16 – Sugreeva’s second fight and Vali’s falling down


Vali dismissing Tara’s words, who is dissuading him to confront Rama, starts out to fight out Sugreeva. A ghastly fight ensues in which Vali depletes Sugreeva’s strength by the boon and Indra’s chest-plate, and thus Sugreeva seeks Rama’s help. Rama shoots his arrow which hits Vali on chest, but does not render him dead immediately. Thus that great mighty and unassailable Vali is brought down to ground.

Verse 1

ताम् एवम् ब्रुवतीम् ताराम् ताराधिप निभ आननाम् |
वाली निर्भर्त्सयामास वचनम् च इदम् अब्रवीत् || ४-१६-१

While Tara with a face that shines like the lord of stars is speaking thus, Vali dauntingly spoke to her with these words. [4-16-1]

1. evam bruvatiim taaraa adhipa nibha aananaam = stars’, lord’s [moon,] in shine, faced one; taam taaraam = to her, to Tara; vaalii nirbhartsayaamaasa = Vali, daunted; idam vacanam abraviit = this, word, said.

Verse 2

गर्जतो अस्य च सुसंरब्धम् भ्रातुः शत्रोर् विशेषतः |
मर्षयिष्यामि केन कारणेन वरानने || ४-१६-२

“He is an younger brother and an adversary in particular, oh, pretty-faced Tara, can I by any reason tolerate him when he kept raving on frenetically, tell me. [4-16-2]

2. vara aanane = oh, pretty, faced one – Tara; bhraatuH = [younger] brother; visheSataH shatroH = particularly, an adversary; asya su samrabdham garjataH = he, very frenetically, while raving; kena api kaaraNena = by which [by any,] even, by reason; marSayiSyaami = I can tolerate [tell me.]

Verse 3

अधर्षितानाम् शूराणाम् समरेषु अनिवर्तिनाम् |
धर्षणाम् अर्षणम् भीरु मरणात् अतिरिच्यते || ४-१६-३

“To those valiant ones who neither give ground nor get assailed in wars, oh, shyly, endurance of a overweening war-whoop is more than death. [4-16-3]

3. bhiiru = oh, shyly one; samareSu a nivartinaam = in battle, not, retreating ones; a dharSitaanaam = un, assailed ones [not get assailed by their incompetence]; shuuraaNaam = [to such] valorous ones; dharSaNaam arSaNam = confrontation [overweening calls,] endurance of; maraNaat atiricyate = death, more than.

Verse 4

सोढुम् न च समर्थो अहम् युद्ध कामस्य संयुगे |
सुग्रीवस्य च संरंभम् हीन ग्रीवस्य गर्जतम् || ४-१६-४

“I am incapable of withstanding that dumbly Sugreeva’s bawling commotion desiring a brawling duel. [4-16-4]

4. aham samyuge = I, in duel; yuddha kaamasya = brawl, desiring, hiina griivasya = feeble, voiced [dumbly]; garjatam = bawling; sugriivasya = of Sugreeva; samrambham = commotion; soDhum na ca samarthaH = to withstand, not, also, I am capable.

Verse 5

न च कार्यो विषादः ते राघवम् प्रति मत् कृते |
धर्मज्ञः च कृतज्ञः च कथम् पापम् करिष्यति || ४-१६-५

“Also, you need not bother about Raghava’s doing some harm to me, as I wonder how a diligent man and knower of virtue can commit sin. [4-16-5]

5. mat kR^ite = in my, respect – some harm to me; raaghavam prati = Raghava, about [running co; te viSaadaH na ca kaaryaH = to you, botheration, not, also, to be done – you need not bother; dharmaj~naH ca kR^itaj~naH ca = virtue-knower, diligent one; paapam katham kariSyati = sin, how, can do – I wonder.

Verse 6

निवर्तस्व सह स्त्रीभिः कथम् भूयो अनुगच्छसि |
सौहृदम् दर्शितम् तावत् मयि भक्तिः त्वया कृता || ४-१६-६

“How do you follow me again, you return with all these females, truly you have expressed your friendliness owing to your devotion to me. [4-16-6]

6. saha striibhiH nivartasva = with, [other] females, you return; bhuuyaH katham anugacChasi = again, how, you follow me; tvayaa sauhR^idam darshitam taavat = by you, friendliness, is shown – expressed, truly; mayi bhaktiH kR^itaa = in me, devotion, owing to.

Verse 7

प्रति योत्स्यामि अहम् गत्वा सुग्रीवम् जहि संभ्रमम् |
दर्पम् च अस्य विनेष्यामि न च प्राणैर् वियोक्ष्यते || ४-१६-७

“You may do away with your perplexity as I will retaliate Sugreeva on my going there only to drive him and his arrogance out, but without letting his lives loose. [4-16-7]

7. aham gatvaa sugriivam prati yotsyaami = I, on going, with Sugreeva, counter, attack – retaliate; sambhramam jahi = perplexity, do away with; asya darpam ca vi neSyaami = his, arrogance, also, I will drive out; praaNaiH na viyokSyate = by lives, not, [he will] be released – his lives will not be released.

Verse 8

अहम् हि अजि स्थितस्य अस्य करिष्यामि यत् ईप्सितम् |
वृक्षैः मुष्टि प्रहारैः च पीडितः प्रति यास्यति || ४-१६-८

“As he is firmed up for a combat, I will indeed have to effectuate what his desire is, by caning with trees and fistfights, by which roughed up he returns. [4-16-8]

8. aham hi = I, indeed; aji sthitasya = in combat, firmed up; asya yat iipsitam = his, which, desired; [that = that]; kariSyaami = I wish to effectuate; vR^ikshaiH muSTi prahaaraiH ca = [ by caning] with trees, fist, fights, also; piiDitaH prati yaasyati = roughed up, return, he goes.

Verse 9

न मे गर्वितम् आयस्तम् सहिष्यति दुरात्मवान् |
कृतम् तारे सहायत्वम् दर्शितम् सौहृदम् मयि || ४-१६-९

“My nerve and pace of combat will be insufferable to that malign minded Sugreeva, oh, Tara, you have offered your helping suggestion and you have shown all your friendliness to me, it is enough. [4-16-9]

9. dur aatmavaan = malign minded [Sugreeva]; me garvitam aayastam = my, nerve, pace [of combat]; na sahiSyati = cannot, tolerate; tare = oh, Tara; sahaayatvam kR^itam = [intellectual] help, is done [by you]; mayi sauhR^idam darshitam = in me, friendliness, shown [by you, it is enough.]

Verse 10

शापिता असि मम प्राणैः निवर्तस्व जनेन च |
अलम् जित्वा निवर्तिष्ये तम् अहम् भ्रातरम् रणे || ४-१६-१०

“I adjured you on my lives, return with your followers, and I shall return to you on easily defeating and returning that ‘brother of mine.” Said Vali to Tara. [4-16-10]

10. mama praaNaiH shaapitaa asi = on my, lives, sworn, you are; janena ca nivartasva = with followers, also, you return; aham = I; tam bhraataram = that, brother; raNe alam jitvaa nivartiSye = in combat, easily, on defeating, I return [revert Sugreeva.]

Verse 11

तम् तु तारा परिष्वज्य वालिनम् प्रिय वादिनी |
चकार रुदती मन्दम् दक्षिणा सा प्रदक्षिणम् || ४-१६-११

She that pleasant articulator and talented Tara then hugged and circumabulated Vali, suppressing her moaning, as an honour to the braver. [4-16-11]

11. priya vaadinii = pleasant, articulator; dakSiNaa = talented one [in advising]; saa taaraa = she, that Tara; tam vaalinam pariSvajya = him, that Vali, on hugging; mandam rudatii = repressively, moaning; pradakSiNam cakaara = circumambulation, made [round Vali.]

Verse 12

ततः स्वस्त्ययनम् कृत्वा मंत्रवित् विजय एषिणी |
अंतःपुरम् सह स्त्रीभिः प्रविष्टा शोक मोहिता || ४-१६-१२

Then she who is a hymnodist that Tara has performed a hymnal bon voyage wishing triumph to Vali, and entered palace chambers along with other females, disoriented by her own sadness. [4-16-12]

12. tataH = then; mantra vit = hymn, knower – Tara; vijaya eSiNii = triumph, wishing; svasti ayanam kR^itvaa = blessings, for journey [bon voyage,] on making; shoka mohitaa = by sadness, disoriented; striibhiH saha antaHpuram praviSTaa = with, females, palace chambers, entered.

Verse 13

प्रविष्टायाम् तु तारायाम् सह स्त्रीभिः स्वम् आलयम् |
नगर्या निर्ययौ क्रुद्धो महा सर्प इव श्वसन् || ४-१६-१३

On Tara entering her own palace chambers along with other females, Vali emerged out of the city hissing like an infuriated great snake. [4-16-13]

13. taaraayaam = Tara; striibhiH saha = females, along with; svam aalayam praviSTaayaam = her, own chambers, on entering; kruddhaH = infuriated; mahaa sarpa iva shvasan = great, snake, like, hissing; nagaryaa niryayau = from city, came out.

Verse 14

स निःश्वस्य महारोषो वाली परम वेगवान् |
सर्वतः चारयन् दृष्टिम् शत्रु दर्शन कांक्षया || ४-१६-१४

He that highly rancorous Vali suspired with high audacity and spread his sight everywhere intending to sight his enemy. [4-16-14]

14. maha roSaH = highly, rancorous; saH vaalii = he that, Vali; parama vegavaan = one with high, audacious; niHshvasya = suspired; shatru darshana kaankSayaa = enemy, sighting, intending to; sarvataH dR^iSTim caarayan = everywhere, his sight, spread out.

Verse 15

स ददर्श ततः श्रीमान् सुग्रीवम् हेम पिङ्गलम् |
सुसंवीतम् अवष्टब्धम् दीप्यमानम् इव अनलम् || ४-१६-१५

Then that celebrated Vali saw Sugreeva who is in golden-ochre hue, whose girdle cloth is tightened for a fight, and who is with an air of self-confidence, blazing like fiery-fire. [4-16-15]

15. tataH = then; shriimaan saH = celebrated one, he [Vali]; hema pi~Ngalam = with golden, ochre [body brilliance]; su samviitam = well, tying up [girdle cloth]; avaSTabdham = self-confidence; diipyamaanam iva analam = blazing, like, fire; sugriivam dadarsha = at Sugreeva, [Vali] saw.

Verse 16

तम् स दृष्ट्वा महाबाहुः सुग्रीवम् पर्यवस्थितम् |
गाढम् परिदधे वासो वाली परम कोपिनः || ४-१६-१६

That strong armed Vali who is highly provoked has also tightened his girdle cloth on seeing proximately available Sugreeva. [4-16-16]

16. parama kopanaH = highly, provoked; mahaabaahuH = strong armed one; saH vaalii = he that, Vali; paryavasthitam [pari ava sthitam] = [fully, nearly, available] proximately available; tam sugriivam dR^iSTvaa = him, that Sugreeva, on seeing; vaasaH gaaDham paridadhe = cloth, tightly, he wore [tightened his own girdle cloth.]

Verse 17

स वाली गाढ संवीतो मुष्टिम् उद्यम्य वीर्यवान् |
सुग्रीवम् एव अभिमुखो ययौ योद्धुम् कृत क्षणः || ४-१६-१७

He that formidable Vali strongly tightening his girdle-cloth too, and proceeded towards Sugreeva in a well timed manner uplifting fists to fight him off. [4-16-17]

17. gaaDha samviitaH = strongly, tightening [girdle cloth]; viiryavaan = formidable one; saH vaalii = he, Vali; muSTim udyamya = fist, uplifting; yoddhum = to fight; kR^ita kSaNaH = made, moment [timed well]; sugriivam eva abhimukhaH yayau = Sugreeva, only, towards, proceeded.

Verse 18

श्लिष्टम् मुष्टिम् समुद्यम्य संरब्धतरम् आगतः |
सुग्रीवो अपि समुद्दिश्य वालिनम् हेम मालिनम् || ४-१६-१८

Even Sugreeva has come at that imprudent Vali with golden pendant, on tightening his fists, lifting them up at the ready, and aiming them well at Vali. [4-16-18]

18. sugriivaH api = Sugreeva, even; shliSTam muSTim samudyamya = tightening, fist, lifting at the ready; hema maalinam vaalinam = one with golden, pendent, at Vali; samuddishya = well-aiming; samrabdha taram aagataH = hasty, highly [hastiest imprudent Vali] has come at.

Verse 19

तम् वाली क्रोध ताम्राक्षः सुग्रीवम् रण कोविदम् |
आपतंतम् महा वेगम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ४-१६-१९

Vali spoke this word to that Sugreeva who is swooping down on him, whose eyes are reddened in fury, and who is an expert and expeditious in fighting. [4-16-19]

19. vaalii = Vali; krodha taamra akSaH = by fury, reddened, eyed; raNa kovidam = fighting, expert in; mahaa vegam = one with great, speed – expeditious one; aa patantam = coming, falling – swooping down; tam sugriivam = to him Sugreeva; idam vacanam abraviit = this, word, said.

Verse 20

एष मुष्टिर् महान् बद्धो गाढः सुनियत अंगुलिः |
मया वेग विमुक्तः ते प्राणान् आदाय यास्यति || ४-१६-२०

“Properly clenching fingers this great fist of mine is firmly clenched, and it will unclench only on taking your lives when I pitch this on you at full speed.” So said Vali threateningly to Sugreeva. [4-16-20]

20. su niyata anguliH = well, clenching, fingers; gaaDhaH = firmly clenched; eSa baddhaH mahaan muSTiH = this, clenched, great, fist; mayaa vega vi muktaH = by me, very, speedily, while released [pitched]; te praaNaan aadaaya = you, lives, on taking; yaasyati = it goes off [unclenched.]

Verse 21

एवम् उक्तः तु सुग्रीवः क्रुद्धो वालिनम् अब्रवीत् |
तव च एष हरन् प्राणान् मुष्टिः पततु मूर्धनि || ४-१६-२१

Thus said, Sugreeva with high dudgeon said, “this fist of mine shall fall on your forehead plundering your lives.” [4-16-21]

21. evam uktaH tu sugriivaH = thus, said, but, Sugreeva; kruddhaH = one with high dudgeon; vaalinam abraviit = to Vali said; eSa muSTiH = this is, [my fist]; tava praaNaan haran = your, lives, to take; muurdhani patatu = on forehead, shall fall.

Verse 22

ताडितः तेन तम् क्रुद्धः समभिक्रम्य वेगतः |
अभवत् शोणित उद्गारी सापीड इव पर्वतः || ४-१६-२२

Coming near instantaneously Vali hit him, whereby Sugreeva is enraged and became like a mountain streaming blood in its torrents. [4-16-22]

22. vegataH = instantaneously; samabhikramya [sam abhi kramaya] = coming nearby; tena = by him, by Vali; taaDitaH = one who is hit [Sugreeva – spilled blood]; kruddhaH = is enraged; shoNita udgaarii = blood, streaming; saa piiDaH = with torrents; parvataH iva = mountain, like; abhavat = he became.

Verse 23

सुग्रीवेण तु निःशंकम् सालम् उत्पाट्य तेजसा |
गात्रेषु अभिहतो वाली वज्रेण इव महा गिरिः || ४-१६-२३

But Sugreeva unhesitatingly uprooted a saala tree with his force and thrashed the limbs of Vali as with the thunderbolt thrashing a great mountain. [4-16-23]

23. sugriiveNa tu = by Sugreeva, but; tejasaa = by his force; niHshankam = unhesitatingly; saalam utpaaTya = saala tree, on uprooting; vaalii = Vali is; vajreNa mahaa giriH iva = by thunderbolt, great mountain, as with; gaatreSu abhihataH = on limbs, struck.

Verse 24

स तु वृक्षेण निर्भग्नः साल ताडन विह्वलः |
गुरु भार भर आक्रान्ता नौः ससार्था इव सागरे || ४-१६-२४

But Vali when thwacked with saala tree had staggered and looked like a tossing ship in an ocean filled with heavy weight of merchandise and brimming with merchants, but on the brink of wrecking. [4-16-24]

24. saala taaDana vihvalaH = with saala tree, by thwacking, one who is staggered; saH tu = he, that Vali, but; saagare = in ocean; guru bhaara bhara aakraantaa = heavy, weight, filled with, brimming with; sa saarthaa nauH iva = with, merchants, [tossing] ship, like; nirbhagnaH = [on the brink of] wrecking.

Verse 25& 26a

तौ भीम बल विक्रान्तौ सुपर्ण सम वेगिनौ |
प्रयुद्धौ घोर वपुषौ चन्द्र सूर्यौ इव अंबरे || ४-१६-२५
परस्परम् अमित्र घ्नौ च्छिद्र अन्वेषण तत्परौ |

Those two, Vali and Sugreeva, with their sensational energy, triumphing zeal, frightful physiques, swiftness as good as the Divine Eagle Garuda, vigilance in exploring perilous body parts of one another, ravagement of their own enemies fought frighteningly, like the sun and moon in the sky, which is inconceivable. [4-16-25, 26a]

25, 26a. bhiima bala vikraantau = sesational, with energy, triumphing zeal; suparNa sama veginau = Divine Eagle, Garuda, equalling, in swiftness; ghora vapuSau = with frightful, body builds; paraH param = one to another – each other; cChidra anveSaNa tatparau = perilous [body-parts,] in exploring, vigilant ones; a mitra ghnau = un, friendly ones [enemies,] killers of; tau = those two, Vali and Sugreeva; ambare candra suuryau iva = ] in sky, Moon, sun, like [which is an inconceivable fight]; pra yuddhau = frighteningly, fought.

Verse 26b & 27a

ततो अवर्धत वाली तु बल वीर्य समन्वितः || ४-१६-२६
सूर्य पुत्रो महावीर्यः सुग्रीवः परिहीयत |

But Vali being the possessor of might and vigour progressed and though greatly mighty is son of sun, Sugreeva, regressed. [4-16-26b, 27a]

26b, 27a. tataH = afterwards; bala viirya samanvitaH = by might, vigour, one possessing; vaalii tu = Vali, but; avardhata = progressed; mahaaviiryaH suurya putraH sugriivaH = greatly, mighty, sun’s, son, Sugreeva; pari hiiyata = totally, declined – retrogressed.

Verse 27b & 28a

वालिना भग्न दर्पः तु सुग्रीवो मन्द विक्रमः || ४-१६-२७
वालिनम् प्रति सामर्षो दर्शयामास राघवम् |

Sugreeva became retardant in aggression when Vali routed his pride and then he exasperatedly started searching for Raghava to counteract Vali. [4-16-27]

27b, 28a. vaalinaa bhagna darpaH tu = by Vali, routed, pride; sugriivaH manda vikramaH = Sugreeva, retardant, in agression; sa a marSaH = with, no, happiness [with exasperation]; vaalinam prati = Vali, to counteract; raaghavam = for Raghava; darshayaamaasa = started to see.

Verse 28b & 29

वृक्षैः स शाखैः शिखरैः वज्र कोटि निभैः नखैः || ४-१६-२८
मुष्टिभिः जानुभिः पद्भिः बाहुभिः च पुनः पुनः |
तयोः युद्द्धम् अभूत् घोरम् वृत्र वासवोः इव || ४-१६-२९

Among those two there happened a deadly fight time and again using trees with branches, peaks of mountains, their own nails that are similar to the razor-sharp edges of thunderbolts, and with fists, knees, feet, and arms, like the fight that once chanced between demon Vritra and Indra. [4-16-28b, 29]

28b, 29. tayoH = among those two; vR^ikshaiH sa shaakhaiH = with trees, with, branches; shikharaiH = peaks [of mountains]; vajra koTi nibhaiH nakhaiH = thunderbolts, edges, similar [in sharpness,] with [edged] nails; muSTibhiH jaanubhiH padbhiH = with fists, with knees, with feet; baahubhiH ca = with arms, also; vR^itra vaasavoH iva = among demon Vritra, Indra, like [as has happened]; punaH punaH = again, again; ghoram yudddham abhuut = deadly, fight, there happened.

Verse 30

तौ शोणितात्कौ युध्येताम् वानारौ वन् चारिणौ |
मेघौ इव महा शब्दैः तर्जमानौ परस्परम् || ४-१६-३०

Those forest moving vanara-s that are soaked in blood have gone on clashing, threatening each other, like two clouds clashing uproariously. [4-16-30]

30. vana caariNau tau vaanaarau = forest, movers, those, vanara-s; shoNit aatkau = with blood, wetted [soaked]; parasparam tarjamaanau = each to each, threatening; mahaa shabdaiH = with great, uproars; meghau iva = clouds, like; yudhyetaam = gone on fighting.

Verse 31

हीयमानम् अथ अपश्यत् सुग्रीवम् वानरेश्वरम् |
प्रेक्षमाणम् दिशः च एव राघवः स मुहुर् मुहुर् || ४-१६-३१

Raghava has then seen the lord of monkeys Sugreeva who is repeatedly eyeing all sides for help and who is even deteriorating in his enterprise. [4-16-31]

31. atha = then; saH raaghavaH = he, that Raghava; muhuH muhuH = again, again; dishaH prekshamaaNam = directions, started seeing [for help]; vaanara iishvaram sugriivam = vanara, lord of, at Sugreeva; hiiyamaanam eva ca = deteriorating, even, also; apashyat = has seen.

Verse 32

ततो रामो महातेजा आर्तम् दृष्ट्वा हरीश्वरम् |
स शरम् वीक्षते वीरो वालिनो वध कांक्षया || ४-१६-३२

On seeing the lord of monkeys Sugreeva in a forlornness, then the refulgent and fearless Rama scanned for an arrow aiming to eliminate Vali. [4-16-32]

32. tataH = then; mahaatejaa viiraH saH raamaH = great, refulgent one, fearless one, he that Rama; hari iishvaram = monkey’s, lord – Sugreeva; aartam dR^iSTvaa = in forlornness, on seeing; vaalinaH vadha kaankshayaa = for Vali’s, elimination, aiming at; sharam viikshate = he [Rama,] arrow, scanned for.

Verse 33

ततो धनुषि संधाय शरम् आशी विष उपमम् |
पूरयामास तत् चापम् काल चक्रम् इव अन्तकः || ४-१६-३३

Then on tautening a venomous serpent like arrow in the bow, Rama started to draw out bowstring, whereby that bow attained a similitude with the Time-disc of the Terminator. [4-16-33]

33. tataH = then; aashii viSa upamam = which has fang’s, venom, in simile – venomous serpent like; sharam dhanuSi sandhaaya = arrow, in bow, on tautening; antakaH kaala cakram iva = Terminator, Time, disc, like [bow]; puurayaamaasa tat caapam = started to draw out [the string,] that, bow.

Verse 34

तस्य ज्यातल घोषेण त्रस्ताः पत्ररथेश्वराः |
प्रदुद्रुवुर् मृगाः च एव युगांत इव मोहिताः || ४-१६-३४

At the blast of bowstring the lordly birds and animals are panicked, like those that will be startled by the approach of ear ending, and they all fled. [4-16-34]

34. tasya = that bow’s; jyaa tala ghoSeNa = bowstring’s, surface, blast; trastaaH = panicked; patra ratha iishvaraaH = by wings, charioting – birds, lordly ones [very big birds, leave alone small birds]; mR^igaaH ca eva = animals, also, thus; yuga anta mohitaaH iva = at era, end, those that are startled, like; pra dudruvuH = verily, fled.

Verse 35

मुक्तस्तु वज्र निर्घोषः प्रदीप्त अशनि संनिभः |
राघवेण महा बाणो वालि वक्षसि पातितः || ४-१६-३५

The arrow released by Raghava that has the boom of thunderbolt’s thunderclap and the flashes of a lightning fell on the chest of Vali. [4-16-35]

35. raaghaveNa muktaH = by Raghava, released; vajra nirghoSaH = thunderbolt’s, with sound of – boom of thunderclap; pradiipta ashani sannibhaH = flashing, lightning, similar to; mahaa baaNaH = great, arrow; vaali vakSasi paatitaH = on Vali’s, chest, fallen.

Verse 36

ततः तेन महातेजा वीर्य युक्तः कपीश्वरः |
वेगेन अभिहतो वाली निपपात मही तले || ४-१६-३६

Hit by the fleetness of that arrow then that highly magnificent and intrepid lord of monkeys Vali fell onto the plane of earth. [4-16-36]

36. tataH = then; mahaatejaa = highly, magnificent one; viirya yuktaH = intrepidity, one having; kapi iishvaraH = monkey’s, lord [Vali]; tena = by it [by arrow]; vegena abhihataH = by fleetness, hit; mahii tale nipapaata = on earth’s, plane, fell down.

Verse 37

इन्द्र ध्वज इव उद्धूत पौर्ण मास्याम् महीतले |
अश्वयुक् समये मासि गत सत्त्वो विचेतनः |
बाष्प संरुद्ध कण्ठस्तु वाली च आर्त स्वरः शनैः || ४-१६-३७

Like the flag that will be raised in honour of Indra during the month of ashvin on a full-moon day, but thrown onto earth along with its flagstaff after the festival, Vali with depleted energy and dissipated vitality slowly fell onto ground, and with tears blocking throat he moaned piteously. [4-16-37]

37. ashvayuk samaye = Ashvayuja / Ashvin, period; maasi paurNa maasyaam = by month, in full-moon month [fortnight]; mahiitale = onto ground; uddhuuta indra dhvaja iva = thrown down, Indra’s, flag, like; vaalii = Vali is; gata sattvaH = depleted, energy; vi cetanaH = without [dissipated,] vitality; shanaiH = slowly; baaSpa samruddha kaNThaH = tear, blocked, with throat; aarta svaraH = with painful, voicing – with piteous moan [ fell down.]

Verse 39

अथ उक्षितः शोणित तोय विस्रवैः
सुपुष्पित अशोक इव अचलोद्गतः |
विचेतनो वासव सूनुर् आहवे
प्रभ्रञ्शित इन्द्र ध्वजवत् क्षितिम् गतः || ४-१६-३९

That Indra’s son Vali, dampened with blood and sweat, then looked like just felled Ashoka tree which has stemmed up and so far standing high on a mountain with fully bloomed clusters of its blood-red flowers, and when his anima is undone he even looked like the flagstaff on which a flag is raised in honour of Indra, but which is altogether dislodged and abandoned on the ground. [4-16-39]

39. atha = then; vaasava suunuH = Indra’s, son; aahave = in battle [battlefield]; shoNita toya visravaiH = blood, water [sweat,] with streams of; ukSitaH = dampened; acala udgataH = on mountain, stemmed up [standing high on mountain]; [anila uddhata = by wind, felled]; su puSpita ashoka iva = well, bloomed, Ashoka tree, like; vi cetanaH = without, vigour – anima is undone; pra bhra~nshita = altogether, dislodged; indra dhvaja vat = Indra’s, flagstaff, like; kSitim gataH = onto earth, gone [abandoned.]

Verse 38

नरोत्तमः काल युगांतकोपमम् शरोत्तमम् कांचन रूप्यभूषितम् |
ससर्ज दीप्तम् तम् अमित्र मर्दनम् स धूममग्निम् मुखतो यथा हरः || ४-१६-३८

That best one among men Rama released a blazing and enemy subjugating arrow which in simile is like an Epoch-ender at the end of era, and that best arrow decorated in gold and silver looked like the glance from the Third-Eye of Rudra, emitting fire with smoke. [4-16-38]

38. nara uttamaH = among men, best one Rama; kaala = at the time of era end; yuga antaka upamam = era, ender, in simile; kaancana ruupya bhuuSitam = in gold, silver, decorated; diiptam = glowing; a mitra mardanam = unfriendly ones, subduer of; tam shara uttamam = that, arrow, best one; haraH mukhataH = Shiva’s, from face; sa dhuumam agnim yathaa = with [emitting,] smoke, fire, as with; shara uttamam = arrow, the best; sasarja = let go, released.

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