17 – Surpanakha’s entry into legend


Shuurpanakha, the problem demoness of Ramayana enters here. She approaches the cottage of Rama and offers her wifehood to Rama. She is the sister of Ravana and her husband Vidyut Jihva was murdered by Ravana alone, rendering his own sister a widow. She being an age-old demoness wants Rama to marry her, leaving Seetha off.

Verse 1

कृत अभिषेको रामः तु सीता सौमित्रिर् एव च |
तस्मात् गोदावरी तीरात् ततो जग्मुः स्वम् आश्रमम् || ३-१७-१

On taking bath Rama with Seetha and Soumitri, then went to his own hermitage from that bank of River Godavari. [3-17-1]

1. kR^ita abhiSekaH raamaH tu = on taking, bath, Rama, but; siitaa saumitriH eva ca = Seetha, Soumitri, thus, also; tataH = then; tasmaat godaavarii tiiraat = from that, Godavari, from bank, jagmuH svam aashramam = went, to his own, hermitage.

Verse 2

आश्रमम् तम् उपागम्य राघवः सह लक्ष्मणः |
कृत्वा पौर्वाह्णिकम् कर्म पर्णशालाम् उपागमत् || ३-१७-२

Nearing that hermitage Raghava along with Lakshmana performed early morning rituals and then reached the cottage. [3-17-2]

2. saha lakSmaNaH raaghavaH = with, Lakshmana, Raghava; tam aashramam upaagamya = that, hermitage, on nearing; paurva aahNikam karma kR^itvaa = early, morning, rituals, on performing; parNashaalaam upaagamat = cottage, reached.

Verse 3 & 4

उवास सुखितः तत्र पूज्यमानो महर्षभः|
स रामः पर्ण शालायाम् आसीनः सह सीतया || ३-१-७-३
विरराज महा बाहुः चित्रया चन्द्रमा इव |
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा चकार विविधाः कथाः || ३-१७-४

There Rama comfortably spent time while being adored by eminent sages when he is with them, and narrating many a narrative while sitting in hermitage along with Seetha and his brother Lakshmana, thus he shone forth like the moon when with Chitra constellation. [3-1-7-3, 4]

3. saH raamaH = he, that Rama; maharSabhaH puujyamaanaH = by eminent sages, being adored [when within their reach]; tatra sukhitaH uvaasa = there, comfortably, stayed he who is spending time; parNashaalaayaam siitayaa saha aasiinaH = in hermitage, Seetha, along with, sitting; saha bhraatraa lakSmaNena = with, brother, Lakshmana; cakaara vividhaaH kathaaH = narrating, many, legends; mahaabaahuH vi ra raaja = that dexterous one, shone forth; citrayaa candramaa iva = with Chitra star-constellation, Moon, like.

Verse 5

तदा आसीनस्य रामस्य कथा संसक्त चेतसः |
तम् देशम् राक्षसी काचिद् आजगाम यदृच्छ्हया || ३-१७-५

At one time when Rama is sitting in hermitage and heartily absorbed in telling narratives some demoness arrived at that place, fortuitously. [3-17-5]

5. raamasya kathaa samsakta cetasaH = Rama is, narrative, absorbed in, with such a heart; tadaa aasiinasya = thus, sitting in hermitage; kaacit raakSasii = some, demoness; yadR^icChayaa tam desham aajagaama = fortuitously, at that, place, arrived.

Verse 6

सा तु शूर्पणखा नाम दशग्रीवस्य रक्षसः |
भगिनी रामम् आसाद्य ददर्श त्रिदश उपमम् || ३-१७-६

She is but the sister of ten-faced demon Ravana, Shuurpanakha by her name and she has seen him on reaching the paradisiacal being like Rama. [3-17-6]

6. rakSasaH dasha griivasya bhaginii = demon, ten, faced one’s [Ravana’s,] sister; shuurpaNakhaa naama = Shuurpanakha, named; saa tu = she, but; tridasha upamam = paradisiacal being, who is like; raamam aasaadya = Rama, on reaching; dadarsha = she saw him.

Verse 7 & 8

दीप्तास्यम् च महाबाहुम् पद्म पत्रायत ईक्षणम् |
गज विक्रांत गमनम् जटा मण्दल धारिणम् || ३-१७-७
सुकुमारम् महा सत्त्वम् पार्थिव व्यंजन अन्वितम् |
रामम् इन्दीवर श्यामम् कन्दर्प सदृश प्रभम् || ३-१७-८
बभूव इन्द्रोपमम् दृष्ट्वा राक्षसी काम मोहिता |

He whose face is radiant, arms lengthy, eyes large like lotus petals, stride like that of an elephant, wearing bunches of hair-tufts, delicate yet greatly vigorous, possessor of all kingly aspects, complexion deep-blue like blue lotus, similar to Love-god in brilliance and in simile to Indra, the demoness has seen such a Rama and became lovesick. [3-17-7, 8, 9a]

7. diipta aasyam = radiant, faced; mahaabaahum = lengthy armed; padma patra aayata ikSaNam = lotus, petal, long, eyed one; gaja vikraanta gamanam = elephant, in pacing, in walk [imposingly pacing]; jaTaa maNdala dhaariNam = hair-tuft, bunches, wearing; sukumaaram mahaasattvam = delicate, greatly vigorous; paarthiva vyanjana anvitam = kingly, aspects, one having them; indiivara shyaamam = blue-lotus-like, deep-blue coloured; kandarpa sadR^isha prabham = Love-god, similar, in his brilliance; indra upamam = Indra, in simile; raamam = at Rama; dR^iSTvaa = having seen; raakSasii kaama mohitaa = demoness, love, sickened; babhuuva = she [Shurpanakha] became.

Verse 9,10, 11 & 12a

सुमुखम् दुर्मुखी रामम् वृत्त मध्यम् महोदरी || ३-१७-९
विशालाक्षम् विरूपाक्षी सुकेशम् ताम्र मूर्धजा |
प्रियरूपम् विरूपा सा सुस्वरम् भैरव स्वना || ३-१७-१०
तरुणम् दारुणा वृद्धा दक्षिणम् वाम भाषिणी |
न्याय वृत्तम् सुदुर्वृत्ता प्रियम् अप्रिय दर्शना || ३-१७-११
शरीरज समाविष्टा राक्षसी रामम् अब्रवीत् |

She that demoness who is facially unpleasant one with that pleasant faced one, pot bellied one with the slim-waisted one, wry-eyed one with the broad-eyed one, coppery-haired one with the neatly tressed one, ugly featured one with the charming featured one, brassy voiced one with the gentle voiced one, deplorably oldish one with the youngish one, crooked talker with the pleasant talker, ill-mannered one with the well-mannered one, uncouth one with couth, abominable one with amiable Rama spoke, besieged by Love-god. [3-17-9b, 11, 12a]

9b, 10, 11, 12a. dur mukhii = unpleasing, faced one [Shurpanakha]; su mukham = with pleasing, faced one [at Rama]; mahaa udarii = pot-bellied one [Shuurpanakha]; vR^itta madhyam = with slim, waisted one [Rama ]; vi ruupa akSii = wry, eyed one [Shuurpanakha]; vishaala akSam = with broad-eyed [Rama]; taamra muurdhajaa = coppery, haired one [Shuurpanakha]; su kesham = with neatly, tressed [Rama]; vi ruupaa = ugly, featured one [Shuurpanakha]; priya ruupam = with charming, featured one [Rama]; bhairava svanaa = brassy, voiced one [Shuurpanakha]; su svaram = gentle, voiced one [Rama]; daaruNaa = vR^iddhaa = deplorably, oldish one [Shuurpanakha]; taruNam = youngish [Rama]; vaama bhaaSiNii = crooked, talker [Shuurpanakha]; dakSiNam = with pleasant speaking [Rama]; su dur vR^ittaa = very, ill, mannered one [Shuurpanakha]; nyaaya vR^ittam = rightful one, in behaviour [Rama]; a priya darshanaa = un, pleasant one, to look at [abominable one – Shuurpanakha]; priyam = with pleasant one [to look on, amiable one – Rama]; saa = she [Shuurpanakha]; raamam = at Rama; shariira ja samaaviSTaa = by Love-god, besieged; raakSasii raamam abraviit = demoness, to Rama, spoke.

Verse 12b & 13

जटी तापस रूपेण सभार्यः शर चाप धृक् || ३-१७-१२
आगतः त्वम् इमम् देशम् कथम् राक्षस सेवितम् |
किम् आगमन कृत्यम् ते तत् त्वम् आख्यातुम् अर्हसि || ३-१७-१३

“You are an ascetic yet with a wife, handling bow and arrows yet in the appearance of a sage what for you have come to this province frequented by demons it will be apt of you to tell the purpose of your coming here, in actuality ” [3-17-12b, 13]

12b, 13. tvam = you are; jaTii = one with matted hair [ascetic]; sa bhaaryaH = with, wife; shara caapa dhR^ik = arrows, bows, handling; taapasa ruupeNa = in sage’s, in aspect; raakSasa sevitam = by demons, frequented by; imam desham = this, province; katham aagataH = what for, you have come; te aagamana kR^ityam kim = your, coming [here,] purpose of, what is; tat tvam = that, you; [tattvam = in actuality;] aakhyaatum arhasi = to tell, apt of you..

Verse 14

एवम् उक्तः तु राक्षस्या शूर्पणख्या परंतपः |
ऋजु बुद्धितया सर्वम् आख्यातुम् उपचक्रमे || ३-१७-१४

Thus asked by demoness Shuurpanakha that enemy-scorcher Rama started to inform all about it, straightforwardly. [3-17-14]

14. raakSasyaa shuurpaNakhyaa = by demoness, by Shuurpanakha; evam uktaH = thus, one who is spoken; paramtapaH = enemy, scorcher, Rama; R^iju buddhitayaa = straight, at mind straightforwardly; sarvam aakhyaatum upacakrame = all of it, to narrate [inform,] started to.

Verse 15

आसीत् दशरथो नाम राजा त्रिदश विक्रमः |
तस्य अहम् अग्रजः पुत्रो रामो नाम जनैः श्रुतः || ३-१७-१५

“A king named Dasharatha was there with his godlike valour, I am his eldest son, and people hear of me by name Rama. [3-17-15]

15. tridasha vikramaH = godlike, in valour; dasharathaH naama raajaa aasiit = Dasharatha, named, king, was there; aham tasya agrajaH putraH = I am, his, eldest, son; raamaH naama janaiH shrutaH = Rama, by name, by people, heard.

Verse 16

भ्राता अयम् लक्ष्मणो नाम यवीयान् माम् अनुव्रतः |
इयम् भार्या च वैदेही मम सीतेति विश्रुता || ३-१७-१६

“He is Lakshmana by his name, my younger brother and a devoted follower of mine, and she is my wife, daughter of Videha’s king, well-known as Seetha. [3-17-16]

16. ayam lakSmaNaH naama = he is, Lakshmana, by name; yaviiyaan bhraataa = younger, brother; maam anu vrataH = me, follows, in devotion; vaidehii = [daughter of Videha king] Vaidehi; iyam [mama] bhaaryaa = she is, [my,] wife; siita iti vishrutaa = Seetha, thus, well-known.

Verse 17

नियोगात् तु नरेन्द्रस्य पितुर् मातुः च यंत्रितः |
धर्मार्थम् धर्मकांक्षी च वनम् वस्तुम् इह आगतः || ३-१७-१७

“Desiring to implement the probity in following father’s orders and for the sake of establishing probity in living an ascetic’s life I have come here to forests to dwell, as enjoined by the directives of the king and my father, and by my mother, as well. [3-17-17]

17. narendrasya = by king; pituH = by father; maatuH ca = by mother, also; niyogaat tu = by directive, but; yantritaH = I am directed by; dharma kaankSii = probity, desiring; dharma artham ca = probity, for the sake of, also; iha vastum vanam aagataH = here, to live, to forests, I came.

Verse 18

त्वाम् तु वेदितुम् इच्छ्हामि कस्य त्वम् का असि कस्य वा |
त्वम् हि तावन्मनोज्ञा.ंगी राक्षसी प्रतिभासि मे || ३-१७-१८

“I too wish to know about you. Whose wife are you? What is your name? Or, whose daughter are you? By the way, you are with a most enthralling personality, and then you must be a demoness. [3-17-18]

18. tvaam veditum icChaami = you, to know, I wish to; kasya = whose [wife]; tvam = you are; kaa = what [your name]; asi = is there; kasya = whose [daughter]; vaa = either; tvam = you are, indeed; taavaat = by the way; manoj~na angii = enthralling, with body; raakshasii pratibhaasi me = demoness, you are appearing, to me, indeed.

Verse 19

इह वा किम् निमित्तम् त्वम् आगता ब्रूहि तत्त्वतः |
सा अब्रवीत् वचनम् श्रुत्वा राक्षसी मदन अर्दिता || ३-१७-१९

“What for you have come, either, you tell in actuality…” Thus Rama asked her. On hearing the words of Rama she that demoness wetted with love said these words. [3-17-19]

19. iha kim nimittam tvam aagataa vaa = here, what, for, you, came, either; tattvataH bruuhi = actually, you tell; vacanam shrutvaa = said words, on hearing; madana arditaa = by love, wetted; saa raakSasii abraviit = she that, demoness, spoke.

Verse 20

श्रूयताम् राम वक्ष्यामि तत्त्वार्थम् वचनम् मम |
अहम् शूर्पणखा नाम राक्षसी कामरूपिणी || ३-१७-२०
अरण्यम् विचरामि इदम् एका सर्व भयंकरा |

“I will tell you truth, Rama, nothing but truth, I am a guise-changing demoness named Shuurpanakha, and I will be freely moving in this forest in a solitary manner and unnerving all. [3-17-20, 21a]

20, 21a. shruuyataam raama = let it be heard, Rama; tattva artham mama vacanam = truth, meaning, my. words [my words are truthful]; vakSyaami = I will say; [or, what all I say is truth, nothing but truth]; aham shuurpaNakhaa naama = I am, Shuurpanakha, named; raakSasii = demoness; kaama ruupiNii = by wish, guise-changer; ekaa = lonely; sarva bhayam karaa = to all, fear, causing [unnerving]; idam araNyam vi caraami = in this, forest, am freely moving.

Verse 21

रावणो नाम मे भ्राता यदि ते श्रोत्रम् आगतः || ३-१७-२१
वीरो विश्रवसः पुत्रो यदि ते श्रोत्रम् आगतः |

“My brother is valorous and mighty Ravana, the king of demons and the son of Vishravasa, if ever you have heard of him. [3-17-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. viiraH raavaNaH me bhraataa = valorous, Ravana, is my, brother; yadi te shrotram aagataH = if ever, by you, to ears, has come [if ever you have heard of him]; vishravasaH putraH = Vishravasa, son of; yadi te shrotram aagataH [or, baliiyaan raakshasa iishvaraH] = If you ever heard, [or, mighty one, demons, king.]

Verse 22 & 23

प्रवृद्ध निद्रः च सदा कुंभकर्णो महाबलः || ३-१७-२२
विभीषणः तु धर्मात्मा न तु राक्षस चेष्टितः |
प्रख्यात वीर्यौ च रणे भ्रातरौ खर दूषणौ || ३-१७-२३

“And the mighty Kumbhakarna who will always be in profound sleep is my brother, and the virtue-souled Vibheeshana too is my brother, but he does not behave like a demon, and two more bothers of mine are Khara and Duushana who are renowned for their bravery in war. [3-17-22b, 23

22b, 23. sadaa = always; pravR^iddha nidraH = one with intensified – profound, sleep; mahaabalaH = mighty one; kumbhakarNaH ca = Kumbhakarna, is also [my brother]; dharmaatmaa vibhiiSaNaH = virtue-souled one, Vibheeshana [is also my brother]; tu = but; raakSasa ceSTitaH = with demon’s, conduct; na = he is not; raNe prakhyaata viiryau = in war, renowned, braving ones; khara duuSaNau = Khara, Dushana[ bhraatarau = are two brothers.

Verse 24

तान् अहम् समतिक्रान्ता राम त्वा पूर्व दर्शनात् |
समुपेता अस्मि भावेन भर्तारम् पुरुषोत्तमम् || ३-१७-२४

“I can excel all of them by my bravery, oh, Rama, and on seeing you for the first time I had a notion that you being the choicest among men you alone are my husband, hence I neared you. [3-17-24]

24. raama = oh, Rama; aham = I am; taan = them; sam ati kraantaa = I an excel [them with my bravery]; puurva darshanaat = firstly, on seeing; puruSa uttamam = of men, the best one; tvaa = you; bhartaaram bhaavena = as husband, with the notion of; sam upetaa = neared; asmi = I am.

Verse 25

अहम् प्रभाव संपन्ना स्वच्छ्हंद बल गामिनी |
चिराय भव भर्ता मे सीतया किम् करिष्यसि || ३-१७-२५

“I am endowed with such preponderances and I can operate with my independent might, as such you become my everlasting husband by the way, what can you bring off with Seetha. [3-17-25]

25. aham prabhaava sampannaa = I am, preponderance, endowed with; svacChanda bala gaaminii = with independent, might, goer [I operate]; ciraaya me bhartaa = for a long time, to me, husband; bhava = you be; [by the way]; siitayaa kim kariSyasi = with Seetha, what, you do [bring off.]

Verse 26

विकृता च विरूपा च न सा इयम् सदृशी तव |
अहम् एव अनुरूपा ते भार्या रूपेण पश्य माम् || ३-१७-२६

“Unlovely and unshapely is this one, such as she is, this Seetha is unworthy to be your wife, and I am the lone one worthy to be your wife, hence treat me as your wife. [3-17-26]

26. vikR^itaa ca = unlovely one, also; viruupaa ca = unshapely one, also; saa iyam = she, this one [such as she is]; tava na sadR^ishii = to you, not, appropriate [unworthy wife]; te aham eva anuruupaa = to you , I, alone, appropriate [worthy wife]; maam bhaaryaa ruupeNa pashya = me, wife, in manner of, see, me [treat me as your wife.]

Verse 27

इमाम् विरूपाम् असतीम् करालाम् निर्णत उदरीम् |
अनेन सह ते भ्रात्रा भक्षयिष्यामि मानुषीम् || ३-१७-२७

“Shall I eat up this disfigured, dishonest, diabolical human female with a hallow stomach along with him, that brother of yours to make you free.

27. viruupaam = without shape disfigured one; a satiim = not, good one – dishonest; karaalaam = diabolical one; nirNata udariim = hallow-stomached; imaam maanuSiim = this, human female; anena = with him; te bhraatraa saha = your, brother, along with; bhakSa yiSyaami = I wish to eat up [shall I eat them up without a later time botheration to you.]

Verse 28

ततः पर्वत शृ.ंगाणि वनानि विविधानि च |
पश्यन्सहमयाकामीदण्डकान्विचरिष्यसि – यद्वा –
पश्यन् सह मया कामी दण्डकान् विचरिष्यसि || ३-१७-२८

“Afterwards, you can lustily ramble about Dandaka forest along with me while enjoying yourself on various mountaintops in the sky and in forests on the earth.” So Shuurpanakha said to Rama. [3-17-28]

28. tataH = afterwards; vividhaani = various; parvata shR^ingaaNi = mountain, tops [in sky]; vanaani ca = forests [on earth,] also; pashyan = while seeing experiencing, enjoying; maya saha = me, along with; kaamii = lustily; daNDakaan vi cariSyasi = Dandaka forest, well, ramble about.

Verse 29

इति एवम् उक्तः काकुत्स्थः प्रहस्य मदिर ईक्षणाम् |
इदम् वचनम् आरेभे वक्तुम् वाक्य विशारदः || ३-१७-२९

When he is said that way Rama chuckled and that wordsmith started to reply her who eyes are besotted in lovesickness with this sentence. [3-17-29]

29. iti evam uktaH = thus, that way, who is said; vaakya vishaaradaH = in words, expert; kaakutsthaH prahasya = Kakutstha Rama, chuckled; madira iikSaNaam = one with besotted, eyes Shuurpanakha [in lovesickness]; idam vacanam vaktum aarebhe = this, sentence, to tell, started.

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