2 – The city of Lanka


This chapter introduces us to the glorious city of Lanka and Hanuma’s first encounter with it. The geography around the island where Lanka is located is described herein. The chapter also depicts the initial reaction of Hanuma on seeing the city and his initial thoughts about the feasibility of the task of overcoming the Rakshasas and Ravana to reunite Sri Rama with mother Seetha. As the book progresses, we shall see how Hanuma overcomes these thoughts and moves toward achieving this task.

Verse 1

स सागरमनाधृष्यमतिक्रम्य महाबलः |
त्रिकूटशिखरे लङ्कां स्थितां स्वस्थो ददर्श ह || ५-२-१

That Hanuma with great strength crossed the insurmountable ocean without becoming tired and viewed the city of Lanka located on the peak of Mount Trikuta.

1. saH = that Hanuma; mahaabalaH = one with great strength; atikramya = crossed; anaadhrishhyam = the insurmountable; saagaram = ocean; svasthaH = (stayed) healthy (without any physical tiredness); dadarsha ha = and viewed; laN^kaam = the city of Lanka; sthitaam = situated; trikuuTa sikhare = on the peak of Mount Trikuta.

Verse 2

ततः पादपमुक्तेन पुष्पवर्षेण वीर्यवान् |
अभिवृष्टः स्थितस्तत्र बभौ पुष्पमयो यथा || ५-२-२

After that, the powerful Hanuma standing there shone like one made of flowers being showered by a rain of flowers released by trees.

2. tataH = after that; viiryavaan = the powerful Hanuma; sthitaH = standing; tatra = there; babhau = shone; pushhpamayo yathaa = like one (with a body) of flowers; abhivR^ishhTaH = being showered; pushhpavarshheNa = by a rain of flowers; paadapamuktena = released by trees.

Verse 3

योजनानां शतं श्रीमांस्तीर्त्वाप्युत्तमविक्रमः |
अनिःस्वसन् कपिस्तत्र न ग्लानिमधिगच्छति || ५-२-३

The glorious Hanuma with the best courage, even though crossing a hundred yojanas, was without a sigh and did not obtain any tiredness.

3. shriimaan = the glorious; kapiH = Hanuma; uttama vikramaH = with the best courage; tiirtvaapi = even though crossing; shatam = a hundred; yojanaanaam = yojanas; aniHshvan = was without a sigh; na adhigachhati = (and) did not obtain; glaanim = tiredness; tatra = there.

Verse 4

शतान्यहं योजनानां क्रमेयं सुबहुन्यपि |
किं पुनः सागरस्यान्तं संख्यातं शतयोजनम् || ५-२-४

“I can cross many hundreds of yojanas. What to say about the end of the ocean which had been counted to be hundred yojanas long?”

4. aham = I; krameyam = will cross; subahuunyapi = a lot of; shataanyapi yojanaanaam = hundreds of yojanas also; kim punaH = what to say; antam = (about) the end; saagarasya = of the ocean; saMkhyaatam = counted; shata yojanam = to be hundred yojanas (long) .

Verse 5

स तु वीर्यवतां श्रेष्ठः प्लवतामपि चोत्तमः |
जगाम वेगवान् लङ्कां लङ्घयित्वा महोदधिम् || ५-२-५

That Hanuma, the best among powerful ones and the foremost also among those who can fly, reached the city of Lanka by crossing the great ocean with good speed.

5. saH tu = that Hanuma; shresahhThaH = best; viiryavataam = among the powerful ones; uttamaH = foremost; plavataamapi = also among those who fly; jagaama = went; vegavaan = with (good) speed; lan^kaam = for Lanka; laJNGhayitvaa = crossing; mahodadhim = the great ocean.

Verse 6

शाद्वलानि च नीलानि गन्धवन्ति वनानि च |
गण्डवन्ति च मध्येन जगाम नगवन्ति च || ५-२-६

He passed through forests with dark green hued fragrant lawns and also consisting of great rocks and hills.

6. jagaama = (He) passed; madhyena = in the middle of; vanaani cha = forests; niilaani = (with) dark green hued; gandhavanti = fragrant; shaadvalaani cha = lawns; gaNDavanti cha = with great rocks; nagavanti cha = and also hills.

Verse 7

शैलांश्च तरुसंचन्नान् वनराजीश्च पुष्पिताः |
अभिचक्राम तेजस्वी हनुमान् प्लवगर्षभः || ५-२-७

Hanuma, the best among Vanaras and the radiant one, tread on mountains covered with trees and on series of trees full of flowers.

7. hanumaan = Hanuma; plavagarshhabhaH = the best among Vanaras; tejasvii = the radiant one; abhichakraama = tread; shailaaMshcha = on mountains; tarusaMchannaan = covered with trees; vanaraajiishcha = and on series of trees; pushhpitaaH = (which were) blooming.

Verse 8

स तस्मिन्नचले तिष्ठन्वनान्युपवनानि च |
स नगाग्रे च तां लङ्कां ददर्श पवनात्मजः || ५-२-८

That son of God Vayu stood on a mountain and saw forests and gardens and also the city of Lanka situated on the top of a mountain.

8. saH pavanaatmajaH = that Hanuma; tishhThan = stood; tasmin achale = on that mountain; dadarsha = and saw; vanaani = forests; upavanaani cha = and gardens; taam laN^kaam = (and also) that city of Lanka; nagaagre = situated on the top of a mountain.

Verse 9,10,11,12 & 13

सरळान् कर्णिकारांश्च खर्जूरांश्च सुपुष्पितान् |
प्रियाळान्मुचुळिन्दांश्च कुटजान् केतकानपि || ५-२-९
प्रियङ्गून् गन्धपूर्णांश्च नीपान् सप्तच्छदांस्तथा |
असनान् कोविदारांश्च करवीरांश्च पुष्पितान् || ५-२-१०
पुष्पभारनिबद्धांश्च तथा मुकुळितानपि |
पादपान् विहगाकीर्णान् पवनाधूतमस्तकान् || ५-२-११
हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णान्वापीः पद्मोत्मलायुताः |
आक्रीडान् विविधान् रम्यान्विविधांश्च जलाशयान् || ५-२-१२
संततान् विविधैर्वऋकैः सर्वर्तुफलपुष्पितैः |
उद्यानानि च रम्याणि ददर्श कपिकुञ्जरः || ५-२-१३

Standing on that mountain, the elephant among monkeys, Hanuma, saw pine trees, Karnikaras, date-palms in full blossom, Priyalas, lemon trees, wild jasmine trees, mogra trees, long pepper trees filled with sweet fragrance, Kadamba trees and seven leaved banana trees, Asana trees, Kovidaras, Karaviras in full blossom, trees that were tied by the weight of their flowers and flower buds, that were distressed by birds, with their crests moved by wind, wells and various glorious pleasure-groves filled by various trees that give fruits and flowers in all seasons and beautiful gardens also, surrounded by various ponds consisting of swans and ducks.

9;10;11;12;13. kapi kuJNaraH = The elephant among monkeys (Hanuma); dadarsha = saw; saraLaan = pine trees; karNikaaraaMshcha = Karnikaras; kharjuuraMshcha = date-palms; supushhpitaan = in full blossom; priyaalaan = Priyalas; muchulindas = lemon trees; kutajaan = wild jasmine trees; ketakaanapi = mogra trees; priyaJNguuMshcha = long pepper trees; gandhapuurNaan = filled with fragrance; niipaan = Kadamba trees; tathaa = and; saptachchhadaan = seven leaved banana trees; asanaan = Asanas; kovidaaraaMshcha = Kovidaras; karaviiraaMshcha = Karaviras; pushhpitaan = in full blossom; padapaan = trees; pushhpabhaara nibaddhaaMshcha = tied by the weight of flowers; tathaa = and; mukulitaanapi = with flower buds; vihagaakiirNaan = distressed by birds; pavanaadhuutamastakaan = with (their) peaks moved by wind; vaapiiH = wells; vividhaan = (and) various; ramyaan = glorious; aakriiDaan = pleasure-groves; vividhaiH vR^ikshaiH = (filled) by various trees; sarvartuphalapushhpitaiH = that give fruits and flowers in all seasons; ramyaaNi = (and) beautiful; udyaanaani cha = gardens also; saMtataan = surrounded by; vividhaan = various; jalaashayaaMshcha = ponds; haMsakaaraNDa vaakiirNaaH = consisting of swans and ducks.

Verse 14,15, 16 , 17 & 18

समासाद्य च लक्ष्मीवन् लङ्कां रावणपालिताम् |
परिखाभिः सपद्माभिः सोत्पलाभिरलंकृताम् || ५-२-१४
सीतापहरणार्थेन रावणेन सुरक्षिताम् |
समन्ताद्विचरद्भिश्च राक्षसैरुग्रधन्विभिः || ५-२-१५
काञ्चनेनावृतां रम्यां प्राकारेण महापुरीम् |
गृहैश्च ग्रहसंकाशैः शारदाम्बुदसन्निभैः || ५-२-१६
पाण्डुराभिः प्रतोळीभिरुच्चाभिरभिसंवृताम् |
अट्टालकशताकीर्णां पताकाध्वजमालिनीम् || ५-२-१७
तोरणैः काञ्चनैर्दिव्यैर्लतापङ्किविचित्रितैः |
ददर्श हनुमान् लङ्कां दिवि देवपुरीं यथा || ५-२-१८

The glorious Hanuma neared the city of Lanka ruled by Ravana, and saw the city which looked like the city of Gods in heaven, decorated by moats filled with lotuses and water-lilies, which was well protected, since the time of Seetha’s abduction, by Ravana and by Rakshasas with horrifying voices roaming around, which was surrounded by a golden boundary wall, that beautiful great city consisted of houses equal in height to mountains and which looked like autumnal clouds, with white and elevated main streets, decorated with flags and pennons, with excellent golden hued archways adorned with sculpted rows of vines.

14; 15; 16; 17; 18. lakshmiivaan = the glorious; hanumaan = Hanuma; samaasaadya = neared; laN^kaam = the city of Lanka; raavaNa paalitaam = ruled by Ravana; alaMkR^itaam = decorated by; parikhaabhiH = moats; sapadmaabhiH = filled with lotuses; sotpalaabhiH = and water-lilies; surakshitaam = well protected; siitaapaharaNaarthena = due to the reason of Seetha’s abduction; raavaNena = by Ravana; raakshasaiH = (and also) by Rakshasas; ugradhvanibhiH = with horrifying voices; vicharadbhiH = roaming; samantaat = around; aavR^itaam = surrounded; kaaJNchanena praakaareNa = by a golden boundary wall; ramyaam = the beautiful; mahaapuriim = great city; abhisaMvR^itaam = consisting; gR^ihaishcha = houses; girisaMkaashaiH = equal to mountains; shaaradaambudasannibhaiH = equal to the autumnal clouds; pratoliibhiH = (and) main streets; paaNDuraabhiH = which were white (plastered); uchchaabhiH = (and) which were elevated; pataakaadhvaja maaliniim = decorated with flags and pennons; toraNaiH = archaways; divyaiH = excellent; kaaJNchanaiH = golden hued; lataapaN^kti vichitritaiH = adorned with sculpted rows of climbers; dadarsha = (Hanuma) saw; laN^kaam = (that) Lanka; devapurrimiva = like the city of Gods; divi = in heaven.

Verse 19

गिरिमूर्ध्नि स्थितां लङ्कां पाण्डुरैर्भवनैः शुभैः |
ददर्श स कपिश्रेष्ठः पुरमाकाशगं यथा || ५-२-१९

That best among monkeys Hanuma saw the city of Lanka with beautiful white buildings situated on the top of a mountain like a city located in the sky.

19. saH = that; kapi shreshhThaH = best among monkeys Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; laN^kaam = the city of Lanka; bhavanaiH = with buildings; paaNDuraiH = white in color; shubhaiH = beautiful ones; sthitaam = situated; giri muurdhni = on the top of a mountain; aakaashagam puram yathaa = like a city located in the sky.

Verse 20

पालितां राक्षसेन्द्रेण निर्मितां विश्वकर्मणा |
प्लवमानामिवाकाशे ददर्श हनुमान् पुरीम् || ५-२-२०

Hanuma saw that city of Lanka ruled by Ravana the king of Rakshasas, constructed by Visvakarma (architect of Gods), and which looked as though it were floating in the sky.

20. hanumaan = Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; puriim = that city; paalitaam = ruled; raakshasendreNa = by the king of Rakshasas; nirmitaam = constructed; vishvakarmaNaa = by Visvakarma – the architect of Gods; plavamaaniva = looked as though it were floating; aakaashe = in the sky.

Verse 21 & 22

पप्रप्राकारजघनां विपुलाम्बुनवाम्बराम् |
शतघ्नीशूलकेशान्तामट्टालकवतंसकाम् || ५-२-२१
मन्सेव कृतां लङ्कां निर्मितां विश्वकर्मणा |
द्वारमुत्तरमासाद्य चिन्तयामास वानरः || ५-२-२२

Hanuma saw the city of Lanka with buttress and enclosure wall as her hip and loins, the vast body pf water in the moat as her raiment, Satagnis and Sulas as her locks, the mansions as her earrings, constructed by thought. He reached the northern gate and thought thus.

21; 22. vaanaraH = Hanuma (saw); laN^kaam = city of Lanka; vaprapraakaara jaghanaam = (with) buttress and enclosure wall as her hip and loins; vipulaambunavaambaraam = the vast body of water (in the moat) as her raiment; shataghnii shuula keshantaam = Satagnis and Sulas as her locks; aTTaalakavataMsakaam = the mansions as her earrings; nirmitaam = constructed; manasaa = by thought; (He) aasaadya = reached; uttaram dvaaram = the northern gate; chintayaamaasa = and thought ( thus – ) .

Verse 23, 24, 25 & 26

कैलासशिखरप्रख्यामालिख्स्न्तीमिवाम्बरम् |
डीयमानामिवाकाशमुच्छ्रितैर्भवनोत्तमैः || ५-२-२३
संपूर्णां राक्षसैर्घोरैर्नागैर्भोगवतीमिव |
अचिन्त्यां सुकृतां स्पष्टां कुबेराध्युषितां पुरा || ५-२-२४
दंष्ट्रिभिर्बहुभिः शूरैः शूलपट्टिसपाणिभिः |
रक्षितां राक्षसैर्घोरैर्गुहामाशीविषैरिव || ५-२-२५
तस्याश्च महतीं गुप्तिं सागरं च निरीक्ष्य सः |
रावणं च रिपुं घोरं चिन्तयामास वानरः || ५-२-२६

Hanuma saw the city of Lanka equal to peak of Kailasa as though touching the sky, as though flying to reach the sky, with its best mansions, filled with horrible rakshasas and serpants like the city of Bhogavati (capital of Patala), one which was unfathomable, a well arranged and a clear city governed by Kubera in earlier times, protected by courageous, horrible serpents and Rakshasas with mouths with sharp teeth like a cave, with spikes and Pattisas (spears) in their hands. Hanuma saw that Lanka’s great protection and the ocean and Ravana the horrible enemy and thought thus.

23; 24; 25; 26. kailaasa shikhara prakhyaam = (Hanuma saw the city of Lanka ) equal to the peak of Kailasa; aalikhantiimiva = as though touching; ambaram = the sky; Diiyamaanaamiva = as though flying; aakaasham = for sky; ucchritaiH bhavanottamaiH = with its best mansions; saMpuurNaam = filled; ghoraiH = (with) horrible; raakshasaiH = Rakshasas; bhogavatiimiva = like in the city of Bhogavati; naagaiH = and by Serpents; achintyaam = one which is unfathomable; sukR^itaam = well arranged one; spashhTaam = the clear one; kuberaadhyushhitaam = governed by Kubera; puraa = in earlier times; rakshitaam = protected; aashiivishhaiH = by serpents; raakshasaiH = (and) Rakshasas; guhaamiva = (with a mouth) like a cave; daMshhTribhiH = with sharp teeth; shuuraiH = courageous ones; shuulapattisa paanibhiH = with spikes and Pattisas in their hands; ghoraiH = horrible ones; saH vaanaraH = that Hanuma; niriikshya = saw; tasyaaH = that Lanka’s; mahatiim = great; guptim = protection; saagaram cha = and the ocean; raavaNam cha = and Ravana; ghoram ripum = the horrible enemy; chintayaamaasa = and thought thus.

Verse 27

आगत्यापीह हरयो भविष्यन्ति निररथकाः |
न हि युद्धेन व लङ्का शक्या जेतुं सुरैरपि || ५-२-२७

“Even if Vanaras were to come here they would not meet with success. It is not possible even for Devas to be victorious against Lanka in war”.

27. harayaH = vaanaras; aagatyaapi = even (if they) could come; iha = here; bhavishhyanti = they would become; nirarthakaaH = without success; laN^kaa = Lanka; na shakyaa hi = is not possible; jetum = to be overcome; yuddhena = in war; surairapi = even by Suras.

Verse 28

इमां तु विषमां दुर्गां लङ्कां रावणपालिताम् |
प्राप्यापि स महाबाहुः किम् करिष्यति राघवः || ५-२-२८

“Even if He reaches this very difficult and impenetrable Lanka ruled by Ravana, what can that Sri Rama with mighty arms do”?

28. praapyaapi = even after reaching; imaam = this; vishhamaam = very difficult; durgaam = impenetrable; laN^kaam = Lanka; raavaNa paalitaam = ruled by Ravana; kiM karishhyati saH mahaabaahuH raaghavaH = what can that Sri Rama with mighty arms do?.

Verse 29

अवकाशो न सान्त्वस्य रक्षसेष्वभिगम्यते |
न दानस्य न भेदस्य नैव युद्धस्य दृश्यते || ५-२-२९

“In the matter of overcoming rakshasas, there seems to be no opportunity for persuasion, gifts, dissension or even war”.

29. raakshaseshhu = in (the matter of overcoming) rakshasas; avakaashaH na abhigamyate = no opportunity can be obtained; saantvasya = for persuasion; na daanasya = no (opportunity for) gift; na bhedasya = no (opportunity for) dissension; yuddhasya = (an opportunity for) war; naiva drishyate = is not even to be seen.

Verse 30

चतुर्णामेव हि गतिर्वानराणां महात्मनाम् |
वालिपुत्रस्य नीलस्य मम राज्ञश्च धीमतः || ५-२-३०

“Only four great Vanaras can come here – the son of Vali (Angada), Nila, myself and the wise king Sugriva”.

30. chaturNaam eva hi = only four; mahaatmaanaam = great; vaanaraaNaam = vanaras; gatiH hi = (have) the possibility of coming (here); vaaliputrasya = for the son of Vali – Angada; niilasya = for Nila; mama = for me; dhiimataH raaNJnashcha = and for the wise king Sugriva.

Verse 31

यावज्जानामि वैदेहीं यदि जीवति वा न वा |
तत्रैव चिन्तयिष्यामि दृष्ट्वा तां जनकात्मजाम् || ५-२-३१

“I will first find out if Seetha is alive or not. I will think all this later, after seeing that daughter of Janaka”.

31. yaavat jaanaami = I will find out; vaidehiim = about Seetha; yadi jeevati vaa = if she is alive or; na = not; chintayishhyaami = I will think; tatriava = there; dR^ishhTvaa = after seeing; taam janakaatmajaam = that Seetha.

Verse 32

ततः स चिन्तयामास मुहूर्तं कपिकुञ्जरः |
गिरिशृङ्गे स्थितस्तस्मिन् रामस्याभ्युदये रतः || ५-२-३२

After that, that elephant among monkeys Hanuma who was interested in the welfare of Sri Rama, stood on that mountain peak and thought for an instant.

32. tataH = after that; saH kapikuJNaraH = that elephant among monkeys Hanuma; rataH = interested; abhyudaye = in the welfare; raamasya = of Sri Rama; sthitaH = stood; tasmin girishR^iJNge = on that mountain peak; chintayaamaasa = and thought; muhuurtam = for an instant.

Verse 33

अनेन रूपेण मया न शक्या रक्षसां पुरी |
प्रवेष्टुं राक्षसैर्गुप्ता क्रूरैर्बलसमन्वितैः || ५-२-३३

“It is not possible for me to enter the city of ogres protected by cruel and strong rakshasas, with this appearance”.

33. na shakyaa = it is not possible; praveshhTum = to enter; mayaa = by me; anena ruupeNa = in this appearance; purii = the city; rakshasaam = of rakshasa; guptaa = protected; raakshasaiH = by rakshasas; kruuraiH = (who are) cruel; balasamanvitaiH = (and) with strength.

Verse 34

उग्रौजसो महावीर्या बलवन्तश्च राक्षसाः |
वञ्चनीया मया सर्वे जानकीं परिमार्गता || ५-२-३४

“All these mighty ogres with extraordinary energy and great prowess are to be cheated by me while engaged in the search of Seetha”.

34. raakshasaaH sarve = all rakshasas; ugraujasaH = who are with extraordinary energy; mahaaviiryaH = great prowess; balavantashcha = and of might; vaN^chaniiyaaH = are to be cheated; mayaa = by me; parimaargataa = who is searching; jaanakiim = Seetha.

Verse 35

लक्ष्यालक्ष्येण रूपेण रात्रौ लङ्का पुरी मया |
प्रवेष्टुं प्राप्तकालं मे कृत्यं साधयितुं महत् || ५-२-३५

“To achieve this great deed successfully, entering the city of Lanka in a small form at night is a timely thing to do” .

35. saadhayitum = to acheive; me = my; mahat = great; kR^ityam = task; mayaa = by me; praveshhTum = to enter; laN^kaapurii = city of Lanka; lakshyaalakshyeNa = in a seen-unseen (barely seen); ruupeNa = form; raatrau = at night; praaptakaalam = is a timely (thing).

Verse 36

तां पुरीं तादृशीं दृष्ट्वा दुराधर्शां सुरासुरैः |
हनुमान् चिन्तयामास विनिश्चित्य मुहुर्मुहुः || ५-२-३६

Hanuma saw such that city of Lanka, which was difficult to overcome even for Devas or asuras, and thought thus repeatedly.

36. hanumaan = Hanuma; dR^ishhTvaa = saw; taadR^ishiim = such; taam = that; puriim = city; duraadharshham = difficult to overcome; suraasuraiH = (even for) devas or asuras; chintayaamaasa = (and) thought; muhurmuhuH = repeatedly.

Verse 37

केनोपायेन पशेयं मैथिलीं जनकात्मजाम् |
अदृष्टो राक्षसेन्द्रेण रावणेन दुरात्मना || ५-२-३७

“By what idea can I see Seetha the daughter of Janaka, unseen by the wicked Ravana, the king of the ogres.

37. kena = By which; upaayena = idea; pashyeyam = can I see; maithiliim = Seetha; janakaatmajaam = the daughter of Janaka; adR^ishhTaH = unseen; duraatmanaa raavaNena = by the wicked Ravana; raakshasendreNa = the king of ogres.

Verse 38

न विनश्येत्कथं कार्यं रामस्य विदितात्मनः |
एकामेकश्च पश्येयं रहिते जनकात्मजाम् || ५-२-३८

“How can the task of Sri Rama, one who knows self, not be destroyed? How can I alone see Seetha alone in a place devoid of people?.”

38. katham = how; kaaryam = (can) the task; viditaatmanaH raamsya = of Sri Rama; the knower of self; na vinashyet = not be destroyed; pashyeyam ekashcha = (How) can I alone see; janakaatmajaam = Seetha; ekaam = alone; rahite = in a place devoid of people.

Verse 39

भूताश्चार्था विपद्यन्ते देशकालविरोधिताः |
विक्लबं दूतमासाद्य तमः सूर्योदये यथा || ५-२-३९

“With a mediator who has an unsteady and gloomy mind working against time and place, tasks that are otherwise ready to succeed get harmed, like the darkness that gets destroyed at dawn”.

39. aasaadya = obtaining; duutam = a messenger; viklabam = with a gloomy mind; deshakaalavirodhitaaH = being against the place and time; bhuutaaH = ready; arthaaH = tasks; vipadyante = get harmed; tamaH yathaa = like darkness (getting destroyed); suuryodaye = at dawn.

Verse 40

अर्थानर्थान्तरे बुद्धिर्निश्चितापि न शोभते |
घातयन्ति हि कार्याणि दूताः पण्डितमानिनः || ५-२-४०

“Even a decided mind will not shine when thinking about gain and loss. Mediators who are respected by scholarly people will also harm tasks due to their arrogance.”

40. nishchitaaH buddhirapi = even a decided mind; na shobhate = will not shine; arthaanarthaantare = (when vacillating) between gain and loss; duutaaH = messengers; paNDitamaaninaH = who are respected by scholars; ghaatayanti hi = will also harm; kaaryaaNi = tasks (due to their arrogance).

Verse 41

न विनश्येत्कथं कार्यं वैक्लब्यम् न कथं भवेत् |
लङ्घनं च समुद्रस्य कथं नु न वृथा भवेत् || ५-२-४१

“How will the task at hand be not harmed? How will my mind not get gloominess? How will not the crossing of ocean go waste?.”

41. katham = how; kaaryam = the task (at hand); na vinashyet = will not be harmed; katham = how; vaiklabyam = gloominess; na bhavet = will not be got; katham nu = how; laJNghanam cha = crossing; samudrasya = of the ocean; na bhavet = will not become; vR^idhaa = waste.

Verse 42

मयि दृष्टे तु रक्षोभी रामस्य विदितात्मनः |
भवेद्व्यर्थमिदं कार्यं रावणानर्थमिच्छतः || ५-२-४२

“If I were to be seen by rakshasas, this task of Sri Rama, with a famed mind, who desires the slaying of Ravana will become wasteful.”

42. mayi dR^ishhTe tu = If I am seen; rakshobhiH = by rakshasas; idam kaaryam = this task; raamasya = of Sri Rama; viditaatmanaH = one with famed mind; icchataH = who desires; raavaNaanartham = the slaying of Ravana; bhavet = will become; vyartham = wasteful.

Verse 43

न हि शक्यं क्वचित् स्थातुमविज्ञातेन राक्षसैः |
अपि राक्षसरूपेण किमुतान्येन केनचित् || ५-२-४३

“It is not possible to be in Lanka even in the form of a rakshasa. What to say about being there in any other form?”

43. na shakyam hi = it is not possible; sthaatum = to be; kvachit = in any place; raakshasa ruupeNaapi = with the form of a rakshasa; aviNJaatena = not being known; raakshaiH = by rakshasas; kimuta = what to say; anyena kenachit = (about) any other form.

Verse 44

वायुरप्यत्र नाज्ञातश्चरेदिति मतिर्मम |
न ह्यस्त्यविदितं किंचिद्राक्षसानां बलीयसाम् || ५-२-४४

“My thought goes thus: Even wind cannot pass here without being known. There is nothing not known to the might rakshasas.”

44. iti = this; mama matiH = is my thought; vaayurapi = even wind; na charet = cannot pass; atra = here; aNJgnaataH = without being known; naasti hi kiMchit = there is nothing; aviditam = not known; baliiyasaam raakshasaanaam = to the mighty rakshasas.

Verse 45

इहाहं यदि तिष्ठामि स्वेन रूपेण संवृतः |
विनाशमुपयास्यामि भर्तुरर्थश्च हीयते || ५-२-४५

“If I stay here with my usual form, I can be destroyed. The task of the Lord will also be harmed.”

45. aham tishhThaami yadi = if I stay; iha = here; svena ruupeNa saMvR^itaH = consisting of my usual form; upayaasyaami = I can obtain; vinaasham = destruction; arthashcha = the task; bhartuH = of Lord Sri Rama; hiiyate = will also be harmed.

Verse 46

तदहं स्वेन रूपेण रजन्यां ह्रस्वतां गतः |
लङ्कामभिपतिष्यामि राघवस्यार्थसिद्धये || ५-२-४६

“For that reason, I will become small in my appearance and will enter Lanka at night for the success of the task of Sri Rama.”

46. tat = for that (reason); aham = I; gataH = will obtain; hrasvataam = smallness; svena ruupeNa = in my usual form; abhipatishhyaami = and will enter; laN^kaam = Lanka; rajanyaam = at night; artha siddhaye = for the success of the task; raaghavasya = of Sri Rama.

Verse 47

रावणस्य पुरीं रात्रौ प्रविश्य सुदुरासदाम् |
विचिन्वन् भवनं स्र्वं द्रक्ष्यामि जनकात्मजाम् || ५-२-४७

“Entering the unapproachable city of Lanka at night and searching all the mansion of Ravana, I can see Seetha.”

47. pravishya = entering; suduraasadaam = the unapproachable; puriim = city; raatrau = at night; vichinvan = searching; sarvam bhavanam = all the mansion; raavaNasya = of Ravana; drakshyaami = I can see; janakaatmajaam = Seetha.

Verse 48

इति संचिन्त्य हनुमान् सूर्यस्यास्तमयं कपिः |
आचकांक्षे ततो वीरो वैदेह्या द्रशनोतुसकः || ५-२-४८

The courageous Hanuma thus thinking and being interested in discovering Seetha, then desired the sun to set.

48. viiraH kapiH = the courageous monkey; hanumaan = Hanuma; iti = thus; saMchintya = thinking; darshanotsukaH = interested in discovery; vaidehyaaH = of Seetha; tadaa = then; aachakaaMkshe = desired; suuryasya astamayam = the sun set.

Verse 49

सूर्ये चास्तं गते रात्रौ देहं संक्षिप्य मारुतिः |
वृषदंशकमात्रः सन् बभूवाद्भुतदर्शनः || ५-२-४९

After the sun had set, Hanuma reduced His body at night with a size equal to that of a cat and became a wonderful sight to behold.

49. suurye astaMgate cha = After the sun had set; maarutiH = Hanuma; saMkshipya = reduced; deham = body; raatrau = at night; vR^ishhadaMshaka maatraH san = with a body size equal to that of a cat; babhuuva = became; adhuta darshanaH = a wonderful sight (to behold).

Verse 50

प्रदोषकाले हनुमांस्तूर्णमुत्प्लुत्य वीर्यवान् |
प्रविवेश पुरीं रम्यां सुविभक्तमहापथाम् || ५-२-५०

The courageous Hanuma quickly flew during evening time and entered the beautiful city with well divided main pathways.

50. viiryavaan = the courageous; hanumaan = Hanuma; tuurNam = quickly; utplutya = flew; pradoshhakaale = during the evening time; pravivesha = (and) entered; ramyaam = beautiful; puriim = city of Lanka; suvibhaktamahaapathaam = with well divided main pathways.

Verse 51 & 52

प्रासादमालाविततां स्तम्भैः काञ्चनराजतैः |
शातकुम्भमयैर्जालैर्गन्धर्वनगरोपमाम् || ५-२-५१
सप्तभौमाष्टभौमैश्च स ददर्श महापुरीम् |
तलैः स्फतिकसंकीर्णैः कार्तस्वरविभूषितैः || ५-२-५२

Hanuma saw that great city filled with series of mansions, golden hued pillars and window lattices, which was equal to the city of Gandharvas, consisting of seven and eight storied buildings with their top portions studded with crystals and pearls and decorated with gold.

51; 52. saH = Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; mahaapuriim = (that) great city; praasaada maalaa vitataam = filled with series of mansions; kaaN^chana raajataiH = (with) golden hued; sthambhaiH = pillars; jaalaiH = and windows; gandharvanagaropamaam = equal to the city of Gandharvas; saptabhaumaashhTabhaumai cha = (consisting of) seven and eight storied houses; talaiH = (with) top portions; sphaTika saMkiirNaiH = inlaid with crystals; kaartasvaravibhuushhitaiH = and decorated with gold.

Verse 53

वैडूर्यमणिचित्रैश्च मुक्ताजालविभूषितैः |
तलैः शुशुभिरे तानि भवनान्यत्र रक्षसाम् || ५-२-५३

There in that city of Lanka, the houses of rakshasas shone with top portions painted by cats-eyes and emeralds and decorated by groups of pearls.

53. atra = there (in that city of Lanka); bhavanaani = the houses; rakshasaam = of rakshasas; shushubhire = shone; talaiH = with top portions; vaiDuuryamaNi chitraiH = painted by cats-eyes and emeralds; muktaajaalavibhuushhitaiH = decorated by groups of pearls.

Verse 54

काञ्चनानि च चित्राणि तोरणानि च रक्षसाम् |
लङ्कामुद्द्योतयामासुः सर्वतः समलंकृताम् || ५-२-५४

Golden archways with strange hues illuminated the well decorated city of Lanka in all directions.

54. kaaN^chanaani = golden; toraNaani = archways; chitraaNi = with strange hues; uddyotayaamaasuH = illuminated; samalaMkR^itaam = well decorated; laN^kaam = city of Lanka; sarvataH = in all directions.

Verse 55

अचिन्त्यामद्भुताकारां दृष्ट्वा लङ्कां महाकपिः |
आसीद्विष्ण्डो हृष्टश्च वैदेह्या दर्शनोत्सुकः || ५-२-५५

Hanuma on seeing the unimaginable city of Lanka with a wonderful appearance became sad thinking about the prospect of capturing Lanka and also happy being eager to see Seetha.

55. mahaakapiH = Hanuma; dR^ishhTvaa = seeing; achintyaam = the unimaginable; laN^kaam = city of Lanka; adbhutaakaaraam = with a wonderful appearance; darshanotsukaH = eager in discovery; vaidehyaaH = of Seetha; aasiit = became; vishhaNNaH = sad; hR^ishhTashcha = and happy.

Verse 56

स पाण्डुराविद्धविमानमालिनीं |
महार्हजाम्बूनदजालतोरणाम् |
यशस्विनीं रावणबाहुपालितां |
क्षपाचरैर्भिमबलैः समावृताम् || ५-२-५६

Hanuma saw that city of Lanka of great fame, with white, closely built buildings having golden windows and doorways of great value, consisting of ogres of great strength and ruled by the hands of Ravana.

56. saH = Hanuma (saw Lanka); paaNDuraaviddhavimaanamaaliniim = with white; closely built series of buildings; mahaarhajaambuunadajaalatoraNaam = having golden windows and doorways of great value; yashasviniim = of great fame; samaavR^itaam = consisting; kshapaacharaiH = of ogres; bhimmabalaiH = of great strength; raavaNabaahupaalitaam = ruled by the hands of Ravana.

Verse 58

शङ्खप्रभं क्षीरमृणालवर्ण |
मुद्गच्छमानं व्यवभासमानम् |
ददर्श चन्द्रं स हरिप्रवीरः |
प्लोप्लूयमानं सरसीव हंसम् || ५-२-५८

That Hanuma saw the moon, who was rising up in the sky with the splendour of a couch-shell, shining in white colour as milk or lotus-fibre, and looking like a swan swimming in a lake.

58. saH haripraviiraH = that Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; chandram = the moon; udgachha maanam = who was rising up; shaN^kha prabham = with the splendour of a couch-shell; vyavabhaasamaanam = shining; kShiiramR^iNaala varNam = in white colour as milk and lotus-fibre; hamsamiva = and looking like a swan; popluuyamaanam = swimming; sarasi = in a lake.

Verse 57

चन्द्रोऽपि साचिव्यमिवास्य कुर्वं |
स्तारागणैर्मध्यगतो विराजन् |
ज्योत्स्नावितानेन वितत्य लोक |
मुत्तिष्ठते नैकसहस्ररश्मिः || ५-२-५७

The shining moon too rose up with its many thousands of rays, as though performing help to Hanuma, being at the middle of its retinue of stars and covering the earth with a canopy of light. That Hanuma saw the moon rising up with a glow of a conch shell, shining with a milky white hue of a lotus-fiber, like a swan swimming in a lake.

57. naikasahasrarashmiH chandro~pi = Moon with many thousands of rays; taaraa gaNaiH = together with a retinue of stars; madhyagataH = obtaining the center of stars; viraajan = shining; vitatya = (and) covering; lokam = the earth; jyotsnaa vitaanena = with canopy of moon-light; uttishhThate = rose up; kurvanniva = as though performing; saachivyam = help; asya = to Him (Hanuma) . saH hari praviiraH = that Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; chandram = the moon; udgachchhamaanam = rising up; shaNJkhaprabham = with a glow of a conch; vyavabhaasamaanam = shining; kshiiramR^iNaala varNam = with milky white hue like a lotus-fiber; haMsamiva = like a swan; popluuyamaanam = swimming; sarasi = in a lake.

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