20 – dasharatha’s dissent to spare rAma’s servicees


On enquiring details about those dangerous demons that are ravaging sage’s ritual, King Dasharatha refuses to send young Rama along with Sage Vishvamitra on many an account, and thus confronts the Sage’s wrath.

Verse 1

तच्छ्रुत्वा राजशार्दूलो विश्वामित्रस्य भाषितम् |
मुहूर्तमिव निस्सज्ञः सज्ञावानिदमब्रवीत् || १-२०-१

On hearing what is spoken by Vishvamitra the tigerly-king Dasharatha became insensate for a time, and on redeeming senses he said this. [1-20-1]

1. raajashaarduulaH = the tigerly king; vishvaamitrasya tat bhaaSitam shrutvaa = Vishvamitra’s, that, spoken, on hearing; muhuurtam iva nissanj~naH = for a time, thus, became senseless; sanj~naavaan idam abraviit = said this gaining senses.

Verse 2

ऊनषोडशवर्षो मे रामो राजीवलोचनः |
न युद्धयोग्यतामस्य पश्यामि सह राक्षसैः || १-२०-२

“”Less than sixteen years of age is my lotus-eyed Rama, and I see no warring aptitude to him with the demons. [1-20-2]

2. raajiivalochanaH = lotus eyed one; me raamaH = my, Rama; uunaSoDashavarSaH = is less than sixteen years [of age]; asya raakShasaiH saha = his, with, demons; yuddhayogyataam = warring aptitude; na pashyaami = I don’t see.

Verse 3

इयमक्षौहिणी पूर्णा यस्याहं पतिरीश्वरः |
अनया संवृतो गत्वा योद्धाहं तैर्निशाचरैः || १-२०-३

“Here is the full-fledged battalion, called akShouhiNii senaa , for which I am the leader and controller, and fortified by this army I will go there to encounter those demons. [1-20-3]

3. puurNaa iyam akShouhiNii = this full-fledged one – here is, battalion [of ancient Indian warfare]; yasya aham patiH = for which, I am, the leader; iishwaraH = controller; anayaa samvR^itaH = surrounded – [fortified by] by this [battalion] ; gatvaa = having gone; aham taiH nishaacharaiH yoddhaa = I can encounter with those night walkers [demons] .

Verse 4

इमे शूराश्च विक्रान्ता भृत्या मेऽस्त्रविशारदाः |
योग्या रक्षोगणैर्योद्धुं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि || १-२०-४

“Brave and daring are these soldiers of mine, and as experts in weaponry they are the appropriate ones to combat the hordes of demons, but, it will be ungentle of you to take Rama with you. [1-20-4]

4. me bhR^ityaaH = my, subordinates – soldiers; ime shuuraaH cha = these, brave ones, also; vikraantaaH = daring ones; astravishaaradaaaH = experts in weaponry ; rakShogaNaiH = with hordes of demons; yoddhum yogyaaH = suitable to combat; raamam = Rama; netum = to take along; na arhasi = not, apt of you.

Verse 5

अहमेव धनुष्पाणिर्गोप्ता समरमूर्धनि |
यावत् प्राणान् धरिष्यामि तावद्योत्स्ये निशाचरैः || १-२०-५

“I alone with bow in my hand can protect your ritual, and as long as I bear my lives so long I war with those nightwalkers staying in the van of war. [1-20-5]

5. aham eva = I, alone; dhanuSpaaNiH = having bow in hand; goptaa = I can protect [ritual]; yaavat praaNaan dhariSyaami = as long as, lives, I bear; taavat = so long; samaramuurdhani = in war’s forefront; nishaacharaiH yotsye = I war with nightwalkers [demons] .

Verse 6

निर्विघ्ना व्रतचर्या सा भविष्यति सुरक्षिता |
अहं तत्रागमिष्यामि न रामं नेतुमर्हसि || १-२०-६

” I myself wish to come over there thereby the works of ritual will be well-guarded and unimpeded, but, taking Rama with you will be ungracious of you. [1-20-6]

6. aham tatra aagamiSyaami = I wish to come over there; saa vratacharyaa = that, ritual work; surakShitaa = well guarded; nirvighnaa = without impediments; bhaviSyati = it will be; raamam netum na arhasi = inapt of you to take Rama with you .

Verse 7

बालो ह्यकृतविद्यश्च न च वेत्ति बलाबलम् |
न चास्त्रबलसंयुक्तो न च युद्धविशारदः || १-२०-७
न चासौ रक्षसां योग्यः कूटयुद्धा हि ते ध्रुवम् |

“Why because, Rama is boy! And he is unschooled in his princely education; does he know the strengths and weaknesses of opponents – no; has he got the equipage of arsenal – no; has he any expertise in warfare – no; is he an equal to the demons – no; be that as it may, those demons definitely conduct a deceitful warfare, isn’t it. [1-19-7, 8a]

7, 8a. hi = why because; [Rama] baalaH = a boy; akR^itavidyaH cha = not done [unschooled,] in education; balaabalam = strengths and weaknesses; na vetti cha = not, knows, also; na astrabalasamyuktaH = he has no the equipage of arsenal; yuddhavishaaradaH cha = he is an expert in warfare, also; na = he is not; asau rakShasaam yogyaH = as a match equal to those demons; na = he is not; te dhruvam kuuTayuddhaaH hi = those, definitely, with deceitful warfare, isn’t it.

Verse 8b & 9a

विप्रयुक्तो हि रामेण मुहूर्तमपि नोत्सहे || १-२०-८
जीवितुं मुनिशार्दूल न रामं नेतुमर्हसि |

“Alienated from Rama I am disinclined to live even for a moment, oh, tigerly sage, hence taking Rama with you will be unjust. [1-20-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. raameNa = with Rama; viprayuktaH [vi-pra-yuktaH] = [I am] alienated from; muhuurtam api = for a moment, even; jiivitum na utsahe = not inclined to live; munishaarduula = the tigerly sage; raamam netum na arhasi = unapt of you to take Rama with you.

Verse 9b & 10a

यदि वा राघवं ब्रह्मन्नेतुमिच्छसि सुव्रत || १-२०-९
चतुरंगसमायुक्तं मया सह च तं नय |

“Otherwise, oh, Brahman with best vows, if you so wish to take Rama along with you, you lead him off along with me, and along with my four kinds of troops. [1-20-9b, 10a]

9b, 10a. suvrata = oh one with best vows; brahman = oh Brahman; vaa = otherwise; raaghavam netum icChasi yadi = if you wish to take away Rama; chaturangasamaayuktam = along with four kinds of troops; mayaa saha ca = along with me, also; tam naya = him [Rama,] you lead forth – take.

Verse 10b & 11a

षष्टिर्वर्षसहस्राणि जातस्य मम कौशिक || १-२०-१०
कृच्छ्रेणोत्पादितश्चायं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि |

“Sixty thousand years have passed from my birth, oh! Vishvamitra, and this Rama is engendered at this age, that too with tribulations, hence taking Rama with you will be inappropriate of you. [1-20-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. koushika = oh Vishvamitra; jaatasya mama = birthed, for me [from my birth]; SaSTiH varSasahasraaNi = sixty thousand years [passed] ; ayam = this one [Rama]; kR^icChreNa = with tribulations; utpaaditaH cha = is produced given birth, also; raamam netum na arhasi = unapt of you to take Rama with you.

Verse 11b & 12a

चतुर्णामात्मजानां हि प्रीतिः परमिका मम || १-२०-११
ज्येष्ठे धर्मप्रधाने च न रामं नेतुमर्हसि |

“I will have exceptional affection for all of my four sons, isn’t it, and among them Rama has a significance in the matter of his descent as an eldest son, hence taking Rama with you will be unjust of you. [1-20-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. chaturNaam aatmajaanaam = for four, of my soul born sons; mama paramikaa priitiH hi = to me, exceptional, affection is there, isn’t it; jyeSThe = eldest one; dharmapradhaane cha = significance in view of rightness [of descent], also – as he is the next king, do not butcher him now; raamam netum na arhasi = unapt of you to take Rama with you.

Verse 12b & 13a

किं वीर्या राक्षसास्ते च कस्य पुत्राश्च के च ते || १-२०-१२
कथं प्रमाणाः के चैतान् रक्षन्ति मुनिपुंगव |

“Oh, eminent sage, of what fortitude are those demons? Whose sons are they? Who are they? How is their size and shape? Also who protects all of them? [1-20-12b, 13a]

12b, 13a. munipungava = oh the eminent sage; te raakShasaaH kim viiryaaH = of what fortitude are those demons; kasya putraaH cha = whose, sons, also; te ke = they, who; katham pramaaNaaH = of what, size; ke cha etaan rakShanti = also who is protecting all of them.

Verse 13b & 14a

कथं च प्रतिकर्तव्यं तेषां रामेण रक्षसाम् || १-२०-१३
मामकैर्वा बलैर्ब्रह्मन् मया वा कूटयोधिनाम् |

“Oh, Brahman, how Rama, or my forces, or I myself have to retaliate those demons that are deceitful militants. [1-20-13b, 14a]

13b, 14a. brahman = oh Brahman; kuuTayodhinaam = deceitful militants; teSaam rakShasaam = in respect of those, demons; raameNa = by Rama; maamakaiH balaiH vaa = my own, forces, or; mayaa vaa = by me, or; katham pratikartavyam = how to, retaliate.

Verse 14b & 15

सर्वं मे शंस भगवन् कथं तेषां मया रणे|| १-२०-१४
स्थातव्यं दुष्टभावानां वीर्योत्सिक्ता हि राक्षसाः |
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत || १-२०-१५

“Tell me all that, oh, god, how I have to carry on when warring with those evil minded demons, for the demons will be delirious by their audacity, isn’t it…” Thus Dasharatha asked Vishvamitra insistently. On hearing those words Sage Vishvamitra replied this way. [1-20-14b, 15]

14b, 15. bhagavan = oh,god; duSTabhaavaanaam = evil minded ones; teSaam raNe katham mayaa sthaatavyam = how to stand by me with them in war – to carry out; sarvam me shamsa = you inform all to me; raakShasaaH viiryotsiktaaH hi = demons will be delirious by audacity, isn’t it; tasya tat vachanam shrutvaa = his [Dasharatha’s,] on hearing that words; Vishvamitra; abhyabhaaSata = spoke.

Verse 16 & 17a

पौलस्त्यवंशप्रभवो रावणो नाम राक्षसः |
स ब्रह्मणा दत्तवरस्त्रैलोक्यं बाधते भृशम् || १-२०-१६
महाबलो महावीर्यो राक्षसैर्बहुभिर्वृतः |

“One born in Paulastya dynasty, an extremely mighty and exceedingly brave demon named Ravana is there, and he with the boon given by Brahma, and accompanied with many other demons is torturing the triad of worlds, contemptuously. [1-20-16, 17a]

16, 17a. paulastyavamshaprabhavaH = born in Pulastya dynasty; raaavaNaH naama raakShasaH = Ravana, named, demon [is there]; mahaabalaH mahaaviiryaH = greatly mighty, greatly brave; saH = he; brahmaNaa dattavaraH = given boon by Brahma ; bahubhiH raakShasaiH vR^itaH = surrounded with [accompanied with] many demons; trailokyam bhR^isham baadhate = highly [contemptuously] torturing three worlds.

Verse 17b & 18a

श्रूयते च महाराजा रावणो राक्षसाधिपः || १-२०-१७
साक्षाद्वैश्रवणभ्राता पुत्रो विश्रवसो मुनेः |

“Unequivocally that chief of demons is the brother of Kubera and the son of sage Vishravasa, thus we hear. [1-20-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. mahaaraajaa = oh exalted king Dasharatha; saakShaat vaishravaNabhraataa = unequivocally, Kubera’s brother; vishravasaH muneH putraH = son of sage Vishravasa; raakShasaadhipaH = demon’s chief; shruuyate = he is being heard so.

Verse 18b & 19

यदा न खलु यज्ञस्य विघ्नकर्ता महाबलः || १-२०-१८
तेन संचोदितौ तौ तु राक्षसौ च महाबलौ |
मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च यज्ञविघ्नं करिष्यतः || १-२०-१९

“That formidable Ravana is not a devastator of rituals by himself, even so, two very mighty demons called Mareecha and Subaahu will cause devastating hindrances to rituals, instigated by him.” Thus Sage Vishvamitra said to Dasharatha. [1-20-18b, 19]

18b, 19. mahaabalaH = great mighty – formidable Ravana; yadaa yaj~nasya vighnakartaa na khalu = when, rituals, hindrances – devastation causer, not, indeed; tena samchoditaH = by him, instigated; maariicaH ca subaahuH ca = Mareecha, and, Subaahu, also; tau mahaabalau raakShasau tu = those, very mighty, demons, but; yaj~navighnam kariSyataH = will cause ritual hindrance.

Verse 20

इत्युक्तो मुनिना तेन राजोवाच मुनिं तदा |
न हि शक्तोऽस्मि संग्रामे स्थातुं तस्य दुरात्मनः || १-२०-२०

Thus when he is said so by that sage Vishvamitra, then the king Dasharatha spoke to the sage, “I myself am not capable of standing against that evil minded Ravana, in truth, where is the question of deputing my young Rama to confront him? [1-20-20]

20. iti tena muninaa uktaH = thus, one who is said by that sage; raajaa tadaa munim uvaacha = king Dasharatha, then, spoke to sage; sangraame = in war; tasya duraatmanaH = him, evil minded one Ravana; sthaatum na shaktaH asmi hi = in truth I am not capable to stand [against him]; annex: where is the question of deputing my young Rama to confront him.

Verse 21

स त्वं प्रसादं धर्मज्ञ कुरुष्व मम पुत्रके |
मम चैवाल्पभाग्यस्य दैवतं हि भवान् गुरुः || १-२०-२१

“You are the knower of probity, such as you are, you may please bestow benevolence upon my boyish son, as well on a less fortunate one like me too, and as our mentor you are indeed a god of ours. [1-20-21]

21. dharmaj~naH = probity knower; saH = such as you are; tvam = you; mama putrake = on my, boyish son; alpabhaagyasya mama cha eva = less fortunate one, me, also, thus; prasaadam kuruSva = benevolence, you bestow; guruH bhavaan daivatam hi = mentor, you are, god, indeed.

Verse 22

देवदानवगंधर्वा यक्षाः पतगपन्नगाः|
न शक्ता रावणं सोढुं किं पुनर्मानवा युधि || १-२०-२२

“Gods, demons, celestial beings like gandharva-s, yaksha-s, winged and reptile beings are incapable to bear the brunt of that Ravana in fight, why tell again about humans. [1-20-22]

22. devadaanavagandharvaaH = gods, demons and celestials; yakshaaH = yaksha-s; patagapannagaaH = winged beings [birds] and reptile beings; yudhi = in war; raavaNam = Ravana’s; soDhum = bear [the brunt of]; na shaktaa = not, capable of; kim punaH maanavaaH= why, again [tell, about] humans.

Verse 23 & 24a

स तु वीर्यवतां वीर्यमादत्ते युधि रावणः |
तेन चाहं न शक्तोऽस्मि संयोद्धुं तस्य वा बलैः || १-२०-२३
सबलो वा मुनिश्रेष्ठ सहितो वा ममात्मजैः |

“But that Ravana depletes the valour of valorous opponents in a battle, oh, eminent sage, either with my entire forces, or with all my sons I am inadequate to grapple with all his forces, or with him, individually. [1-20-23, 24a]

23, 24a. saH raavaNaH tu = he, that Ravana, but; yudhi = in battle; viiryavataam viiryam aadatte = depletes valorous ones’ valour; munishreSTha = oh the eminent sage; sabalaH vaa = with my [entire] forces, either; mama aatmajaiH sahitaH vaa = along with my sons, or; aham tena = I, with him [individually]; tasya balaiH vaa = with his, forces, or; samyoddhum = to grapple with; shaktaH na asmi = not capable – inadequate, I am.

Verse 24b & 25a

कथमप्यमरप्रख्यं संग्रामाणामकोविदम् || १-२०-२४
बालं मे तनयं ब्रह्मन्नैव दास्यामि पुत्रकम् |

“My boyish son is godlike and unfledged in warfare, oh, Brahman, and he is the one who alleviates me from punnama naraka the hell of sonless fathers… no, I cannot spare my son in anyway. [1-20-24b, 25a]

24b, 25a. brahman = oh Brahman; amaraprakhyam = godlike [for Rama is still a boy]; sangraamaaNaam = in wars; akovidam = not experienced; baalam = just a boy; putrakam = a son who alleviates hell of sonless fathers; me tanayam = my, son; katham api = in any wise; na eva daasyaami = not, thus, I handover.

Verse 25b & 26a

अथ कालोपमौ युद्धे सुतौ सुन्दोपसुन्दयोः || १-२०-२५
यज्ञविघ्नकरौ तौ ते नैव दास्यामि पुत्रकम् |

“Further, those saboteurs of your ritual namely Mareecha and Subaahu, are similar to Death-god and the descendents of the earliest demons and subverters of rituals, namely Sunda and Upasunda, no, I cannot spare my son, in any case. [1-20-25b, 26a]

25b, 26a. atha = further; te yaj~navighnakarau = sabotage causers of your ritual – saboteurs; tau = those two – Mareecha, Subaahu; sundopasundayoH sutau = sons of [ viz., descendants of] demons Sunda, Upasunda; yuddhe kaalopamau = in war, Death-god in simile; putrakam na eva daasyaami = not in any way I spare my son.

Verse 26b & 27

मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च वीर्यवन्तौ सुशिक्षितौ || १-२०-२६
तयोरन्यतरं योद्धुं यास्यामि ससुहृद्गणः |
अन्यथा त्वनुनेष्यामि भवन्तं सह बान्धवैः || १-२०-२७

“Mareecha and Subaahu are well-trained and valorous ones, hence I will proceed with all my friendly forces to war with either of those two demons, otherwise, I along with all my relatives implore upon you for your exoneration in my failure to comply my own promises. [1-20-26b, 27]

26b, 27. maariicaH ca subaahuH ca = Mareecha, also, Subaahu, also; viiryavantau sushikSitau = valorous ones, well-trained ones; sasuhR^idgaNaH = along with friendly forces; tayoH anyataram yoddhum = to war with one only [either of the two demons,] ; yaasyaami = I will proceed; anyathaa = otherwise; saha baandhavaiH = with relatives; bhavantam = your [order, in turning down]; tvam anuneSyaami = I implore upon you.

Verse 28

इति नरपतिजल्पनाद्द्विजेन्द्रं
कुशिकसुतं सुमहान् विवेश मन्युः |
सुहुत इव मखेऽग्निराज्यसिक्तः
समभवदुज्वलितो महर्षिवह्निः || १-२०-२८

Thus, by the incongruous talk of Dasharatha, the outstanding Brahman and son of Sage Kushi, namely sage Vishvamitra is overwhelmed with outrageous anger by his mentation, and that fire-like glorious sage looked like the ritual fire into which many inflammable oblations are offered, and which is drenched with a lot of clarified butter, whereby it is flaring up its tongues. [1-20-28]

28. iti = that way; narapatijalpanaat = by incongruous talk of peoples’ lord[king’s] ; dwijendram = outstanding Brahman – Vishvamitra; kushikasutam = to sage Kushi’s, son – to Vishvamitra; sumahaan manyuH vivesha = overwhelmed with very high anger; maharShivahniH = glorious sage[called] the fire; makhe suhutaH = in ritual, well oblated; aajyasiktaH = drenched with ghee [clarified butter] ; agniH iva = fire, like; ujwalithaH = flared up [tongues of fire]; samabhavat = has happened [flared up.]

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