115 – Bharata expresses his desire to proceed to Nandigrama village


After returning to Ayodhya, Bharata expresses his desire to proceed to Nandigrama village. Vasishta and the other elders agree to his proposal. Bharata along with Shatrughna ascend the chariot and proceed towards Nandigram. The ministers, family-priest, the army and the citizens of Ayodhya followed Bharata in his journey. Installing the wooden sandals of Rama on the royal throne, Bharata puts on the garb of an ascetic and carries on the rule under orders of the sandals, holding the royal canopy over them.

Verse 1

ततो निक्षिप्य मातृऋः स अयोध्यायाम् दृढ व्रतः |
भरतः शोक सम्तप्तो गुरून् इदम् अथ अब्रवीत् || २-११५-१

Having brought his mothers back to Ayodhya; Bharata, fixed in his resolve but sore stricken with grief, spoke to Vasishta and the elders (as follows)

1. saH bharataH = that Bharata; dR^iDha vrataH = fixed in his resolve; tataH = then; nikSipya = having brought; maatR^iiH = his mother; ayodhyaam = (back) to Ayodhya; shoka santaptaH = sore stricken with grief; abraviit = spoke; atha = thereafter; guruun = to Vaishta and the elders (as follows):

Verse 2

नन्दि ग्रामम् गमिष्यामि सर्वान् आमन्त्रये अद्य वः |
तत्र दुह्खम् इदम् सर्वम् सहिष्ये राघवम् विना || २-११५-२

“I am going to Nandigrama village. I take leave of all of you. There, I shall be able to endure all this woe, occasioned by Rama’s absence.”

2. adya = now; gamiSyaami = I am going; nandigraamam = to Nandigrama village; aamantraye = I take leave; sarvaan = of all; vaH = of you; tatra = there; sahiSye = I shall endure; sarvam = all; idam = this; duHkham = woe; raaghavam vinaa = occasioned by Rama’s absence.”

Verse 3

गतः च हि दिवम् राजा वनस्थः च गुरुर् मम |
रामम् प्रतीक्षे राज्याय स हि राजा महा यशाः || २-११५-३

“The king Dasaratha went to heaven. My elder brother is in the forest. I shall await for Rama to return to the kingdom; since verily he alone is the celebrated Lord of Ayodhya.”

3. raajaa = the king Dasaratha; gataH = went; divam = to heaven; mama guruH = my elder brother; vanasthaH = is in the forest; pratiikSye = I shall await; raamam = for Rama (to return); raajyaaya = tot he kindom; saH hi = since verily he alone; raajaa = is the lord; mahaayashaaH = the celebrated.

Verse 4

एतत् श्रुत्वा शुभम् वाक्यम् भरतस्य महात्मनः |
अब्रुवन् मन्त्रिणः सर्वे वसिष्ठः च पुरोहितः || २-११५-४

Hearing those auspicious words of the magnanimous Bharata, Vasishta the preceptor and all the ministers spoke as follows:

4. shrutvaa = hearing; etat = these; shubham = auspicious; vaakyam = words; bharatasya = of Bharata; mahaatmanaH = the magnanimous one; vasiSTashcha = Vasishta; purohitaH = the preceptor; sarve = and all; mantriNaH = the ministers; abruvan = spoke (as follows):

Verse 5

सदृशम् श्लाघनीयम् च यद् उक्तम् भरत त्वया |
वचनम् भ्रातृ वात्सल्याद् अनुरूपम् तव एव तत् || २-११५-५

“O, Bharata! The words which your have spoken by you in devotion to your brother are very much appreciable. It is worthy of you alone.”

5. bharata = O; Bharata!; vachanam = the words; yat = which; uktam = have been spoken; tvayaa = by you; bhraatR^ivaatsalyaat = in devotion to your brother; subhR^isham = are very much; shlaaghaniiyam = appreciable; tat = that; anuruupam = is worthy; tavaiva = of you along.”

Verse 6

नित्यम् ते बन्धु लुब्धस्य तिष्ठतो भ्रातृ सौहृदे |
आर्य मार्गम् प्रपन्नस्य न अनुमन्येत कः पुमान् || २-११५-६

“What man would not approve of the proposal of your highness, who are deeply fascinated of your relative, always affectionate to your brother and devoted to the path of elders?”

6. kaH pumaam = what man; naanumanyate = would not approve; te = of the proposal of you; bandhulubdhasya = who are deeply fascinated of your relatives; nityam = always; tiSThataH = firmly; bhraatR^i sauhR^ide = affectionate to your brother; prapannasya = and devoted; aarya maargam = to the path of elders.

Verse 7

मन्त्रिणाम् वचनम् श्रुत्वा यथा अभिलषितम् प्रियम् |
अब्रवीत् सारथिम् वाक्यम् रथो मे युज्यताम् इति || २-११५-७

Hearing the affectionate words of his counsellors, who spoke according to his wish, Bharata said to his charioteer, “Let my chariot be made ready!”

7. shrutvaa = hearing; priyam = the affectionate; vachanam = words; mantriNaam = of his counsellors; yathaabhilaSitam = according to his wish; (Bharata); abraviit = spoke; iti = these; vaakyam = words; saarathim = to the charioteer; me rathaH = (Let) my chariot; yujyataam = be made ready.”

Verse 8

प्रहृष्ट वदनः सर्वा मातृऋः समभिवाद्य सः |
आरुरोह रथम् श्रीमान् शत्रुघ्नेन समन्वितः || २-११५-८

The illustrious Bharata, looking pleased and having offered salutation to all his mothers, entered his chariot along with Shatrughna.

8. shriimaan = the illustrious; saH = Bharata; prahR^iSTavadanaH = looking pleased; samabhivaadya = having offered salutation; sarvaa = to all; maatR^iiH = his mothers; aaruroha = ascended; ratham = his chariot; samanvitaH = along with; shatrughne = Shatrughna.

Verse 9

आरुह्य तु रथम् शीघ्रम् शत्रुघ्न भरताउ उभौ |
ययतुः परम प्रीतौ वृतौ मन्त्रि पुरोहितैः || २-११५-९

Both Shatrughna and Bharata, having quickly mounted the chariot and exceedingly rejoiced, set out, accompanied by ministers and family-priests.

9. ubhau = both; shatrughna bharatau = Shatrughana and Bharata; aaruhya cha = having mounted; ratham = the chariot; shiigram = quickly; param priitau = and exceedingly rejoiced; yayatuH = set out; vR^itau = accompanied by; mantri purohitaiH = ministers and family-priests.

Verse 10

अग्रतो पुरवः तत्र वसिष्ठ प्रमुखा द्विजाः |
प्रययुः प्रान् मुखाः सर्वे नन्दि ग्रामो यतो अभवत् || २-११५-१०

All the preceptors there, headed by Vasishta and other brahmanas being in the forefront, proceeded eastward, in which direction Nandigrama village was situated.

10. gurvaH = the preceptors; sarve = all; tatra = there; vasiSTha pramukhaah = headed by Vasishta; dvijaaH = and (other) Brahmanas; agrataH = being in the forefront; prayayuH = went; praaNmukhaaH = eastward; yataH = in which direction; nandigraamaH = Nandigrama; abhavat = was there.

Verse 11

बलम् च तद् अनाहूतम् गज अश्व रथ सम्कुलम् |
प्रययौ भरते याते सर्वे च पुर वासिनः || २-११५-११

When Bharata had left, the army too, abounding in elephants, horses and chariots marched unbidden. The residents of the city also followed suit.

11. bharate = (Wile) Bharata; yaate = had left; balamcha = the army too; prayayau = followed him; tadanaahutam = unbidden; gajaashvaratha samkulam = abounding in elephants; horses and chariots; sarve = all; puravaasinaH cha = the residents of the city also (followed suit).

Verse 12

रथस्थः स तु धर्म आत्मा भरतो भ्रातृ वत्सलः |
नन्दि ग्रामम् ययौ तूर्णम् शिरस्य् आधाय पादुके || २-११५-१२

The magnanimous Bharata, affectionate of his brother, bearing the sandals belong to Rama on his head, set out for Nandigrama.

12. saH bharataH = that Bharata; bhraatR^ivatsalaH = affectionate of is brother; dharmaatmaa = and magnanimous; aadaaya = kept; paaduke = the sandals; shirasi = on his head; rathasthaH = while remaining in the chariot; tuurNam = and quickly; yayau = set out; nandigraamam = for Nandigrama.

Verse 13

ततः तु भरतः क्षिप्रम् नन्दि ग्रामम् प्रविश्य सः |
अवतीर्य रथात् तूर्णम् गुरून् इदम् उवाच ह || २-११५-१३

Thereafter, having entered Nandigrama briskly Bharata descended his chariot quickly and spoke to his preceptors as follows:

13. tataH = thereafter; pravishya = having entered; nandigraamam = Nandigram; kSipram = briskly; saH bharataH = that Bharat; avatiirya = descended; rathaat = from his chariot; tuurNam = quickly; uvaacha ha = and spoke; idam = these words; guruun = to his preceptors.

Verse 14

एतद् राज्यम् मम भ्रात्रा दत्तम् सम्न्यासवत् स्वयम् |
योग क्षेम वहे च इमे पादुके हेम भूषिते || २-११५-१४

“My brother, Rama has given to me this kingdom as a trust. These sandals, embellished with gold diffuse gain and security to the people.”

14. etat raajyam = this kingdom; dattam = has been given; mama = to me; sannyaasavat = as a trust; bhraataa = by my brother; Rama; svayam = himself; ime paaduke cha = these sandals; hema bhuuSite = embellished with gold; yogakSamavahe = diffuse gain and security (to the people)

Verse 15

भरतः शिरसा कृत्वा सन्न्यासम् पादुके ततः |
अब्रवीद्दुःखसम्तप्तः सर्वं प्रकृतिमण्डलम् || २-११५-१५

Having dedicated the sacred trust to the wooden sandals, Bharata sore-stricken with anguish, spoke to the entire body of his ministers as follows:

15. kR^itvaa = having dedicated; sannyaasam = the sacred trust; paaduke = to the wooden sandals; bharataH = Bharata; tataH = then; abraviit = spoke; sarvam = to the entire; prakR^itimaNDalam = body of his ministers; duHkha samtapataH = sore stricken with anguish; as he was.

Verse 16

चत्रम् धारयत क्षिप्रमार्यपादाविमौ मतौ |
अभ्याम् राज्ये स्थितो धर्मः पादुकाभ्याम् गुरोर्मम || २-११५-१६

“Hold the state canopy speedily over these wooden sandals, which have been accepted as symbols of the feet of Rama, my noble brother. By the presence of these wooden sandals of my brother here, a piety has been established in the kingdom.”

16. dhaarayata = hold; chhatram = the state canopy; kSipram = speedily; imau = these; matau = have been accepted; aarya paadau = as symbols of the feet of my noble brother; aabhyaam paadukaabhyaam = by these wooden sandals; mama guroH = of my brother; dharmaH = piety; sthitaH = has been established; raajye = in the kingdom.

Verse 17

भ्रात्रा हि मयि सम्न्यासो निक्षिप्तः सौहृदादयम् |
तमिमम् पालयिष्यामि राघवागमनम् प्रति २-११५-१७

“As a mark of compassion, this trust has been placed at my disposal, by my brother. There trust as such will be preserved till his return.”

17. sauhR^idaat = by compassion; ayam = this; samnyaasaH = trust; mayi nikSiptaH = has been placed at my disposal; bhraatraa = by my brother; imam = the trust; tat = as such; paalayiSyaami = will be protected; raaghava agamanam prati = till the arrival of Rama.

Verse 18

क्षिप्रम् सम्योजयित्वा तु राघवस्य पुनः स्वयम् |
चरणौ तौ तु रामस्य द्रक्ष्यामि सहपादुकौ || २-११५-१८

“Having restored these wooden sandals personally to Rama’s feet immediately after his return, I shall behold those feet of Rama along with these sandals.”

18. samyojayitvaa = having restored; (these wooden sandals); svayam = personally; raaghavasya = to Rama’s feet; kSipram = immediately; punaH = again; drakSyaami = I shall behold; tau = those; charaNau = feet; raamasya = of Rama; sahapaadukau = along with these sandals.

Verse 19

ततो निक्षिप्तभारोऽहम् राघवेण समागतः |
निवेद्य गुरवे राज्यम् भजिष्ये गुरुवृत्तिताम् २-११५-१९

“Restoring the kingdom to my elder brother, when re-united with him and thereby laying down the burden, I shall then assume the role of a servant of my elder brother.”

19. tataH = thereafter; aham = I; nikSipta bhaaraH = on whom thus burden has been imposed; samaagataH = having been united; raaghaveNa = with Rama; nivedya = and having restored; raajyam = the kingdom; gurave = to my elder brother; bhajiSye = I shall assume; guruvR^ittitaam = the role of a servant of my elder brother.

Verse 20

ताघवाय च सम्न्यासम् दत्त्वेमे वरपादुके |
राज्यम् चेदमयोध्याम् च धूतपापोभवामि च २-११५-२०

“By giving away these excellent wooden sandals, the symbols of trust, this kingdom, as well as the City of Ayodhya to Rama, I shall be washed of all my sins.”

20. dattvaa = giving away; ime vara paaduke = these excellent wooden sandals; samnyaasam = the symbols of trust; idam raajyam cha = this kingdom; ayodhyaamcha = as well as the city of Ayodhya; raaghavaaya = to Rama; bhavaamicha = I shall become; dhuuta paataH = washed of all my sins.

Verse 21

अभिषिक्ते तु काकुत्थ्से प्रहृष्टमुदिते जने |
प्रीतिर्मम यशश्चैव भवेद्राज्याच्चतुर्गुणम् || २-११५-२१

“Rama will be installed and his subjects made happy. It will be a four-fold more fame and happiness for me than that having obtained from the kingdom.”

21. kaakutthse = Rama; abhiSikte = will be installed; jane = and his subjects; prahR^iSTamudite = made happy; bhavet = It will be; chaturguNam = a four-fold; yashaschaiva = more fame; priitiH = and happiness; mama = for me; raajyaat = than (that having obtained) from the kingdom.

Verse 22

एवम् तु विलपन्धीनो भरतः स महायशाः |
नन्दिग्रामेऽकरोद्राज्यम् दुःखितो मन्त्रिभिस्सह || २-११५-२२

The highly illustrious Bharata though a distressed man, thus lamenting and pained, looked after the state administration along with his ministers from Nandigrama.

22. saH bharataH = that Bharata; mahaayashaaH = the highly illustrious man; diinaH = (but) a distressed man; vilapan = lamenting; evam = thus; duHkhitaH = and pained; akarot = looked after; raajyam = the state administration; mantribhiH saha = along with his ministers; nandrigraame = at Nandigrama.

Verse 23

स वल्कलजटाधारी मुनिवेषधरः प्रभुः |
नन्दिग्रामेऽवसद्वीरः ससैन्यो भरतस्तदा २-११५-२३

Assuming bark robes and matted locks in the guise of an ascetic, the lord and the hero Bharata dwelt in Nandigrama, protected by the army.

23. valkalajaTaadhaarii = Assuming bark robes and matted locks; muniveSadhaarii = in the guise of an ascetic; prabhuH = the lord; viiraH = and the hero; saH bharataH = that Bharata; tadaa = then; avasat = dwelt; nandigraame = in Nandigrama; sa sainyaH = protected by the army.

Verse 24

रामागमनमाकाङ्क्षन् भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः |
भ्रातुर्वचनकारी च प्रतिज्ञापारगस्तदा || २-११५-२४
पादुके त्वभिषिच्याथ नन्दिग्रामेऽवसत्तथा |

Bharata, obedient to his elder brother, affectionate of his brothers and faithful to his vow, thus resided in Nandigrama, coronating the wooden sandals on the throne and wishing always for the return of Rama.

24. tadaa = then; bharataH = Bharata; bhraatR^iH vachanakaariicha = obedient to his elder brother; bhraatR^ivatsalaH = affectionate of his brothers; pratijJNa paaragaH = and faithful to his vow; tathaa = thus; avasat = resided; nandirgraame = in Nandigrama; abhiSichya = coronating; paaduke = the wooden sandals ( on the throne); aakaaNkSan = and wishing; raamaagamanam = the return of Rama.

Verse 25

स वालव्यजनम् चत्रम् धारयामास स स्वयम् || २-११५-२५
भरतः शासनम् सर्वम् पादुकाभ्याम् निवेदयन् |

Reporting all the royal orders to the wooden sandals, Bharata was holding the royal canopy together with the chowrie to those sandals.

25. bharataH = Bharata; nivedayan = reporting; sarvam = all; shaasanam = the royal orders; paadukaabhyaam = to the wooden sandals; dharayaamaasa = was holding; svayam = personally; chhatram = the royal canopy; savaalavyajanam = together with the chowrie (to the sandals)

Verse 26

ततस्तु भरतः श्रीमानभिषिच्यार्यपादुके || २-११५-२६
तदधीनस्तदा राज्यम् कारयामास सर्वदा |

Coronating the wooden sandals of his elder brother, the illustrious Bharata thereafter carried out the state administration, always maintaining his subservience to them.

26. abhiSichya = coronating; aarya paaduke = the wooden sandals of his elder brother; shriimaan = the illustrious; bharataH = Bharata; tataH = thereafter; kaaryaamaasa = carried out; raajyam = the state administration; tadadhiinaH = being subservient to them; sarvadaa = always.

Verse 27

तदा हि यत्कार्यमुपैति किंचि |
दुपायनम् चोपहृतम् महार्हम् |
स पादुकाभ्याम् प्रथमम् निवेद्य |
चकार पश्चाद्भरतो यथावत् || २-११५-२७

Whatever a small affair of the state came up or whenever a high-valued gift was offered, Bharata used to report that matter to the wooden sandals and then only dealt with it in the proper way afterwards.

27. yatkimchit = whatever small; kaaryam = affair; upaiti = came up; mahaarham = or a high-valued; upaayanam = gift; upahR^itam = was offered; saH bharataH = that Bharata; tadaa = then; prathamam = first; nivedya = has reported (it); paadukaabhyaam = to the wooden sandals; pashchaat = and thereafter; chakaara = acted yathaavat = accordingly.

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