18 – Ravana comes to Seetha


In this chapter Hanuma sees Ravana entering Ashoka garden with a retinue of his wives following him.

Verse 1

तथा विप्रेक्षमाणस्य वनम् पुष्पितपादपम् |
विचिन्वतश्च वैदेहीम् किंचिच्चेषा निशाभवत् || ५-१८-१

A little of the night was left while Hanuma was searching like that for Seetha in the garden with flowers in blossom.

1. nishaa = the night; abhavat = became; kiMchichheshaa = a little remaning; tathaa viprekshamaaNasya = while (Hanuma) searched like that; vaidehiim = Seetha; vanam = in the garden; pushhpitapaadapam = with flowers in blossom;

Verse 2

षडङ्गवेदविदुषाम् क्रतुप्रवरयाजिनाम् |
शुश्राव ब्रह्मघोषान् स विरात्रे ब्रह्मरक्षसाम् || ५-१८-२

That Hanuma heard Vedic sounds early in the morning of Brahma Rakshasas well versed in six parts of Vedas and those who performed excellent sacrifices.

2. saH = That Hanuma; shushraava = heard; brahma ghoshhaan = Vedic sounds; viraatre = early in the morning; brahmaraakshasaam = of Brahma Rakshasas;shhadaN^ga veda vidushhaam = well versed in six parts of Vedas; kratu pravara yaajinaam = who performed excellent sacrifices;

Verse 3

अथ मङ्गलवादित्रशब्दैः श्रुतिमनोहरैः |
प्रबुध्यत महाबाहुर्दशग्रीवो महाबलः || ५-१८-३

Thereafter Ravana with great arms and great prowess was woken by the sounds of various auspicious musical instruments pleasing to the ear.

3. atha = Thereafter; dasagriivaH = Ravana; mahaa baahuH = with great arms; mahaa balaH = with great prowess; praabudhyata = was woken; mangalavaaditra shabdaiH = by the sounds of various auspicious musical instruments; shrutimanoharaiH = pleasing to the ear.

Verse 4

विबुध्य तु यथाकालम् राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान् |
स्रस्तमाल्याम्बरधरो वैदेहीमन्वचिन्तयात् || ५-१८-४

The king of rakshasas with great might woke up at the appropriate hour wearing slippery flower garlands remembered about Seetha.

4. raakshasendraH = The king of rakshasas; prataapavaan = with great might; vibudhya = woke up; yathaakaalam = at the appropriate time; srasta maalyaambara dharaH = wearing slippery flower garlands; anvachintayat = remembered; videhiim = about Seetha.

Verse 5

भृशं नियुक्तस्तस्याम् च मदनेन मदोत्कटः |
न स तं राक्षसः कामं शशाकात्मनि गूहितुम् || ५-१८-५

In that Seetha’s matter, directed a lot by the god of love and excited by passion, that Rakshasa was not capable to suppress in self that desire.

5. tasyaam = In that Seetha’s matter; niyuktaH = directed; bHR^isham = a lot; madanena = by the god of love; madotkaTaH = excited by passion; saH raakshasaH = that Rakshasa; na shasaaka = was not capable; guuhitum = to suppress; aatmani = in self; tam kaamam = that desire.

Verse 6

स सर्वाभरणैर्युक्तो बिभच्छ्रियमनुत्तमाम् |
तां नगैर्बहुभिर्जुष्टाम् सर्वपुष्पफलोपगैः || ५-१८-६

Together with all ornaments wearing great glory that Ravana entered that Ashoka garden having a lot of trees with all fruits and flowers.

6. yuktaH = together with; sarvaabharaNaiH = all ornaments; bibhrat = wearing; anuttamaam shriyam = great glory; saH = that Ravana; (entered) that Ashoka garden; jushhTaam = having; bahubhiH nagaiH = a lot of trees; sarvapushhpaphalopagaiH = with all fruits and flowers.

Verse 7

वृतां पुष्करिणीभिश्च नानापुष्पोपशोभिताम् |
सदामदैश्च विहगैर्विचित्राम् परमाद्भुताम् || ५-१८-७

Ravana entered that great wonderful Ashoka garden together with lakes, shone by various flowers, brilliant with birds always in rut.

7. (Ravana entered that Ashoka garden) paramaadbhutaam = a great wonderful one; vR^itaam = together; pushhkariNiibhiH = with lakes; naanaa pushhpopashobitaam = shone by various flowers; vichitraam = brilliant;vihagaiH = with birds; sadaa madaiH = always in rut.

Verse 8 & 9

ईहामृगैश्च विविधैर्जुष्टां डृष्टिमनोहरैः |
वीथीः संप्रेक्षमाणश्च मणिकाञ्चनतोरणाः || ५-१८-८
नानामृगगणाकीर्णां फलैः प्रपतितैर्वृताम् |
अशोकवनकामेव प्राविशत्संततद्रुमाम् || ५-१८-९

Ravana entered Ashoka garden seeing archways of gold and gems crowded by artificial deer of various kinds ravishing eyes and mind, filled with animals of various kinds, together with fallen fruits and full of trees.

8; 9. praavishat = (Ravana) entered; ashokavanikaameva = Ashoka garden; saMprekshamaaNashcha = seeing;maNikaaN^chana toranaaH = archways of gold and gems; jushhTaam = crowded; iihaamR^igaishcha = by artificial deer; vividhaiH = of various varieties; dR^ishhTimanoharaiH = ravishing the eyes and mind; naanaamR^igagaNaakiirNaam = filled with animals of various kinds; vR^itaam = together; prapatitaiH phalaiH = with fallen fruits;samtatadrumaam = full of trees.

Verse 10

अङ्गनाशतमात्रं तु तं व्रजन्तमनुव्रजत् |
महेन्द्रमिव पौलस्त्यम्ं देवगन्धर्वयोषितः || ५-१८-१०

While He was going only a hundred of women followed that Ravana like Deva and Gandharva women following Indra.

10. vrajantam = while going; aN^ganaashatamaatram = only a hundred of women;anuvrajat = followed; tam paulastyam = that Ravana; devagandharvayoshitaH = like Deva and Gandharva women; mahendram = (following) Indra.

Verse 11

दीपिकाः काञ्चनीः काश्चिज्जगृहुस्तत्र योषितः |
वालव्यजनहस्ताश्च तालवृन्तानि चापराः || ५-१८-११

There some women bore lamps of gold; some others carried chowries; some others had fans of Palmyra leaves in their hands.

11. tatra = there; kaashchit = some; yoshhitaH = women; jagR^iH = bore; diipikaaH = lamps; kaaN^chaniiH = of gold; aparaaH = some others; taalavR^intaani = (carried) chowries vaalavyajana hastaashcha = (some others had) fans of Palmyra leaves in their hands.

Verse 12

काञ्चनैरपि भृङ्गारैर्जह्रुः सलिलमग्रतः |
मण्डलागान् ब्रुसींश्चापि गृह्यान्याः पृष्ठतो ययुः || ५-१८-१२

Some women carried water in small vessels of gold; some others followed in the back taking pillows with circular ends.

12. (Some women) juhruH = carried; salilam = water; bhR^ingaaraiH = in small vessels; kaaN^chaniH = of gold; anyaaH = some others; pR^ishhThataH yayuH = followed in the back; gR^ihya = taking; brusiiMshchaiva = pillows; maNDalaagraan = with circular ends

Verse 13

काचिद्रत्नमयीं स्थालीं पूर्णां पानस्य ब्राजतम् |
दक्षिणा दक्षिणेनैव तदा जग्राह पाणिना || ५-१८-१३

One woman to the right of Ravana held with her right hand a vessel with gem stones filled with liqour.

13. kaachit = one; bhaaminii = woman; dakshinaa = to the right (of Ravana); jagraaH = held; dakshinenaiva paaNinaa = with her right hand; sthaaliim = a vesel; paanasya = of liqour; ratnamayiim = with gem stones; puurNaam = full (of liqour)

Verse 14

राजहंसप्रतीकाशं चत्रं पूर्णशशिप्रभम् |
सौवर्णदण्डमपरा गृहीत्वा पृष्ठतो ययौ || ५-१८-१४

Another woman went at back taking an umbrella equalling a royal swan with the radiance of full moon with a golden handle.

14. aparaa = another (woman); pR^ishhthataH yayau = went at back; gR^ihiitvaa = taking; chhatram = an umbrella; raajahamsapratiikaasham = equalling a royal swan; puurnashasiprabhaam = with the radiance of full moon; sauvarNadaNDam = with a golden handle.

Verse 15

निद्रामदपरीताक्ष्यो रावनस्योत्तमाः स्त्रियः |
अनुजग्मुः पतिं वीरम् घनम् विद्युल्लता इव || ५-१८-१५

With sleepy eyes best women of Ravana followed mighty husband like lightning following a cloud.

15. nidraamada pariitaakshyo = With sleepy eyes; uttamaaH striyaH = best women; raavaNasya = of Ravana; anujagmuH = followed; viiram patim = mighty husband; vidyullataaH ghanamiva = like lightning (following a) cloud.

Verse 16, 17 & 18

व्याविद्धहारकेयूराः समामृदितवर्णकाः |
समागळितकेशान्ताः सस्वेदवदनास्तथा || ५-१८-१६
घोर्णन्त्यो मदशेषेण निद्रया च शुभाननाः |
स्वेदक्लिष्टाङ्गकुसुमाः सुमाल्याकुलमूर्धजाः || ५-१८-१७
प्रयान्तं नैरृतपतिं नार्यो मदिरलोचनाः |
बहुमानाच्च कामाच्च प्रिया भार्यास्तमन्वयुः || ५-१८-१८

With displaced necklaces and armlets, with effaced cover of sandal-paste, with dishevelled hair, and also with sweaty faces, staggering due to surviving trace of liquor and due to sleepiness, with shrivelled flowers on perspiring bodies, with dishevelled hair along with good garlands, with intoxicating eyes, women who were dear wives followed that king of Rakshasas who was going due to respect and due to love.

16;17;18. vyyaviddha keyuuraaH = With displaced necklaces and armlets; samaamR^idita varNakaaH = with effaced cover (of sandal-paste); samaagaLita keshaantaaH = with dishevelled hair; tathaa = and also; sasveda vadanaaH = with sweaty faces; ghoorNantyaH = staggering; madasheshheNa nidrayaa cha = due to surviving trace of liqour and due to sleepiness; sveda klishhTaN^ga kusumaaH = with shrivelled flowers on perspiring bodies; sumaalyaakulamuurdhajaaH = with dishevelled hair along with good garlands; madiralochanaaH = with intoxicating eyes; naaryaaH = women; priyaaH bhaaryaaH = who were dear wives; anvayuH = followed; tam = that; nairR^itapatim = king of Rakshasas; prayaantam = who was going; bahumaanaachcha = due to respect; kaamaachcha = and due to love.

Verse 19

स च कामपराधीनः पतिस्तासां महाबलः |
सीतासक्तमना मन्दो मन्दाञ्चितगतिर्बभौ || ५-१८-१९

Husband of those women, of great might, who was surrendered to lust, that Ravana also who was dull witted, with his mind interested in Seetha shone with a slow and beautiful gait.

19. patiH = husband; taasaam = of those (women); mahaabalaH = of great might; kaamaparaadhiinaH = who was surrendered to lust; sa cha = that Ravana also; mandaH = (who was) dull witted; siitaasakta manaaH = with his mind interested in Seetha; babhau = shone; mandaaN^chita gatiH = with a slow and beautiful gait.

Verse 20

ततः काञ्चीनिनादं च नूपुराणाम् च निस्वनम् |
शुश्राव परमस्त्रीणां स कपिर्मारुतात्मजः || ५-१८-२०

Thereafter that Hanuma, the son of wind-god heard the sound of waist-bands and the sound of anklets of those excellent women.

20. tataH = Thereafter; saH kapiH = that Hanuma; maarutaatjamjaam = the son of wind-god; sushraava = heard; kaaN^chiininaadam = the sound of waist-bands; nuupuraaNam nisvanam cha = and the sound of anklets; paramastriiNaam = of those excellent women.

Verse 21

तं चाप्रतिमकर्माणमचिन्त्यबलपौरुषम् |
द्वारदेशमनुप्राप्तं ददर्श हनुमान् कपिः || ५-१८-२१

Hanuma the monkey saw that Ravana also, performer of deeds without an equal, with unfathomable might and virility, reaching the entrance region.

21. hanumaan = Hanuma; kapiH = the monkey; dadarsha = saw; tam cha = that Ravana also; apratima karmaaNam = performer of deeds without an equal; achintya bala paurushham = with unfathomable might and virility; anupraaptam = reaching; dvaara desham = entrance region.

Verse 22

दीपिकाभिरनेकाभिः समन्तादवभासितम् |
गन्धतैलावसिक्ताभिर्द्रियमाणाभिरग्रतः || ५-१८-२२

Wettened by fragrant oil, being carried in front of Ravana, Hanuma saw Ravana being shone in all directions by many lamps.

22. gandha tailaavasiktaabhH = Wettened by fragrant oil; dhriyamaaNaabhiH = being carried; agrataH = in front; (Hanuma saw Ravana) avabhaasitam = being shone; samantaat = in all directions; anekaabhiH = by many; diipikaabhiH = lamps;

Verse 23

कामदर्पमदैर्युक्तं जिह्मताम्रायतेक्षणम् |
समक्षमिव कन्दर्पमपविद्धशरासनम् || ५-१८-२३

Hanuma saw Ravana together with lust, vanity and intoxication, with wide red eyes which were slanted, like the god of love in person with bow kept at a distance.

23. (Hanuma saw Ravana) yuktam = together; kaamadarpamadaiH = with lust; vanity and intoxication; jihmataamraayatekshaNam = with wide red eyes which were slanted; samaksham kandarpamiva = like Manmadha; the god of love in person;apaviddhasharaasanam = with bow kept at a distance;

Verse 24

मथितामृतफेनाभमरजोवस्त्रमुत्तमम् |
सलीलमनुकर्षन्तं विमुक्तं सक्तमङ्गदे || ५-१८-२४

Hanuma saw Ravana playfully readjusting his excellent upper garment with the luster of churned nectar froth, without stain,slipping being entangled in armlet.

24. (Hanuma saw Ravana) salillam = playfully; anukarshhantam = readjusting;uttamam vastram = excellent (upper) garment;mathitaamR^itaphenaabham = With the lustre of churned nectar froth; arajaH = without stain;vimuktam = slipping; aN^gade saktam = being entangled with armlet; .

Verse 25

तं पत्रविटपे लीनः अत्रपुष्पघनावृतह् |
समीपमिव संक्रान्तं निध्यातुमुपचक्रमे || ५-१८-२५

Hanuma blended in a branch full of leaves covered by groups of leaves and flowers started to see that Ravana as though coming near Him.

25. (Hanuma) liinaH = blended;patraviTape = in a branch full of leaves; patrapusshpaghanaavR^itaH = covered by groups of leaves and flowers; upachakrame = started; nidhyaatum = to see; tam = that Ravana; samkraantamiva = as though coming; samiipam = near (Him);

Verse 26

अवेक्षमाणस्तु ततो ददर्श कपिकुञ्जरः |
रूपयौवनसंपन्ना रावणस्य वरस्तियः || ५-१८-२६

Thereafter Hanuma, the best among Vanaras looking in all directions saw best women of Ravana full of beauty and youth.

26. tataH = Thereafter; kapikuN^jaraH = the best among Vanaras; avekashamaaNaH = looking in all directions; dadarsha = saw;varastriyaH = best women; raavaNasya = of Ravana; ruupayauvanasampannaaH = full of beauty and youth;

Verse 27

ताभिः परिवृतो राजा सुरूपाभिर्महायशाः |
तस्मृगद्विजसम्घष्टं प्रविष्टः प्रमदावनम् || ५-१८-२७

King of great fame, Ravana, together with those women good appearance entered that garden resounded by animals and birds.

27. raajaa = king; mahaa yashaaH = of great fame; parivR^itaH = together; taabhiH = with those women; suruupaabhiH = with good appearance; pravishhTaH = entered; tat = that garden; mR^igadvijasaMghushhtam = resounded by animals and birds.

Verse 28 & 29

क्षीबो विचित्राभरणः शङ्कुकर्णो महाबलः |
तेन विश्रवसः पुत्रः स दृष्टो राक्षसाधिपः || ५-१८-२८
वृतः परमनारीभिस्ताराभिरिव चन्द्रामाः |
तं ददर्श महातेजास्तेजोवन्तं महाकपिः || ५-१८-२९

That king of Rakshasas who was intoxicated with wonderful ornaments, with pointed ears, son of Visravasa was like the moon together with stars, together with best women was seen by Hanuma. That great Vanara with great brilliance saw that Ravana with glory.

28; 29. saH raakshsaadhipaH = that king of Rakshasas; kshiibaH = who was intoxicated; vichitraabharaNaH = with wonderful ornaments; saN^kukarNaH = with pointed ears; vishravasaH putraH = son of Visravasa; chandramaaH iva = was like the moon; taaraabhiH = together with stars; vR^itaH = together; paramanaariibhiH = with best women; dR^ishhtaH = was seen; tena = by that Hanuma; mahaa kapiH = that great Vanara; mahaa tejaaH = with great brilliance; dadarsha = saw; tam = that Ravana; tejovantam = with glory.

Verse 30

रावणोऽयम् महाबाहुरिति संचिन्त्य वानरः |
अवप्लुतो महातेजा हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः || ५-१८-३०

The son of god of wind Vanara Hanuma of great brilliance thinking thus “This long armed one is Ravana”, jumped down.

30. maarutaatmajaH = The son of god of wind; vaanaraH = Vanara; hanumaan = Hanuma; mahaa tejaaH = of great brilliance; ayam = this; mahaabaahuH = long armed one; raavaNaH = is Ravana; iti samchintya = thinking thus; avaplutaH = jumped down.

Verse 32

स तामसितकेशान्तां सुश्रोणीं संहतस्तनीम् |
दिदृक्षुरसितापाङ्गमुपावर्तत रावणः || ५-१८-३२

That Ravana neared Seetha with black hair, with charming limbs with well knit breasts, with black corners of eyes, wishing to see Her.

32. saH raavanaH = that Ravana; upaavartata = neared; taam = Seetha; asitakeshaantaam = with black hair; sushroNiim = with charming limbs; samhatastaniim = with well knit breasts; asitaapaaN^gaam = with black corners of eyes; didR^ikshuH = wishing to see (Her);

Verse 31

स तथाप्युग्रतेजाः सन्निर्धूतस्तस्य तेजसा |
पत्रगुह्यान्तरे सक्तो हनुमान् संवृतोऽभवत् || ५-१८-३१

Thus Hanuma although of terrible energy was overshadowed by Ravana’s brilliance and became rooted behind a group of leaves and was concealed.

31. tathaa = thus; hanumaan = Hanuma; ugra tejaaH sannapi = (although) of terrible energy; nirdhuutaH = was overshadowed; tasya tejasaa = by Ravana’s brilliance; abhavat = (and) became; patra guhyaantare saktaH = rooted behind a group of leaves; samvR^itaH = and was concealed;

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