20 – Ravana talks to Seetha


In this chapter Ravana entices Seetha with wealth, gems, sovereignty over all wives of Ravana.


Verse 1

स ताम् परिवृतां दीनां निरानन्दां तपस्विनीम् |
साकारैर्मधुरैर्वाक्यैर्न्यदर्शयत रावणः || ५-२०-१

Ravana conveyed in significant words to that Seetha who was surrounded by ogresses, wretched, without happiness and pitiable.

1. raavaNaH = Ravana; nyadarshayata = conveyed; saakaaraiH vaakyaiH = in significant words; taam = (to) that Seetha; parivR^itaam = surrounded (by ogresses); diinaam = (who was) wretched; nirranandaam = without happiness; tapasviniim = (and) pitiable.


Verse 2

मां दृष्ट्वा नागनासोरु गूहमाना स्तनोदरम् |
अदर्शनमिवात्मानं भयान्नेतुं त्वमिच्चसि || ५-२०-२

“You are with thighs like the trunk of an elephant. Seeing me covering your breasts and belly, you desire obtaining disappearance of self due to fear.

2. naagavaasoru = (You are) With thighs like the trunk of an elephant; maam dR^ishhTvaa = seeing me; guhamaanaa = covering; stanodaram = (your) breasts and belly; tvam = you; ichchhasiiva = desire; netum = obtaining; adarshanam = disappearence; aatmaanam = of self; bhayaat = due to fear.

Verse 3

कामये त्वाम् विशालाक्षि बहुमन्यस्व मां प्रिये |
सर्वाङ्गगुणसम्पन्ने सर्वलोकमनोहरे || ५-२०-३

“O wide eyed one! You are endowed with bodily excellencies, pleasing to all people. I desire you. O lovable one! respect me.”

3. vishaalakshii = O wide eyed one!; sarvaaN^ga guNa sampannaa = you are endowed with bodily excellencies; sarva loka manohare = pleasing to all people; tvaam kaamaye = I desire you; priye = O lovable one!; maam bahumayasva = respect me.

Verse 4

नेह केचिन्मनुष्या वा राक्षसाः कामरूपिणः |
व्यपसर्पतु ते सीते भयम् मत्तः समुत्थितम् || ५-२०-४

“O Seetha! Here there are no humans or ogres with ability to change form. Let your fear caused due to me be removed.”

4. seethe = O Seetha!; iha = here; kechit na = there are no; manushhyaaH = humans; kaamaruupiNaH raakshasaaH vaa = or ogres with ability to change form; te bhayam = (Let)your fear; samutthitam = caused; mattaH = due to me; vyapasarpatu = be removed;

Verse 5

स्वधर्मो रक्षसां भीरु सर्वथैव न संशयः |
गमनं वा परस्त्रीणाम् हरणम् सम्प्रमथ्य वा || ५-२०-५

“O one with fear! Obtaining women belonging to others or abducting by force is the righteous deed for ogres by all means. There is no doubt in this.”

5. bhiiru = O one with fear; gamanam vaa = obtaining parastriiNaam = women belonging to others; haraNam vaa = or abducting; saMpramathya = by force; svadharmaH = is the righteous deed; rakshasaam = for ogres; sarvathaiva = by all means; saMshayaH na = there is no doubt (in this).

Verse 6

एवं चैतदकामां तु न त्वां स्प्रक्ष्यामि मैथिलि |
कामम् कामः शरीरे मे यथाकामं प्रार्तताम् || ५-२०-६

“O Seetha! It is like this. desire very much may behave in whatever way it likes in my body. But I will not touch you without lust.”

6. maithili = O Seetha!; etat evam = It is like this; kaamaH = desire; kaamam = very much; yathaa kaamam pravartataam = may behave in whatever way it likes; me = in my; shariire = body; tu = but; na spR^ikshyaami = I will not touch; tvaam = you; akaamaam = without lust.

Verse 7

देवि नेह भयम् कार्यम् मयि विश्वसिहि प्रिये |
प्रणयस्व च तत्वएन मैवम् भूः शिकलालसा || ५-२०-७

“O queen of my heart! In this matter fear is not to be made. O love! Believe in me. Truly become with love. Do not become absorbed in sorrow like this.”

7. devi = O queen (of my heart)!;iha = in this matter; bhayam na kkaryam = fear is not to be made; priye = O love! vishvasihi = believe; mayi = in me; tattvena = truly; praNayasva = become with love; maa bhuuH = do not become; shokalaalasaa = absorbed in sorrow;evam = like this.

Verse 8

एकवेणी धराशय्या ध्यानं मलिनमम्बरम् |
अस्थानेऽप्युपवासश्च नैतान्यौपयिकानि ते || ५-२०-८

“Single plait, the bed of ground,mediation,dirty cloth,fasting at an inappropriate time – all these are not useful to you.”

8. ekaveNii = single plait; dharaashayya = the bed of ground; dhyaanam = meditation; malinam ambaram = dirty cloth; asthaane upavaasashcha = fasting at an inappropriate time; etaani = all these; na aupayikaani = are not useful; te = to you.

Verse 9 & 10

विचित्राणि च माल्यानि चन्दनान्यगरूणि च |
विविधानि च वासांसि द्व्यान्याभरणानि च || ५-२०-९
महार्हणि च पानानि शयनान्यासनानि च |
गीतम् नृत्तं च वाद्यं च लभ मं प्राप्य मैथिलि || ५-२०-१०

“O Seetha! After getting me gain wonderful garlands, sandals, Agallochums, a variety of cloths and best ornaments, the best drinks, beds and seats, song and dance and musical instrument.”

9; 10. maithilii = O Seetha!; praapya = getting; maam = me; labha = gain; vichitraaNi maalyaani = wonderful garlands; chandanaani = sandals; agaruuNi = Agallochums; vividhaani vaasaaMsi cha = a variety of cloths; divyaani aabharaNaani cha = and best ornaments; mahaarhaaNi paanaani = the best drinks; shayanaani = beds; aasanaani cha = and seats; giitam = song; nR^ittam cha = and dance; vaadyam cha = and musical instrument.

Verse 11

स्त्रीरत्नमसि मैवम् भूः कुरु गात्रेषु भूषणम् |
मां प्राप्य हि कथम् नु स्यास्त्वमनर्हा सुविग्रहे || ५-२०-११

“You are a gem among women. Do not be like this. Make decoration on your limbs. O one with a good body! Getting me how will you become unsuited for luxuries?”

11. strii ratnma asi = You are a gem among women; maa bhuuH = do not be; evam = like this; kuru = make; bhuushhaNam = decoration; aatrshhu = on your limbs; suvigrahe = O one with a good body!; praapya getting; maam = me; katham nu = how (will you); syyaH = become; anarhaaH = unsuited (for luxuries).

Verse 12

इदम् ते चारु सम्जातम् यौवनम् व्यतिवर्तते |
यदतीतं पुनर्नैति स्रोतः शीघ्रमपामिव || ५-२०-१२

“This your youth born beautifully is passing away, whichever youth is quickly passing away will not come back again like the flow of water.”

12. idam = this; te yauvanum = your youth; chaaru saMjaatam = born beautifully; vyativartate = is passing away; yat = Whichever (youth); siighram = (is) quickly; atiitam = passing away; naiti = will not come back; punaH = again; apaam srotaH iva = like the flow of water.

Verse 13

त्वां कृत्वोपरतो मन्ये रूपकर्ता स विश्वसृक् |
न हि रूपोपमा त्वन्या तवास्ति शुभदर्शने || ५-२०-१३

“O one with auspicious appearance! The creator of form, that creator of the world, Lord Brahma has made you and stopped – I think thus. There is not another who is equal to your appearance.”

13. shubha darshane = O one with auspicious appearance!; ruupa kartaa = the creator of form; saH = that; visvasR^ik = creator of the world; Lord Brahma; kR^itvaa = made; tvaam = you; uparataH = and stopped; manye = I think so; anyaa = Another; naasti hi = is indeed not; tava ruupopamaa = equal to your appearance.

Verse 14

त्वाम् समाअसाद्य वैदेहि रूपयौवनशालिनीम् |
कः पुमानतिवर्तेत साक्षादपि पितामहः || ५-२०-१४

“O Seetha! Obtaining you endowed with beauty and youth, which man even if he is Lord Brahma himself will disregard (leave) you.”

14. vaidehii = O Seetha!; samaasaadya = obtaining; tvaam = you; ruupayauvanashaaliniim = endowed with beauty and youth; kaH pumaan = which man; sakshaat pitaamahaH = (even if he is) Lord Brahma himself; ativarteta = will disregard (you).

Verse 15

यद्यत्पश्यामि ते गात्रम् शीतांशुसदृशानने |
तस्मिंस्तस्मिन् पृधुश्रोणि चक्षुर्मम निबध्यते || ५-२०-१५

“O one with face like that of moon! O one with broad hips! Your whichever limb I see, my eye is getting tied in that that limb.”

15. shiitaaMshusadR^ishhanane = O one with face like that of moon!; pR^ithushroNi = O one with broad hips!; te = your; yadyat = whichever; gaatram = limb; pashyaami = I see; mama = my; chakshuH = eye; nibadhyate = is getting tied; tasmin tasmin = in that that (limb).

Verse 16

भव मैथिलि भाया मे मोहमेनम् विसर्जय |
बह्वीनामुत्तमस्त्रीणामाहृतानामितस्ततः || ५-२०-१६
सर्वापामेव भद्रं ते ममाग्रमहिषी भव |

“O Seetha! Become my wife. Leave this ignorance. In all my many best women brought from here and there, become foremost consort. Let there be auspicious to you.”

16. maithilii = O Seetha!; bhava = become; me = my; bhaaryaa = wife; visarjaya = leave; evam = this; moham = ignorance; sarvasaameva = In all; mama = my;bahviinaam = many; uttama strrinaam = best women; aahR^itaanaam = brought; itastataH = from here and there; bhava = become; agramahishhii = foremost consort; te bhadram = (let there be) auspicious to you.

Verse 17

लोकेभो यानि रत्नानि सम्प्रमथ्याहृतानि वै || ५-२०-१७
तानि मे भीरु सर्वाणि राज्यम् चैतदहं च ते |

“O timid one! Whatever gems that have been brought by force, all those, my this kingdom and also myself belong to you.”

17. bhiiru = O timid one!; raani ratnaani = Whatever gems; aahR^itaani vai = (that have been)brought; saMpramadhya = by force; taani sarvaaNi = all those; me = my; etat = this; raajyam = kingdom; aham cha = and also myself; te = (belong to) you.

Verse 18

विजित्य पृथिवीं सर्वां नानानगरमालिनीम् || ५-२०-१८
जनकाय प्रदास्यामि तव हेतोर्विलासिनि |

“O charmful lady! Conquering the entire earth together with chain of various cities for your sake, I can give to king Janaka.

18. vilaasini = O charmful lady!; vijitya = conquering; sarvaam pR^ithiviim = the entire earth; naanaa nagara maaliniim = together with chain of various cities; tava hetoH = for your sake; pradaasyaami = I can give; janakaaya = to king Janaka.

Verse 19

नेह पश्यामि लोकेऽन्यम् यो मे प्रतिबलो भवेत् || ५-२०-१९
पश्य मे सुमहद्वीर्यमप्रतिद्वन्द्वमाहवे |

“In this world I do not see another one who is equally matched to me. See my very great power.”

19. iha loke = in this world; na pashyaami = I do not see; anyam = another one; yaH = who; pratibalaH = is equally matched (to me); pashya = see; me = my; sumahat = very great; viiryam = power.

Verse 20

असकृत्सम्युगे भग्ना मया विमृदितध्वजाः || ५-२०-२०
अशक्ताः प्रत्यनीकेषु स्थातुं मम सुरासुराः |

“Suras and Asuras defeated with broken flags by me in war many times are powerless to stand in an army against me.”

20. suraasuraaH = Suras and Asuras; bhagnaaH = defeated; vimR^idita dhvajaaH = with broken flags; mayaa = by me; saMyuge = in war; asakR^it = many times; ashaktaaH = are powerless; sthaatum = to stand; pratyaniikeshhu = (in an army)against met;mama = of me.

Verse 21 & 22

इच्छ मां क्रियतामद्य प्रतिकर्म तवोत्तमम् || ५-२०-२१
सप्रभाण्यवसज्यन्तां तवांगे भूषणानि च |
साधु पश्यामि ते रूपम् सम्युक्तं प्रतिकर्मणा || ५-२०-२२

“Desire me! Now let your best decoration be made. On your body let ornaments also with great brilliance be fit. I will see well your form together with decoration.”

21; 22. iccha = desire; maam = me; adya = now; tava = (let) your; uttamam = best; pratikarma = decoration; kriyataam = be made; tava = on your; aN^ge = body; bhushhaNaani = (let) ornaments also; saprabhaaNi = with great brilliance; avasajya = be fit; saadhu pashyaami = I will see well; tava = your ruupam = form; pratikarmaNaa yuktam = together with decoration.

Verse 23

प्रतिकर्माभिसम्युक्ता दाक्षिण्येन वरानने |
भुम्क्ष्व भोगान्यथाकामं पिब भीरु रमस्व च || ५-२०-२३

“O one with best face! O timid one! With consideration enjoy luxuries according to your desire together with decoration. Drink. Rejoice.”

23. varaane = O one with best face!; bhiiru = O timid one! daakshiNyena = with consideration; pratikarmaabhi saMyuktaa = together with decoration; bhuMksva = enjoy; bhogaan = luxuries; yathaa kaamam = according to your desire; piba = drink; ramasva cha = Rejoice

Verse 24

यथेच्छम् च प्रयच्छ त्वं पृथिवीम् वा धनानि च |
ललस्व मयि विस्रब्धा धृष्टमाज्ञापयस्व च || ५-२०-२४

“You donate land and wealth according to your wish. With confidence behave freely in my matter. Fearlessly order also.”

24. tvam = you; prayaccha = donate; priR^thiviim = land; dhanaani cha = and wealth; yathecchham = according to wish; visrabhdaa = with confidence; lalasva = behave freely; mayi = in my matter; dhR^ishhtam = fearlessly; aajJNaapayasva cha = order also.

Verse 25

मत्र्पसादाल्ललन्त्याश्च ललन्तां बान्धवास्तव |
बुद्धिं ममानुपश्य त्वम् श्रियम् भद्रे यशश्च मे || ५-२०-२५

” By my grace with your sporting, tour relatives will also sport. O auspicious one! You see my wealth and my fame.”

25. matprasaadaat = By my grace; lalantyaaH = (with your) sporting; tava = your bandhavaaH = relatives; lalantaam = (will also) sport; bhadre = O auspicious one!; tvam = you; anupashya = see; mama = my; buddhim = wealth; me yashashcha = and my fame.

Verse 26

किं करिष्यसि रामेण सुभगे चीरवाससा |
निक्षिप्तविजयो रामो गतश्रीर्वनगोचरः || ५-२०-२६
व्रती स्थण्डिलशायी च शङ्के जीवति वा न वा |

“O beautiful one! What can you do with Rama clad in tatters, with lost hope of victory, with gone fortune. Roaming in forests, observing austerities and also sleeping on floor, I doubt if Rama is alive or not.”

26. subhage = O beautiful one!;kim = what; karishhyasi = can you do; raameNa = with Rama; chiira vasasaa = clad in tatters; nikshipta vijayaH = with lost hope of victory; gatashrii = with gone fortune; vana gocharaH = roaming in forests; vratii = observing austerities; sthaNDilashayii cha = and also sleeping on floor; shaN^ke = I doubt; raamaH = (if) Rama; jiivati = (is) alive or; na vaa = not.

Verse 27

न हि वैदेहि रांस्त्वां द्रष्टुं वा प्युपलस्स्यते || ५-२०-२७
पुरोबलाकैरसितैर्मे घोर्ज्योत्स्नामिवावृताम् |

“O Seetha, Rama indeed does not get opportunity even to see you like moonlight covered by dark clous with cranes at the front.”

27. vaidehii = O Seetha!; raamaH = Rama; na hi upalapsyate = indeed does not get opportunity; drashhTum vaapi tvaam = even to see you; jyotsnaamiva = like moonlight; aavR^itaam = covered; asitaiH meghaiH = by dark clouds; purobalaakaiH = with cranes at the front.

Verse 28

न चापि मम हस्तात्त्वां प्राप्तुमर्हति राघवः || ५-२०-२८
हिरण्यकशिपुः कीर्तिमिन्द्रहस्तगतामिव |

“Like Keerthi got by Hiranyakasipu from Indra’s hand, Rama is not suited to get you from my hands.”

28. kiirtimiva = like keerthi; hiraNyakashipuH = (got by) Hiranyakasipu; indrahastagataam = from Indra’s hand; raaghavaH = Rama; na chaapi arhati = is not suited; praaptum = to get; tvaam = you; mama hastaat = from my hand.

Verse 29

चारुस्मिते चारुदति चारुनेत्रे विलासिनि || ५-२०-२९
मनो हरसि मे भीरु सुपर्णः पन्न्गं यथा |

“O one with a beautiful smile! O one with beautiful teeth!O one with beautiful eyes! O charmful one! O timid one! You are stealing my heart like a serpent stolen by Garuda.

29. chaarusmite = O One with a beautiful smile!; chaarudati = O one with beautiful teeth!; chaarunetre = O one with beautiful eyes!; vilaasinii = O charmful one!; bhiiru = O timid one!; harasi = you are stealing; me manaH = my heart; pannagaM yathaa = like a serpent; suparNaH = (stolen) by Garuda.

Verse 30

क्लिष्टकौशेयवसनाम् तन्वीमप्यनलम्कृताम् || ५-२०-३०
त्वां दृष्ट्वा स्वेषु दारेषु रतिं नोपलभाम्यहम् |

“You are Wearing a silk cloth in a bad condition. You are emaciated. Even though you have not decorated, seeing you I am not getting happiness in my wives.”

30. kliSTa kausheya vasanaam = (You are) wearing a silk cloth in a bad condition; tanviim = (you are) emaciated; analaMkR^itaamapi = Even though you have not decorated; dR^ishhTvaa = seeing; tvaam = you; aham = I; nopalabhaami = am not getting; ratim = happiness; sveshhu daareshhu = in my wives.

Verse 31

अन्तः पुरविनासिन्यः स्त्रियः सर्वगुणान्विताः || ५-२०-३१
यावन्त्यो मम सर्वासामैश्वरम् कुरु जानकि |

“O Seetha! whoever women living in gynaeceum endowed with all virtues, have sovereignty on all of them.”

31. jaanaki = O Seetha!; yaavantyaH = whovever; striyaH = women; mama antaHpura nivaasinyaH = living in my gynaeceum; sarvaguNaanvitaaH = endowed with all virtues; kuru = have; aishvaryam = sovereignty; sarvaasaam = on all of them.

Verse 32

मम ह्यसितकेशान्ते त्रैलोक्यप्रवराः स्त्रियः || ५-२०-३२
तास्त्वां परिचरिष्यन्ति श्रियमप्सरसो यथा |

“O one with black hair! My those women and apsarasas who are the best among the three worlds will serve you like the goddess of wealth.”

32. asitakeshhante = O one with black hair! mama = my; taaH = those; striyaH = women; apsarasaH = apsarasas; trailokyapravaraaH = best among the three worlds; paricharishhyanti = will serve; tvaam = you; shriyam yathaa = like the goddess of wealth.

Verse 33

यानि वैश्रवणे सुभ्रु रत्नानि च धनानि च || ५-२०-३३
तानि लोकांश्च सुश्रोणि मां च भुम्क्ष्व यथासुखम् |

“O one with beautiful hips! O one with beuatiful eyebrows! Enjoy according to your comfort whatever gems and wealth belonging to Kubera, all those three worlds and me.”

33. sushroNi = O one with beautiful hips!; subhru = O one with beautiful eyebrows; bhunkshva = enjoy; yathaasukham = according to your comfort; yaani ratnaani = Whatever gems; dhanaani cha = and wealth; vaishravaNe = belonging to Kubera; taani = all those; lokaaMshcha = three worlds; maaM cha = and me;

Verse 34

न रामस्तपसा देवि न बलेन विक्रमैः || ५-२०-३४
न धनेन मया तुल्यस्तेजसा यशसापि वा |

“O Seetha! Rama is not equal to me by austerity, not equal by might; not equal by strength, not equal by wealth, by brilliance and by fame.”

34. devii = O Seetha!; raamaH = Rama na tulyaH = is not equal; mayaa = to me; tapasaa = by austerity; na = not (equal); balaena cha = by might; na = not (equal); vikramaiH = by strength;na = not (equal) dhanena = by wealth; tejasaa = by brilliance; yashsaapi cha = and by fame.

Verse 35

पिब विहर रमस्व भुंक्ष्व भोगान् |
धननिचौअम् प्रदिशामि मेदिनीम् च |
मयि लल ललने यथासुखम् त्वम् |
त्वयि च समेत्य ललन्तु बान्धव्वस्ते || ५-२०-३५

“O playful one! I will give hordes of wealth and land. You drink. Roam freely and play. Enjoy luxuries. Sport according to comfort in me. Your relatives may sport together in you.”

35. lalane = O playful one!; pradishaami = I will give; dhananichayam = hordes of wealth; mediniim cha = and land; tvam = you; piba = drink; vihara = roam freely; ramasva = and play; bhunkshva = enjoy; bhogaan = luxuries; lala = sport; yathaasukham = = according to comfort; mayi = in me; te baandhavaaH = your relatives; lalantu = may sport; sametya = together; tvayi = in you.

Verse 36

कनकविमलहारभूषिताङ्गी |
विहर मया सह भीरु काननानि || ५-२०-३६

“O timid one! With body decorated with gold colored, pure garlands, roam with me in forests born at sea shore filled with groups of flowered trees and with humble bees.”

36. bhiiru = O timid one!; kanakavimalahaarabhuushhinaaN^gii = with body decorated by gold colored; pure garlands; vihaara = roam; mayaa saha = with me; kaananaani = in forests; samudratiirajaani = born at sea shore;kusumita taru jaala saMtataani = filled with groups of flowered trees; bhramara yutaani = with humble bees

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