111 – Vashishta urges Rama to grant the prayer of Bharata


Vashishta urges Rama to grant the prayer of Bharata. Rama replies that the command given by his father cannot be disregarded. Bharata then decides to undertake a fest unto death as a last resort to exert pressure on Rama. On Rama’s dubbing such a step as repugnant to the code of conduct prescribed for a kshatriya, Bharata requests Rama to allow him to remain in the forest as the latter’s proxy. Rama, however, rules out this proposition also, saying that it is a matter of reproach. He reaffirms his resolve to enter Ayodhya only after implementing the pledge given to his father.

Verse 1

वसिष्ठः तु तदा रामम् उक्त्वा राज पुरोहितः |
अब्रवीद् धर्म सम्युक्तम् पुनर् एव अपरम् वचः || २-१११-१

Having spoken thus to Rama, Vasishta the royal priest added the following righteous words:

1. uktvaa = having spoken (thus); raamam = to Rama; vasiSThastu = Vasistha; raaja purohitaH = the royal priest; tadaa = then; punareva = again; abraviit = spoke; aparam vachaH = (the following) further words; dharmasamyuktam = which were righteous.

Verse 2

पुरुषस्य इह जातस्य भवन्ति गुरवः त्रयः |
आचार्यः चैव काकुत्स्थ पिता माता च राघव || २-१११-२

“O, Kakutstha, O offspring the Raghu dynasty! From birth, the three spiritual instructors of a man are his teacher, his father and his mother.”

2. kaakutthsa = O; Rama!; raaghava = O; Raghava!; jaatasya = from birth; trayaH = three; guravaH = spiritual instructors; puruSasya = of a man; bhavanti = are; achaaryashchaiva = his teacher; pitaa = his father; maataacha = and his mother.

Verse 3

पिता ह्य् एनम् जनयति पुरुषम् पुरुष ऋषभ |
प्रज्नाम् ददाति च आचार्यः तस्मात् स गुरुर् उच्यते || २-१११-३

“O, excellent among men! The father of man his life. The teacher instructs him in wisdom and therefore instructs the teacher is said to be the superior!”

3. puruSarSabha = O; the excellent among men!; pitaa = the father; janayatihi enam puruSam = gives man his life; aachaaryaH = the teacher; dadaati = instructs (him); prajJNaam = in wisdom; tasmaat = and therefore; saH = the teacher; uchyate = is said to be; guruH = the superior.

Verse 4

से ते अहम् पितुर् आचार्यः तव चैव परम् तप |
मम त्वम् वचनम् कुर्वन् न अतिवर्तेः सताम् गतिम् || २-१११-४

“O, Rama the tormentator of the enemies! I am the spiritual Preceptor to your father and to you too. In obeying my words, you will not transgress the path of the virtuous.”

4. paramtapa = O; Rama; the tormentator of enemies!; saH aham = that I; aachaaryaH = am the spiritual preceptor; te pituH = to your father; tavachaiva = and to you too; kurvam = In obeying; mama = my vachanam = words; tvam = you; naativartate = will not transgress; niitim = the path; sataam = of the virtuous.

Verse 5

इमा हि ते परिषदः श्रेणयः च समागताः |
एषु तात चरन् धर्मम् न अतिवर्तेः सताम् गतिम् || २-१११-५

“O, dear prince! These subjects, the traders, the other categories of people and Brahmana are your people only. In fulfilling your duty to them, you will not be transgressing your righteous path.”

5. taata = O; dear prince!; imaaH = these; pariSadaH = subjects; shreNayashcha = the traders and other categories of people; tathaa = and; dvijaaH = Brahmanas; te hi = are your people only; eSu = in their case; charan = while practising; dharmam = righteousness; naativartate = you will not transgress; gatim = the path; sataam = of the righteous.

Verse 6

वृद्धाया धर्म शीलाया मातुर् न अर्हस्य् अवर्तितुम् |
अस्याः तु वचनम् कुर्वन् न अतिवर्तेः सताम् गतिम् || २-१११-६

“You ought not to be lacking in reverence to your mother who is aged and possessing a noble conduct. By carrying out her words, you will not deviate from the path of the virtuous.”

6. naarhasi = you ought not; avartitum = to be lacking in reverence; maatuH = to your mother; vR^iddhayaa = who is aged; dharma shiilayaaH = and of noble conduct; kurvan = by carrying out; asyaaH = her; vachanam = words; naati vartate = you will not deviate; gatim = from the path; sataam = of the virtuous.

Verse 7

भरतस्य वचः कुर्वन् याचमानस्य राघव |
आत्मानम् न अतिवर्तेः त्वम् सत्य धर्म पराक्रम || २-१११-७

“O, Rama excelling in truth and virtue. By fulfilling the words of the beseeching Bharata, you will not be false to yourself.”

7. raaghava = O; Rama; satyadharmaparaakramaH = excelling in truth and virtue!; kurvan = by fulfilling; vachaH = the words; bharatasya = of Bharata; yaachamaanasya = who is beseeching (you); tvam = you; naativartate = will not be false; aatmaanam = to yourself.

Verse 8

एवम् मधुरम् उक्तः तु गुरुणा राघवः स्वयम् |
प्रत्युवाच समासीनम् वसिष्ठम् पुरुष ऋषभः || २-१११-८

Having heard the sweet words spoken by his spiritual preceptro himself, Rama the excellent among men replied (as follows) to Vasishta who was seated there.

8. uktassam = having been spoken; madhuram = sweet words; guruNaa = by his spiritual preceptor; svayam = himself; evam = thus; raaghavaH = Rama; puruSarSabhaH = the excellent among men; pratyuvaacha = replied; vasiSTham = to Vasishta; samaasiinam = who was seated there

Verse 9 & 10

यन् मातापितरौ वृत्तम् तनये कुरुतः सदा |
न सुप्रतिकरम् तत् तु मात्रा पित्रा च यत् कृतम् || २-१११-९
यथा शक्ति प्रदानेन स्नापनाच् चादनेन च |
नित्यम् च प्रिय वादेन तथा सम्वर्धनेन च || २-१११-१०

“The good, which a father and mother do, by giving whatever they can, to their son constantly, by putting him to sleep, rubbing his body with oil etc, nay, by speaking kindly to him every moment, and even by nourishing him, can never be wholly requited.”

9; 10. vR^ittam = the good; yat = which; maataapitrau = a father and mother; kurutaH = do; yathaashakti pradaanena = by giving him whatever they can; sadaa = forever; tanaye = to their son; svaapanochchhaadanena cha = by putting him to sleep; rubbing his body with oil etc; priya vaaden = by speaking kindly to him; nityamcha = every moment; tathaa = and; samvardhanena = even by nourishing him; yat = and whatever; kR^itam = is done; maatraa = by a mother; pitraacha = and father; tat tu = that however; na suprati karam = cannot be requited.

Verse 11

स हि राजा जनयिता पिता दशरथो मम |
आज्नातम् यन् मया तस्य न तन् मिथ्या भविष्यति || २-१११-११

“The command laid upon me by king Dasaratha, my father, who begot me, cannot therefore be disregarded.”

11. mam = my; pitaa = father; saH = that; raajaa dasharathaH = king Dasaratha; janayitaa hi = indeed begot me; yat = that whihc; ajJNaatam = was promised; mayaa = by me; tasya = to him; tat = that; na bhaviSyati = will not become; mithyaa = false.

Verse 12

एवम् उक्तः तु रामेण भरतः प्रत्यनन्तरम् |
उवाच परम उदारः सूतम् परम दुर्मनाः || २-१११-१२

Hearing Rama’s words, the most generous Bharata felt very mcuh anguished and addressed the following words to Sumantra the charioteer who was standing nearby:

12. evam = thus; uktaH = spoken; raameNa = by Rama; bharataH = Bharata; paramodaaraH = the highly generous man; parama durmanaaH = was very much anguished; uvaacha = and spoke; suutam = to Sumantra the charioteer; pratyanantaram = who was standing nearby.

Verse 13

इह मे स्थण्डिले शीघ्रम् कुशान् आस्तर सारथे |
आर्यम् प्रत्युपवेक्ष्यामि यावन् मे न प्रसीदति || २-१११-१३

“O, charioteer! Spread speedily the Kusha grass on the ground here for me. I shall remain facing my illustrious brother till he gets propitiated (and grant my request).”

13. saarathe = O; charioteer!; aastara = spread; kushaan = the Kusha grass; shiigram = soon; sthaN^Dile = on the ground; iha = here; me = for me; pratyupavekSyaami = I shall remain facing; aaryam = my illustrious brother; yaavat = till; na prasiidati me = he does not get me propitiated.

Verse 14

अनाहारो निरालोको धन हीनो यथा द्विजः |
शेष्ये पुरस्तात् शालाया यावन् न प्रतियास्यति || २-१११-१४

“I shall remain lying down in front of Rama’s hut without food or drink and depriving myself of light until he returns to Ayodhya, like a brahman who is a destitute (lies down at the door of his crditor).”

14. sheSye = I shall remain lying down; purastaat = in front; shaalaayaaH = of Rama’s hut; anaahaaraH = withou food or drink; niraalokaH = and depriving myself of light; yaavat = until; na pratiyaasyati = he does not return to Ayodhya; dvijaH yathaa = like a brahmana; dhana hiinaH = who is destitute (likes down at the door of his creditor).

Verse 15

स तु रामम् अवेक्षन्तम् सुमन्त्रम् प्रेक्ष्य दुर्मनाः |
कुश उत्तरम् उपस्थाप्य भूमाउ एव आस्तरत् स्वयम् || २-१११-१५

Seeing Sumantra who was gazing at Rama waiting for his command, the low-spirited Bharata, on his own, brought a heap of Kusha grass and spread it on the floor.

15. prekSya = seeing; sumantram = Sumantra; avekSantam = who was gazing at; raamam = RAma; (for his command); sa tu = that Bharata; durmanaaH = with low spirits; svayameva = on his own; upasthaapya = brought; kushottaram = a heap of Kusha grass; aastarat = and spread it; bhuumau = on the floor.

Verse 16

तम् उवाच महा तेजा रामो राज ऋषि सत्तमाः |
किम् माम् भरत कुर्वाणम् तात प्रत्युपवेक्ष्यसि || २-१११-१६

Rama of great splendour and the best among royal sages spoke to Bharata as follows: “O Bharata my dear brother! What wrong have I done that you lie down before me?”

16. raamaH = Rama; mahaatejaaH = of great splendour; raajarSi sattamaH = and the excellent among royal sages; uvaacha = spoke; tam = to him (as follows); bharata = O; Bharata; taataH = my dear brother!; kim kurvaaNam taataH = what wrong have I done; pratyupavakSyasi = that you lie = down; maam = before me?

Verse 17

ब्राह्मणो ह्य् एक पार्श्वेन नरान् रोद्धुम् इह अर्हति |
न तु मूर्धा अवसिक्तानाम् विधिः प्रत्युपवेशने || २-१११-१७

“A brahmana may lie down on one side in order to obstruct a willful debtor in this world. But, it is not befitting for a warrior-class.

17. braahmaNaH = A brahman; arhati hi = can indeed; ekapaarshvena = lie down on one; roddhum = in order to obstruct; naraan = men; iha = in this world; na = there is no; vidhiH = rule; muurdhaabhiSiktaanaam tu = for a warrior-class; pratyupaveshane = to lie down; obstructing men.

Verse 18

उत्तिष्ठ नर शार्दूल हित्वा एतद् दारुणम् व्रतम् |
पुर वर्याम् इतः क्षिप्रम् अयोध्याम् याहि राघव || २-१११-१८

“O Bharata, Tiger among men! Giving up this formidable resolve, rise up proceed speedily to Ayodhya the best of cities, from here.”

18. raaghava = O; Bharata; narashaarduulaH = Tiger among men!; hitvaa = giving up; etat = this; daaruNam = formidable; vratam = resolve; uttiSTha = rise up; yaahi = proceed; kSipram = speedily; ayodhyaam = to Ayodhya; puravaryaam = the excellent of cities; itaH = from here.

Verse 19

आसीनः तु एव भरतः पौर जानपदम् जनम् |
उवाच सर्वतः प्रेक्ष्य किम् आर्यम् न अनुशासथ || २-१११-१९

Still sitting in the same posture, Bharata looked at the citizens and rural folk around on all sides and asked them why they were not entreating his venerable brother to return.

19. aasiinastveva = still sitting like that; bharataH = Bharata; prekSya = looking at; janam = the people; paura jaanapadam = the citizens and the rural folk; sarvataH = on all sides; uvaacha = and asked; kim = why; naanushaasatha = they are not entreating; aaryam = his venerable brother (to return)

Verse 20

ते तम् ऊचुर् महात्मानम् पौर जानपदा जनाः |
काकुत्स्थम् अभिजानीमः सम्यग् वदति राघवः || २-१११-२०

Those people, the inhabitants of town and country replied to the magnanimous Bharata as follows: “We know Rama very well. He is speaking rightly.”

20. te jaanaaaH = tose people; paurajaanapadaaH = the inhabitants of town and country; uuchuH = replied; mahaatmaanam = to high souled; tam = Bharata (as follows); abhijaaniiya = we know well; kaakutthasam = Rama; raaghavaH = Rama; vadati = is speaking; samyak = rightly.

Verse 21

षो अपि हि महा भागः पितुर् वचसि तिष्ठति |
अत एव न शक्ताः स्मो व्यावर्तयितुम् अन्जसा || २-१११-२१

“This Rama of exalted merit is indeed standing on his father’s words. Hence, we are not able to convince him to return to Ayodhya.”

21. eSaH = this; mahaabhaagaH = Rama of exalted merit; tiSThati hi = is indeed standing; pituH = on his father’s; vachasi = words; ata eva = for that reason; na smaH = we are not; shaktaaH = able; vyaavartayitum = to make him return; aJNjasaa = indeed.

Verse 22

तेषाम् आज्नाय वचनम् रामो वचनम् अब्रवीत् |
एवम् निबोध वचनम् सुहृदाम् धर्म चक्षुषाम् || २-१११-२२

Hearing their words, Rama said to Bharata: “Reflect on the words of your companions, who see rightly.”

22. aajJNaaya = understanding; teSaam = their; vachanam = words; raamaH = Rama; abraviit = spoke; (as follows); nibodha = reflect on; vachanam = the words; suhR^idaam = of your friends; dharma chakSuSaam = who see rightly; evam = thus.

Verse 23

एतच् च एव उभयम् श्रुत्वा सम्यक् सम्पश्य राघव |
उत्तिष्ठ त्वम् महा बाहो माम् च स्पृश तथा उदकम् || २-१११-२३

“O the mighty armed Bharata! Having listened to their testimony and mine, reflect on the matter carefull. Rise and touch me and drink water.”

23. mahaabaaho = O; the mighty armed; raaghava = Bharata!; shrutvaa = hearing; etat = these; ubhayam chaiva = two (my words and their words); sampashya = and reflecting on them; samyak = well; tvam = you; uttiSTha = rise up; spR^iha = and touch; maamcha = me; tathaa = and udakam = (drink) water.

Verse 24

अथ उत्थाय जलम् स्पृष्ट्वा भरतो वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् |
शृण्वन्तु मे परिषदो मन्त्रिणः श्रेणयः तथा || २-१११-२४

Thereafter, Bharata rose, touched water and spoke as follows: “Let the audience, including ministers and the guild of traders hear me also.”

24. atha = thereafter; bharataH = Bharata; utthaaya = rose; spR^iSTvaa = touched; jalam = water; abraviit = and spoke; vaakyam = (the following) words; pariSadaH = (Let) the audience; mantriNaH = ministers; tathaa = and; shrNayaH = the guild of traders; shruNvantu = hear; me = me.

Verse 25

न याचे पितरम् राज्यम् न अनुशासामि मातरम् |
आर्यम् परम धर्मज्नम् अभिजानामि राघवम् || २-१११-२५

“I never asked my father for the kingdom, nor did I counsel my mother to enthrone me. I never gave my approval for the exile of Rama, the venerable hero, who knows his duty very well.”

25. na yaache = I never asked; pitaram = my father; raajyam = for the kingdom; naanushaasaami = nor did I counsel; maataram = my mother (to enthrone me); naanujaanaami = I never gave my approval; (for the exile of ); raaghavam of Rama; aaryam = the venerable man; paramadharmajJNam = who knows his duty very well.

Verse 26

यदि तु अवश्यम् वस्तव्यम् कर्तव्यम् च पितुर् वचः |
अहम् एव निवत्स्यामि चतुर्दश वने समाः || २-१११-२६

“If it is absolutely essential that one of us should remain here and the command of our father be executed, then it is I who will reside in the forest for fourteen years.”

26. avashyam yadi = If it is absolutely essential; vastavyam = (that one of us_ should remain here; vachaH = and the command (of our father); kartavyamcha = be executed; ahameva = (then) it is I; nivatsyaami = who will live; vane = in the forest; chaturdasha samaaH = for fourteen years.

Verse 27

धर्म आत्मा तस्य तथ्येन भ्रातुर् वाक्येन विस्मितः |
उवाच रामः सम्प्रेक्ष्य पौर जानपदम् जनम् || २-१११-२७

The high-souled Rama was surprised by the sincere words of his brother and by looking at the inhabitants of town and country, spoke (as follows):

27. dharmaatmaa = The high souled; raamaH = Rama; vismitaH = was surprised; tathyena vaakyena = by sincere words; tasya = of that; bhraatuH = brother; samprekSya = and by looking at; paurajaanapadam = the inhabitants of town and country; vuaacha = spoke (as follows)

Verse 28

विक्रीतम् आहितम् क्रीतम् यत् पित्रा जीवता मम |
न तल् लोपयितुम् शक्यम् मया वा भरतेन वा || २-१११-२८

“The disposal, the pledge and the come-by which he was alive, cannot be broken either by me or by Bharata.”

28. vikriitam = the disposal; aahitam = the pledge; kriitam = and the come by; yat = which; (were given); pitraa = by my father; jiivataa = while he was alive; tat = that; na shakyam = cannot be; lopayitum = broken; mayaa vaa = either by me; bharatena vaa = or by Bharata.

Verse 29

उपधिर् न मया कार्यो वन वासे जुगुप्सितः |
युक्तम् उक्तम् च कैकेय्या पित्रा मे सुकृतम् कृतम् || २-१११-२९

“I cannot accede to the substitute in respect of the sojourn in the forest and it is distasteful thing. What was advised by Kaikeyi was proper and what was done by my father was a righteous deed.”

29. upadhiH = my consent to the substitute; vanavase = in respect of the sojourn in the forest; na kaaryaH = cannot be done; mayaa = by me; jugupsitaH = which is a distasteful thing; uktam = what was advised; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; yuktam = was property; kR^itam = and what was done; me pitraa = by me father; sukrutam = was a righteous deed.

Verse 30

जानामि भरतम् क्षान्तम् गुरु सत्कार कारिणम् |
सर्वम् एव अत्र कल्याणम् सत्य संधे महात्मनि || २-१११-३०

“I am aware that Bharata has necessary patience and due devotion for the elders. All will be propitious in the case of this magnanimous Bharata, who is true to his promise.”

30. jaanaami = I am aware; (that) bharatam = Bharata; kSaantam = has patience; gurusatkaara kaaraNam = and devotion for the elders; sarvameva = all will be kalyaaNam = propitious; atra = in the case of this Bharata; satya sandhe = who is true to his promise; mahaatmani = and magnanimous.

Verse 32

वृतो राजा हि कैकेय्या मया तद् वचनम् कृतम् |
अनृतान् मोचय अनेन पितरम् तम् मही पतिम् || २-१११-३२

“The king Dasaratha was indeed solicited for a boon by Kaikeyi. That word of the king has been fulfilled by me. Hence, relieve our father, the emperor from the blame.”

32. raajaa = the king Dasaratha; vR^ito hi = was indeed prevailed upon; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; tadvachanam = that promise; kR^itam = was fulfilled; mayaa = by me; anena = for this reason; mochaya = relieve; mahiipatim = the emperor; tam pitaram = and that father; anR^itaat = from blame.

Verse 31

अनेन धर्म शीलेन वनात् प्रत्यागतः पुनः |
भ्रात्रा सह भविष्यामि पृथिव्याः पतिर् उत्तमः || २-१११-३१

“After returning from the forest, I shall rule the earth, assisted by my virtuous brother.”

31. pratyaagataH = after returning; punaH = again; vaanaat = from the forest; bhaviSyaami = I shall become; uttamaH = an excellent; patiH = king; pR^ithivyaah = of the earth; anena bhraatrena saha = along with my brother; dharmashiilena = who is of virtuous nature.

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