17 – brahma orders gods to spawn forest-rangers,vAnarA-s


The gods become progenitors Vanara heroes at the dictate of Brahma to come to the aid of Rama in annihilating Ravana. The monkey-like Vanara race is procreated by numerous celestials endowing it with peculiar mighty physique and particular power to come to the help of Rama.

Verse 1

पुत्रत्वं तु गते विष्णौ राज्ञस्तस्य महात्मनः |
उवाच देवताः सर्वाः स्वयंभूर्भगवानिदम् || १-१७-१

When Vishnu attained the sonship of the great-souled king Dasharatha, then Brahma the self-created addressed all of the gods this way. [1-17-1]

1. viSNauH tasya raaj~naH putratvam gate = when Vishnu attained that king’s sonship; mahaatmanaH = of great soul Dasharatha; bhagavaan svayambhuH = self created god – Brahma; sarvaaH devataaH idam uvaacha = said this to all gods.

Verse 2

सत्यसंधस्य वीरस्य सर्वेषां नो हितैषिणः |
विष्णोः सहायान् बलिनः सृजध्वं कामरूपिणः || १-१७-२

“Let mighty and guise changing helpmates be procreated to that truth abiding and valorous Vishnu who is the well-wisher of all of us. [1-17-2]

2. satyasandhasya = truth abiding; viirasya = valorous; sarveSaam naH = for all, of us; hitaiShiNaH = desiring welfare; viSNuH = Vishnu’s; sahaayaan = helpmates; balinaH = mighty ones; kaamaruupiNaH = guise-changers by wish; srR^ijadhvam = be procreated.

Verse 3, 4, 5 & 6

मायाविदश्च शूरांश्च वायुवेगसमान् जवे |
नयज्ञान् बुद्धिसंपन्नान् विष्णुतुल्यपराक्रमान् || १-१७-३
असंहार्यानुपायज्ञान् दिव्यसंहननान्वितान् |
सर्वास्त्रगुणसंपन्नानमृतप्राशनानिव || १-१७-४
अप्सरस्सु च मुख्यासु गन्धर्वीणां तनूषु च |
यक्षपन्नगकन्यासु ऋक्षविद्याधरीषु च || १-१७-५
किंनरीणां च गात्रेषु वानरीणां तनूषु च |
सृजध्वं हरिरूपेण पुत्रांस्तुल्यपराक्रमान् || १-१७-६

“Let monkey-shaped progeny equalling Vishnu’s valour be procreated from the physiques of prominent apsara-s and gandharva-s, from the girls of yaksha-s and pannaga-s, and also thus from the bodies of kinnaraa-s, she-vidyaadharaa-s, she-riksha-s and she-monkeys, and they shall be wizards of miracles and audacious ones, in travel they shall have air’s speed, bestowed with intellect they shall be the knowers of ideation, and with their divine physique they shall be ineliminable, they shall be endowed with all the assaultive aspects of all missiles, and they shall be untiring in their efforts, like you who thrive on amrita, the ambrosia, unmindful of thirst and hunger. [1-17-3, 4, 5, 6]

3. maayaavidaH ca = miracle knowers [wizards] also; shuuraan cha = audacious ones, too; jave vaayuvegasamaan = in travel, equivalent to air’s speed; nayaj~naan = morals knowers; buddhisampannaan = bestowed with intellectual; viSNutulyaparaakramaan = equalling Vishnu in valour; asamhaaryaan = indestructible ones – ineliminable ones; upaayaj~naan = knowers of ideation; divyasamhananaanvitaan = along with divine bodies; sarvaastraguNasampannaan = endowed with all aspects of missiles [assaultive]; amR^itapraashanaan iva = like ambrosia drinkers; tulyaparaakramaan = equalling [your] valour [godly, like you hunger-less thirst-less gods]; putraan = sons; mukhyaasu apsarassu = in prominent, apsara-s, in celestial courtesans; gandharviiNaam = in gandharva ladies, celestial scholars; tanuuSu cha = from their bodies; yakSapannagakanyaasu = from yaksha pannaga girls; R^ikShavidyaadhariiSu = she-R^ikshaas and she-Vidyadharaas; cha = also; kiMnariiNaam cha gaatreSu = from bodies of kinnaraa-s, also; vaanariiNaam tanuuSu cha = from bodies of she-monkeys, also; hariruupeNa = monkey shaped; sR^ijadhvam = be procreated.

Verse 7

पूर्वमेव मया सृष्टो जांबवानृक्षपुङ्गवः |
जृंभमाणस्य सहसा मम वक्रादजायत || १-१७-७

“I have already created the eminent bear Jambavanta in earlier times, as he suddenly came forth from my yawning face. [1-17-7]

7. jaambavaan R^ikShapungavaH = Jambavanta, the eminent bear; puurvam eva mayaa sR^iSTaH = created by me in earlier times only; jR^imbhamaaNasya = while yawing; mama = from my; vakraat = from face; sahasaa = suddenly; ajaayata = came forth.

Verse 8

ते तथोक्ता भगवता तत् प्रतिश्रुत्य शासनम् |
जनयामासुरेवं ते पुत्रान् वानररूपिणः || १-१७-८

When Brahma addressed them thus, those gods have agreed to his order and accordingly started to parent sons in the resemblance of monkeys. [1-17-8]

8. bhagavataa = by Brahma; tathaa uktaH = thus, addressed; te = those gods; tat shaasanam pratishrutya = agreeing that order [of Brahma]; evam vaanararuupiNaH putraan = accordingly, sons in resemblence of monkey; janayaamaasuH = started to parent.

Verse 9

ऋषयश्च महात्मानः सिद्धविद्याधरोरगाः |
चारणाश्च सुतान् वीरान् ससृजुर्वनचारिणः || १-१७-९

The great-souled celestial groups, namely the sages, siddha-s, vidyaadharaa-s, caarana-s have created valiant sons that are forest rangers. [1-17-9]

9. mahaatmaanaH = great souled beings; R^iSayaH cha = Sages, too; siddhavidyaadharoragaaH chaaraNaaH ca = siddha-s vidyaadharaa-s uragaa-s and charanaas; viiraan vanachaariNaH = valiant ones, forest ranging – monkey like; sutaan sasR^ijuH = sons, they created.

Verse 10

वानरेन्द्रं महेद्राभमिन्द्रो वालिनमात्मजम् |
सुग्रीवं जनयामास तपनस्तपतां वरः || १-१७-१०

Indra procreated the lord of vanara-s, namely Vali, who by his physique is like Mt. Mahendra, and the highest humidifier among all the humidifiers, namely the Sun, procreated Sugreeva. [1-17-10]

10. IndraH janayaamaasa = Indra, procreated; mahendraabham = Mt. Mahendra, in sheen of body; vaanarendram = lord of vanara-s; vaalinam = to Vali is; tapataam varaH tapanaH = the great humidifier among the humidifiers [the Sun]; sugriivam = to Sugreeva.

Verse 11

बृहस्पतिस्त्वजनयत्तारं नाम महाकपिम् |
सर्ववानरमुख्यानां बुद्धिमन्तमनुत्तमम् || १-१७-११

Brihaspati, the Jupiter, gave rise to a great monkey named Tara, who is the most important one among all vanara-s, and who excels all by his intelligence. [1-17-11]

11. bR^ihaspatiH tu = Brihaspati, the Jupiter, but; sarvavaanaramukhyaanaam = the important one among all Vaanaras; anuttamam = none better than him – excellent one; buddhimantam = intelligent one; taaram naama = Tara, named; mahakapim ajanayat = to great monkey, gave rise.

Verse 12

धनदस्य सुतः श्रीमान् वानरो गन्धमादनः |
विश्वकर्मा त्वजनयन्नलं नाम महाकपिम् || १-१७-१२

The brilliant Gandhamaadana is the son of Kubera, while the divine architect Vishvakarma procreated the great monkey called Nala. [1-17-12]

12. shriimaan = brilliant one; gandhamaadanaH = [named] Gandhamaadana; vanaraH = Vaanara is; dhanadasya sutaH = wealth giver’s – Kubera’s, son; Vishwakarmaa tu = divine architect, Vishvakarma, has but [gave rise to]; Nalam naama = Nala named; mahaakapim = great monkey; ajanayat = procreated.

Verse 13

पावकस्य सुतः श्रीमान्नीलोऽग्नि सदृशप्रभः |
तेजसा यशसा वीर्यादत्यरिच्यत वानरान् || १-१७-१३

The bright son of Fire is Neela whose blaze is like that of fire and who excels other monkeys by his resplendence, renown and courage. [1-17-13]

13. paavakasya sutaH = son of Fire; shriimaan = bright one; agnisadR^ishaprabhaH = blaze is like fire; niilaH = Neela is; tejasaa = with resplendence; yashasaa = renown; viiryaat = in courage; vaanaraan = than the other monkey; atyarichyata = excels [others.]

Verse 14

रूपद्रविणसंपन्नावश्विनौ रूपसंमतौ |
मैन्दं च द्विविदं चैव जनयामासतुः स्वयम् || १-१७-१४

The Ashwin twin gods whose wealth is their beautiful appearance have personally procreated two vanara-s namely Mainda and Dvivida, blessing them with beautiful appearance.[1-17-14]

14. ruupadraviNasampannau = having wealth called beautifulness [beauty being their wealth, property]; ashvinau = Ashvini gods [two of them]; svayam = personally [procreated]; ruupasammatau = blessed with beauty; maindam = Mainda named; dvividam cha = Dvivida named, also; eva = thus; janayaamaasatuH = have procreated.

Verse 15

वरुणो जनयामास सुषेणं नाम वानरम् |
शरभं जनयामास पर्जन्यस्तु महाबलम् || १-१७-१५

The Rain-god procreated the vanara named Sushena, and Thunder-god gave rise to the great mighty Sharabha. [1-17-15]

15. varuNaH = Rain-god; janayaamaasa = procreated; suSheNam = Sushena; vaanaram = the monkey; parjanyaH tu = Thunder-god, but; janayaamaasa = procreated; mahaabalam = great mighty one; sharabham = Sharabha.

Verse 16 & 17a

मारुतस्यौरसः श्रीमान् हनुमान्नाम वानरः |
वज्रसंहननोपेतो वैनतेयसमो जवे || १-१७-१६
सर्ववानरमुख्येषु बुद्धिमान् बलवानपि |

The direct son of Air-god is the marvellous and adventurous Hanuma with an indestructible body, and one identical in the speed of lady Vinata’s son, namely Garuda, the divine eagle vehicle of Vishnu, and among all monkey chiefs he is the intelligent and the indefatigable one too. [1-17-16, 17a]

16, 17a. shriimaan = marvellous one; viiryavaaan = adventurous being; vajrasamhananopetaH = having diamond like body [indestructible bodied]; jave = in swiftness; vainateyasamaH = identical one to lady Vinata’s son [Garuda, the divine eagle vehicle of Vishnu]; [such a] hanumaan naama = Hanuma, named; maarutasya aurasaH = own [direct] son of Air-god; [he is] sarvavaanaramukhyeSu = among all monkey chiefs; buddhimaan = intelligent one; balavaan api = indefatigable one, too.

Verse 17b & 18a

ते सृष्टा बहुसाहस्रा दशग्रीववधोद्यताः || १-१७-१७
अप्रमेयबला वीरा विक्रान्ताः कामरूपिणः |

Thus the gods have procreated many thousands of such valorous and guise changing monkeys who with their immeasurable strength and bravery are manifest for the elimination of the decahedral demon Ravana. [1-17-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. dashagriivavadhe = for elimination of ten faced one [Ravana’s]; udyataH = who rose up – manifest; aprameyabalaaH = immeasurable in strength; vikraantaaH = those that are braving; kaamaruupiNaH = guise changers by their wish; bahusaahasraa = in many thousands; te viiraaH sR^iSTaaH = those, valorous ones, are procreated.

Verse 18b & 19a

ते गजाचलसंकाशा वपुष्मंतो महाबलाः || १-१७-१८
ऋक्षवानरगोपुच्छाः क्षिप्रमेवाभिजज्ञिरे |

And they with their elephantine, mountainous and prodigious bodies quickly took birth in bears, monkeys, sacred langoors. [1-17-18b, 19a]

18b, 19a. gajaachalasamkaashaaH = in similarity of elephants and mountains; mahaabalaaH = great mighty ones; vapuSmantaH = with prodigious bodies; R^ikShavaanaragopucChaH = bears monkeys and sacred langoors; kSipram eva = quickly, thus; abhijaj~nire = took birth.

Verse 19b & 20a

यस्य देवस्य यद्रूपं वेषो यश्च पराक्रमः || १-१७-१९
अजायत समं तेन तस्य तस्य पृथक् पृथक् |

Those that are procreated have attained the shape, getup and valour of the god that has fathered them, and thus the monkey race is procreated separately and individually. [1-17-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. yasya devasya yat ruupam = which, god’s, which, form; veSaH = getup; paraakramaH ca = valour, also; yaH = which [is there]; tasya tasya = his, his [that particular god’s sons]; ajaayata = procreated; samam tena = equalling, them [with fathers]; pR^ithak pR^ithak = separately, separately.

Verse 20b & 21a

लांगूलीषु चोत्पन्नाः केचिदुन्नतविक्रमाः || १-१७-२०
ऋक्षीषु च तथा जाता वानराः किंनरीषु च |

Some of the vanara-s endowed with superior valour are born to female langoors, and like that some more to female bears and kinnaraa-s. [1-17-20b, 21a]

20b, 21a. kechit = some; vaanaraaH = vanara-s; unnatavikramaaH = with superior valour; golaanguuliiShu utpannaH = born in female langoors; tathaa = like that some more; R^ikSiiSu kinnariiSu cha = in female bears, kinnaraa-s, also; jaataaH = born.

Verse 21b, 22, 23, 24a, b

देवा महर्षिगन्धर्वास्तार्क्ष्या यक्षा यशस्विनः || १-१७-२१
नागाः किंपुरुषाश्चैव सिद्धविद्याधरोरगाः |
बहवो जनयामासुर्हृष्टास्तत्र सहस्रशः || १-१७-२२
चारणाश्च सुतान् वीरान् ससृजुर्वनचारिणः |
वानरान् सुमहाकायान् सर्वान् वै वनचारिणः || १-१७-२३
अप्सरस्सु च मुख्यासु तदा विद्यधरीषु च |
नागकन्यासु च तथा गन्धर्वीणां तनूषु च |

Several of the gods, great-sages, gandharva-s, eagles, yaksha-s, and the celebrated reptiles, kimpurusha-s, siddha-s, vidyaadharaa-s, uraga-s and caarana-s and even the prominent maidens of apsara-s, she-vidyaadharaa-s, naaga, gandharva-s then gladly procreated all of the thousands of forest-ranging and valiant vanara sons from their bodies that are forest rangers. [21b, 22, 23, 24a, b]

21b, 22, 23, 24a, b. devaaH maharSigandharvaaH = gods, great sages and celestials; taarkShyaaH = eagles; yakShaaH = yaksha-s; yashaswinaH = celebrated ones like; naagaaH kimpuruSaaH siddhavidyaadharoragaaH = reptiles, kimpusha-s, siddha-s, vidyaadharaa-s, uraga-s; caaraNaaH ca = caarana-s, also; bahavaH = several of them; hR^iSTaaH = who are gladdened; tatra = at that time; [started to procreate]; mukhyaasu apsarassu = in prominent apsara-s; tadaa = then; kanyaasu = in maidens of; vidyaadhariiSu = in she-vidyaadharaa-s; naagakanyaasu cha = in Naga girls, also; tathaa = like that; gandharviiNaam tanuuSu cha = from the bodies of female gandharva, also; sumahaakaayaan = very great bodied ones; vanachaariNaH = forest moving ones; sarvaan vaanaraan viiraan sutaan = all, vanara, valiant, sons; sahasrashaH janayaamaasuH = started to procreate in thousands.

Verse 24b & 25a

कामरूपबलोपेता यथाकामं विचारिणः || १-१७-२४
सिंहशार्दूलसदृशा दर्पेण च बलेन च |

They are endowed with guise changing faculties, with bodily might and by their pride and might are identical to lions and tigers, and they are born-free in their movement in forests. [1-17-24c, 25a]

24b, 25a. [Those vanara-s are]; kaamaruupabalopetaaH = guise-changers by wish and endowed with might; yathaakaamam vichaariNaH = they move freely according to their wish – born free; darpeNa cha = by their pride, and; balena cha = by might, as well; simhashaarduulasadR^ishaaH = identical to lion and tiger.

Verse 25b & 26a

शिलाप्रहरणाः सर्वे सर्वे पादपयोधिनः || १-१७-२५
नखदंष्ट्रायुधाः सर्वे सर्वे सर्वास्त्रकोविदाः |

All of them are the assaulters with stones, and all are the attackers with trees, and all have their nails and claws as their weapons, yet all are experts in missiles. [1-17-25b, 26a]

25b, 26a. sarve = all of them; shilaapraharaNaaH = they assault with stones ; sarve = all of them; paadapayodhinaH = combatants with with trees ; sarve = all; nakhadamSTraayudhaaH = have nails claws as weapons; sarve = all of them; sarvaastrakovidaaH = experts in all kinds of missiles.

Verse 26b & 27a

विचालयेयुः शैलेन्द्रान् भेदयेयुः स्थिरान् द्रुमान् || १-१७-२६
क्षोभयेयुश्च वेगेन समुद्रं सरितां पतिम् |

They can rock greatest mountains, rip firm rooted trees, and with their speed they can agitate the of lord of rivers, namely the ocean. [1-17-26b, 27a]

26b, 27a. shailendraan = the greatest mountains; vichaalayeyuH = they rock; sthiraan drumaan bhedayeyuH = they uproot firm rooted trees; vegena = by their speed; saritaam patim samudram = rivers lord, ocean; kShobhayeyuH cha = they agitate, also.

Verse 28b & 29a

गृह्णीयुरपि मातंगान् मत्तान् प्रव्रजतो वने || १-१७-२८
नर्दमानाश्च नादेन पातयेयुर्विहंगमान् |

They can catch ruttish elephants that tumultuously move in forests, and just with the sound of their blare they make sky flying birds to fall. [1-17-28b, 29a]

28b, 29a. vane pravrajataH = verily [tumultuously] moving in the forests ; mattaan maatangaan api = excited [ruttish,] elephants, even; gR^ihNiiyuH = they catch; nardamaanaaH cha = by their blaring, also; naadena = with sound; vihangamaan paatayeyuH = they make flying birds fall.

Verse 29b & 30a

ईदृशानां प्रसूतानि हरीणां कामरूपिणाम् || १-१७-२९
शतं शतसहस्राणि यूथपानां महात्मनाम् |

Thus the gods and others have procreated millions of such noble souled Vaanaras as the chiefs of warriors who can change their guise at their wish. [1-17-29b, 30a]

29b, 30a. kaamaruupiNaam = guise changers at wish; yuuthapaanaam = chiefs of warriors; mahaatmanaam = noble souled ones; iidR^ishaanaam = this kind of; hariiNaam = monkeys; shatam shatasahasraaNi = hundred, hundred thousand – millions of; [te = they, gods et al;] prasuutaani = have procreated.

Verse 30b & 31a

ते प्रधानेषु यूथेषु हरीणां हरियूथपाः || १-१७-३०
बभूवुर्यूथपश्रेष्ठा वीरांश्चाजनयन् हरीन् |

Those vanara generals who took birth thus became the prominent generals among the principle battalions of monkeys, and they have also procreated brave monkeys on their own. [1-17-30a, 31b]

30b, 31a. te = those; hariyuuthapaaH = vanara generals; hariiNaam pradhaaneSu yuutheShu = among principle battalions of monkeys; yuuthapashreSTaaH = the prominent generals; babhuuvuH = they became; viiraan hariin ajanayan ca = they procreated brave monkeys, also.

Verse 31b & 32a

अन्ये ऋक्षवतः प्रस्थानुपतस्थुः सहस्रशः || १-१७-३१
अन्ये नानाविधान् शैलान् काननानि च भेजिरे |

Some thousands of them stayed on the ridges of Mt. Rikshavat while others reached many kinds of other mountains and forests. [1-17-31b, 32a]

31b, 32a. anye = some [among them]; sahasrashaH = in thousands; R^ikSavataH prasthaan upatasthuH = are staying on ridges of Mt. Riskshavat; anye = others; naanaavidhaan = many kinds of; shailaan = mountains; kaananaani ca = forests, also; bhejire = reached.

Verse 32b & 33

सूर्यपुत्रं च सुग्रीवं शक्रपुत्रं च वालिनम् || १-१७-३२
भ्रातरावुपतस्थुस्ते सर्वे च हरियूथपाः |
नलं नीलं हनूमन्तमन्यांश्च हरियूथपान् || १-१७-३३

All of the monkeys stood by the brothers, namely the son of Indra Vali, and the son of sun Sugreeva, and even with the monkey generals like Nala, Neela and Hanuma et al. [1-17-32b, 33]

32b, 33. sarve = all of them, monkeys; bhraatarau = brothers; suuryaputram sugriivam = son sun, Sugreeva; shakraputram vaalinam = Indra’s son, Vali; hariyuuthapaaH = monkeys chiefs; like nalam neelam hanuumantam = Nala Neela and Hanumanta; anyaan cha hariyuuthapaan = also other monkey generals; upatasthuH = adored [stood by them.]

Verse 34

ते तार्क्ष्यबलसंपन्नाः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः |
विचरन्तोऽर्दयन् दर्पात् सिंहव्याघ्रमहोरगान् || १-१७-३४

All of those who are well-versed in warfare and endowed with the might of divine eagle Garuda, used to thwart the pride of lions, tigers and great snakes just by their own prideful subjugation while they move about the forests. [1-17-34]

34. taarkShyabalasampannaH = might endowed like Divine Eagle Garuda; yuddhavishaaradaaH = well-versed in warfare; te sarve vicharantaH = they, all, moving about; darpaat = by their pride – prideful subjugation as they do not kill them; simhavyaaghramahoragaan = lion tigers and great snakes [and the like]; ardayan = thwarted.

Verse 35

महाबलो महाबाहुर्वाली विपुलविक्रमः |
जुगोप भुजवीर्येण ऋक्षगोपुच्छवानरान् || १-१७-३५

He who is adroit, extremely mighty, and highly indomitable, that Vali protected bears, langoors, and monkeys just by the strength of his arms. [1-17-35]

35. mahaabaahuH = great armed one – adroit one; vipulavikramaH = extremely mighty; mahaabalaH = highly indomitable; valii = Vali; bhujaviiryeNa = arms’ strength; R^ikShagopucChavaanaraan = bears langoors and monkeys; jugopa = protected.

Verse 36

तैरियं पृथिवी शूरैः सपर्वतवनार्णवा |
कीर्णा विविधसंस्थानैर्नानाव्यंजनलक्षणैः || १-१७-३६

The earth with its mountains, forests and oceanward places is overspread with those brave ones that possess diverse physiques and peculiar indication marks of their stock. [1-17-36]

36. shuuraiH = with brave ones; vividhasamsthaanaiH = with diverse physiques; naanaavyanjanalakShaNaiH = many physical indications [indicating their peculiar race]; taiH = by them; saparvatavanaarNavaa = with mountains forests and oceans [oceanward provinces]; iyam prithivii kiirNaa = this, earth is, overspread.

Verse 37

महाबलैर्वानरयूथपाधिपैः |
बभूव भूर्भीमशरीररूपैः
समावृता रामसहायहेतोः || १-१७-३७

The earth is thus suffused with those mighty army generals of Vanara race whose physiques resembled the clusters of clouds and peaks of mountains, and who have emerged for the reason of helping Rama. [1-17-37]

37. meghabR^iindaachalakuuTasannibhaiH = clusters of coulds and like [resembling] mountains peaks; mahaabalaiH = very mighty; bhiimashariiraruupaiH = awesome body forms; taiH = by them; vaanarayuuthapaadhipaiH = with Vaanara army generals; bhuuH = earth; raamasahaayahetoH = reason of helping Rama; samaaavR^itaa = spread over; babhuuva = became.

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