19 – Surpanakha’s reporting to her brother Khara


Shuurpanakha narrates her woeful story to her brother Khara ncriminating Seetha in particular. She wants Khara to wage a war so that she could drink Seetha’s blood. Khara in order to appease his sister sends fourteen demons to eliminate Rama

Verse 1

ताम् तथा पतिताम् दृष्ट्वा विरूपाम् शोणित उक्षिताम् |
भगिनीम् क्रोध संतप्तः खरः पप्रच्छ्ह राक्षसः || ३-१९-१

On seeing her who fell before him in a misshapen and blood-soaked condition, demon Khara is all stewed up and asked her. [3-19-1]

1. tathaa = then; patitaam = she who fell [before Khara]; vi ruupaam = misshapen; shoNita ukSitaam = by blood, soaked; taam bhaginiim dR^iSTvaa = that, sister, on seeing; raakSasaH kharaH = demon, Khara; krodha sam taptaH = by anger, well, burnt; papracCha = asked.

Verse 2

उत्तिष्ठ तावत् आख्याहि प्रमोहम् जहि संभ्रमम् |
व्यक्तम् आख्याहि केन त्वम् एवम् रूपा विरूपिता || ३-१९-२

“Rise up, first tell me clearly putting away your flurry and fluster, who disfigured your form in this way. [3-19-2]

2. uttiSTha = rise up; aakhyaahi taavat = tell, firstly; pramoham sambhramam jahi = fluster, flurry, put away; tvam kena evam ruupaa viruupitaa = you, by whom, this way, by form, disfigured; vyaktam aakhyaahi = clearly, tell.

Verse 3

कः कृष्ण सर्पम् असीनम् आशी विषम नागसम् |
तुदति अभिसमापन्नम् अ.ंगुलि अग्रेण लीलया || ३-१९-३

“Who for sport is poking his fingertip at a venomously fanged black-cobra that has chanced in his close proximity but slouching down inoffensively. [3-19-3]

3. abhi sam aapannam = nearby, well, available – that has chanced in close proximity; aashii viSam = in fangs, with venom; an aagasam = without, offence – inoffensive; asiinam = sitting – slouched down; kR^iSNa sarpam = black, cobra; kaH liilayaa anguli agreNa tudati = who, for sport, by finger, tip, poking.

Verse 4

काल पाशम् समासज्य कण्ठे मोहात् न जानते |
यः त्वाम् अद्य समासाद्य पीतवान् विषम् उत्तमम् || ३-१९-४

“Who on harrowing you is now heedless about his gulping a deadly poison, or about his foolish bracing the noose of Time around his own neck. [3-19-4]

4. yaH adya = who, now; tvaam samaasaadya = you, having reached – on harrowing you; uttamam viSam piitavaan = best [deadly,] poison, gulped; [kaH = who is he]; kaala paasham = Time’s, noose; mohaat = foolishly; kaNThe samaasajya = around neck, bracing; na jaanate = not, [he is able to] know – heedless.

Verse 5

बल विक्रम संपन्ना कामगा काम रूपिणी |
इमाम् अवस्थाम् नीता त्वम् केन अंतक समा गता || ३-१९-५

“You are gifted with boldness and braveness, a whimsical rover, a guise changer by your wish, a coequal of Terminator, but to whom you have gone and by whom you are led into this kind of plight. [3-19-5]

5. bala vikrama sampannaa = boldness, braveness, gifted with; kaama gaa = whim, goer – a whimsical rover; kaama ruupiNii = by wish, guise changer; antaka samaa = Terminator, coequal; gataa = having gone; kena imaam avasthaam tvam niitaa = by whom, this kind of, plight, you are, lead into.

Verse 6

देव गन्धर्व भूतानाम् ऋषीणाम् च महात्मनाम् |
को अयम् एवम् महावीर्यः त्वाम् विरूपाम् चकार ह || ३-१९-६

“Who is that kind of highly intrepid warper, either from gods, or from celestials or from high-souled sages who indeed rendered you shapeless. [3-19-6]

6. deva gandharva bhuutaanaam R^iSiiNaam ca mahaatmanaam = among gods, celestials, other beings, sages, even, high-souled ones; kaH ayam evam mahaa viiryaH = who, is he, that kind of, highly intrepid individual; tvaam viruupaam cakaara ha = you, shapeless, rendered into, indeed.

Verse 7

न हि पश्यामि अहम् लोके यः कुर्यात् मम विप्रियम् |
अमरेषु सहस्राक्षम् महएन्द्रम् पाकशासनम् || ३-१९-७

“Indeed, I do not find anyone who causes displeasure to me in this world, even among divinities including the thousand eyed Indra, the controller of demon Paaka. [3-19-7]

7. loke yaH mama vipriyam kuryaat = in world, who, to me, displeasure, he who causes; such a one; amareSu sahasra akSam mahaendram paaka shaasanam = among divinities, thousand, eyed one, Indra, Paaka [demon] controller; aham na hi pashyaami = I, do not, indeed, see – find.

Verse 8

अद्य अहम् मार्गणैः प्राणान् आदास्ये जीवितांतगैः |
सलिले क्षीरम् आसक्तम् निष्पिबन् इव सारसः || ३-१९-८

“Now, I will take away the lives of that miscreant with my arrows that are terminators of lives, as a swan would drink milk to dregs even if it is mingled in water, duly separating milk from water. [3-19-8]

8. adya aham = now, I; salile aasaktam kSiiram = in water, mingled with, milk; niS piban saarasaH iva = drinking to dregs, swan, as with; jiivita antagaiH maargaNaiH = life, terminating, with arrows; praaNaan aadaasye = lives [of that miscreant,] take away.

Verse 9

निहतस्य मया संख्ये शर संकृत्त मर्मणः |
सफेनम् रुधिरम् कस्य मेदिनी पातुम् इच्छ्हसि || ३-१९-९

“Whose frothy blood is it that the earth wishes to quaff when I cut off his crucial organs by my arrows and drop him dead in a combat. [3-19-9]

9. mayaa sankhye nihatasya = by me, in combat, he who is drop dead; shara samkR^itta marmaNaH = by arrows, totally cut-off, having crucial organs; kasya = whose; sa phenam rudhiram = with, froth, blood; medinii paatum icChasi = earth, to quaff, wishes to.

Verse 10

कस्य पत्ररथाः कायात् मांसम् उत्कृत्य संगताः |
प्रहृष्टा भक्षयिष्यन्ति निहतस्य मया रणे || ३-१९-१०

“Whose body is it from which birds pressing round gladly wish to wring flesh to pieces for eating when I slay him in war. [3-19-10]

10. mayaa raNe hatasya = by me, in war, who is slain; kasya kaayaat = whose, from body; patra rathaaH sangataaH = winged, chariots [birds,] pressing round; pra hR^iSTaa = gladly; maamsam = flesh; ut kR^itya = up, lifting – rip to pieces; bhakSayiSyanti = wish to eat.

Verse 11

तम् न देवा न गंधर्वा न पिशाचा न राक्षसाः |
मया अपकृष्टम् कृपणम् शक्ताः त्रातुम् इह आहवे || ३-१९-११

“Now, when I haul him easily on the ground in a battle that villain will be unredeemable either by gods, celestials, evil spirits, or by demons. [3-19-11]

11. iha = now; aahave mayaa apakR^iSTam = in battle, by me, easily hauled [on ground]; tam kR^ipaNam = that, villain; traatum = to redeem; devaaH na shaktaaH = gods, not, capable; pishaacaa na = evil spirits, not; gandharvaa na = celestials, not; raakSasaaH na = demons, not.

Verse 12

उपलभ्य शनैः संज्ञाम् तम् मे शंसितुम् अर्हसि |
येन त्वम् दुर्विनीतेन वने विक्रम्य निर्जिता || ३-१९-१२

“It will be apt of you to gather your sensitivity slowly and tell me as to which miscreant attacked and worsted you in the forest.” Thus Khara spoke to Shuurpanakha. [3-19-12]

12. dur viniitena = by bad, mannered one [miscreant]; yena tvam = by whom [which,] you are; vikramya vane nir jitaa = on attacking, in forest, won out – worsted; tvam shanaiH sanj~naam upalabhya = you, slowly, sensitivity, on regaining; me shamsitum arhasi = to me, to tell, apt of you.

Verse 13

इति भ्रातुर् वचः श्रुत्वा क्रुद्धस्य च विशेषतः |
ततः शूर्पणखा वाक्यम् सबाष्पम् इदम् अब्रवीत् || ३-१९-१३

On hearing this kind of words of her brother, especially who is rancorous, then Shuurpanakha spoke these words, tearfully. [3-19-13]

13. bhraatuH = brother’s; visheSataH kruddhasya = especially, of that one who is rancorous; iti vacaH shrutvaa = this kind of, words, on hearing; tataH shuurpaNakhaa = then, Shuurpanakha; sa baaSpam = with, tears; idam vaakyam abraviit = this, sentence, said.

Verse 14 & 15

तरुणौ रूप संपन्नौ सुकूमारौ महाबलौ |
पुण्डरीक विशालाक्षौ चीर कृष्ण अजिन अंबरौ || ३-१९-१४
फल मूल अशिनौ दान्तौ तापसौ ब्रह्मचारिणौ |
पुत्रौ दशरथस्य आस्ताम् भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मनौ || ३-१९-१५

“Those two are in adulthood, good-looking, gentle yet greatly mighty, eyes broad like lotuses, dressed in jute-cloths and deerskin, subsistent on fruits and tubers, composed, sagacious and celibate, and they are the sons of Dasharatha, namely Rama and Lakshmana. [3-19-14,15]

14, 15. taruNau ruupa sampannau = in adulthood, look, enriched [good-looking] sukuumaarau mahaabalau = gentle, great-mighty; puNDariika vishaala akSau = lotus like, broad, eyed; ciira kR^iSNa ajina ambarau = jute-cloths, deerskin, dressed in; phala muula ashinau = fruits, tubers, eaters [subsistent]; daantau taapasau = composed, sagacious; brahmacaariNau [dharma caariNau] = celibate [righteousness, followers of]; putrau dasharathasya = sons, of Dasharatha; raama lakshmanau = Rama, Lakshmana; bhraatarau = brothers; aastaam = are there.

Verse 16

गन्धर्व राज प्रतिमौ पार्थिव व्यन्जन अन्वितौ |
देवौ वा दानवौ – मानुषौ – वा तौ न तर्कयितुम् उत्सहे || ३-१९-१६

“Having all the aspects of kings they equal the kings of gandharva celestials, and I am ill-disposed to differentiate whether they two are gods or demons. [3-19-16]

16. gandharva raaja pratimau = gandharva [celestial,] kings, equalling; paarthiva vyanjana anvitau = kingly, aspects, having; tau = those two; devau vaa daanavau [- maanuSau -] vaa = gods, or, demons [ humans] or; tarkayitum na utsahe = to differentiate, not, I am disposed to.

Verse 17

तरुणी रूपसंपन्ना सर्वाअभरण भूषिता |
दृष्टा तत्र मया नारी तयोर् मध्ये सुमध्यमा || ३-१९-१७

” I have seen a curvaceous lady between those two, a ripely beauty, rich in comeliness, adorned with lots of ornaments. [3-19-17]

17. tatra = there; tayoH madhye = them two, between; taruNii = ripely [beauty]; ruupa sampannaa = comeliness, rich in; sarva aabharaNa bhuuSitaa = a lot of, ornaments, decorated with; su madhyamaa = well-waisted one – curvaceous; naarii mayaa dR^iSTaa = lady, by me, is seen.

Verse 18

ताभ्याम् उभाभ्याम् संभूय प्रमदाम् अधिकृत्य ताम् |
इमाम् अवस्थाम् नीता अहम् यथा अनाथा सती तथा || ३-१९-१८

“Owing to that woman I am led into this sort of situation, together by those two, as with an insecure female. [3-19-18]

18. taam pramadaam adhikR^itya = that, lady, owing to; taabhyaam ubhaabhyaam = by them, the two; sambhuuya = together; aham = I am; a naathaa satii yathaa = without, protector / husband, [insecure] female, as with; tathaa = likewise; imaam avasthaam niitaa = this sort of, situation, led into.

Verse 19

तस्याः च अनृजु वृत्तायाः तयोः च हतयोर् अहम् |
सफेनम् पातुम् इच्छ्हामि रुधिरम् रण मूर्धनि || ३-१९-१९

“Staying in the van of war I wish to drink the frothy blood of that guileful Seetha along with that of those two, Rama and Lakshmana, when they are killed in war. [3-19-19]

19. aham raNa muurdhani = I, in the van, of war; an R^iju vR^ittaayaaH = not, straight, behaving one’s – guileful one’s; tasyaaH ca = her [Seetha’s]; hatayoH tayoH ca = killed, of those two [Rama , Lakshmana,] also; sa phenam rudhiram = with, froth, blood; paatum icChaami = to drink, I wish to.

Verse 20

एष मे प्रथमः कामः कृतः तत्र त्वया भवेत् |
तस्याः तयोः च रुधिरम् पिबेयम् अहम् आहवे || ३-१९-२०

“I shall drink her blood and also that of those two in war, this being my prime longing let it be fulfilled by you.” Thus wailed Shuurpanakha before her brother Khara. [3-19-20]

20. eSa me prathamaH kaamaH = thus, my, prime, longing; tvayaa tatra kR^itaH bhavet = by you, in there [that matter,] be done, it shall be [fulfilled]; aham aahave tasyaaH = I, in war, of her [Seetha]; tayoH ca rudhiram pibeyam = two of theirs, also, blood, let me drink.

Verse 21

इति तस्याम् ब्रुवाणायाम् चतुर् दश महाबलान् |
व्यादिदेश खरः क्रुद्धो राक्षसान् अंतकोपमान् || ३-१९-२१

While she is saying like that Khara vengefully summoned fourteen great mighty demons that are similar to the Terminator. [3-19-21]

21. tasyaam iti bruvaaNaayaam = by her, like that, while saying; kharaH kruddhaH = Khara, vengefully; mahaa balaan antaka upamaan = great, mighty ones, Terminator, similar; catur dasha raakSasaan vyaadideshaH = four, ten, [fourteen,] demons, summoned.

Verse 22

मानुषौ शस्त्र संपन्नौ चीर कृष्ण अजिन अंबरौ |
प्रविष्टौ दण्डकारण्यम् घोरम् प्रमदया सह || ३-१९-२२

“Wielding weapons and wearing jute-cloths and deerskin two humans have got into ghastly forest of Dandaka along with a woman of age.” Thus Khara is ordering the fourteen demons. [3-19-22]

22. shastra sampannau = weapons, possessors of; ciira kR^iSNa ajina ambarau = jute-cloths, black, deerskin, clothed in; maanuSau = two humans; pramadayaa saha = young woman, along with; ghoram daNDaka araNyam praviSTau = ghastly, Dandaka, forest, got into.

Verse 23

तौ हत्वा ताम् च दुर्वृत्ताम् उपावर्तितुम् अर्हथ |
इयम् च रुधिरम् तेषाम् भगिनी मम पास्यति || ३-१९-२३

“You shall return to me only on killing those two and also that treacherous woman, and their blood this sister of mine will drink. [3-19-23]

23. tau = them two; dur vR^ittaam taam ca = = with bad, conduct [treacherous,] her, also; hatvaa = on killing; upa aavartitum arhatha = nearby, turning back, you shall [you shall return]; mamaiyam bhaginii = my, this, sister; teSaam rudhiram paasyati = their, blood, she drinks.

Verse 24

मनोरथो अयम् इष्टो अस्या भगिन्या मम राक्षसाः |
शीघ्रम् संपद्यताम् गत्वा तौ प्रमथ्य स्व तेजसा || ३-१९-२४

“Oh, demons, on going there swiftly stamp them out by you own vigour, thus let the fanciful hearty desire of my sister be achieved. [3-19-24]

24. raakSasaaH = oh, demons; sva tejasaa = by own, vigour; tau shiighram pramathya = them two, quickly, on stamping out; asyaa mama bhaginyaa = her, my, sister’s; ayam iSTaH manaH rathaH = that, fanciful, heart’s, desire; gatvaa sam padyataam = having gone, le it be achieved.

Verse 25

युष्माबिः निर्हतो दृष्ट्वा तौ उभौ भ्रातौ रणे |
इयम् प्रहृष्टा मुदिता रुधिरम् युधि पास्यति || ३-१९-२५

“On seeing your finishing those two brothers flatly in a war she this sister of mine will be gladdened, and then she drinks their blood in war, amusingly. [3-19-25]

25. yuSmaabiH = by you; tau ubhau bhraatau raNe = them, two, brothers, in war; nir hataH dR^iSTvaa = flatly, finished off, on seeing; iyam pra hR^iSTaa = she, well, gladdened; yudhi = in war; muditaa = amusingly; rudhiram paasyati = blood, will drink.

Verse 27

ततस्तु ते तम् समुदर्ग तेजसम्
तथापि तीक्ष्ण प्रदरा निशाचरा |
न शेकुर् एनम् सहसा प्रमर्दितुम्
वनद्विपा दीप्त्वम् इव अग्निम् उथितम् || ३-१९-२७

But then, though the nightwalker wielding sharp arrows have become ineffectual to trounce Rama like the wild elephants which will become ineffectual to overcome the blazingly uprising wildfire. [3-19-27]

27. tataH tathaa = then, thus; te nishaa caraa = those, nightwalkers; tiikshNa pradaraaH = with sharp, arrows; vana dvipaaH = forest, elephants; uthitam diiptvam agnim iva = uprisen, blazing, fire, like; samut arga tejasam = one who has uprisen, peaking, resplendence; tam enam = that, him Rama; sahasaa pra marditum = quickly, to completely, trounce; na shekuH = not, capable.

Verse 26

इति प्रतिसमादिष्टा राक्षसाः ते चतुर् दश |
तत्र जग्मुः तया सार्धम् घना वातेरिताः यथा || ३-१९-२६

In this way when Khara ordered those fourteen demons, they have gone to Panchavati along with Shuurpanakha like black-clouds glided by gales. [3-19-26]

26. iti = in this way; prati samaadiSTaa = ordered; te catur dasha raakSasaaH = they, four, ten – fourteen, demons; tayaa saardham = her [Shuurpanakha,] along with; vaata iiritaaH ghanaa yathaa = by gale, called [glided,] dark-clouds, as with; tatra jagmuH = there, went.

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