11 – The incident of Dundubhi


Sugreeva narrates Vali’s bravery and intrepidity in fighting and how he fought with a mountainous buffalo demon named Dundubhi. Also narrated is the curse of Sage Matanga that prohibited Vali’s entrance into Mt. Rishyamuka area.In order to imbibe confidence in Sugreeva, Rama starts to show his valour and might.

Verse 1

रामस्य वचनम् श्रुत्वा हर्ष पौरुष वर्धनम् |
सुग्रीवः पूजयाम् चक्रे राघवम् प्रशशंस च || ४-११-१

Sugreeva started to adore and extol Raghava on hearing the words of Rama that are inculcating happiness and pride. [4-11-1]

1. sugriivaH = Sugreeva raamasya = Rama’s; harSa pauruSa vardhanam = happiness, pride, inculcating; vacanam shrutvaa = words, on hearing; raaghavam = at Raghava; puujayaam cakre = to adore, started; prashashamsa ca = started extolling, also.

Verse 2

असंशयम् प्रज्वलितैः तीक्ष्णैर् मर्म अतिगैः शरैः |
त्वम् दहेः कुपितो लोकान् युगान्त इव भास्करः || ४-११-२

“It is doubtless that you will burn down everything when you are angry, like the blazing sun at the end of era, with these arrows of yours that are highly blazing, incisive and invaders on stealthy places.” Thus Sugreeva started extolling Rama. [4-11-2]

2. pra jvalitaiH tiikSNaiH = highly, blazing, incisive; marma atigaiH sharaiH = stealthy places, invading, with arrows; kupitaH tvam = when angered, you; yuga ante bhaaskaraH iva = at era, end, sun, like; lokaan daheH = worlds, you burn; a samshayam = no, doubt.

Verse 3

वालिनः पौरुषम् यत् तद् यत् च वीर्यम् धृतिः च या |
तन् मम एक मनाः श्रुत्वा विधत्स्व यद् अनन्तरम् || ४-११-३

“That which is impetuousness of Vali, that which is his bravery and courageousness are there, they may be listened from me single-mindedly, and later you impose that which need be imposed. [4-11-3]

3. vaalinaH = Vali’s; yat pauruSam = which, impetuousness is there; tat = that; and; yat viiryam = which, is his bravery; tat ca = that, also; yaa dhR^itiH ca = which, courageousness is there, that also; mama = from me; eka manaaH = in single, mindedness; shrutvaa = on hearing; yat anantaram = which, later to be done; vidhatsva = that you impose.

Verse 4

समुद्रात् पश्चिमात् पूर्वम् दक्षिणाद् अपि च उत्तरम् |
क्रामति अनुदिते सूर्ये वाली व्यपगत क्लमः || ४-११-४

“Before the dawn of sun Vali unweariedly strides from western ocean to eastern, and even from southern to northern for offering water oblations to the rising sun. [4-11-4]

4. vaalii vyapagata klamaH = Vaali, removed, weariness [unwearied]; suurye an udite = sun, not, risen – before dawn; pashcimaat samudraat puurvam = from western, ocean, to eastern; dakSiNaat api ca uttaram = from south, even, also, to north; kraamati = he strides.

Verse 5

अग्राणि आरुह्य शैलानाम् शिखराणि महान्ति अपि |
ऊर्ध्वम् उत्पात्य तरसा प्रति गृह्णाति वीर्यवान् || ४-११-५

“Ascending the heights of mountains and even rending their greatest peaks, that mighty one volleys them upwards and in turn catches them, as though they are play balls. [4-11-5]

5. viiryavaan = that mighty one; shailaanaam agraaNi aaruhya = mountains, heights, on ascending; mahaanti shikharaaNi tarasaa api = greatest, peaks, by might, even them; uurdhvam utpaatya = upwards, he volleys; prati gR^ihNaati = again, catches.

Verse 6

बहवः सारवन्तः च वनेषु विविधा द्रुमाः |
वालिना तरसा भग्ना बलम् प्रथयता आत्मनः || ४-११-६

“As a show his strength Vali used to personally fell many sturdy trees of diverse origin by his might. [4-11-6]

6. aatmanaH balam prathayataa = his own, might, to exhibit; vaalinaa = by Vali; vaneSu = in forest; saaravantaH vividhaa bahavaH drumaaH = fertile [sturdy,] various, many, trees; tarasaa bhagnaa = by his might, felled.

Verse 7

महिषो दुन्दुभिर् नाम कैलास शिखर प्रभः |
बलम् नाग सहस्रस्य धारयामास वीर्यवान् || ४-११-७

“One named Dundubhi was there in the form of a buffalo, whose size shone forth like Mt. Kailash and who bears the strength of a thousand elephants.” Thus Sugreeva started telling Dundubhi’s episode to Rama. [4-11-7]

7. kailaasa shikhara prabhaH = Mt. Kailash, peak like, in gloss [in size]; viiryavaan mahiSaH = mighty one, buffalo; dundubhiH naama = Dundubhi, named; naaga sahasrasya balam = elephants, a thousand, might of; dhaarayaamaasa = he was bearing.

Verse 8

स वीर्य उत्सेक दुष्टात्मा वर दानेन च मोहितः |
जगाम स महाकायः समुद्रम् सरिताम् पतिम् || ४-११-८

“He that evil-minded and colossal bodied Dundubhi was bemused by the vanity of his own vigour, and by the boon bestowed oo him, and once he went to the lord of rivers, namely the Ocean. [4-11-8]

8. saH = he was; viirya utseka vara daanena ca = by vigour’s, vanity, by boon, bestowal, also; mohitaH duSTa atmaa = bemused, evil, minded one; mahaa kaayaH saH = colossal, bodied one, he that Dundubhi; saritaam patim samudram jagaama = to rivers’, lord – ocean, he went to.

Verse 9

ऊर्मिमंतम् अतिक्रम्य सागरम् रत्न संचयम् |
मम युद्धम् प्रयच्छ इति तम् उवाच महार्णवम् || ४-११-९

“Deriding the garner of weaves and gems he said to that vastly ocean “give me a fight” [4-11-9]

9. uurmi mantam = wave, container; ratna sancayam = gems, garner of; saagaram = ocean; ati kramya = over, walk [walkover, on deriding]; mama yuddham pra yacCha = to me, fight, verily, give; iti tam mahaa arNavam uvaaca = thus, to him, to vastly, ocean, he spoke.

Verse 10

ततः समुद्रो धर्मात्मा समुत्थाय महाबलः |
अब्रवीद् वचनम् राजन् असुरम् काल चोदितम् || ४-११-१०

“Then, oh, Rama, that virtue-minded and very powerful ocean rose up from his tabular position to heights, and spoke these words to that demon Dundubhi who is driven to doom by his own time. [4-11-10]

10. raajan = oh, king [Rama]; tataH = then; dharmaatmaa mahaabalaH samudraH = virtue-minded one, highly powerful one, ocean; sam utthaaya = on rising-up; kaala coditam asuram = one by time, driven, to that demon; abraviit vacanam = said, words.

Verse 11

समर्थो न अस्मि ते दातुम् युद्धम् युद्ध विशारद |
श्रूयताम् त्वम् अभिधास्यामि यत् ते युद्धम् प्रदास्यति || ४-११-११

“I am not capable to give you a fight, oh, war-expert, but I will name him who can give you a fight, listen.” So said ocean to the demon. [4-11-11]

11. yuddha vishaarada = oh, war, expert; te daatum yuddham = to you, to give, a fight; samarthaH na asmi = capable, not, I am; yat te yuddham pra daasyati = he who, to you, fight, accords; abhi dhaasyaami = I name him; shruuyataam = let it be listened.

Verse 12 & 13

शैल राजो महारण्ये तपस्वि शरणम् परम् |
शंकर श्वशुरो नाम्ना हिमवान् इति विश्रुतः || ४-११-१२
महा प्रस्रवण उपेतो बहु कन्दर निर्झरः |
स समर्थः तव प्रीतिम् अतुलाम् कर्तुम् अर्हति || ४-११-१३

“A sublime shelter for sages and the father-in-law of Shankara is there in great forests, well-know by the name Himavan, the king of mountains, and he embodies great cascades, cataracts, and caves, and he alone is capable to accord a matchless happiness to you in the form of a fight.” So said ocean to Dundubhi. [4-11-12, 13]

12, 13. param tapasvi sharaNam = sublime one, sages’, shelter of; shankara shvashuraH = Shankara’s, father-in-law; himavaan iti = Himavan, thus as; naamnaa vi shrutaH = by name, well, known one; mahaa pra sravaNa upetaH = with great, cateracts, embodying; bahu kandara nir jharaH = with many, caves, out, pours – cascades; shaila rajaH = mountains’, king of; mahaa araNye = in great, forests he is; saH samarthaH = he is, capable; tava a tulaam priitim kartum arhati = your, not, matchable, happiness, to accord, he is capable.

Verse 14 & 15

तम् भीतम् इति विज्ञाय समुद्रम् असुरोत्तमः |
हिमवद् वनम् आगम्य शरः चापाद् इव च्युतः || ४-११-१४
ततः तस्य गिरेः श्वेता गजेन्द्र प्रतिमाः शिलाः |
चिक्षेप बहुधा भूमौ दुन्दुभिर् विननाद च || ४-११-१५

“Fathoming that ocean to be scared of him that noted demon Dundubhi arrived at the forests of Himavan like an arrow darted from bow, and that Dundubhi started to blare discordantly and toss the rock-faces of that mountain that are like white elephants in their figuration, severally. [4-11-14, 15]

14, 15. asura uttamaH dundubhiH = demon, noted one, Dundubhi; tam samudram bhiitam iti vij~naaya = him, that ocean, is scared, thus, knowing [fathoming]; caapaat cyutaH sharaH iva = from bow, darted, from arrow, as with; himavat vanam aagamya = Himavan’s, forest, arrived at; tataH tasya gireH = then, its, mountain’s; shvetaa gajendra pratimaaH shilaaH = white, elephant in figuration, rock-faces; bahudhaa bhuumau = in many ways, onto ground; cikSepa = tossed; vi na naada ca = verily, blared [discordantly,] also.

Verse 16

ततः श्वेत अम्बुद आकारः सौम्यः प्रीति कर आकृतिः |
हिमवान् अब्रवीद् वाक्यम् स्व एव शिखरे स्थितः || ४-११-१६

“Then he who is like a silver cloud in his figuration, a gentle and delightful one in his appearance, that Himavan spoke these words to the demon staying on his own cliff. [4-11-16]

16. tataH shveta ambuda aakaaraH = then, white, cloud, in figuration; saumyaH = gentle one; priitikara aakR^itiH = delightful, in apperance; himavaan = Himavan; sva eva shikhare sthitaH = on his own, cliff, staying; abraviit vaakyam = spoke, words.

Verse 17

क्लेष्टुम् अर्हसि माम् न त्वम् दुन्दुभे धर्म वत्सल |
रण कर्मसु अकुशलः तपस्वि शरणो हि अहम् || ४-११-१७

“It is inapt of you to annoy me, oh, virtuous Dundubhi, I am just a shelterer of sages, and an unskilled one in fights.” So said Himavan to Dundubhi. [4-11-17]

17. dharma vatsala dundubhe = virtue, adherer, oh, Dundubhi; tvam maam kleSTum na arhasi = you, me, to annoy, not, apt of you; tapasvi sharaNaH hi = sages’, shelter, just [I am]; aham = I am; raNa karmasu a kushalaH = in war, actions – in fighting, not, skilled one.

Verse 18

तस्य तद् वचनम् श्रुत्वा गिरि राजस्य धीमतः |
उवाच दुन्दुभिर् वाक्यम् क्रोधात् संरक्त लोचनः || ४-११-१८

“On hearing the words of that modest king of mountains Dundubhi’s uyes are bloodshot and he said this sentence. [4-11-18]

18. dundubhiH = Dundubhi; dhiimataH tasya giri raajasya = modest one, of that, mountain, king’s; tat vacanam shrutvaa = his, that, sentence, on hearing; krodhaat sam rakta locanaH = in anger, with, bloodshot, eyes; uvaaca vaakyam = said, sentence.

Verse 19

यदि युद्धे असमर्थः त्वम् मद् भयाद् वा निरुद्यमः |
तम् आचक्ष्व प्रदद्यात् मे यो हि युद्धम् युयुत्सतः || ४-११-१९

“Whether you are incapable to fight with me, or not venturing me as you are scared of me is not my concern, but tell me who can really give me a very combative fight,. [4-11-19]

19. tvam yuddhe a samarthaH yadi = you, to fight, not, capable, whether; vaa = or else; mat bhayaat nir udyamaH = me, fearing, not, venturing; yaH yuyutsataH = who is he, combatively; me yuddham pra dadyaat = to me, a fight, who can accord; tam aacakSva = about him, you clarify.

Verse 20

हिमवान् अब्रवीद् वाक्यम् श्रुत्वा वाक्य विशारदः |
अनुक्त पूर्वम् धर्मात्मा क्रोधात् तम् असुरोत्तमम् || ४-११-२०

On hearing Dundubhi’s arrogant words that honest Himavan being an expert in sentence-making, had to say angry words to that fierce demon that were never uttered by him earlier. [4-11-20]

20. vaakya vishaaradaH = sentence, expert [Himavan]; dharmaatmaa = honest one; himavaan shrutvaa = Himavan, on hearing [Dundubhi’s words]; tam asura uttamam = to that, demon, fierce one; krodhaat = in anger; vaakyam an uktaH puurvam = words, never, said, earlier; abraviit = said.

Verse 21

वाली नाम महा प्राज्ञः शक्र पुत्र प्रतापवान् |
अध्यास्ते वानरः श्रीमान् किष्किन्धाम् अतुल प्रभाम् || ४-११-२१

“Oh, war-expert Dundubhi, Indra’s son is there, a brave and glorious one by name Vali, and he is now presiding over the matchlessly pompous city Kishkindha. [4-11-21]

21. mahaa praaj~naH = oh, well, versed demon [in warfare]; shakra putra = Indra’s, son; shriimaan = glorious one; prataapavaan = very brave one; vaalii naama vaanaraH Vali, named, monkey; atula prabhaam kiSkindhaam adhyaaste = matchless city, in pomp, Kishkindha, he presides over.

Verse 22

स समर्थो महा प्राज्ञः तव युद्ध विशारदः |
द्वन्द्व युद्धम् स दातुम् ते नमुचिः इव वासवः || ४-११-२२

“He is a highly intelligent one and a war-expert too, and he is the capable one to give you a duel, like Indra to Namuchi. [4-11-22]

22. saH = he is; mahaa praaj~naH = highly intelligent one; yuddha vishaaradaH = in war, expert one; saH = he; vaasavaH namuciH iva = Indra to Namuchi, like; tava = to you; dvandva yuddham = duel, fight; te datum = to you, to give; saH = he is; samarthaH = capable one.

Verse 23

तम् शीघ्रम् अभिगच्छ त्वम् यदि युद्धम् इह इच्छसि |
स हि दुर्मर्षणो नित्यम् शूरः समर कर्मणि || ४-११-२३

“Approach him promptly if you desire a fight now, and he is an intrepid one who will always be in the manoeuvres of war, and indeed none can assail him.” Thus said Himavan to that demon Dundubhi. [4-11-23]

23. iha yuddham icChasi yadi = now, fight, you desire, if; tvam = you; tam shiighram abhigacCha = him, promptly, you approach; shuuraH = intrepid one; saH = he is; nityam = always; samara karmaNi = in war, manoeuvres; dur marSaNaH hi = not, assailable one, indeed.

Verse 24

श्रुत्वा हिमवतो वाक्यम् कोप आविष्टः स दुन्दुभिः |
जगाम ताम् पुरीम् तस्य किष्किन्धाम् वालिनः तदा || ४-११-२४

“Then on hearing Himavan’s words he that Dundubhi is convulsed in anger and proceeded to Vali’s city Kishkindha.. [4-11-24]

24. tadaa = then; saH dundubhiH = he, that Dundubhi; himavataH vaakyam shrutvaa = Himavan’s, words, having hearing; kopa aaviSTaH = anger, convulsed in; tasya vaalinaH taam puriim kiSkindhaam jagaama = his, Vali’s, to that, city, Kishkindha, proceeded.

Verse 25 & 26

धारयन् माहिषम् रूपम् तीक्ष्ण शृङ्गो भयावहः |
प्रावृषि इव महा मेघः तोय पूर्णो नभस्तले || ४-११-२५
ततः तु द्वारम् आगम्य किष्किन्धाया महाबलः |
ननर्द कम्पयन् भूमिम् दुन्दुभिर् दुन्दुभिर् यथा || ४-११-२६

“That great mighty demon Dundubhi wearing the look of a buffalo with sharp horns was awe-inspiring, and like the arrival of a massive dark cloud in rainy season full with water on the edge of firmament, he arrived at the gateway of Kishkindha and bellowed clamorously like a war-drum as though to quake the earth. [4-11-25, 26]

25. mahaabalaH = great mighty one; dundubhiH = Dundubhi; maahiSam ruupam dhaarayan = buffalo’s, form, bearing; tiikSNa shR^i~NgaH = one with sharp, horns; bhayaavahaH = awe-inspiring; praa vR^iSi = in rainy-season; nabhaH tale = on the edge of firmament; toya puurNaH mahaa meghaH iva = water, filled, massive, cloud, as with; kiSkindhaayaa dvaaram aagamya = Kishkindha’s, at gateway, on arriving; kampayan bhuumim = quaking, earth; dundubhiH yathaa = war-drum, like; na narda = clamorously, na narda = bellowed.

Verse 27

समीपजान् द्रुमान् भंजन् वसुधाम् दारयन् खुरैः |
विषाणेन उल्लिखन् दर्पात् तद् द्वारम् द्विरदो यथा || ४-११-२७

“He bellowed uprooting trees that are rooted nearby, scooping the earth with hooves, and insolently goring the gateway with horns like a goring elephant. [4-11-27]

27. samiipa jaan drumaan bhanjan = nearby, rooted, trees, uprooting; vasudhaam khuraiH daarayan = earth, with hooves, scooping; darpaat = insolently; viSaaNena = with horns; tat dvaaram = that, gateway; dviradaH yathaa = elephant, as with; ullikhan = by goring; [na narda = bellowed.]

Verse 28

अन्तःपुर गतो वाली श्रुत्वा शब्दम् अमर्षणः |
निष्पपात सह स्त्रीभिः ताराभिः इव चंद्रमाः || ४-११-२८

“Vali who by then went into his palace chambers became intolerant to hear that noise and fell out from there along with ladies, like the moon with stars. [4-11-28]

28. antaHpura gataH vaalii = palace chambers, went into, Vali; shrutvaa shabdam = on hearing, noise; a marSaNaH not, tolerant; taaraabhiH iva candramaaH = with stars, like, moon; striibhiH saha = ladies, along with; niS papaata = out, fall [from chambers.]

Verse 29

मितम् व्यक्त अक्षर पदम् तम् उवाच स दुन्दुभिम् |
हरीणाम् ईश्वरो वाली सर्वेषाम् वन चारिणाम् || ४-११-२९

“Vali being the lord of monkeys, and of all the other forest-dwellers as well, spoke a clearly worded brief sentence to Dundubhi. [4-11-29]

29. vana caariNaam = forest, dwellers; sarveSaam = to all of them; hariiNaam iishvaraH = monkey’s, lord; saH vaalii = he, that Vali; tam dundubhim = to him, that Dundubhi; vyakta akSara padam = clearly, lettered ,words; mitam vaakyam = brief, sentence; uvaaca = said.

Verse 30

किम् अर्थम् नगर द्वारम् इदम् रुद् ध्वा विनर्दसे |
दुन्दुभे विदितो मेऽसि रक्ष प्राणान् महाबल || ४-११-३०

“Oh, Dundubhi, impeding the gateway of this city what for you are bellowing, I know you, oh, might one, save your lives.” Vali cautioned that demon that way. [4-11-30]

30. dundubhe = oh, Dundubhi; idam nagara dvaaram = this one, city’s, gateway; ruddhvaa = having impeded; kim artham vi nardase = what, for, you are bellowing; me viditaH asi = to me, known, you are; mahaabala = oh, great mighty one; rakSa praaNaan = save, lives [of yours.]

Verse 31

तस्य तद् वचनम् श्रुत्वा वानरेन्द्रस्य धीमतः |
उवाच दुन्दुभिर् वाक्यम् क्रोधात् संरक्त लोचनः || ४-११-३१

“On hearing that sentence of Vali, the tactful lord of monkeys, Dundubhi said this sentence with his eyes bloodshot in anger.” Thus Sugreeva continued his narration to Rama. [4-11-31]

31. dhiimataH = of that tactful one [Vali]; tasya vaanara indrasya = his, that monkey’s, lord’s; tat vacanam shrutvaa = that, sentence, on hearing; dundubhiH krodhaat samrakta locanaH = Dundubhi became, in anger, bloodshot, eyes; uvaaca vaakyam = said, sentence.

Verse 32

न त्वम् स्त्री सन्निधौ वीर वचनम् वक्तुम् अर्हसि |
मम युद्धम् प्रयच्छ अद्य ततो ज्ञास्यामि ते बलम् || ४-११-३२

“It is inapt of you to speak words in the vicinity of ladies, oh, valiant Vali, give me a duel now and then I can appreciate your might.” [4-11-32]

32. viira = oh, valiant one [oh, Vali]; tvam strii sannidhau = ladies, in vicinity of; vacanam vaktum na arhasi = words, to speak, not, apt of you; adya mama yuddham prayacCha = now, to me, fight, you give; tataH te balam j~naasyaami = then, your, might, I will know, I appreciate.

Verse 33

अथवा धारयिष्यामि क्रोधम् अद्य निशाम् इमाम् |
गृह्यताम् उदयः स्वैरम् काम भोगेषु वानर || ४-११-३३

“Otherwise I bear up my rage for this night, oh, monkey, you may unrestrainedly delight yourself till morning in your voluptuous gratifications, for you are now surrounded by your ladies.” [4-11-33]

33. vaanara = oh, monkey; athavaa = otherwise; adya imaam nishaam = now, for this, night; dhaarayiSyaami krodham = I bear up, rage; udayaH = untill morning; svairam kaama bhogeSu = unrestrainedly, in voluptuous, gratifications; gR^ihyataam = be taken up – delight yourself.

Verse 34

दीयताम् संप्रदानम् च परिष्वज्य च वानरान् |
सर्व शखा मृगेन्द्रत्वम् संसादय सुहृज्जनम् || ४-११-३४

“Also embrace all the monkeys and bequeath endowments to them, and you may bid adieu to all the good-hearted people of yours for you are the king of all the tree-branch animals, as you may not see them later. [4-11-34]

34. vaanaraan pariSvajya = monkeys, on embracing; sampradaanam diiyataam = endowments, be bequeathed; sarva shakhaa mR^iga indratvam = all, tree-branch, animal’s, you being the king; su hR^it janam = your good, hearted, people; samsaadaya = bidding adieu.

Verse 35

सु दृष्टाम् कुरु किष्किन्धाम् कुरुष्व आत्म समम् पुरे |
क्रीडयस्व च समम् स्त्रीभिः अहम् ते दर्प शासनः || ४-११-३५

“Let Kishkindha city be seen clearly by you as last sight, and keep someone equalling you as in charge of city, and also rejoice with the females till sunrise as there is no tomorrow to you. [4-11-35]

35. kiSkindhaam su dR^iSTaam kuru = Kishkindha, clearly, seen city, you make – see all Kishkindha as last-sight to your satisfaction; pure aatma samam kuruSva = in city, your equalling one, be made – keep someone similar to you as in charge of city; striibhiH samam kriiDayasva = females, along with, you rejoice; aham te darpa shaasanaH = I am, your, egotism, destroyer.

Verse 36

यो हि मत्तम् प्रमत्तम् वा भग्नम् वा रहितम् कृशम् |
हन्यात् स भ्रूणहा लोके त्वद् विधम् मद मोहितम् || ४-११-३६

“He who kills a drunken one, unvigilant one, defeated one, or one without weapons, or an atrophied one, he get the sin of foeticide in the world, and your present state is suchlike.” Dundubhi incited Vali in this way. [4-11-36]

36. yaH = he who is; mattam = drunken one; pra mattam vaa = unvigilant one, or; bhagnam vaa = shattered – defeated one, or; rahitam = one without [weapons]; kR^isham = atrophied one; mada mohitam = by lust, lured one; hanyaat = if kills; saH = he; loke = in world; bhruuNa haa = foeticide [sin of]; tvat vidham = your, way – your present state is on par with those that are not to be killed.

Verse 37

स प्रहस्य अब्रवीत् मन्दम् क्रोधात् तम् असुरेश्वरम् |
विसृज्य ताः स्त्रियः सर्वाः तारा प्रभृतिकाः तदा || ४-११-३७

“Then Vali laughed that demon off, discharged all the females namely Tara and others, and then he spoke to that stupid lord of demons in anger. [4-11-37]

37. tadaa saH pra hasya = then, he, laughing off; taaraa prabhR^itikaaH taaH sarvaaH striyaH vi sR^ijya = Tara, and others, them, all, women, on discharging; mandam = to stupid one [Dundubhi]; tam asura iishvaram = to him, demon, lord; krodhaat = in anger; abraviit = spoke.

Verse 38

मत्तो अयम् इति मा मंस्था यदि अभीतो असि संयुगे |
मदो अयम् संप्रहारे अस्मिन् वीर पानम् समर्थ्यताम् || ४-११-३८

“Don’t surmise that I am drunk, and should you be unafraid of a fight, regard this drunkenness of mine as the toast of a gallant fighter in this deadly fight.” Vali said so to Dundubhi. [4-11-38]

38. ayam mattaH iti = he is, drunk, thus; maa maMsthaa = do not, surmise; samyuge a bhiitaH asi yadi = in fight, not, afraid, you are, if; ayam madaH = this, drunkenness; asmin sam prahaare = in this, deadly fight; viira paanam samarthyataam = as gallant’s, toast, be regarded.

Verse 39

तम् एवम् उक्त्वा संक्रुद्धो मालाम् उत्क्षिप्य कांचनीम् |
पित्रा दत्ताम् महेन्द्रेण युद्धाय व्यवतिष्ठत || ४-११-३९

“Saying that way to that Dundubhi that highly enraged Vali heaved up the golden chest-pendant around his neck on to his chest, which was given by his father Mahendra, and stood firm for fight. [4-11-39]

39. tam evam uktvaa = to him, that way, saying; sam kruddhaH = becoming highly, enraged; pitraa mahendreNa dattaam = by father, by Mahendra given; maalaam utkSipya kaancaniim = necklace [chest-pendant,] on heaving up, a golden one; yuddhaaya vyavatiSThata = for fight, stood firm.

Verse 40

विषाणयो गृहीत्वा तम् दुन्दुभिम् गिरि संनिभम् |
आविध्यत तथा वाली विनदन् कपि कुंजरः || ४-११-४०

“Then that elephantine monkey Vali took that mountain-similar Dundubhi by horns, and booming highly he whirled and bumped him onto ground. [4-11-40]

40. tathaa = then; kapi kunjaraH = monkey, the elephant; vaalii = Vali; giri sannibham = mountain, similar; tam dundubhim = him, that Dundubhi; viSaaNayaH gR^ihiitvaa = by horns, taking; vi nadan = highly, booming; aavidhyata = [whirled and] bumped on ground.

Verse 41

वाली व्यापादयाम् चक्रे ननर्द च महास्वनम् |
श्रोत्राभ्याम् अथ रक्तम् तु तस्य सुस्राव पात्यतः || ४-११-४१

“Vali while blaring highly with great sound repeatedly whirled him and thrown onto ground, and while Dundubhi was hurled and thrown to ground, blood gushed out of his two ears. [4-11-41]

41. vaalii vyaapaadayaan [vi aa pat yaan] cakre = Vali, to whirl and throw on ground, he did; na narda ca mahaa svanam = verily, blaring, with great, sound; atha paatyataH = then, while falling; tasya shrotraabhyaam raktam su sraava = of his [Dundubhi’s,] from two ears [of Dundubhi,] blood, gushed out.

Verse 42

तयोः तु क्रोध संरम्भात् परस्पर जयैषिणोः |
युद्धम् समभवत् घोरम् दुन्दुभेर् वालिनः तथा || ४-११-४२

“There occurred a gruesome fight among those two, Dundubhi and Vali, who by their fury are impetuous and who aspired victory over the other. [4-11-42]

42. krodha samrambhaat = fury’s, impetuosity; paraspara jaya iiSiNaH = each other, victory, aspiring; tayoH = among two; dundubheH vaalinaH tathaa = of Dundubhi, Vali, like that; ghoram yuddham sam abhavat = gruesome fight, occurred.

Verse 43

अयुध्यत तदा वाली शक्र तुल्य पराक्रमः |
मुष्टिभिर् जानुभिः पद्भिः शिलाभिः पादपैः तथा || ४-११-४३

“Then Vali who is similar to Indra in his fortitude fought with him with his fists, knees and feet, and like that with boulders and trees. [4-11-43]

43. tadaa = then; shakra tulya paraakramaH = Indra, similar, in fortitude; vaalii = Vali; muSTibhiH jaanubhiH padbhiH = with fists, knees, feet; tathaa = like that; shilaabhiH paadapaiH with boulders, trees; a yudhyata = fought.

Verse 44

परस्परम् घ्नतोः तत्र वानर असुरयोः तदा |
आसीत् हीनो असुरो युद्धे शक्र सूनुः व्यवर्धत || ४-११-४४

“While each is assaulting the other in that fight between that monkey and demon, that demon is impaired and Indra’s son Vali toughened. [4-11-44]

44. tadaa tatra = then, there; vaanara asurayoH = of monkey, demon; parasparam ghnatoH = each other, assaulting; yuddhe asuraH hiinaH aasiit = in fight, demon, impaired, he became; shakra suunuH vyavardhata = Indra’s, son, toughened.

Verse 45

तम् तु दुन्दुभिम् उद्यम्य धरण्याम् अभ्यपातयत् |
युद्धे प्राणहरे तस्मिन् निष्पिष्टो दुन्दुभिः तदा || ४-११-४५

“In that life-taking fight when Dundubhi is lifted up and flung to ground, he is completely pounded out. [4-11-45]

45. tam dundubhim = him, Dundubhi is; udyamya dharaNyaam abhyapaatayat [abhi aa paatayat] = on lifting, on to ground, flung him; tadaa praaNa hare tasmin yuddhe = then, life, taking, in that, fight; dundubhiH = Dundubhi is; niS piSTaH = completely pounded out.

Verse 46

स्रोत्रेभ्यो बहु रक्तम् तु तस्य सुस्राव पात्यतः |
पपात च महाबाहुः क्षितौ पंचत्वम् आगतः || ४-११-४६

“While he is felled down much blood is flown out from the vent-holes of his body, nine of them, ears, nose, eyes etc., and on his falling that mighty one Dundubhi attained the fifth-state. [4-11-46]

46. paatyataH tasya srotrebhyaH = while he is felled, from his vent-holes -ears, nose etc; bahu raktam su sraava = much, blood, much flown; mahaabaahuH pancatvam aagataH kSitau pa paata = great-shouldered one [mighty one,] fifth-stated, has come [attained.] and fell, on ground.

Verse 47

तम् तोलयित्वा बाहुभ्याम् गत सत्त्वम् अचेतनम् |
चिक्षेप वेगवान् वाली वेगेन एकेन योजनम् || ४-११-४७

“Then the hastiest Vali swayed that dead and inanimate demon with both of his hands and hurled him a yojana distance in a single flick. [4-11-47]

47. vegavaan vaalii = hastiest one, Vali; gata sattvam = he who lost, stamina; a cetanam = inanimate one; tam baahubhyaam tolayitvaa = him, with both arms, by swaying; ekena vegena yojanam cikSepa = in a single, flick, to a yojana length, hurled.

Verse 48

तस्य वेग प्रविद्धस्य वक्त्रात् क्षतज बिन्दवः |
प्रपेतुः मारुत उत्क्षिप्ता मतंगस्य आश्रमम् प्रति || ४-११-४८

“And while he is thrown that hastily blood drops oozed from his mouth, and flung by air they fell in the hermitage of sage Matanga. [4-11-48]

48. vega pra viddhasya = hastily, well, thrown one; tasya = his [Dundubhi’s]; vaktraat kSataja bindavaH = from mouth, fallen, drops [of blood]; maaruta utkSiptaa = by air, uplifted; matangasya aashramam prati = Sage Matanga’s, hermitage, towards pra petuH = fallen.

Verse 49

तान् दृष्ट्वा पतिताम् तत्र मुनिः शोणित विप्रुषः |
क्रुद्धः तस्य महाभाग चिन्तयामास कोन्वम् || ४-११-४९

“On seeing the blood drops fallen there, oh Rama, that sage is enraged and thought, ‘who is he indeed, who dropped the blood…’ Thus Sugreeva narrated to Rama. [4-11-49]

49. mahaabhaaga = oh, great opportune one [Rama]; muniH = the sage; tatra patitaam = there fallen; taan = them; shoNita vipruSaH = blood, drops; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; tasya = of him – on the one who dropped blood; kruddhaH = enraged; ayam kaH nu = he, who is, indeed [thus as]; cintayaamaasa = thought of.

Verse 50

येन अहम् सहसा स्पृष्टः शोणितेन दुरात्मना |
कोऽयम् दुरात्मा दुर् बुद्धिः अकृतात्मा च बालिशः || ४-११-५०

” ‘By which evil-spirited one I am abruptly touched with blood? Who is that evil-minded one? Who is that malevolent, disobedient and a reckless one?’ Thus the sage Matanga pondered. [4-11-50]

50. yena = by which; dur aatmanaa = evil-minded one; aham sahasaa spR^iSTaH shoNitena = I am, abruptly, touched, by blood; dur aatmaa = evil-minded; dur buddhiH = evil-minded one [malevolent one]; a kR^ita atmaa = disobedient one; kaH ayam baalishaH = who is, this, child-like [reckless one.]

Verse 51

इति उक्त्वा स विनिष्क्रम्य ददृशे मुनिसत्तम |
महिषम् पर्वत आकारम् गत असुम् पतितम् भुवि || ४-११-५१

“Thinking thus and coming out of hermitage that celebrated sage has seen the mountainous buffalo fallen on ground lifelessly. [4-11-51]

51. saH muni sattama = he, that sage, celebrated one; iti uktvaa vi niSkramya = thus, said [thinking,] verily, exiting [from hermitage, coming out]; gata asum = gone, lives [lifeless]; bhuvi patitam = on ground, fallen; parvata aakaaram mahiSam dadR^ishe = mountain, in shape, buffalo, he has seen,

Verse 52

स तु विज्ञाय तपसा वानरेण कृतम् हि तत् |
उत्ससर्ज महा शापम् क्षेप्तारम् वानरम् प्रति || ४-११-५२

“On knowing by his ascetic power that this deed is done by the monkey, he released a great curse on him who tossed the cadaver of buffalo. [4-11-52]

52. saH tat = he, that [deed]; vaanareNa kR^itam = by monkey, done; tapasaa vij~naaya = by ascetic power, on knowing; kSeptaaram vaanaram prati = who tossed, that monkey, towards him; mahaa shaapam = great, curse; utsasarja = released.

Verse 53

इह तेन अप्रवेष्टव्यम् प्रविष्टस्य वधो भवेत् |
वनम् मत् संश्रयम् येन दूषितम् रुधिर स्रवैः || ४-११-५३

“Untreadable is this sheltering wood of mine to him who has stained it with squirts of blood, and if he enters this place peradventure, fatality occurs on him. [4-11-53]

53. mat samshrayam vanam = my, sheltering, woods; yena = by whom; rudhira sravaiH duuSitam = by blood, squirts of, is stained; tena = by him; iha = in here; a praveSTavyam = not, enterable; praviSTasya vadhaH bhavet = if enters, fatality, occurs.

Verse 54 & 55a

क्षिपता पादपाः च इमे संभग्नाः च असुरीम् तनुम् |
समन्तात् आश्रमम् पूर्णम् योजनम् मामकम् यदि || ४-११-५४
आगमिष्यति दुर्बुद्धिः व्यक्तम् स न भविष्यति |

“By his hurling the demon’s body these trees are also completely destroyed, hence he ought not set his foot in a distance of one full yojana around this hermitage, and if that evil-minded one places his foot then he evidently does not exist. [4-11-54, 55a]

54, 55a. asuriim tanum kshipataa = demon’s, body, by him who hurled; ime paadapaaH ca sam bhagnaaH = these trees, also, completely destroyed; samantaat puurNam yojanam = around, full, one yojana; maamakam aashramam aagamiSyati yadi = mine, hermitage, he places foot, if; durbuddhiH = evil-minded; saH na bhaviSyati vyaktam = he, will not, exists, evidently.

Verse 55b & 56a

ये च अस्य सचिवाः केचित् संश्रिता मामकम् वनम् || ४-११-५५
न च तैः इह वस्तव्य श्रुत्वा यांतु यथा सुखम् |

“And some of his friends that are dependent on my woods shall not live here and they may depart on hearing my words and solace themselves with my words. [4-11-55b, 56a]

55b, 56a. maamakam vanam samshritaa = belonging to me, woods, depending on; ye kechit asya sachivaaH = those, few, his, ministers [friends] are there; taiH ca = by them, also; iha na vastavya = here, not, to live; shrutvaa = on hearing – my word; yaantu yathaa sukham = let them go, as for, comfortably – solace themselves with my mercy.

Verse 56b & 57

ते अपि वा यदि तिष्टन्ति शपिष्ये तान् अपि ध्रुवम् || ४-११-५६
वने अस्मिन् मामके नित्यम् पुत्रवत् परिरक्षते |
पत्र अंकुर विनाशाय फल मूल अभवाय च || ४-११-५७

“This forest of mine is always protected like my own son, and if the monkeys of Vali wish to stay behind in this forest alone for further destruction of leaves or sprouts, or even for the non-existence of fruits and tubers of this forest, defiantly they too will be cursed. [4-11-57]

56b, 57. nityam putravat pari rakSate = always, son-like, protected; maamake asmin vane = belonging to me, in this, forest; te api = they, even; patra ankura vinaashaaya = leaves, sprouts, for destruction; phala muula a bhavaaya ca vaa = fruits, tubers, for non-existence, also, or; tiSTanti yadi = stay behind, if; taan api shapiSye dhruvam = them, even, I curse, definitely.

Verse 58

दिवसः च अद्य मर्यादा यम् द्रष्टा श्वः अस्मि वानरम् |
बहु वर्ष सहस्राणि स वै शैलः भविष्यति || ४-११-५८

“And today is the day of limit and the monkey whom I will see tomorrow, he will be petrified for many thousand years to come. [4-11-58]

58. adya divasaH maryaadaa = today, is the day, of limit; shvaH yam vaanaram = tomorrow, which, monkey; draSTaa asmi = I will see; saH = that monkey; bahu varSa sahasraaNi = for many, years, thousands to come; shailaH bhaviSyati vai = he, stone, he becomes, [petrified.] indeed.

Verse 59

ततः ते वानराः श्रुत्वा गिरम् मुनि समीरिताम् |
निश्चक्रमुः वनात् तस्मात् तान् दृष्ट्वा वालिर् अब्रवीत् || ४-११-५९

“Then those monkeys on hearing the clear wording of the sage started out from that forest, and on their coming to Kishkindha, Vali saw them and spoke this way to them. [4-11-59]

59. tataH te vaanaraaH = then, they, monkeys; muni sam iiritaam giram shrutvaa = by sage, clearly, said, words, on hearing; tasmaat vanaat niH chakramuH = from that, forest, to out, they started; taan dR^iSTvaa vaaliH abraviit = them, on seeing, Vali, spoke.

Verse 60

किम् भवन्तः समस्ताः च मतंग वन वासिनः |
मत् समीपम् अनुप्राप्ता अपि स्वस्ति वनौकसाम् || ४-११-६०

” ‘Why all of you dwellers of Matanga forest arrived in my presence, even so, are you the dwellers of that forest safe?’ Thus Vali asked all. [4-11-60]

60. matanga vana vaasinaH = Matanga, forest, dwellers; bhavantaH samastaaH = you, all; kim mat samiipam anupraaptaa = why, in my, presence, arrived; vana okasaam api svasti = forest, dwellers, even, safeness [is there or not.]

Verse 61

ततः ते कारणम् सर्वम् तथा शापम् च वालिनः |
शशंसुर् वानराः सर्वे वलिने हेममालिने || ४-११-६१

“Then all of those monkeys have reported to Vali, the one with a golden chest-pendant, all the reasons for their exit, likewise the curse to Vali. [4-11-61]

61. tataH = then; sarve te vaanaraaH = all, of those, monkeys; sarvam kaaraNam = all, reasons; tathaa = likewise; vaalinaH shaapam ca = to Vali, curse, also; valine hema maaline = to Vali, golden, with chain [on his chest]; shashamsuH = reported.

Verse 62

एतत् श्रुत्वा तदा वाली वचनम् वनर ईरितम् |
स महर्षिम् समासाद्य याचते स्म कृत अंजलिः || ४-११-६२

“Then on hearing all those words narrated by monkeys Vali approached that great sage and begged of him on becoming humble with palm-fold. [4-11-62]

62. tataH = then; saH vaalii = he, that Vali; vanara iiritam = by monkeys, uttered; etat vacanam shrutvaa = those, words, on hearing; kR^ita anjaliH maharSim sam aasaadya = making, folded palms, that great sage, on approaching; yaacate sma = begged, he has.

Verse 63

महर्षिः तम् अनादृत्य प्रविवेश आश्रमम् प्रति |
शाप धारण भीतः तु वाली विह्वलताम् गतः || ४-११-६३

“The sage inconsiderate of Vali’s request withdrew into hermitage, and fearing to bear the brunt of the curse Vali was distraught and withdrew from that place. [4-11-63]

63. maharSiH tam an aadR^itya = great sage, him, not, considering; pravivesha aashramam prati = entered – withdrew, hermitage, into; vaalii = Vali; shaapa dhaaraNa bhiitaH tu = curse, to bear, fearing for; vihvalataam gataH, distraught, went into.

Verse 64

ततः शाप भयात् भीत ऋश्यमूकम् महागिरिम् |
प्रवेष्टुम् न इच्छति हरिः द्रष्टुम् वा अपि नरेश्वर || ४-११-६४

“Then, dreaded by the fear of curse that monkey Vali does not aspire to enter the great mountain Rishyamuka, oh, people’s lord, Rama, or he does not even wish to look at it.” Thus Sugreeva continued his narration. [4-11-64]

64. tataH = from then; shaapa bhayaat bhiitaH = then, by curse, fearing, who is dreaded; hariH = monkey -Vali; R^ishyamuukam mahaa girim = into Rishyamuka, great, mountain; praveSTum = to enter; nara iishvara = oh, people’s, lord Rama; draSTum vaa api = to look at, or, even; na icChati = not, wishes to.

Verse 65

तस्य अप्रवेशम् ज्ञात्वा अहम् इदम् राम महावनम् |
विचरामि सह अमात्यो विषादेन विवर्जितः || ४-११-६५

“Knowing the inaccessibility of this forest to him I got rid of my agony, Rama, and I move here about in this great forest along with my ministers. [4-11-65]

65. aham = I; tasya a pravesham j~naatvaa = his, non, entering, knowing; viSaadena vi varjitaH = of agony, got rid of; saha amaatyaH = with, ministers; idam mahaa vanam = this, great forest; raama = Rama; vi caraami = I am moving.

Verse 66

एषो अस्थिनिचयः तस्य दुन्दुभेः संप्रकाशते |
वीर्य उत्सेकात् निरस्तस्य गिरि कूट निभो महान् || ४-११-६६

“This huge heap of bones that is shining forth like a mountaintop is that of Dundubhi, which Vali once hurled by the vanity of his valour. [4-11-66]

66. viirya utsekaat nirastasya = by valour’s, vanity, hurled; tasya dundubheH = his, Dundubhi’s; giri kuuTa nibhaH = mountain’s, peak, in similarity; mahaan eSaH asthi nicayaH = huge one, this is, bones, heap; sam prakaashate = shining forth.

Verse 67

इमे च विपुलाः सालाः सप्त शाखा अवलंबिनः |
यत्र एकम् घटते वाली निष् पत्रयितुम् ओजसा || ४-११-६७

“Also these are the seven enormous sala trees full with their branches, and Vali is capable to make each of them leafless by his vigour, of course, one at a time. [4-11-67]

67. shaakhaa avalambinaH = branches, dangling [full with]; ime sapta vipulaaH saalaaH = these, seven, enormous, sala trees; yatra ekam = among whom, one – one at a time; vaalii ojasaa Vali, by his vigour; niS patrayitum = without, leaves to make it; ghaTate = will be trying, or he is capable.

Verse 68

एतत् अस्य असमम् वीर्यम् मया राम प्रकाशितम् |
कथम् तम् वालिनम् हन्तुम् समरे शक्ष्यसे नृप || ४-११-६८

“Oh, Rama, I am apprising all this to tell about the unequalled vitality of Vali, and oh, king, then how is it possible for you to eliminate Vali in war.” Thus Sugreeva enquired with Rama. [4-11-68]

68. raama = oh, Rama; asya a samam = his, un, equalled; etat viiryam mayaa prakaashitam = all this, his vitality, by me, apprised; nR^ipa = oh, king; samare tam vaalinam hantum = such a, Vali, to kill; katham shakSyase = how, is it possible for you.

Verse 69

तथा बृउवाणम् सुग्रीवम् प्रहसन् लक्ष्मणो अब्रवीत् |
कस्मिन् कर्मणि निर्वृत्ते श्रद्दध्या वालिनः वधम् || ४-११-६९

When Sugreeva spoke that way Lakshmana a little smiled and asked him, “On performing which act do you confide in the possibility of Vali’s elimination?” [4-11-69]

69. lakshmaNaH = Lakshmana; tathaa bR^iuvaaNam sugriivam = thus, speaking, to Sugreeva; prahasan abraviit = smilingly, said; kasmin karmaNi nirvR^itte = which, act, on performing; vaalinaH vadham shraddadhyaa = Vali’s, killing, you have confidence.

Verse 70

तम् उवाचथ सुग्रीवः सप्त सालन् इमान् पुरा |
एवम् एकैकशो वाली विव्याथ अथ स असकृत् || ४-११-७०

Then Sugreeva said to Lakshmana, “earlier Vali used to agitate each of the trees, one after the other, on many occasions.” [4-11-70]

70. tataH = then; sugriivaH tam uvaachatha = Sugreeva, to him, said; puraa saH vaalii = earlier, he, Vali; imaan sapta saalan = these, seven, sala trees; evam = that way; eka ekashaH = one, after other; atha asakR^it = that way, on many occasions; vi vyaatha = agitated them.

Verse 71

रामो निर्दारयेद् एषाम् बाणेन एकेन च द्रुमम् |
वालिनम् निहतम् मन्ये दृष्ट्वा रामस्य विक्रमम् || ४-११-७१

“If Rama can rend one tree out of the seven with only one arrow, then on seeing Rama’s valour I can construe that Vali is utterly dead at his hand. [4-11-71]

71. raamaH = Rama; eSaam drumam = among them, one tree; ekena baaNena nirdaarayet = with one, arrows, if rends; raamasya vikramam dR^iSTvaa = Rama’s, valour, on seeing; vaalinam nihatam manye = Vali is, utterly dead, I construe.

Verse 72

हतस्य महिषस्य अस्थि पादेन एकेन लक्ष्मण |
उद्यम्य प्रक्षिपेत् च अपि तरसा द्वे धनुः शते || ४-११-७२

“Lakshmana, if he lifts and kicks the skeleton of this dead buffalo by the might of his foot, and makes it fall at a distance of two hundred bow-lengths, I can confide.” So said Sugreeva to Lakshmana. [4-11-72]

72. lakshmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; hatasya mahiSasya asthi = dead, buffalo’s, bone [skeleton]; ekena paadena udyamya = by one, foot, lifting; tarasaa dve shate dhanuH = with might, two, hundred, bow [lengths, two hundred bow-lengths]; prakSipet ca api = kicks and throws, also, even.

Verse 73

एवम् उक्त्वा तु सुग्रीवो रामम् रक्तान्त लोचनम् |
ध्यत्वा मुहूर्तम् काकुत्स्थम् पुनरेव वचो अब्रवीत् || ४-११-७३

Sugreeva paused for a while on saying thus to Rama, for Rama’s eye-corners are reddened with anger towards Vali, and then Sugreeva again spoke to Rama. [4-11-73]

73. sugriivaH = Sugreeva; rakta anta lochanam raamam = to red, corner, eyed, to Rama; evam uktvaa = thus, when said; muhuurtam dhyatvaa = for a awhile, on thinking; punaH eva kaakutstham vachaH abraviit = again, thus, to Rama, words, spoke.

Verse 74

शूरः च शूरमानी च प्रख्यात बल पौरुषः |
बलवान् वानरः वाली संयुगेषु अपराजितः || ४-११-७४

“Vali is a mighty monkey, an intrepid one, who esteems his own intrepidity, and one who is well renowned by his might and tenacity, and in combats he is an undefeated one. [4-11-74]

74. shuuraH ca shuura maanii ca = intrepid, also, his intrepidity, he esteems, also; prakhyaata bala pauruSaH = well, renowned, by might, tenacity; balavaan vaanaraH vaalii = mighty one, monkey, Vali; samyugeSu a paraajitaH = in combats, not, defeated.

Verse 75

दृश्यन्ते च अस्य कर्माणि दुष्कराणि सुरैः अपि |
यानि संचिन्त्य भीतः अहम् ऋष्यमूकम् उपाश्रितः || ४-११-७५

“His deeds that are impracticable even for gods are obvious, and scared for recollecting them I took shelter of Mt. Rishyamuka. [4-11-75]

75. suraiH api = for gods, even; duSkaraaNi asya karmaaNi = impracticable, are his, deeds; dR^ishyante = are obvious; yaani samcintya bhiitaH aham = which, on recollecting, scared, I am; and; R^iSyamuukam upaashritaH = Rishyamuka, depended upon – took shelter.

Verse 76

तम् अजय्यम् अधृष्यम् च वानरेन्द्रम् अमर्षणम् |
विचिन्तयन् न मुंचामि ॠष्यमूकम् अमुम् तु अहम् || ४-११-७६

“Concluding that the lord of monkeys Vali to be an unconquerable, unattackable, unsympathetic one I am not leaving this Mt. Rishyamuka. [4-11-76]

76. tam = him; vaanara indram = monkey’s, lord Vali is; a jayyam a dhR^iSyam a marSaNam = to be unconquerable, unattackable, unsympathetic; vichintayan = on concluding to be; amum R^Isyamuukam = this one, Rishyamuka; aham na muncaami = I am, not, leaving.

Verse 77

उद्विग्नः शंकितः च अहम् विचरामि महावने |
अनुरक्तैः सह अमात्यैः हनुमत् प्रमुखैः वीरैः || ४-११-७७

“I am moving about these forests along with earnest ministers like Hanuma and other significant ones, only because I am disconcerted and sceptical of him. [4-11-77]

77. aham = I am; udvignaH shankitaH = disconcerted, sceptical; anuraktaiH viiraiH = with earnest ones, brave ones; hanumat pramukhaiH = Hanuma, and other significant ones; saha amaatyaiH = with, ministers; vi caraami mahaavane = moving about, in great forest.

Verse 78

उपलब्धम् च मे श्लाघ्यम् सन् मित्रम् मित्र वत्सल |
त्वाम् अहम् पुरुषव्याघ्र हिमवन्तम् इव आश्रितः || ४-११-७८

“I chanced upon a laudable and true friend in you, oh, Rama, the patron of friends, hence I take shelter in you, oh, tigerly man, for you are the final resort for those seeking salvation, like Mt. Himavan. [4-11-78]

78. shlaaghyam sanmitram = laudable one, true, friend; me upalabdham = by me, chanced on you; mitra vatsala = oh, friend’s, patron; puruSavyaaghra = oh, Tigerly-man; aham himavantam iva tvaam aashritaH = I am, Mt. Himavan, like, in you, I take shelter.

Verse 79

किम् तु तस्य बलज्ञः अहम् दुर्भ्रातुः बलशालिनः |
अप्रत्यक्षम् तु मे वीर्यम् समरे तव राघव || ४-११-७९

“I know the might of that mighty brother-the-malice of mine, and oh, Raghava, but your valour in combat is imprecise to me.” [4-11-79]

79. kim tu = but; aham = I am; balashaalinaH = mighty one’s; dur bhraatuH = of brother, the malice; tasya bala j~naH = his [Vali’s,] might, knower, I am; raaghava = oh, Raghava; samare = in combat; tava viiryam tu = your, valour, but; me a pratyaksham = to me, un, clear – imprecise.

Verse 80

न खलु अहम् त्वाम् तुलये न अवमन्ये न भीषये |
कर्मभिः तस्य भीमैः च कातर्यम् जनितम् मम || ४-११-८०

“Definitely I am neither examining, nor demeaning, nor intimidating you, but his macabre exploits caused cowardice in me. [4-11-80]

80. aham tvaam na khalu tulaye = I am, you, not, definitely, weighing – not examining you; na ava manye = not, down, valuing [demeaning]; na bhiiSaye = not, intimidating; tasya bhiimaiH karmabhiH = by his, macabre, exploits; mama kaataryam janitam = to me, cowardice, caused.

Verse 81

कामम् राघव ते वाणी प्रमाणम् धैर्यम् आकृतिः |
सूचयन्ति परम् तेजो भस्म च्छन्नम् इव अनलम् || ४-११-८१

“It is definite, oh, Raghava, your word, courage, and physique denote some sublime radiance in you, as with ash covered fire.” So said Sugreeva to Rama. [4-11-81]

81. raaghava = Raghava; te vaaNii pramaaNam dhairyam aakR^itiH = your, word, courage, physique; bhasma cChannam iva analam = ashes, covered, as with, fire; param tejaH suuchayanti = sublime, radiance, they denote; kaamam = definitely.

Verse 82

तस्य तद् वचनम् श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवस्य महत्मनः |
स्मित पूर्वम् अथः रामः प्रति उवाच हरिम् प्रति || ४-११-८२

On hearing that word of great-souled Sugreeva, Rama smilingly replied that monkey in his turn. [4-11-82]

82. raamaH = Rama; tasya sugriivasya mahatmanaH = of that, great-soul, Sugreeva’s; tat vachanam shrutvaa = that, word, on hearing; athaH = then; harim prati = monkey, towards; smita puurvam = smiling, ahead; prati uvaacha = replied.

Verse 83

यदि न प्रत्ययो अस्मासु विक्रमे तव वानर |
प्रत्ययम् समरे श्लाघ्यम् अहम् उत्पादयामि ते || ४-११-८३

“If you are unable to confide in the intrepidity of ours, oh, monkey, I shall ingrain commendable confidence in you with respect to our action.” Thus Rama said to Sugreeva. [4-11-83]

83. vaanara = oh, monkey; vikrame = in respect of valour; asmaasu tava pratyayaH na yadi = is us, your, confidence, is not there, if; aham = I will; samare shlaaghyam pratyayam = in combat, commendable, confidence; te utpaadayaami = in you, I shall cause – ingrain.

Verse 84 & 85

एवम् उक्त्वा तु सुग्रीवम् सान्त्वयन् लक्ष्मणाग्रजः |
राघवो दुन्दुभेः कायम् पाद अंगुष्ठेन लीलया || ४-११-८४
तोलयित्वा महाबाहुः चिक्षेप दश योजनम् |
असुरस्य तनुम् शुष्कम् पादांगुष्टेन वीर्यवान् || ४-११-८५

Saying so to Sugreeva in a comforting manner, he that dextrous, vigorous Rama, the elder brother of Lakshmana sportively flipped the skeleton of Dundubhi with his big toe, and flicked that withered body of the demon with his big toe itself to a ten yojana distance without lifting his foot. [4-11-84, 85]

84, 85. raaghavaH = Raghava; who is; lakshmaNa agrajaH = Lakshmana’s, elder brother; mahaabaahuH = dextrous one; viiryavaan = vigorous one; evam uktvaa = thus, saying; sugriivam saantvayan = Sugreeva, comforting; dundubheH kaayam = Dundubhi’s, body – skeleton; liilayaa = sportively; paada anguSThena = with foot’s, big-toe; tolayitvaa = swung it – lifting it; asurasya tanum shuSkam = demon’s, body, withered one; paada anguSTena = with foot’s, big-toe; dasha yojanam cikSepa = at ten, yojana-s, flung it – flciked it.

Verse 86

क्षिप्तम् दृष्ट्वा ततः कायम् सुग्रीवः पुनर् अब्रवीत् |
लक्ष्मणस्य अग्रतो रामम् तपन्तम् इव भास्करम्
हरीणाम् अग्रतो वीरम् इदम् वचनम् अर्थवत् || ४-११-८६

Then on seeing at the hurled body, and at valiant Rama who by now is like the blazing sun, again Sugreeva said this meaningful word to Rama in the presence of Lakshmana and other monkeys. [4-11-86]

86. sugriivaH = Sugreeva; kSiptam kaayam dR^iSTvaa = hurled, body, on seeing; tataH = then; lakSmaNasya agrataH Lakshmana, before in the presence of; tapantam iva bhaaskaram = blazing, like, sun; viiram raamam = to valiant, Rama; hariiNaam agrataH = [other] monkeys, before; punaH = again; arthavat idam vacanam abraviit = meaningful, this, word, said.

Verse 87

आर्द्रः स मांसः प्रत्यग्रः क्षिप्तः कायः पुरा सखे |
परिश्रान्तेन मत्तेन भ्राता मे वालिना तदा|| ४-११-८७

“Oh, friend, at that time when my tired and tipsy brother Vali tossed this body it was unspoilt, wet with blood and full with flesh. [4-11-87]

87. sakhe = oh, friend; tadaa = at that time; parishraantena = tired; mattena = tipsy; me bhraataa = by my, brother; vaalinaa = by Vali; puraa = earlier; aardraH = wet [with blood]; sa maamsaH = with, flesh; pratyagraH = unspoilt; kaayaH = body; kSiptaH = was flung.

Verse 88

लघुः संप्रति निर्मांसः तृण भूतः च राघव |
क्षिप्ता एवम् प्रहर्षेण भवता रघुनंदन || ४-११-८८

“Raghava, now this body is sleazy, without flesh, also rendered into a strawy condition, and oh, Raghu’s delight, you too flipped it because you are now energetic. [4-11-88]

88. Raaghava = Raghava; samprati = now; laghuH = sleazy; nir maamsaH = without, flesh; tR^iNa bhuutaH ca = strawy, rendered into, also; raghu nandana = Raghu’s, descendent; praharSeNa bhavataa evam kshiptaa = merrily – energetically, by you, this way, flipped.

Verse 89

न अत्र शक्यम् बलम् ज्ञातुम् तव वा तस्य वा अधिकम् |
आर्द्रम् शुष्कम् इति हि एतत् सुमहद् राघव अन्तरम् || ४-११-८९

“If it be said something is wet or dried up there chances a lot of difference, oh, Raghava, thereby it may not be possible to assess whether you might is greater or his, as the gravity of the case depends much on that wetness or dryness alone, isn’t it.” [4-11-89]

89. atra = in this matter; tava balam adhikam vaa = your, might, is more, or; tasya vaa = of his, either; j~naatum na shakyam = to know, not, possible; raaghava = Raghava; aardram shuSkam iti = wet, dried, thus in them; etat su mahat antaram hi = in this, very much, difference will be there, isn’t it.

Verse 90

स एव संशयः तात तव तस्य च यद् बलम् |
सालम् एकम् विनिर् भिद्या भवेत् व्यक्तिः बलाबले || ४-११-९०

“That alone is the uncertainty in that matter, sire, whether your strength is superior or his, and if a single sala tree is ripped in an outright manner the ability or otherwise will be evident. [4-11-90]

90. taata = oh, sire; tava = your; tasya ca = [or] his, also; yat balam = what, strength is there; in that matter only; sa eva samshayaH = that, alone, is the uncertainty; ekam saalam vinirbhidya = one only, sala tree, if completely ripped; balaa abale = of ability, inability; vyaktiH bhavet = evident, they will be.

Verse 91

कृत्वा एतत् कार्मुकम् सज्यम् हस्ति हतम् इव अपरम् |
आकर्ण पूर्णम् आयम्य विसृजस्व महाशरम् || ४-११-९१

“String the bowstring to this bow of yours, an alternate of elephant’s trunk, and stretch it out up to your ear, and release a great arrow. [4-11-91]

91. aparam hasti hatam iva = another, elephant, trunk, like; etat kaarmukam sajyam kR^itvaa = this, bow, with bowstring, on making; aakarNa puurNam aayamya = up to ear, entirely, stretch out; mahaa sharam sR^ijasva = great, arrow, you release.

Verse 92

इमम् हि सालम् प्रहितः त्वया शरो
न संशयो अत्र अस्ति विदारयिष्यति |
अलम् विमर्शेन मम प्रियम् ध्रुवम्
कुरुष्व राजन् प्रति शापितो मया || ४-११-९२

“Darted by you your arrow will rip off this sala tree, oh, king, there is no doubt in that matter, enough is this thinking of yours and you will definitely do me this favour, I pray and swear upon me.” [4-11-92]

92. raajan = oh, king; tvayaa prahitaH sharaH = by you, projected, arrow; imam saalam vidaarayiSyati = this, sala tree, will rip; atra samshayaH na asti = there in that matter, doubt, is not, there; alam vimarshena = enough, is thinking; dhruvam mama priyam kuruSva = definitely, to me, favour, you do; maya prati shaapitaH = by me, you are sworn.

Verse 93

यथा हि तेजस्सु वरः सदा रविः
यथा हि शैलो हिमवान् महा अद्रिषु |
यथा चतुष्पात्सु च केसरी वरः
तथा नराणाम् असि विक्रमे वरः || ४-११-९३

“As to how the sun is unsurpassed among all brilliances, as to how Himavan is unmatched among all mountains, as to how the lion is unequalled among all quadrupeds, so you are among all men for your unique valour.” So said Sugreeva to Rama. [4-11-93]

93. tejassu raviH yathaa = in resplendence, Sun, as to how the great; mahaa adriSu himavaan shailaH yathaa = among mountains, Himavan, mountain, as to how; chatuS paatSu kesarii yathaa = among four-footed animals, as to how, lion is; varaH = the best; tathaa = likewise; naraaNaam = among men; vikrame = in valour; varaH asi = the best, you are.

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