118 – Anasuya instructs Seetha on the role of a devoted wife


Seetha agrees to the instructions given by Anasuya on the duties of a devoted wife. At the end of the conversation with Seetha, Anasuya requests her to ask for a boon, and highly pleased with her, Anasuya bestows heavenly flowers and ornaments on her. Anasuya then requests Seetha to relate to her the story of her marriage with Rama. Then Seetha relates that story to Anasuya in detail.

Verse 1

सा तु एवम् उक्ता वैदेही अनसूयान् असूयया |
प्रतिपूज्य वचो मन्दम् प्रवक्तुम् उपचक्रमे || २-११८-१

Anasuya having spoken thus, Seetha without any jealousy, full of reverence for her, addressed her gently as follows:

1. saa vaidehii = that Seetha; anasuuyaa = without any jealousy; evam = thus; uktaa = spoken; anasuuyayaa = by Anasuya; pratipuujya = with full reverence to; vachaH = her word; upachakrame = and began; pravaktum = to speak; mandam = gently (as follows):

Verse 2

न एतद् आश्चर्यम् आर्याया यन् माम् त्वम् अनुभाषसे |
विदितम् तु मम अप्य् एतद् यथा नार्याः पतिर् गुरुः || २-११८-२

“It is not a surprise that a venerable woman like a you, talk to me like this, for, I know well that a husband is a respectable person for a woman.”

2. na = It is not; aashcharyan = a surprise; yat tvam = that you; aaryaayaaH = a venerable woman like you; abhibhaaSate = talk; maam = to me; etat = like this; viditam tu = It is known; mamaapi = to me too; etat = this acclamation; yathaa = how; patiH = a husband; guruH = is a respectable person; naaryaaH = for a woman.

Verse 3

यद्य् अप्य् एष भवेद् भर्ता मम आर्ये वृत्त वर्जितः |
अद्वैधम् उपवर्तव्यः तथा अप्य् एष मया भवेत् || २-११८-३

“O, venerable woman! Even if my husband be without fortune, he should unhesitatingly be obeyed by me.”

3. aarye = O; venerable woman!; yadyapi = even if; eSaH = this; mama bhartaa = my husband; bhavet = be; vR^itta arjitaH = without fortune; eSaH = he; tathaapi = even the; advaidham = should unhesitatingly; upachartavyaH = be obeyed; mayaa = by me.

Verse 4

किम् पुनर् यो गुण श्लाघ्यः सानुक्रोशो जित इन्द्रियः |
स्थिर अनुरागो धर्म आत्मा मातृ वर्ती पितृ प्रियः || २-११८-४

“How much more, if he be renowned for his virtues, compassionate, master of my heart, who is ever affectionate, a religious person, manifests the tenderness of a mother and a father to me.”

4. kim punaH = how much more; yaH = if he be; gunaH shlaaghyaH = renowned for his virtues; saamkroshaH = compassionate; jitendriyaH = master of my heart; sthiraanuraagaH = who is ever affectionate; dharmaatmaa = a religious person; priyaH = and manifests the tenderness; maatR^ivat = of a mother; pitR^ivat = and a father (to me).

Verse 5

याम् वृत्तिम् वर्तते रामः कौसल्यायाम् महा बलः |
ताम् एव नृप नारीणाम् अन्यासाम् अपि वर्तते || २-११८-५

The exceedingly strong Rama bears himself to all other Queens, as he exercises his behaviour towards his mother, Kausalya.”

5. mahaabalaH = the exceedingly strong; raamaH = Rama; vartate = bears; taameva = himself; a nyaasaam = to all other; nR^ipanaariiNaamapi = Queens; yaam vartate = as he exercises; vR^ittim = his behaviour; kausalyaayaam = towards Kausalya.

Verse 6

सकृद् दृष्टासु अपि स्त्रीषु नृपेण नृप वत्सलः |
मातृवद् वर्तते वीरो मानम् उत्सृज्य धर्मवित् || २-११८-६

“The valiant and pious Rama who is devoted to Dasartha and free from all sense of importance treats all those women as his mothers on whom Dasaratha has even once bestowed a single glance.”

6. viiraH = the valiant Rama; nR^ipavatsalaH = who has affection towards Dasaratha; dharmavit = and who knows righteousness; vartate = behaves; maatR^ivat = like with a mother; striiSvapi = towards even the women; dR^iSTaasu = who were seen; nR^ipaNa = by Dasaratha; sakR^it = even once; utsR^ijya = free from; maanam = all sense of importance.

Verse 7

आगग्च्छन्त्याः च विजनम् वनम् एवम् भय आवहम् |
समाहितम् हि मे श्वश्र्वा हृदये यत् स्थितम् महत् || २-११८-७

“While departing for the lonely and fearful forest, my mother-in-law imparted a great message to me, which I have inscribed in my heart.

7. aagachchhantyaaH = while departing; evam = thus; bhayaavaham = for a fearful; vijanam = and lonely; vanam = forest; dhR^itam = I am hR^idaye = in my heart; tat = that; mahat = great message; samaahitam = imparted; me = to me; shvashraa = by my mother-in-law.

Verse 8

प्राणि प्रदान काले च यत् पुरा तु अग्नि सम्निधौ |
अनुशिष्टा जनन्या अस्मि वाक्यम् तद् अपि मे धृतम् || २-११८-८

“What my mother taught me when witnessed by the fire, earlier at the time of my marriage with Rama, I shall always remember them.”

8. puraa = earlier; paaNipraadaana kaale = at the time of my marriage; agnisannidhau = in the vicinity of a fire; yat = which; vaakyam = words; asmi = I was; anushiSTaa = taught; jananyaa = by my mother; tadapi = those words dhR^itam = are detained; me = by me.

Verse 9

नवी कृतम् तु तत् सर्वम् वाक्यैः ते धर्म चारिणि |
पति शुश्रूषणान् नार्याः तपो न अन्यद् विधीयते || २-११८-९

“O, virtuous woman! By your words, all that is being renewed. No austerity, other than obedience to one’s husband is decreed for a woman.”

9. dharma chaariNi = O; virtuous woman!; te vaakyaiH = by your words; tat sarvam = all that; naviikR^itam = is being renewed; anyat = other than; patishushruuSaNaat = obedience to one’s husband; na tapaH = no austerity; vidhiiyate = is decreed; maaryaaH = for a woman.

Verse 10

सावित्री पति शुश्रूषाम् कृत्वा स्वर्गे महीयते ||
तथा वृत्तिः च याता त्वम् पति शुश्रूषया दिवम् || २-११८-१०

Savitri* is now highly honoured in heaven, for having served her lord faithfully heaven, You too, having followed this, will proceed to heaven, in showing obedience to your husband.”

10. saavitrii = Savitri*; mahiiyate = is highly honoured; svarge = in heaven; kR^itvaa = for having done; patishushruuSaam = service to her lord; tvam cha = you too; tathaa vR^ithiH = having such a conduct; yaataa = will proceed; divam = to heaven; pati shushruuSayaa = by obedience to your husband.

Verse 11

वरिष्ठा सर्व नारीणाम् एषा च दिवि देवता |
रोहिणी च विना चन्द्रम् मुहूर्तम् अपि दृश्यते || २-११८-११

“This goddess Rohini, the excellent among all women, is not seen without the moon even for a single moment in the sky.”

11. eSaa rohiNii = This goddess Rohini; variSThaa = the excellent; sarva nariiNaam = among all the women; na dR^ishyate = is not seen; chandram vinaa = without the moon; muhuurtamapi = even for a moment; divi = in the sky.

Verse 12

एवम् विधाः च प्रवराः स्त्रियो भर्तृ दृढ व्रताः |
देव लोके महीयन्ते पुण्येन स्वेन कर्मणा || २-११८-१२

“Such excellent women, devoted to their husbands, and by their meritorious deeds, are highly honoured in heaven.”

12. evam vidhaaH = such; pravaraaH = excellent; striyaH = women; bhartR^idriDha vrataaH = devoted to their husbands; svena = by their own; puNyena = meritorious; karmaNaa = deed; mahiiyante = are highly honoured; devaloke = in heaven.

Verse 13

ततो अनसूया सम्हृष्टा श्रुत्वा उक्तम् सीतया वचः |
शिरस्य् आघ्राय च उवाच मैथिलीम् हर्षयन्त्य् उत || २-११८-१३

Hearing the words of Seetha, Anasuya was very much pleased, kissed on Seetha’s forehead and spoke delightfully (as follows)

13. tataH = then; shrutvaa = hearing; vachaH = the words; uktam = spoken; siitayaa = by Seetha; anasuuyaa = Anasuya; samhR^iSTaa = was very much pleased; aaghraaya = kissed on; shirasi = the head; maithiliim = of Seetha; uvaacha = and spoke; harSayantii = delightfully (as follows)

Verse 14

नियमैर् विविधैर् आप्तम् तपो हि महद् अस्ति मे |
तत् संश्रित्य बलम् सीते चन्दये त्वाम् शुचि व्रते || २-११८-१४

“O, Seetha with a bright smile! There is a great merit acquired by me in virtue of my various pious observances. Through that power, I wish to confer a boon on you.”

14. siite = O; Seetha; shuchi smite = with a bright smile!; asti hi = there is indeed; mahat = a great; tapaH = merit; aaptam = acquired; me = by me; vividhaiH = in virtue of my various; niyamaiH = pious observances; samshritya = taking shelter; tat balam = of that power; chhandaye = I wish to confer a boon; tvaam = on you.

Verse 15

उपपन्नम् च युक्तम् च वचनम् तव मैथिलि |
प्रीता च अस्म्य् उचितम् किम् ते करवाणि ब्रवीह्यहम् || २-११८-१५

“O, Seetha! Your words are suitable for the occasion and are charming too. I am satisfied. Tell me what good I may do for you.”

15. maithili = O; Seetha!; tava rachanam = your words; upapannam = are suited for the occasion; manojJNamcha = and are charming too; asmi = I am; priitaa = satisfied; braviihi = tell; me = me; kim = what; uchitam good; aham karavaaNi = I may do; te = for you.

Verse 16

तस्यास्तद्वचनम् श्रुत्वा विस्मिता मन्दविस्मया |
कृतम् इत्य् अब्रवीत् सीता तपो बल समन्विताम् || २-११८-१६

Hearing those words of Anasuya, Seetha was surprised and with a gentle smile spoke to her, who was richly endowed with the power of askesis, saying; “Everything stands fulfilled (by your grace).

16. shrutvaa = hearing; tadvachanam = those words; tasyaaH = of Anasuya; siitaa = Seetha; vismitaa = was surprised; mandavismayaa = and with gentle smile; abraviit = spoke; tapobala samanvitam = to Anasuya who was richly endowed with the power of askesis; (as follows): kR^itamiti = “Everything stands fulfilled (by your grace).”

Verse 17

सा तु एवम् उक्ता धर्मज्ना तया प्रीततरा अभवत् |
सफलम् च प्रहर्षम् ते हन्त सीते करोम्यहम् || २-११८-१७

Thus spoken by Seetha, the pious-minded Anasuya became more delighted and said: “O, Seetha! Alas! I will create a great joy for you, which will be to your advantage.”

17. evam = thus; uktaa = spoken; tayaa = by that Seetha; saa = that Anasuya; dharmajNaa = the pious minded; abhavat = became; priita taraa = more delighted; siite = O; Seetha!; hanta = Alas!; aham = I; karomi = will create; praharSam = a great joy; te = for you; saphalam = which will be to your advantage.

Verse 18 & 19

इदम् दिव्यम् वरम् माल्यम् वस्त्रम् आभरणानि च |
अन्ग रागम् च वैदेहि महा अर्हम् अनुलेपनम् || २-११८-१८
मया दत्तम् इदम् सीते तव गात्राणि शोभयेत् |
अनुरूपम् असम्क्लिष्टम् नित्यम् एव भविष्यति || २-११८-१९

“O, Seetha, the daughter of Videha kingdom! Here are divine gifts: a garland, an apparel, jewels, a scented cosmetic and rare body-cream. These are all given by me to adorn your limbs. They will be ever worthy of your and will remain in tact (even after constant use).”

18; 19. siite = O; Seetha; vaidehi = the daughter of Videha kingdom!; idam = here are; divyam = divine; varam = gifts; maalyam = a garland; vastram = apparel; aabharaNaanicha = jewels; aN^ga raagamcha = scented cosmetic; mahaarham = and a rare; anulepanamcha = cream; idam = these are all; dattam = given; mayaa = by me; shobhayet = to adorn; tava = your; gaatraaNi = limbs; nityameva = It wll be ever; anuruupam = worthy of you; bhaviSyati = and will remain; asamkliSTam = intact (even after constant use).

Verse 20

अन्ग रागेण दिव्येन लिप्त अन्गी जनक आत्मजे |
शोभयिष्यामि भर्तारम् यथा श्रीर् विष्णुम् अव्ययम् || २-११८-२०

“O, Seetha! Your body, anointed with these heavenly cosmetics, will cause your husband to look beautiful, as Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune and beauty) does the imperishable Vishnu (the Lord of Preservation).”

20. janakaatmaje = O; Seetha! liptaaN^gii = your body; anointed; divyena = with this celestial; aN^garaageNa = cosmetic; shobhayiSyasi bhartaaram = will cause yourhusabdn to look beautiful; yathaa = as; shriiH = Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune and beauty); (does); avyayam = the imperishable; viSNum = Vishnu (the lord of preservation).

Verse 21

सा वस्त्रम् अन्ग रागम् च भूषणानि स्रजः तथा |
मैथिली प्रतिजग्राह प्रीति दानम् अनुत्तमम् || २-११८-२१

Seetha accepted the apparel, the scented cosmetic, the jewels and the garlands as unsurpassed gifts of love.

21. saa maithilii = that Seetha; pratijagraaha = accepted; vastram = the apparel; aNgaraagam cha = the scented cosmetic; bhuuSaNaani = the jewels; tathaa = and; srajaH = the garlands; anuttamam = as unsurpassed priitidaanam = gifts of love.

Verse 24

स्वयम् वरे किल प्राप्ता त्वम् अनेन यशस्विना |
राघवेण इति मे सीते कथा श्रुतिम् उपागता || २-११८-२४

“O, Seetha! It is so said that you were won by the illustrious Rama through a process of your self-choosing (svayamvara)*. This report has reached my ear.”

24. siite = O; Seetha! kila = It is so said that; tvam = you; praaptaa = were received as a wife; raaghaveNa = by Rama; yashasvinaa = the illustrious man; svayamvare = through a process of your self-choosing; iti = this; kathaa = report; upaagataa = has reached; me = my; shrutim = ear.

Verse 22

प्रतिगृह्य च तत् सीता प्रीति दानम् यशस्विनी |
श्लिष्ट अन्जलि पुटा धीरा समुपास्त तपो धनाम् || २-११८-२२

Having accepted those gifts of love, the illustrious Seetha with joined palms, sat near that female ascetic.

22. yashasvinii = the illustrious; siitaa = Seetha; pratigR^ihya = having accepted; tat = those; priitidaanam = gifts of love; shliSTaajJNalipuTaa = with joined palms; samupaasta = sat near; tapodhanaam = that female ascetic.

Verse 23

तथा सीताम् उपासीनाम् अनसूया दृढ व्रता |
वचनम् प्रष्टुम् आरेभे कांचिद् त्प्रियाम् कथामनु || २-११८-२३

To inquire about a lovely tale of once upon a time, Anasuya who was firm in austerity, started asking the following words to Seetha who was sitting near her in that manner.

23. praSTum = to inquire about; priyakathaamanu = a lovely tale; kaamchit = of once upon a time; anasuuyaa = Anasuya; dR^iDhavrataa = who was firm in austerity; aarebhe = started (asking); vachanam = (the following) words; siitaam = to Seetha; upaasiinaam = who was sitting near her;tathaa = in that manner.

Verse 25

ताम् कथाम् श्रोतुम् इग्च्छामि विस्तरेण च मैथिलि |
यथा अनुभूतम् कार्त्स्न्येन तन् मे त्वम् वक्तुम् अर्हसि || २-११८-२५

“O, Seetha! I wish to hear that narrative in detail. Hence, tell me that tale in full as you experienced it.”

25. maithili = O; Seetha!; ichchhaami = I wish; shrotum = to hear; taam = that narrative; vistareNa = in detail; tat = hence; tvam = you; arhasi = ought; vaktum = to tell; kaarsnnyena = in full; yathaanubhuutam = as you experience it.

Verse 26

एवम् उक्ता तु सा सीता ताम् ततो धर्म चारिणीम् |
श्रूयताम् इति च उक्त्वा वै कथयाम् आस ताम् कथाम् || २-११८-२६

Then, Seetha obediently answered, saying “Hear me” and began to truly narrate that tale of Svayamvara to the virtuous woman, Anasuya.”

26. saa siitaa = that Seetha; uktaa = having been spoken; evam = thus; tataH = then; uktvaa = said; iti shruuyataam = “Let this be heard”; kathayaamaasa = and narrated; taam kathaam = that tale; vai = truly; taam = to that; dharmachaariNiim = Anasuya = the virtuous woman.

Verse 27

मिथिला अधिपतिर् वीरो जनको नाम धर्मवित् |
क्षत्र धर्मण्य् अभिरतो न्यायतः शास्ति मेदिनीम् || २-११८-२७

“A king of Mithila kingdom, named Janaka who was valiant and a knower of righteousness, was devoted to the duty of his warrior class and was ruling the earth in a fitting manner.”

27. mithilaadhipatiH = A king of Mithila kingdom; janakonaama = named Janaka; viiraH = who was valiant; dharmavit = and knower of righteousness; abhirataH = was devoted to; kSatra dharme = the duty of a Warrior class; shaasti = and was ruling; mediniim = the earth; nyaataH = in a fitting manner.

Verse 28

तस्य लान्गल हस्तस्य कर्षतः क्षेत्र मण्डलम् |
अहम् किल उत्थिता भित्त्वा जगतीम् नृपतेः सुता || २-११८-२८

“While he was furrowing a territory of land, holding a plough in his hand, it is so said that I came forth, splitting up the land, as a daughter of that king.”

28. tasya = (While) he; karSataH = was furrowing kSetra maNDalam = a territory of land; laaNgala hastasya = holding a plough in his hand; kila = it is so said that; aham = I; utthitaa = came forth; bhitvaa = splitting; jagatiim = the land; sutaa = as a daughter; nR^ipateH = of that king.

Verse 29

स माम् दृष्ट्वा नर पतिर् मुष्टि विक्षेप तत् परः |
पांशु गुण्ठित सर्व अन्गीम् विस्मितो जनको अभवत् || २-११८-२९

“The king Janaka, who was absorbed in scattering handfuls of seeds was surprised to see me, with all my limbs covered with dust.”

29. saH janakaH = that Janaka; narapatiH = the king; muSTi vikSepa tatparaH = who was absorbed in scattering handfuls of seeds; abhavat = became; vismitaH = surprised; dR^iSTvaa = to see; maam = me; paa su guNThita sarvaaNgii = with all my limbs covered with dust.

Verse 30

अनपत्येन च स्नेहाद् अन्कम् आरोप्य च स्वयम् |
मम इयम् तनया इत्य् उक्त्वा स्नेहो मयि निपातितः || २-११८-३०

“Placing me personally in his lap with affection, that childless king Janaka called one as his daughter, and was very fond of me since then.”

30. aaropya = placing me; svayam = himself; aNkam = in his lap; snchaat = with affection; anapatyena = that childless king; Janaka; uktvaa = spoke; iti = thus; iyam = She; mama tanayaa = is my daughter; snehaH = and his fondness; nipaatitaH = got a place.

Verse 31

अन्तरिक्षे च वाग् उक्ता अप्रतिमा मानुषी किल |
एवम् एतन् नर पते धर्मेण तनया तव || २-११८-३१

“It is said that voice resembling that of a human being in the air above me rang out, saying”: “O, King! Let it be so. This divine child without a match is a daughter to you, rightly.”

31. kila = It is so said; vaak = A voice resembling that of a human being; antarikSe = in the air above me; uktaa = rang out; (saying); narapate = O; King!; evam etat = let it be so; amaanuSii = this divine being; apratimaa = without a match; tanayaa = is a daughter; tava = to you; dharmayaa = rightly.

Verse 32

ततः प्रहृष्टो धर्म आत्मा पिता मे मिथिला अधिपः |
अवाप्तो विपुलाम् ऋद्धिम् माम् अवाप्य नर अधिपः || २-११८-३२

“Thereafter, my father the pious mind the lord of men and the king of Mithila kingdom was rejoiced in my possession and acquired extensive property.”

32. tataH = thereafter; me pitaa = my father; dharmaatmaa = the pious minded; maraadhipaH = the lord of men; mithilaadhipaH = and the king of Mithila kingdom; prahR^iSTaH = was rejoiced; maam avaapya = in my possession; avaaptaH = and acquired; vipulaam = extensive; R^iddhim = property.

Verse 33

दत्त्वा च अस्मि इष्टवद् देव्यै ज्येष्ठायै पुण्य कर्मणा |
तया सम्भाविता च अस्मि स्निग्धया मातृ सौहृदात् || २-११८-३३

“That king performing auspicious acts gave me into the care of the chief Queen. She nourished me fondly and with maternal affection.”

33. puNyakarmaNaa = by that king performing auspicious acts; asmi = I was; datta = given; iSTavat = into the care of; jyeSThaayai devajai = the chief Queen; asmi = I was; sambhaavitaa = nourished; maatR^i sauhR^idaat = with maternal affection; snighdayaa = and tenderness; tayaa = by her.

Verse 34

पति सम्योग सुलभम् वयो दृष्ट्वा तु मे पिता |
चिन्ताम् अभ्यगमद् दीनो वित्त नाशाद् इव अधनः || २-११८-३४

“Seeing my age to be such, when union with a husband can be easily had, my father fell a prey to anxiety like an indigent man, feeling miserable by the loss of all his possessions.”

34. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; rayaH = my age; pati samyoga sulabham = to be such when union with a husabnd can be easily had; me pitaa = my father; abhyagamat = fell a prey; chintaam = to anxiety; adhanaH iva = like an indegent man; diinaH = miserable; vittanaashaat = from the loss of all his possessions.

Verse 35

सदृशाच् च अपकृष्टाच् च लोके कन्या पिता जनात् |
प्रधर्षणाम् अवाप्नोति शक्रेण अपि समो भुवि || २-११८-३५

“Eventhough the father of an unmarried girl be like Indra himself on earth, suffers indignity in the world from the suitor’s men, no matter whether they are equal or inferior to him.”

35. kanyaapita samo.api = even though the father of an unmarried girl be like; shakreNa = Indra himself; bhuvi = on earth; avaapnoti = gets; pradharSaNaam = ill-treatment; loke = in the world; janaat = from the suitor’s men; sadR^ishaashcha = ( no matter whether) they are equal; apakR^iSTaashcha = or inferior to him.

Verse 36

ताम् धर्षणाम् अदूरस्थाम् संदृश्य आत्मनि पार्थिवः |
चिन्न्ता अर्णव गतः पारम् न आससाद अप्लवो यथ || २-११८-३६

“Perceiving that ill-treatment threatening him at no distant date, the king Janaka was plunged into an ocean of anxiety and did not reach its end any more than a man without a bark would reach the end of a sea.”

36. dR^iSTvaa = perceiving; taam dharSaNaam = that ill-treatment; aduurasthaam = to be not far-off; aatmani = for him; paarthivaH = the king Janaka; chintaarNava gataH = was plunged into an ocean of anxiety; naasasaada = and did not reach; paaram = its end; aplavoyathaa = any more than a man without a bark (would reach the end of a sea)

Verse 37

अयोनिजाम् हि माम् ज्नात्वा न अध्यगग्च्छत् स चिन्तयन् |
सदृशम् च अनुरूपम् च मही पालः पतिम् मम || २-११८-३७

“Knowing me to be the one not emerged from a mother’s womb, the king after a deep reflection, was unable to find a suitable and worthy husband for me.”

37. jJNaatvaa = knowing; maam = me; ayonijaam = to be the one not emerged from a mother’s womb; mahiipaalaH = the king; vichintayan = after a deep reflection; naadhyagachchhat = was unable to find; anuruupam cha = a suitable; sadR^isham = and worthy; patim = husband; mama = for me.

Verse 38

तस्य बुद्धिर् इयम् जाता चिन्तयानस्य सम्ततम् |
स्वयम् वरम् तनूजायाः करिष्यामि इति धीमतः || २-११८-३८

“After reflecting thus deeply, the thought came to him, ‘I shall inaugurate a Svayamvara, a process of self-choosing marriage, for my daughter.”

38. tasya = to him; dhiimataH = the wiseman; chintayaamasya = after reflecting (thus); santatam = constantly; jaataa = it has come; iyam buddiH = to his mind; iti = thus; kariSyaami = “I shall arrange; svayamvaram = for a process of self-choosing marriage; tanuujayaaH = for my daughter.”

Verse 39

महा यज्ने तदा तस्य वरुणेन महात्मना |
दत्तम् धनुर् वरम् प्रीत्या तूणी च अक्षय्य सायकौ || २-११८-३९

“In ancient days, Janaka received with affection from Varuna the rain-god, an excellent bow with two quivers that should never lack arrows.”

39. tadaa = In ancient days; mahaayajJNe = on the occasion of a great sacrifice; mahaatmanaa = by the high-souled; varuNena = Varuna; the rain-god; tasya = to him; dattam = was given; dhanurvaram = an excellent bow; tuuNiicha = with two quivers; akSaya saayakau = that should never lack arrows; priityaa = with affection.

Verse 40

असंचाल्यम् मनुष्यैः च यत्नेन अपि च गौरवात् |
तन् न शक्ता नमयितुम् स्वप्नेषु अपि नर अधिपाः || २-११८-४०

“That bow was so heavy in weight that no man could lift it up nor any of the kings were bale to bend it even in their dreams.”

40. gauravaat = because of heavy weight; tat = that bow; asamchaalyam = which could not be lifted; manuSyaiH = by men; yatnenaapi = even with effort; naraadhiparaH = and the kings; na shaktaaH = were unable; namayitum = to bend (it); svapneSvapi = even in their dreams.

Verse 41

तद् धनुः प्राप्य मे पित्रा व्याहृतम् सत्य वादिना |
समवाये नर इन्द्राणाम् पूर्वम् आमन्त्र्य पार्थिवान् || २-११८-४१

“My truthful father called all the princes first and informed them in a meeting about the bow to be lifted.”

41. me pitraa = by my father; satyavaadinaa = who speaks truth; aamantrya = having called paarthivaan = the princes; puurvam = first; vyaahR^itam = informed; samavaaye = in their meeting; tat dhanuH = about that bow; praapya = to be lifted.

Verse 42

इदम् च धनुर् उद्यम्य सज्यम् यः कुरुते नरः |
तस्य मे दुहिता भार्या भविष्यति न संशयः || २-११८-४२

“Whoever is able to lift up and string this bow, I will bestow my daughter in marriage on him. There is no doubt about it.”

42. yaH narah = whichever man; udyamya = lifts; idam dhanuH = this bow; kurute sajyamcha = and strings it; tasya = to him; me duhitaa = my daughter; bhaviSyati = will become; bhaaryaa = a consort (to him); na = there is no; samshayaH = doubt.

Verse 43

तच् च दृष्ट्वा धनुः श्रेष्ठम् गौरवाद् गिरि सम्निभम् |
अभिवाद्य नृपा जग्मुर् अशक्ताः तस्य तोलने || २-११८-४३

“Seeing that excellent bow, resembling a mountain in weight, and being unable to lift it up, the princes offered salutation to it and went away.”

43. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; tat dhanuH shreSTham- that excellent bow; girisannibham = resembling a mountain; gauravaato = from the point of view of its heavy weight; asaktaaH = and bieng unable; tolane = to life; tasya = it; nR^ipaaH = the princes; abhivaadhya = offered salutation to it; jagmuH = and went away.

Verse 44

सुदीर्घस्य तु कालस्य राघवो अयम् महा द्युतिः |
विश्वामित्रेण सहितो यज्नम् द्रष्टुम् समागतः || २-११८-४४
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा रामः सत्य पराक्रमः |

“After a very long time, this Rama born in Raghu dynasty with a great splendour possessing a true valour, along with his brother Lakshmana together with a sage Visvamitra, came to witness a sacrifice.”

44. sudiirghasya kaalasya = after a very long time; ayam raamaH = this Rama; raaghavaH = born in Raghu dynasty; mahaa dyutiH = with a great splendour; satya paraakramaH = possessing a true valour; lakSmaNena saha = along with Lakshmana; bhraatraa = his brother; vishvaamitreNa sahitaH = together with Visvamitra the sage; samaagataH- came; draSTum = to behold; yajNam = a sacrifice.

Verse 45

विश्वामित्रः तु धर्म आत्मा मम पित्रा सुपूजितः || २-११८-४५
प्रोवाच पितरम् तत्र राघवो राम लक्ष्मणौ |

“The pious-souled Visvamitra, having been received well by my father said to my father, (as follows):

45. dharmaatmaa = the pious souled; vishvaamitrastu = Visvamitra; supuujitaH = having been worshipped well; mama pitraa = by my father;bhraatarau = about the two brothers; raama lakSmaNau = Rama and Lakshmana; tatra = there.

Verse 46

सुतौ दशरथस्य इमौ धनुर् दर्शन कान्क्षिणौ || २-११८-४६
धनुर्दर्शय रामाय राजपुत्राय दैविकम् |

“These two boys, the sons of Dasaratha wish to see that bow. Show that bow, coming from gods, to Rama the prince.”

46. imau = these two boys; sutau = the sons; dasharathasya = of Dasaratha; dhanurdarshana kaaN^kSiNau = wish to see that bow; darshaya = show; dhanuH = the bow; daivikam = coming from gods; raamaaya = to Rama; raajaputraaya = the prince.

Verse 47 & 48

इत्य् उक्तः तेन विप्रेण तद् धनुः समुपानयत् || २-११८-४७
निमेष अन्तर मात्रेण तद् आनम्य स वीर्यवान् |
ज्याम् समारोप्य झटिति पूरयाम् आस वीर्यवान् || २-११८-४८

“Hearing the words of Vivamitra, Janaka caused the bow to be brought there. The mighty and the valiant Rama bent that bow merely within an instant and immediately stringed the bow with the bow-cord and drew the bow to the full.”

47; 48. iti = thus; uktaH = spoken; tena viprena = by that Brahmana; tatodhanuH upaanayat = (Janaka) caused that bow to be brought there; mahaabalaH = the mighty; viiryavaan = and the valiant Rama; aanamya = bent; tat = that bow; nimeSaantara meatreNa = merely within an instant; jhaTiti = and soon; samaaropya = stringed the bow; jyaam = with the bows-cord; puurayaamaasa = ad drew the bow to the full.

Verse 49

तेन पूरयता वेगान् मध्ये भग्नम् द्विधा धनुः |
तस्य शब्दो अभवद् भीमः पतितस्य अशनेर् इव || २-११८-४९

“While Rama was drawing the bow to the full, the bow was broken into two in the middle due to the resultant jerk. The terrific sound then created was like that of a falling thunderbolt.”

49. tena = by that Rama; puurayataa = who was drawing the bow to the full; dhanuH = the bow; bhagnam = was broken; dvidhaaH = into two; madhye = in the middle vegaat = due to that jerk; tasya = its; bhiimaH = terrific; shabdaH = sound; abhavat = was; patitasya ashaneriva = like that of a falling thunder-bolt.

Verse 50

ततो अहम् तत्र रामाय पित्रा सत्य अभिसंधिना |
उद्यता दातुम् उद्यम्य जल भाजनम् उत्तमम् || २-११८-५०

“Then and there, my father true to his promise decided to bestow me on Rama, offering him a jar of pure water.”

50. tataH = then; tatra = and there; pitraa = by my father; satyaabhisandhinaa = who was true to his promise; nishchitaa = it was decided; daatum = to give; aham = me; raamaaya = to Rama; udyamya = offering him; jalabhaajanam = of jar of pure water.

Verse 51

दीयमानाम् न तु तदा प्रतिजग्राह राघवः |
अविज्नाय पितुः चन्दम् अयोध्या अधिपतेः प्रभोः || २-११८-५१

“But Rama did not consent to accept my hand till the will of his father, the Lord and the king of Ayodhya had been made known to him.”

51. tadaa = then; raaghavaH = Rama; na tu pratijagraaha = did not consent to accept; diiyamaanaam = me who was being offered to him; avijJNaaya = withut knowing; chhandam = the opinion; pituH = of his father; prabhoH = the Lord; ayodhyaadhipateH = and the king of Ayodhya.

Verse 52

ततः श्वशुरम् आमन्त्र्य वृद्धम् दशरथम् नृपम् |
मम पित्रा अहम् दत्ता रामाय विदित आत्मने || २-११८-५२

Thereupon, my father-in-law and the aged Dasaratha was invited to Mithila by my father and with his approval, I was bestowed on Rama, the knower of the self.”

52. tataH = thereupon; mama pitraa = by my father; shvashuram = my father -in-law; vR^iddham = and the aged; dasharatham nR^ipam = king Dasaratha; aamantrya = was invited; aham = I; dattaa = was given; raamaaya = to Rama; viditaatmane = the knower of the self.

Verse 54

एवम् दत्ता अस्मि रामाय तदा तस्मिन् स्वयम् वरे |
अनुरक्ता च धर्मेण पतिम् वीर्यवताम् वरम् || २-११८-५४

“I was given thus to Rama in that Svayamvara, a process of self-choosing marriage. I became devoted, by my good works, to my husband who is excellent among men of strength.”

54. tadaa = then; asmi = I was; dattaa = given; evam = thus; raamaaya = to Rama; tasmin svayamvare = in that; svayamvara; a process of self-choosing marriage; asmi = I became; anuraktaa = devoted; dhameNa = by my good works; patim = to my husband; param = who is excellent; viiryavataam = among men of strength.

Verse 53

मम चैव अनुजा साध्वी ऊर्मिला प्रिय दर्शना |
भार्य अर्थे लक्ष्मणस्य अपि दत्ता पित्रा मम स्वयम् || २-११८-५३

“My younger sister Urmila, the virtuous lady of lovely looks was given as a consort to Lakshmana by my father himself.”

53. dattaa = was given; mama pitraa = by my father; svayam = personally; mama = my; anujaa = younger sister; uurmilaa = Urmila; saadhvii = the virtuous lady; priyadarshanaa = of lovely looks; bhaaryaarthe = as a consort; lakSmaNasyaapi = to Lakshmana.

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