18 – Lakshmana punishes Surpanakha


Rama averts Shuurpanakha’s advances toward him and asks her to seek Lakshmana instead. Lakshmana uses wordplay in retorting her in her own words. But she takes the apparent meaning of Lakshmana’s words and rushes to eat away Seetha. Lakshmana defaces her and she noisily runs away from there, only to report to her brother Khara, a violent demon. This is the triggering situation of another round of troubles to Rama and Ramayana.

Verse 1

ताम् तु शूर्पणखाम् रामः काम पाश अवपाशिताम् |
स्वच्छ्हया श्लक्ष्णया वाचा स्मित पूर्वम् अथ अब्रवीत् || ३-१८-१

Rama then voicing clearly and softly spoke to her, whom the noose of lust has tethered down, with a smile preceding his words. [3-18-1]

1. raamaH = Rama; kaama paasha ava paashitaam = by, lust’s, noose, tethered down; taam shuurpaNakhaam = to her, Shuurpanakha; svacChayaa shlakSNayaa vaacaa = clearly, softly, with voice; smita puurvam = smile, preceded by; atha abraviit = then, said.

Verse 2

कृत दारो अस्मि भवति भार्या इयम् दयिता मम |
त्वत् विधानाम् तु नारीणाम् सुदुःखा ससपत्नता || ३-१८-२

“Oh, honourable one, I am married and this is my dear wife, thus it will be distressing for your sort of females to live with a co-wife. [3-18-2]

2. bhavati = oh, honourable one; kR^ita daaraH asmi = made, married, I am; iyam mama dayitaa bhaaryaa = this is, my, dear, wife; tvat vidhaanaam tu = to your, sort of [females,] but; naariiNaam = females; sa sapatnataa = [living] with, co-wife; su duHkhaa = will be distressing.

Verse 3

अनुजः तु एष मे भ्राता शीलवान् प्रिय दर्शनः |
श्रीमान् अकृत दारः च लक्ष्मणो नाम वीर्यवान् || ३-१८-३

“He is my younger brother named Lakshmana, he is with a good conduct, good looking, a promising and valiant one, and he is without a wife. [3-18-3]

3. lakSmaNaH naama = Lakshmana, named; eSa anujaH me bhraataa = he is, younger one, my, brother; shiilavaan = with good conduct; priya darshanaH = good looking one; shriimaan = promising one; viiryavaan = valiant one; a kR^ita daaraH ca = not, made, wife nearly, not with a wife.

Verse 4

अपूर्वी भार्यया च अर्थी तरुणः प्रिय दर्शनः |
अनुरूपः च ते भर्ता रूपस्य अस्य भविष्यति || ३-१८-४

“He is without a wife and in need of a wife he is youthful, good-looking and he can become a fitly husband of yours, fit enough to your kind of features. [3-18-4]

4. a puurvii = without, a wife; bhaaryayaa ca arthii = for wife, also, in need of; taruNaH = youthful one; priya darshanaH = good, looking; te ruupasya asya = by your, features, that kind of; anu ruupaH bhartaa = fitly, husband;; bhaviSyati = he becomes.

Verse 5

एनम् भज विशालाक्षि भर्तारम् भ्रातरम् मम |
असपत्ना वरारोहे मेरुम् अर्क प्रभा यथा || ३-१८-५

“You woo him, oh, board-eyed [bulged-eyed] one, this brother of mine as your husband like sunshine seeking the Mt. Meru, then oh, great-waisted [pot-bellied] one, you will be without a co-wife ” So said Rama to that demoness. [3-18-5]

5. vishaalaakSi = oh, broad-eyed one; vara aarohe = great, waisted one; enam mama bhraataram = him, my, brother; arka prabhaa merum yathaa = sun’s, shine, on Mt. Meru, like; a sapatnaa = without, a co-wife; bhartaaram = as husband; bhaja = you pray you woo.

Verse 6

इति रामेण सा प्रोक्ता राक्षसी काम मोहिता |
विसृज्य रामम् सहसा ततो लक्ष्मणम् अब्रवीत् || ३-१८-६

When Rama clearly told that way to that demoness dazed in lust, discarding Rama quickly then she spoke to Lakshmana. [3-18-6]

6. raameNa iti proktaa [pra uktaa] = by Rama, this way, [when] clearly told; raakSasii kaama mohitaa = demoness, in lust, dazed; sahasaa raamam visR^ijya = quickly, discarding, Rama; tataH saa lakSmaNam abraviit = then, she, to Lakshmana, spoke.

Verse 7

अस्य रूपस्य ते युक्ता भार्या अहम् वरवर्णिनी |
मया सह सुखम् सर्वान् दण्डकान् विचरिष्यसि || ३-१८-७

“I with my best complexion will be your deserving wife meetly to you charm, you can happily take a jaunt all over Dandaka forest along with me.” So Shuurpanakha ran after Lakshmana. [3-18-7]

7. te asya ruupasya = your, for this, with aspect [meetly to your charm]; vara varNinii = best, complexioned one; aham yuktaataa bhaaryaa = I am, a deserving, wife; mayaa saha sukham = with me, along, happily; sarvaan daNDakaan vi cariSyasi = all of, Dandaka, well, move about [take a jaunt.]

Verse 8

एवम् उक्तः तु सौमित्री राक्षस्या वाक्य कोविदः |
ततः शूर्पणखीम् स्मित्वा लक्ष्मणो युक्तम् अब्रवीत् || ३-१८-८

Thus said by the demoness that meaningful sentence maker Lakshmana, the son of Sumitra, then smiled and appropriately replied Shuurpanakha. [3-18-8]

8. raakSasyaa evam uktaH tu = by demoness, thus, said, but; vaakya kovidaH = sentence making, expert; saumitrii = Soumitri’s son; lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; tataH smitvaa = then, smiled; shuurpaNakhiim yuktam abraviit = to Shuurpanakha, reasonable [words,] said.

Verse 9

कथम् दासस्य मे दासी भार्या भवितुम् इच्छ्हसि |
सो अहम् आर्येण परवान् भ्रात्रा कमल वर्णिनी || ३-१८-९

“How you wish to become a female servant, oh, [black] lotus-coloured one, by becoming the wife of a servant like me? I am just a vassal of my adorable brother. [3-18-9]

9. kamala varNinii = oh, [black] lotus, coloured one; daasasya me bhaaryaa = servant’s, me like, wife; daasii bhavitum katham icChasi = female servant, to become, how, you wish; saH aham = such as, I am; aaryeNa = by adorable one [Rama]; paravaan [para aadhiina] bhraatraa = vassal, brother.

Verse 10

समृद्ध अर्थस्य सिद्धार्था मुदित अमल वर्णिनी |
आर्यस्य त्वम् विशालाक्षि भार्या भव यवीयसी || ३-१८–१०

“Oh, goggle eyed one, befitting to your complexion that is un-stainable further you better become the wife of my brother Rama who is abounding in means, and on becoming the younger wife of that adorable one, you too will achieve your means and thus you will be happy. [3-18-10]

10. vishaala akSi = oh, broad-eyed [goggle-eyed] one; a mala varNinii = un, blemished, complexioned one; [or, if disconnected as: muditaa mala varNini = mala varNini = filthy complexioned one, nothing more is there to blemish]; tvam = you; samR^iddha arthasya = abounding, in means [is Rama]; aaryasya = to adorable one [to Rama]; yaviiyasii bhaaryaa = younger, wife; on becoming; siddha arthaa mudita bhava = achieving, your means, be happy.

Verse 11

एनाम् विरूपाम् असतीम् करालाम् निर्णत उदरीम् |
भार्याम् वृद्धाम् परित्यज्य त्वाम् एव एष भजिष्यति || ३-१८-११

“On discarding her who is disfigured, dishonest, diabolically deleterious old wife with a hallow stomach that Rama will adore you alone. [3-18-11]

11. eSa = he this Rama; vi ruupaam = without shape disfigured one; a satiim = not, good one – dishonest; karaalaam = deleterious one; nirNata udariim = hallow-stomached; vR^iddhaam = old one; enaam bhaaryaam parityajya = this, wife, on discarding; tvaam eva bhajiSyati = leaving off, you, alone, he adores.

Verse 12

को हि रूपम् इदम् श्रेष्ठम् संत्यज्य वरवर्णिनि |
मानुषेषु वरारोहे कुर्यात् भावम् विचक्षणः || ३-१८-१२

“Oh, best complexioned one with best waist, is there any wiseacre to simply discard your kind of best personality, indeed, in preference to human females?” Lakshmana said so to Shuurpanakha. [3-18-12]

12. vara varNini = oh, best, complexioned one; vara arohe = best, waisted one; vicakSaNaH = differentiating man, wiseacre; kaH hi = who, indeed; shreSTham idam ruupam = best, this sort of, personality; sam tyajya = completely, discarding; maanuSeSu bhaavam kuryaat = in human females, an intent, makes — who will prefer.

Verse 13

इति सा लक्ष्मणेन उक्ता कराला निर्णतोदरी |
मन्यते तत् वचः सत्यम् परिहास अविचक्षणा || ३-१८-१३

Thus said by Lakshmana that despicable one with slouching stomach Shuurpanakha presumed those words to be truthful, for she is equivocal of that equivoque. [3-18-13]

13. lakSmaNena iti uktaa = by Lakshmana, thus, said; karaalaa nirNatodarii = despicable, one with slouching stomach; parihaasa a vicakSaNaa = equivoque, not, differentiating one equivocal; saa = she; tat vacaH = that, word; satyam manyate = truthful, presumed.

Verse 14

सा रामम् पर्णशालायाम् उपविष्टम् परंतपम् |
सीतया सह दुर्धर्षम् अब्रवीत् काम मोहिता || ३-१८-१४

She who is fuddle by lust said to that unassailable enemy scorcher Rama who is sitting in the cottage along with Seetha. [3-18-14]

14. kaama mohitaa = by lust, one fuddled by; saa = she; siitayaa saha parNashaalaayaam upaviSTam = Seetha, along with, in cottage, one who is sitting; param tapam = enemy-scorcher; durdharSam = unassailable one; raamam = to Rama; abraviit = said.

Verse 15

इमाम् विरूपाम् असतीम् करालाम् निर्णतोदरीम् |
वृद्धाम् भार्याम् अवष्टभ्य न माम् त्वम् बहु मन्यसे || ३-१८-१५

“Tenacious of her who is disfigured, dishonest, diabolical, hallow-stomached old wife of yours you are not regarding me high. [3-18-15]

15. viruupaam asatiim karaalaam nirNatodariim = disfigured, dishonest, diabolical, hallow-stomached one; imaam vR^iddhaam bhaaryaam avaSTabhya = her, old one, wife, tenacious of; tvam maam na bahu manyase = you, me, not, highly, regarding.

Verse 16

अद्य इमाम् भक्षयिष्यामि पश्यतः तव मानुषीम् |
त्वया सह चरिष्यामि निःसपत्ना यथा सुखम् || ३-१८-१६

“Now I wish to eat up this human female right before your very eyes, and then I can blithely make merry along with you, without the botheration of a co-wife.” Said Shuurpanakha to Rama. [3-18-16]

16. tava pashyataH = you, while seeing; adya imaam maanuSiim = now, her, the human female; bhakSayiSyaami = I wish eat up; niH sa patnaa = without [botheration of,] co, wife; tvayaa saha cariSyaami = with you, along, I ramble [make merry]; yathaa sukham = as per, cheerfulness – blithely.

Verse 17

इति उक्त्वा मृगशावाक्षीम् अलात सदृश ईक्षणा |
अभ्यधावत् सुसंक्रुद्धा महा उल्का रोहिणीम् इव || ३-१८-१७

Speaking that way she that torch-eyed Shuurpanakha dashed towards the deer-eyed Seetha in high exasperation as a great meteor would dash towards Rohini, the brightest star in the sky. [3-18-17]

17. alaata sadR^isha iikSaNaa = half burnt wood stick, [torche-like,] equal, eyed Shuurpanakha; iti uktvaa = thus, speaking; su sam kruddhaa = very, highly, exasperated; mahaa ulkaa rohiNiim iva = great, meteor, towards Rohini [a brightest star in sky,] like; mR^igashaava akSiim = towards deer, eyed [Seetha]; abhyadhaavat = dashed.

Verse 18

ताम् मृत्यु पाश प्रतिमाम् आपतंतीम् महाबलः |
विगृह्य रामः कुपितः ततो लक्ष्मणम् अब्रवीत् || ३-१८-१८

By that the great-energetic Rama took umbrage and checking her who is like the noose of death swooping down on Seetha said to Lakshmana. [3-18-18]

18. mahaabalaH raamaH = greatly, energetic, Rama; kupitaH = took umbrage; aa patantiim = coming, falling – swooping; mR^ityu paasha pratimaam = death’s, noose, like; taam vi gR^ihya = her, on checking; tataH lakSmaNam abraviit = to Lakshmana, said.

Verse 19

क्रूरैः अनार्यैः सौमित्रे परिहासः कथंचन |
न कार्यः पश्य वैदेहीम् कथंचित् सौम्य जीवतीम् || ३-१८-१९

“Punning in any way with the base and brutish is inapposite, oh, gentle Saumitri, mark note of Vaidehi, somehow surviving [3-18-19]

19. saumya = oh, gentle one; saumitre = Soumitri; kruuraiH = with brutish ones; an aaryaiH = with un, civilised ones – base; kathamcana = in any event; parihaasaH na kaaryaH = punning, not, be made – inapposite; kathamcit jiivatiim vaidehiim pashya = somehow, surviving, at Vaidehi, see.

Verse 20

इमाम् विरूपाम् असतीम् अतिमत्ताम् महोदरीम् |
राक्षसीम् पुरुषव्याघ्र विरूपयितुम् अर्हसि || ३-१८-२०

“She is freakish, knavish and overtly ruttish, oh, tigerly man, it will be apt of you to deface this paunchy demoness ” Thus Rama said to Lakshmana. [3-18-20]

20. puruSa vyaaghra = oh, manly-tiger; vi ruupaam = freakish; a satiim = knavish; ati mattaam = overtly, ruttish; mahaa udariim = big, bellied; imaam raakSasiim = this, demoness be; vi ruupayitum arhasi = without, shape [to deface,] apt of you.

Verse 21

इति उक्तो लक्ष्मणः तस्याः क्रुद्धो रामस्य पश्यतः |
उद्धृत्य खड्गम् चिच्छ्हेद कर्ण नासम् महाबलः || ३-१८-२१

Thus said to that mighty Lakshmana he infuriately drew sword and chopped off her ears and nose before the very eyes of Rama. [3-18-21]

21. iti uktaH mahaabalaH lakshmaNaH = thus, said, great-mighty, Lakshmana; kruddhaH = infuriated; raamasya pashyataH = while Rama, is seeing; uddhR^itya khaDgam = taking up [drawing,] sword; tasyaaH karNa naasam cicCheda = her, ears, nose, chopped off.

Verse 22

निकृत्त कर्ण नासा तु विस्वरम् सा विनद्य च |
यथा आगतम् प्रदुद्राव घोरा शूर्पणखा वनम् || ३-१८-२२

On hewing off her ears and nose she that ghastly Shuurpanakha blared highly and discordantly, and very speedily fled into forest as she came. [3-18-22]

22. ghoraa saa shuurpaNakhaa = ghastly one, she, Shuurpanakha; nikR^itta karNa naasaa tu = hewed off, ears, nose, but; vi svaram vi nadya ca = discordantly, she, highly, blared; yathaa aagatam = as has come; vanam = into forest; pradudraava [pra du draava] = very, speedily, fled.

Verse 23

सा विरूपा महाघोरा राक्षसी शोणित उक्षिता |
ननाद विविधान् नादान् यथा प्रावृषि तोयदः || ३-१८-२३

She that very ghastly demoness when defaced is wetted by blood and blared many a blare like a cloud in cloudburst. [3-18-23]

23. vi ruupaa = defaced; mahaa ghoraa = very ghastly one; shoNita ukSitaa = blood, wetted; saa raakSasii = she, that demoness; praavR^iSi toyadaH yathaa = in cloudburst, cloud, as with; nanaada vividhaan naadaan = blaring, many a, blared; like, cloud.

Verse 24

सा विक्षरंती रुधिरम् बहुधा घोर दर्शना |
प्रगृह्य बाहू गर्जन्ती प्रविवेश महावनम् || ३-१८-२४

She that gruesome one in her appearance clasped herself and thunderously entered similarly gruesome forest while her blood fountained and profusely exuded. [3-18-24]

24. ghora darshanaa saa = gruesome, in appearance, she; bahudhaa rudhiram vi kSarantii = in many way – fountained, blood, profusely, exuding; baahuu pragR^ihya = arms, clutching — clasped herself; garjantii mahaa vanam pravivesha = thundering, great [gruesome,] forest, entered.

Verse 26

ततः सभार्यम् भय मोह मूर्चिता
सलक्ष्मणम् राघवम् आगतम् वनम् |
विरूपणम् च आत्मनि शोणित उक्षिता
शशंस सर्वम् भगिनी खरस्य सा || ३-१८-२६

Then that sister of Khara who is convulsed in the fluster of fear and her body wetted with blood reported to her brother Khara, all about Rama’s arrival in forest with his wife and Lakshmana, and even about his misshaping her. [3-18-26]

26. tataH = then; kharasya bhaginii saa = Khara’s, sister, she who is; bhaya moha muurchitaa = by fear’s, fluster, convulsed; shoNita ukSitaa = by blood, wetted; vanam aagatam = to forest, arrived; sa bhaaryam = with, wife; sa lakSmaNam raaghavam = with Lakshmana, about Raghava; aatmani viruupaNam ca = of her, misshaping, also; sarvam shashamsa = all, reported.

Verse 25

ततः तु सा राक्षस संघ सम्वृतम्
खरम् जन स्थान गतम् विरूपिता |
उपेत्य तम् भ्रातरम् उग्र तेजसम्
पपात भूमौ गगनाद् यथा अशनिः || ३-१८-२५

Then she who is deformed neared her brother Khara who possess violent vigour, who is abiding in Janasthaana and who is presently surrounded by his band of his hench-demons, and before him she that Shuurpanakha fell onto ground like a thunderbolt from the sky. [3-18-25]

25. tataH = then; saa viruupitaa = she who is, disfigured; raakSasa sangha samvR^itam = demons, band of, surrounded by; janasthaana gatam = in Janasthaana, one abiding in; ugra tejasam = one with violent, vigour; bhraataram = at her brother; tam kharam = that, Khara; upetya = neared; gaganaat ashaniH yathaa = from sky, thunderbolt, as with; bhuumau papaata = on ground, fell down.

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