28 – Khara’s war with Rama


Khara the demon brother of Shuurpanakha confronts Rama when all of his valiant warriors are eliminated. He wages a fearful war showing all his expertise and he even brings down the amour of Rama with his arrows. The combat of Rama and Khara takes a longer time, as Khara is not easy-to-deal demon.

Verse 1

निहतम् दूषणम् दृष्ट्वा रणे त्रिशिरसा सह |
खरस्य अपि अभवत् त्रासो दृष्ट्वा रामस्य विक्रमम् || ४-२८-१

Khara is intimidated on seeing the elimination of Duushana along with Trishira inasmuch as the intrepidity of Rama is concerned. [4-28-1]

1. raNe trishirasaa saha = in war, Trishira, along with; nihatam duuSaNam dR^iSTvaa = slain, Duushana, on seeing; raamasya vikramam dR^iSTvaa = Rama’s, intrepidity, on seeing [inasmuch as]; kharasya traasaH api abhavat = of Khara, intimidated, even, became.

Verse 2 & 3

स दृष्ट्वा राक्षसम् सैन्यम् अविषह्यम् महाबलम् |
हतम् एकेन रामेण दूषणः त्रिशिरा अपि || ४-२८-२
तद् बलम् हत भूयिष्ठम् विमनाः प्रेक्ष्य राक्षसः |
आससाद खरो रामम् नमुचिर् वासवम् यथा || ४-२८-३

On seeing the annihilation of the insufferable and mighty force of demons, even that of Duushana and Trishira by lone Rama, and thus to apprehend that the demonic force is wholly destructed, that demon Khara became apprehensive, and then he lunged at Rama, as with demon Namuchi who once lunged at Indra. [4-28-2, 3]

2, 3. saH kharaH = he Khara; mahaabalam aviSahyam raakSasam sainyam = mighty force, insufferable, demon’s, force; ekena raameNa hatam = by lone one, by Rama, as annihilated; trishiro duuSaNaH api = Trishira, Duushana, even [as eliminated]; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; raakSasaH tat balam = demons, that, force; hata bhuuyiSTham = destructed, wholly; prekSya = on observing – apprehending; vi manaaH = without, heart – became apprehensive; namuciH vaasavam yathaa = Namuchi [the demon,] to Indra, as with; raamam aasasaada = at Rama, reached out – lunged at.

Verse 4

विकृष्य बलवत् चापम् नाराचान् रक्त भोजनान् |
खरः चिक्षेप रामाय क्रुद्धान् आशी विषान् इव || ४-२८-४

Forcefully drawing the bowstring fitted with iron-arrows, which looked like furious serpents of venom ingesting only blood, Khara discharged them on Rama. [4-28-4]

4. kharaH = Khara; balavat caapam vikR^iSya = forcefully, bow [string,] drawing out; kruddhaan aashii viSaan iva = furious one [arrows,] snake, venomous ones, like [arrows]; rakta bhojanaan = that have blood, as their meals; naaraacaan raamaaya cikSepa = iron-arrows, for Rama, discharged.

Verse 5

ज्याम् विधुन्वन् सुबहुशः शिक्षया अस्त्राणि दर्शयन् |
चचार समरे मार्गान् शरै रथ गतः खरः || ४-२८-५

Fidgeting with bowstring in many a way, brandishing missiles with many a skill, Khara moved about the battleground in many a manner, seated on chariot and showing his expertise with arrows. [4-28-5]

5. ratha gataH kharaH = chariot, who is on, Khara; su bahushaH = in very, many ways; jyaam vidhunvan = bowstring, fidgeting; shikSayaa = by [his] training [skills in warfare]; astraaNi darshayan = missiles, brandishing; samare = in war – on battleground; sharaiH = with arrows [showing expertise]; maargaan cacaara = in many ways – in many a manner, moved about.

Verse 6 & 7

स सर्वाः च दिशो बाणैः प्रदिशः च महारथः |
पूरयामास तम् दृष्ट्वा रामो अपि सुमहत् धनुः || ४-२८-६
स सायकैः दुर्विषहैः स स्फुलिन्गैः इव अग्निभिः |
नभः चकार अविवरम् पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिभिः || ४-२८-७

That great chariot-fighter Khara then started to fill all the stretches and inter-stretches with arrows, seeing that even Rama reciprocally started to take aim with his bow Rama, and then filled and made the sky less of leeway with verily unendurable arrows that are like tongues of fire emitting sparks, as with Rain-god chocking the sky with torrents, less of latitude. [4-28-6, 7]

6. mahaa rathaH saH = great-chariot fighter, he that Khara; sarvaaH dishaH ca pra dishaH ca = all, stretches, and, inter-stretches, also; baaNaiH puurayaamaasa = with arrows, started to fill; tam dR^iSTvaa raamaH api = him, on seeing, Rama, even; su mahat dhanuH puurayaamaasa = [his] very, great, bow, started to pull the bowstring – take aim [in reciprocation]; saH = he [Rama]; dur vi SahaiH = not, verily, endurable – unendurable ones; sa sphulingaiH agnibhiH iva = with, sparks, [tongues of] fire, like; saayakaiH = with [such] arrows; parjanyaH vR^iSTibhiH nabhaH iva = Rain-god, with torrents, as with; a vivaram = without, leeway; cakaara = made [chocking the sky.]

Verse 8

तद् बभूव शितैः बाणैः खर राम विसर्जितैः |
परि आकाशम् अनाकाशम् सर्वतः शर संकुलम् || ४-२८-८

No empty space is left out in the space around since it has become riotous with the sharp arrows discharged by Rama and Khara from everywhere. [4-28-8]

8. khara raama visarjitaiH = by Khara, by Rama, discharged; shitaiH baaNaiH = with sharp, arrows; tat pari aakaasham = that, vault of, sky – in and around there; sarvataH shara sankulam = everywhere, arrows, riotous; an aakaasham babhuuva = without, empty space, it became.

Verse 9

शर जाल आवृतः सूर्यो न तदा स्म प्रकाशते |
अन्योन्य वध संरम्भात् उभयोः संप्रयुध्यतोः || ४-२८-९

While both of them are warring with excitement to slay one another, then the sun obscured with the mesh of arrows has not shined. [4-28-9]

9. anyaH anyaH vadha samrambhaat = one, another, to slay, in excitement; ubhayoH = both; sam pra yudhyatoH = mutually, well, while warring; tadaa = then; shara jaala aavR^itaH = arrows, by mesh, obscured; suuryaH na prakaashate sma = sun, not, shining, he is.

Verse 10

ततो नालीक नाराचैः तीक्ष्ण अग्रैः च विकर्णिभिः |
आजघान रणे रामम् तोत्रैर् इव महा द्विपम् || ४-२८-१०

Then with acutely edged tubular, iron, and crescent-edged arrows Khara swatted Rama in that combat, as a great elephant will be swatted with a goad. [4-28-10]

10. tataH = then; Khara; raNe = in combat; naaliika = tubular; naaraacaiH = with iron arrows; tiikSNa agraiH ca = acutely, edged, also; vikarNibhiH = crescent-edged arrows; raamam = Rama is; totraiH mahaa dvipam iva = with a goad, great, elephant, as with; aajaghaana = swatted.

Verse 11

तम् रथस्थम् धनुष् पाणिम् राक्षसम् पर्यवस्थितम् |
ददृशुः सर्व भूतानि पाश हस्तम् इव अंतकम् || ४-२८-११

When charioted Khara came to the presence of Rama with bow in hand and ready for a close combat, that demon appeared to all beings as the Terminator handling his noose. [4-28-11]

11. ratha stham = who is on chariot; dhanuS paaNim = with bow, in hand; paryavasthitam = who is in the presence, ready for a close combat; tam raakSasam = that, demon; paasha hastam antakam iva = noose, handling, Terminator, as if; sarva bhuutaani dadR^ishuH = all, beings, saw at – appeared to be.

Verse 12

हन्तारम् सर्व सैन्यस्य पौरुषे पर्यवस्थितम् |
परिश्रन्तम् महासत्त्वम् मेने रामम् खरः तदा || ४-२८-१२

Khara presumed that greatly indefatigable Rama is wholly fatigued by now, though he has shown his mettle of boldness in eliminating all of the demonic forces, all the while. [4-28-12]

12. kharaH = Khara; sarva sainyasya hantaaram = all, [demonic] forces, eliminator of; pauruSe paryavasthitam = in boldness, abiding – shown his mettle with boldness; mahaa sattvam = greatly, indefatigable one; raamam = at Rama; tadaa = then – by now; pari shrantam = wholly, fatigued; mene = presumed to be.

Verse 13

तम् सिंहम् इव विक्रान्तम् सिंह विक्रान्त गामिनम् |
दृष्ट्वा न उद्विजते रामः सिंहः क्षुद्र मृगम् यथा || ४-२८-१३

On seeing Khara who is prancing like a lion with a gait of a lion, Rama is unruffled like a lion that sees a least beast. [4-28-13]

13. simham iva vikraantam = at him [Khara,] like, prancing; simha vikraanta gaaminam = one who is – lion, pace, with the gait; tam dR^iSTvaa = him [Khara,] on seeing; raamaH = Rama; simhaH kSudra mR^igam yathaa = lion, at least, beat, as with; na udvijate = not, agitated – unruffled.

Verse 14

ततः सूर्य निकाशेन रथेन महता खरः |
आससाद अथ तम् रामम् पतंग इव पावकम् || ४-२८-१४

In a chariot that equals the sun in its radiance then Khara reached Rama as a moth reaches fire. [4-28-14]

14. tataH = then; kharaH = Khara; suurya nikaashena= sun, equalling; mahataa rathena = by great – radiant one, by chariot; raamam = to Rama; patanga paavakam iva = a moth, towards fire, as with; tam aasasaada = him – Rama, reached – attacked.

Verse 15

ततो अस्य सशरम् चापम् मुष्टि देशे महात्मनः |
खरः चिच्छ्हेद रामस्य दर्शयन् हस्त लाघवम् || ४-२८-१५

Showing sleight of hand Khara then broke the handgrip of the bow of that great-souled Rama along with an arrow fitted on it. [4-28-15]

15. tataH = then; kharaH = Khara; hasta laaghavam = hand’s, skill – sleight of hand; darshayan = showing; mahaatmanaH asya raamasya = great-souled one, that, Rama’s; sa sharam caapam = with, arrow, bow; muSTi deshe = at the fist, place- at handgrip; cicCheda = broke.

Verse 16

स पुनः तु अपरान् सप्त शरान् आदाय वर्मणि |
निजघान रणे क्रुद्धः शक्र अशनि सम प्रभान् || ४-२८-१६

Still infuriated Khara has drawn seven more arrows that equal the radiance of Indra’s thunderbolts and hit Rama’s armour in that war. [4-28-16]

16. saH = he, Khara; kruddhaH = infuriated; punaH = again – still; shakra ashani sama prabhaan = Indra’s, thunderbolt, equalling, in radiance; aparaan sapta sharaan aadaaya = other, seven arrows, on drawing; raNe varmaNi nijaghaana = in war, armour, hit at.

Verse 17

ततः शर सहस्रेण रामम् अप्रतिम ओजसम् |
अर्दयित्वा महानादम् ननाद समेरे खरः || ४-२८-१७

Then, on distressing Rama of unequalled vitality with a thousand arrows in that combat Khara blared a loud blare. [4-28-17]

17. tataH = then; kharaH = Khara; a pratima ojasam = not, equalling, in vitality; raamam = Rama is; shara sahasreNa = with arrows, a thousand; ardayitvaa = on distressing; samere mahaa naadam nanaada = in war, great blare, blared.

Verse 18

ततः तत् प्रहतम् बाणैः खर मुक्तैः सुपर्वभिः |
पपात कवचम् भूमौ रामस्य आदित्य वर्चसः || ४-२८-१८

With the arrows released by Khara that have a great egress, then that armour of Rama that has a sun-like resplendence is completely destroyed and fell on the field. [4-28-18]

18. tataH = then; khara muktaiH = by Khara, released; su parvabhiH = those with great, egress; baaNaiH = with arrows; raamasya aaditya varcasaH = of Rama, sun-like, in resplendence; tat kavacam = that, armour; pra hatam = completely, destroyed; bhuumau papaata = on field, fell down.

Verse 19

स शरैः अर्पितः क्रुद्धः सर्व गात्रेषु राघवः |
रराज समरे रामो विधूमो अग्निर् इव ज्वलन् || ४-२८-१९

When all his limbs are hit with arrows Rama is enraged and in that war Rama flared up like a fumeless flaring fire. [4-28-19]

19. sharaiH sarva gaatreSu arpitaH = with arrows, in all, limbs, given to – hit; raaghavaH saH raamaH = one from Raghu’s dynasty, he that, Rama; kruddhaH = is enraged; vi dhuumaH agniH iva jvalan = without, fume, fire, like, flaring; samare raraaja = in war, flared up.

Verse 20

ततो गंभीर निर्ह्रादम् रामः शत्रु निबर्हणः |
चकार अंताय स रिपोः सज्यम् अन्यन् महत् धनुः || ४-२८-२०

Then Rama, the blaster of enemies, strung bowstring to another thunderously blasting bow, to end the enemy. [4-28-20]

20. tataH = then; shatru nibarhaNaH = enemy, blaster; saH raamaH= he that, Rama; ripoH antaaya = of enemy, for ending; gambhiira nirhraadam = thunderously, blasting [bow that has]; anyat mahat dhanuH = another, great, bow; sa jyam = with bowstring; cakaara = made – strung.

Verse 21

सुमहत् वैष्णवम् यत् तत् अतिसृष्टम् महर्षिणा |
वरम् तत् धनुः उद्यम्य खरम् समभिधावत || ४-२८-२१

That which is a very admirable bow of Vishnu and that which is awarded by great-sage Agastya, upraising that choicest bow Rama rushed towards Khara. [4-28-21]

21. tat = that one – renowned bow; yat = which one; su mahat vaiSNavam dhanuH = verily, admirable, Vishnu’s, bow; maharSiNaa ati sR^iSTam = by great-sage [Agastya,] well, released [awarded]; varam = the best one; tat udyamya = that, on upraising; kharam = to Khara; sam abhi dhaavata = verily, towards, rushed [rushed at.]

Verse 22

ततः कनक पुंखैः तु शरैः संनत पर्वभिः |
चिच्छ्हेद रामः संक्रुद्धः खरस्य समरे ध्वजम् || ४-२८-२२

With arrows that have golden fins and curved barbs that highly infuriated Rama then fragmented Khara’s flagstaff with flag in that war. [4-28-22]

22. tataH = then; raamaH sam kruddhaH = Rama, highly infuriated; kanaka punkhaiH = with golden, finned ones; sannata parvabhiH = with curved, barbs; sharaiH = with such arrows; samare kharasya dhvajam = in that war, Khara’s, flag; cicCheda = fragmented.

Verse 23

स दर्शनीयो बहुधा विच्छ्हिन्नः कांचनो ध्वजः |
जगाम धरणीम् सूर्यो देवतानाम् इव आज्ञया || ४-२८-२३

That eye-pleasing golden flagstaff with flag is severally shattered and fell onto ground as if it is god-damned sun fallen on earth. [4-28-23]

23. bahudhaa vicChinnaH = severally, shattered; darshaniiyaH = seeable – good looking; saH kaancanaH dhvajaH = that, golden, flagstaff with flag; devataanaam aaj~nayaa = by god’s, order – damnation; suuryaH iva = sun, as with; dharaNiim jagaama = to earth, went – fallen on earth.

Verse 24

तम् चतुर्भिः खरः क्रुद्धो रामम् गात्रेषु मार्गणैः |
विव्याध हृदि मर्मज्ञो मातंगम् इव तोमरैः || ४-२८-२४

By that Khara is enraged, and as one who is aware of striking crucial parts/war tactics assaulted on the chest of Rama with four arrows, and even on other limbs, as one would prod an elephant with lancets. [4-28-24]

24. kruddhaH = enraged [by fall of flag]; marma j~naH = crucial points, knower [or, knower of war tactics]; kharaH = Khara; tam raamam = at that, Rama; hR^idi = on chest; caturbhiH maargaNaiH = with four, arrows; maatangam tomaraiH iva = elephant, with lancets as if [one would prod]; gaatreSu = on limbs of Rama; vivyaadha = assaulted.

Verse 25

स रामो बहुभिः बाणैः खर कार्मुक निःसृतैः |
विद्धो रुधिर सिक्तांगो बभूव रुषितो भृशम् || ४-२८-२५

Impacted with various arrows unloosened from the bow of Khara, limbs of Rama are drenched in blood and he became highly indignant. [4-28-25]

25. saH raamaH = he, that Rama; khara kaarmuka niHsR^itaiH = from Khara’s, bow, unloosened; bahubhiH baaNaiH = with various, arrows; viddhaH = when impacted; rudhira sikta angaH = with blood, drenched, limbs; bhR^isham ruSitaH babhuuva = highly, indignant, he became.

Verse 26

स धनुर् धन्विनाम् श्रेष्ठः प्रगृह्य परम आहवे |
मुमोच परम इष्वासः षट् शरान् अभिलक्षितान् || ४-२८-२६

On aiming his great bow that ablest one among archers, namely Rama, then in that war released six arrows targeting pointedly. [4-28-26]

26. parama aahave = in that great, war; dhanvinaam shreSThaH = among archers, ablest one; parama iSvaasaH = one who got great, bow; saH = he that Rama; dhanuH pragR^ihya = bow, on taking – on aiming; abhi lakSitaan = the arrow that have already targeted their targets – targeting pointedly; SaT sharaan mumoca = six, arrows, released.

Verse 27

शिरसि एकेन बाणेन द्वाभ्याम् बाह्वोर् अथ आर्पयत् |
त्रिभिः चन्द्र अर्ध वक्त्रैः च वक्षसि अभिजघान ह || ४-२८-२७

Rama indeed hit Khara’s head with one arrow, with two his hands, and next with three crescent shaped arrows he hit his chest. [4-28-27]

27. ekena baaNena shirasi = only one, with arrow, on head; atha = next; dvaabhyaam baahvoH = with two, on hands; aarpayat = given, hit; tribhiH candra ardha vaktraiH ca = with three, moon, half, faced ones, also [crescent shaped arrows]; vakSasi abhijaghaana ha = on chest, toward, hit, indeed.

Verse 28

ततः पश्चात् महातेजा नाराचान् भास्कर उपमान् |
जघान राक्षसम् क्रुद्धः त्रयोदश शिला अशितान् || ४-२८-२८

Then afterwards that great-resplendent Rama wishing to eliminate the demon, infuriately launched thirteen iron arrows that are sharply whetted and similar to the dazzle of sun. [4-28-28]

28. tataH pashcaat = then, afterwards; mahaatejaa kruddhaH = great-resplendent Rama, infuriately; raakSasam jaghaana [jighaaMsu] = demon, to kill; bhaaskara upamaan = sun, similar to [in dazzle]; trayaH dasha naaraacaan = three, ten [thirteen,] iron arrows; shilaa ashitaan = on stone, grind – sharply whetted; [launched.]

Verse 29,30 & 31

रथस्य युगम् एकेन चतुर्भिः शबलान् हयान् |
षष्ठेन च शिरः संख्ये चिच्छ्हेद खर सारथेः || ४-२८-२९
त्रिभिः त्रिवेणून् बलवान् द्वाभ्याम् अक्षम् महाबलः |
द्वादशेन तु बाणेन खरस्य स शरम् धनुः || ४-२८-३०
छ्हित्त्वा वज्र निकाशेन राघवः प्रहसन् इव |
त्रयोदशेन इन्द्र समो बिभेद समरे खरम् || ४-२८-३१

That mighty Raghava who equals Indra in combats, smiling at the warfare of Khara, smashed the yoke of the chariot with one arrow; with four, four of the dappled horses; with the sixth, the head of the charioteer of Khara; with three, the three-pronged shaft from yoke to the base of chariot; with two the axels, thus that chariot is fragmented. Then, on wrecking Khara’s bow on which an arrow is placed with the twelfth, that mighty one Rama impaled Khara with the thirteenth arrow that is similar to a thunderbolt. [4-28-29, 30, 31]

29, 30, 31. samare = in combats; indra samaH = Indra, one who is equal to [Rama]; balavaan = mighty one; raaghavaH = Raghava; prahasan iva = laughing at [making a sport of,] as though; samkhye = in combat; ekena = with one [arrow]; asya rathasya = his [Khara’s,] of chariot; yugam = yoke; and then; caturbhiH shabalaan [caturaH] hayaan = with four, dappled, [four] horses; SaSThena = with sixth [arrow]; khara saaratheH shiraH = Khara’s, charioteer’s, head; tribhiH triveNuum = with three [arrows,] three-pronged shaft [from yoke to body of chariot]; dvaabhyaam akSam = with two, the axle; cicCheda = fragmented [the chariot]; dvaa dashena tu baaNena = two, ten [twelve,] but, with arrows; kharasya sa sharam dhanuH [cicCheda] = Khara’s, together with, arrow, bow; Chittvaa = on wrecking; mahaabalaH = great-mighty [Rama]; vajra nikaashena = thunderbolt, similar [with arrows]; trayodashena = with thirteenth arrow; kharam bibheda = Khara, is impaled.

Verse 33

तत् कर्म रामस्य महारथस्य
समेत्य देवाः च महर्षयः च |
अपूजयन् प्रांजलयः प्रहृष्टाः
तदा विमान अग्र गताः समेताः || ४-२८-३३

The gods as well as great-sages have then came together and assembled in heavens, and those assemblies that are aboard their aircrafts are highly gladdened at the exploit of the great chariot-fighter Rama, and they worshipped him with their adjoined palms. [4-28-33]

33. devaaH ca maharSayaH ca = gods, also, great-sages, too; tadaa = then; sametaaH = assembling; vimaana agra gataaH = on aircrafts, tops, staying; sametyaH = coming together; pra hR^iSTaaH = highly, gladdened; praanjalayaH = with adjoined palms; mahaarathasya raamasya tat karma = great chariot-fighter, Rama’s, that, deed; apuujayan = worshipped.

Verse 32

प्रभग्न धन्वा विरथो हत अश्वो हत सारथिः |
गदा पाणिः अवप्लुत्य तस्थौ भूमौ खरः तदा || ४-२८-३२

With his bow utterly shattered, chariot fragmented, horses killed, and charioteer felled, that Khara then hopped down to ground from the dilapidated chariot wielding a mace, and stood fast. [4-28-32]

32. tadaa = then; pra bhagna dhanvaa = one with utterly, shattered, bow; vi rathaH = one without, chariot; hata ashvaH hata saarathiH = with killed, horses, killed, charioteer; kharaH = Khara; gadaa paaNiH = mace, in hand – wielding it; ava plutya = hopped down; bhuumau = on ground; tasthau = stood fast.

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