21 – Ire of sage vishvamitra; vashiShTha appeases dasharatha


The ire of sage Vishvamitra is shown at king Dasharatha. To pacify sage Vishvamitra, sage Vashishta intervenes and convinces king Dasharatha to send Rama with sage Vishvamitra. While doing so, sage Vashishta enumerates the capabilities of sage Vishvamitra, his knowledge of weaponry. Vashishta also suggests that all those weapons will be given to Rama, if Rama is dispatched with Vishvamitra. At last, Dasharatha agrees to send Rama.

Verse 1

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य स्नेहपर्याकुलाक्षरम् |
समन्युः कौशिको वाक्यं प्रत्युवाच महीपतिम् || १-२१-१

On hearing the wavery words of Dasharatha that are full of fond for his son, Vishvamitra wrathfully replied this sentence to the king. [1-21-1]

1. tasya snehaparyaakulaakSharam = his [Dasharatha’s,] with fond [for son] wavery letters [words]; tat vachanam shrutwaa = that, sentence, on hearing; samanyuH kaushikaH = with wrath, Vishvamitra; mahiipatim vaakyam pratyuvaacha = in turn said [replied] sentence to land lord – king.

Verse 2

पूर्वमर्थं प्रतिश्रुत्य प्रतिज्ञां हातुमिच्छसि |
राघवाणामयुक्तोऽयं कुलस्यास्य विपर्ययः || १-२१-२

“On promising me to fulfil my object in the first instance you wish to repudiate it now, undeserving is this kind of deviation for the kings of Raghava dynasty. [1-21-2]

2. puurvam artham pratishrutya = firstly, object – promise, having promised; pratij~naam haatum icChasi = you wish [now] to repudiate promise ; ayam viparyayaH = this, deviation; raaghavaaNaam asya kulasya ayuktaH = not deserving for this dynasty of Raghava’s.

Verse 3

यदीदं ते क्षमं राजन् गमिष्यामि यथागतम् |
मिथ्याप्रतिज्ञः काकुत्स्थ सुखी भव सबान्धवः || १-२१-३

“If this is worth while to you, oh, king, I wish to go away as I have come, and you with your feigned promises be nonchalantly happy with your kinsmen.” So said Vishvamitra to the king. [1-21-3]

3. raajan = oh king; idam te kShamam yadi = if this is worth while to you ; yathaa aagatam gamiSyaami = I wish to go away as I have come ; kaakutstha = oh Kakutstha; mithyaapratij~naH = one with feigned promise; sabaandhavaH sukhii bhava = you be [nonchalant] happy with kinsmen.

Verse 4

तस्य रोषपरीतस्य विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः |
चचाल वसुधा कृत्स्ना विवेश च भयं सुरान् || १-२१-४

When that prudent sage Vishvamitra is thus enwrapped in fury, then the whole earth trembled and the gods are scared. [1-21-4]

4. dhiimataH = prudent one; tasya vishwaamitrasya roSapariitasya = that, Vishvamitra, when enwrapped in fury; kR^itsnaa vasudhaa chachaala = entire, earth, trembled; suraan bhayam vivesha cha = scare entered to gods [in their minds].

Verse 5

त्रस्तरूपं तु विज्ञाय जगत्सर्वं महानृषिः |
नृपतिं सुव्रतो धीरो वसिष्ठो वाक्यमब्रवीत् || १-२१-५

On knowing the appalled appearance of the entire world at the fury of Vishvamitra, Vashishta the great sage with high vows and an insightful one too, said these words to the king. [1-21-5]

5. suvrataH = one with high vows; dhiiraH = insightful one; mahaan R^iShiH = great, sage; Vashishta; jagat sarvam = world, entire; trastaruupam tu vij~naaya = then knowing appalled appearance ; nR^ipam = to king; vaakyam abraviit = words, said.

Verse 6

इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले जातः साक्षाद्धर्म इवापरः |
धृतिमान् सुव्रतः श्रीमान्न धर्मं हातुमर्हसि || १-२१-६

“Born in Ikshwaku dynasty you are apparently the other god of ethics on earth, a staunch one with righteous vows and a glorious one too, such as you are, it will be unapt of you to forsake ethics.” [1-21-6]

6. ikShwaakuuNaam kule jaataH = born[are you] in Ikshwaku dynasty; saakShaat aparaH dharmaH iva = apparently, another, god of ethics, [you are] like; dhR^itimaan = staunch person; suvrataH = rightly vowed one; shriimaan = glorious one; dharmam haatum na arhasi = unapt of you to forsake ethics.

Verse 7

त्रिषु लोकेषु विख्यातो धर्मात्मा इति राघव |
स्वधर्मं प्रतिपद्यस्व नाधर्मं वोढुमर्हसि || १-२१-७

“In three worlds you are renowned as the right-minded one, oh, Raghava, hence adhere to your own uprightness, and adhering to unrighteousness will be unapt of you. [1-21-7]

7. raaghava = oh Raghu’s descendent; dharmaatmaa iti = thus as right-minded one; triSu lokeShu vikhyaataH = you are renowned in three worlds; svadharmam pratipadyasva = adhere to your own uprightness; adharmam voDhum na arhasi = unapt of you to bear [adhering to] un-righteousness.

Verse 8

प्रतिश्रुत्य करिष्येति उक्तं वाक्यमकुर्वतः |
इष्टापूर्तवधो भूयात्तस्माद्रामं विसर्जय || १-२१-८

“Promising to effectuate something in any way and not effectuating the given word results in the perdition to the merits of iSTaapuurta Vedic rituals, hence oh, Raghava, leave hold of Rama. [1-21-8]

8. [raaghava = oh Raghava;] iti kariSye = this deed/way, will be done – effectuated; pratishrutya = having promised; uktam vaakyam akurvataH = not doing said [promised] word; iSTaapuurtavadhaH bhuuyaat = [to the merits of] Vedic rituals doom, it becomes; tasmaat raamam visarjaya = therefore, Rama, be left of � let go.

Verse 9

कृतास्त्रमकृतास्त्रं वा नैनं शक्ष्यन्ति राक्षसाः |
गुप्तं कुशिकपुत्रेण ज्वलनेनामृतं यथा || १-२१-९

“Whether Rama is trained in weaponry or not, demons cannot trounce Rama as long as Kushi’s son Vishvamitra protects him, like the heavenly firewall that protects divine nectar. [1-21-9]

9. kR^itaastram = done – trained in weaponry; akR^itaastram vaa = un trained in weaponry, or; kushikaputreNa guptam = protected by Kushika’s son – by Vishvamitra; enam = him [Rama]; jwalanena amR^itam yathaa = as with ambrosia [protected] by fire; raakShasaaH na shakShyanti = demons, cannot, trounce.

Verse 10

एष विग्रहवान् धर्म एष वीर्यवतां वरः |
एष बुद्ध्याधिको लोके तपसश्च परायणम् || १-२१-१०

“He is an embodiment of virtue, matchless among the venturesome, peerless in intellect among all in the world, and flawless in ascesis. [1-21-10]

10. eSaH vigrahavaan dharmaH = he is [Vishvamitra is,] an embodiment of, virtue; eSaH viiryavataam varaH = he is matchless among venturesome; eSaH buddhyaa = he is, by intellect; loke adhikaH = peerless in world [among all] ; tapasaH paraayaNam = flawless one for ascesis.

Verse 11

एषोऽस्त्रान् विविधान् वेत्ति त्रैलोक्ये सचराचरे |
नैनमन्यः पुमान् वेत्ति न च वेत्स्यन्ति केचन || १-२१-११

“He is in the know-how of various missiles, and no other person is there in the triad of worlds, inclusive of sessile and mobile worlds, who is knowledgeable about him, or someone who can know him will be there in future, excepting myself. [1-21-11]

11. eSaH vividhaan astraan vetti = he is in know-how various missiles; enam = him [about Vishvamitra]; sacharaachare = with mobile and sessile; trailokye = in three worlds; anyaH pumaan na vetti = other, person, does not, know [excepting me]; kechana na vetsyanti cha = someone, not, [be able to] know, even.

Verse 12

न देवा नर्षयः केचिन्नामरा न च राक्षसाः |
गन्धर्वयक्षप्रवराः सकिन्नरमहोरगाः || १-२१-१२

“While Gods cannot know Vishvamitra, can anybody from sages – no; immortals- no; demons – no; the gandharva-s and eminent yaksha-s together with the kinnaraa-s and great reptile beings – no, they cannot know him. [1-21-12]

12. devaaH = gods; na = cannot know Vishvamitra; R^iSayaH kechit na = sages, anybody, no; amaraaH na = immortals, no; raakShasaaH cha = demons, also; na = no; sakinnaramahoragaaH ghandharvayakshapravaraaH = together with, kinnaraa, great reptile beings, eminent gandharva and yaksha-s; [na = no.]

Verse 13

सर्वास्त्राणि कृशाश्वस्य पुत्राः परमधार्मिकाः |
कौशिकाय पुरा दत्ता यदा राज्यं प्रशासति || १-२१-१३

“All the missiles known to Vishvamitra are the highly righteous children of Krishaashva Prajapati, where Prajapati-s were the earliest ruler of mankind, and god Shiva gave them to Vishvamitra when was ruling kingdom. [1-21-13]

13. kR^ishaashvasya = Krishaasva’s paramadhaarmikaaH putraaH = highly righteous, sons; sarvaastraaNi = all missiles [known to Vishvamitra] are; yadaa puraaa raajyam prashaasati = when earlier he was ruling kingdom ; then; kaushikaaya datta = to Kaushika – Viswamitra, they were given [by god Shiva.]

Verse 14

तेऽपि पुत्रा कृशाश्वस्य प्रजापतिसुतासुताः |
नैकरूपा महावीर्या दीप्तिमंतो जयावहाः || १-२१-१४

“Those missiles are the sons of Daksha Prajaapati’s daughters and her husband Krishaasva Prajapati, and they are disparate in their form, intrepid, dazzling, and victory-oriented missiles. [1-21-14]

14. prajaapatisutaasutaaH = [Daksha] Prajaapati’s daughter’s sons; kR^ishaashvasya putraaH = Krishaasva Prajapati’s sons; te api = they, even; na ekaruupaaH = not, in one form – disparate; mahaviiryaaH = very intrepid ones; diiptimantaH = dazzling; jayaavahaaH = carriers of victory.

Verse 15

जया च सुप्रभा चैव दक्षकन्ये सुमध्यमे |
ते सुवातेऽस्त्रशस्त्राणि शतं परमभास्वरम् || १-२१-१५

“Jaya and Suprabha, the daughters of Daksha Prajapati, endowed with best waists gave birth to a hundred missiles and weaponry whose flare is supreme. [1-21-15]

15. jayaa cha suprabhaa eva = Jaya, and, Suprabha, also; sumadhyame = best waisted ones; dakShakanye = Daksha Prajaapati’s daughters; te = they; paramabhaasvaram = supremely flaring; astrashastraaNi = to missiles and weapons; shatam = hundred; suvaate = gave birth.

Verse 16

पंचाशतं सुतान् लेभे जया लब्धवरा वरान् |
वधायासुरसैन्यानामप्रमेयानरूपिणः || १-२१-१६

“On getting a boon Jaya named wife of Krishaasva Prajapati is benefited with fifty best and formless sons with immeasurable fortitude for the destruction of ungodly beings. [1-21-16]

16. jayaa naama = Jaya, named [lady]; labdhavaraa = on getting boon; asurasainyaanaam vadhaaya = for destruction of armies of ungodly beings ; aprameyaan = with immeasurable [fortitude]; aruupiNaH = without form; varaan = the bests ones [missile sons]; panchaashatam sutaan lebhe = benefited with fifty sons.

Verse 17

सुप्रभाजनयत् चापि पुत्रान् पंचाशतं पुनः |
संहारान्नाम दुर्धर्षान् दुराक्रामान् बलीयसः || १-२१-१७

“Suprabha, another wife of Krishaasva Prajapati, gave birth to another fifty unassailable, unconquerable and mighty sons named the Eliminators. [1-21-17]

17. suprabhaa api = Suprabha, even; durdharShaan = unassailable ones; duraakramaan = unconquerable ones; baliiyasaH = very mighty ones; punaH = again – another; samhaarannaama putraan = eliminators named, sons; panchaashatam ajanayat = to fifty of them, gave birth.

Verse 18

तानि चास्त्राणि वेत्त्येष यथावत् कुशिकात्मजः |
अपूर्वाणां च जनने शक्तो भूयः स धर्मवित् || १-२१-१८

“And this sage Vishvamitra is in the precise know of the said missiles, and this principled one is also capable of creating hitherto unavailable missiles. [1-21-18]

18. eSaH kushikaatmajaH = this, Kaushika’s son [sage Vishvamitra]; taani astraaNi yathaavat vetti = he knows them the missiles as it is; dharmavit = virtue knower – principled one; saH buuyaH = he, again; apuurvaaNaam = not available earlier – new missiles; janane shaktaH ca = capable of creating, also.

Verse 19

तेनास्य मुनिमुख्यस्य धर्मज्ञस्य महात्मनः |
न किंचिदस्त्यविदितं भूतं भव्यं च राघव || १-२१-१९

“Thereby, oh, Raghava, nothing whatsoever is unknown to this great-souled Vishvamitra, who is a distinguished sage and the knower of virtue, either that has happened or that is happening. [1-21-19]

19. tena = thereby; raaghava = oh Dasharatha; munimukhyasya = by the distinguished sage; dharmaj~nasya = virtue-knower; asya = to him; mahaatmanaH = great-souled; bhuutam bhavyam ca = in past, in future, too; aviditam = unknown thing; kimchit na asti = in the least, is not, there.

Verse 20

एवंवीर्यो महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महायशाः |
न रामगमने राजन् संशयं गन्तुमर्हसि || १-२१-२०

“Thus, the highly renowned and great resplendent sage Vishvamitra has this sort of enterprise, oh, king, allowing a doubt enter your mind in Rama’s accompanying the sage will be unapt of you. [1-21-20]

20. mahaatejaaH = great resplendent; mahaayashaaH = highly renowned; Vishvamitra; evamviiryaH = this sort of enterprise; raajan = oh king; raamagamane = Rama’s accompanying [the sage]; samshayam gantum = enter into the doubt; na = not; arhasi = apt of you.

Verse 22

इति मुनिवचनात् प्रसन्नचित्तो
रघुवृषभश्च मुमोद पार्थिवाग्र्यः |
गमनमभिरुरोच राघवस्य
प्रथितयशाः कुशिकात्मजाय बुद्ध्या || १-२१-२२

Thus the prominent king from Raghu dynasty, namely Dasharatha, became serene-minded by sage Vashishta’s words, and he who is supreme among other kings and who has pronounced renown, that Dasharatha then gladly and wholeheartedly consented to the travel of Rama along with the sage Vishvamitra. [1-21-22]

21. raghuvR^iShabhaH = prominent one in Raghu’s dynasty – Dasharatha; iti munivachanaat = thus, sage Vashishta’s words; prasannachittaH = serene minded; paarthivaagryaH = supreme one among kings; mumoda = gladdened; prathitayashaaH = pronouncedly renowned one – Dasharatha; kushikaatmajaaya = for Kushika’s son, sage Vishvamitra; raaghavasya gamanam = Rama’s, travel; buddhyaa = wholeheartedly; abhirurocha = verily consented to.

Verse 21

तेषां निग्रहणे शक्तः स्वयं च कुशिकात्मजः |
तव पुत्रहितार्थाय त्वामुपेत्याभियाचते || १-२१-२१

“This son of Kushi, Vishvamitra, can as well control those demons by himself, but intending to accord beneficence to your son he approached you and imploring upon you. [1-21-21]

21. kushikaatmajaH = Kushi’s son, Vishvamitra; swayam cha = himself, even; teSaam nigrahaNe shaktaH = capable to control them [the demons] ; tava putrahitaarthaaya = intending your son’s benefit ; tvaam upetya = on approaching you; abhiyaachate = imploring upon you.

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