16 – Lakshmana’s description of vasanta season


On one day before the sunrise Rama proceeds to River Godavari for daily bath along with Seetha and Lakshmana. On the way looking at the nature around Lakshmana eulogises winter season. In doing so he casts aspersions on queen Kaikeyi, and Rama reproves it.

Verse 1

वसतः तस्य तु सुखम् राघवस्य महात्मनः |
शरद् व्यपाये हेमंतऋतुर् इष्टः प्रवर्तत || ४-१६-१

Pleasant hemantha R^itu , pre-winter season has set in after the passage of sharat R^itu, post-rainy season at Panchavati where the noble souled Rama is staying comfortably. [4-16-1]

1. mahaatmanaH tasya raaghavasya = noble-souled, that, Raghava’s; sukham vasataH = comfortably, while staying; sharat vyapaaye = autumn, season, on passing off; iSTaH hemanta R^ituH = pleasant, pre-winter, season; pravartate = set in.

Verse 2

स कदाचित् प्रभातायाम् शर्वर्याम् रघुनंदनः |
प्रययाव अभिषेकार्थम् रम्यम् गोदावरीम् नदीम् || ४-१६-२

On some day when night faded into dawn Rama started for the delightful River Godavari for a bath. [4-16-2]

2. kadaacit = on some day; saH raghu nandanaH = he Raghu’s, legatee Rama; sharvaryaam prabhaataayaam = night, when becoming day at dawn; ramyam godaavariim nadiim = to delightful, Godavari, river; abhiSeka artham prayayaava = bath, for purpose of, started.

Verse 3

प्रह्वः कलश हसतः तम् सीतया सह वीर्यवान् |
पृष्ठतो अनुव्रजन् भ्राता सौमित्रिर् इदम् अब्रवीत् || ४-१६-३

His valorous brother Saumitri following him humbly with a handy vessel, along with Seetha, spoke this to Rama. [4-16-3]

3. bhraataa viiryavaan = with brother, valorous one [Lakshmana]; prahvaH = humbly; kalasha hasataH = with vessel, in hand; saumitriH = Saumitri; pR^iSThataH = at back; siitayaa saha = Seetha, along with; anuvrajan = while following; idam abraviit = this, spoke.

Verse 4

अयम् स कालः संप्राप्तः प्रियो यः ते प्रियंवद |
अलंकृत इव आभाति येन संवत्सरः शुभः || ४-१६-४

“Adorned by which season the promising year will be bright, oh, pleasant conversationalist, and which season will also be pleasant to you, that hemanta season has set in. [4-16-4]

4. priyam vada = oh, pleasant, conversationalist; yaH te priyaH = by which, to you, is pleasant; saH ayam kaalaH = that, this one, is the time; [samvatsrasya = of the year]; sampraaptaH = has set in; yena = by which; shubhaH samvatsaraH = propitious – promising, year; alamkR^ita iva aabhaati = is adorned, as though, bright.

Verse 5

नीहार परुषो लोकः पृथिवी सस्य मालिनी |
जलानि अनुपभोग्यानि सुभगो हव्य वाहनः || ४-१६-५

“These days the dew is harsh to the bodies of people, earth is overlaid with crops, water is unenjoyable, but fire is delightful. [4-16-5]

5. lokaH = world [people]; niihaara paruSaH = by dew, [bodies] harsh; pR^ithivii sasya maalinii = earth is, crops, has on it; jalaani an upabhogyaani = waters, not, enjoyable; havya vaahanaH subhagaH = oblation, carrier [the fire,] delightful [warmish.]

Verse 6

नव आग्रयण पूजाभिर् अभ्यर्च्य पितृ देवताः |
कृत आग्रयणकाः काले सन्तो विगत कल्मषाः || ४-१६-६

“On appeasing manes with worships during northern solstice and even on performing solstitial rituals in time, the righteous people are becoming free from evils. [4-16-6]

6. santaH = righteous persons; nava aagrayaNa puujaabhiH = in new [northern,] solstice, with worships; pitR^i devataaH = ancestral, deities [manes]; abhyarcya = having appeased; kaale kR^ita aagrayaNakaaH = in time, performing, solstitial rituals; vigata kalmaSaaH = becoming free of, evils.

Verse 7

प्राज्यकामा जनपदाः संपन्नतर गो रसाः |
विचरन्ति महीपाला यात्र अर्थम् विजिगीषवः || ४-१६-७

“Amply fulfilled are the desires of the villagers with the affluence of milch cows and dairy, and the vanquishing kings are make moves for the purposes of their further vanquishes. [4-16-7]

7. sampanna tara go rasaaH = affluent, higher, with cows, dairy; jana padaaH = rural, areas villagers; praajya kaamaa = ample, desires [self-satisfied]; mahii paalaa = earth, rulers kings; vi jigiiSavaH = wishing to vanquish [other kings]; yaatra artham = campaigns, for the purposes of; vicaranti = making moves.

Verse 8

सेवमाने दृढम् सूर्ये दिशम् अन्तक सेविताम् |
विहीन तिलका इव स्त्री न उत्तरा दिक् प्रकाशते || ४-१६-८

“While the sun is steadfastly attending the direction of Time-god Yama, namely southern horizon, the northern direction is not brilliant like a woman who lost the vermilion mark on her forehead. [4-16-8]

8. suurye = by sun; antaka sevitaam disham = by time-god, attended by, direction [namely south]; dR^iDham sevamaane = steadfastly, while attending; uttaraa dik = in northern, direction; vihiina tilakaa strii iva = lost, Tilaka [vermilion mark on fore head,] woman, like; na prakaashate = not, brilliant.

Verse 9

प्रकृत्या हिम कोश आढ्यो दूर सूर्याः च सांप्रतम् |
यथार्थ नामा सुव्यक्तम् हिमवान् हिमवान् गिरिः || ४-१६-९

“By their very nature Himalayas are the depositories of snow, and presently distanced from the sun they are very obviously snowy true to their name. [4-16-9]

9. prakR^ityaa = by nature; hima kosha aaDhyaH = snow, depository, full of which is known to be the full depository of snow – Himalayas; saampratam = presently; duura suuryaaH ca = distanced, from sun; himavaan giriH = Himalayan, mountains; himavaan = is snowy; su vyaktam = very, obviously; yathaartha naamaa = true to it, name.

Verse 10

अत्यन्त सुख संचारा मध्याह्ने स्पर्शतः सुखाः |
दिवसाः सुभग आदित्याअः छ्हाया सलिल दुर्भगाः || ४-१६-१०

“By the way of touch the mid days are comfortable and in these days the daytime is very much comfortable for sauntering, thus the sun in daytimes is genial and ungenial are the shades and waters. [4-16-10]

10. madhyaahne sparshataH sukhaaH = in midday, by way of touch, will be comfortable; atyanta sukha samcaaraa = very much, comfortable, for rambling; divasaaH = day times; subhaga aadityaaaH = are with genial, sun; Chaayaa salila = shades, waters; dur bhagaaH = are not, genial.

Verse 11

मृदु सूर्याः सनीहाराः पटु शीताः समारुताः |
शून्य अरण्या हिम ध्वस्ता दिवसा भान्ति सांप्रतम् || ४-१६-११

“Overwhelmed by snow presently the noontimes are with soft sun, with bitter cold, with mists and wintry breezes, and with them the forests too are bleak in their sheen. [4-16-11]

11. saampratam = presently; hima dhvastaa = by snow, overwhelmed; divasaa = day times; mR^idu suuryaaH = are with soft, sun; sa niihaaraaH = with, mist; paTu shiitaaH = bitterly, cold; sa maarutaaH = with, [wintry] breezes; shuunya araNyaa = bleak, forests; bhaanti = shining forth.

Verse 12

निवृत्त आकाश शयनाः पुष्यनीता हिम अरुणाः |
शीता वृद्धतर आयामः त्रि यामा यान्ति सांप्रतम् || ४-१६-१२

“Precluded is the reclining under open sky as the nights are led by the Pushya constellation, they will now be with brownish-grey fog and chilly, and prolonged are the lengths of nights whereby the three watches of night will be quickly slipping away.

12. saampratam = presently; nivR^itta aakaasha shayanaaH = precluded is, [under] sky, reclining; puSya niitaa = Pushya constellation [in Cancer,] led by; hima aruNaaH = fog, brownish-grey; shiitaa = chilly; vR^iddha tara aayaamaH = prolonged, much, lengths [of nights]; tri yaamaa yaanti = three, three watches, slipping away.

Verse 13

रवि संक्रान्त सौभाग्यः तुषार अरुण मण्डलः |
निःश्वास अन्ध इव आदर्शाः चंद्रमा न प्रकाशते || ४-१६-१३

“Transgressed is the destiny of moon by the sun as moon lost the chance of keeping people happy with his lustrousness in these days, thus the lustreless moon remained in a blushing sphere with fog, just like a mirror blinded by the fog of a suspire. [4-16-13]

13. ravi samkraanta saubhaagyaH = by sun, transgressed, is the destiny [of moon]; tuSaara aruNa maNDalaH = fog, flush, sphere; niHshvaasa andha iva aadarshaaH = by suspire, blinded, like, mirror; candramaa na prakaashate = moon, not, lustrous.

Verse 14

ज्योत्स्ना तुषार मलिना पौर्णमास्याम् न राजते |
सीता इव च आतप श्यामा लक्ष्यते न तु शोभते || ४-१६-१४

“Even on a full moon day the moonlight is unbright blemished by mist, and it is appearing like brightly Seetha becoming swarthy by sun’s heat, but not brightly. [4-16-14]

14. paurNamaasyaam = on full moon day; tuSaara malinaa = by mist, blemished; jyotsnaa na raajate = moonlight, not, shiny; aatapa shyaamaa = by sun heat, blackened – swarthy; siitaa iva lakSyate = Seetha, like, appearing; na tu shobhate = not, but, bright.

Verse 15

प्रकृत्या शीतल स्पर्शो हिम विद्धाः च सांप्रतम् |
प्रवाति पश्चिमो वायुः काले द्वि गुण शीतलः || ४-१६-१५

“The western breeze by itself will be cool to touch, but presently charged with snow it is wafting doubly chilly in the early hours. [4-16-15]

15. prakR^ityaa shiitala sparshaH = by nature, cool, for touch; saampratam = presently; hima viddhaaH = by snow, marred [charged with]; pashcimaH vaayuH = western, breeze; kale [kalyam] dviguNa shiitalaH = in time [in early hours,] twofold, chilly; pravaati = wafting.

Verse 16

बाष्प च्छ्हन्नानि अरण्यानि यव गोधूमवंति च |
शोभन्ते अभ्युदिते सूर्ये नदद्भिः क्रौन्च सारसैः || ४-१६-१६

“Covered with the dew the forests that already covered with crop fields of barley and wheat are beaming forth, together with the callings of waterfowls, at the rise of the sun. [4-16-16]

16. baaSpa cChannaani araNyaani = dew, covered,, forests; yava godhuumavanti ca = having barley, wheat, also; shobhante abhyudite suurye = glistening, at rise of, sun; nadadbhiH kraunca saarasaiH = callings, of krauncha, saarasa [waterfowls.]

Verse 17

खर्जूर पुष्प आकृतिभिः शिरोभिः पूर्ण तण्डुलैः |
शोभन्ते किंचिद् आलंबाः शालयः कनक प्रभाः || ४-१६-१७

“The paddy crops in fields are gleaming forth with golden lustre, and their heads full with grain and a little bent down are shapely like the flowers of date-fruit. [4-16-17]

17. kanaka prabhaaH shaalayaH = golden, in lustre, paddy fields; kharjuura puSpa aakR^itibhiH = date-fruit, flowers, in shape; puurNa taNDulaiH = full with, grain; shirobhiH = at heads corn cobs; kimcit aalambaaH = a little, bent down; shobhante = gleaming forth.

Verse 18

मयूखैः उपसर्पद्भिः हिम नीहार संवृतैः |
दूरम् अभ्युदितः सूर्यः शशांक इव लक्ष्यते || ४-१६-१८

“Though he came up long back, and though his beams are spreading around, besieged by snowy mist the sun is appearing as moon. [4-16-18]

18. hima niihaara samvR^itaiH = with snowy, mist, besieging; upasarpadbhiH mayuukhaiH = though spreading around, are sunbeams; suuryaH duuram abhyuditaH = sun, distantly, [up on sky,] came up; shashaanka iva lakSyate = moon, to be, appearing to be.

Verse 19

अग्राह्य वीर्यः पूर्वाह्णे मध्याह्ने स्पर्शतः सुखः |
संरक्तः किंचिद् आपाण्डुः आतपः शोभते क्षितौ || ४-१६-१९

Inappreciable is the warmth of sun in the mornings, but comfortable for touch at noontimes, since the reddish but a little palish sunshine is radiating on earth. [4-16-19]

19. puurvaahNe a graahya viiryaH = in mornings, not, usurped / inappreciable, valour [warmth of sun]; madhyaahne sparshataH sukhaH = at noontime, for touch, comfortable; samraktaH kimcit aapaaNDuH = reddish, a little, palish; kSitau aatapaH shobhate = on earth, sun-warmth, radiating.

Verse 20

अवश्याय निपातेन किंचित् प्रक्लिन्न शाद्वला |
वनानाम् शोभते भूमिर् निविष्ट तरुण आतपा || ४-१६-२०

“The pasturelands are a little moistened with the fall of dewdrops, but the fields of forest are enlivened by the radiance of tender sun’s warmth. [4-16-20]

20. avashyaaya nipaatena = by dewdrops, falling; kimcit praklinna shaadvalaa = a little, moistened, are pasturelands; niviSTa taruNa aatapaa = radiance, tender, sun-warmth; vanaanaam bhuumiH shobhate = of forests, lands, are enlivened.

Verse 21

स्पृशन् तु सुविपुलम् शीतम् उदकम् द्विरदः सुखम् |
अत्यन्त तृषितो वन्यः प्रतिसंहरते करम् || ४-१६-२१

“On easily touching very clear and cold water with its very broad trunk that intensely thirsty wild elephant is backing away its trunk for the water is that cold. [4-16-21]

21. atyanta tR^iSitaH = intensely, thirsty; vanyaH dviradaH = forest, elephant; su vipulam = with very, broad [trunk]; [or, suvimalam = very clear water]; shiitam udakam sukham spR^ishan = cold, water, easily, on touching; karam prati samharate = trunk, in turn, backs away [taking back.]

Verse 22

एते हि समुपासीना विहगा जलचारिणः |
न अवगाहन्ति सलिलम् अप्रगल्भा इव आवहम् || ४-१६-२२

“These waterfowls that are sitting nearby are not entering into waters like cowards not entering battlefields. [4-16-22]

22. samupaasiinaa = nearby sitting; ete jala caariNaH = these, water, movers; viha gaa = sky, going birds waterfowls; a pragalbhaa = not, courageous ones cowards; aavaham iva = into battle, like; salilam na avagaahanti = water not, going in.

Verse 23

अवश्याय तमो नद्धा नीहार तमसा आवृताः |
प्रसुप्ता इव लक्ष्यन्ते विपुष्पा वन राजयः || ४-१६-२३

“Subdued by snowy darkness, enclosed in misty gloom, and reft of flowers these forest ranges appear like those that are asleep. [4-16-23]

23. avashyaaya tamaH naddhaa = by snowy, darkness, subdued; niihaara tamasaa aavR^itaaH = by mist, gloom, enclosed; vi puSpaa = without, flowers; vana aajayaH = forest, ranges; pra suptaa iva lakSyante = well-slept, like, appearing.

Verse 24

बाष्प संचन्न सलिला रुत विज्ञेय सारसाः |
हिमाअर्द्र वालुकैः तीरैः सरितो भान्ति सांप्रतम् || ४-१६-२४

“Now the rivers are imperceptible as their water is overspread with dewdrops, but their water-birds are perceptible only by their callings, thus making that river perceptible, and such rivers are now glistening with moist sandbanks and shores. [4-16-24]

24. saampratam = now; baaSpa samcChanna salilaa = mist, covered, waters; ruta vij~neya saarasaaH = by calling, perceptible, saarasa water birds; saritaH = rivers; hima aardra = by mist, wet; vaalukaiH tiiraiH = with sandbanks, declivities – shores; bhaanti = they glisten.

Verse 25

तुषार पतनात् चैव मृदुत्वात् भास्करस्य च |
शैत्यात् अग अग्रस्थम् अपि प्रायेण रसवत् जलम् || ४-१६-२५

“Owing to the fall of snow, further owing to the softness and coldness of sun, the water deep down the wells is generally agreeable for drinking. [4-16-25]

25. tuSaara patanaat caiva = snow, by fall, also thus; bhaaskarasya = of sun; mR^idutvaat shaityaat = softness, coldness; rasavat jalam = tasty, water; aga agrastham api [or, agaatha staham api] = on mountain, peak, even [deep down, even in wells]; praayeNa = generally; [apeyam = drinkable.]

Verse 26

जरा जर्जरितैः पत्रैः शीर्ण केसर कर्णिकैः |
नाल शेषा हिम ध्वस्ता न भान्ति कमलाकराः || ४-१६-२६

“Lotus lakes are left alone with stalks of lotuses as their petals are aged and withered, decrepit are the fibrils and carpels, thus impaired by cold they are ungracious in look. [4-16-26]

26. kamala aakaraaH = lotus, lakes; jaraa jarjaritaiH patraiH [padmaiH] = with aged, withered, petals [lotuses]; siirNa kesara karNikaiH = with decrepit, fibrils, carpels; naala sheSaa = peduncles, remnant; hima dhvastaa = by cold, impaired; na bhaanti = not, glowing.

Verse 27

अस्मिन् तु पुरुषव्याघ्र काले दुःख समन्वितः |
तपश्चरति धर्मात्मा त्वत् भक्त्या भरतः पुरे || ४-१६-२७

“But during this time, oh, manly-tiger, ushered by anguish that virtue souled one Bharata must be practising ascesis in city with adoration to you. [4-16-27]

27. asmin tu kale = during this, but, time; puruSavyaaghra = manly-tiger Rama; harmaatmaa bharataH = noble-souled, Bharata; duHkha samanvitaH = anguish, along with; tvat bhaktyaa = in you, with adoration; pure tapaH carati = in city, ascesis, he undertakes.

Verse 28

त्यक्त्वा राज्यम् च मानम् च भोगांश्च विविधान् बहून् |
तपस्वी नियताहारः शेते शीते महीतले || ४-१६-२८

“On forsaking kingdom and pride of becoming the king of Ayodhya as well, and varied and various pleasures too, he is in self-denial, and with his food regulated he sleeps on chilly surface of earth. [4-16-28]

28. raajyam ca maanam = kingdom, as well, pride; vividhaan bahuun bhogaan ca= pleasures, varied, various ones, also; tyaktvaa = on forsaking; tapasvii = in self-denial; niyata aahaaraH = regulated, in food; shiite mahii tale shete = chilly, on earth’s, surface, sleeping.

Verse 29

सोऽपि वेलाम् इमाम् नूनम् अभिषेक अर्थम् उद्यतः |
वृतः प्रकृतिभिर् नित्यम् प्रयाति सरयूम् नदीम् || ४-१६-२९

“Even he might always be getting up at this time of the day and proceeding to River Sarayu for a bath surrounded by ministers, definite is that. [4-16-29]

29. saH api = he, even; imaam velaam = at this, time; abhiSeka artham udyataH = taking bath, for the purpose of, got up; nityam = always; prakR^itibhiH vR^itaH = by ministers, surrounded; sarayuum nadiim prayaati = to Sarayu, river, he proceeds; nuunam = definitely.

Verse 30

अत्यन्त सुख संवृद्धः सुकुमारो हिमार्दितः |
कथम् तु अपर रात्रेषु सरयूम् अवगाहते || ४-१६-३०

“But how can he who is brought up in high comfort, a delicate one too, enter the cold-wet waters of River Sarayu, in these small hours. [4-16-30]

30 atyanta sukha samvR^iddhaH = very much, in comfort, he is brought up; sukumaaraH = delicate one; a para raatreSu = not, in post, of night [in small hours]; hima aarditaH sarayuum = by cold, wet, in Sarayu; katham = how; avagaahate = he enters.

Verse 31 & 32

पद्मपत्रेक्षणः श्यामः श्रीमान् निरुदरो महान् |
धर्मज्ञः सत्यवादी च ह्री निषेधो जितेन्द्रियः || ४-१६-३१
प्रियाभिभाषी मधुरो दीर्घबाहुः अरिन्दमः |
संत्यज्य विविधान् भोगान् आर्यम् सर्वात्मना आश्रितः || ४-१६-३२

“That lotus-petal eyed one with blue-black complexion is an imposing one with lion-like waist, being the noblest he is knower of dharma thus an advocate of truth, and thus intolerant of ignominy, and as a self-restrained one he talks dearly and sweetly, and he is dextrous and an enemy-destroyer, such as he is, that Bharata on forgoing all of his various pleasures he is devoted to you, as you alone are his adorable brother. [4-16-31, 32]

31. padma patra ekSaNaH = one with lotus, petal, eyes; shyaamaH = blue-black [by complexion]; shriimaan = imposing one; nir udaraH = without, stomach [slender waisted lion]; mahaan = noble one; dharma j~naH = dharma, knower of; satya vaadii ca = truth, advocate; also; hrii niSedhaH = ignominy, intolerant of; jitendriyaH = sense-restrained one; priya abhi bhaaSii = dearly, talking; madhuraH = sweetly [talking]; diirgha baahuH = long, armed one – dextrous; arindamaH = enemy-destroyer; uch as Bharata is; vividhaan bhogaan samtyajya = various, pleasures, on foregoing; sarva aatmanaa = in any way; aaryam = adorable one [you alone are]; aashritaH = devoted to.

Verse 33

जितः स्वर्गः तव भ्रात्रा भरतेन महात्मना |
वनस्थम् अपि तापस्ये यः त्वाम् अनुविधीयते || ४-१६-३३

“Even though you are in forests far away from him, he is following you in the practise of austerities, and such a brother of yours, that great-souled Bharata has refused ascent to heaven. [4-16-33]

33. yaH = he who is; vanastham api = in forests, even though; tvaam anuvidhiiyate = you, following; taapasye = in the practise of austerities; such a; tava bhraatraa = your, brother; mahaatmanaa bharatena = by great-souled, Bharata; jitaH svargaH = conquered [here, refused,] heaven.

Verse 34

न पित्र्यम् अनुवर्न्तन्ते मातृकम् द्विपदा इति |
ख्यातो लोक प्रवादो अयम् भरतेन अन्यथा कृतः || ४-१६-३४

” Humans do not derive father’s attitude but they take of their mothers’ is the well-know maxim in the world, but Bharata rendered it otherwise. [4-16-34]

34. dvi padaa = two, footed, [bipeds, humans]; pitryam = father’s [nature]; na anuvarntante = will not, follow – derive; maatR^ikam = [but] mother’s [nature they follow]; iti khyaataH = thus, known as; ayam loka pra vaadaH = this, in world, well, saying [epigram]; bharatena anyathaa kR^itaH = by Bharata, otherwise, made [rendered.]

Verse 35

भर्ता दशरथो यस्याः साधुः च भरतः सुतः |
कथम् नु सा अम्बा कैकेयी तादृशी क्रूरदर्शिनी || ४-१६-३५

“Whose husband is Dasharatha and whose son is gentle Bharata, how then can she, our mother Kaikeyi, is with this sort of cruel disposition, indeed ” Thus Lakshmana spoke to Rama on their way to River Godavari. [4-16-35]

35. yasyaaH = she to whom; dasharathaH bhartaa = Dasharatha is, husband; saadhuH bharataH sutaH ca = gentle, also, Bharata, the son, also; saa ambaa = such, [our] mother; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; taa dR^ishii kruura darshinii katham nu = that, sort of, cruel, in mien – disposition, how, indeed.

Verse 36

इति एवम् लक्ष्मणे वाक्यम् स्नेहात् वदति धर्मिके |
परिवादम् जनन्यः तम् असहन् राघवो अब्रवीत् || ४-१६-३६

When that upright Lakshmana is speaking those words that way out of his fondness towards Rama, Raghava spoke to Lakshmana, intolerant of that slanderous talk about their mother. [4-16-36]

36. dharmike lakSmaNe snehaat = by upright, by Lakshmana, out of fondness [to Rama and Seetha]; iti evam vaakyam vadati = this, way, sentences, while saying; raaghavaH jananyaH = Raghava, about mother; tam pari vaadam = against, telling [slanderous talking]; a sahahan = not, tolerating; abraviit = spoke.

Verse 37

न ते अम्बा मध्यमा तात गर्हितव्या कथंचन |
ताम् एव इक्ष्वाकु नाथस्य भरतस्य कथाम् कुरु || ४-१६-३७

“In any way, dear Lakshmana, you are not supposed to deplore another mother of ours, but you go on telling the topics of Bharata, the king of Ikshvaku-s. [4-16-37]

37. taata = oh, dear Lakshmana; madhyamaa ambaa = middle [second, another,] mother; kathamcana = in any way; te na garhitavyaa = by you, not, deplorable; ikSvaaku naathasya bharatasya = Ikshvaku-s, king, Bharata’s; taam kathaam eva kuru = those, stories [topics,] alone, you make [you tell.]

Verse 38

निश्चिता एव हि मे बुद्धिः वन वासे दृढ व्रता |
भरत स्नेह संतप्ता बालिशी क्रियते पुनः || ४-१६-३८

“My mind is indeed set to dwell only in forest, and it is firmly avowed, but while yearning for Bharata’s fellowship my fascination to reunite with him is recurring again. [4-16-38]

38. me buddhiH nishcitaa eva hi = my, mind, set upon, that way, indeed; vana vaase dR^iDha vrataa = in forest, dwelling, firmly, avowed; [api = even then]; bharata sneha samtaptaa = for Bharata’s, fellowship, well, burning [yearning for]; punaH baalishii kriyate = again, boyishness [fascination,] is made [recurs.]

Verse 39

संस्मरामि अस्य वाक्यानि प्रियाणि मधुराणि च |
हृद्यानि अमृत कल्पानि मनः प्रह्लादानि च || ४-१६-३९

“I reminisce his words well, that are genial, sweet, heartily, ambrosial and that will gladden the heart. [4-16-39]

39. priyaaNi madhuraaNi hR^idyaani amR^ita kalpaani = genial, sweet, heartily, ambrosia, equal to [ambrosial]; manaH prahlaadaani ca = heart, gladdening [heartening words]; asya vaakyaani = his, words; samsmaraami = I an reminiscing.

Verse 40

कदा हि अहम् समेष्यामि भरतेन महात्मना |
शत्रुघ्नेन च वीरेण त्वया च रघुनंदन || ४-१६-४०

“When can I really reunite, oh, Lakshmana, with great-souled Bharata, valorous Shatrughna, and with you and Seetha.” Thus said Rama to Lakshmana. [4-16-40]

40. raghu nandana = oh, Lakshmana; aham mahaatmanaa bharatena = I, with great-souled, Bharata; viireNa shatrughnena = with valorous, Shatrughna; tvayaa ca = with you [Lakshmana,] also; kadaa hi sameSyaami = when, really, I reunite.

Verse 41

इति एवम् विलपन् तत्र प्राप्य गोदावरीम् नदीम् |
चक्रे अभिषेकम् काकुत्स्थः सानुजः सह सीतया || ४-१६-४१

Thus worrying that way while proceeding, there Rama reached River Godavari and performed bathing with his younger brother Lakshmana and along with Seetha. [4-16-41]

41. kaakutsthaH = Rama; tatra = there; iti evam vilapan = thus, that way, worrying; godaavariim nadiim praapya = Godavari, river, having reached; sa anu ja = with younger brother; sa siitayaa = with, Seetha; cakre abhiSekam = performed, bathing,

Verse 42

तर्पयित्वा अथ सलिलैः तैः पितॄन् दैवतानि च |
स्तुवन्ति स्म उदितम् सूर्यम् देवताअः च तथा अनघाः|| ४-१६-४२

Then on offering water oblations to manes and gods that impeccant trinity extolled the rising sun and gods likewise. [4-16-42]

42. atha = then; taiH = by them; salilaiH = with water; pitR^In daivataani ca = to manes, to gods, also; tarpayitvaa = having offered oblations; uditam suuryam = uprisen, sun; devataaaH ca = gods, also; anaghaaH = sinless trinity [Rama, Lakshmana, Seetha]; stuvanti sma = extolled, they are.

Verse 43

कृताभिषेकः स रराज रामः
सीता द्वितीयः सह लक्ष्मणेन |
कृत अभिषेको तु अग राज पुत्र्या
रुद्रः स नन्दिः भगवान् इव ईशः || ४-१६-४३

On taking bath in the river along with Seetha and Lakshmana, Rama shone forth like All-controlling god Rudra, who will be radiant on taking bath along with his consort Paarvati and with his follower Nandi, the Holy Bull. [4-16-43]

43. siitaa dvitiiyaH = Seetha, as second-half [along with]; saH raamaH = that, Rama; kR^ita abhiSekaH = on making [having taken,] river bath; saha lakSmaNena = with Lakshmana; aga raaja putryaa = with mountain, king’s, daughter [Paarvati]; kR^ita abhiSekaH = making [having taken,] sacred bath, but; sa nandiH = one with Nandi, the Holy Bull; iishaH bhagavaan rudraH iva = all-controlling, god, Rudra [Shiva in fury,] like; raraaja = shone forth.

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