23 – Khara’s army face bad-omens


On the starting out of Khara’s demonic forces to wage a war with Rama, many bad omens are foreboded by vultures, animals, and even by nature. Though in the know of the portent evil, Khara proceeds with his army vaingloriously messaging his army that he can overcome these auguries or even Indra, and Rama is nothing before him.

Verse 1

तत् प्रयातम् बलम् घोरम् अशिवम् शोणित उदकम् |
अभ्यवर्षत् महा मेघः तुमुलो गर्दभ अरुणः || ३-२३-१

A massy and tumultuous ass-coloured cloud rained ill-omened bloody water while that fiendish force is advancing. [3-23-1]

1. gardabha aruNaH = ass-like [greyish,] in colour; tumulaH = tumultuous; mahaa meghaH = massy, cloud; prayaatam tat ghoram balam = advancing that, fiendish, army of Khara; a shivam = ill-omened; shoNita udakam = blood, waters; abhyavarSat = rained.

Verse 2

निपेतुः तुरगाः तस्य रथ युक्ता महाजवाः |
समे पुष्पचिते देशे राजमार्गे यदृच्छ्हया || ३-२३-२

The highly speedy horses paired to Khara’s chariot have tottered in a trice, even though that place on the highway is with even surface and spread with flowers. [3-23-2]

2. ratha yuktaa = to chariot, paired; mahaa javaaH tasya turagaaH = highly, speedy, his, horses; raaja maarge = royal, road [high way]; puSpa cite = with flowers, overspread; same deshe = on even [surface,] at places; yadR^icChayaa nipetuH = in a trice, fallen [tottered.]

Verse 3

श्यामम् रुधिर पर्यन्तम् बभूव परिवेषणम् |
अलात चक्र प्रतिमम् प्रतिगृह्य दिवाकरम् || ३-२३-३

Capturing the sun a blackish corona with blood-red outer circle has formed and nested around it like the fiery ring formed by circling a fireball. [3-23-3]

3. divaakaram = sun; prati gR^ihya [pari gR^ihya] = on capturing; shyaamam = blackish; rudhira paryantam [pari antam] = blood-red, at edges – a corona; alaata cakra pratimam = fireball, circle of, in shape; pari veSaNam = a nest nested around; babhuuva = became – formed.

Verse 4

ततो ध्वजम् उपागम्य हेम दण्डम् समुच्छ्ह्रितम् |
समाक्रम्य महाकायः तस्थौ गृध्रः सुदारुणः || ३-२३-४

Then, nearing the golden shaft of the flag of the chariot with a very lofty flagstaff, an awful eagle with massive body occupied and perched atop of that golden shaft. [3-23-4]

4. tataH = then; mahaa kaayaH = massive, bodied; su daaruNaH gR^idhraH = very, awful, eagle; hema daNDam = golden, shaft; sam ucChritam = very, lofty one; dhvajam upaagamya = flag, nearing at; [hema daNDam = golden shaft]; sam aakramya = well, occupying; tasthau = seated.

Verse 5

जनस्थान समीपे च समाक्रम्य खर स्वनाः |
विस्वरान् विविधान् च चक्रुः मांस आदा मृग पक्षिणः || ३-२३-५

Cacophonous and carnivorous predators and vultures took over the nearby places of Janasthaana and they made raucous sounds of many kinds. [3-23-5]

5. khara svanaaH = cacophonous, voiced ones; maamsa aadaa= flesh, eating – carnivorous; mR^iga pakSiNaH = animals [predators,] birds – vultures; janasthaana samiipe sam aakramya = Janasthaana, nearby, took over; vi vidhaan = many, kinds of; vi svaraan = out of, tune – raucous sounds; cakruH = made.

Verse 6

व्याजह्रुः च पदीप्तायाम् दिशि वै भैरव स्वनम् |
अशिवा यातुधानानाम् शिवा घोरा महास्वनाः || ३-२३-६

Turning towards the stretch scorched by the sun, fearsome and loud noised jackals have howled emitting awful sounds, that which is inauspicious to the demons. [3-23-6]

6. ghoraa mahaa svanaaH shivaa = fearsome, loud, noised, jackals; abhi diiptaayaam dishi = very, [by sun] scorched, in direction, towards that stretch; bhairava svanam = [emitting] awful, sounds; yaatudhaanaanaam = to demons; a shivaa vyaajahruH = not, auspicious, made know – they howled.

Verse 7

प्रभिन्नगजसंकाशतोयशोणितधारिणः | – यद्वा –
प्रभिन्न गज संकाश तोय शोणित धारिणः |
आकाशम् तत् अनाकाशम् चक्रुः भीम अंबु वाहकाः|| ३-२३-७

Then frightening clouds similar to bursting mountains carrying bloodlike water have rendered the firmament less of leeway. [3-23-7]

7. pra bhinna gaja [giri] samkaasha = verily, bursting, elephant [mountain,] similar – burst mountains, or, elephants coving the sky ; toya shoNita dhaariNaH = waters, bloodlike, carrying; bhiimaaH ambu vaahakaaH = frightening, water, carriers [clouds]; tadaa = then; aakaasham = that, sky; an aakaasham cakruH = less, leeway, made as.

Verse 8

बभूव तिमिरम् घोरम् उद्धतम् रोम हर्षणम् |
दिशो वा प्रदिशो वा अपि सुव्यक्तम् न चकाशिरे || ३-२३-८

There chanced an abominable, cataclysmic, hair-raising darkness whereby the milieus or inter-milieus are not very clearly brightened. [3-23-8]

8. ghoram uddhatam roma harSaNam = abominable, upheave – cataclysmic, hair, raising; timiram = darkness; babhuuva = became; disha vaa pradishaH vaa api = in milieus, or, inter, milieus, or, even; su vyaktam na cakaashire = very, clearly, not, brightened.

Verse 9 & 10a

क्षतज आर्द्र सवर्णाभा संध्या कालम् विना बभौ |
खरम् च अभिमुखम् नेदुः तदा घोरा मृगाः खगाः || ३-२३-९
कंक गोमायु गृध्राः च चुक्रुशुः भय संशिनः |

An untimely eventide glistened with a colour similar to the one drenched in blood, and then horrendous brutes and birds have clamoured facing Khara directly, and the vultures, jackals and eagles too have screamed portending danger. [3-23-9, 10a]

9, 10a. kaalam vinaa = time, without – untimely; kSataja aardra sa varNa abhaa = blood, drenched, similar, in colour, with hue of – similar to the hue and colour of blood wet object; sandhyaa = eventide; babhau = glistened; tadaa = then; ghoraa mR^igaaH = horrendous, brutes; khagaaH = birds; kharam abhi mukham = at Khara, towards, facing; neduH = clamoured; kanka gomaayu gR^idhraaH ca = vultures, jackals, eagles, also; bhaya samshinaH cukrushuH = danger, portending, screamed.

Verse 10

नित्या अशिव करा युद्धे शिवा घोर निदर्शनाः || ३-२३-१०
नेदुः बलस्य अभिमुखम् ज्वाल उद्गारिभिः आननैः |

Jackals, that too female jackals, are always the agents of inauspiciousness in wars with demonstrable calamities brought forth by their portending howling, and such jackals have now howled in front of Khara’s army with their snouts spewing blazes. [3-23-10]

10. yuddhe = in war; nityaa a hiva karaa = always, not, auspicious, causers of – agents of; ghora nidarshanaaH = calamities, demonstrable for [foretellers]; shivaa = [female] jackals; jvaala udgaaribhiH aananaiH = blazes, spewing, with snouts; balasya abhimukham neduH = forces, in front of, howled.

Verse 11b & 12

कबन्धः परिघ आभासो दृश्यते भास्कर अंतिके || ३-२३-११
जग्राह सूर्यम् स्वर्भानुः अपर्वणि महाग्रहः |
प्रवाति मारुतः शीघ्रम् निष्प्रभो अभूत् दिवाकरः || ३-२३-१२

A spherical object like that of a human trunk is revealed near at the sun, while the sun is rendered shineless as though Rahu, the great eclipsing-planet, has eclipsed him inopportunely, and the wind too whirled frantically. [3-23-11b, 12]

11b, 12. bhaaskara antike = sun, near at; parigha aabhaasaH = club like – spherical object, in shape; kabandhaH = human trunk; dR^ishyate = is revealed; mahaa grahaH = great, planet; svarbhaanuH = Rahu, [the eclipsing planet]; jagraaha suuryam = captured, the sun; maarutaH shiighram pravaati = wind, swiftly, blew – frantically whirled; divaakaraH niS prabhaH abhuut = sun, without, shine, became.

Verse 13 & 14a

उत्पेतुः च विना रात्रिम् ताराः खद्योतन प्रभाः |
संलीन मीन विहगा नलिन्यः शुष्क पंकजाः || ३-२३-१३
तस्मिन् क्षणे बभूवुः च विना पुष्प फलैः द्रुमाः |

Stars sprang up with the brilliance of fireflies though it is not night, and at that moment fishes and waterfowls stood still in lakes, lotuses have dried up, flowers and fruits have dropped from trees as though it is night. [3-23-13, 14a]

13, 14a. kha dyotana prabhaaH = sky, illuminators, with brilliance of – with the brilliance equalling that of fire-flies; taaraaH = stars; vinaa raatrim = without, night nightfall; utpetuH = sprang up – seen; tasmin kSaNe = it that, moment; samliina miina vihagaa = merged – stood still, fishes, waterfowls – that have; nalinyaH = lakes; shuSka pankajaaH = with dried-up, lotuses – they became; drumaaH vinaa puSpa phalaiH babhuuvuH = trees, without, fruits, flowers, became – dropped of from trees.

Verse 14b & 15a

उद्धूतः च विना वातम् रेणुः जलधर अरुणः || ३-२३-१४
चीची कूचि इति वाश्यन्तो बभूवुः तत्र सारिकाः |

Without any puffing of wind dust in brownish-red colour is heaved up, and there the songbirds like Maina started to twitter as ‘cii cii kuu cii’. [3-23-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. vinaa vaatam = without, wind [puffing]; jala dhara aruNaH = water, carrier [like the colour of such clouds,] reddish-brown; reNuH = dust; uddhuutaH = is shoved up; tatra = there; saarikaaH = Sharika birds [Maina, Gracula Reliosa]; cii cii kuu cii = cii, cii, kuu, cii; iti = thus as; vaashyantaH babhuuvuH = twittering, they became – they are confused.

Verse 15b & 16a

उल्काः च अपि स निर्घोषा निपेतुः घोर दर्शनाः || ३-२३-१५
प्रचचाल मही च अपि स शैल वन कानना |

Meteors horrible in their look have fallen down thunderously, and even the earth together with its mountains, woods and forests quaked shakily. [3-23-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. ghora darshanaaH = horrible, in look; sa nir ghoSaa = with, outgoing, sound – thunderously; ulkaaH ca api = meteors, also, even; nipetuH = fell down; sa shaila vana kaananaa = with, mountains, woods, forests; [sarvaa] mahii ca api = [entire] earth, also, even; pracacaala [pra ca caala] = verily, shakily, quaked.

Verse 16b & 17a

खरस्य च रथस्थस्य नर्दमानस्य धीमतः || ३-२३-१६
प्राकंपत भुजः सव्यः स्वरः च अस्य अवसज्जत |

He who is raving while sitting in his chariot that clever Khara’s left shoulder thrilled excessively, and his voice too quavered. [3-23-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. ratha sthasya = in chariot, staying; nardamaanasya dhiimataH = while raving, clever one; kharasya = of Khara; savyaH bhujaH = left, shoulder; praa kampata = excessively, thrilled; asya svaraH ca = his, voice, also; ava sajjata = down, slacked – quavered.

Verse 17b & 18a

स अस्रा संपद्यते दृष्टिः पश्यमानस्य सर्वतः || ३-२३-१७
ललाटे च रुजो जाता न च मोहात् न्यवर्तत |

While he is seeing everywhere his eyes spawned tears for no good reason, his forehead ached, but he did not retrace his steps owing to his own vanity. [3-23-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. sarvataH pashyamaanasya = everywhere, while seeing; [asya = his]; dR^iSTiH = sight – eyes; sa asraa sampadyate = is with, tears, obtained [eyes spawned tears]; lalaaTe ca = on forehead, also; ruja jaataa = ache, is born – occurred; mohaat = owing to imprudence – by vanity; na ca = not, also; niaavartata [ni aa vartata = back, towards, proceeded] = he did not turn back.

Verse 18b & 19a

तान् समीक्ष्य महोत्पातान् उत्थितान् रोम हर्षणान् || ३-२३-१८
अब्रवीत् राक्षसान् सर्वान् प्रहसन् स खरः तदा |

On observing those worst auguries stemming up at that moment with hair-raising nature, Khara laughed them off and said this to all of the demons. [3-23-18b, 19a]

18b, 19a. saH kharaH = he, that Khara; tadaa utthitaan = then – at that moment, stemmed up; taan roma harSaNaan = them, hair, raising ones; mahaa utpaataan = worst, auguries; samiikSya = observing; prahasan = laughing off; sarvaan raakSasaan abraviit = to all, demons, said.

Verse 19b & 20a

महा उत्पातान् इमान् सर्वान् उत्थितान् घोर दर्शनान् || ३-२३-१९
न चिंतयामि अहम् वीर्यात् बलवान् दुर्बलान् इव |

“These awful auguries with their horrible nature have arisen, but owing to my own valour I am unbothered about all of them as with a mighty one unworried of the mightless. [3-23-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. utthitaan = uprisen – cropped up; ghora darshanaan = horrible, appearing [in their nature]; imaan mahaa utpaataan = these, awful, auguries; sarvaan = all of them; aham = I; viiryaat = owing to [my own] valour; balavaan dur balaan iva = mighty one [is unworried of,] not, mighty one [mightless one,] as with; na cintayaami = I am not, thinking – I am unbothered.

Verse 20b & 21a

तारा अपि शरैः तीक्ष्णैः पातयेयम् नभः तलात् || ३-२३-२०
मृत्युम् मरण धर्मेण संक्रुद्धो योजयामि अहम् |

“With the excruciating arrows of mine I can hurtle stars from the face of sky, and if highly infuriated, I can even enjoin mortality to Death himself. [3-23-20b, 21a]

20b, 21a. aham = I; taaraa api = stars, even; sharaiH tiikSNaiH = with arrows, excruciating; nabhaH talaat paatayeyam = from sky’s, plane, make to fall [strike to fall – hurtle]; sam kruddhaH = highly, infuriated; mR^ityum = to Death; maraNa dharmeNa = with death’s, disposition with mortality; yojayaami = I can enjoin.

Verse 21b & 22a

राघवम् तम् बल उत्सिक्तम् भ्रातरम् च अस्य लक्ष्मणम् || ३-२३-२१
अहत्वा सायकैः तीक्ष्णैः न उपावर्तितुम् उत्सहे |

“I am reluctant to return without killing that Rama, a haughty one by his might, together with his brother Lakshmana, with my incisive arrows. [3-23-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. bala utsiktam = by might, enthused – haughty; tam raaghavam = that, Raghava; asya bhraataram lakSmaNam ca = his, brother, Lakshmana, too; tiikSNaiH saayakaiH = with incisive, arrows; a hatvaa = without, killing; upaavartitum [upa aa vartitum] = to return; na utsahe = not, enthusiastic – reluctant.

Verse 22b & 23a

यन् निमित्तम् तु रामस्य लक्ष्मणस्य विपर्ययः || ३-२३-२२
सकामा भगिनी मे अस्तु पीत्वा तु रुधिरम् तयोः |

“In whose respect both Rama and Lakshmana behaved perversely, let that sister of mine be contented in drinking the blood of those two. [3-23-22b, 23a]

22b, 23a. raamasya lakSmaNasya = Rama’s, Lakshmana’s; vi paryayaH = mis, behaviour – perverse of them; yat nimittam = in whose [Shuurpanakha’s,] respect; sa [me] bhaginii = she, [my] sister; tayoH = of those two; rudhiram piitvaa = blood, on drinking; sa kaamaa astu = fulfilled, desire – contented, let her be.

Verse 23b & 24a

न क्वचित् प्राप्त पूर्वो मे संयुगेषु पराजयः || ३-२३-२३
युष्माकम् एतत् प्रत्यक्षम् न अनृतम् कथयामि अहम् |

“No defeat has chanced on me in combats at anytime and anywhere, that to you all is obvious and I tell no untruth. [3-23-23b, 24a]

23b, 24a. me samyugeSu = to me, in combats; kvacit paraajayaH na praaptaH puurvaH = anywhere, defeat, not, chanced, earlier; etat yuSmaakam pratyakSam = that is, to you all, obvious; aham an R^itam = I am, un, truth; na kathayaami = not, telling.

Verse 24b & 25a

देव राजम् अपि क्रुद्धो मत्त ऐरावत गामिनम् || ३-२३-२४
वज्र हस्तम् रणे हन्याम् किम् पुनः तौ च मानुषौ |

“If I am infuriated I can eliminate even the king of gods, wielder of Thunderbolt and a trekker on ruttish elephant Iravata, namely Indra in a war, then why talk about these two humans.” Thus Khara addressed his troops. [3-23-24b, 25a]

24b, 25a. kruddhaH = if I am in fury; matta airaavata gaaminam = ruttish, Iravata elephant, going on – treks; vajra hastam = Thunderbolt, wielder; deva raajam api = god’s, king [Indra,] even; raNe hanyaam = in war, I kill; tau ca [ku] maanuSau = those two, are but, [base] humans; kim punaH = why, [speak of] again.

Verse 25b & 26a

सा तस्य गर्जितम् श्रुत्वा राक्षसाअनाम् महा चमूः || ३-२३-२५
प्रहर्षम् अतुलम् लेभे मृत्यु पाश अवपाशिता |

On hearing that thundering speech of Khara that sizeable army of demons which is tied down by the noose of death obtained an incomparable rejoice. [3-23-25b, 26a]

25b, 26a. mR^ityu paasha ava paashitaa = death’s, by noose, tied, down; saa mahaa camuuH raakSasaaanaam = that, sizable, army, of demons; tasya garjitam shrutvaa = his [Khara’s,] thundered [speech,] on hearing; a tulam = not, comparable; pra harSam lebhe = rejoice, they obtained.

Verse 26b & 27a

समेयुः च महात्मानो युद्ध दर्शन कांक्षिणः || ३-२३-२६
ऋषयो देव गन्धर्वाः सिद्धाः च सह चारणैः |

Then desiring to see the war of Khara with Rama, great-souls like sages, gods, gandharva-s along with carana-s and siddha-s have come together in firmament. [3-23-26b, 27a]

26b, 27a. mahaa aatmaanaH = great souls; R^iSayaH deva gandharvaaH = sages, gods, gandharva-s; siddhaaH ca saha caaraNaiH = siddha-s, also, with, carana-s; yuddha darshana kaankSiNaH = war, see, desiring to; samiiyuH = came together [in firmament.]

Verse 27b & 28a

समेत्य च ऊचुः सहिताः ते अन्यायम् पुण्यकर्मणः || ३-२३-२७
स्वस्ति गो ब्राह्मणेभ्यो अस्तु लोकानाम् ये च सम्मताः |

On gathering at a place those great souls met one another and said, “let good betide cows, Brahmans and those that are held respectful by the people at large.” [3-23-27b, 28a]

27b, 28a. puNya karmaNaH = of pious, deeds; te = those; sametya = gathering at a place; anyaH anyam = other, to other [with one another]; sahitaaH = on meeting; go braahmaNebhyaH = for cows, Brahmans; ye lokaanaam sam mataaH = those, who by people, are respected; to them; svasti astu = good, may betide; [uucuH = said.]

Verse 28

जयताम् राघवो युद्धे पौलस्त्यान् रजनी चरान् || ३-२३-२८
चक्रहस्तो यथा विष्णुः सर्वान् असुर सत्तमान् |

“Let Raghava triumph over these mighty night walkers from the lineage of Pulastya, as with Vishnu who once conquered all the mighty demons in war.” So said celestials to one another. [3-23-28]

28. cakra hastaH viSNuH = dic, handler, Vishnu; yuddhe sarvaan asura sattamaan = in war, all, demons, mighty ones; yathaa = as with, as Vishnu dealt with demons; raaghavaH = Raghava [sankhye = in war]; rajanii caraan paulastyaan = [these] night walkers, belonging to Pulastya dynasty; jayataam = shall triumph over.

Verse 28

जयताम् राघवो युद्धे पौलस्त्यान् रजनी चरान् || ३-२३-२८
चक्रहस्तो यथा विष्णुः सर्वान् असुर सत्तमान् |

“Let Raghava triumph over these mighty night walkers from the lineage of Pulastya, as with Vishnu who once conquered all the mighty demons in war.” So said celestials to one another. [3-23-28]

28. cakra hastaH viSNuH = dic, handler, Vishnu; yuddhe sarvaan asura sattamaan = in war, all, demons, mighty ones; yathaa = as with, as Vishnu dealt with demons; raaghavaH = Raghava [sankhye = in war]; rajanii caraan paulastyaan = [these] night walkers, belonging to Pulastya dynasty; jayataam = shall triumph over.

Verse 29 & 30

एतत् च अन्यत् च बहुशो ब्रुवाणाः परम ऋषयः || ३-२३-२९
जात कौतूहलात् तत्र विमानस्थाः च देवताः |
ददृशुर् वाहिनीम् तेषाम् राक्षसानाम् गत आयुषाम् || ३-२३-३०

While the great sages are speaking about this and many other topics, they and the gods abiding in their aircrafts have inquisitively seen the flow of army of demons, whose longevity is now beyond hope. [3-23-29, 30]

29. etat ca anyat ca bahushaH = this, also, other, also, a good many topics; bruvaaNaaH parama R^iSayaH = while speaking, great, sages; tatra vimaana sthaaH = there, in aircrafts, abiding in; devataaH ca = gods, also; jaata kautuuhalaat = originated, inquisitiveness; gata aayuSaam = those with lapsed – beyond hope, longevity; teSaam raakSasaanaam = their, of demons; vaahiniim dadR^ishuH = [flow of] army, they saw.

Verse 31 & 32

रथेन तु खरो वेगात् सैन्यस्य अग्रात् विनिःसृतः |
श्येनगामी पृथुग्रीवो यज्ञशत्रुः विहंगमः || ३-२३-३१
दुर्जयः करवीराक्षः परुषः कालकार्मुकः |
हेममाली महामाली सर्पाअस्यो रुधिराशनः || ३-२३-३२
द्वादश एते महावीर्याः प्रतस्थुः अभितः खरम् |

Khara speedily bolted in his chariot to the van of his legions, and on seeing that demon Khara going in front other important demons too rushed to fore. They are Shyenagaami, Prithugviira, Yajnashatru, Vihamgama and also Durjaya, Karaviiraaksha, Parusha, Kaalakaarmuka, Hemamaali, Mahaamaali, Sarpaasya, Rudhiraaksha. These twelve highly valorous demons cruised in a semicircle around Khara. [3-23-31]

31. kharaH rathena vegaat = Khara, by chariot’s, speed; sainyasya agraat viniHsR^itaH = to army’s, van of, bolted out; one additional foot: tam dR^iSTvaa raakshasam bhuuyo raakshasaascha vinihsR^itaaH = him, on seeing, the demon Khara, then, demons, also, rushed out.] shyenagaamii pR^ithugriivaH yaGYashatruH vihangamaH = Shyenagaami, Prithugviira, Yajnashatu, Vihamgama durjayaH karaviiraakSaH paruSaH kaalakaarmukaH = Durjaya, Karaviiraaksha, Parusha, Kaalakaarmuka; hemamaalii mahaamaalii sarpaaasyaH rudhiraashanaH = Hemamaali, Mahaamaali, Sarpaasya, Rudhiraaksha; mahaa viiryaaH = great, vigorous ones; ete = these are; dvaa dasha = two, ten [twelve demons]; kharam abhitaH pratasthuH = Khara, around – in a semicircle, cruised.

Verse 33

महाकपालः स्थूलाक्षः प्रमाथी त्रिशिराः तथा |
चत्वार एते सेना अग्रे दूषणम् पृष्ठतो अन्वयुः || ३-२३-३३

Likewsie Mahakapaala, Stuulaaksha, Pramaathii, Trishira are the four commanders of demonic forces and they followed Duushana marching at his behind. [3-23-33]

33. mahaakapaalaH sthuulaakSaH pramaathii trishiraaH tathaa = Mahakapaala, Stuulaaksha, Pramaathii, Trishira, likewise; ete catvaara = these, four; senaa agre [senaanyaH = forces, at fore [army commanders]; duuSaNam pR^iSThataH anvayuH = Duushana, at behind, followed.

Verse 34

सा भीम वेगा समर अभिकांक्षिणी
सुदारुणा राक्षस वीर सेना |
तौ राज पुत्रौ सहसा अभ्युपेता
माला ग्रहाणाम् इव चन्द्र सूर्यौ || ३-२३-३४

That army of valiant demons which is highly execrable, infernally speedy, and readily inspirited for a battle quickly rushed towards those two princes, Rama and Lakshmana, as though a festoon of planets would rush towards the Moon and Sun so as to put them to rout. [3-23-34]

34. bhiima vegaa = infernally, speedy; samara abhi kaamkshiNii = for battle, readily, interested in; su daaruNaa = highly, execrable; saa raakSasa viira senaa = that, demonic, valiant ones’, army of; sahasaa = quickly; grahaaNaam maalaa iva = of planets, festoon, as if; candra suuryau = to Moon, Sun; tau raaja putrau abhi upetaa = at them two, princes, towards, rushed.

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