22 Ravana gives deadline


Ravana gives Seetha two months to marry hm. He orders ogres to frighten Seetha and bring Her to his control. Ravana then goes back to his own house with his consorts.

Verse 1

सीताय वचनं श्रुत्वा परुषं राक्षसेश्वरः |
प्रत्युवाच ततः सीतां विप्रियं प्रियदर्शनम् || ५-२२-१

Ravana listening to Seetha’s words which were harsh thereafter replied to Seetha unpleasant words which are seen to be pleasant.

1. raakshasesvaraH = King of ogres; shrutvaa = listening; sitaayaaH vachanam = to Seetha’s words; parushham = which were harsh; tataH = thereafter; siitaam pratyuvaacha = replied to Seetha; vipriyam = unpleasant (words); priyadarshanam = which are seen to be pleasant.

Verse 2

यथा यथा सान्त्वयिता वश्यः स्त्रीणां तथा तथा |
यथा यथा प्रियम् वक्ता परिBहूतस्तथा तहा || ५-२२-२

“In whatever way gentle language is used to women in that way they will be under control. In whatever way men speak dear words, in that way they will be rejected.”

2. yathaa yathaa = in whatever way; saantvayitaa = gentle language (is used); striiNaam = to women; tathaa tathaa = in that way; vashyaH = (they) will be under control; yathaa yathaa = in whatever way; vaktaa = (men) speak; priyam = dear words; tathaa tathaa = in that way; paribhuutaH = they will be rejected.

Verse 3

संनियच्चति मे क्रोधं त्वयि कामः समुत्थितः |
द्रवतोऽमार्गमासाद्य हयानिव सुसारथिः || ५-२२-३

“In your matter desire which has risen up is subdueing my anger like horses running obtaining a bad path being subdued by a good charioteer.”

3. tvayi = in your matter; kaamaH = desire;samutthitaH = which has risen up; saMniyachchhati = is subdueing; krodham = anger;hayaniva = like horses; dravataH = running;amaargam aasaadya = obtaining a bad path; susaarathiH = (being subdued by) a good charioteer.

Verse 4

वामः कामो मनुष्याणाम् यस्मिन् किल निबध्यते |
जने तस्मिंस्त्वनुक्रोशः स्नेहश्च किल जायते || ५-२२-४

“Desire of men is unfavourable. In which man desire is tied up, in that man there is compassion and fondness.”

4. kaamaH = deisre; manushhyaaNaam = of men; vaamaH = is unfavourable; yasmin = in which; jane = man;nibadhyate = (desire) is tied up; tasmin = in that man; jaayate kila = there is; anukroshaH = compassion;snehashcha = and fondness.

Verse 5

एतस्मात्कारणान्न त्वां घातयामि वरानने |
वधार्हमवमानार्हां मिथ्याप्रव्रजिते रताम् || ५-२२-५

“O one with a beautiful face! For this reason although you are suitable to be killed and suitable to be humilaited, interested in Rama who is in sham exile, I am not killing you.”

5. varaanane = O one with a beautiful face!; etasmaat = for this reason; tvaam = (although) you (are); vadhaarhaam = suitable to be killed; avamaanaarhaam = (and) suitable to be humiliated; rataam = interested; mithyaapravrajite = ( in Rama who is in) sham exile; na ghaatayaami = I am not killing you.

Verse 6

परुषाणीह वाक्यानि यानि यानि ब्रवीषि माम् |
तेषु तेषु वधो युक्तस्तव मैथिलि दारुणः || ५-२२-६

“O Seetha! Here whatever harsh words you are speaking about me, because of those words, you are suitable to be horribly slayed.”

6. maithilii = O Seetha!; iha = here; yaani yaani = whatever; parushhaNi = harsh; vaakyaani = words; braviishhi = you are speaking; maam = about me; teshhu teshhu = (because of) those (words); tava daaruNaH vadha = your horrible slaying; yuktaH = is suitable;

Verse 7

एकमुक्त्वा तु विअदेशीं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः |
क्रोधसंरम्भसम्युक्तः सीतामुत्तरमब्रवीत् || ५-२२-७

The king of ogres Ravana speaking thus to Seetha, full of anger and fury spoke subsequent word to Seetha.

7. raakshasaadhipaH = king of ogres; raavanaH = Ravana; evam uktvaa = speaking thus; vaidehiim = to Seetha; krodhasaMrambhasaMyuktaH = full of anger and fury; abraviit = spoke; uttaram = subsequent word; siitaam = to Seetha.

Verse 8

द्वौ मासौ रक्षितव्यौ मे योऽवधिस्ते मया कृतः |
ततः शयनमारोह मम त्वं वरवर्णिनि || ५-२२-८

“O Seetha with best complexion! Whatever limit has been made by me to you, those two months are protectable to me. Thereafter ascend my bed.”

8. varavarNini = O Seetha with best complexion!; yaH = whatever; avadhiH = limit; kR^ita = has been made; mayaa = by me; te = to you; dvau = (those) two; maasau = months; rakshitavyau = are protectable; me = to me; tataH = thereafter; aaroha = ascend; mama shayanam = my bed.

Verse 9

ऊर्ध्वं द्वाभ्यां तु मासाभ्यां भर्तारम् मामनिच्चतीम् |
मम त्वां प्रातराशार्थमालभन्ते महानसे || ५-२२-९

“Above two months you not desiring me as husband will be killed in my kitched for my breakfast.”

9. uurdhvam = above; dvaabhyaam maasaabhyaaM = two months; tvaam = you; anichchhatiim = not desiring; mama = me; bhartaaram = as husband; aalabhante = will be killed; mahaanase = in my kitchen; mama praataraashaartham = for my breakfast.

Verse 10

तां तर्ज्यमानां सम्प्रेक्ष्य राक्षसेन्द्रेण जानकीम् |
देवगन्धर्वकन्यास्ता विषेदुर्विकृतेक्षणाः || ५-२२-१०

Seeing Seetha being frightened by Ravana those Deva and Gandharva maidens grieved with troubled eyes.

10. saMprekshya = Seeing; jaanakiim = Seetha; tarjyamaanaam = being frightened; raakshasendreNa = by Ravana; taaH = those; devagandharva kanyaa = Deva and Gandharva maidens; vishheduH = grieved; vikR^itekshaNaaH = with troubled eyes.

Verse 11

औष्ठप्रकारैरपरा वक्त्रनेत्रैस्तथापराः |
सीतामाश्वासयामासुस्तर्जितां तेन रक्षसा || ५-२२-११

Some in the way of lips and in like manner some others with faces and eyes consoled that Seetha frightened by that ogre.

11. taparaaH = some;oshhThaprakaraiH = in the way of lips; tathaa = and in the like manner; aparaaH = some (others); vaktranetraiH = with faces and eyes; aashvaasayaamaasuH = consoled;taam siitaam = that Seetha; tarjitaam = frightened; tena rakshsaa = by that ogre;

Verse 12

ताभिराश्वासिता सीता रावणम् राक्षसाधिपम् |
उवाचात्महितं वाक्यं वृत्तशौण्डीर्यगर्वितम् || ५-२२-१२

Consoled by them Seetha proud of virtuous conduct spoke words beneficial to self to the king of ogres Ravana

12. aashvaasitaa = consoled; taabhiH = by them; siitaa = Seetha; vR^itta shaunDiirya garvitam = proud of virtuous conduct; uvaacha = spoke; vaakyam = words; aatmahitam = beneficial to self;raakshsaadhipam raavaNam = to the king of ogres Ravana.

Verse 13

नूनम् न ते जनः कश्चिदस्ति निःश्रेयसे स्थितः |
निवारयति यो न त्वां कर्मणोऽस्माद्विगर्हितात् || ५-२२-१३

“Whoever prevents you from these actions which are blameable, such a person interested in your welfare there is none. This is definite.”

13. yaH = Whoever; nivaarayati = prevents; tvaam = you; asmaat karmaNaH = from these actions; nigarhitaat = (which are) blameable; janaH = (such) a person; rataH = interested; te niHshreyase = in your welfare; kashchit naasti = there is none. nuunam = this is definite.

Verse 14

मां हि धर्मात्मनः पत्नीं शचीमिव शचीपतेः |
त्वदन्यस्त्रिषु लोकेषु प्रार्थयेन्मनसापि कः || ५-२२-१४

“In all the three worlds except you who even by heart will desire me who am the wife of virtuous Rama like Sachi the wife of Indra.”

14. trishhu lokeshhu = in all the three worlds; tvadanyaH = except you; kaH = who; manasaapi = even by heart; praarthayet = will desire;maam = me; patniim = (who am the) wife; dharmaatmanaH = of virtuous Rama;shachiimiva = like Sachi; shachiipateH = the wife of Indra.

Verse 15

राक्षसाधम रामस्य भार्याममिततेजसः |
उक्तवानसि यत्पापं क्व गतस्तस्य मोक्ष्यसे || ५-२२-१५

“O vile ogre! Whatever sinful word you spoke to me who is the wife of the great resplendent Rama, from that word where will you go to be released?”

15. raakshasaadhama = O vile ogre!;yat paapam = whatever sinful word; uktavaan asi = you spoke; bharyaam = to me who is the wife; amitatejasaH raamasya = of the great respendent Rama; tasya = from that word; kva = where; gataH = will you go; mokshyase = to be released?

Verse 16

यथा दृप्तश्च मातङ्गः शशश्च सहितौ वने |
तथा द्विरदवद्रामस्त्वं नीच शशवत् स्मृतः || ५-२२-१६

“Like an elephant in rut and a hare at war in the forest, in the same way O vile one! Rama is like an elephant and you are said to be like a hare.”

16. yathaa = like;dR^iptaH maataJNgaashcha = an elephant in rut; shashashcha = and a hare;sahitau = at war; vane = in the forest;tathaa = in the same way; niicha = O vile one! raamaH = Rama; dviradavat = is like an elephant; tvam = you; smR^itaH = are said; shshavat = to be like a hare.

Verse 17

स त्वमिक्ष्वाकुनाथम् वै क्षिपन्निह न लज्जसे |
चक्षुषोर्विषयम् तस्य न तावदुपगच्छसि || ५-२२-१७

“Such you are not shameful abusing the lord of Ikshvaku dynasty Rama. You are not getting Rama’s matter so much.”

17. saH = such; tvam = you; na lajjase = are not shameful; kshipan = abusing; ikshvaakunaatham = the lord of Ikshvaku dynasty Rama; na upagachchhasi = you are not getting; tasya = Rama’s; vishayam taavat = matter so much.

Verse 18

इवे ते नयने क्रूते विरूपे कृष्णपिङ्गले |
क्षितौ न पतिते कस्मान्मामनार्य निरीक्षतः || ५-२२-१८

“O ignoble one! your these eyes which are cruel, crooked, which are black and reddish brown, which are seeing me, for what reason are they not falling down.”

18. anaarya = O ignoble one!; te = your; ime nayane = these eyes; kruure = (which are) cruel; viruupe = crooked; kR^ishhNa piJNgaLe = which are black and reddish brown; maam niriikshitaH = which are seeing me; kasmaat = for what reason; na patite = are (they) not falling down.

Verse 19

तस्य धर्मात्मनः पत्नीं स्नुषां दशरथस्य च |
कथं व्याहरतो मां ते न जिह्वा व्यवशीर्यते || ५-२२-१९

“Thus speaking about me who am the wife of virtuous Rama and the daughter-in-law of Dasaratha how your tongue did not fall off.”

19. vyaaharataH = thus speaking; maam = a bout me;patniim = (who am) the wife; dharmaatmanaH tasya = of virtuous Rama; snushhaam cha = and the daughter-in-law; dasharathasya = of Dasaratha; katham = how; te jihvaa = your tongue;vyavashiiryate = did not fall off.

Verse 20

असंदेशात्तु रामस्य तपसश्चामपालनात् |
न त्वां कुर्मि दशग्रीव भस्म भर्मार्ह तेजसा || ५-२२-२०

“O Ravana! Although you are suited to be burnt into ashes, not having the mandate of Rama and preserving austerity, I am not reducing you into ashes with my glory.”

20. dashagriiva = O Ravana!; bhasmaarha = (although you are) suited to be burnt into ashes; asaMdeshaat = not having mandate; raamasya = of Rama; anupaalanaat = (and) preserving; tapasaH = austerity; na kurmi = I am not making; tvaam bhasmam = you into ashes; tejasaa = (with my) glory.

Verse 21

नापहर्तुमहं शक्या त्वया रामस्य धीमतः |
विधिस्तव वधार्थाय विहितो नात्र संशयः || ५-२२-२१

“Wise Rama’s I am not capable of being abducted by you. This act has been made for your slaying. In this there is no doubt.”

21. dhiimataH = wise; raamasya = Rama’s; aham = I; na shakyaa = am not capable of being; apahartum = abducted; tvayaa = by you; vidhiH = (this) act; vihitaH = has been made; tava = for your; vadhaarthaaya = slaying; atra = in this; na saMshayaH = there is no doubt.

Verse 22

शूरेण धनदभ्रात्रा बलैः समुदितेन च |
अपिह्य रामं कस्माद्धि दारचौर्यं त्वया कृतम् || ५-२२-२२

“By you who is strong, brother of Kubera possessed of army, removing Rama for what reason abduction of wife has been done.”

22. tvayaa = by you; shuureNa = (who is) strong; dhanadabhraatraa = brother of Kubera; samuditena cha = possessed of; balaiH = army; apohya = removing; raamam = Rama; kasmaat = for what reason; daarachauryam = abduction of wife; kR^itam = has been done.

Verse 23

सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा रावणो राक्षसाधिपः |
विनृत्य नयने क्रूरे जानकीमन्ववैक्षत || ५-२२-२३

King of rakshasas Ravana listening to Seetha’s words turned around his cruel eyes and saw Seetha.

23. raakshasaadhipaH = king of rakshasas; raavanaH = Ravana; shrutvaa = listening; siitaayaaH vachanam = to Seetha’s words; vivR^itya = turned around; kruure = (his) cruel; nayane = eyes; anvavaikshata = and saw; jaanakiim = Seetha.

Verse 24

नीलजीमूतसम्काशो महाभुजशिरोधरः |
सिंहसत्त्वगतिः श्रीमान् दीप्त जिह्वग्रलोचनः || ५-२२-२४

Ravana was qual to a black cloud, with big shoulders and neck with the strength and gait of a lion, glorious with radiant tip of tongue and eyes.

24. niilajiimuuta saMkaasho = (Ravana was) equal to a black cloud; mahaabhujashirodharaH = with big shoulders and neck; siMhasattvagatiH = with the strength and gait of a lion; shriimaan = glorious; diipta jihvaagra lochanaH = with radiant tip of tongue and eyes.

Verse 25

चलाग्रमकुटप्रांशुश्चित्रमाल्यानुलेपनः |
रक्तमाल्याम्बरधरस्तप्ताङ्गदविभूषणः || ५-२२-२५

He was tall with moving front portion of crown, with excellent garlands and anointments, wearing red garlands and clothes, with ornaments made of refined gold.

25. chalaagramakutapraaMshuH = (He was) tall with moving front portion of crown; chitramaalyaanulepananaH = with excellent garlands and anointments; raktamaalyaambara dharaH = wearing red garlands and clothes; taptaaN^gada vibhuushhanaH = with ornaments made of refined gold;

Verse 26

श्रोणिसूत्रेण महता मेचकेन सुसम्वृतः |
अमृतोत्पादनद्धेन भुजगेनेव मन्दरः || ५-२२-२६

Like Mount Mandara tied by Vasuki for producing nectar, Ravana was well tied by a black big thread.

26. mandaraH iva = Like Mount Mandara; bhujagena = by Vasuki; amR^itotpaadaneddhena = tied for producing nectar;susaMvR^itaH = (Ravana was) well tied; mahataa mechakena shroNi suutreNa = by a black big thread

Verse 27

ताभ्यां स परिपूर्णाभ्यां भुजाभ्यां राक्षसेश्वरः |
शुशुभेऽचलसंकाशः शृङ्गाभ्यामिव मन्दरः || ५-२२-२७

Equalling a mountain the king of ogres shone with those perfect shoulders like Mount Mandara with its peaks.

27. achala saMkaashaH = Equalling a mountain; raakshasesvaraH = the king of ogres; shushubhe = shone; taabhyaam paripuurNaabhyaam bhujaabhyaam = (with) those perfect shoulders; mandaraH i va = like Mount Mandara; shR^iN^gaabhyaam = with its peaks.

Verse 28

तरुणादित्यवर्णाभ्यां कुण्डलाभ्यां विभूषितः |
रक्तपल्लवपुष्पाभ्यामशोकाभ्यामिवाचलः || ५-२२-२८

With the color of just risen sun, decorated by earrings, he was like a mountain with Ashoka trees with red flowers and shoots.

28. taruNaaditya varNaabhyaam = With the color of just risen sun; vibhuushhitaH = decorated; kuNDalaabhyaam = by earrings; achalaH iva = (he) was like a mountain;ashokaabhyaam = with Ashoka trees; raktapallava pushhpaabhyaam = (with) red flowers and shoots.

Verse 29

स कल्पवृक्षप्रतिमो वसन्त इव मूर्तिमान् |
श्मशानचैत्यप्रतिमो भूषितोऽपि भयम्करः || ५-२२-२९

Equalling a Kalpavriksha he was like the embodiment of spring season. Like a funeral mound in a grave-yard was horrible even though decorated.

29. kalpavR^iksha pratima = Equalling a Kalpavriksha; saH = he; vasantaH muurtimaan iva = was like the embodiment of spring; shmashaana chaitya pratimaH = like a funeral mound in a grave-yard; bhayankaraH = was horrible; bhuushhito api = even though decorated.

Verse 30

अवेक्षमाणो वैदेहीं कोपसम्रक्तलोचनः |
उवाच रावणः सीतां भुजङ्ग इव निःश्वसन् || ५-२२-३०

With red eyes due to anger Ravana was looking at Seetha sighing like a serpant and spoke to Seetha.

30. kopasaMraktalochanaH = With red eyes due to anger; raavanaH = Ravana; avekshamaaNaH = was looking; vaidehiim = (at) Seetha; niHshvasan = sighing; bhujaN^gaH iva = like a serpant; uvaacha = spoke; siitaam = to Seetha.

Verse 31

अनयेनाभिसम्पन्नमर्थहीनमनुव्रते |
नाशयाम्यहमद्य त्वां सूर्यः सन्ध्यामिवौजसा || ५-२२-३१

O foloower of Rama posessing bad conduct, without wealth! Now I will destroy you like sun destroying morning twilight with light.

31. anuvrate = O follower of Rama!;abhisampannam = possessed; anayena = with bad conduct; arthahiinam = without wealth; adya = now; aham = I; naashayaami = will destroy; tvaam = you; suuryaH iva = like the sun; sandhyyaa = (destroying) morning twilight; ojasaa = with light.

Verse 32

इत्युक्त्वा मैथिलीम् राजा रावणः शत्रुरावणः |
संदिदेश ततः सर्वा राक्षसीर्गोरदर्शनाः || ५-२२-३२

The king Ravana who causes enemies to cry thus speaking to Seetha, thereafter ordered all ogre women with horrible appearances.

32. raajaa = the king; raavaNa = Ravana; shatruraavanaH = who causes enemies to cry; iti uktvaa = thus speaking; maithiliim = to Seetha; tataH = thereafter; sandidesha = ordered; sarvaaH = all; raakshasiiH = ogre women; ghoradarshanaaH = with horrible appearances.

Verse 33,34 & 35

एकाक्षीमेककर्णां च कर्णप्रावरणां तथा |
गोकर्णीं हस्तिकर्णीम् च लम्बकर्णीमकर्णिकाम् || ५-२२-३३
हस्तिपाद्यश्वपाद्यौ च गोपादीं पादचूळिकाम् |
एकाक्षीमेकपादीं च पृथुपादीमपादिकाम् || ५-२२-३४
अतिमात्रशिरोग्रीवामतिमात्रकुचोदरीम् |
अतिमात्रास्यनेत्राम् च दीर्घजिह्वमजिह्विकाम् || ५-२२-३५
अनासिकां सिम्हमुखीं गोमुखीम् सूकरीमुखीम् |

Ravana ordered one with a single eye, one with a single ear and one with ears as covering, one with cow’s wars, one with ears of an elephant, one with dangling ears, one without ears and one with the feet of an elephant and one with the feet of a horse, one with feet of a cow,one with hair over feet, one with a single eye and one with a single foot, one with big feet, one without feet, one with a big head and neck,one with big breasts and stomach, and one with big mouth and eyes, one with a long tongue, one without tongue, one without nose, one with the face of a lion, one with the face of a cow,one with the face of a pig.

33; 34; 35. ekaakshiim = (Ravana ordered) one with a singe eye; ekakarNaam cha = one with a single ear; tataa = and; karNapraavaraNaam = one with ears as covering; gokarNiim = one with cow’s ears; hastikarNiim cha = one with ears of an elephant; lambakarNiim = one with dangling ears; akarNikaam = one without ears; hastipaadyashvapaadyau cha = and one with the feet of an elephant and one with feet of a horse; gopaadiim = one with feet of a cow; paadachuulikaam = one with hair over the feet; ekaakshiim = one with a single eye; ekapaadiim cha = and one with a single foot; pR^ithupaadiim = one with big feet; apaadikaam = one wthout feet; atimaatrashirogriivaam = one with a big head and neck; atimaatrakuchodariim = one with big breats and stomach; atimaatraasya netraam cha = and one with big mouth and eyes; diirghajihvaam = one with long tongue; ajihvikaam = one without tongue; anaasikaam = one without nose; siMhamukhiim = one with the face of a lion; gomukhiim = one with the face of a cow; suukaramukhiim = one with the face of a pig.

Verse 36

यथा मद्वशगा सीता क्ष्प्रं भवति जानकी || ५-२२-३६
तथा कुरुत राक्षस्यः सर्वाः क्षिप्रं समेत्य च |

“O ogres! How the daughter of Janaka, Seetha becomes under my control quickly, thus all of you together do that task.”

36. raakshasyaH = O ogres! yathaa = how; jaanakii = the daughter of Janaka; siitaa = Seetha; madvashagaa bhavati = becomes (under) my control; kshipram = quickly; tathaa = thus; sarvaaH = all of you; sametya cha = together; kuruta = do that task).

Verse 37

प्रतिलोमानुलोमैश्च सामदानादिभेदनैः || ५-२२-३७
अवर्जयत वैदेहीं दण्डस्योद्यमनेन च |

“With hostile and favourable tasks, with kind words, with gifts and dividing words and exertion of punishment, bring Seetha under my possession.”

37. pratiloma anulomaishcha = with hostile and favourable (tasks); saamadaanaadibhedanaiH = with kind words; with gifts; and dividing words; udyamanena cha = and exertion; daNDasya = of punishment; avarjayata = bring under possession; vaidehiim = Seetha.

Verse 38

इति प्रतिसमादिश्य राक्षसेन्द्रः पुनः पुनः || ५-२२-३८
काममन्युपरीतात्मा जानकीं पर्यतर्जयत् |

Ravana thus ordered again and again with a mind full of lust and anger frightened Seetha.

38. raakshsendraH = Ravana; iti = thuus; pratisamadishya = ordered; punaH punaH = again and again; kaamamanyu pariitaatmaa = with a mind full of lust and anger; paryatarjayat = frightened; jaanakiim = Seetha.

Verse 39

उपगम्य ततः शीघ्रं राक्षसी धान्यमालिनी || ५-२२-३९
परिष्वज्य दशग्रीवमिदं वचनमब्रवीत् |

Thereafter an ogre named Dhanyamalini quickly neared Ravana, embraced him and spoke these words.

39. tataH = Thereafter; raakshasii = an ogre; dhaanyamaalinii = (called) Dhanyamalini; shiighram = quickly; upagamya = neared; dashagriivam = Ravana; parishhvajya = embraced (him); abraviit = (and) spoke; idam = these; vachanam = words.

Verse 40

मया क्रीड महाराज सीतया किं तवानया || ५-२२-४०
विवर्णया कृपणया मानुष्या राक्षसेश्वर |

“O king! Sport with me. O lord of ogres! Of what use to you is this Seetha who is colorless and a wreched human.”

40. mahaaraajaa = O king!; kriiDa = sport; mayaa = with me; raakshasesshvara = O lord of ogres!; kim prayojanam = of what use; tava = to you; anayaa = (is) this; siitayaa = Seetha; vivarNayaa = (who is) colorless; kR^ipaNayaa maanushhyaa = and a wreched human;

Verse 41

नूनमस्या महाराज न दिव्यान् भोगसत्तमान् || ५-२२-४१
विदधात्यमरश्रेष्ठस्तव बाहुबलार्जितान् |

“O king! Lord Barhma did not assign to Her wonderful best luxuries earned by the might of your arms. This is definite.”

41. maharaja = O king!; amarashreshhThaH = Lord Brahma; na vidadhaata = did not assign; asyaaH = to Her; divyaan = wonderful; bhogasattamaan = best luxuries; tava baahubalaarjitaan = earned by the might of your arms; ;nuunam = this is definite.

Verse 42

अकामां कामयानस्य शरीरमुपतप्यते || ५-२२-४२
इच्छन्तीं कामयानस्य प्रीतिर्भवति शोभना |

“The body of one who desires a woman without desire suffers pain. Good happiness will occur to one who loves a woman who desires him.”

42. shariiram = the body; kaamayaanasya = of one who desires; akaamaam = (a woman) without desire; upatapyate = suffers pain; shobhanaa = good; priitiH = happiness; bhavati = will occur; kaamayaanasya = to one who loves;icchantiim = (a woman) who desires (him).

Verse 43

एवमुक्तस्तु राक्षस्या समुत्क्षिप्तस्ततो बली || ५-२२-४३
प्रहसन्मेघसम्काशो राक्षसः स न्यवर्तत |

Thus spoken to by that ogre that Ravana who was strong equalling a cloud, thereafter being taken away turned back laughing.”

43. evam = thus; uktaH = spoken to; raakshasyaaH = by that ogre; saH = that; raakshasaH = Ravana; balii = who was strong; meghasaMkaashaH = equalling a cloud; tataH = thereafter; samutkkshipataH = being taken away; nyavartata = turned back; prahasan = laughing.

Verse 44

प्रस्थितः स दशग्रीवः कम्पयन्निव मेदिनीम् || ५-२२-४४
ज्वलद्भास्करवर्णाभम् प्रविवेश निवेशनम् |

That Ravana departing was as though shaking the earth and entered his house with the lustre of blazing sun shine.

44. saH = that; dashagriivaH = Ravana; prasthitaH = departing; kampayanniva = was as though shaking; mediniim = the earth; pravivesha = entered; niveshanam = (his) house jvaladbhaaskaravarNaabham = with the lustre of blazing sun shine;

Verse 46

स मैथिलीं ध्रम परामवस्थितां |
प्रवेपमानां परिभर्स्य रावणः |
विहाय सीतां मदनेन मोहितः |
स्वमेव वेश्म प्रविवेश भास्वरम् || ५-२२-४६

That Ravana frightening Seetha who was steadfastly intent on virtue and who was shaking, leaving Seetha, infatuated by love, entered his own house which was shining.

46. saH = that; raavanaH = Ravana; paribhartsya = frightening; maithiliim = Seetha; avasthitaam = (who was) steadfastly; dharmaparaam = intent on virtue; pravepamaanaam = (and who was) shaking; vihaaya = leaving; siitaam = Seetha; mohitaH = infatuated; madanena = by love;pravivesha = entered; svam = his own; veshmaiva = house; bhaasvaram = which was shining.

Verse 45

देवगन्धर्वकन्याश्च नागकन्याश्च सर्वतः || ५-२२-४५
परिवार्य दशग्रीवं विविशुस्तं गृहोत्तमम् |

Deva and Gandharva maidens and Naga maidens surrounding Ravana in all directions entered that best among houses.

45. deva gandharva kanyaashcha = Deva and Gandharva maidens; naagakanyaashcha = and Naga maidens; parivaarya = surrounding; raavaNam = Ravana; sarvataH = in all directions; vivishuH = entered; tam = that; gR^ihottamam = best among houses.

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