent of Kakutstha-s, received the missiles, and then on their way he is now speaking to Sage Vishvamitra with a pleasant face. [1-28-1]

1. kaakutsthaH = Kakustha descendent, Rama; shuciH = decent one, Rama; astraaNi pratigR^ihya = missiles, on receiving; tataH prahR^iSTavadanaH = then, with a pleasant face; gacChan eva = while on the way, thus; atha = then – now; vishvaamitram abraviit = he is speaking to Vishvamitra.

Verse 2

गृहीतास्त्रोऽस्मि भगवन् दुराधर्षः सुरैरपि |
अस्त्राणां त्वहमिच्छामि संहारं मुनिपुंगव || १-२८-२

“Oh, godly sage, I have taken the missiles and became unassailable even for gods, but oh, eminent sage, I wish to know the annulment of missiles too.” So said Rama to the sage. [1-28-2]

2. bhagavan = oh god; gR^ihiitaastraH asmi = I have taken missiles; suraiH api duraadharSaH [asmi] = I have become unassailable even to gods ; munipungava = oh the eminent sage; aham tu = I, but; astraaNaam samhaaram icChaami = I wish [to know] annulment for the missiles annulment.

Verse 3

एवं ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः |
संहारान् व्याजहाराथ धृतिमान् सुव्रतः शुचिः || १-२८-३

When Rama of Kakutstha said thus, next that resolute, well-averred and purified sage of eminence Vishvamitra imparted the knowledge of annulment missiles. [1-28-3]

3. kaakutsthe evam bruvati = thus said by Rama; atha = next; dhR^itimaan suvrataH shuciH = resolute, well-averred one, purified one; vishvaamitraH mahaamuniH = Vishvamitra, great saint; samhaaraan vyaajahaara = started to say – imparted the knowledge of annulment.

Verse 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10

सत्यवन्तं सत्यकीर्तिं धृष्टं रभसमेव च |
प्रतिहारतरं नाम पराङ्मुखमवाङ्मुखम् || १-२८-४
लक्ष्यालक्ष्याविमौ चैव दृढनाभसुनाभकौ |
दशाक्षशतवक्त्रौ च दशशीर्षशतोदरौ || १-२८-५
पद्मनाभमहानाभौ दुन्दुनाभस्वनाभकौ |
ज्योतिषं शकुनं चैव नैराश्यविमलावुभौ || १-२८-६
यौगंधरविनिद्रौ च दैत्यप्रमधनौ तथा |
सार्चिर्माली धृतिर्माली वृत्तिमान् रुचिरस्तथा || १-२८-७
पित्र्यः सौमनसश्चैव विधूतमकरावुभौ |
करवीरकरं चैव धनधान्यौ च राघव || १-२८-८
कामरूपं कामरुचिं मोहमावरणं तथा |
जृंभकं सर्पनाभं च पन्थानवरणौ तथा || १-२८-९
कृशाश्वतनयान् राम भास्वरान् कामरूपिणः |
प्रतीच्छ मम भद्रं ते पात्रभूतोऽसि राघव || १-२८-१०

“Oh, Raghava, take these radiant missile-children of Krishaasva from me, namely Satyavanta, Satyakeerti, Dhristha, Rabhasa, Pratihaaratara, Paraanmuka, Avaanmukha, Lakshya, Alakshya, Dhridhanaabha, Sunaabha, Dashaaksha, Shatavaktra, Dashasheersha, Shatodara, Padmanaabha, Mahaanaabha, Dundunaabha, Svanaabha, Jyotisha, Shakuna, Nairaashya, Vimala, Yaugandhara, Vinidra, Daitya, Pramadhana, Suchibaahu, Mahaabaahu, Nishkali, Viruchi, Saarchirmaali, Dhritirmaali, Vrittiman, Ruchira, Pitrya, Saumanasa, and also thus Vidhoota, Makara, are two of them…Karaveerakara, Dhana, Dhaanya, Kaamaroopa, Kaamaruchi, Moha, Aavarana, and thus Jrimbhaka, Sarvanaabha, Varana… and these are the guise changing wizards and you are the eligible one to handle these missiles, let safety be with you.” Thus Vishvamitra gave missiles to Rama. [1-28-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Raaghava = oh Raghava; Rama; satyavantam = Satyavanta; satyakiirtim = Satyakirti; dhR^iSTam = Dhristha; rabhasam = Rabhasa; eva ca = like that, also; pratihaarataram = Pratihaaratara; naama = named; paraa~nmukham = Paraanmukam; avaa~nmukham = Avaanmukha; lakShyaalakSyau = Lakshya and Alakshya; imau ca eva = these, also, thus; dR^iDhanaabhasunaabhakau = Dhridhanaabha and Sunaabha; dashaakShashatavaktrau = Dashaaksha ans Shatavaktra; ca = also; dashashiirShashatodarau = dashashiirsha and Shatodara; padmanaabhamahaanaabhau = Padmanaabha and Mahaanaabha; dundunaabhasvanaabhakau = Dundunaabha and Svanaabha; jyotisham = Jyotisha; shakunam = Shakuna; ubhau ca eva = the two also, thus; nairaashyavimalau = Nairaashya and Vimala; yaugandharavinidrau = Yaugandhara and Vinidra; ca = also; daityapramadhanau = Daitya and Pramadhana; tathaa = then; shucibaahuH = Suchibaahu; mahaabaahuH = Mahaabaahu; niSkaliH = Nishkali; viruciH = Viruchi; tathaa = like that; saarchirmaalii = Saarchirmaali; dhR^itirmaalii = Dhritirmaali; vrittimaan = Vrittiman; ruchiraH = Ruchira; tathaa = then; pitryaH = Pitrya; saumanasaH = Saumanasa; ca eva = also, thus; vidhuutamakarau = Vidhoota and Makara; ubhau = two of them; karaviirakaram = Karaveerakara; ca eva = also; dhanadhaanyau = Dhana and Dhaanya; kaamaruupam = Kaamaroopa; kaamarucim = Kaamaruchi; moham = Moha; tathaa = thus; aavaraNam = Aavarana; jR^imbhakam = Jrimbhaka; Sarpanaabham = Sarpanaabha; ca = also; panthaanavaraNau = Panthaana and Varana; bhaasvaraan = radiant ones; tathaa = thus; kaamaruupiNaH = disguise-wizards; kR^ishaashvatanayaan = children of Krishaashva – the missiles; mama pratiicCha = you take from me; te bhadram = safety to you; paatrabhuutaH asi = you are eligible one.

Verse 11, 12 & 13

बाढमित्येव काकुत्स्थ प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना |
दिव्यभास्वरदेहाश्च मूर्तिमन्तः सुखप्रदाः || १-२८-११
केचिदङ्गारसदृशाः केचिद् धूमोपमास्तथा |
चन्द्रार्कसदृशाः केचित् प्रह्वांजलिपुटास्तथा || १-२८-१२
रामं प्रांजलयो भूत्वाऽब्रुवन् मधुरभाषिणः |
इमे स्म नरशार्दूल शाधि किं करवाम ते || १-२८-१३

Gladdening in his heart of hearts Rama of Kakutstha received the annulment missiles saying, “Agreed! Sire!” Those missiles are with radiantly divine bodies, appealing and endowing bliss. Some are fire-like, some smoke-like, and some moon-like and some sun-like, and such as they are, some of them holding out their hollowed palms, and some with palms adjoined melodiously spoke to Rama saying, “here we are, oh, tigerly man, what can we do for you.” [1-28-11, 12, 13]

11, 12, 13. kaakutstha = Kakustha Rama; prahR^iSTena = gladdened; antaraatmanaa = in inner soul; baaDham iti eva = ‘thus only’, saying thus; received those missiles; divyabhaasvaradehaaH ca = divine radiant bodied, also; muurtimantaH = appealing ones; sukhapradaaH = bliss-endowers; kechit angaarasadR^ishaaH = some, fire-like; kechit dhuumopamaaH = some, smoke-like, thus; tathaa = like that; chandraarkasadR^ishaaH = similar to moon and sun; kechit = some; prahvaanjalipuTaaH = holding-out concave palms – adjoined hollow palms in reverence – as in begging; tathaa = then; praanjalayaH bhuutvaa = adjoined palms, on becoming; madhurabhaaShiNaH = melodically speaking; raamam abruvan = to Rama, said; narashaarduula = oh tigerly man; ime sma = here, we are; shaadhi = order us; te kim karavaama = what can we do for you.

Verse 14

गम्यतामिति तानाह यथेष्टं रघुनन्दनः |
मानसाः कार्यकालेषु साहाय्यं मे करिष्यथ || १-२८-१४

“While remaining in my memory you assist me as and when needed, and till then you may go away as you wish,” thus that legatee of Raghu-s said to those deities of annulment missiles. [1-28-14]

14. maanasaaH = [while remaining in] memory; kaaryakaaleShu = in work’s time [need of the hour]; me saahaayyam kariSyatha = you render assistance to me; till then; yatheSTam gamyataam = you can go as you wish; iti raghunandanaH taan aaha = thus, Ragu’s legatee said to them.

Verse 15

अथ ते राममामन्त्र्य कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्
एवमस्त्विति काकुत्स्थमुक्त्वा जग्मुर्यथागतम् || १-२८-१५

15. atha te = then, they; evam astu iti = thus, it will be, thus; kaakutstham uktvaa = on saying to Kakutstha’s legatee ; pradakShiNam ca api kR^itvaa = even on performing circumambulation also; raamam aamantrya = consented by Rama; jagmuH yathaagatam = went away, as they have come.

Saying “it will be done that way” to Rama, the legatee of Kakutstha-s, also on performing circumambulation to him and then on taking his consent those deities have gone away as they have come. [1-28-15]

Verse 16

स च तान् राघवो ज्ञात्वा विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम् |
गच्छन्नेवाथ मधुरं श्लक्ष्णं वचनमब्रवीत् || १-२८-१६

After learning the nullifying missiles and then while proceeding on the walkway Raghava asked the great sage Vishvamitra with sweet and soft words. [1-28-16]

16. saH raaghavaH ca = he that Raghava, also; taan j~naatvaa = them – annulment missiles, on knowing – learning; atha gacChan eva = then, while going – on path, only; vishvaamitram mahaamunim = to Vishvamitra, great sage; madhuram shlakShNam vacanam abraviit = sweet, soft, words, spoke – asked.

Verse 17 & 18

किं न्वेतन्मेघसंकाशं पर्वतस्याविदूरतः |
वृक्षखण्डमिवाभाति परं कौतूहलं हि मे || १-२८-१७
दर्शनीयं मृगाकीर्णं मनोहरमतीव च |
नानाप्रकारैः शकुनैर्वल्गुभाषैरलंकृतम् || १-२८-१८

“What is this cloudlike picturesque thicket shining forth not very far away on this side of mountain, with animals spreading over it, and embellished with numerous kinds of birds that have pleasant callings it is highly soul-delighting, thus, my inquisitiveness is growing very much to know it, what is this, really! [1-28-17, 18]

17, 18. itaH parvatasya = on this side, of mountain; aviduurataH = not very far; meghasankaasham = cloud-like formation; darshaniiyam = picturesque; mR^igaakiirNam = spread-over with animals; atiiva manoharam = highly, heart pleasing one; valgubhaaSaiH = with pleasant callings [of birds]; naanaaprakaaraiH shakunaiH alankR^itam = embellished with numerous, kinds of, birds; vR^ikShakhaNDam = a group of trees – a thicket; bhaati = is shining forth; etat kim nu = this, what, really; me param kautuuhalam hi = to me, very much, inquisitiveness, indeed.

Verse 19 & 20a

निःसृताः स्म मुनिश्रेष्ठ कान्ताराद्रोमहर्षणात् |
अनया त्ववगच्छामि देशस्य सुखवत्तया || १-२८-१९
सर्वं मे शंस भगवन् कस्याश्रमपदं त्विदम् |

“By the nature of happy environs at this place, oh, eminent sage, I understand that we have come out of the extremely alarming forest of Tataka, but oh, god, whose hermitage’s threshold is this, kindly tell me all. [1-28-19]

19, 20a. munishreSTha = oh the eminent sage; anayaa deshasya sukhavattayaa = by this, place’s, happy environs; romaharSaNaat kaantaaraat = from hair-raising, forest [extremely alarming forest of Tataka]; niHsR^itaaH sma = we have came out ; thus; avagacChaami = I understand; idam kasya aashramapadam = this is, whose, hermitage’s threshold; bhagavan = oh god; sarvam me shamsa = all you tell to me.

Verse 20b, 21 & 22

संप्राप्ता यत्र ते पापा ब्रह्मघ्ना दुष्टचारिणः | १-२८-२०
तव यज्ञस्य विघ्नाय दुरात्मानो महामुनेः |
भगवंस्तस्य को देशः सा यत्र तव याज्ञिकी || १-२८-२१
रक्षितव्या क्रिया ब्रह्मन् मया वध्याश्च राक्षसाः |
एतत्सर्वं मुनिश्रेष्ट श्रोतुमिच्छाम्यहं प्रभो || १-२८-२२

“Oh, great saint, where are those murderers of Brahmans? Oh, venerable one, at which place those evil minded sinners and evildoers will be coming to hinder your ritual? And where, oh, Brahman, I have to safeguard your ritual ceremonies, and demons too are to be eliminated? Oh, eminent sage, what is that place? I would like to hear all of it.” Rama asked Vishvamitra in that way. [1-28-20b, 21, 22]

20b, 21, 22. mahaamune = oh great saint; bhagavan = oh venerable one; brahman = oh Brahman; yatra = where; brahmaghnaaH = murderers of Brahman; duSTacaariNaH = evildoers; duraatmanaH = evil-minded ones; te paapaaH = those, sinners; tava yaj~nasya vighnaaya = for hindrance of your ritual ; sampraaptaaH = they have come – are coming; tava yaaj~nikii kriyaa = your, ceremonies pertaining to ritual; saa yatra = those [ritual works,] where; mayaa rakShitavyaa = to be safeguarded by me; raakShasaaH ca vadhyaaH = demons, also, to be eliminated; tasya deshaH kaH = that, place, is what; munishreSTa = oh the eminent sage; prabho = oh lord; aham etat sarvam = I, all, this; shrotum icChaami = wish to to listen.

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