16 – Jubilant city of Ayodhya


In this chapter, Sumantra arrives at Rama’s palace to fetch him to royal court. Rama starts to the royal court to meet his father. On the way Rama observes the jubiliant city.

Verse 1 & 2

स तदंतःपुरद्वारं समतीत्य जनाकुलम् |
प्रविविक्तां ततः कक्ष्यामाससाद पुराणवित् || २-१६-१
प्रास कार्मुक बिभ्रद्भिर् युवभिर् मृष्ट कुण्डलैः |
अप्रमादिभिर् एक अग्रैः स्वनुरक्तैः अधिष्ठिताम् || २-१६-२

That Sumantra, who knew the ancient sacred works, passed over the crowded entrance of the palace and reached the secluded inner apartment. In that area of the inner apartment, some youths , wearing darts and bows, were on security-duty with due vigilance and attention. They were all greatly devoted to the king and were wearing polished ear-rings.

1;2. saH = that sumantra; puraaNavit = who knew the ancient sacred works; samatiitya = passed over; tad = that; janaakulam = crowded; antaHpura dvaaram = palace entrance; tataH = then; aasasaada = reached secluded; kakshhyaam = inner apartment; adhishhThitaam = guarded by; yuuabhiH = youth; praasakaarmukabibhradbhiH = wearing bows and darts; mR^isTakundalaiH = heaving polished ear-rings; apramaadibhiH = who were vigilant; ekaagraiH = attentive; svanuraktaiH = and devoted to the king.

Verse 3

तत्र काषायिणो वृद्धान् वेत्रपाणीन् स्वमंकृतान् |
ददर्शविष्ठितान् द्वारि स्त्रध्यक्षान् सुसमाहितान् || २-१६-३

There he saw aged palace-supervisors wearing orange coloured clothes, adorning themselves well, having canes in their hands, well composed and being posted at door-ways.

3. tatra = there; dadarsha = (he)saw; vR^iddhaan = aged; stryadhyakshhaan = palace supervisors; kaashhayiNaH = with orange coloured clothes; svalankR^itaan = well-adorned themselves; vetrapaaNiin = having vanes in their hands; susamaahitaan = well composed; vishhTitaan = being posted; dvaari = in door-ways.

Verse 4

ते समीक्ष्य समायान्तं रामप्रियचिकीर्षवः |
सहसोत्पतिताः सर्वे ह्यसनेभ्यः ससम्भ्रमाः || २-१६-४

All of them, the well-wishers of Rama, saw that Sumantra arriving and raised from their seats hurriedly at once.

4. te sarve = all of them; raamapriyachikiirshhavaH = the well-wishers of Rama; samiikshhya = saw; samaayaantam = him coming; utpatitaaH = raised;aasanabhyaH = from their seats; sahasaa = all at once; sasambhramaaH = hurriedly.

Verse 5

तानुवाच विनीतात्मा सूतपुत्रः प्ररक्षिणः |
क्षिप्रमाख्यात रामाय सुमन्त्रे द्वारि तिष्ठति || २-१६-५

That humble-minded Sumantra spoke to them thus, “Tell Rama immediately that Sumantra is waiting with reverence at the entrance”

5. vimiitaatmaa = humble minded; suutaputraH = Sumantra; uvaacha = spoke; taan = to them; aakhyaata = “Make known; raamaaya = to Rama; kshhipram = immediately; sumantraH = Sumantra; tishhTati = is standing; pradikshhaNaH = with revernece; dvaari = at the entrance.

Verse 6

ते राममुपसंगम्य भर्तुः प्रियचिकीर्षवः |
सहभार्याय रामाय क्षिप्रमेवाचचक्षिरे || २-१६-६

They, the well-wishers of their master, approached Rama who was with his wife and immediately informed him.

6. te = they; priyachikiirshhavaH = the well wishers; bhartuH = of master upasangamya = approached; raamam = Rama; kshhiprameva = quickly; achachakshhire = informed; ramaaya = to Rama; sahabhaaryaaya = who was with his wife.

Verse 7

प्रतिवेदितमाज्ञाय सूतमभ्यन्तरं पितुः |
तत्रैवानाययामास राघवः पियकाम्यया || २-१६-७

Knowing that Sumantra, who was intimate to his father, came, Rama who desired to show kindness, called him in there.

7. aN^yaaya = knowing; suutam = Sumantra; abhyantaram = who was intimate; pituH = to father; prativeditam = being informed by them ; raagahava = Rama; priyakaamyayaa = who desired to show kindness; anaayayamaasa = called him in ; tatraiva = there only.

Verse 8,9 & 10

तं वैश्रवणसंकाशमुपविष्टुं स्वलंकृतम् |
ददर्श सूतः पर्यङ्गे ससैवर्णे सोत्तरच्छदे || २-१६-८
वराहरुघिराभेण शुचिना च सुगन्धिना |
अनुलिप्तं पराघर्येन चन्दनेन परंतपम् || २-१२-९
स्थितया पार्श्वतश्चापि वालव्यजनहस्तयास्थितया पार्श्वतश्चापि |
उपेतं सीतया भूयः चित्रया शशिनं यथा || २-१६-१०

That Sumantra saw Rama sitting like Kubera on a golden couch with the best cloth-covering. He adorned himself well and had the body anointed with sandal perfume, purely smelling like blood of a boar. With Sita, standing on his side with chowrie in her hand, Rama was shining like moon with chitra star.

8;9;10. tam = that; suutaH = Sumantra; dadarsha = saw; tam = that Rama; upavishhTam = sitting; vaishravaNa sankaasham = like Kubera; sauvarNe paryanke = on a golden couch; suuttarachchade = with the best of cloth = covering; svalankR^itam = well adorned himself; anuliptam = smeared ; paraardhyena chandanena = by excellent sandal; shuchinaa = purely; sugandhinaa = smelling like; varaaharudhiraabheNa = blood of a boar; upetam = endowed; siitayaachaapi = with Sita; sthitayaa = standing; paarshvataH = by the side; vaalavajanahastayaa = with chowrie in her hand; parantapam = Rama. the formentor of enemies; shashinamyathaa = was like moon; chitrayaa = with chitra star.

Verse 11

तं तपन्तमिवादित्यम्पपन्नं स्वतेजसा |
ववन्दे वरदम् बन्दी नियमज्ञो विनीतवत् || २-१६-११

Sumantra, who knew polite conduct, offered salutation to Rama, who was refined with his own brilliance, shining like the sun and the fulfiller of desires.

11. vandi = Sumantra; vinayajJNH = who knew pokite conduct; vavande = respectfully saluted; tam = that Rama; vimiitavat = who was refined; upapannam = endowed with; svateja sa = hi own brilliance;tapantam = shining; aadityam iva = like sun; varadam = granting wishes.

Verse 12

प्राञ्जलिः ससुमुखं दृष्ट्वा विहारशयनासने |
राजपुत्रमुवाचेदं सुमन्त्रो राजसत्कृतः || २-१६-१२

Sumantra, who was treated with respect by Rama spoke thus with folded hands to that prince with beautiful face and who was seated on a swinging sofa.

12. sumantraH = Sumantra; raajasatkR^itaH = who was treated with respect by Rama; vuaacha = spoke; idam = these words; praN^jaliH = with folded hands; raajaputram = to that prince; sumukham = with beautiful face; vihaarashayanaasane = and who was seated on a swinging sofa.

Verse 13

कौसल्या सुप्रभा राम पिता त्वं द्रष्टुमिच्छति |
महिष्यापि हि कैकेय्या गम्यताम् तत्र माचिरम् || २-१६-१३

“Oh Rama, the good offspring of Kausalya! Your father and the Queen Kaikeyi want to see you. Go there soon.”

13. raamaH = Rama; kausalyaa suprajaa = the good offspring of Kausalya! pitaa = your father; mahishhyaa kaikeyyaasaha = along with Queen Kaikeyi; ichchhati = wish; drasTum = to see; tvaam = you; gamyataam = let you go; tatra = there; maachiram = wtihout delay.

Verse 14

एवमुक्तस्तु संहृष्टो नरसिंहो महाद्युतिः |
ततः सम्मानयाम् सीतामिदमुवाच ह || २-१६-१४

That best of men with great brilliance was pleased to hear those words, then honoured him and spoke thus to Sita.

14. narasimhaH = that best of men; mahaadyutiH = with great brilliance; samhR^isTaH = was pleased; uktaH = to be told; evam = thus; tataH = them; sammanayaamaasa = honoured him; uvaacha ha = spoke; idam = these words; siitaam = to Sita.

Verse 15

देवि देवश्च देवी च समागम्य मदंतरे |
मन्त्रेयेते ध्रुवं किंचित् अभिषेचन संहितम् || २-१६-१५

“Oh Sita! The king and the queen together are thinking of something about me, relating to coronation. It is certain.”

15. devi = Oh; Sita! devashcha = the king; deviicha = and the queen; samaagamya = together; mantrayate = are thinking; kinchit = of something; madantare = about me; abhishhachana samhitam = relating to coronation; dhR^ivam = certain.

Verse 16

लक्षयित्वा ह्यभिप्रायं प्रियकामा सुदक्षिणा |
संचोदयति राजानं मदर्थ मसितेक्षणा || २-१६-१६

“Then black-eyed Kaikeyi who is dexterous and friendly disposed, has perceived the king’s opinion and is inciting him for my sake”

16. asitekshhaNaa = the black-eyed Kaikeyi; sudakshhiNaa = who is dexterous; priyakaamaa = friendly disposed; lakshhayitva = perceived; abhipraayam = the opinion; sanchodayati = inciting; raajaanam = the king; madartham = for my sake.

Verse 17

सा प्रहृष्टा महाराजं हितकामानुवर्तिनी |
जननी चार्थकामा मे केकयाधिपतेस्सुता || २-१६-१७

“Kaikeyi, my mother is following the king’s intentions with great pleasure, desirous of my benefit and prosperity”

17. kekayaadhipateH sutaa = “Kaikeyi; the daughter of king Kekaya; jananiicha = and my mother; saa = she; anuvartinii = is following; mahaarajam = the king; prahR^ishhTaa = is delighted; hitakaama = desirous of my benefit; me arthakaamaa = wishing my prosperity”.

Verse 18

दिष्ट्या खलु महाराजो महिष्या प्रियया सह |
सुमन्त्रं प्रहिणोद् दूतमर्थकामकरं मम || २-१६-१८

“It is certainly our luck that king and queen have sent Sumantra, who fulfils my desires and wishes, as messenger”.

18. mahaarajaH = the king; priyayaa saha = along with wife; mahishhyaa = the queen; khalu = certainly; dishhtyaa = by luch; praahiNot = sent; sumantram = Sumantra; mama arthakaamakaram = who fulfils my desires and wishes; duutam = as messenger.

Verse 19

यादृशी परिषत् तत्र तादृशो दूताअगतः |
ध्रुवमधैव मां राजा यौवराज्येऽभिषेक्ष्यति || २-१६-१९

“A worthy messenger has come who is truly representing the assembly there. It is certain that today itself the king will anoint me for the right of succession to kingdom”.

19. yaadR^ishii = of which sort of tatra parishhat that sort of ; duutaH = messenger; aagataH = came; dhR^ivam = certainly; adyaiva = today itself; raajaa = the king; abhishhekshhyati = will anoint; maam = me; youvaraajye = for the right of succession to kingdom.


Verse 20

हन्त शिघ्रमितो जत्वा द्रक्ष्यामि च महिपतिम् |
सह त्वं परिवारेण सुखमास्स्व रमस्व च || २-१६-२०

“I shall go immediately and see the king. You stay happily with the circle of friends and enjoy yourself.”

20. hanta = Alas! gatvaa = (I shall) go; shiighram = immediately; itaH = from here; drakshhyaami cha = and see; mahipatim = the king; tvam = you; aasva = stay; sukham = happily; parivaareNa saha = with the circle of friends; ramasva cha = and enjoy yourself.

Verse 21

पतिसम्मानिता सीता भर्तारम्असितक्षणा |
आ द्वारमनुवव्राज मङ्गलान्यभिदध्युषी || २-१६-२१

Sita, treated with respect by her husband and having black eyes, followed her husband up to the door, thinking of auspicious things in her mind.

21. siitaa = Sita; patisammaanitaa = treated with respect by husband; asitekshhaNaa = having black eyes; anuvavraaja = followed; bhartaaram = husband; aa dvaaram = upto door; abhidadhyushhii = thinking; mangalaani = of auspicious things.

Verse 22

राज्यं द्विजतिभीर्जुष्टं राजसूयभिषेचनम् |
कर्तुमर्हति ते राजा वासवस्येव लोककृत् || २-१६-२२

“King Dasaratha will give you kingdom, being served by brahmanas, which will invest you with eligibility to perform the great sacrifice at the coronation ceremony like Brahma to Devendra.”

22. raajaa = king Dasaratha; te = to you; raajyam = kingdom; jushhTam = being served; dvijaatibhiH = by brahmanas; vasavasyeva = like to Devendra; lokakR^it = by Brahma; arhati = to perform; raajasuuyaabhishhehanam = great sacrifice at coronation of king.

Verse 23

दीक्षितं व्रतसम्पन्नं वराजिनधरं शुचिम् |
कुरङ्गशृङ्गपाणिं च पश्यन्ती त्वां भजाम्यहम् || २-१६-२३

“I shall be delighted to see you, initiated for the perfect religious act of austerity, wearing excellent antelope-hide, being pure and bearing a deer-horn in hand”.

23. aham = I; bhajaami = shall enjoy; pashyantii = seeing; tvaam = you; diikshhtam = initiated; vratasampannam = for perfect religious act of austerity; varaajinadharam = wearing excellent antelope-hide; shuchim = being pure; kuraN^ga shR^iN^gapaaNimcha = and bearing a deer-horn in hand.

Verse 24

पुर्वां दिशं वज्रधरो दक्षिणां पातु ते यमः |
वरुणः पाश्चिमामाशां धनेशस्तुत्तरं दिशम् || २-१६-२४

“May Indra the god of rain in the east, Yama the god of death in the south, Varuna the regent of the ocean in the west and Kubera the god of riches and treasure in the north, protect you”.

24. te = your; puurvam disham = eastern direction; vajradharaH = Indra the god of rain; dakshhiNaam = south; yamaH = yama the god of death; pashchimaamashaam = western direction; varunaH = varuna the regent of ocean; uttaraam disham tu = northern direction; dhaneshaH = Kubera; the god of riches; paatu = protect.

Verse 25

अथ सीतामनुज्ञाप्य कृतकौतुकमगळः |
निश्चक्राम सुमन्त्रेण सह रामो निवेशनात् || २-१६-२५

Rama, adorned as in an auspicious festivity, took permission from Sita and started from house along with Sumantra.

25. atha = then; raamaH = Rama; kR^itakantuka mangalaH = adorned as in an auspicious ceremony; anujJNaapya = got permission; siitaam = from Sita; nishchakraama = started; niveshanaat = from house; sumantreNa saha = along with Sumantra.

Verse 26

पर्वतादिव निष्क्रम्य सिंहो गिरिगुहाशयः |
लक्ष्मणंद्वारि सोऽपश्यत् प्रह्वञ्जलिपुटं स्थितम् || २-१६-२६

That Rama who came out, like a lion residing in a mountain cave from out of the mountain, saw Lakshmana standing at the door, bowing with palms of the hand joined and put to the forehead as a mark of respect.

26. saH = that Rama; mishhkramya = came out of the house; parvataat iva = like from the mountain; simhah = lion; firigulaashayaH = residing in mountain cave; apashyat = saw; lakshhmaNam = Lakshmana; sthitam = staying; dvaari = at the door; prahvaaJNjalipuTam = bowing with the palms of hand joined and put to forehead as a mark of respect.

Verse 27 & 28

अथ मध्यमकक्ष्यायां समागच्छत् सुहृज्जनैः |
स सर्वानर्थिनो दृष्ट्वा समेत्य प्रतिनन्द्य च || २-१६-२७
ततः पावकसंकाशमारुरोह रथोत्तमम् |
वैयाघ्रं पुरुष्व्याघो राजितं राजनंदनः || २-१६-२८

Then, that prince the best of men, met his friends in the middle chamber. He saw all the people who came there to behold him, approached nearer to them, greeted them and mounted the excellent chariot, which was resplendent like fire and covered with tiger’s skin.

27;28. atha = then; sah that; raajananadanaH = prince; purushhavyaaghraH = the best of men; samaagachchhat = met; suhR^ijjanaiH = the friends madhya kakashhyaayaam = in the middle chamber; dR^ishhTvaa = saw; sarvaan = all; arthinaH = people desiring to behold him; sametya = approached nearer; pratinandyacha = and greated; aaruroha = mounted; rathothamam = excellent chariot; raajitam = shining; paavaka sankaasham = like fire; vyyaaghram = covered by tiger’s skin

Verse 29 &  30

मेघनादमसम्बाधं मणिहेमविभूशितम् |
मुष्णन्तम् इव चक्षूंषि प्रभया मेरुवर्चसम् || २-१६-२९
करेणुशिशुकल्पैश्च युक्तं परमवाजिभिः |
हरियुक्तं सहस्राक्षो रथमिन्द्र इवाशुगम् || २-१६-३०
प्रययौ तूरमास्थाय राघवो ज्वलितः श्रिया |

That chariot was sounding like thunder. It was not congested. It was decorated with gold and jewels. Its splendour was like that of Meru mountain, stealing the eyes. Excellent horses looking like infantine elephants were tied to the chariot, which was moving quickly. That Rama shining with splendour like Indra, the lord of sky, mounted such a chariot and went forth quickly.

29;30. ratham = the chariot; meghanaada = sounding like thunder; asambaadham = not congested; maNihemavibhuushhitam = decorated with gold and jewels; mushhNantamiva = as it was stealing; chakshhuumshhi = the eyes; prabhayaa = by splendour; marevarchasam = like brilliance of Meru mountain; paramavaajabhiH = excellent horses; kareNu shishukalpaiH = excellet horses; kareNu shishukalpaiH = looking like infantine elephants; yuktam = were fastened; aashugam = moving quickly; raaghavaH = Rama; jvalitaH = shining; shriyaa = with prosperity; aasthaaya = mounted; hariyuktam iva = what like chariot with horses; indraH = of Indra; the god of sky; sahasraakshhaH = having thousand eyes; prayayau = went forth; tuurNam = quickly.

Verse 31

स पर्जन्य इवाकाशे स्वनवानभिनादयन् || २-१६-३१
निकेतान्निर्ययौ श्रिमान् महाभ्रादिव चन्द्रमाः |

That splendid chariot, sounding like rain-cloud in the sky, came out of the house like moon coming out of a mighty cloud.

31. shriimaan saH = that splendid chariot; svanavaan = having sound; parjanya iva = like rain cloud; aakaashe = in the sky; abhinaadayan = making sound; niryayau = started; niketaat = from the house; chandramaa iva = like moon; mahaabhraat = from mighty cloud.

Verse 32

चित्रचामरपाणिस्तु लक्ष्मणो राघवानुजः ||२-१६-३२
जुगोप भ्रातरं भ्राता रथमास्थाय पृष्ठतः |

Lakshmana, Rama’s younger brother mounted the chariot in the back-side and protected Rama with umbrella and chamara fan.

32. lakshhmaNaH = Lakshmana; raaghavaanujaH = Rama’s younger; bhraataa = brother; aasthaaya = mounted; ratham = the chariot; pR^ishhTataH = in the back-side; jugopa = protected; bhraataram = brother; chhatra chaamara paaNiH = having umbrella and chamara fan in hand.

Verse 34

ततो हलहलाशब्दस्तुमुलह् समजायत ||२-१६-३३
तस्य निष्क्रममाणस्य जनौघस्य समन्ततः |

Then, the crowds started dispersing from all sides generating tumultuous hallowing sound.

33. tataH = then; tasya = those; janaughasya = crowds; nishhkramamaaNasya = dispersing; samantataH = from all sides; samajaayata = generated; tumulaH = tumultuous; halahalaashabdaH = hallooing sound.

Verse 35

अग्रतश्चास्य सन्नद्धाश्चन्दनागुरुभूषिताः || २-१६-३५
खड्गचापधराः शूरा जग्मुराशंसवो जनाः |

Valiant persons, dressed in armour adorned with sandal and aloe perfumes, wearing swords and bows, declaring the arrival of Rama, went in front of Rama to receive him.

35. shuraaH janaaH = valiant persons; sannaddhaaH = dressed in armour; chandanaaguru bhushhitaaH = adorned with sandal and aloe perfumes; khadgachaapadharaaH = wearing swords and bows; aashamsavaH = declaring arrival of Rama; jagmuH = went; agrataH = in front; asya = of Rama.

Verse 36

ततो वादित्रशब्दाश्च स्तुतिशब्दाश्च वन्दिनाम् ||२-१६-३६
सिंहनादाश्च शूराणां तदा शुश्रुविरे पथि |

At that time, sounds of musical instruments, sounds of praising hymns of panagyrists and lion-like roars of valiant persons were heard on the way.

36. tataH = thereafter; tadaa = then; vaaditra shabdaashcha = sounds of musical instruments; stutishabdaashcha = sounds of praising hymns; vandinaam = of panegyrists; simha naadaashcha = and lion like roars; shuuraaNaa = of valiant perosons; shushruvare = were heard; pathi = on the way.

Verse 37

हर्म्यवातायनस्थाभिर्भूषिताभिः समन्ततः || २-१६-३७
कीर्यमाणः सुपुष्पौघैर्ययौ स्त्रीभिररिंदमः |

While Rama, the annihilator of enemies, was going, well-adorned women standing in porticoes of palaces, sprinkled flowers on him from all sides.

37. aarindamaH = Rama; the annihilator of enemies; yayau = went; kiiryamaNaH = being sprinkled; supushhponghaiH = by stream of good flowers; samantataH = all around; bhuushhitaabhiH striibhiH = by well adorned women; harmya vataayanasthaabhiH = standing in porticoes of palaces.

Verse 38

रामं सर्वानवद्याण्ग्यो रामपिप्रीषया ततः || २-१६-३८
वचोभिरग्र्यैर्हर्म्यस्थाः क्षितिस्थाश्च ववन्दिरे |

Women of exquisitely beautiful form standing in palaces and on ground were offering salutations to Rama with the best words with a desire to please Rama.

38. tataH then; sarvaanavadyaaN^gyaa = women of equisitely beautiful form; harmyasthaah = standing in palaces; kshhitisthaashcha = and on ground vavandhire = were offering salutations; raamam = to Rama; agryaiH vachobhiH = with the best words; raamapipriishhayaa = with desire to please Rama.

Verse 39

नूनं नन्दति ते माता कौसल्या मातृनन्दन || २-१६-३९
पश्यन्ती सिद्धयात्रं त्वं पित्र्यं राज्यमुपस्थितम् |

“Oh, Rama, who creates happiness to mother! Have successful journey! Your mother Kausalya will be certainly delighted to see you obtaining the paternal kingdom.”

39. maatR^inandana = the one creates happiness to mother! siddhayaatram = have successful journey; te = your; maataa = mother; kausalyaa = kausalya; nandati = is elighting; nuunam = certainly; pashyantii = to see; tvaam = you; upasthitam = having obtained; pitryam raajyam = paternal kingdom.

Verse 40

सर्वसीमन्तिनीभ्यश्च सीतां सीमन्तिनीं वराम् || २-१६-४०
अमन्यन्त हि ता नार्यो रामस्य हृदयप्रियाम् |

Those women thought that Sita, who is dear to Rama’s heart, is better woman than all women.

40. taaH = those; naaryaH = women; amanyantahi = thought; siitaam = Sita; raamasya hR^idayapriyaam = who is dear to Rama’s heart; varaam = is better; siimantiim = woman; sarvasiimantiibhyaH = than all women.

Verse 41

तया सुचरितं देव्या पुरा नूनं महत्तपः || २-१६-४१
रोहिणीव शशाङ्केन रामसंयोगमाप या |

“As Rohini star stays together with the moon, Sita having obtained Rama as husband must have certainly performed a great penance in former times.”

41. yaa = which Sita; rahiNii iva = like Rohini star; shashaaNkena = with moon; aapa = has obtained; raamasmyogam = union with Rama; tayaa devyaa = by such Sita; mahat = great; tapaH = penance; muunam = indeed; sucharitam = was performed well; puraa = in former times.

Verse 42

इति प्रासादशृङ्गेषु प्रमदाभिर्नरोत्तमः || २-१६-४२
शुश्राव राजमार्गस्थः प्रिया वाच उदाहृताः |

While going through the royal road, Rama heard those pleasant words spoken thus by women standing in turrets.

42. narottamaH = Rama; the best of men; raajamaargasthaH = who was in the royal road; sushraava = heard; priyaaH vaachaH = pleasent words; udaahR^itaaH = spoken; iti = thus; pramadaabhiH = by women; praasaadasR^ingeshhu = who were in turrets.

Verse 43

स राघवस्त्रत्र तदा प्रलापान् |
शुश्राव लोकस्य समागतस्य |
आत्माधिकारा विविधाश्च वाचः |
प्रहृष्टरूपस्य पुरे जनस्य || २-१६-४३

Then, Rama heard the words of people gathered there and also the words variously pertaining to himself, by citizens.

43. tadaa = then; saH = that; raaghavaH = Rama;sushraava = heard; pralapaan = words; lokasya = of people; samaagatasya; gathered; tatra = there; vaachaH cha = and also words; vividhaaH = variously; aatmaadhikaaraaH = pertaining to himself; pure janasya = by citizens; prahR^ishhTaruupasya = who were much delighted.

Verse 44

एष श्रियं गच्छति राघवोऽद्य|
राजप्रसादातद् विपुलं गमिष्यन् |
एते वयम् सर्वसमृद्धकामा|
योषामयं नो भविता प्रशास्ता || २-१६-४४

“By the king’s propitiousness, this Rama today is going to obtain this earth and the wealthy kingdom. All our desires are going to be fulfilled because Rama will become the ruler.”

44. raaja prasaadaat = by king’s propitiousness; eshhaH = this; raaghavaH = Rama; gamishhyan = who will obtain; vipulaam = the earth; adya = now; gachchhati = will gain; shriyam = wealth; yeshhaam naH = for which of us; ayam = he; bahvitaa = will become; prashastaa = ruler; ete vayam = such of us; sarvasamR^idhdhakaamaa = will have fulfilled all desires.

Verse 45

लाभो जनस्यास्य यदेष सर्वं|
प्रपत्स्यते राष्ट्रमिदं चिराय |
न ह्यप्रियं किंचन जातु कश्चित् |
पश्येन्न कुःखं मनुजादिपेऽस्मिन् || २-१६-४५

“If Rama rules this state for a long time, it will be a great benefit to the people. If he becomes a king none can see dislike and sorrow at any time.”

45. yat = since when; eshhaH = this Rama; pravatsyate = will get; sarvam idam raashhTram = this entire state; chiraaya = for a long time(since then); laabhaH = benefit; asya janasya = for these people; asmin mamjaadhipe = when this Rama becomes king; kashchit = anyone; jaatu = at anytime; na pashyet hi = will not see kichana = anything; apriyam = unkindly; na = nor; duHkham = grief.

Verse 46

स घोषवद्भिश्च हयैः सनागैः |
पुरस्सरैः स्वस्तिकसूतमागधैः |
महीयमानः प्रवरैश्च वादकैः |
अभिष्टुतो वैश्रवणो यथा ययौ|| २-१६-४६

While bards and panegyrists were moving in front praising with great respect, invoking blessings and eulogised by the most excellent instrumentalists, Rama, like Kubera the god of wealth, went with resounding horses and elephants.

46. suutamaagadhaiH = bards and panegyrists; svastika = invoking blessings; purassaraiH = moving in front; mahiiyamaanaH = praising with great respect; abhishhTutaH = eulogised; pravaraiH vaadyakaiH = by the most excellent instrumentalists; saH = that Rama; vaishraavaNotatha = like Kubera the god of weatlh; yayau = went; hayaiH = with horses; sanaagaiH = together with elephants; ghoshhavadbhiH = having resounds.

Verse 47

करेणुमात्ङ्गरथाश्वसंकुलं |
महाजनौघैः परिपूर्णचत्वरम् |
प्रभूतरत्नं बहुपण्यसंचयं |
ददर्श रामो विमलं महापथम् || २-१६-४७

Rama saw the great royal road which was spotlessly clean, having diamonds and various vendible commodities. It was full of male and female elephants, horses and chariots. There was abundance of people gathered at road junctions.

47. raamaH = Rama; dadarsha = saw; mahaapatham; great royal road; vimalam = which was spotless; prabhuuta ratnam = having abundant diamonds; bhaupaNya sanchayam = havin abundant diamonds; bahupaNya sanchayam = having many vendible commodities; kareNu maataN^ga rathaashva sankulam = full of female and male elephants; chariots and horses; paripuurNa chatvaram = the road junctions were filled; janaughaiH = with multitude of people.

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