12 – The initial challenge


Rama to imbue confidence in Sugreeva hurtles his arrow that penetrates seven sala trees and also the subterranean planes of earth and returns into his quiver. Sugreeva obliging the prowess of Rama submits himself to Rama, who encourages Sugreeva to challenge Vali for a duel. Accordingly a duel ensues wherein Vali assaults Sugreeva and chases him off. Battered and belittled, Sugreeva implores upon Rama why he did not come to his rescue. Rama apologetically states that he could not make out difference between the two brothers for they are alike. Rama asks Sugreeva to wear a garland and again challenge Vali, so with that identification of garland he could aim his arrow at the other dueller. Again they all advance towards Kishkindha for the duel with Vali.

Verse 1

एतच् च वचनम् श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवस्य सुभाषितम् |
प्रत्ययार्थम् महातेजा रामो जग्राह कार्मुकम् || ४-१२-१

On hearing the well-spoken words of Sugreeva that expressed doubt about Rama’s valour, that great resplendent Rama took-up bow to inculcate credence in Sugreeva. [4-12-1]

1. mahaatejaa raamaH = great-resplendent, Rama; sugriivasya su bhaaSitam = of Sugreeva, well, spoken; etat ca vacanam shrutvaa = them, also, words, on hearing; pratyaya artham = credence, to inculcate; jagraaha kaarmukam = took up, bow.

Verse 2

स गृहीत्वा धनुर् घोरम् शरम् एकम् च मानदः |
सालम् उद्दिश्य चिक्षेप पूरयन् स रवैः दिशः || ४-१२-२

Rama, the bestower of dignity to the sufferers, took up his dreadful bow, aimed at a sala tree, and darted single arrow, by which all the directions reverberated with the twang of his bowstring. [4-12-2]

2. maana daH = dignity, bestower; saH gR^ihiitvaa dhanuH ghoram = he, on taking, bow, dreadful one; puurayan sa [jyaa] ravaiH dishaH = filling – reverberating, with [of bowstring,] twans, in all directions; saalam uddishya = at sala tree, aiming; ekam sharam cikSepa = one, arrow, darted.

Verse 3

स विसृष्टो बलवता बाणः स्वर्ण परिष्कृतः |
भित्त्वा सालान् गिरि प्रस्थम् सप्त भूमिम् विवेश ह || ४-१२-३

The golden arrow released by the mighty Rama perforated all the seven sala trees, and even the levelled areas of mountain, and then entered the earth. [4-12-3]

3. balavataa = by mighty Rama; vi sR^iSTaH svarNa pariSkR^itaH = released is, in gold, decorated; saH baaNaH = that, arrow; sapta saalaan giri prastham bhittvaa = seven, sala trees, mountain, heights, on perforating; bhuumim vivesha ha = into earth, entered, indeed.

Verse 4

सायकः तु मुहूर्तेन सालान् भित्त्वा महाजवः |
निष्पत्य च पुनः तूर्णम् तम् एव प्रविवेश ह || ४-१२-४

Thus that arrow which briskly drilled all the sala trees, came up in a moment from under the earth, and again swiftly re-entered the quiver of Rama. [4-12-4]

4. saayakaH tu mahaa javaH = arrow, but, with great, briskness; muhuurtena saalaan bhittvaa = in a moment, sala trees, on drilling; niS patya ca = out, coming, also – came up from earth; punaH tuurNam tam eva pravivesha ha = again, swiftly, that, only [that quiver of Rama,], entered, indeed.

Verse 5

तान् दृष्ट्वा सप्त निर्भिन्नान् सालान् वानरपुंगवः |
रामस्य शर वेगेन विस्मयम् परमम् गतः || ४-१२-५

On seeing them the seven sala trees that are profoundly fissured, that best monkey Sugreeva went into a stunning astonishment at the rapidity of Rama’s arrow. [4-12-5]

5. vaanara pungavaH = monkey, the best; nir bhinnaan taan sapta saalaan dR^iSTvaa = profoundly, fissured, those, seven, sala trees, on seeing; raamasya shara vegena = by Rama’s, arrow’s, rapidity; paramam vismayam gataH = stunning, astonishment, went into.

Verse 6

स मूर्ध्ना न्यपतत् भूमौ प्रलंबीकृत भूषणः |
सुग्रीवः परम प्रीतो राघवाय कृतांजलिः || ४-१२-६

Highly gladdened Sugreeva made palm-fold in that astonishment, kneeled while his ornaments dangled, and prostrated before Raghava with his head touching the ground. [4-12-6]

6. parama priitaH saH sugriivaH = highly, gladdened, he, that Sugreeva; raaghavaaya kR^ita anjaliH = towards Raghava, makin palm fold; pra lambiikR^ita bhuuSaNaH = while his ornaments, made to dangling [on his crouching]; muurdhnaa nyapatat bhuumau = with head touching, fallen, on ground.

Verse 7

इदम् च उवाच धर्मज्ञम् कर्मणा तेन हर्षितः |
रामम् सर्व अस्त्र विदुषाम् श्रेष्ठम् शूरम् अवस्थितम् || ४-१२-७

Overjoyed with that deed Sugreeva said this to that virtue-knower, the one who is proficient among all experts of missiles, namely the valorous Rama, who is just in his presence him. [4-12-7]

7. tena karmaNaa harSitaH = by that, deed, overjoyed is that Sugreeva is; dharma j~nam = to virtue-knower [Rama]; sarva astra viduSaam shreSTham = among all, missiles, experts, proficient one; shuuram = valorous one; avasthitam = present before; mam = to Rama; idam ca uvaaca = this, also, said.

Verse 8

स इन्द्रान् अपि सुरान् सर्वाम् त्वम् बाणैः पुरुषर्षभ |
समर्थः समरे हन्तुम् किम् पुनर् वालिनम् प्रभो || ४-१२-८

“You with your arrows, oh, best one among men, are capable of eliminating all the gods including Indra, oh, lord, then why to speak of Vali. [4-12-8]

8. puruSa rSabha = oh, best one among men; prabho = oh, lord; tvam samare = you, in battle; sa indraan sarvaan suraan api = with, Indra, all of them, the gods, even; baaNaiH hantum samarthaH = with arrows, to eliminate, you are capable of; vaalinam kim punaH = of Vali, why, again [speak of him.]

Verse 9

येन सप्त महा साला गिरिर् भूमिः च दारिताः |
बाणेन एकेन काकुत्स्थ स्थाता ते को रण अग्रतः || ४-१२-९

“By whom seven great sala trees, a mountain and also the earth is ripped off with only one arrow, oh Kakutstha, who then can stand up to you in the vanguard of war. [4-12-9]

9. kaakutstha = oh, Rama; yena = by whom; ekena baaNena = by a single, arrow; sapta mahaa saalaa = seven, great, sala trees; giriH bhuumiH ca = mountain, earth, also; daaritaaH = are ripped off; te = such as you are, in your before; raNa agrataH = at war’s, vanguard; kaH sthaataa = who, stands.

Verse 10

अद्य मे विगतः शोकः प्रीतिर् अद्य परा मम |
सुहृदम् त्वाम् समासाद्य महेन्द्र वरुणोपमम् || ४-१२-१०

“Today on gaining a kind-hearted friend like you, who is similar to Indra and Rain-god who accord favour on their own, my distress is gone and my joy is heightened. [4-12-10]

10. adya = today; mahendra varuNa upamam = to Indra and to Rain-god, in similitude; tvaam suhR^idam samaasaadya = you, kind-hearted one, on gaining; me shokaH vigataH = to me, distress, is gone; adya mama paraa priitiH = now, to me, heightened, is the joy.

Verse 11

तम् अद्य एव प्रियार्थम् मे वैरिणम् भ्रातृ रूपिणम् |
वालिनम् जहि काकुत्स्थ मया बद्धो अयम् अंजलिः || ४-१२-११

“Oh, Rama, today itself you eliminate that enemy of mine in a brother’s semblance for my happiness, for which I adjoin my palms in supplication.” Thus Sugreeva requested Rama. [4-12-11]

11. kaakutstha = oh, Rama; me bhraatR^i ruupiNam vairiNam = my, in brother’s, semblance, an enemy; tam vaalinam = him, that Vali be; adya eva priyaartham = today, only, for my happiness; jahi = kill; mayaa baddhaH ayam anjaliH = by me, joined, this, palms – in supplication.

Verse 12

ततो रामः परिष्वज्य सुग्रीवम् प्रिय दर्शनम् |
प्रत्युवाच महाप्राज्ञो लक्ष्मणानुगतम् वचः || ४-१२-१२

That great percipient Rama embraced Sugreeva, which Sugreeva is pleasant in his look for he gained confidence by now, and who is an alternate of Lakshmana to partake Rama’s affection, and then Rama said these words to such a Sugreeva in reply. [4-12-12]

12. tataH = thenl; mahaa praaj~naH = raamaH highly, percipient one, Rama; priya darshanam = pleasant one, in look [Sugreeva]; lakSmaNa anugatam sugriivam pariSvajya = Lakshmana’s, alternate of, Sugreeva, on embracing; vacaH prati uvaaca = wrods, replied.

Verse 13

अस्माद् गच्छाम किष्किन्धाम् क्षिप्रम् गच्छ त्वम् अग्रतः |
गत्वा च आह्वय सुग्रीव वालिनम् भ्रातृ गन्धिनम् || ४-१२-१३

“”Let us quickly go from here to Kishkindha, oh, Sugreeva, you move in advance, and on going there you invite that Vali, one redolent of your brotherhood.” So said Rama to Sugreeva. [4-12-13]

13. sugriiva = oh, Sugreeva; asmaat = from here; kSipram kiSkindhaam gacChaama = quickly, to Kishkindha, we will go; tvam [kshipram = quickly]; agrataH gacCha = in advance, you move; gatvaa = having gone; bhraatR^i gandhinam = Vali, brotherhood, oe who is redolent of; vaalinam = Vali be; aahvaya = you invite.

Verse 14

सर्वे ते त्वरितम् गत्वा किष्किन्धाम् वालिनः पुरीम् |
वृक्षैः आत्मानम् आवृत्य हि अतिष्ठन् गहने वने || ४-१२-१४

They all on quickly going to Kishkindha, the city of Vali, hedged themselves in the thickets of forest trees and waited. [4-12-14]

14. te sarve vaalinaH puriim kiSkindhaam = they, all, to Vali’s, city, to Kishkindha; tvaritam gatvaa = quickly, on going; gahane vane vR^ikSaiH aatmaanam aavR^itya = in thickets, of forests, with trees themselves, covering themselves; atiSThan = stayed waited on.

Verse 15

सुग्रीवो अपि व्यनदद् घोरम् वालिनो ह्वान कारणात् |
गाढम् परिहितो वेगान् नादैः भिन्दन् इव अंबरम् || ४-१२-१५

Sugreeva firmly tightened his girdle-cloth for the duel and shouted boisterously for the purpose of inviting Vali for a duel, and his rapidity in shouting appeared as though to crack the sky. [4-12-15]

15. sugriivaH api = Sugreeva, even; gaaDham parihitaH = firmly, tightening [girdle-cloth]; vegaat naadaiH bhindan ambaram iva = with rapidity, of shouting, to crack, the sky, as though; vaalinaH hvaana kaaraNaat = Vali, to invite, for the purpose of; vyanadat ghoram = shouted, boisterously.

Verse 16

तम् श्रुत्वा निनदम् भ्रातुः क्रुद्धो वाली महाबलः |
निष्पपात सुसंरब्धो भास्करो अस्त तटात् इव || ४-१२-१६

On hearing his brother’s shouting that great mighty Vali is infuriated and impetuously rushed out of his palace chambers, like the sun falling back onto sky from his dusking brink. [4-12-16]

16. mahaabalaH vaalii = great, mighty, Vali; bhraatuH tam ninadam shrutvaa = brother’s, that, shouting. on hearing; kruddhaH = is infuriated; su samrabdhaH = impetuously [came out]; asta taTaat bhaaskaraH iva = dusking, from brink, Sun, like; niS papaata = out fallen – fell out.

Verse 17

ततः सुतुमुलम् युद्धम् वालि सुग्रीवयोः अभूत् |
गगने ग्रहयोः घोरम् बुध अंगारकयोः इव || ४-१२-१७

Then a very tumultuous and awful fight occurred between Vali and Sugreeva, which is like the awful fight between the planets Mercury and Mars in skies. [4-12-17]

17. tataH = then; vaali sugriivayoH = between Vali, Sugreeva; gagane budha angaarakayoH grahayoH iva = in skies, among Mercury, Mars, among planets, like; su tumulam ghoram yuddham abhuut = very, tumultuous, awful, fight, occurred;

Verse 18

तलैः अशनि कल्पैः च वज्र कल्पैः च मुष्टिभिः |
जघ्नतुः समरे अन्योन्यम् भ्रातरौ क्रोध मूर्च्छितौ || ४-१२-१८

Those two brothers who are convulsed in frenzy battered each other in that fight with their thunderbolt-like palms, and lightning-like fists. [4-12-18]

18. krodha muurcChitau = in frenzy, convulsed; bhraatarau = among two brothers; ashani kalpaiH = thunderbolts, similar; talaiH = with palms; vajra kalpaiH muSTibhiH = lightning, similar, with fists; samare anyonyam jaghnatuH = in fight, each other battered.

Verse 19

ततो रामो धनुष् पाणिः तौ उभौ समुदैक्षत |
अन्योन्य सदृशौ वीरौ उभौ देवौ इव अश्विनौ || ४-१२-१९

Then Rama wielding bow in his hand watched those valiant ones that are alike in their appearance, like the Ashwin twins among gods. [4-12-19]

19. tataH = then; raamaH dhanuS paaNiH = Rama, with bow, wielding in hand; devau ashvinau ubhau iva = gods, Ashwin, twins, like; anyonya sadR^ishau = each other, similar to the other; tau ubhau viirau samudaikshata [sam ut iikshata] = those two, valiant ones, watched them.

Verse 20

यत् न अवगच्छत् सुग्रीवम् वालिनम् वा अपि राघवः |
ततो न कृतवान् बुद्धिम् मोक्तुम् अन्तकरम् शरम् || ४-१२-२०

For which reason Raghava could not differentiate between Sugreeva or Vali, for the same reason did not make up his mind to release his arrow, otherwise it would have been a deadening arrow, as confusion is the only reason for Rama. [4-12-20]

20. raaghavaH = Raghava; sugriivam = Sugreeva; vaalinam vaa api = Vali, or, either; yat = by which reason; na avagacChat = not, descried; tataH = thereby; anta karam sharam = end, making [deadening,] arrow moktum = to release; buddhim = mind; na kR^itavaan = not, made.

Verse 21

एतस्मिन् अन्तरे भग्नः सुग्रीवः तेन वालिना |
अपश्यन् राघवम् नाथम् ऋश्यमूकम् प्रदुद्रुवे || ४-१२-२१

Meanwhile Sugreeva is unable to spot out his benefactor Raghava as Vali whacked him down, and thereby he immediately fled to Mt. Rishyamuka. [4-12-21]

21. etasmin antare = in the, while; tena vaalinaa = by that, Vali; bhagnaH sugriivaH = broken – whacked, Sugreeva; naatham = the benefactor; raaghavam = Raghava; a pashyan = not, seeing; R^ishyamuukam pra dudruve = to Rishyamuka, immediately, fled to.

Verse 22

क्लान्तो रुधिर सिक्त अंगो प्रहारैः जर्जरी कृतः |
वालिना अभिद्रुतः क्रोधात् प्रविवेश महावनम् || ४-१२-२२

Sugreeva is debilitated and enervated by Vali’s thwacking till his limbs soaked in blood, and he entered the great forest of Rishyamuka as Vali chased him. [4-12-22]

22. vaalinaa krodhaat abhi drutaH = by Vali, by fury, confronted / ran chasing; klaantaH rudhira sikta angaH = debilitated, blood, soaking, body-parts; prahaaraiH jarjarii kR^itaH = by thwacking, enervate, made into [enervated]; that Sugreeva; pravivesha mahaavanam = entered, great forest.

Verse 23

तम् प्रविष्टम् वनम् दृष्ट्वा वाली शाप भयात् ततः |
मुक्तो हि असि त्वम् इति उक्त्वा स निवृत्तो महाबलः || ४-१२-२३

On seeing Sugreeva’s entry into the forest of Rishyamuka, Vali said to him “you are let off for now…” and saying so he returned to Kishkindha from there in view of fear from curse of Sage Matanga. [4-12-23]

23. vanam praviSTam tam dR^iSTvaa = forest, entered, him [Sugreeva,] on seeing; mahaabalaH saH vaalii = great mighty, he that, Vali; tvam muktaH asi hi = you are, let off, indeed; iti uktvaa = thus, saying; shaapa bhayaat tataH nivR^ittaH = by curse’s, fear, from there, returned.

Verse 24

राघवो अपि सह भ्रात्रा सह चैव हनूमता |
तदेव वनम् आगच्छत् सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः || ४-१२-२४

Raghava also came to that forest, along with his brother Lakshmana and along with Hanuma, where that monkey Sugreeva fled. [4-12-24]

24. raaghavaH api = Raghava, also; saha bhraatraa = with, brother [Lakshmana]; hanuumataa ca saha eva = Hanuma, with, also, like that; yatra vaanaraH sugriivaH = where, monkey, Sugreeva is there; tat eva vanam aagacChat = to that, forest, alone, he came.

Verse 25

तम् समीक्ष्य आगतम् रामम् सुग्रीवः सह लक्ष्मणम् |
ह्रीमान् दीनम् उवाच इदम् वसुधाम् अवलोकयन् || ४-१२-२५

Seeing the arrival of Rama with Lakshmana, Sugreeva ashamedly turned his eyes down to earth and piteously spoke this without eyeing Rama [4-12-25]

25. sugriivaH = Sugreeva; aagatam saha lakSmaNam = one who arrived, with, Lakshmana; tam raamam samiikSya = him, that Rama, on seeing; hriimaan vasudhaam avalokayan = ashamed one, ground, while looking at; diinam uvaaca idam = piteously, spoke, this.

Verse 26

आह्वयस्व इति माम् उक्त्वा दर्शयित्वा च विक्रमम् |
वैरिणा घातयित्वा च किम् इदानीम् त्वया कृतम् || ४-१२-२६

“Showing your dexterity you encouraged me to invite Vali for fight, but you got me battered by my enemy, what is this done by you.” [4-12-26]

26. aahvayasva iti maam uktvaa = invite [Vali,] thus, to me, on saying [encouraging]; darshayitvaa ca vikramam = showing, also, dexterity; vairiNaa ghaatayitvaa ca = by enemy, got battered; tvayaa idaaniim kim kR^itam = by you, now, what is, done.

Verse 27

ताम् एव वेलाम् वक्तव्यम् त्वया राघव तत्त्वतः |
वालिनम् न निहन्मि इति ततो न अहम् इतो व्रजे || ४-१२-२७

“You should have truly made it known at that time only, oh, Raghava, that you will not kill Vali, then I would not have come here, to Kishkindha. [4-12-27]

27. Raaghava = oh, Raghava; taam velaam eva = at that, time, only; vaalinam na nihanmi = Vali, I do not, kill, iti tattvataH tvayaa vaktavyam = thus, truly, by you, should have been told; tataH = then; aham itaH na vraje = I, to here, would not, have come.

Verse 28

तस्य च एवम् ब्रुवाणस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः |
करुणम् दीनया वाचा राघवः पुनर् अब्रवीत् || ४-१२-२८

Rama replied that great-souled Sugreeva who is speaking woefully with pathetic words in this way. [4-12-28]

28. mahaatmanaH tasya sugriivasya = great-souled one, of that, Sugreeva; diinayaa vaacaa = with pathetic, words; karuNam evam bruvaaNasya = woefully, this way, while saying; raaghavaH punaH abraviit = Raghava, again, said.

Verse 29

सुग्रीव श्रूयताम् तात क्रोधः च व्यपनीयताम् |
कारणम् येन बाणो अयम् स मया न विसर्जितः || ४-१२-२९

“Sugreeva, by which reason I have not let-off an arrow such as that of mine, that reason may be heard and let the anger be discarded. [4-12-29]

29. taata sugriiva = dear, Sugreeva; yena = by which reason; saH ayam baaNaH = this, that, arrow – the arrow such as this; mayaa na visarjitaH = by me, not, let off; kaaraNam shruuyataam = reason, be heard; krodhaH vyapaniiyataam [vi apa niiyataam] = anger, be, aside, distanced – discarded.

Verse 30

अलंकारेण वेषेण प्रमाणेन गतेन च |
त्वम् च सुग्रीव वाली च सदृशौ स्थः परस्परम् || ४-१२-३०

“By ornamentation, attire, physicality and movements, you and Vali look-alike. [4-12-30]

30. alamkaareNa = by ornamentation; veSeNa = by attire; pramaaNena = in physicality gatena ca = by movements, also; tvam ca = you, and; sugriiva = oh, Sugreeva; vaalii ca = Vali, also; parasparam sadR^ishau sthaH = to each other, resemble, you both are there.

Verse 31

स्वरेण वर्चसा च एव प्रेक्षितेन च वानर |
विक्रमेण च वाक्यैः च व्यक्तिम् वाम् न उपलक्षये || ४-१२-३१

“By your voice, bodily glow also thus in your looking, also in bravery and in speech, oh monkey, I could not mark any difference. [4-12-31]

31. vaanara = oh monkey; svareNa = by voice; varcasaa = by bodily glow; ca eva = also, thus; prekSitena = by your looking; vikrameNa ca vaakyaiH ca = by bravery, also, by speech; vaam vyaktim na upalakSaye = among you, difference, not, spotted.

Verse 32

ततो अहम् रूप सादृश्यात् मोहितो वानरोत्तम |
न उत्सृजामि महावेगम् शरम् शत्रु निबर्हणम् || ४-१२-३२

“Thereby, oh, great monkey, I have not released this great speeded and enemy annihilating arrow of mine as I was confused in the similarity of your personalities. [4-12-32]

32. vaanara uttama = oh, monkey, the best; tataH = thereby; ruupa saadR^ishyaat mohitaH = by personalities, similarity, confused; aham = I; mahaa vegam = great, speeded; shatru nibarhaNam = enemy, annihilating one; sharam = arrow; na utsR^ijaami = not, released.

Verse 33

जीवित अन्तकरम् घोरम् सादृश्यात् तु विशंकितः |
मूलघातो न नौ स्याद्धि द्वयोः इति कृतो मया || ४-१२-३३

“I was ambiguous by your similarities, as such I have not released this ghastly and life-taking arrow, otherwise the basic object of ours will be ruined, isn’t it. [4-12-33]

33. saadR^ishyaat tu = by similarity, but; vi shankitaH = being ambiguous; jiivita antakaram ghoram = life, terminator, ghastly one; [arrow I did not release]; nau dvayoH muula ghaataH syaat hi = = to two of us, basic [object,] ruined, it will be, isn’t it; hence; iti maya kR^itaH = thus [ thinking,] by me, not done.

Verse 34

त्वयि वीर विपन्ने हि अज्ञान् लाघवान् मया |
मौढ्यम् च मम बाल्यम् च ख्यापितम् स्यात् कपीस्वर || ४-१२-३४

“When my unawareness and fallacy hazardously afflicts none but you in the form of my own arrow, oh, brave lord of monkeys, then I will be establishing my own imbecility and naivety, isn’t it. [4-12-34]

34. viira = oh, brave one; kapiisvara = oh, monkey’s, lord; a j~naat = un, knowingly – by my unawareness; laaghavaat = by [my] fallacy; tvayi vipanne = you, when you become afflicted with hazard; maya = by me; mama = my; mauDhyam ca baalyam ca = imbecility, also; my, naivety, also; khyaapitam syaat = established, they will be [isn’t it.]

Verse 35 & 36a

दत्त अभय वधो नाम पातकम् महत् अद्भुतम् |
अहम् च लक्ष्मणः च एव सीत च वरवर्णिनी || ४-१२-३५
त्वत् अधीना वयम् सर्वे वने अस्मिन् शरणम् भवान् |

“Eliminating one who is protected means a terrifying sin of highest order, even so, myself and Lakshmana and also thus Seetha with her exquisite glow are all dependent on you, and you are our shelterer in this forest. [4-12-35, 36a]

35, 36a. datta abhaya vadhaH naama = given, protection, killing, means [killing one who is protected means]; paatakam mahat adbhutam = sin, highest, terrifying; aham ca lakshmaNaH ca eva = myself, also, Lakshmana, thus; vara varNinii siita ca = of exquisite, glow, Seetha, also; vayam sarve tvat adhiinaa = we, all, are under your, control – dependent on you; bhavaan asmin vane sharaNam = you are, in forest, this one, shelter,

Verse 36b & 37

तस्मात् युध्यस्व भूयस्त्वम् मा शंकी च वानर || ४-१२-३६
एतन् मुहूर्ते तु मया पश्य वालिनम् आहवे |
निरस्तम् इषुणा एकेन वेष्टमानम् महीतले || ४-१२-३७

“Therefore, oh, monkey, again you fight with him without doubting me, and I will render him ineffective at this moment only with a single arrow of mine, and you can see Vali squirming on the ground. [4-12-36, 37],

36. vaanara = oh, monkey; tasmaat tvam bhuuyaH yudhyasva = therefore, you, again, fight; maa = me; maa shankii = don’t, doubt; etat muhuurte tu = at this, moment, only; mayaa = by me; aahave = in fight; ekena iSuNaa nirastam = with single, arrow, reneder him ineffective; mahii tale veSTamaanam = on earth’s, surface, squirming; vaalinam pashya = Vali, you may see.

Verse 38

अभिज्ञानम् कुरुष्व त्वम् आत्मनो वानरेश्वर |
येन त्वाम् अभिजानीयाम् द्वन्द्व युद्धम् उपागतम् || ४-१२-३८

“You have an identification for yourself, oh lord of monkeys, by which you can be identified when you are engaged in duel. [4-12-38]

38. vaanareshvara = oh, monkey’s, lord; aatmanaH abhij~naanam kuruSva tvam = for yourself, identity, make, you; yena tvaam abhijaaniiyaam = by which, you, be identified; dvandva yuddham upaagatam tvaam = in duel, fight, engaged in, you.

Verse 39

गज पुष्पीम् इमाम् फुल्लाम् उत्पाट्य शुभ लक्षणाम् |
कुरु लक्ष्मण कण्ठे अस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः || ४-१२-३९

“Lakshmana, pick up this gaja creeper that is beautiful in its appearance and let this noble souled Sugreeva be garlanded with that.” So said Rama to Lakshmana. [4-12-39]

39. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; imaam phullaam shubha akSaNaam gaja puSpiim = these, bloomed, beautiful, in their aspect, gaja, creeper; utpaaTya = on extracting – picking up; mahaatmanaH asya sugriivasya = noble-souled one, his, Sugreeva’s; kaNThe kuru = around neck, you make you [place.]

Verse 40

ततो गिरि तटे जाताम् उत्पाट्य कुसुमायुताम् |
लक्ष्मणो गज पुष्पीम् ताम् तस्य कण्ठे व्यसर्जयत् || ४-१२-४०

Then Lakshmana plucked that gaja creeper with flowers growing at the foot of the mountain, and slung it like a garland around the neck of that Sugreeva. [4-12-40] n

40. tataH = then; lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; giri taTe jaataam = at mountain, step, growing; kusuma aayutaam = flowers, together with; taam gaja puSpiim utpaaTya = that, gaja, creeper, on plucking; tasya kaNThe vyasarjayat [vi ava sarjayat] = his [Sugreeva’s], around neck, slung it.

Verse 42

विभ्राजमानो वपुषा राम वाक्य समाहितः |
जगाम सह रामेण किष्किंधाम् पुनराप सः || ४-१२-४२

He that Sugreeva whose physique became effulgent by that creeper-garland is again emboldened by Rama’s words, and he again advanced to Kishkindha with Rama, and reached it again. [4-12-42]

42. vapuSaa vi bhraajamaanaH = by physique, verily effulgent; saH = he that Sugreeva; raama vaakya samaahitaH = by Rama’s, words, emboldened; saha raameNa = with, Rama; jagaama punaH kiSkindhaam = advanced, again, to Kishkindha; aapa = he reached it.

Verse 41

स तथा शुशुभे श्रीमान् लतया कण्ठ सक्तया |
मालया इव बलाकानाम् ससंध्य इव तोयदः || ४-१२-४१

He that prosperous Sugreeva with that flowery-creeper adorning his neck then shone forth like a black rain cloud against a backdrop of rich ochry colour of sunset, and with a train of herons adorning that cloud like a garland. [4-12-41]

41. shriimaan = prosperous one [Sugreeva]; saH kaNTha saktayaa = he, with creeper, around neck; latayaa = with creeper; sa sandhya = with, sunset [colour]; toya daH = water-giver [black cloud]; balaakaanaam maalayaa iva = with herons, train of, like; shushubhe = shone forth.

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